CS311 - Study Plan

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Dear Student,

Following topics are pre-requisite for Introduction to Web Services

Development course. These topics are offered here to refresh your
previous understanding of Object Oriented Programming and Web
Design and Development. We will recommend you go through these
topics before starting first lecture of this course. Lectures and Week wise
distribution of topics for this course is given after pre-requisite topics.

Pre-requisite Topics
       Introduction to Web Services, Benefits and Service Oriented
Architecture (SOA)

       Object Orientation and Model     

       What is an Object?

       What is an Abstraction?

       What is Inheritance?   

       Concepts Related to Inheritance [Generalization, Sub-typing

(Extension), Specialization (Restriction)]     

       What is Encapsulation?

       Information Hiding

       Types of Inheritance

       Links & Relationships (Association)

       Links & Relationships (Composition)

       Links & Relationships (Aggregation)

       Abstract, Concrete Classes and Interfaces (Java)

       Function Overloading and Overriding

       What is Polymorphism?

       Polymorphism and Dynamic binding

       Basics of Java

       Variables in Java

       Data Types in Java

       Reading from Keyboard with the help of Java

       Program Control Flow [Boolean expressions, Selection Statements,

Loops and Assertions]

       Program Control Flow [Selection Statements and Loops]

       Java File Structure

       Input/output in Java

       Program Control Flow [Selection statement with if-else]

       Program Control Flow [Selection statement with if-else] - Code


       Program Control Flow [Nested selection statements]

       Program Control Flow [while, do-while and for loops]

       Program Control Flow [while, do-while and for loops] - Code Example

       Program Control Flow [while, do-while and for loops] - Code Example

       Program Control Flow [Sentinel Controlled loop example]

       Program Control Flow [Loop do-while example]

       Using Objects [What is an Abstraction?]

       Using Objects [Class Declaration]

       Object, Reference values, References?

       Java.lang.String Class

       String creation in Java

       Operations of String Class

       Operations of String Class [Concatenation and Comparison]

       Other String Methods

       Operators in Java

       Control Structures [Nested loop, break and continue statement]

       Arrays in Java

       Array initialization in Java

       Multidimensional Arrays in Java

       Histogram an exercise

       Enhanced for loop in Java

       Class construction in Java

       Object creation and references of Class

       Constructors and Field Variables in Class

       Methods in Class

       Local and Field Variables in Class

       Method Classification in Class

       Class Method with Parameters

       Reference vs. Primitive types

       this pointer in Class

       Static members in class

       Remarks on Class members

       Types of Variables and Scope

       Life time of a variable and object

       Constructors and Enumeration in Class

       Object Communication

       Structured programming and redundant code

       Duplicate program code

       Objects Communication and cooperation

       Objects Associations and Ownership

       Access Modifiers

       Access Modifiers - Public

       Access Modifiers - Public Demo Exercise

       Access Modifiers - Protected

       Access Modifiers - Default

       Access Modifiers - Private

       Other Modifiers

       Other Modifiers - Static

       Other Modifiers - Static Demo Exercise

       Access Modifiers - Final

       Access Modifiers - Final in Classes

       Access Modifiers - Abstract

       Access Modifiers - Abstract Class

       Synchronized Modifiers

       Native Modifiers

       Transient Modifiers

       Volatile Modifiers

       Exception Handling

       Exception Handling (Try-catch block)

       Exception Handling (Try-catch block) continued

       Exception Handling (Finally block)

       Exception Handling (The throw Statement)

       Exception Handling (The throw Clause)


Following are the topics that will be included in all graded activities and
exams of Introduction to Web Services Development course:

Midterm Exams Syllabus Weeks (1-8)
Week 1:
Lecture No. 1

What is XML?

The Syntax of XML

The Rules of XML

XML Demo Exercise

Lecture No. 2

Complicated XML

What is DOCTYPE?
How to use XML?

Lecture No. 3

XML Tree

XML Syntax

XML Elements

XML Elements Continued

Week 2:
Lecture No. 4

XML Attributes

XML Namespaces

XML Encoding

Lecture No. 5

Displaying XML


XML and XPath

Lecture No. 6
Xlink and XPointer

Xlink and Xpointer Examples

XML Document Types

Week 3:
Lecture No. 7

XML Validator


XML DTD Details

Lecture No. 8

DTD - XML Building Blocks

DTD - Elements

DTD - Elements Continued

Lecture No. 9

DTD - Attributes

XML Elements vs. Attributes

DTD - Entities

Week 4:
Lecture No. 10

DTD - Demo Example

DTD - Demo 2 Example

XML Schema

Lecture No. 11

XML on the Server

XML on the Server Continued

What is XML DOM?

