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Cambridge University Press

978-8-490-36278-5 — Life Adventures Level 4 Teacher's Book

Lucy Frino , With Caroline Nixon , Michael Tomlinson
More Information

Meet Diversicus
1 0.02 Listen. Who speaks in this part of
the director’s film?

Diversicus is preparing to go on their new world tour.

Today a film director is asking about life in the circus.

Mrs Friendly Ivan


Mr Friendly


Jim Jenny Su-Lin

2 0.03 Who says it? Listen and say the name.

3 Play the describing game.
Lily. She’s an acrobat. She’s Pablo’s mum. She’s Marc’s sister.

4 Describing people

© in this web service Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org

Cambridge University Press
978-8-490-36278-5 — Life Adventures Level 4 Teacher's Book
Lucy Frino , With Caroline Nixon , Michael Tomlinson
More Information

Pablo: Hi, I’m Pablo. My parents work in the circus too. My

Meet Diversicus Unit learning outcomes dad, Miguel, is our teacher, and my mum, Lily, is an
acrobat and a dancer. My Uncle Marc’s an acrobat
Learners: too. He also drives one of the big circus lorries.
● review the course characters I’m ten, a year older than Jim. I like drawing and
● review describing people, family, jobs, likes and hobbies computers.
● ask and answer Who’s Jenny’s mum? Mrs Friendly.
Jenny: Hello, I’m Jenny. I’m Jim’s twin sister. Jim likes
science and computers, but I like sport and taking
Who’s Marc? He’s Pablo’s uncle.
photos. We’re going to travel round the world again
New language film director this year, but we’re going to go to different places.
Recycled language character names, describing And now here’s my best friend.
people, family, introducing yourself and others, jobs, Su-Lin: Hi, I’m Su-Lin and I’m ten. My grandparents, Fred
and May, are designers for the circus and my
circus, tour, possessive ’s, present continuous
mum, Zoe, is a singer. I love travelling, so I’m really
Materials picture from Digital photo bank of a circus excited about our next world tour!
tent (optional), flashcards of the main Diversicus Jim, Jenny,
characters (including Mr and Mrs Friendly from Level 2), Pablo: And so are we!
word cards (optional), audio Director: Wonderful! That’s perfect! Thank you very much,

Key Competences Key: Jim, Pablo, Jenny, Su-Lin

Learn and practise greetings and introductions; ● Say Look at the names. Say the names. Point and repeat.
Learn to ask and respond to personal questions.
● Ask, e.g. Who’s Jenny’s mum? Learners say the name and
Play a guessing game.
point. Then ask, e.g. Who’s Marc? (He’s Pablo’s uncle.)
● Learners repeat the activity in pairs.
2 0.03 Who says it? Listen and say the name.
● Show a picture of a circus tent or draw one. Ask What’s this?
(A circus) Ask What’s the name of the circus? (Diversicus) ● Stick the flashcards for the children on the board. Read the
● Revise the characters using the flashcards. Ask, e.g. What’s instructions. Play the audio. Pause after each sentence.
his/her name? Who’s Jenny’s brother? What does Ivan do? Track 0.03
1 Pablo: I like drawing and computers.
● Stick flashcards on the board and practise the names. Say 2 Jenny: We’re going to travel round the world again this
Close your eyes. Take away a flashcard. Say Open your year, but we’re going to go to different places.
eyes. Who’s missing? Learners say the name. 3 Jim: My dad, Mr Friendly, is the cook and my mum,
Mrs Friendly, is the musical director.
Self-assessment 4 Jenny: Jim likes science and computers, but I like sport
● SA Say Open your Pupil’s Books at page 4. What can you and taking photos.
5 Pablo: My dad, Miguel, is our teacher, and my mum, Lily,
see? Learners say as many things as they can. Use self-
is an acrobat and a dancer.
assessment (see Introduction). Say OK. Let’s learn. 6 Jim: I live in a circus called Diversicus.
7 Su-Lin: I love travelling, so I’m really excited about our
Pupil’s Book, page 4 next world tour!
8 Jenny: I’m Jim’s twin sister.
1 0.02 Listen. Who speaks in this part of the 9 Jim: And now here’s my best friend, Pablo.
director’s film? 10 Su-Lin: My grandparents, Fred and May, are designers for
the circus and my mum, Zoe, is a singer.
● Read the caption. Check comprehension of world tour.
Point to the director and say She’s directing a film. Mime 3 Play the describing game.
being a director. Say Action! Explain A director tells the ● Choose two learners to read the speech bubbles. Say more
actors and the camera operators what to do. names, and learners make as many sentences as they can.
● Say Listen. Who speaks in this part of the film? Play the
audio. Check answers. Activity Book, page 4
Track 0.02 See pages TB128–140
Diversicus is preparing to go on their new world tour. Today a film
director is asking about life in the circus. Ending the lesson
Director: Action! ● Books closed. Say Name the girl who’s ten. (Su-Lin) Name
Jim: Hello, I’m Jim. I’m nine. I live in a circus called the cook. (Mr Friendly) Continue, saying as many different
Diversicus. My dad, Mr Friendly, is the cook and my sentence types as you can.
mum, Mrs Friendly, is the musical director. And now
here’s my best friend, Pablo.


