Processes 08 00997
Processes 08 00997
Processes 08 00997
Evaluation of the Turbulence Model Influence on the
Numerical Simulation of Cavitating Flow with
Emphasis on Temperature Effect
Yilin Deng 1,2 , Jian Feng 2 , Fulai Wan 2 , Xi Shen 2 and Bin Xu 2, *
1 Institute for Energy Research, Jiangsu University, 301 Xuefu Road, Zhenjiang 212013, China;
[email protected]
2 Research Center of Fluid Machinery Engineering and Technology, Jiangsu University, 301 Xuefu Road,
Zhenjiang 212013, China; [email protected] (J.F.); [email protected] (F.W.);
[email protected] (X.S.)
* Correspondence: [email protected]; Tel.: +86-1358-400-3613
Received: 20 July 2020; Accepted: 13 August 2020; Published: 17 August 2020
Abstract: The aim of this paper is to investigate the influence of different turbulence models (k − ε,
RNG k − ε, and SST k − ω) on the numerical simulation of cavitating flow in thermosensitive fluid.
The filter-based model and density correction method were employed to correct the turbulent viscosity
of the three turbulence models. Numerical results obtained were compared to experimental ones
which were conducted on the NACA0015 hydrofoil at different temperatures. The applicability of the
numerical solutions of different turbulence model was studied in detail. The modified RNG k − ε
model has higher accuracy in the calculation of cavitating flow at different temperatures.
1. Introduction
Cavitation is an important issue that affects the operation and working life of fluid machinery.
Cavitation refers to the process of the formation, development, and collapse of vapor cavities in the
liquid or at the liquid–solid interface when the local pressure in the liquid decreases [1]. The pressure
reduction and unsteady characteristics of the cavitation area usually lead to mechanical vibration and
noise, resulting in negative effects such as equipment surface fatigue damage, fracture, and mechanical
performance degradation [2–4].
When cavitation occurs, the fluid medium will absorb heat from the surrounding fluid due to the
latent heat of vaporization during the transition from the liquid phase to the vapor phase, resulting
in a decrease in the temperature of the cavitation zone—that is, the thermal effect on cavitation [5].
At normal temperature, the cavitation of water can ignore the influence of thermodynamic effects—that
is, when the cavitation occurs, it is assumed that the temperature of the cavitation area does not
change [6,7]. However, the physical properties of thermosensitive fluid such as liquid hydrogen, liquid
nitrogen, and liquid oxygen are sensitive to temperature changes. During the cavitating flow, the
thermodynamic effect is significant, which causes the temperature of the cavitation region to change,
which changes the cavitating flow field dramatically [8–10].
Fluids such as liquid hydrogen and liquid oxygen are often used as propellants for liquid carrier
rocket engines. Because the weight and size of the engine turbo pump are subject to strict design
requirements, it is necessary to increase the engine thrust by increasing the power density of the turbo
pump. At the same time, in order to ensure effective carrying capacity, reducing the volume of the
propellant container will cause the pressure at the entrance of the inducer to decrease. Under the
conditions of high-speed rotation and lower inlet pressure, cavitation can easily occur around the
blade of the inducer, making its internal flow field unstable and causing strong mechanical vibration,
thereby reducing the reliability and stability of the rocket engine. Therefore, in-depth research on the
cavitating flow characteristics of thermosensitive fluids has important theoretical value and engineering
application significance [11,12].
Under the thermodynamic effect, cavitating flow is a complex fluid dynamics problem involving
phase transition, turbulence, heat transfer, and other phenomena. In the early stage, the process of
cavitation flow under thermodynamic effects was mainly observed and analyzed by experimental
research. Hord [13,14] conducted experimental research about the cavitating flow around hydrofoils and
ogives. The liquid hydrogen and liquid nitrogen were employed as the working fluid. The cavity length
and the pressure and temperature distributions were obtained under different working conditions.
The experimental results have been widely used as a verification standard to evaluate the correctness
of different cavitation models. Due to the difficulty of conducting experimental research in related
aspects and the limited measurement of flow field data in the cavitation area, numerical simulation
technology has gradually become an important alternative to study the cavitating flow behavior.
