L1 Schedule
L1 Schedule
L1 Schedule
C.9.4 is directly
C.9.4 Prepartion of Detail Fab.Drgs.by PNP MT 425 05-10-2021 30-12-2021
related to C.9.3
C.9.5 Procurement of Structural Steel by PNP MT 445 10-11-2021 10-03-2021 120
C.10 Fabrication of Structures MT 425 20-11-2021 30-05-2022 192
C.10.1 Erection , Alignment & Bolting/Welding of Str.incl. final painting MT 425 02-01-2022 30-07-2022
C.10.2 Road Work 1
C.10.3 150 mm thk.Granular Sub-base Sqm 706 01-09-2022 30-09-2022 30
C.11 150 thk.Granular WMM Sqm 706 15-09-2022 29-09-2022 15
C.12 Bituminous Macadum/Carpetting & Miscellaneus works. Sqm 706 03-09-2022 25-09-2022 23
C.13 Demolition , Dismantling of Extg.facilities Lot 1 15-10-2021 30-06-2022 259
D. A/G Piping Work (NIBR)
Issuance of AFC P&IDs , GADs,ISOs ,Line
D.1 Lot 1 20-09-2021 05-10-2021
Schedule/List,Linewise/Summary MTO by PMC 16
D.2 Issuance of 50% of matching materials by PMC/Owner Lot 1 15-10-2021 15-11-2021 32
D.3 Issuance of 75 % of matching materials by PMC/Owner Lot 1 16-11-2022 15-12-2021 30
D.4 Issuance of 100 % of matching materials incl.Top up MTO Lot 1 16-12-2021 15-01-2022 31
D.5.1 Fabrication ID 77,955 20-11-2021 15-06-2022 208
D.5.2 Erection , Alignment , Field Welding IM 2,07,731 02-03-2022 15-08-2022 167
D.5.3 Fabrication , Erection , Welding of Supports MT 67 01-05-2022 20-08-2022 112
D.5.4 Installation of All Types of Manual Valves No 1640 15-05-2022 22-08-2022 100
D.5.5 Installtion of MOVs/CVs,SDVs.Safety Valves No 28 15-05-2022 22-08-2022 100
D.5.6 Steam Tracing Mtr 10,200 15-06-2022 22-08-2022 69
D.5.7 Carrying out NDT like RT , UT , DPT/MPT Lot 1 25-11-2021 25-08-2022 274
D.5.8 Carrying out PWHT Lot 1 01-12-2021 30-08-2022 273
D.5.9 Mechanical Clearance , Flushing , Testing IM 2,07,731 10-07-2022 15-09-2022 68
D.6.1 Fabrication ID 563 01-03-2022 07-03-2022 7
D.6.2 Erection , Alignment , Field Welding IM 1150 08-03-2022 10-03-2022 3
D.6.3 Erection , Field Welding of Supports Lot 1 09-03-2022 11-03-2022 3
D.6.3 Carrying out NDT like RT , UT , DPT/MPT Lot 1 05-03-2022 12-03-2022 8
D.6.4 Mechanical Clearance , Flushing , Testing IM 1150 13-03-2022 14-03-2022 2
D.7 CS (IBR)