© in this web service Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org

Cambridge University Press
978-8-490-36278-5 — Life Adventures Level 4 Teacher's Book
Lucy Frino , With Caroline Nixon , Michael Tomlinson
More Information

e.g. picture 1: Some people are making a film about the

Learning outcomes By the end of the lesson, learners will circus. Who’s going to show them the different parts of
have revised different tenses, grammar and auxiliary verbs. the circus? (Rose) Picture 2: Ivan is in the kitchen with the
New language husband, lift (v), pull, show (someone) cameraman. Who are they filming? (Mr Friendly)
around, wife Extension Write questions on the board and play the
Recycled language jobs, bring, camera, children, audio again.
costume, happy, important, kitchen, make a video, meal, 1 How many meals does Ivan eat every day? (Five)
strong, teeth, tractor, can, going to, Here’s ... / Here are ... , 2 Who’s got a camera? (Pablo)
Let’s ... , past simple, should, superlatives 3 What can Ivan pull with his teeth? (A tractor)
Materials flashcards of the characters, word cards 4 Who makes all the costumes? (May and Fred)
(optional), audio, video 5 What did Lily do in the shows last year? (She jumped and
Marc caught her.)
Key Competences ● Now say sentences which are clearly false. Make these
as funny as possible. Learners contradict you using the
Read and listen to a story. auxiliary verb, as in the story. Start with sentences such as
We have breakfast at night. (No, we don’t.) We went to the
Act out a story. circus last week. (No, we didn’t.) It’s Christmas Day today.
(No, it isn’t.) This isn’t an English class. (Yes, it is.) We should
Work together to practise greetings and sleep in class. (No, we shouldn’t.) Rafael Nadal can’t play
introductions. tennis. (Yes, he can.)
Stronger learners Say sentences which require learners
Warm-up to change the verb form or subject in their response, e.g.
● Show Pupil’s Book page 4 and point to Ivan (or show the I live in a tent. (No, you don’t.) I’m wearing green and orange
flashcard). Ask Who’s this? (Ivan) What does he do? Is he a trousers. (No, you aren’t.) I’m not a teacher. (Yes, you are.)
singer? (No, he isn’t. He’s the strongman.) Repeat with Lily. I could drive when I was ten. (No, you couldn’t.)
● In pairs, learners look at page 4 and ask and answer about
4 0.05 Listen and say yes or no.
the adult characters.
● Read the instructions. Play the audio. Pause after each
Pupil’s Book, page 5 sentence for learners to answer.
Track 0.05
The Diversicus song 1 Ivan’s going to show the film people round Diversicus.
● Play the song at the beginning of the story. Learners listen. 2 Ivan eats five big meals a day.
Write the words on the board and check comprehension. 3 It’s Jim’s idea to make a video.
Ask What’s a Big Top? (A circus tent) Play the song again. 4 Ivan can pull a tractor with his teeth.
Encourage learners to sing along. 5 May makes all the costumes with her husband.
6 Fred’s wife makes him a very funny man.
Track 0.04
7 Lily caught Marc in the show last year.
Diversicus, Diversicus,
8 Pablo wants the director to use some of their film.
We’re harmony in a circus, us,
Where music, art and beauty don’t stop,
Key: 1 no 2 yes 3 no 4 yes 5 yes 6 no
Acrobats and dancers under one Big Top.
7 no 8 no
Stronger learners Write the ‘no’ sentences on the board.
● Say Open your Pupil’s Books at page 5. Ask Who can you see Learners write the correct version in their notebooks.
in picture 1? (Ivan, Rose and Mr Friendly) What’s happening
in picture 2? (A man is filming Mr Friendly and Ivan.) Ask Who Activity Book, page 5
are the children talking to in pictures 4, 5, 6 and 7? (Ivan,
See pages TB128–140
May, Fred, Lily)
● Ask Why are the children talking to Ivan, May, Fred and Lily? Ending the lesson
Let’s find out. Play the audio. Learners listen and read. Check ● Ask learners to write three false sentences about
answers (The children are making a film too.). Ask Is Pablo happy themselves, one starting I’m … , one starting I’ve got …
with the film at the end? (No, he isn’t.) Check comprehension and one starting I don’t … Monitor as they write.
of show someone around, lift, pull, husband and wife. ● In pairs, learners take turns to read their sentences. Their
Track 0.04 partner corrects them (No, you’re not. / No, you haven’t. /
The Diversicus song + see cartoon on Pupil’s Book page 5 Yes, you do.) Alternatively, learners read a sentence to the
Extra support Play the story again. Pause after each class and the class respond in chorus.
picture and ask questions to check comprehension,