From the perspective of computational fluid dynamics (CFD), turbulence model and cavitation
model play significant roles in the numerical simulation of cavitating flow in thermosensitive fluids.
For the cavitation model, a modified Merkle cavitation model has been demonstrated to be effective in
simulating cryogenic fluids [15]. For the turbulence model, the prediction and solution of turbulent
flow in numerical calculation are mainly divided into three categories: direct numerical simulation
(DNS), large eddy simulation (LES), and Reynolds-averaged Navier–Stokes simulation (RANS).
The DNS method [16,17] obtains turbulent flow in all time and space scales in the flow field
by directly solving the Navier–Stokes equation. Although this method is the most accurate method
for simulating turbulent flow in the flow field, it has extremely high requirements on computer
performance. It is also still difficult to solve complex engineering problems. The LES method [18,19]
uses low-pass filtering on the Navier–Stokes equation to reduce the solution on the space and time
scales, thereby directly solving large-scale vortices in turbulent flow, and making model assumptions
on the motion of small-scale vortices. The calculation accuracy of the LES method is high [20,21].
Although a large amount of calculation resources is still required, it is also increasingly used in actual
engineering calculations. The RANS method [22,23] uses the time average method to decompose the
flow into time average flow and instantaneous pulsating flow, and solves them separately. This method
avoids directly solving the Navier–Stokes equation, saving a lot of computing resources while ensuring
the calculation accuracy, and has achieved good results in practical applications. Therefore, this article
uses the RANS method to solve the problem of cavitation flow under thermodynamic effect. However,
the overestimate of the eddy viscosity restricts the use of the RANS method in accurate simulation of
cavitating flow. For the above reason, many researchers focused on the correction of eddy viscosity
such as the density-corrected model (DCM) [24,25] and filter-based model (FBM) [26,27]. Due to
the significant change in density ratio, the DCM primarily amends the viscosity corresponding to
the highly compressible area, while FBM pays attention to enhance the resolution to capture finer
flow characteristics.
The purpose of this paper is to excavate an effective turbulence model for simulating cavitating
flow considering thermosensitive fluids. Various turbulence models, including the standard k − ε
model, RNG (re-normalization group) k − ε model, and SST (shear-stress transport) k − ω model,
were modified by the density-corrected model and filter-based model. The numerical simulations
were performed around a three-dimensional NACA (National Advisory Committee for Aeronautics)
0015 hydrofoil with the commercial CFD code ANSYS CFX. The pressure coefficients at different
temperatures were investigated numerically and experimentally. The simulation results are used to
assess the applicability and feasibility of different turbulence models for the simulation of cavitating
flow in cryogenic fluids.
Processes 2020, 8, 997 3 of 14
2. Mathematical Formation
∂ρm ∂
+ ρm u j = 0 (1)
∂t ∂x j
∂ ∂ ∂p ∂ ∂ui ∂u j 2 ∂ui
" !#
(ρm ui ) + ρm ui u j = − + (µm + µt ) + − δij (2)
∂t ∂x j ∂xi ∂x j ∂x j ∂xi 3 ∂x j
∂ ρm Cp T ∂ ∂ ( ρm f v L ) ∂ ρm u j f v L
+ ρm u j Cp T = ∇. ke f f ∇T − − (3)
∂t ∂x j ∂t ∂x j
where ρm = ρv αv + ρl αl is the density of multiphase flow, subscripts v and l mean vapor phase and
liquid phase, respectively; subscripts i and j represent the coordinates in the Cartesian coordinate
system; α is the volume fraction; u is the flow velocity; p is the pressure in the flow field; µm is the
dynamic viscosity; µt is the turbulent dynamic viscosity; ke f f is the effective thermal conductivity; T is
temperature; Cp is specific heat; and L is the latent heat.
