Physics Formulas

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0.1: Physical Constants y

u sin ✓
Speed of light c 3 ⇥ 108 m/s Projectile Motion:

Planck constant h 6.63 ⇥ 10 34 J s O u cos ✓
hc 1242 eV-nm
Gravitation constant G 6.67 ⇥ 10 11 m3 kg 1 s 2

Boltzmann constant k 1.38 ⇥ 10 23 J/K

x = ut cos ✓, y = ut sin ✓ 12 gt2
Molar gas constant R 8.314 J/(mol K)
6.023 ⇥ 1023 mol 1 g
Avogadro’s number NA y = x tan ✓ x2
Charge of electron e 1.602 ⇥ 10 19 C 2u2 cos2 ✓
Permeability of vac- µ0 4⇡ ⇥ 10 7 N/A2 2u sin ✓ u2 sin 2✓ u2 sin2 ✓
uum T = , R= , H=
g g 2g
Permitivity of vacuum ✏0 8.85 ⇥ 10 12 F/m
Coulomb constant 1
9 ⇥ 109 N m2 /C2
Faraday constant F 96485 C/mol 1.3: Newton’s Laws and Friction
Mass of electron me 9.1 ⇥ 10 31 kg
Mass of proton mp 1.6726 ⇥ 10 27 kg Linear momentum: p~ = m~v
Mass of neutron mn 1.6749 ⇥ 10 27 kg
Atomic mass unit u 1.66 ⇥ 10 27 kg Newton’s first law: inertial frame.
Atomic mass unit u 931.49 MeV/c2
Stefan-Boltzmann 5.67 ⇥ 10 8 W/(m2 K4 ) Newton’s second law: F~ = d~
dt , F~ = m~a
Rydberg constant R1 1.097 ⇥ 107 m 1 Newton’s third law: F~AB = F~BA
Bohr magneton µB 9.27 ⇥ 10 24 J/T
Bohr radius a0 0.529 ⇥ 10 10 m Frictional force: fstatic, max = µs N, fkinetic = µk N
Standard atmosphere atm 1.01325 ⇥ 105 Pa
2.9 ⇥ 10 3 m K v2 v2 µ+tan ✓
Wien displacement b Banking angle: rg = tan ✓, rg = 1 µ tan ✓
mv 2 v2
Centripetal force: Fc = r , ac = r

mv 2
1 MECHANICS Pseudo force: F~pseudo = m~a0 , Fcentrifugal = r

1.1: Vectors Minimum speed to complete vertical circle:

p p
Notation: ~a = ax ı̂ + ay |ˆ + az k̂ vmin, bottom = 5gl, vmin, top = gl
Magnitude: a = |~a| = a2x + a2y + a2z ✓
l cos ✓
Conical pendulum: T = 2⇡ ✓ T
Dot product: ~a · ~b = ax bx + ay by + az bz = ab cos ✓ g

ı̂ mg
a ⇥ ~b
~ ~b
Cross product:
✓ k̂ |ˆ
1.4: Work, Power and Energy
~a ⇥~b = (ay bz az by )ı̂ + (az bx ax bz )ˆ
| + (ax by ay bx )k̂ R
Work: W = F~ · S
~ = F S cos ✓, W = F~ · dS
|~a ⇥ ~b| = ab sin ✓
Kinetic energy: K = 12 mv 2 = 2m

1.2: Kinematics Potential energy: F = @U/@x for conservative forces.

Average and Instantaneous Vel. and Accel.: Ugravitational = mgh, Uspring = 12 kx2

~vav = ~r/ t, ~vinst = d~r/dt Work done by conservative forces is path indepen-
~aav = ~v / t ~ainst = d~v /dt dent
H and depends only on initial and final points:
F~conservative · d~r = 0.

Work-energy theorem: W = K
Motion in a straight line with constant a:
Mechanical energy: E = U + K. Conserved if forces are
v = u + at, s = ut + 12 at2 , v2 u2 = 2as
conservative in nature.