© in this web service Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org

Cambridge University Press
978-8-490-36278-5 — Life Adventures Level 4 Teacher's Book
Lucy Frino , With Caroline Nixon , Michael Tomlinson
More Information

Hello, I’m the circus
What are you going to do today? strongman and
1 2 I need to eat five
big meals a day.

I’m going to show

the people making the In Diversicus, food is very important.
film around Diversicus. All the acrobats work very hard and
Can I bring them to they need to eat correctly.
your kitchen first, Ben? Yes, OK.
Here’s Ivan. He’s the strongest man
3 4 in the circus. He can lift a tractor.

I’ve got an idea. Why don’t

we make a video, too?

Yeah, it looks fun. Let’s go and get No, I can’t, actually … I can
your camera and tell the girls. pull a tractor with my teeth!

5 Here are May and 6 And my wife

Fred, the designers. makes …
May makes all the me a very
amazing costumes. happy man.

No, I don’t. My husband and I Excellent, Grandpa! Now let’s

make all the costumes together. go and see the acrobats.

7 8 Here we have four of the most brilliant children

And here are our amazing
in the world. You should use some of their film.
acrobats. Last year, Lily
flew in the shows!
Er, no, actually.
You really shouldn’t.

No, I didn’t, actually. I jumped

and Marc caught me.

4 0.05 Listen and say yes or no.

Revision of Level 3 5

© in this web service Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org

Cambridge University Press
978-8-490-36278-5 — Life Adventures Level 4 Teacher's Book
Lucy Frino , With Caroline Nixon , Michael Tomlinson
More Information

1 This year’s trip

1 Watch the video. Ask and answer.
What do you do in the school holidays?
Where would you like to go on a trip?

Prepare a holiday planner for this school year

In this unit I will:

1 Prepare a year planner. 3 Plan my holidays with a partner.

2 Suggest and discuss options Present our holiday planner to the class.
for different holidays.

© in this web service Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org

Cambridge University Press
978-8-490-36278-5 — Life Adventures Level 4 Teacher's Book
Lucy Frino , With Caroline Nixon , Michael Tomlinson
More Information

This year’s trip 1

● Pause the video while you watch to ask learners for any
Unit 1 learning outcomes vocabulary they know and to say what they can see and
what they think is happening.
In Unit 1, learners learn to:
● Discuss with a few learners the questions on the Pupil’s
● say the months of the year and the date
Book page and then learners ask and answer in pairs.
● use might and may to speculate about the future

