Jicable 2019 Remote FreeFloating
Jicable 2019 Remote FreeFloating
Jicable 2019 Remote FreeFloating
Willem GRIFFIOEN, Christophe GUTBERLET, Alexandre UHL, Gregory LAURENT, Selim GROBETY;
Pumettaz SA, (Switzerland), [email protected], [email protected],
[email protected], [email protected], [email protected]
ABSTRACT safely been laid into the seabed. The position of the pipe
(i.e. also with respect to the seabed) can accurately be
A method was developed to install energy cables into ducts monitored using intelligent pigging, which has also been
and then further transport them through coupled ducts, like done in the Nissum Bredning project.
“tube post”, to any desired location, without the need to go
there with material, equipment and labour. There is almost And last but not least all cables can be installed from a
no limit to the FreeFloating distance over which cables can convenient launch location when using the FreeFloating
be transported. Many advantageous applications exist, like technique, enabling to reach crowded city centres, tunnels,
installing cables into crowded city centres from suburbs
and offshore cables from shore. A land project with and national parks, without the need to go there with
FreeFloating in Copenhagen is described, and a project in equipment, and even installing offshore cables from shore,
Thyborøn (Denmark), where offshore wind turbines were also array cables between the offshore wind turbines. The
connected by array cables installed from shore, even at latter enlarges considerably the offshore working window,
Beaufort wind force 8. allowing to keep on installing at bad weather conditions.
Energy cable; HV cable; Installation; Duct; Pipe;
FreeFloating; Water; Pressure; Pig; City centres; Offshore;
Wind Energy; Remote.
recoupling of the ducts the cables for the 1st section could
be installed behind the installed cables by
WaterPushPulling again. Advantage is that all the work can
be done from one launch location, enabling deployment in
city centres from surrounding entry points. After the initial
learning curve of the first time FreeFloating in a real project
it was possible to install 2 cables in one day (1st cable
installed by WaterPushPulling, further installed by
FreeFloating and 2nd cable installed behind the 1st by
WaterPushPulling). In the project the water was recycled
and the remaining water brought to a waste water station.
tube and duct loops, and then further to the turbine in the now the cable also passing through the return loop in the
front at left, again through the duct loops and the J-tubes. turbine in the front at left, the cable finally reaching the
The duct return loop in the turbine at right has a bend turbine in the back at left. The second duct return loop has
diameter of 5.25 m and is reinforced with a steel cross to a diameter of only 3.25 m (radius 1.625 m!), without the
keep its shape. Also double loop FreeFloating was done, need for reinforcement, and also here the cable could pass.
Fig. 7: Nissum Bredning Offshore Wind Farm, with details of FreeFloating return loops
Although all cables could be installed from shore, 2 cables
were installed from the vessel at a calmer day, to show that LIMITS OF FREEFLOATING
this is also possible (solution for wind farms far away from In this paper the limits of the FreeFloating technique are
shore, but in the next section also FreeFloating from shore discussed. What is the maximum length over which the
to remote offshore wind farms is discussed). In total 12 cables can be FreeFloated, and at which speed (high
Medium Voltage cables were installed. For monitoring and enough for the installation to still be economical)? And what
communication optical cables were installed into HDPE about hydrostatic pressure differences at large elevation
pipes (central in the bundle) using the Floating technique, differences over long length? In this paper it is argued that
this time all the way from the substation. A MiniJet with FreeFloating is still possible over long distances (40 km!)
sonic head was used, longest distance reached of 3.8 km. while at the same time a high speed (40 m/min!) can be
The first kWh power was produced on February 18th 2018. reached. This means that in 24 hours a cable can be
installed, including preparation. And with a second or third
feeder duct the daily production can be enlarged (still with
one launch unit, with simple water feeding units for the
cables underway with FreeFloating), making installation
economical also for such long distances. Finally it will be
treated how to optimize pressures and how to handle ducts
with differing diameters.
