Crime Causation Theories
Crime Causation Theories
Crime Causation Theories
Summary of Reports
1.ASUNCION, Biosocial Theory, Biosocial theory explains personality disorders and mental illnesses, personality
or human behavior in terms of biological predispositions as modified by social or
environmental circumstances, as biologically-determined personality traits
react to environmental stimuli. Evolutionary theory is a broad-based belief that
some types of sexual behavior are genetically encoded and transmitted down
through generations via evolution, natural sex, and survival.
2.ACEDO, Arousal Theory, According to arousal theory, delinquents and criminals have low arousal levels.
ROCHELLE B. Life Course As a result, they are neurologically predisposed to seek stimulation in a number
of ways and to bear more suffering in order to do so. Life course theories take an
The latent trait theory proposes that certain persons have a personal attribute
Latent Trait that contributes to their desire to commit crime. This can be evident in the fact
that these people have a hidden, or concealed, trait or attribute that regulates
3.PEGA, Theory, Family their impulses. The Jukes and the Kallikaks were pseudonyms for two families that
4.DELATOR JR, Somatotyping Somatotyping is the classification of persons into kinds based on their physical
JOSELITO A. Theory, characteristics. The somatotype theory connects unique body types to
personality traits and criminal behavior to body types. Physiognomy is the study
5.JAVIER, MARK Phrenology, Phrenology was one of the first to propose that instead of vindictive punishments
that would not deter criminals, they should be rehabilitated. Only through
ISAAC B. Nature Theory rearranging a confused mind could reform occur. According to nature theories,
the etiology of criminal behavior is biologically based on genetic inheritance,
brain structure and function, and other psychological responses.
6.ANCHETA, BEE- Rational Choice Rational choice theory proposed by Gary Becker argues that an individual
would act rationally to minimize the cost and maximize the benefit of
JAY P. Theory, Routine committing a crime. Other personality have their own version of the definition of
Rational Choice. One of the best example of rational choice theory is the white-
Activity Theory collar crime. The routine activities theory is a well-known theory in the fields of
criminology and sociology that tries to explain why crime happens. It was
originally developed by Lawrence Cohen and Marcus Felson.
Lifestyle Theory,
7.LOVERIA, RHEA Deterrence and The lifestyle theory proposes that people are more likely to become victims of
crime if their habits of behavior put them at risk. Specific deterrence works by
JASMINE N. Specific scaring an individual defendant with the prospect of punishment. By terrifying
the public with the punishment of a single defendant, general deterrence inhibits
Deterrence crime.
Victim Precipitation
According to the victim precipitation theory, the victim's attributes cause
Theory, the crime to occur. The idea of incapacitation theory holds that the
MAE NICA O. Incapacitation government has a responsibility to protect the public against future
wrongdoings or injuries, and that this duty can be met through jail or
Theory incapacitation.
Psychodynamic The brain is divided into three sections (i.e., tripartite), the id, ego, and
Theory and superego, which all develop at different points in our lives, according to
psychodynamic theory. These are systems, not brain parts or physical
The oral, anal, phallic, latent, and genital stages are the five stages of
Stages of Human psychosexual theory, with the erogenous zone associated with each stage
Behavioral Theory type of training in which a person's behavior is taught and reinforced
through the use of rewards or punishment.
10.CUPINO, NEL Social Learning that claims that crime is learned and more likely to occur when people
associate differently with criminals, are exposed to more delinquent
EIZON S. Theory, models, expect or receive more rewards and fewer punishments for crime,
and have a larger number of definitions favorable to crime.
Moral Development Kohlberg's moral development theory is a study of how kids learn morality
11.HERNANDEZ, Theory, and moral reasoning. According to Kohlberg's theory, moral development
develops in six stages. Moral logic, according to the theory, is primarily
can explain intergenerational transmission theory of criminal conduct:
Transmission potential biogenetic risk, social learning (or imitation of parents'
12.CARATIQUIT, Differential theories of crime causation, typified by a focus on social conflict and
Reinforcement through differential association with deviant peers. They then learn how to
reap rewards and avoid punishment in relation to the actual or projected
Theory consequences of a specific behavior through differential reinforcement.
ANDREA S. Theory, Integrated different theoretical approaches, integrated theories of crime attempt to
resolve the social divisions that exist among the older explanations of
crime. An integrated approach acknowledges that crime is a complex,
multidimensional problem with various causes.
Maternal the mother) can lead to long-term cognitive, social, and emotional
15.BALAGUER, Theory,
activities with the person's locality, i.e., the person's location influences
his/her behavior, whether he/she will indulge or not. Ernest Burgess' insights
16.BALOIS, Anomie Theory, conduct because they believe there is no reason not to. To put it another way, the
person feels isolated, useless, and as though their efforts to achieve anything else
EMAN Strain Theory are futile. Certain strains or pressures, according to strain theories, enhance the
chance of crime. Negative emotions such as dissatisfaction and rage are triggered
by these tensions. These feelings put pressure on people to take action, and one
option is to commit a crime.