● talk about journeys

Prepare a holiday planner for this
● use indefinite pronouns
school year
● read and understand about climates and climate zones
● Point to the Mission box or the digital Mission poster.
● read an encyclopedia entry and think about
Remind learners about the Missions they do in every unit
self-confidence and bravery (as in previous levels).
Materials globe / world map (optional), photos from ● Say Our Mission is: Prepare a holiday planner for this school
Digital photo bank of Dubai including the Burj Al Arab year. Ask Do you have any plans for this weekend? Or for the
hotel (optional), video, a year calendar or planner holidays? Where do you plan to go? What do you plan to do?
in English (optional), copy of the Mission worksheet ● Say Let’s look at Stage 1. Prepare a year planner. Show the
(Teacher’s Resource Book page 14), digital Mission poster Mission worksheet or a calendar/planner. Say This planner is
for a year. Each page is for one month. It has the days marked
and I can add the names of the months and my plans. Mime
Key Competences adding a month name and an event to the planner.
● Say 2 Suggest and discuss options for different holidays.
Talk about holidays and trips. Ask What places are good for holidays – the beach, the
mountains or somewhere else?
Learn about Dubai, in the United Arab Emirates.
● Say 3 Plan my holidays with a partner. Say How can you
Reflect on their own learning by going through the travel on holiday? Learners list methods of transport they
unit goals. know in pairs. Write them on the board (e.g. bus, train, car,
plane). Say You need to think about what to take on holiday.
Self-assessment Do you need sunglasses and sun cream? Or a coat and a
● SA Say Open your Pupil’s Books at page 6. Look at warm hat? Ask What did you take on your last holiday?
the first picture. Ask What’s in the car? (A suitcase and a Learners tell a partner.
rucksack) What’s happening? (They’re going on holiday / ● Say The last stage is ‘Present our holiday planner to the
on a trip.) Where do you think they’re going? Learners class.’ Say You need to show the class your planner and talk
suggest places, e.g. the beach, the mountains. about it. Hold up a planner and start to talk about what is
● Read the title and ask How many months are there in a going to happen on particular dates.
year? Point to the picture of the calendar and say What are ● Learners cover the page. See if they can remember the
the numbers? (They’re dates.) What’s this for? (To help plan / stages of the Mission.
remember things / find out the date) What are the names of ● For ideas on monitoring and assessment, see Introduction.
the months in English?
● Use self-assessment (see Introduction). Say OK. Let’s learn. Activity Book, page 6
Warm-up My unit goals
● Point to the stamp of the Burj Al Arab hotel and the picture ● Encourage learners to set their unit goals (see Introduction
on page 6. Ask What’s this building? Learners guess. Say It’s page xii).
a hotel. It opened in 1999. It’s in Dubai. What does the hotel ● You can go back to these unit goals at the end of each
look like? (A boat) If possible, show photos of Dubai and Mission stage during the unit and review them.
show where it is on a globe/map. Explain that Dubai is one ● Say This is our Mission page.
of the emirates in the country of the United Arab Emirates.
● Say Imagine you’re staying at the hotel. What can you see
Ending the lesson
from your room? Learners talk in pairs. Write their ideas on ● Ask What’s the weather like in the picture of Dubai? (Hot and
the board (e.g. the beach, boats, palm trees, beach umbrellas). sunny) What other weather words do you know?
● Make a weather spidergram on the board with the learners’
Pupil’s Book, page 6 help. Include sunny, rain, windy, wind, snow, cloud, cloudy,
rainbow, hot and cold. Learners copy the spidergram in their
1 Watch the video. Ask and answer. notebooks. Ask What’s your favourite type of weather?
● Say In this unit we’re talking about planning holidays and Stronger learners Make a spidergram in pairs. Monitor
trips. Say Let’s watch the video. and help. Pairs compare spidergrams with other pairs.

© in this web service Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org

Cambridge University Press
978-8-490-36278-5 — Life Adventures Level 4 Teacher's Book
Lucy Frino , With Caroline Nixon , Michael Tomlinson
More Information

1 Vocabulary 1
Track 1.01
Learning outcomes By the end of the lesson, learners Diversicus is in Dubai. The children are in the classroom. They’re
will be able to talk about the months and say the date. talking to Miguel about this year’s tour.
New language dates (the fifth of October), months, Su-Lin: We left home on the twenty-eighth of September and it
was cold and cloudy …
ordinal numbers (21st–31st), Brazil, leave (left), South
Pablo: Yeah! And a week later, we’re in Dubai and it’s really hot
Korea, What’s the date today? and sunny!
Recycled language character names, clothes, ordinal Jenny: So, what’s the date today? Is it the fifth of October?
numbers (1st–20th), weather, going to, past simple Jim: Shall I look at my tablet? … Yeah, that’s right.
Su-Lin: So where are we going this year, Miguel?
Materials flashcards of Diversicus characters, Months
Miguel: Well, we’re here until the thirty-first of October, but
flashcards, word cards (optional), audio, video we’re not going to tell you all the countries. It’s a
surprise! But I can tell you that we’re going to arrive in
Key Competences our second country on the fourth of November.
Su-Lin: And I think we’re going to go to Brazil in December, the
Learn to say the date. last month of the year. Is that right?
Pablo: And is it South Korea in April, Dad?
Chant together as a class. Miguel: You can all guess if you like, but … !
Jim: We don’t have to guess the ninth month. That’s June,
Learn to use ordinal numbers. the end of the tour and we’re going to be home again.
Su-Lin: Yeah, but we’re going to do lots of brilliant things
Identify and practise the stressed syllable in months. between now and June.
Pablo: And the adventure starts today!