∂ ( ρm k ) ∂ ∂ µt ∂k
" ! #
+ ρm U j k = µ+ + Pk − ρm ε + Pkb (4)
∂t ∂x j ∂x j σk ∂x j
∂ ( ρm ε ) ∂ ∂ µt ∂ε ε
" #
+ ρm U j ε = µm + + (Cε1 Pk − Cε2 ρε + Cε1 Pεb ) (5)
∂t ∂x j ∂x j σε ∂x j k
∂ ( ρm k ) ∂ ∂ µt ∂k
" ! #
+ ρm U j k = µm + + Pk − ρm ε + Pkb (8)
∂t ∂x j ∂x j σk ∂x j
∂(ρm ε) ∂
+ ρm U j ε =
∂t ∂x j
∂ ∂ε
+ εk (Cε1RNG Pk − Cε2RNG ρm ε + Cε1RNG Pεb )
∂x j
µm + σεRNG ∂x j
In the formula, the value of each constant is: Cε2RNG = 1.68, βRNG = 0.012, CµRNG = 0.085.
∂(ρm k) ∂ ∂ µt ∂k
" ! #
+ ρm u j k = µ+ + Pk − β0 ρm kω + Pkb (13)
∂t ∂x j ∂x j σk3 ∂x j
∂(ρm ω) µt ∂k
∂ ∂ ∂k ∂ω
+ ∂x j
ρm u j ω = ∂x j
µ+ σω3 ∂x j + (1 − F1 )2ρm σω21 ω ∂x ∂x j
j (14)
+α3 ωk Pk − β3 ρm ω + Pωb
ρm a 1 k
µt = (15)
max(a1 ω, SF2 )
where Pkb is the turbulent kinetic energy term produced by buoyance; Pk is the turbulent kinetic
energy term produced by viscous force; F1 and F2 are the blending functions; and S is the shear tensor.
Processes 2020, 8, 997 5 of 14
The constant coefficients are taken separately: a1 = 0.31, σk = 2, β’ = 0.09, σω = 2, α = 5/9, β = 0.075, and
σω2 = 1/0.856.
The expressions of F1 and F2 are as follows:
F1 = tanh arg41 , F2 = tanh arg42 (16)
k 500ν 4ρm k
arg1 = minmax 0 , , (17)
β ωy y2 ω CDkw σw2 y2
2 k 500ν
arg2 = max 0 , (18)
β ωy y2 ω
1 ∂k ∂ω
CDkw = max 2ρm , 1.0 × 10 (19)
σw2 ω ∂x j ∂x j
where V is kinematic viscosity.
Cµ f (ρ)k2
µt−FBMDCM = F (20)
Cvap ρl αl min[0, p − pv ]
m+ = , p ≤ pv (24)
0.5ρl U∞2 ρ t
v ∞
where Cvap and Ccond are the characteristic constant coefficients for the evaporation and condensation,
respectively; U∞ is the reference speed at infinity; t∞ is the reference time; and pv is the saturated vapor
pressure. The default values for Cvap and Ccond are listed as follows:
The original Merkle cavitation model [29] is established based on the isothermal assumption.
The saturated vapor pressure in the model is a fixed value, while the saturated vapor pressure of
thermosensitive fluid is actually a function of temperature. In our previous study, the B-factor theory
and Antoine equation were taken into consideration. Considering the influence of turbulent kinetic
energy on the saturated vapor pressure, the modified source term is shown as follows:
For the implementation of the corrected turbulence model and cavitation model in the numerical
simulation, the CEL language assembly function is employed to embed them in CCL files into the
CFX software.
Figure 3. Mesh implementation around the hydrofoil. (a) Mesh around leading edge, (b) Mesh around
Figure 3. Mesh implementation around the hydrofoil. (a) Mesh around leading edge, (b) Mesh
Figure Mesh implementation around the hydrofoil. (a) Mesh around leading edge, (b) Mesh
around trailing edge
around trailing edge
Processes 2020, 8, 997 8 of 14
Processes 2020, 8, x FOR PEER REVIEW 8 of 15
Upper surface
Lower surface
0 20 40 60 80 100
Figure 4. y+ distribution along the upper surface and lower surface of the hydrofoil.
Figure 4. y+ distribution along the upper surface and lower surface of the hydrofoil.