Relative Velocity: ~vA/B = ~vA ~vB Power Pav = W

t , Pinst = F~ · ~v

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1 2
2 mr m(a +b )
2 2
1.5: Centre of Mass and Collision mr 2 1
2 mr
2 2
3 mr
2 2
5 mr
2 1
12 ml
2 mr 2
Centre of mass: xcm = Pxi mi , xcm = R xdm b
mi dm a
ring disk shell sphere rod hollow solid rectangle
CM of few useful configurations:
m1 r m2
Ik Ic
1. m1 , m2 separated by r: C Theorem of Parallel Axes: Ik = Icm + md2 d
m2 r m1 r
m1 +m2 m1 +m2 cm

h z y
2. Triangle (CM ⌘ Centroid) yc = 3 h Theorem of Perp. Axes: Iz = Ix + Iy
C x

2r p
3. Semicircular ring: yc = ⇡
2r Radius of Gyration: k = I/m
r ⇡

~ = ~r ⇥ p~,
Angular Momentum: L ~ = I~
L !
4. Semicircular disc: yc = 3⇡ C 4r
r 3⇡ y
~ P ✓ ~
Torque: ~⌧ = ~r ⇥ F~ , ~⌧ = dL
dt , ⌧ = I↵ F
r ~
r x
5. Hemispherical shell: yc = 2 C r O
r 2

~ ~⌧ext = 0 =) L
Conservation of L: ~ = const.
6. Solid Hemisphere: yc = 8 C 3r
P~ P
F = ~0, ~⌧ = ~0
Equilibrium condition:
7. Cone: the height of CM from the base is h/4 for
Kinetic Energy: Krot = 12 I! 2
the solid cone and h/3 for the hollow cone.
P Dynamics:
Motion of the CM: M = mi
P ~⌧cm = Icm ↵
~, F~ext = m~acm , p~cm = m~vcm
mi~vi F~ext
~vcm = , p~cm = M~vcm , ~acm = 1 2 1 2
K = 2 mvcm + 2 Icm ! , L ~ = Icm !
~ + ~rcm ⇥ m~vcm
Impulse: J~ = F~ dt = p~
1.7: Gravitation
Before collision After collision
Collision: m1 F F m2
m1 m2 m1 m2 Gravitational force: F = G mr1 m

v1 v2 v10 v20 r
Momentum conservation: m1 v1 +m2 v2 = m1 v10 +m2 v20 GM m
Elastic Collision: 12 m1 v1 2+ 12 m2 v2 2 = 12 m1 v10 + 12 m2 v20
2 Potential energy: U = r
Coefficient of restitution: GM
Gravitational acceleration: g = R2

(v10 v20 ) 1, completely elastic
e= = Variation of g with depth: ginside ⇡ g 1 2h
v1 v2 0, completely in-elastic R

Variation of g with height: goutside ⇡ g 1 R
If v2 = 0 and m1 ⌧ m2 then v10 = v1 .
If v2 = 0 and m1 m2 then v20 = 2v1 . E↵ect of non-spherical earth shape on g:
Elastic collision with m1 = m2 : v10 = v2 and v20 = v1 . gat pole > gat equator (* Re Rp ⇡ 21 km)

E↵ect of earth rotation on apparent weight:

1.6: Rigid Body Dynamics !

✓ d✓ m! 2 R cos ✓
Angular velocity: !av = t, != dt , ~ ⇥ ~r
~v = ! mg
mg✓0 = mg 2
m! R cos ✓ 2
! d! ✓
Angular Accel.: ↵av = t, ↵= dt , ~ ⇥ ~r
~a = ↵ R

Rotation about an axis with constant ↵:

! = !0 + ↵t, ✓ = !t + 12 ↵t2 , !2 !0 2 = 2↵✓ q

Orbital velocity of satellite: vo = R
Moment of Inertia: I = i mi ri 2 , I= r2 dm q
Escape velocity: ve = R

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1.9: Properties of Matter
Kepler’s laws:
a F/A P F
Modulus of rigidity: Y = l/l , B= V V , ⌘= A✓
First: Elliptical orbit with sun at one of the focus.
Second: Areal velocity is constant. (* dL/dt = 0). Compressibility: K = 1
= 1 dV
B V dP
2 3 2 4⇡ 2 3
Third: T / a . In circular orbit T = GM a . D/D
lateral strain
Poisson’s ratio: = longitudinal strain = l/l

1.8: Simple Harmonic Motion Elastic energy: U = 2 stress ⇥ strain ⇥ volume

Hooke’s law: F = kx (for small elongation x.)