Warm-up Key: The United Arab Emirates (Dubai), Brazil, South Korea
● Hold up each character flashcard and say false
information, e.g. This is Pablo, Jenny’s brother. Learners Extension Write questions on the board and play the
correct you, e.g. It isn’t Pablo. It’s Jim. audio again.
Presentation 1 When did they leave? (28th September)
● Ask Which month is it? 2 When are they going to arrive in the second country?
(4th November)
● Hold up each month flashcard and say the words. Learners
repeat. Display the flashcards in turn. Learners say the 3 Why isn’t Miguel telling them the plan? (It’s a surprise.)
months. 2 Say the chant.
● Put all the flashcards on the board in random order. Ask
● Say Listen and say the chant. Play the audio or video.
Which is the first month? Hold up one finger to remind
Learners point and chant.
learners of first. Call a learner to put the correct flashcard
first. Continue with the rest of the months, asking Which is Track 1.02
the (second) month? and so on. Twelve months in the year. [x2]
January, February, March,
● Once the flashcards are in order, learners ask and answer April, May, June,
in pairs, e.g. Which is the (third) month? July, August, September,
● Ask What’s the date today? Help learners to say today’s October, November, December.
date and write it on the board. Twelve months in the year. [x2]
● Review thirteenth to twentieth and count from twenty-first
to thirty-first as a whole class. Repeat until learners are
3 Tell your friend about something that
confident. happens in each month.
● Write dates on the board, e.g. 09/04. Learners say, e.g. the ● Choose two learners to read the speech bubbles. In pairs,
ninth of April. learners make sentences about the months.
● Ask pairs for example sentences.
Pupil’s Book, page 7
Extra support Write useful words on the board (e.g.
1 1.01 Listen. Which countries do they talk about? weather, items of clothing, annual events).
● Say Open your Pupil’s Books at page 7. Who is in the picture? Activity Book, page 7
(Su-Lin, Pablo, Jenny, Jim and Miguel) Where are they? (In
See pages TB128–140
the classroom) What’s the date? (The fifth of October) Explain
that the characters are talking about the plan for their tour. Ending the lesson
● Read the caption. Ask Which countries do they talk about? ● SA Say We learnt about months and dates. Show
Let’s listen. Play the audio. Check answers. the flashcards. Ask Do you know the words? Use
self-assessment (see Introduction).

© in this web service Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org

Cambridge University Press
978-8-490-36278-5 — Life Adventures Level 4 Teacher's Book
Lucy Frino , With Caroline Nixon , Michael Tomlinson
More Information

Vocabulary 1
1 1.01 Listen. Which countries do they talk about?

Diversicus is in Dubai. The children are in the classroom.

They’re talking to Miguel about this year’s tour.

Home Dubai

ys ys
England H ol i d a H ol i d a

2 1.02 Say the chant.

3 Tell your friend about something that happens in each month.
In January, it’s cold. I wear a coat. In February, it’s my sister’s birthday.

Months and ordinal numbers 7

© in this web service Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org

Cambridge University Press
978-8-490-36278-5 — Life Adventures Level 4 Teacher's Book
Lucy Frino , With Caroline Nixon , Michael Tomlinson
More Information

That might be
difficult because Actually, Ivan, Dubai’s got
1 2 an excellent ski centre. What? On
there isn’t any
snow in Dubai. the sand?
What are
There’s only sand.
you going to
do today?

I think we may
go skiing.
No, don’t worry,
Ivan. It’s inside!

3 I don’t know what to 4 I don’t know. I might

pack in my rucksack. not enjoy it.

You may need your sunglasses

because the snow might be bright.
I’m worried too. I don’t know how to ski.
Ivan, would you like to come with us? But it might be fun – we can all go together.

5 These trousers look OK. What do you think? 6

I’ve got a larger jacket

Ivan, I think you might I may have a larger Yes, I think so.
here. It’s our biggest one.
need some bigger ones! pair on the shelf. That looks better!
This might be better.

7 Later, on the slopes. 8 Who’s that?

Oh dear, I think it
might be Ivan.

OK. Let’s try I’m coming

Let’s all go No, I’m OK. I think through.
again. Are
together. I might go by It’s only me!
you ready? Yes, Dad.
myself this time.
It’s Ivan.