3.3. Boundary Conditions
3.3. Boundary Conditions
The boundary conditions for the numerical setup is shown in Figure 2. The inlet is set to be the
velocity inlet boundary
The boundary condition,
conditions forthe
theoutlet is set tosetup
numerical be theispressure
shown inoutlet boundary
Figure 2. Thecondition, and
inlet is set to be the
the wall is set to be the non-slip boundary condition. The specific values at different temperatures
velocity inlet boundary condition, the outlet is set to be the pressure outlet boundary condition, and are
set the non-slip boundary condition. The specific values at different temperatures are
listed in Table 1. Table 1. Parameter setting at different temperatures.
The number of grids in the three sets 2. Mesh
(mesh information.
1, mesh 2 and mesh 3) are 1.1 million, 2.85 million,
and 4.56 million, respectively. As shown in Figure 5, the simulated pressure coefficients along the
Mesh Mesh Nodes Min Angle Max Aspect Ratio Min Determinant Min Quality
upper surface of NACA0015 hydrofoil match well with the experimental results. Taking the calculation
1 1,138,840 46.08 145 0.794 0.72
cost into consideration, mesh 2 is selected in the numerical simulation.
2 2,847,100 46.08 56.1 0.794 0.72
3 4,555,360 46.08 34.8 0.794 0.72
The number of grids in the three sets (mesh1, mesh2 and mesh3) are 1.1 million, 2.85 million,
and 4.56 million, respectively. As shown in Figure 5, the simulated pressure coefficients along the
1.5 mesh2
Processes 8, 997PEER REVIEW
mesh3 9 of 149 of 15
Processes 2020,2020,
8, x FOR
1.0 experiment [30]
0.5 mesh1
1.5 mesh2
0.0 mesh3
1.0 experiment [30]
0 20 40 60 80 100
Figure 5. Mesh independence study.
4. Results and Discussions 0 20 40 60 80 100
4.1. Influence of Different Turbulence Models on NACA0015 at 25°С
Figure 5. Mesh independence study.
Using three turbulence models Figure and5. Mesh
corresponding study.modified turbulence models, the
4. Results and Discussion
numerical simulation about the cavitating flow around the NACA0015 hydrofoil is performed. The
4. Results
distribution and
4.1. Influence Discussions
of pressure coefficient
of Different Turbulence along
Models the
on suction
NACA0015 side of ◦the
at 25 C NACA0015 hydrofoil is obtained as
shown in FigureUsing 6. The results models
show that there is a certain difference between the simulated pressure
4.1. Influence ofthree turbulence
Different Turbulence Models and their oncorresponding
NACA0015 atmodified25°С turbulence models, the numerical
coefficient and experimentally
simulation about the cavitating measured
flow around pressure coefficient
the NACA0015 in the low-pressure
hydrofoil is performed. The area of the first 30%
of the hydrofoil
of three
pressure turbulence
length. At the
coefficient along models
lastthe70% and
suction the their
side corresponding
of the length, the
NACA0015 modified
hydrofoil turbulence
is obtained as of models, in thek-ε
the RNG
SST k-ω simulation
Figure 6. The resultsabout
turbulence show the
models cavitating
thataretherecloser flow
is a certain
to around
thedifference the NACA0015
experimental hydrofoil
the simulated
values, and the is performed.
pressure coefficient
simulation Theof
and of pressure
experimentally coefficient
measured along
pressure the suction
coefficient inside
the of the NACA0015
the k-ε model differ greatly from the experimental results. Based on the modified turbulence model, area ofhydrofoil
the first is
30% obtained
of the as
hydrofoil length. At the last 70% of the hydrofoil length, the difference
calculation between
results of the RNG k-ε andpressureSST
theshown in Figure
simulation 6. The
results ofresults show
the revised that
RNG there
a certain
and the revised SST the
showed significant
k-ω turbulence
coefficient and models are
experimentally closer to
measured the experimental values,
pressure coefficient and the
in thesimulation results
low-pressure of
areathe k-ε model
greatly from
closer to
the experimental
results. Based
on the
the first 30%k-ε
of theare
model hydrofoil length. At the last
significantly 70% of the hydrofoil length, the calculation results
The of the RNGeffect
results of the revisedsmaller
RNG k-εthan model that
andof thethe uncorrected
revised turbulence
SST k-ω showed model.
significant improvement,correction
and SST k-ω turbulence models are closer to the experimental values, and the simulation results of
is obvious.