17.ANDRES, Relative
WREN RANIELLE Deprivation Relative deprivation theory belief that certain people are deprived (materially or
otherwise) in comparison to others in society. According to left realists, this, along
C. Theory, General with marginalization and subcultures, is a major contributor to crime. The General
Strain Theory is a social structure theory of crime that "fits the positivist mode in
Strain Theory that they believe that these social forces push or encourage people to commit crime."
18.GONZALES, Cultural Deviance Shaw and McKay claimed that delinquent or criminal behavior is caused by the
transmission of cultural norms that lead to criminal or delinquent behavior.
CHARLES NOAH Theory, Delinquent behavior, according to Miller, evolved as a result of "focal concerns," or
a group of topics with which the subjects are deeply emotionally invested, and
Subculture Theory ideals and morals, which enable their members to obtain respect and notoriety.
Because of these new rules, the behavior demonstrated within the subculture is
fundamentally different from that displayed outside the subculture.
19.PORCA, BEA Opportunity
Young people turn to delinquency, according to Cloward and Ohlin's delinquent
and opportunity theory, because they are shut out of more genuine opportunities.
abnormal by society. Drift is a "soft determinism," meaning that delinquency can be
both self-selected and determined.
20.MIRANDA, Association
Individuals learn the values, attitudes, tactics, and motives for criminal
behavior through interaction with others, according to Edwin Sutherland's
STEPHANY Theory, differential association theory in criminology. Push and pull factors are
presented in the containment theory. This strategy appears to be quite logical
SHANE S. Containment and rational. It emphasized "push-pull" factors as explanations for deviant
behavior, such as "internal" pushes like unhappiness and rebellion, as well as
Social Bond According to Travis Hirschi's control or social bonding theory, those with deep and
21.NAVARRA, Theory, Social lasting attachments to traditional society (in the form of attachments, engagement,
investment, and belief) are less likely to rebel than people with weak or shallow
CHARITY MAE A. Reaction: bonds. The sociology of deviance's social reaction or labeling theory focuses on the
methods in which social control agents attach stigmatizing stereotypes to specific
Labelling Theory groups, as well as the ways in which the stigmatized change their conduct after
being labeled.
22.BRUNO, Primary and Primary deviance refers to behaviors that have not been publicly
REYDEN JOHN S. Secondary identified and therefore are of little significance, while secondary
deviance refers to deviance that is the result of others' actions and
therefore is noteworthy.
23.NONISA, Karl Marx's
Theory, Friedrich
Karl Marx's Marxism is a social, political, and economic ideology that focuses on the
fight between capitalists and workers. Marx believed that capitalist-worker power
warfare. According to Bonger, the capitalist economic structure can have a
Bonger's Theory
negative impact on society by encouraging criminal activity and allowing it to
develop. Bonger is widely regarded as a founding father of critical criminology.
Biopsychosocial The biopsychosocial model is a multidisciplinary approach to criminal
Model of Crime
behavior (and related outcomes, such as antisocial behavior and its
Criminal help an offender in committing a crime are also criminally liable (for
example, by providing information, implements, or practical assistance).
Premenstrual syndrome can be used as an insanity defense to a criminal charge
Premenstrual if the defendant can show that (1 ) “) she was suffering from premenstrual
syndrome at the time the crime was committed; and (2) as a result of her
Syndrome, condition, either the criminal act was involuntary or she did not have the mental
injuries acquired by a kid as a result of physical abuse, which is frequently
perpetrated by an adult caregiver.
Battered child syndrome can result in internal injuries, scrapes, burns, bruises,
and broken or fractured bones.
Battered Woman
Syndrome, Battered woman syndrome, also known as battered person syndrome, is a
psychological illness that occurs when a person is abused, usually by an intimate
26.VILLANUEVA, Postpartum partner. Postpartum stress syndrome is a sort of adjustment disorder in which a
stressful external event (hello, pregnancy and childbirth) causes emotions of
JUSTINE MAE U. Stress Syndrome relentless stress that are far more extreme than expected. You have a strong
desire to be the perfect mother but feel like you're failing at it if you have
27.BENOSA, Marxist Marxist criminology is a theory that tries to explain crime using Marxist principles.
According to Marxist criminology, criminality occurs during capitalism's struggle
MARK LESTER B. Conflict Theory
for resources as those on the bottom compete for social, political, and economic
equality. Conflict theory is a set of criminological theories that asserts that
antisocial behavior is defined by those in society who wield social and economic
power, known as the ruling class. Antisocial behavior is a product of social and
economic inequality, as well as class struggle.
28.QUIMSON, Social Reality of Crime is defined as a legal definition of human action generated by agents of the
deviance is left realism. Left realists think that living in a capitalistic society, such as
one in which private entities control trade and industry rather than the government,
is the primary source of crime.
