3 Four Big Moves Finance Should Make Now Ebook
3 Four Big Moves Finance Should Make Now Ebook
3 Four Big Moves Finance Should Make Now Ebook
Albert Einstein famously said, “in the middle of difficulty CFOs are making big moves to get
lies opportunity.” COVID-19 has fundamentally changed
how companies do business, whether that means adopting out in front of the competition,
a digital sales model, adapting to shifts in consumer
behavior, or dealing with a new competitor. Yet those
shifting their business models,
organizations that were prepared for change—and those leveraging mergers and
that rapidly embrace change now—can turn unprecedented
challenges into growth.
acquisitions (M&A) or divestitures
to support change, and investing
“The companies best positioned for the COVID era had
technology that allowed them to adapt quickly to changing
in automation to accelerate the
times: touchless transactions, robotics, online commerce, close and manage risk.
or the infrastructure needed to support a decentralized
workforce,” says a September 2020 article in the Wall Indeed, the global health and economic crises have
Street Journal. “Their success may define and reshape the accelerated the digitization of everything from internal
business world for some time to come.” processes, to products and services, to customer
interactions. A McKinsey & Company survey of global
CFOs are leading the charge, making big moves to get executives found that in the case of remote working,
out in front of the competition, shifting their business companies moved 40 times more quickly than they
models, leveraging mergers and acquisitions (M&A) or thought possible before the pandemic. From September
divestitures to support change, and investing in automation 2019 to July 2020, the global average share of products
to accelerate finance and manage risk. At Oracle, we’ve seen and services that were partially or fully digitized jumped
many customers succeed during the global economic crisis to 55 percent—seven years ahead of the average rate
created by COVID-19, having modernized their processes, of adoption from 2017 to 2019. In that same period, the
technology, and workforce prior to 2020. average share of customer interactions that were digital
Kyle Hawke, a former partner in McKinsey & Company’s Agility to respond to changes in supply chain demand
Corporate Business Function practice, agreed that
3 “We had already moved our operations from China to Texas
organizations must make bold decisions to withstand in response to tariff increases, and to diversify sourcing,”
disruption brought on by the pandemic. “This is a time said Giovanni Schoordijk, Oracle’s senior director of supply
chain strategy and process. “That set us up for success
to shelve any sort of incremental thinking and seek out
during COVID-19.” With Oracle Fusion Cloud SCM, his team
transformational plans that could boost revenues or reduce
has also been able to respond quickly to change: they have
costs, not by 5 percent to 10 percent, but by 30 percent the sourcing flexibility to deal with supply and workforce
to 40 percent in [certain] pockets of the business,” he constraints around the world, and can make frequent
told attendees of a recent webcast series produced by adjustments in demand planning to reflect coronavirus
the Association of International Certified Professional lockdown patterns, surge demand, and budget constraints.
Accountants (AICPA and CIMA) and Oracle. He cited
research from McKinsey & Company revealing that in the
last financial crisis, the companies that outperformed the
Read more about our transformation.
market pursued productivity improvements more often and
more frequently than others, reducing their operating costs
by three times as much as their peers to create the capacity
for growth during recovery.
finance-led growth
can pull to strengthen the balance sheet and optimize cash
forecasting. Many companies, including lululemon, are
using scenario modeling within Oracle Fusion Cloud EPM to
address uncertainties and guide decision-making.
“Huge moves require support from a very resilient, agile, Understanding costs to
innovative, and visionary finance function,” said Oracle’s
Ivgen Guner, executive vice president of global business
uncover new opportunities
finance. She’s turbocharging the role of financial planning As organizations reimagine their future, they’re
and analysis (FP&A) by investing in new finance skills and examining their most and least profitable lines of business,
technologies that empower her team to shift direction in locations, or products, so they can shift resources as
meaningful ways. That means optimizing not only planning necessary. Profitability and cost management solutions
and forecasting, but closing and reporting as well—the set help them identify areas to reduce costs and uncover
of processes that make up a complete EPM suite. investment opportunities.
Cloud EPM solutions are adding tremendous value. They Zero-based budgeting—a method where finance
offer an alternative to spreadsheets, traditional on-premises creates an annual budget based solely on costs with a
tools, and niche solutions that are insufficient when it justified need, rather than simply modifying the previous
comes to analyzing the impact of outlier events, such as year’s spending—is also key when it comes to resource
COVID-19, and rapidly aligning (and realigning) plans not allocation. It gives you an enterprisewide view and deeper
only across finance, but all lines of business. understanding of your exact spend, so you can control
costs and reprioritize as needed. Since it’s more detailed
Forward-looking finance teams are using cloud-based EPM
applications in three specific ways as they lead through
change and plan for growth.
make now
Improving communication
and reporting
Once a strategy is developed, finance needs to share In the planning process and beyond, CFOs and their teams
their plans with key business stakeholders and investors. should pay attention to four key opportunities to move their
Never has it been more critical to give those stakeholders business forward and to the technologies that can
confidence in the numbers, and to answer inevitable fuel success.
questions, such as, “Why isn’t this in line with original
forecasts?” and “Why are you doing this instead of that?”
This is where a narrative reporting tool shines, enabling
1 Embrace business model innovation
finance to combine quality corporate data with rich Rapid changes in customer behavior during COVID-19 are
narrative text for more detail and clarity. Oracle’s research making one thing clear: organizations must innovate and
on the value of EPM reveals that 90 percent of companies respond faster to survive, compete, and reignite growth.
agree that this type of qualitative commentary is critical— We’ve seen companies launch new products and services
yet most of them spend their days gathering data, with little and rethink their business models—universities are shifting
time to provide context to the numbers. Narrative reporting to online education programs, retailers are abandoning
adds accuracy and consistency to the reporting process for malls in favor of ecommerce and “off mall” locations, and
better internal and external discussions. B2B companies and associations are swapping onsite
events for virtual forums. In a poll of global participants
in the AICPA-CIMA webcast series, 46 percent of more
than 1000 respondents said they were focused on new
business models to prepare their companies for competitive
advantage in the next stage of the pandemic. Likewise,
PwC’s recent US CFO Pulse Survey found that changes to
products and services are deemed as most important for
rebuilding and enhancing revenue streams.
Western Digital faced this challenge when it merged three Finance: Scenario modeling helps teams assess the
Fortune 500-sized companies—Western Digital, SanDisk, outcomes of M&A and divestitures and improve
and HGST—and their three separate ERP systems. “We planning. Enterprise data management (EDM) connects
wanted a streamlined process, something end-to-end the data structures of disparate applications from
from the point you capture the data to the point you want merging companies.
to report out the data,” said Bill Roy, a senior director at the
company. Western Digital chose to reimagine its business Cloud ERP solutions can provide an enterprisewide
in the cloud, implementing Oracle Fusion Cloud ERP rather accounting platform for financial processes, corporate
than move data from among three systems. accounting, and financial reporting—a single source
of financial truth among corporate accounting and
FP&A teams.
Skechers is one organization that has been successful in 5 Continuously monitor configuration changes
transforming internal audit and compliance in the cloud.
To support the footwear company’s rapid growth and keep Continuously monitor payments and other
up with new and evolving regulatory requirements, Ashwat 6 critical transactions
Panchal, Skecher’s vice president of internal audit, turned to
Oracle Risk Management. Panchal was able to ensure local 7 Digitize SOX, audit, and certification workflows
compliance, while saving the business time and money. He
accomplished this with a lean, six-person team auditing the
$4.5B company. 8 Digitize enterprise risk management workflows