Surface tension: S = F/l
d2 x k
Acceleration: a = dt2 = mx = !2 x
pm Surface energy: U = SA
Time period: T = ! = 2⇡ k
Excess pressure in bubble:
Displacement: x = A sin(!t + )
p pair = 2S/R, psoap = 4S/R
Velocity: v = A! cos(!t + ) = ±! A2 x2
2S cos ✓
Capillary rise: h = r⇢g

Potential energy: U = 12 kx2 U

A 0 A Hydrostatic pressure: p = ⇢gh

Buoyant force: FB = ⇢V g = Weight of displaced liquid

Kinetic energy K = 12 mv 2 K
A 0 A Equation of continuity: A1 v1 = A2 v2 v2

Total energy: E = U + K = 12 m! 2 A2
Bernoulli’s equation: p + 12 ⇢v 2 + ⇢gh = constant
Torricelli’s theorem: ve✏ux = 2gh
l dv
Simple pendulum: T = 2⇡ g l Viscous force: F = ⌘A dx

q Stoke’s law: F = 6⇡⌘rv
Physical Pendulum: T = 2⇡ mgl

Volume flow ⇡pr 4 r

q Poiseuilli’s equation: time = 8⌘l
I l
Torsional Pendulum T = 2⇡ k
2r 2 (⇢ )g
Terminal velocity: vt = 9⌘

1 1 1
Springs in series: keq = k1 + k2
k1 k2

Springs in parallel: keq = k1 + k2 k2


Superposition of two SHM’s: ✏

x1 = A1 sin !t, x2 = A2 sin(!t + )

x = x1 + x2 = A sin(!t + ✏)
q Visit
A = A1 2 + A2 2 + 2A1 A2 cos to buy “IIT JEE Physics (1978-2016:
A2 sin 39 Year) Topic-wise Complete Solu-
tan ✏ = tions”. Foreword by Prof HC Verma.
A1 + A2 cos

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2 Waves 4. 1st overtone/2nd harmonics: ⌫1 = 2
2.1: Waves Motion 5. 2nd overtone/3rd harmonics: ⌫2 = 3 T
2L µ
2 2
@ y 1 @ y
General equation of wave: @x2 = v 2 @t2 . 6. All harmonics are present.

Notation: Amplitude A, Frequency ⌫, Wavelength , Pe-

riod T , Angular Frequency !, Wave Number k, L

1 2⇡ 2⇡
T = = , v=⌫ , k= String fixed at one end: N A
⌫ ! A N

Progressive wave travelling with speed v:
1. Boundary conditions: y = 0 at x = 0
y = f (t x/v), +x; y = f (t + x/v), x q
2. Allowed Freq.: L = (2n + 1) 4 , ⌫ = 2n+14L
µ, n =
y 0, 1, 2, . . ..
A q
x 1 T
3. Fundamental/1st harmonics: ⌫0 = 4L µ
Progressive sine wave: 2
3 T
4. 1st overtone/3rd harmonics: ⌫1 = 4L µ
y = A sin(kx !t) = A sin(2⇡ (x/ t/T ))
5 T
5. 2nd overtone/5th harmonics: ⌫2 = 4L µ

2.2: Waves on a String 6. Only odd harmonics are present.

Speed of waves on a string
p with mass per unit length µ
and tension T : v = T /µ p q
1 p1 . n T
Sonometer: ⌫ / L, ⌫/ T, ⌫ / µ ⌫= 2L µ
Transmitted power: Pav = 2⇡ 2 µvA2 ⌫ 2

Interference: 2.3: Sound Waves

y1 = A1 sin(kx !t), y2 = A2 sin(kx !t + ) Displacement wave: s = s0 sin !(t x/v)

y = y1 + y2 = A sin(kx !t + ✏) Pressure wave: p = p0 cos !(t x/v), p0 = (B!/v)s0
A = A1 2 + A2 2 + 2A1 A2 cos Speed of sound waves:
A2 sin s s s
tan ✏ = B Y P
A1 + A2 cos vliquid = , vsolid = , vgas =
⇢ ⇢ ⇢ ⇢
2n⇡, constructive;
(2n + 1)⇡, destructive.
2⇡ 2 B 2 2 p0 2 v p0 2
Intensity: I = v s0 ⌫ = 2B = 2⇢v
2A cos kx

Standing Waves: A N A N A
Standing longitudinal waves:
p1 = p0 sin !(t x/v), p2 = p0 sin !(t + x/v)
y1 = A1 sin(kx !t), y2 = A2 sin(kx + !t) p = p1 + p2 = 2p0 cos kx sin !t
y = y1 + y2 = (2A cos kx) sin !t

n + 12 2 , nodes; n = 0, 1, 2, . . .
n2, antinodes. n = 0, 1, 2, . . .
Closed organ pipe:

String fixed at both ends: N N


/2 1. Boundary condition: y = 0 at x = 0
2. Allowed freq.: L = (2n + 1) 4 , ⌫ = (2n + 1) 4L , n=
1. Boundary conditions: y = 0 at x = 0 and at x = L
q 0, 1, 2, . . .
n T
2. Allowed Freq.: L = n 2 , ⌫ = 2L µ , n = 1, 2, 3, . . .. 3. Fundamental/1st harmonics: ⌫0 = v
1 T 3v
3. Fundamental/1st harmonics: ⌫0 = 2L µ 4. 1st overtone/3rd harmonics: ⌫1 = 3⌫0 = 4L

