07B Processes Overview Cheat Sheet
07B Processes Overview Cheat Sheet
07B Processes Overview Cheat Sheet
Number Purpose What does this mean?
A Integration Combining & unifying all areas of a project together This is the "glue" which holds your entire project together
C Schedule Developing and managing the project's schedule. When will the project and certain tasks be completed?
D Cost Determining & managing the project's budget. How much and when are financial resources needed?
Plan Scope
B.01 Planning Developing a Scope Management Plan
B.02 Collect Requirements Planning Identifying needs of all stakeholders and gathering feedback of the project requirements
B.03 Define Scope Planning Creating a detailed description of the project's scope and acceptance criteria
B.04 Create WBS Planning Dividing the project's work into smaller components (Work Breakdown Structure)
Monitor &
B.05 Validate Scope Obtain customer's formal acceptance and approval of the project deliverables
Monitor &
B.06 Control Scope Monitoring the project's scope and any changes to the project's initial Scope Baseline
Plan Schedule
C.01 Planning Determining the strategy for how to create & manage the project's schedule
C.02 Define Activities Planning Identify what activities are required in order to complete the project work
Schedule C.03 Sequence Activities Planning Determine the relationships and dependencies between tasks
Estimate Activity
C.04 Planning Determine how long it takes to complete each work activity
C.05 Develop Schedule Planning Use the duration estimates and activity information to create a Project Schedule
D.01 Plan Cost Management Planning Determining strategy for how to manage and estimate the project's costs
Estimate and determine how much money is required to 'fund' and complete the project's
D.02 Estimate Costs Planning
Cost Determine the project's Cost Baseline and overall project budget by aggregating the
D.03 Determine Budget Planning
estimated costs for each activity
Monitoring how the financial resources are being spent on the project, and managing any
Monitor &
D.04 Control Costs changes to the Cost Baseline.
(Are we spending over or under our approved budget? Or, are we on target?)
Plan Quality Establishing what the quality requirements are, and the approach for how to comply with
E.01 Planning
Management these requirements
Translating the Quality Management Plan into quality activities, and making sure that the
E.02 Manage Quality Execution
correct processes are being followed.
Monitoring the performance and results of our quality activities:
Monitor & 1. What is the 'quality' of our in-progress project deliverables? (Verified through inspection &
E.03 Control Quality
Control testing)
2. Do our project deliverables meet the requirements established by the customer?
Plan Resource
F.01 Planning Determine the approach for how all resources will be acquired, estimated, and managed
Estimate Activity
F.02 Planning Estimate the physical & human resources needed to complete the project's work
F.03 Acquire Resources Execution Obtaining the physical and human resources
Building your team's skillset, environment, dynamics, and relationships with each other (in
F.04 Develop Team Execution
order to optimize the project's performance)
F.05 Manage Team Execution Tracking the team's performance, providing feedback, and helping resolve any issues
Monitor &
F.06 Control Resources Monitoring how the resources are being used (planned versus actual usage)
Plan Communications
G.01 Planning Determining the strategy for how to communicate and share information with all stakeholders
G.02 Execution Creating and distributing all project information and 'communication' artifacts to stsakeholders
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Alvin’s Project Management Process Cheat Sheet
Knowledge Area ID Process Stage Purpose
Monitor Monitor & Tracking and monitoring the project's communications to make sure everyone's needs are
Communications Control being met
H.01 Plan Risk Management Planning Determine the approach for how to perform Risk Management Activities
H.02 Identify Risks Planning Brainstorm and determine the risks (positive or negative) which may affect the project
Perform Qualitative Risk
H.03 Planning Prioritize the risks based upon their Probability of Occurrence and Impact
Quantitatively/Numerically analyze the impact of risks on the project's objectives. This is
Perform Quantitative
Risk H.04 Planning focused on the prioritized risks as determined from the prior process, 'Perform Qualitative
Risk Analysis
Risk Analysis'
H.05 Plan Risk Responses Planning Develop Strategies & Action Plans to address the prioritized project risks
Implement Risk
H.06 Execution Execute the planned Risk Responses
Monitor & Monitoring and tracking the executed Risk Responses, the effectiveness of Risk
H.07 Monitor Risks
Control Management Activities, and identify any potential new risks
Plan Procurement Establishing the plan for procuring resources, making a make vs buy decision, and identifying
J.01 Planning
Management potential Sellers
Obtaining responses from the Sellers, and choosing & signing a Contract with the selected
Procurement J.02 Conduct Procurements Execution
Monitor &
J.03 Control Procurements Manage & monitor signed agreements and performance of all Sellers
K.01 Identify Stakeholders Initiation Identify all stakeholders who are involved with & can be affected by the project
Plan Stakeholder Determine the strategy for engaging with stakeholders based upon their Needs, Interests,
K.02 Engagement and Impact Level
Stakeholder Manage Stakeholder Communicate and work with stakeholders to maintain their engagement & relationships,
K.03 Engagement while also addressing any new issues
Monitor Stakeholder Monitor & Manage and monitor the effectiveness of how stakeholders are being engaged throughout
K.04 Engagement Control the project
Planning Determining the scope of work, budget, scheduling, and resources needed