Readers Are Leaders
Readers Are Leaders
Readers Are Leaders
If I tell you right now that reading is good as you'll probably have
heard from years of growing up from your parents and from your
Will you agree with me? Most likely right? Hu ht là ng ý úng không
Well I'm really not here to criticize you for not doing so.
I myself think that not everybody has to do that to prove your love of
I was doubling up the quantity of books that I was reading and at the
s lng, quality: cht lng
Actually to tell you the truth, being selective in what I read is just a
fancy way to cover up the real thing that happened back then was
up a book.
Let me just describe to you exactly what was happening back then.
I.. stood in front of a stack of books like this and I would think well if I
back then.
The first type are the people who never really give reading a chance
because they cannot possibly think of how reading and help them in
any way.
The second type of people are those I've actually had fierce beliefs
in the power of books but after not seeing themselves getting instact
result they give up and their belief is shattered into strong disbelief.
For both of these types there are some mindset shifts that they're
going to have to make in order to break free from these limiting beliefs
about books.
Now let us get started with the first type: The over practical,
These people are those who spend time sitting to convince
themselves that reading cannot possibly help them get better in any
They cannot see how reading this book is going to make their lives
immediately better.
For example, if I'm having really difficult math homework and reading
this book is not going to help that I'm not going to do it, that is the
They're really like to say yes that they do you think that reading is
They only look at the short-term benefits of reading which is how it's
And while you may think that well why is it so hard to convince these
would go.
in books.
They used to be the ones like me standing here right now telling you
But the thing is after reading several times and not seeing themselves
So for this type of people, the problem really isn't with their
The problem is with their degree of expectations that they srt for the
When you read something and you expect results to come overnight.
The reality doesn't turn out that way.
You eventually just stop believing in them and then you refuse by
what you consider a package of waste of time and energy along with
Now, for both types there are some realizations that they are going
The problem with type one is that they limit themselves to only what
For example, if I'm reading this book I need to know exactly how it's
You should not be overly worried about how what you mean today
will benefit you tomorrow and be overly attached to how exactly that
I know that right now you have the energy, the time, the curiosity to
And I mean this guy we all know that he is really good right?
So what is Calligraphy?
Basically to put simply the Art of writing fancy letters that you can see
in cards and birthday cards you know what I was talking about.
and broccoli for me I would never imagine away pillow graffiti you
technology and maybe he didn't know how that would help either but
from that calligraphy class came into you when he was designing the
interface this story really inspired me to maybe try out and stop
to you in the future and I have now I've come to learn that every single
piece of know is that you are taking in will come back to help you out
at one point your life especially any delays expected that is why you
should stop talking so much about whether or not you should learn
you're wasting your energy on it there's this quotes from the book
that I really love it is about the future as you can see on this light right
here lies the lies ahead of you is a completely blank Peach and there
is no trap has been laid out for you to follow there's no Authority there
I don't want you to be overly obsessed with how the future will play
out that you waste so much of your present time doubting instead of
opportunities that you want come are you going to are you going to
be prepared for them now moving on to the second type these people
are those who disbelieve in both just because the fence is not come
overnight and they fail to realize that no I also have my personal story
with this back and grade eight I was kind of bad at math there was
this geometry test where it's going pretty slow I didn't like that at all I
came home I found a Geometry book that I would read and I said to
week there was a test I didn't return it was a lot better I came home
and I was like it what you see obviously you getting this book is not
going to help because I wasn't even reading on the topic that was
doing at school back then that's just rude aside and told myself that
you know by 5 if I just don't come to extra reading it doesn't help well
life really love throwing surprises out us write the following semester
at school we did every single thing that I had previously read on now
have been any time frame 3 months 6 months even a year don't set
your expectations too high on realistic think of meeting at the process
competence and know what you want opportunity the people the net
worth they will all start coming to you your job is not to predict your
when they come to you now you may find yourself in one of these
two times I talked about maybe you are just hesitating a lot to pick up
a book because you cannot convince yourself how it's going to help
you or maybe you have a strong belief in them but eventually you get
expected the solution I would like to propose here for you the first
and hardest thing that you are going to have to do is to shift your
mind says you need to shift your mindset from the mindset of melting
you should be a firing from reading now if you're comfortable with the
idea of doing a lot of seemingly irrelevant reading then you can start
small give us all the time frame of maybe three or six months and
then every month include a book that is off the topic that you have
never read on the four start with something that may be relevant to
you may be starting something that is in the field of study you intend
to go for later then every month just trying to step out of your comfort
zone as you go along pick a book of a feel that you've never tried
before I'll something that you've always been interested in but I have
nothing to do with you I want you to think of this as stepping out of
your comfort zone you don't know if what I'm saying is true or not and
until you've actually experienced that yourself but I would like to invite
you to try this and see if it works for you maybe you'll find that reading
is actually great and you regret not having started earlier or maybe
you would just want to confirm that I'm not telling the truth at all and
it doesn't work for you either way you're not going to regret how he
thinks out the answer because this is something out of your comfort
zone to try out something that you've never tried before this is
seeking the quest the answers for the questions that you have and
that is what leaders do they have to seek the answers for the
questions that nobody else has the chorus to go feed for either way
you doing something to test it out into the unknown Let me know if
your comfort zone is really recognizable already but if you're the one
that it can bring it to you now is the time for you to step up from these
limiting beliefs and become the leader that you have the potential to
be thank you