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5. 2nd overtone/5th harmonics: ⌫2 = 5⌫0 = 4L S1 P
dy y
Path di↵erence: x= D d ✓
6. Only odd harmonics are present.
S2 D

Phase di↵erence: = x

N Interference Conditions: for integer n,

Open organ pipe: L A ⇢
2n⇡, constructive;
N =
(2n + 1)⇡, destructive,

1. Boundary condition: y = 0 at x = 0 ⇢
v n , constructive;
Allowed freq.: L = n 2 , ⌫ = n 4L , n = 1, 2, . . . x= 1
n+ 2 , destructive
2. Fundamental/1st harmonics: ⌫0 = 2L
2v Intensity:
3. 1st overtone/2nd harmonics: ⌫1 = 2⌫0 = 2L
4. 2nd overtone/3rd harmonics: ⌫2 = 3⌫0 = 3v I = I1 + I2 + 2 I1 I2 cos ,
2L ⇣p p ⌘2 ⇣p p ⌘2
5. All harmonics are present. Imax = I1 + I2 , Imin = I1 I2

l1 + d I1 = I2 : I = 4I0 cos2 2 , Imax = 4I0 , Imin = 0

Fringe width: w = d
l2 + d

Resonance column: Optical path: x0 = µ x

Interference of waves transmitted through thin film:

l1 + d = 2 , l2 + d = 4 , v = 2(l2 l1 )⌫ ⇢
n , constructive;
x = 2µd = 1
Beats: two waves of almost equal frequencies !1 ⇡ !2 n+ 2 , destructive.

p1 = p0 sin !1 (t x/v), p2 = p0 sin !2 (t x/v)

p = p1 + p2 = 2p0 cos !(t x/v) sin !(t x/v) Di↵raction from a single slit: b ✓
! = (!1 + !2 )/2, ! = !1 !2 (beats freq.)
For Minima: n = b sin ✓ ⇡ b(y/D)
Doppler E↵ect:
Resolution: sin ✓ = b
v + uo
⌫= ⌫0
v us ✓
Law of Malus: I = I0 cos2 ✓ I0 I
where, v is the speed of sound in the medium, u0 is
the speed of the observer w.r.t. the medium, consid-
ered positive when it moves towards the source and
negative when it moves away from the source, and us
is the speed of the source w.r.t. the medium, consid-
ered positive when it moves towards the observer and
negative when it moves away from the observer.

2.4: Light Waves

Plane Wave: E = E0 sin !(t v ), I = I0

aE0 r I0
Spherical Wave: E = r sin !(t v ), I= r2

Young’s double slit experiment to buy “IIT JEE Physics (1978-2016:
39 Year) Topic-wise Complete Solu-
tions”. Foreword by Prof HC Verma.

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h i
3 Optics Lens maker’s formula: 1
f = (µ 1) 1

3.1: Reflection of Light f

1 1
Lens formula: v u = f1 , m= v
Laws of reflection: (i)
incident i r reflected
u v
Incident ray, reflected ray, and normal lie in the same
plane (ii) \i = \r Power of the lens: P = f1 , P in diopter if f in metre.

Two thin lenses separated by distance d:

Plane mirror:
d d
(i) the image and the object are equidistant from mir- 1 1 1 d
= + d
ror (ii) virtual image of real object F f1 f2 f1 f2
f1 f2

Spherical Mirror: O
f 3.3: Optical Instruments
Simple microscope: m = D/f in normal adjustment.
1. Focal length f = R/2 Objective Eyepiece
1 1 1
2. Mirror equation: v + u = f
v O 1
3. Magnification: m = u Compound microscope:
u v fe

3.2: Refraction of Light D

v D
Refractive index: µ = speed of light in vacuum
= c 1. Magnification in normal adjustment: m = u fe
speed of light in medium v
1 2µ sin ✓
2. Resolving power: R = d =
incident reflected
sin i µ2 µ1 i
Snell’s Law: sin r = µ1 fo fe
r refracted

Astronomical telescope:
real depth d d0
Apparent depth: µ = apparent depth = d0 d I

1 1 fo
Critical angle: ✓c = sin µ
µ 1. In normal adjustment: m = fe , L = fo + fe
1 1
2. Resolving power: R = ✓ = 1.22

A 3.4: Dispersion
Deviation by a prism: i i0 Cauchy’s equation: µ = µ0 + A
, A>0
r r0 2

µ Dispersion by prism with small A and i:

1. Mean deviation: = (µy 1)A

= i + i0 A, general result y

sin A+2 m 2. Angular dispersion: ✓ = (µv µr )A

µ= , i = i0 for minimum deviation
sin A2 Dispersive power: ! = µv µr
⇡ ✓
(if A and i small)
µy 1 y

m = (µ 1)A, for small A A µ0

Dispersion without deviation:
i0 i
(µy 1)A + (µ0y 1)A0 = 0
µ1 µ2

Refraction at spherical surface: Deviation without dispersion:

P O Q (µv µr )A = (µ0v µ0r )A0
u v

µ2 µ1 µ2 µ1 µ1 v
= , m=
v u R µ2 u

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4 Heat and Thermodynamics 4.4: Theromodynamic Processes

4.1: Heat and Temperature First law of thermodynamics: Q= U+ W

Temp. scales: F = 32 + 95 C, K = C + 273.16 Work done by the gas:

Z V2
Ideal gas equation: pV = nRT , n : number of moles W = p V, W = pdV
van der Waals equation: p + a
(V b) = nRT ✓1 ◆
V2 V2
Wisothermal = nRT ln
Thermal expansion: L = L0 (1 + ↵ T ), V1
A = A0 (1 + T ), V = V0 (1 + T ), = 2 = 3↵ Wisobaric = p(V2 V1 )
F l p1 V 1 p2 V 2
Thermal stress of a material: A =Y l Wadiabatic =
Wisochoric = 0
4.2: Kinetic Theory of Gases
General: M = mNA , k = R/NA T1
n Efficiency of the heat engine: W
Maxwell distribution of speed: T2

vp v̄ vrms v work done by the engine Q1 Q2

⌘= =
q q heat supplied to it Q1
3kT 3RT
RMS speed: vrms = m = M
Q2 T2
⌘carnot = 1 =1
q q Q1 T1
8kT 8RT
Average speed: v̄ = ⇡m = ⇡M
q Q1
Most probable speed: vp = 2kT Coe↵. of performance of refrigerator: W
Pressure: p = 13 ⇢vrms
Q2 Q2
COP = W = Q1 Q2
Equipartition of energy: K = 12 kT for each degree of Rf
freedom. Thus, K = f2 kT for molecule having f de- Entropy: S= T , Sf Si = i T
grees of freedoms.
Q Tf
Const. T : S= T, Varying T : S = ms ln Ti
Internal energy of n moles of an ideal gas is U = 2 nRT .
Adiabatic process: Q = 0, pV = constant

4.3: Specific Heat

4.5: Heat Transfer
Specific heat: s = m T Q T
Conduction: t = KA x
Latent heat: L = Q/m x
Thermal resistance: R = KA
Specific heat at constant volume: Cv = n T ⇣ ⌘
V 1 x1 x2 K1 K2 A
Rseries = R1 + R2 = A K1 + K2
Q x1 x2
Specific heat at constant pressure: Cp = n T
K2 A2
1 1 1 1
Relation between Cp and Cv : Cp Cv = R Rparallel = R1 + R2 = x (K1 A1 + K2 A2 ) K1 A1

Ratio of specific heats: = Cp /Cv
emissive power Ebody
Relation between U and Cv : U = nCv T Kirchho↵ ’s Law: absorptive power = abody = Eblackbody

Specific heat of gas mixture: E

Wien’s displacement law: mT =b

n1 Cv1 + n2 Cv2 n1 Cp1 + n2 Cp2
Cv = , =
n1 + n2 n1 Cv1 + n2 Cv2 m

Molar internal energy of an ideal gas: U = f2 RT , Stefan-Boltzmann law: t = eAT 4
f = 3 for monatomic and f = 5 for diatomic gas. dT
Newton’s law of cooling: dt = bA(T T0 )

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5 Electricity and Magnetism 5.3: Capacitors

5.1: Electrostatics Capacitance: C = q/V

q +q
Coulomb’s law: F~ = 1 q1 q2
4⇡✏0 r 2 r̂ q1 r q2 Parallel plate capacitor: C = ✏0 A/d
~ r) =
Electric field: E(~ 1 q
4⇡✏0 r 2 r̂
q ~
1 q1 q2
Electrostatic energy: U = 4⇡✏0 r Spherical capacitor: C = 4⇡✏0 r1 r2
q +q
r 2 r1
1 q
Electrostatic potential: V = 4⇡✏0 r