is closer to the experimental value. The simulation results of the revised k-ε model are significantly
the k-ε model differ greatly from the experimental results. Based on the modified turbulence model,
smaller than that of the uncorrected turbulence model. The correction effect is obvious.
the simulation results of the revised RNG k-ε model and the revised SST k-ω showed significant
improvement, which is closer to the experimental value. 2.0 The simulation results of the revised k-ε
k- ε
model are significantly smaller than that of the uncorrected turbulence model. Modified ε
Thek-correction effect
1.5 RNG k-ε 1.5 Modified RNG k-ε
is obvious. SST k-ω Modified SST k-ω
1.0 experiment [30] 1.0 experiment [30]
0.52.0 2.0
k-ε Modified k-ε
0.01.5 RNG k-ε 1.5
0.0 Modified RNG k-ε
SST k-ω Modified SST k-ω
-0.51.0 experiment [30] 1.0
-0.5 experiment [30]
0 20 40 60 80 100 0 20 40 60 80 100
Processes 2020,8,8,xxFOR
REVIEW 10ofof15
10 15
model; meanwhile, the RMS error and the maximum deviation of the modified turbulence model
showed meanwhile, theRMS
the RMSerror
good improvement. errorand
showed good improvement.
showed good improvement.
0.30 0.30
RMS error
RMS error RMS error
RMS error
Maximum deviation
Maximum deviation 0.25
0.25 Maximum deviation
Maximum deviation
0.223 0.222
0.222 0.222
0.222 0.217 0.215
0.215 0.217
0.20 0.20
0.15 0.134
0.15 0.128 0.132 0.15
0.15 0.128
0.134 0.128 0.132 0.13
0.13 0.126
0.126 0.128
0.10 0.10
0.05 0.05
0.00 0.00
Original Original
Original Original
Original Modified
Modified Modified
Modified Modified
k-k-ε ε RNGk-k-ε ε
RNG SSTk-k-ωω
SST k-k-ε ε RNGk-k-ε ε
RNG SSTk-k-ωω
Error analysis ◦
Figure 7.Error analysisatat
Erroranalysis at2525
At room
Atroom temperature,
temperature,thethe distribution
thedistribution of vapor
distributionofof volume
vaporvolume fractions
fractionsonon the
onthe surface
surfaceof of NACA0015
At vapor
is shown
shown inFigure
shown ininFigure
8. The results
that the k-εk-ε
model hashas
a large-scale
large-scale vortex
vortex atatthe
the tail
tailofoftheof the
cavity,and and
andthe the development
developmentprocess process
processofofthe of the cavitation
cavitationcore core
corearea area is
areaisislonger.longer. Meanwhile,
Meanwhile,the the
the development
developmentprocess process of
processofofRNG RNG
RNGk-ε k-ε
k-εmodel model
SSTk-ωSST k-ω
k-ωmodel model
modelininthe in the cavitation
cavitationcore core
corearea area is shorter.
The modified
modified k-ε model
model eliminates
eliminates the vortex
vortex at the
tailtail of thecavity,
cavitationcorecore area
area is
modified k-ε eliminates the atatthe
the tail ofofthe
the cavity, but the cavitation core area isis
significantly shorter. The
shorter. The cavitation
cavitation area
area is
is significantly
significantly expanded
expanded based
based on on the
the modified
modified RNG
RNG k-ε
significantly shorter. The cavitation area is significantly expanded based on the modified RNG k-ε
modeland and the
and the modified
modified SST k-ωmodel
SSTk-ω modelandandthe thevapor
the cavitation
cavitation core
core area
model the modified SST k-ω model and the vapor volume fraction in the cavitation core area isis
is larger.
Figure Vaporvolume
Vapor volumefraction
volume fractiondistribution
fraction distributionon
distribution on the
onthe surface
thesurface the
ofthe NACA0015
theNACA0015 hydrofoil.
Processes 2020, 8, x FOR PEER REVIEW 11 of 15
0 20 40 60 80 100
0 20 40 60 80 100
Figure 9. Pressure coefficient distribution of the NACA0015 hydrofoil at 50°С.
