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2022 ESIG G PST Webinar Impedance Scan Tools

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Impedance Scan Tools for Stability

Analysis of IBR Grids

Shahil Shah
Senior Engineer, NREL

Supported by Wind Energy Technologies Office, DOE

G-PST/ESIG Webinar
June 30, 2022
Photo from iStock-627281636

• Control Interactions and Oscillations in IBR Grids

• Impedance-based Stability Analysis Method for Local Interactions

• Scaling the Impedance Method for System Stability Analysis

• NREL’s Impedance Scan Software Tool

• NREL’s Impedance Measurement System for Utility Scale Wind

Turbines and Inverters

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Control Interactions/Resonance/Oscillations




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System Wide Oscillations in IBR Grids
Australian Grid Scotland Grid PSCAD study for 100% IBR
operation of Hawaiian Islands

7 Hz

8 Hz

19 Hz • Source: Julian Leslie, G-

PST/ESIG Webinar, Jan. 2022. • Source: Hawaiian Electric Island-Wide
PSCAD Studies, Electranix, June 2021.
Source: Jalali, et. al. (AEMO), CIGRE 2021.

Key Questions: (1) How each of the selected IBRs impact the damping and frequency of oscillation modes?
(2) Whether curtailing IBRs will help? (3) Which IBRs must be curtailed? (4) Where to install dampers?
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Causes for Stability Problems
Fast, Complex, and Diverse IBR Controls Declining System Strength

Governor Field control Transmission lines and


controls (AVR) submarine cables Control systems of

AGC Torsional modes IBRs get coupled
through network in
Grid support functions
regions with low
Wind turbines, PV

MPPT Digitization delays

inverters, HVDC

system strength
Plant Controls HVDC controls PWM
because of lower
DC-bus Current
Pitch control control control fault current levels
Q & V control PLL Harmonic filters and inertia.

Stability analysis is challenging because of complex dynamics and unavailability of open-box models of IBRs

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How Mechanical Engineers Solved this Problem?

• Modal Testing, Analysis, and Damping

o German Aerospace Center (DLR)

performs modal testing on aircraft wings o Damper in Taipei 101 tower (660 tons)

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Impedance-Based Stability Analysis Method

Zi ( s ) Z g (s)


• Feedback Loop Gain: Zg(s)/Zi(s)

Fundamental Premise: IBR and Grid are
Separately Stable
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Scaling the Impedance Method: The Usual Way
Transmission Network

PV Plant Storage

Feeder with DERs

Wind Plant

• “Isolate” ALL IBRs from the network

• Assume network without all IBRs is stable and all IBRs are independently stable
• Requires impedance scan of each IBR as well as scan of the impedance matrix of the network without
IBRs from all ports
– Is it possible? YES
– Is it scalable? NO
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Reversed Impedance-Based Stability Criterion
Usual Approach Reversed Approach
Will the connection of
all IBRs make the
system unstable?


Will the removal of this

specific IBR make the
system unstable?

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Impedance Scan Tool

1. Scan IBR and network

2. Perform stability analysis
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Impedance Scan of IBR and Network

Scan Tool

• Fully Automated Impedance Scan

– Perturbation frequency, magnitude, recording length are automatically
selected Output Files from Scan
– Postprocessing algorithm automatically synchronizes reference frame,
optimizes FFT window length, and minimizes leakage errors
– Outputs impedance scan results in both DQ and sequence domain

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Impedance Scan + PSCAD-PSSE Cosimulation

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14-Bus System with High Levels of IBRs
1 Sync. Generator (224 MW); 3 GFM Inverters (90 MW); 2 GFL Inverters (140 MW)


Sync. Gen.


• How to identify the frequency and damping of the 2.5 Hz mode?

• What is the impact and participation of selected IBRs on the 2.5 Hz mode?
• How to estimate the minimum GFM capacity required for stable operation?
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Scan at GFM IBR at Bus-6

Network Admittance IBR Admittance

Magnitude (dB)

20 Ypp (s) Ypn(s) Ynn(s)

Ypp (s) 10 Ynn(s)
Ypn(s) 0 Ynp (s) Ynp (s)
0.1 Hz 1 Hz 10 Hz
Phase (deg.)

