Social Studies Grade 8
Social Studies Grade 8
Social Studies Grade 8
Basic map Maps and Kalaluka. I
Reading diagrams Explain the difference between a Map reading
Techniques map and diagram. techniques
State characteristics of a map
Basic map Map Reading and Describe the location of a place or Map study Kalaluka. I
Reading interpretation. point on a map Map reading
5 Techniques Four and six figure Group work techniques
grid reference system Identify directions of places on a
Latitude and longitude map Tr exposition
- Compass and bearing Measure distances on a map
Bearing and distance
Interpret relief features
Identify drainage patterns
9 Decentralised o Ila Identify the major decentralised Text book study G. Haantobolo
societies o Lenje societies in Zambia Junior sec history
o Tonga Map study
Discuss the main features Progress in Social
Studies pupils book8
of decentralised societies Question and
Group presentation
Centralised Bemba, Luyi, Identify the major centralised Text book study Ntalasha
10 societies Lunda, Chewa, societies in Zambia History for Zambia
Ngoni Map study
- Discuss the main features of I. Chilimunda
11 centralised societies Question and A success in junior
answer history
Explain the importance of culture
to any society Group presentation G. Haantobolo
Junior sec history
Note taking
Ministry of General Education
1 Man and Physical and cultural Describe Relief levels of Zambia. Text book study Certificate,Physical and
the features of Zambia Land below 900m, between 900m Human Geography
Environ and 1200m and land above 1200m Map study
ment Relief above sea level -Geography in
Rivers and lakes Locate the major drainage features of diagrams
Roads Zambia.
Railways Lakes, rivers and swamps Question and -Social studies 8
Settlements State the cultural features of Zambia answer
plantations Road and railway network,
settlements, plantations, bridges Group presentation
2 Man and Weather and climate of Describe weather and climate Certificate,Physical and
- the Zambia Group work Human Geography
3 Environ Elements of weather: State the elements of weather and
- ment temperature, rainfall, their measurement Map study
4 sunshine
Question and
Explain factors influencing weather answer
FACTORS INFLUENCING Group work -Geography in
CLIMATE Describe the climate of Zambia. diagrams
Map study
Altitude -Social studies 8
Latitude Analyse effects of climate on human Question and
Relief activities. answer
Distance from the sea
Analyse the impact of human
Group presentations
Temperature and rainfall activities on climate
Global warming and
climate change
5 Man and FORESTS AND THEIR State the importance of forests. Text book study Social studies 8
the PRODUCTS Identify type of tree species.
Environ Identify forest products and their Map study -High School
ment Importance of forests uses. Geography
Indigenous and exotic tree Describe the uses of forests. Question and
species Explain the importance of answer -Resource materials
Uses: food, energy (wood conserving and preserving forests
fuel) construction (timber) State the causes of deforestation. Group presentation
medication (herbs) Explain the effects of deforestation on
the environment. Note taking
6 Man and FARMING Describe the different traditional Text book study Certificate ,Physical
the types of shifting cultivation and Human Geography
Environ -traditional farming system. Question and
ment Lozi State the main crops grown under answer -Geography in
Bemba traditional shifting cultivation diagrams
Mambwe Group presentation
Explain the effects of shifting -Social studies 8
cultivation on the environment
FISHING Define fishing Certificate, Physical
Importance Group work and Human Geography
9 Major fisheries State the importance of fishing
Fish farms Map study -Social studies 8
TYPES OF FISH Locate the major fisheries in Zambia
Breams, babble, tiger-fish, Locate the major fisheries in Zambia Question and Certificate, Physical
bottle-fish, Nile perch answer and Human Geography
(buka-buka), fresh water Identify the types of fish found in Text book study
sardines (kapenta) Zambia. -Geography in
Gill and seine nets, baskets, diagrams
fishing lines, motor boats, Describe fishing methods used in
dugout canoes, spears Zambia -Social studies 8
METHODS Describe fish processing methods.