Figure 9. Pressure coefficient distribution of the NACA0015 hydrofoil at 50 ◦ C.
Figure 9. Pressure coefficient distribution of the NACA0015 hydrofoil at 50°С.
Modified RNG k-ε Modified SST k-ω
0.00 ◦
Figure 10. Error analysis at 50 C.
Modified RNG k-ε Modified SST k-ω
Figure 10. Error analysis at ◦50°С.
4.3. Influence of Different Turbulence Models on NACA0015 at 70 C
Figure 10. Error analysis at 50°С.
4.3. InfluenceFigure 11 shows
of Different the distribution
Turbulence Modelsofonthe pressure
NACA0015 coefficient
at 70°С along the suction surface of the
NACA0015 hydrofoil simulated by the modified RNG k-ε model and the modified SST k-ω model
4.3. Influence
Figure ◦of
at 7011 Different
C.shows Turbulence
The results show Models
that the on NACA0015
of the
simulationpressure at RNG
70°Сk-ε along
using revised the suction
model matches surface
well with the of the
NACA0015 experimental
hydrofoilresults. The modified
simulated SST k-ω model
by the modified RNGhas k-εa model
longer cavitation development
and the modified SSTprocess.
k-ω model at
Figure1112shows thethe
shows that distribution
RMS error andofmaximum
the pressure coefficient
deviation alongRNG
of the modified thek-ε
suction surface
model are less of the
70°С. The results show that the simulation using revised RNG k-ε model matches well with the
NACA0015 than hydrofoil simulated
that of the modified SST by
k-ω the modified
model. RNG RNG
The corrected k-ε model and
k-ε model the modified
is more accurate atSST◦
70 C. k-ω model at
experimental results. The modified SST k-ω model has a longer cavitation development process.
70°С. The results show that the simulation using revised RNG k-ε model matches well with the
Figure 12 shows that the RMS error and maximum deviation of the modified RNG k-ε model are less
experimental results. The modified SST k-ω model has a longer cavitation development process.
than that of the modified SST k-ω model. The corrected RNG k-ε model is more accurate at 70°С.
Figure 12 shows that the RMS error and maximum deviation of the modified RNG k-ε model are less
than that of the modified SST k-ω model. The corrected RNG k-ε model is more accurate at 70°С.
Processes 2020, 8, x FOR PEER REVIEW 12 of 15
Processes 2020, 8, x FOR PEER REVIEW 12 of 15
Processes 2020,2020,
Processes 8, x FOR
8, 997PEER REVIEW 12 of 15
12 of 14
2.0 Modified SST k-ω
1.5 Modified SST k-ω
Modified RNG k-ε
1.5 ModifiedRNG
Modified εω
1.5 experiment [30]
1.0 experiment RNG k-ε
Modified [30]
1.0 experiment [30]
-pc -pc
00 20
20 40
40 6060 8080 100100
-0.5 x/Lc(%)
0 20 40 60 80 100
Figure 11. Pressure coefficient distribution of the NACA0015 hydrofoil at 70°С.
Figure 11. Pressure coefficient distribution of the NACA0015 hydrofoil at 70°С.
Figure 11. Pressure coefficient distribution of the NACA0015 hydrofoil at 70 ◦ C.
Figure 11. Pressure
0.30coefficient distribution of the NACA0015 hydrofoil at 70°С.
0.30 RMS error
0.25 RMS error
Maximum deviation 0.247
0.30 Maximum deviation 0.247
RMS error
0.25 Maximum deviation 0.247
0.20 0.191
0.20 0.122
0.15 0.191
0.10 0.122
0.15 0.06
0.05 0.122
0.10 0.06
0.06 RNG k-ε Modified SST k-ω
Modified RNG
Figure 12. Error Modified
k-ε analysis at 70°С. SST k-ω
Figure 12.RNG k-ε analysis
Error at 70 ◦ C.SST k-ω
4.4. Influence of Modified RNG k-ε ModelFigure on12.
NACA0015 Hydrofoil
Error analysis at Different Temperatures
at 70°С.