Impedance Scan Tool Separates the Dynamics of an IBR from the Network
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Modal Impedance Analysis for GFM IBR at Bus-6
Magnitude Plot Nyquist Plot

Modal Parameter Without IBR With IBR Impact of IBR

Frequency (fr) 2.36 Hz 2.5 Hz ~ 0.12 Hz
Damping Factor (z) -5.932% 13.3% +19.2%
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Analysis at GFM IBR at Bus-3
Magnitude Plot Nyquist Plot

Modal Parameter Without IBR With IBR Impact of IBR

Frequency (fr) 2.5 Hz 2.5 Hz ~0
Damping Factor (z) -9% 12% +21%
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Analysis at GFL IBR at Bus-2
Magnitude Plot Nyquist Plot

Modal Parameter Without IBR With IBR Impact of IBR

Frequency (fr) 2 Hz 2.5 Hz 0.5 Hz
Damping Factor (z) 9.25% 15% +5.75%
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Analysis at GFL IBR at Bus-14
Magnitude Plot Nyquist Plot

Modal Parameter Without IBR With IBR Impact of IBR

Frequency (fr) 1.28 Hz 2.6 Hz 1.3 Hz
Damping Factor (z) 23.5% 19% -4.5%
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Output of Impedance Scan Study
Mode Parameters
f z
2.5 Hz +12 to 15%

Impact of Different IBRs

GFM at Bus-6 0.12 Hz +19.2%
GFM at Bus-3 0 Hz +21%
GFL at Bus-2 0.5 Hz +5.7%
GFL at Bus-14 1.3 Hz -4.5%
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Impedance Measurement System at NREL
Injection of Perturbation in Response in Turbine Measured Impedance of a
Turbine Voltages Output Currents 4 MW Wind Turbine

7-MVA grid simulator

5-MW dynamometer Medium-voltage sensing

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Impedance Scan of a 4 MW Wind Turbine

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Impedance Response for GFM vs GFL Mode
2.2 MVA Battery Inverter 2 MW PV Inverter 2.5 MW Type III Turbine

Magnitude (dB)
Grid Following

Magnitude (dB)

50 GFL

30 Grid Forming GFM

1 Hz 10 Hz 100 Hz 1000 Hz
Grid Following

Phase (deg.)
Phase (deg.)

Grid Forming

1 Hz 10 Hz 100 Hz 1000 Hz

Impedance Responses show Better Damping for GFM Control Mode

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• Impedance scan tools are critical to understand small-signal stability of IBR grids
• Applications:
– Identify underdamped or unstable oscillation modes in the system
– Estimate the role of different IBRs in system oscillations modes
– Identify IBRs most suitable for implementing damping solutions
– Estimate the capacity of grid-forming resources required for stability
– Online estimation of system inertia in a noninvasive manner
– …
• Ongoing Developments at NREL
– Reduced time required for impedance scans and post-processing of scan data
– Impedance estimation from transient data obtained from fault recorders and PMUs
– Intelligent selection of perturbation levels to improve signal-to-noise ratio

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Development Team

Shahil Shah Przemek Weihang Yan


Vahan Emanuel Mendiola Robb Wallen


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Thank you!
[email protected]

Thi s work was a uthored by Al liance for Sustainable Energy, LLC, the ma nager a nd operator of the National
Renewable Energy La boratory for the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) under Contract No. DE-AC36-08GO28308.
Funding provided by U.S. Department of Energy Office of Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy Wind Energy
Technologies Office. The vi ews expressed in the article do not necessarily represent the vi ews of the DOE or the U.S.
Government. The U.S. Government retains a nd the publisher, by a ccepting the article for publication, a cknowledges
tha t the U.S. Government retains a nonexclusive, paid-up, i rrevocable, worldwide license to publish or reproduce
the published form of this work, or allow others to do s o, for U.S. Government purposes.

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