Z ~
dV = ~ · ~r,
E V (~r) = ~ · d~r
E 2⇡✏0 l r2
1 Cylindrical capacitor: C = ln(r2 /r1 ) l
Electric dipole moment: p~ = q d~ q +q
d A
Capacitors in parallel: Ceq = C1 + C2 C1 C2
1 p cos ✓ V (r)
Potential of a dipole: V = 4⇡✏0 r 2
✓ r
1 1 1
~ Capacitors in series: Ceq = C1 + C2
C1 C2

Er Force between plates of a parallel plate capacitor:

Field of a dipole: Q2
✓ r F = 2A✏
E✓ 0
Er = 1 2p cos ✓
4⇡✏0 r3 , E✓ = 1 p sin ✓
4⇡✏0 r 3
Energy stored in capacitor: U = 12 CV 2 = 2C = 12 QV

~ ~⌧ = p~ ⇥ E
Torque on a dipole placed in E: ~ Energy density in electric field E: U/V = 12 ✏0 E 2
✏0 KA
~ U=
Pot. energy of a dipole placed in E: ~
p~ · E Capacitor with dielectric: C = d

5.2: Gauss’s Law and its Applications 5.4: Current electricity

Electric flux: = E ~ · dS
Current density: j = i/A = E
Gauss’s law: E ~ · dS~ = qin /✏0 Drift speed: vd = 1 eE i
2 m⌧ = neA

Field of a uniformly charged ring on its axis: Resistance of a wire: R = ⇢l/A, where ⇢ = 1/
1 qx a
EP = 4⇡✏0 (a2 +x2 )3/2 q ~
E Temp. dependence of resistance: R = R0 (1 + ↵ T )
x P
Ohm’s law: V = iR
E and V (of a uniformly charged sphere:
1 Qr Kirchho↵ ’s Laws: (i) The Junction Law: The algebraic
4⇡✏0 R3 , for r < R E
E= 1 Q sum of all the currents directed towards a node is zero
4⇡✏0 r 2 , for r R r
( R i.e., ⌃node Ii = 0. (ii)The Loop Law: The algebraic
1 Qr sum of all the potential di↵erences along a closed loop
V = 4⇡✏0 R3 , for r < R V
1 Q in a circuit is zero i.e., ⌃loop Vi = 0.
4⇡✏0 r , for r R r
1 1 1 A
E and V of a uniformly charged spherical shell: Resistors in parallel: Req = R1 + R2 R1 R2
⇢ B
0, for r < R E
E= 1 Q
4⇡✏0 r 2 , for r R O
r Resistors in series: Req = R1 + R2 R1 R2
1 Q
4⇡✏0 R , for r < R V
V = 1 Q R1 R2
4⇡✏0 r , for r R r " G
O R Wheatstone bridge:
R3 R4
Field of a line charge: E = 2⇡✏0 r V
Balanced if R1 /R2 = R3 /R4 .
Field of an infinite sheet: E = 2✏0
Electric Power: P = V 2 /R = I 2 R = IV
Field in the vicinity of conducting surface: E = ✏0

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i ig G i ~
Energy of a magnetic dipole placed in B:
Galvanometer as an Ammeter: i ig U= µ ~
~ ·B
ig G = (i ig )S Bi l B
Hall e↵ect: Vw = ned w
R G i d z
Galvanometer as a Voltmeter: "
A ig B
VAB = ig (R + G)
5.6: Magnetic Field due to Current
i ~
Charging of capacitors: ~ = µ0 i d~l⇥~
Biot-Savart law: dB 4⇡ r 3 ✓
V d~l
h t
q(t) = CV 1 e RC

t Field due to a straight conductor: i
d ~
Discharging of capacitors: q(t) = q0 e RC
q(t) ✓1
µ0 i
B= 4⇡d (cos ✓1 cos ✓2 )
Time constant in RC circuit: ⌧ = RC
µ0 i
Field due to an infinite straight wire: B = 2⇡d

H Peltier heat
Peltier e↵ect: emf e = Q = charge transferred . dF µ 0 i1 i2 i1 i2
Force between parallel wires: dl = 2⇡d

e d
Seeback e↵ect: T
T0 Tn Ti
1. Thermo-emf: e = aT + 12 bT 2 Field on the axis of a ring: i ~
2. Thermoelectric power: de/dt = a + bT .
µ0 ia2
3. Neutral temp.: Tn = a/b. BP = 2(a2 +d2 )3/2
4. Inversion temp.: Ti = 2a/b.
µ0 i✓
H Thomson heat Field at the centre of an arc: B = ~ ✓ i
Thomson e↵ect: emf e = Q = charge transferred = T. 4⇡a B
Faraday’s law of electrolysis: The mass deposited is
µ0 i
Field at the centre of a ring: B = 2a
m = Zit = F Eit H
Ampere’s law: ~ · d~l = µ0 Iin
where i is current, t is time, Z is electrochemical equiv-
alent, E is chemical equivalent, and F = 96485 C/g is Field inside a solenoid: B = µ0 ni, n = N
Faraday constant. l