29.MANALO Theory, Postmodern criminology is a critically animate theoretical framework that
MICA MAE R. Institutive- accounts for the challenges of crime and the prospects of justice at the
self/society divide in a humanistic manner. CONSTITUTIVE theory was a new
30.ZAPANTA, Conservatism Conservative theory is a political view that emphasizes the importance of
and Liberalism
established institutions and practices. Individuals are required to preserve
society. Liberalism is a political and economic theory that emphasizes
individual autonomy, equal opportunity, and the defense of individual rights
(mainly to life, liberty, and property), initially against the state and later
against both the state and private economic actors, such as enterprises.
Radical criminology is a conflict ideology that views crime and law from the
perspective that capitalism societies generate and define crime as the owners of
Identity Fusion
the means of production utilize their authority to pass laws that govern the
working class and repress threats to the ruling class's power. According to
Identity Fusion Theory, strongly bonded individuals form family- relationships
with other group members, even if they have had little or no contact with them
previously. The relational links principle has been empirically supported in
several investigations.
Life Course
32.DILIDILI, PAUL Theory, Latent
The theory looks at a person's entire life history, for example, how early events
influenced later decisions and events like marriage and divorce, criminal activity,
and disease incidence.
Trait Theory
The Trait Theory is a criminological theory that asserts that certain personality
qualities can lead one to criminal behavior. It is based on Michael Lombroso's theory
that criminals are physical and mental throwbacks to a more primal state.
33.LARROZA, Interactional Theoretical variables and delinquency have reciprocal causal connection,
MAE CHARISSE Theory, Age- according to interactional theory. Laub's Age Graded Theory, also known as the
Theory of Turning Points, describes how an individual's crime load changes
D. Graded Theory throughout time as a result of biographical events. They do this by using so-called
'Turning Points,' which can intensify, diminish, or interrupt criminal behavior.
Differential Coercion is a force that motivates people to act based on their fear or
34.DACULLA, Coercion Theory, discomfort. While, differential means altering the regularity of exposure.
Differential coercion theory is a criminological theory that explains how coercion
ANDREW J. Control Balance affects the likelihood of committing a crime. Control balance theory is centered on
the idea of control, which is the degree to which others and a surroundings person's
Theory can limit an individual ’s behavioural and the amount where an individual can
escape from these controls and wield such control over others.
Adler's Theory of Hegemonic masculinity is defined as a method that validates men's dominant
position in society while also justifying the subjection of the general male
35.LOYOLA, Masculinity, population, women, and other marginalized male identities. In criminology,
masculinity is thought to be significant when it comes to criminal activity, and
RALPH EDRIAN P Opportunity feminist research has shown that boys and men would participate in criminal
behavior if they are unable to "perform their gender" properly. According to the
Theory opportunity theory, every crime requires an opportunity, but not every opportunity
leads to a crime. This hypothesis examines how changes in one's lifestyle or daily
habits enhance the risk of crime.
36.MONTEMAYO Theory, Critical
Both criminality and non-criminality are explained using marginalization theory.
Left realists, on the other hand, argue that criminality is caused by the
marginalization of young people and some minority ethnic groups.
R, MARIANE B. Feminist Theory The adjective critical is used to modify feminist theory, implying that all feminist
theory challenges society's patriarchal image of women. In this viewpoint, feminist
theory is a critical theory that represents the radical premise that women are
Power-Control Power Control theory, developed by John Hagan, explains why men and women have
different crime rates. This blames issues on the fact that boys and girls are raised
37.HELARIO, Theory, Sigmund differently in homes. Girls are more heavily regulated than males, who have greater
independence and are hence more prone to criminality. As a result, even as adults,
JEAN A. Freud's Theory of they have better self-control and are less prone to delinquency and risky behavior.
As part of his theory of psychosexual development, Sigmund Freud developed penis
"Penis Envy" envy. According to this theory, a kid develops through numerous stages, each of
which contains a sexual conflict that the child must settle in order to grow into a
healthy adult.
Chivalry or According to the chivalry idea, the criminal justice system treats women
more leniently than men. Human ecology is the study of people's
38 Paternalism Theory, interactions with their surroundings. According to this view, crime is a
Human Ecology result of societal change that occurs in tandem with environmental
change. Isolation, segregation, competition, conflict, social contract,
Theory interaction, and social hierarchy are also key influences on criminal
behavior and crimes, according to the report.
Ecological Systems crime, is a theory that explains how crime differs depending on physical
39 Theory, Broken environmental elements like culture and structure. The shattered
windows theory of criminology claims that obvious indicators of crime,
40 Theory, Rational- the suitability of targets or target locations at specific locations and
times. People are rational beings whose behavior may be controlled or
Choice Perspective adjusted by a fear of punishment, according to Rational Choice Theory.
Offenders are said to be persuaded to stop offending by increasing their
fear of punishment in this way.