Elevation differences
When a cable is FreeFloated over a very long length (many
cable lengths), there might be a large difference in
elevation between the launch point and the end point (or a
point halfway). As every 10 m elevation difference is
equivalent to a hydrostatic pressure difference of 1 bar, this
might be a limiting factor for the distance over which
FreeFloating can be used. For downhill installations the
maximum duct pressure can be limited using a pig with
safety valve [5]. Uphill there is no problem with water
pressure getting too high, but there will be reduced
pressure available for the pig, reducing the installation
Fig. 8: Installation of the cable at Nissum Bredning
Water speed Here kc is the effective spring constant of the cable, B the
stiffness of the cable, Dc the diameter of the cable, Dd the
As for FreeFloating the water speed must be at least as internal diameter of the duct and cb a geometric factor
high as the cable speed (and for Floating even higher), it is which is equal to 2.23 for 2-dimensional (sinusoidal)
relevant to consider water hammer effects in this paper. buckling and equal to 4.93 (= ½π2) for 3-dimensional
Moreover, the theory which is developed in this paper for a (helical) buckling. The left term is the relative axial
sudden cable stop finds a lot of common ground with the compression of the “straight cable” and the right term the
existing theory of water hammer, which is therefore treated “buckling relative storage length”. When the cable with
first. Water hammer (or, more generally, fluid hammer, also initial speed vc suddenly stops, not the whole cable stops
called hydraulic shock) is a pressure surge or wave caused instantaneously. First the front end stops and then the
by a fluid (usually a liquid but sometimes also a gas) in amount of cable coming to a standstill grows backwards,
motion when it is forced to stop or change direction like a sound wave, with a speed vs given by:
suddenly (momentum change). A water hammer e.g.
occurs when a valve suddenly closes (also other causes of vc
vs = [3]
sudden blocking possible, e.g. when a cable or pig passes εs
or hits a duct narrowing) somewhere downstream in a duct
system, and an upstream pressure wave propagates The mass Ms stopped in a time Δt is given by:
through the duct. This pressure wave can cause major
problems, like duct bursting. When a valve in a duct is =
Ms mcv s ∆t [4]
suddenly closed, the moving column of water will stop. But,
this is not occurring instantaneously for the entire column Here mc is the mass of the cable per unit of length. The
of water (which would result in infinite pressure when the change of momentum Msvc of the stopped cable is equal to
valve is closed instantaneously). First the water at the valve FcΔt, so it follows:
stops and a pressure wave travels backwards, the amount
of water which has stopped growing with the speed of
Fc = mcv sv c [5]
sound c (about 1500 m/s in water). From this the
This equation looks similar to the Joukowsky formula for
Joukowsky formula follows for the water hammer pressure
water hammer (dividing by a surface in m2 changes force
p when a fluid with speed v is suddenly blocked [6]:
into pressure and mass per unit of length into density).
p = ρ cv [1] Writing out further, with equations [2] and [3], it is found:
spring constant kc of 60 MN (educated guess, 0.1% strain pressure drops in duct 1 and duct 2 (using Blasius). But,
at 60 kN) and stiffness B of 2500 Nm2 (rule of thumb the best results are obtained when optimizing the pressure
estimation) in SDR 11 duct 110/90 mm. For 2-dimensional in a feedback loop, maximizing the flow that comes out at
buckling (worst case) a force of 12.9 kN is found for a cable the duct connection.
speed of 1 m/s. For this force the cable is compressed
axially by about 0.022% and buckling takes about 0.014%,
a total of 0.036%. The backwards “wave” travels with more
than 2800 m/s (faster than the water wave). Max pulling
force on the cable is 18.9 kN, so with 1 m/s cable speed the
maximum force at crash is still well below this maximum.
The force on the cable at sudden stop will probably be less,
because the duct will also expand during cable buckling.
The maximum sidewall forces and the minimum bending
radius of the buckled cable can also be calculated. Their
values are far away from the critical values.
Fig. 9: Schematic view of connection to smaller duct
The above equations were derived for a sudden cable stop
due to blocking at the front end. It is also possible that
blocking occurs at the cable inlet, e.g. when a lump is
present in the cable jacket. Now the cable stops from the The remarkable technique of installing a cable into a duct
cable inlet, and the elongation is tensile. In this case a by FreeFloating (from any suitable location to any desired
forward “wave of cable under strain” is travelling, not under location, avoiding difficult to access places) has proved to
compressive but under tensile stress. Buckling storage will work in a test trial and in two pilot projects, one on land and
not occur, so equations [6] and [7] will be with a cb value of one from land to offshore. Advantages are huge, like the
zero. For a cable speed of 1 m/s the forces on the cable at possibility to install offshore cables in extreme weather
sudden stop will be 16.6 kN (still okay) and the forward conditions. It is argued that this can even be done over long
“wave” travels with speed of more than 3600 m/min. distances, e.g. 40 km away from shore, with economical
speed of 40 m/min.