µ0 N i
5.5: Magnetism Field inside a toroid: B = 2⇡r r

Lorentz force on a moving charge: F~ = q~v ⇥ B

~ + qE
Charged particle in a uniform magnetic field: d
v Field of a bar magnet: ~1
q mv 2⇡m
r= qB , T = qB d
~⌦ r µ0 2M µ0 M
B B1 = 4⇡ d3 , B2 = 4⇡ d3

B Horizontal Bh
Force on a current carrying wire: ~l Angle of dip: Bh = B cos
Bv B
F i

F~ = i ~l ⇥ B
Tangent galvanometer: Bh tan ✓ = µ0 ni
2r , i = K tan ✓
Magnetic moment of a current loop (dipole): k
Moving coil galvanometer: niAB = k✓, i= nAB ✓
µ ~
~ A
µ ~
~ = iA q
i I
Time period of magnetometer: T = 2⇡ M Bh
~ ~⌧ = µ
Torque on a magnetic dipole placed in B: ~
~ ⇥B
~ = µH
Permeability: B ~

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5.7: Electromagnetic Induction R
H RC circuit: i !C

~ · dS
Magnetic flux: = B
p ˜
e0 sin !t

Faraday’s law: e = d Z= R2 + (1/!C)2 , tan = !CR


Lenz’s Law: Induced current create a B-field that op- L R R

poses the change in magnetic flux. LR circuit: i

+ p !L
e0 sin !t

Z= R 2 + ! 2 L2 , tan = R
Motional emf: e = Blv l ~
v ⌦B

L C R 1
!C Z
LCR Circuit: i
!C !L
Self inductance: = Li, e= L dt
q ˜
e0 sin !t
!L R

Self inductance of a solenoid: L = µ0 n2 (⇡r2 l) 2 1

1 !L
Z= R2 + !C !L , tan = !C
h i q
t 1 1
Growth of current in LR circuit: i = Re 1 e L/R ⌫resonance = 2⇡ LC

L R Power factor: P = erms irms cos
e 0.63 R

t N1 e1 e1 N1 N2 e2
Transformer: = e2 , e 1 i1 = e2 i2
S i L
˜ i1 i2
Decay of current in LR circuit: i = i0 e L/R p
Speed of the EM waves in vacuum: c = 1/ µ0 ✏0
L R i

S i L

Time constant of LR circuit: ⌧ = L/R

Energy stored in an inductor: U = 12 Li2

U B2
Energy density of B field: u = V = 2µ0

Mutual inductance: = M i, e= M dt

EMF induced in a rotating coil: e = N AB! sin !t

Alternating current: t
i = i0 sin(!t + ),
T = 2⇡/!
Average current in AC: ī = T1 0 i dt = 0

h R i1/2 i2
1 T i0
RMS current: irms = T 0
i2 dt = p

Energy: E = irms 2 RT
Capacitive reactance: Xc = !C

Inductive reactance: XL = !L

Imepedance: Z = e0 /i0
to buy “IIT JEE Physics (1978-2016:
39 Year) Topic-wise Complete Solu-
tions”. Foreword by Prof HC Verma.

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6 Modern Physics N0

Population at time t: N = N0 e N0
6.1: Photo-electric e↵ect 2

O t1/2 t
Photon’s energy: E = h⌫ = hc/

Photon’s momentum: p = h/ = E/c Half life: t1/2 = 0.693/

Max. KE of ejected photo-electron: Kmax = h⌫ Average life: tav = 1/

Threshold freq. in photo-electric e↵ect: ⌫0 = /h Population after n half lives: N = N0 /2n .

V0 Mass defect: m = [Zmp + (A Z)mn ] M

hc 1 hc
Stopping potential: Vo = e e
Binding energy: B = [Zmp + (A Z)mn M ] c2
Q-value: Q = Ui Uf
de Broglie wavelength: = h/p
Energy released in nuclear reaction: E = mc2
where m = mreactants mproducts .
6.2: The Atom
Energy in nth Bohr’s orbit: 6.4: Vacuum tubes and Semiconductors

mZ 2 e4 13.6Z 2 D
En = , En = eV Half Wave Rectifier:
8✏0 2 h2 n2 n2 R Output

Radius of the nth Bohr’s orbit:

✏ 0 h2 n 2 n2 a 0 Full Wave Rectifier:
rn = , rn = , a0 = 0.529 Å
⇡mZe2 Z ˜ Output