State the challenges facing the fishing
Smoking, sun drying, industry
salting, freezing, caning Suggest possible solutions to
challenges facing the fishing industry
Marketing, storage,
transportation, over fishing,
bad fishing methods
Restocking, annual fish
bans, fish farming
Topical test
TOURISM Identify the major tourist attractions Text book study Certificate, Physical
National parks, water falls, in Zambia. Map study and Human Geography
11 historical sites, traditional Question and answer
ceremonies, water sports State the advantages and Group presentation -Geography in
Advantages: foreign disadvantages of tourism. Note taking diagrams
exchange earnings, cultural Text book study
12 exchange, infrastructural Explain the importance of conserving -Social studies 8
Question and
development, employment tourism resources answer
recreation Group presentation
- ARRIVAL OF EUROPEANS Assess the aims of European Text book study Progress in Social
5 imperialism and the scramble for Studies pupils
Social, political, economic, Africa Map study book8
religious, humanitarian aims
of imperialism Describe the exploration of Africa Question and G. Haantobolo
West Africa, Southern, by Europeans answer Junior sec history
Central Africa, East Africa,
North Africa Group presentation
Social, political, economic, State the results of European
religious imperialism in Central Africa Note taking
EUROPEAN OCCUPATION Identify the agents instrumental in Text book study Progress in Social
6 OF CENTRAL AFRICA European occupation of Central Studies pupils
- Africa book8
Missionaries, hunters and Question and
7 concession seekers answer
John Cecil Rhodes and the I. Chilimunda
British South Africa Group presentation A success in junior
Company history
African Reaction to Foreign Describe African resistance to Question and
Rule in Central Africa. colonialism answer Progress in Social
8 Studies pupils
- Primary resistance Describe the struggle for Discussion book8
9 Secondary resistance independence in Central Africa
Southern Rhodesia Tr exposition G. Haantobolo
(Zimbabwe), Northern Junior sec history
Rhodesia (Zambia) and Group work
Nyasaland (Malawi) I. Chilimunda
A success in junior
CENTRAL AFRICAN Describe the Central African Text book study Progress in Social
10 FEDERATION Federation of 1953 to 1963 Studies pupils
Social, political, economic Discuss reasons for and against the Question and
Central African Federation answer G. Haantobolo
Successes and failures of the Junior sec history
Federation Assess the successes and failures Group presentation
of the Federation
Development MINING INDUSTRY State the major minerals mined in Group research
11 in Zambia Zambia Tr exposition Certificate,
Copper, cobalt, coal, Physical and
precious stones, nickel Describe methods of mining Question and Human Geography
Open and shaft mining answer
Employment, foreign Discuss the contribution of mining -Geography for
exchange, economic to the socio-economic Group presentation Zambia: Bwalya
development, social development and Naidoo
amenities, infrastructural
development Discuss the impact of mining on -Social studies 9
Pollution, land degradation, the environment
displacement of humans and
3 POWER AND ENERGY Describe renewable and non- Text book study Certificate, Physical
GENERATING INDUSTRIES. renewable sources of power and and Human
energy Geography
Renewable: hydro-electricity, Question and
solar power, wind, geo-thermal answer -Geography for
Non-renewable: petroleum, coal, Zambia: Bwalya and
nuclear, wood fuel, bio-gas Identify institutions dealing in Group presentation Naidoo
Copper belt Power Company, power and energy.
Zambia Electricity Supply -Social studies 9
Corporation, Energy Regulation
etc associated with budget
8 TRADE Describe local and international Question and Social Studies Pupils
Local trade trade answer Book 9
International trade Identify the challenges
Chain of distribution associated with local and Discussion CIVIC pupils book 9
Challenges international trade
Identify crimes associated with Tr exposition Other resource
trade materials
Group work
9 CONFLICT RESOLUTION Describe conflict Question and answer Social Studies Pupils
- Book 9
10 Definition Identify levels of conflict in Discussion
Causes society
Effects of conflict Tr exposition CIVIC pupils book 9
Explain the causes of conflict.
Group work Other resource
Discuss effects of conflict materials
Ministry of General Education
1 and Identify regional organisations group research Social Studies Pupils
- Internatio SADC, COMESA, NEPAD, to which Zambia is a member Tr exposition Book 9
2 nal African Union
- Organisati Different structure of regional Outline structure of regional Question and answer
3 ons organisation organisations CIVIC pupils book 9
Standardisation, quality assurance, Group presentation
accreditation and metrology of Explain functions of regional Other resource
products and services (SQAM) organisations materials
Ease of trade through SQAM for
products and services Discuss benefits of Zambia’s
membership to regional
International Organisations organisations
• The Commonwealth and
United Nations
• Membership and structure of Identify international
International Organisations organisations
Describe membership and
• Functions of International structure of these organisations.
Organisations Discuss the functions of these
Specialised Agencies of United organisations
Nations Organisation
Map study
Basic map Reading Techniques Explain the difference between Kalaluka. I
4 REVISION Maps and Diagrams a map and diagram. Group work Map reading
State characteristics of a map techniques
Map Reading and interpretation. Describe the location of a place Map study Kalaluka. I
5 Four and six figure grid or point on a map Map reading
reference system Group work techniques
Latitude and longitude Identify directions of places on
Compass and bearing a map
Bearing and distance Tr exposition
Measure distances on a map