1 1.04 Listen and say the number.

8 Story: might/may in context

© in this web service Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org

Cambridge University Press
978-8-490-36278-5 — Life Adventures Level 4 Teacher's Book
Lucy Frino , With Caroline Nixon , Michael Tomlinson
More Information

Diversicus 1
Can you go skiing in (your country)? Where? Say Look at
Learning outcomes By the end of the lesson, learners pictures 2 and 4. How does Ivan feel about skiing? (Worried)
will have encountered might and may in context. What’s he doing in pictures 5 and 6? (Choosing/buying
New language by myself, go skiing, look (It looks good), clothes for skiing) What’s happening?
ski centre, slopes, may, might ● Ask Does Jim know how to ski? Write the question on the
Recycled language clothes, dates, months, bright, pack board. Say Let’s find out. Play the audio or video. Learners
(v), rucksack, sand, snow, sunglasses, comparatives and listen and read. Check answers (No, he doesn’t.).
superlatives, going to Track 1.03
The Diversicus song + see cartoon on Pupil’s Book page 8
Materials Months flashcards, word cards (optional),
audio, video
● Play the audio or video again. Pause after each picture
and ask, e.g. Does it snow in Dubai? (No) Is the ski centre
outside? (No, inside) Why do you need sunglasses when you
Key Competences ski? (Because the snow can be bright.) How does Jim feel
Read and listen to a story; Identify might/may in about learning to ski? (Worried but he wants to try / thinks it
context. might be fun) Where are the bigger trousers? (On the shelf)
Does Ivan like the bigger jacket? (Yes)
Give their opinion on a story.
Extension Put learners into groups to role play part of the
dialogue (e.g. groups of three do the first two pictures, taking
Warm-up the roles of Rose, Jenny and Ivan). Monitor and check.
● Practise months with the flashcards and ordinal numbers. 1 Listen and say the number.
Extra support Write dates in short form on the board
● Read the instructions. Play the audio. Pause after each
and practise saying them as a class. Ask different learners
sentence for learners to say the number of the picture.
When’s your birthday? Help them to say My birthday’s on …
Learners ask and answer in pairs. Extra support Play the audio once through, pausing
after each sentence for learners to think. Don’t ask for
● Call 12 learners to the front. Mix up the months flashcards
answers until you play it a second time.
and hand one to each learner. Say Stand in the right order.
The first month over here and the last over here. Learners Track 1.04
a Mr Friendly: I think it might be Ivan.
arrange themselves in order. They show their flashcards to
b Ivan: There isn’t any snow in Dubai.
the rest of the class. Ask Is (May) the (fifth) month? Which is
c Jim: I don’t know what to pack in my rucksack.
the (tenth) month? d Man: This might be better.
● Ask all the learners to stand up and arrange themselves e Jim: Let’s all go together.
in a line in the order of their birthdays (the earliest in f Rose: Dubai’s got an excellent ski centre.
January at one end and the latest in December at the g Jim: But it might be fun – we can all go together.
other end). Say You must only speak English. Monitor and h Man: I may have a larger pair on the shelf.
help, e.g. ask, Is the twenty-fourth of October before or after
the thirtieth? When they are in line, each learner says My Key: a 8 b 1 c 3 d 6 e 7 f 2 g 4 h 5
birthday’s on (the first of July) to check the order.
● SA Use self-assessment to check how well learners think Activity Book, page 8
they understand the vocabulary. See Introduction.
See pages TB128–140
Pupil’s Book, page 8 Ending the lesson
The Diversicus song ● Write sentences about the story on the board with key
words missing. Learners copy them and write the missing
● Play the song. Learners listen and sing.
words (they could complete the task for homework).
Track 1.03
1 Jenny wants to go … (skiing). 2 Dubai’s got an excellent
See the Diversicus song on page TB5
ski … (centre). 3 Jim packs his … because snow can be
Diversicus bright. (sunglasses) 4 Ivan is … about skiing. (worried)
5 Ivan needs … trousers. (bigger) 6 He takes the … jacket.
● Say Open your Pupil’s Books at page 8. Ask Who can you
(biggest) 7 Ivan … skiing at the end of the story. (likes)
see? (The children, Rose Quartz, Ivan, Mr and Mrs Friendly,
a man in a shop) Extra support Write the missing words in random order
on the board.
● Point to picture 7 and ask What are they doing? (Skiing) Ask
learners Do you sometimes go skiing? What do you wear?


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