Viscous pressure drop along duct
The fluid speed v for a pressure drop p over a length of duct Acknowledgments
L is given by Blasius’ equation [6]: We wish to acknowledge the following persons: Niels-
Jørgen Borch-Jensen, Johnny Sørensen, Jesper Møller,
Dd5/7 p (Siemens Gamesa), Jesper Lykke Nielsen (JD Contractor),
v = 2.9 [8] Jean Fehlbaum (Nexans), Preben Søgaard-Jørgensen,
µ1/7 ρ 3/7 L
Lars Højsgaard (NKT), Anders Thanning Lemming
Here μ is the dynamic viscosity (10-3 Pas for 20 °C water) Anderssen, Daniel Johan Brøndum, Kenneth Pfeiffer
of the fluid (note that the majority of the duct is without Andersen, Rasmus Aabye Olsen (Energinet), Thomsen
cable, so Dd can be taken as the hydraulic diameter). In Kim Høgh, René Kühle Pedersen (NCC), Morten Kosiara
order to reach a speed of 40 m/min over a 160/130 mm (Entrepenør Morten Kosiara), Olivier Perignon (EHTP),
duct with length of 40 km a water pressure of 12.4 bar is Jean-Pierre Pousaz, Victor Chaves, Feti Kont and Yvan
sufficient, leaving some pressure to FreeFloat the cable. Chappuis (Plumettaz).
Different duct diameters
Finally it will be treated how to optimize pressures and how [1] G. Plumettaz, J. Heinonen, 2009, "High voltage energy
to handle ducts with differing diameters, e.g. from export to cables go underground – how to improve installation
array (at platform) or at outer edges of a wind farm. The efficiency", Proc. 58th IWCS, 169-174.
cable then has to pass places with changes in inner duct [2] W. Griffioen, P. Blanchet, G. Plumettaz, 2011, “New
diameter, usually to a smaller one, see Fig. 9. In this case techniques to install power cables into ducts”,
the pig is replaced by a smaller one when the cable arrives, Proceedings of Jicable Conference, vol. 1, 72-77.
and reinserted into the smaller duct, closing again the duct [3] W. Griffioen, C. Gutberlet, G. Plumettaz, 2012, “New
system. FreeFloating can then be restarted until also the technique to install power cables into ducts”, Journal
rear pig comes out and is replaced, after which the cable is of Energy and Power Engineering 6, 1263-1275.
FreeFloated further into the smaller duct. No need to store
heavy cable drums at platforms in offshore wind farms! [4] W. Griffioen, C. Gutberlet, J. Mulder, L. Højsgaard, W.
Grathwohl, H. Bringsell, J. Sørensen, N-J. Borch
During the time that the cable is partly in the larger and in Jensen, 2015, “New approach to installation of
the smaller duct, pressure regulation is needed at the offshore wind energy cables”, Proceedings of Jicable
connection point. FreeFloating goes best when the force F2 Conference, paper B4.1.
on the front pig is about the same as the force F1 on the [5] W. Griffioen, 2018 “”Sonic head”, a pig enhancing
rear pig. For this a pressure pm follows in between the pigs: several techniques to install cables into ducts in many
ways”. Proc. 67th IWCS, paper 16.5.
D12 p1 + D22 p2
pm = [8] [6] V.L. Streeter, 3rd edition 1962 “Fluid mechanics”,
D12 + D22 McGraw-Hill Book Company, inc. New York.
The optimal pressure pm might differ a bit from the one of [7] W. Griffioen, W. Greven, 2008, “Protected Microducts,
equation [8]. Usually it is better to have a slightly higher F2 Overview and Current Trends”, Proc 57th IWCS, 152-
than F1. Also corrections have to be made for the viscous 159.