Quantization of the angular momentum: l = 2⇡

Triode Valve: Cathode

Photon energy in state transition: E2 E1 = h⌫ Filament Plate

E2 E2
h⌫ h⌫
E1 Plate resistance of a triode: rp = ip
Absorption Vg =0

Wavelength of emitted radiation: for a transition Transconductance of a triode: gm =

from nth to mth state: Vp =0

1 2 1 1 Amplification by a triode: µ =
= RZ Vg
ip =0
n2 m2
Relation between rp , µ, and gm : µ = rp ⇥ gm

I K↵
X-ray spectrum: min = eV
Ie Ic
Current in a transistor: Ie = Ib + Ic
min ↵
Moseley’s law: ⌫ = a(Z b)
↵ and parameters of a transistor: ↵ = Ie , =
X-ray di↵raction: 2d sin ✓ = n Ic
= 1 ↵↵
Ib ,

Heisenberg uncertainity principle: Ic

Transconductance: gm = Vbe
p x h/(2⇡), E t h/(2⇡)
Logic Gates:
6.3: The Nucleus 0 0 0 0 1 1 0
0 1 0 1 1 0 1
Nuclear radius: R = R0 A1/3 , R0 ⇡ 1.1 ⇥ 10 15
m 1 0 0 1 1 0 1
1 1 1 1 0 0 0
Decay rate: dt = N

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7 IIT JEE Physics Book 34. Electromagnetic Induction

35. Alternating Current
7.1: Book Description 36. Electromagnetic Waves
37. Electric Current through Gases
Two IIT batch-mates have worked together to provide a 38. Photoelectric E↵ect and Wave-Particle Duality
high quality Physics problem book to Indian students. It is 39. Bohr’s Model and Physics of the Atom
an indispensable collection of four decades of IIT questions 40. X-rays
and their illustrated solutions for any serious aspirant. The 41. Semiconductors and Semiconductor Devices
success of this work lies in making the readers capable to 42. The Nucleus
solve complex problems using few basic principles. The
readers are also asked to attempt variations of the solved
problems to help them understand the concepts better. Key 7.3: About Authors
features of the book are:
• 1350+ solved problems in 2 volumes Jitender Singh is working as a Scientist in DRDO. He
• Concept building by problem solving has a strong academic background with Integrated M. Sc.
• IIT preparation with school education (5 years) in Physics from IIT Kanpur and M. Tech. in
• Topic and year-wise content arrangement Computational Science from IISc Bangalore. He is All India
• Promotes self learning Rank 1 in GATE and loves to solve physics problems. He
• Quality typesetting and figures is a member of Prof. H.C. Verma’s team which is dedicated
The readers can use the book as a readily available mentor to improve the quality of physics education in the country.
for providing hints or complete solutions as per their needs.
Shraddhesh Chaturvedi holds a degree in Integrated
M. Sc. (5 years) in Physics from IIT Kanpur. He is pas-
7.2: About Contents sionate about problem solving in physics and enhancing
the quality of texts available to Indian students. His ca-
The volume 1 of the book covers three parts: Mechanics, reer spans many industries where he has contributed with
Waves, and Optics. The list of chapters in this volume are: his knowledge of physics and mathematics. An avid reader
1. Units and Measurements and a keen thinker, his philosophical writings are a joy to
2. Rest and Motion: Kinematics read.
3. Newton’s Laws of Motion
4. Friction
5. Circular Motion 7.4: Where to Buy
6. Work and Energy
7. Centre of Mass, Linear Momentum, Collision Please visit to find links
8. Rotational Mechanics to the books page on Amazon. This website also give ad-
9. Gravitation ditional information about the book.
10. Simple Harmonic Motion
11. Fluid Mechanics
12. Some Mechanical Properties of Matter
13. Wave Motion and Waves on a String
14. Sound Waves
15. Light Waves
16. Geometrical Optics
17. Optical Instruments
18. Dispersion and Spectra
19. Photometry
The volume 2 of the book covers three parts: Thermody-
namics, Electromagnetism, and Modern Physics. The list
of chapters in this volume are:
20. Heat and Temperature
21. Kinetic Theory of Gases
22. Calorimetry
23. Laws of Thermodynamics
24. Specific Heat Capacities of Gases
25. Heat Transfer
26. Electric Field and Potential
27. Gauss’s Law
28. Capacitors
29. Electric Current in Conductors
30. Thermal and Chemical E↵ects of Electric Current
31. Magnetic Field
32. Magnetic Field due to a Current
33. Permanent Magnets

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