4.4. Influence of Modified RNG k-ε Model on NACA0015 Hydrofoil at Different Temperatures
Figure 13 shows the vapor volume Figurefraction distribution
12. Error analysis at on the surface of NACA0015 hydrofoil
4.4. Influence
calculated ofbyModified
Figure 13the
shows RNG
modified k-ε Model
the vapor
RNG volume onfraction
k-ε model NACA0015 Hydrofoil
at different on attheDifferent Temperatures
surface The
water temperatures. of NACA0015
results showhydrofoil
that as
the by
temperature the modified
increases, RNG
the k-ε
vapor model
Model volume at different
fraction water
decreases, temperatures. The results show that
4.4. Influence
Figure of shows
13 ModifiedtheRNG k-εvolume
vapor on NACA0015
fraction Hydrofoil
distribution onatthe cavity
the area
surface of decreases,
NACA0015 andhydrofoil
vapor–liquid interface becomes blurred. The water vapor content decreases with the increaseand
as the temperature increases, the vapor volume fraction decreases, the cavity area decreases, of
Figure by13the modified
shows RNGvolume
the vapor k-ε model at different
fraction water temperatures.
distribution The results show that as
the vapor–liquid
temperature. interface becomes blurred. The water vaporon the surface
content of NACA0015
decreases hydrofoil
with the increase
the temperature
calculated by theincreases,
of temperature. modified RNGthe vapor volume
k-ε model fraction decreases,
at different the cavity The
water temperatures. arearesults
vapor–liquid interface
the temperature becomes
increases, blurred.
the vapor The fraction
volume water vapor content
decreases, thedecreases with
cavity area the increase
decreases, of
and the
vapor–liquid interface becomes blurred. The water vapor content decreases with the increase of
Figure 13. Vapor volume fraction distribution on the surface of the NACA0015 hydrofoil.
Figure 13. Vapor volume fraction distribution on the surface of the NACA0015 hydrofoil.
Figure 13. Vapor volume fraction distribution on the surface of the NACA0015 hydrofoil.
Processes 2020, 8, 997 13 of 14
5. Conclusions
This paper carries out numerical investigation of different turbulence model effect on the cavitating
flow around NACA0015 hydrofoil with water at different temperatures. The k-ε, RNG k-ε, and SST
k-ω turbulence model and their revised turbulence model are studied systematically. The following
conclusions can be drawn from this research paper:
(1) At 25 ◦ C, the correction effect is significant for the modified k-ε model, and the vortex is eliminated
in the closed area of the cavity tail. The simulation results obtained from the modified RNG k-ε
model and the SST k-ω model showed reasonably good agreement with the experimental results.
(2) At 50 ◦ C, the modified RNG k-ε model and the modified SST k-ω model have a small difference
between numerical results and experimental results for the RMS error and the maximum deviation.
(3) At 70 ◦ C, the modified RNG k-ε model is smaller than the result of the modified SST k-ω model in
terms of the RMS error and the maximum deviation. The turbulent kinetic energy of the modified
SST k-ω model near the wall is significantly larger than that obtained by the modified RNG k-ε
model, and the cavitation is more serious, which is quite different from the experimental results.
(4) The feasibility of the modified RNG k-ε turbulence model is demonstrated using this model to
simulate cavitating flow around the NACA0015 hydrofoil at different temperatures of water.
Author Contributions: Conceptualization, F.W.; formal analysis, F.W.; funding acquisition, Y.D. and B.X.;
investigation, J.F.; methodology, B.X.; project administration, B.X.; software, J.F.; validation, X.S.; visualization,
X.S.; writing—original draft, Y.D. and F.W.; and writing—review and editing, Y.D. All authors have read and
agreed to the published version of the manuscript.
Funding: This research work is supported by the China Postdoctoral Science Foundation (Grant No. 2019M651716),
Senior Talent Foundation of Jiangsu University (Grant No. 18JDG033, 18JDG034), Jiangsu Planned Projects for
Postdoctoral Research Fund (Grant No. 2018K102C).
Acknowledgments: Yilin Deng and Bin Xu extend sincere appreciation to Jiangsu Province’s Program for
High-Level Innovative and Entrepreneurial Talents Introduction.
Conflicts of Interest: On behalf of all authors, the corresponding author states that there is no conflict of interest.
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