Crochet Pattern
Head Body
Use white yarn and work in rounds. Use white yarn and work in rounds.
Attach safety eyes between rounds 15
and 16, leaving 11 stitches between the (Make 1)
eyes. Round 1: 6 sc in MR (6)
R2: Inc in every stitch (12)
(Make 1) R3: Inc in every stitch (24)
Round 1: 6 sc in MR (6) R4: [3 sc, 1 inc] x6 (30)
R2: Inc in every stitch (12) R5: [4 sc, 1 inc] x6 (36)
R3: [1 sc, 1 inc] x6 (18) R6: [5 sc, 1 inc] x6 (42)
R4: [2 sc, 1 inc] x6 (24) R7: [6 sc, 1 inc] x6 (48)
R5: [3 sc, 1 inc] x6 (30) R8: [7 sc, 1 inc] x6 (54)
R6: [4 sc, 1 inc] x6 (36) R9: [8 sc, 1 inc] x6 (60)
R7: [5 sc, 1 inc] x6 (42) R10-12: Sc around (60)
R8: [6 sc, 1 inc] x6 (48) R13: [8 sc, 1 dec] x6 (54)
R9: [7 sc, 1 inc] x6 (54) R14-16: Sc around (54)
R10: [8 sc, 1 inc] x6 (60) R17: [7 sc, 1 dec] x6 (48)
R11-22: Sc around (60) R18-19: Sc around (48)
R23: [8 sc, 1 dec] x6 (54) R20: [6 sc, 1 dec] x6 (42)
R24: [7 sc, 1 dec] x6 (48) R21-23: Sc around (42)
R25: [6 sc, 1 dec] x6 (42) R24: [5 sc, 1 dec] x6 (36)
R26: [5 sc, 1 dec] x6 (36) R25-26: Sc around (36)
R27: [4 sc, 1 dec] x6 (30) R27: [4 sc, 1 dec] x6 (30)
R28: [3 sc, 1 dec] x6 (24) R28: Sc around (30)
R29: [2 sc, 1 dec] x6 (18) R29: [3 sc, 1 dec] x6 (24)
R30: Sc around (24)
FO. Weave in tail. Stuff very firmly. R31: [2 sc, 1 dec] x6 (18)
Arms Legs
Use pink and white yarn and work in Use pink and white yarn and work in
rounds. Start with pink yarn. rounds. Start with pink yarn.
(Make 2) (Make 2)
Round 1: 5 sc in MR (5) Round 1: in MR: 2 sc, 2 dc, 2 sc, 2 dc (8)
R2: Inc in every stitch (10) Work with single crochet from round 2
R3: Inc in every stitch (20) until the end of leg.
R4: [9 sc, 1 inc] x2 (22) R2: Inc in every stitch (16)
R5-7: Sc around (22) R3: Inc in every stitch (32)
Change to white yarn. R4: [7 sc, 1 inc] x4 (36)
R8-10: Sc around (22) R5-8: Sc around (36)
R11: [9 sc, 1 dec] x2 (20) Change to white yarn.
R12: Sc around (20) R9: 9 sc, 6 dec, 15 sc (30)
R13: [8 sc, 1 dec] x2 (18) R10: 7 sc, 5 dec, 10 sc, 1 dec, 1 sc (24)
R14: Sc around (18) R11: 2 sc, 1 dec, 11 sc, 1 dec, 4 sc, 1 dec, 1
R15: [7 sc, 1 dec] x2 (16) sc (21)
R16: Sc around (16) R12-13: Sc around (21)
R17: [6 sc, 1 dec] x2 (14) R14: 3 sc, 1 inc, 5 sc, 1 inc, 5 sc, 1 inc, 5 sc
R18: Sc around (14) (24)
R19: [5 sc, 1 dec] x2 (12) R15: Sc around (24)
R20-21: Sc around (12) R16: 2 sc, 1 inc, 2 sc, 1 inc, 10 sc, 1 inc, 2
R22: [4 sc, 1 dec] x2 (10) sc, 1 inc, 4 sc (28)
R23-26: Sc around (10) R17-18: Sc around (28)
FO. Leave a long tail to sew to the FO. Leave a long tail to sew to the body.
body. Stuff arms slightly. Stuff legs firmly.
Ears Mouth/Nose
Use white yarn and work in Use white yarn and work in rounds.
(Make 1)
(Make 2) Round 1: 6 sc in MR (6)
Round 1: 4 sc in MR (4) R2: Inc in every stitch (12)
R2: [1 sc, 1 inc] x2 (6) R3: [1 sc, 1 inc] x6 (18)
R3: Inc in every stitch (12) R4: [2 sc, 1 inc] x6 (24)
R4: Sc around (12) R5: [3 sc, 1 inc] x6 (30)
R5: [3 sc, 1 inc] x3 (15) R6: [4 sc, 1 inc] x6 (36)
R6: Sc around (15) R7: [5 sc, 1 inc] x6 (42)
R7: [4 sc, 1 inc] x3 (18) R8-9: Sc around (42)
R8: Sc around (18) R10: [5 sc, 1 dec] x6 (36)
R11: Sc around (36)
FO. Leave a long tail to sew to the head.
Do not stuff ears. FO. Leave a long tail to sew to the head.
Stuff mouth/nose firmly.
Horn Tail
Use light yellow yarn and work in Use pink yarn and work in rows.
(Make 5)
(Make 1) Make 30 chains. Inc in 2nd chain from
Round 1: 4 sc in MR (4) hook and in next 28 stitches (58).
R2: [1 sc, 1 inc] x2 (6)
R3: Sc around (6) FO. Leave a long tail to sew to body.
R4: [2 sc, 1 inc] x2 (8)
R5: Sc around (8)
R6: [3 sc, 1 inc] x2 (10)
R7: Sc around (10)
R8: [4 sc, 1 inc] x2 (12)
R9: Sc around (12)
(Make 8)
Make 45 chains. Inc in 2nd chain from
hook and in next 43 stitches (88).
Mimi the Friendly Unicorn is ready! Now you can give her lots
of love and hugs! Keep crocheting!
God bless you.
- Michelle Alvarez