Lecture No. 12

Loading an XML File

Loading an XML String


Week 5:
Lecture No. 13

The XMLHttpRequest Object

XMLHttpRequest Properties and Methods

XML DOM - Accessing Nodes

Lecture No. 14

XML DOM - Node Types

XML DOM - Traversing Nodes

XML DOM - Navigating Nodes Relationship

Lecture No. 15

XML DOM - Node Information

XML DOM - Node Value Property

XML DOM - Change the value of an element

XML DOM - Node List

Week 6:
Lecture No. 16

XML DOM - DOM Attribute List

XML DOM - Traverse Node Back

XML DOM - Browsers Differences in DOM Parsing

XML DOM - Navigating Nodes

XML DOM - Avoiding Empty Text Nodes


Lecture No. 17

XML DOM - Operations on Nodes

XML DOM - Get Value of an Attribute

XML DOM - Change Node Values

XML DOM - Change Value of Attribute

Lecture No. 18

XML DOM - Change an Attribute using nodeValue

XML DOM - Remove Nodes

XML DOM - Remove Myself

XML DOM - Remove a Text Node

XML DOM - Clear a Text Node

Week 7:
Lecture No. 19

XML DOM - Remove an Attribute Node by Name

XML DOM - Remove an Attribute Node by Object

XML DOM - Replace Nodes

XML DOM - Replace Data in a Text Node

XML DOM - Use the nodeValue Property Instead

Lecture No. 20

XML DOM - Create Nodes

XML DOM - Create a New Attribute Node

XML DOM - Create an Attribute Using setAttribute()

XML DOM - Create a Text Node

Lecture No. 21

XML DOM - Create a CDATA Section Node

XML DOM - Create a Comment Node

XML DOM - Add Nodes

XML DOM - Method appendChild()

Week 8:
Lecture No. 22

XML DOM - Insert a Node

XML DOM - Add New Attribute

XML DOM - Clone Nodes

Final Term Exams Syllabus Weeks (9-16)
Note: 20% paper of Final term exam will cover
topics in midterm syllabus 
Week 9:
Lecture No. 23

Introduction to JAXP

JAXP - Overview of Packages

Simple API for XML - SAX API

SAX API - Error Handling

Lecture No. 24


DOM API - Demo 1

DOM API - Demo 2

DOM API - Demo 3

DOM API - Demo 4

Lecture No. 25
SAX Parser

SAX API - Demo

SAX API - Read UTF-8 File

Week 10:
Lecture No. 26


JDOM Parser


Lecture No. 27

Java Architecture for XML Binding (JAXB)

JAXB - Binding Process

JAXB - More About Un-marshalling

Lecture No. 28

JAXB - Basics

JAXB - Demo Marshalling

JAXB - Demo Un-marshalling

JAXB - How to convert properties file into XML file using Java

Week 11:
Lecture No. 29

Servlet - Basics

Servlet - Basic Severlet Structure

Servlet - Life cycle of Severlet

Lecture No. 30

Servlet - Severlet Life cycle - The init() Method

Servlet - Severlet Life cycle - The service() Method

Servlet - Severlet Life cycle - The doGet() Method

Servlet - Severlet Life cycle - The doPost() Method

Servlet - Severlet Life cycle - The doHead() Method

Servlet - Severlet Life cycle - The doPut() Method

Lecture No. 31

Developing First Servlet - Example

Create a Servlet

Create the deployment descriptor (web.xml)

Start the Server and deploy the project


Week 12:
Lecture No. 32

Deploy the application in Tomcat

Demo Servlets via HTTPServlet

Demo Servlets via GenericServlet

Demo Servlets via Servlet Interface

Lecture No. 33

How Servlet Works?

Request Dispatcher in Servlet

Servlet Context Interface

Servlet Context Interface Methods

Lecture No. 34

Session Tracking in Servlet

Request Dispatcher - Demo

SendRedirect in servlet

SendRedirect - Demo

Week 13:
Lecture No. 35

Cookies in Servlet

Cookies in Servlet - Cookie Class

Cookies: Servlet Login and Logout - Demo

Hidden Form Fields

Lecture No. 36

URL Rewriting

URL Rewriting - Demo

HTTPSession interface

Sessions: Servlet Login and Logout - Demo

Lecture No. 37

Java Database Connectivity (JDBC)

JDBC Driver

JDBC - Network Protocol Driver

Five steps to connect to the database in Java

Week 14:
Lecture No. 38

Example to connect to MySQL database

JDBC Classes

JDBC Classes - Statement Interface

Lecture No. 39

Web Services

Web Services - Summary

Web Services Example

Lecture No. 40

Why Web Services?

Web Services - Characteristics

Remote Procedure Calls (RPC)

Week 15:
Lecture No. 41

Web Services Components Detail

SOAP - Introduction

Web Services - Architecture

Web Services Protocol Stack

Lecture No. 42

RESTful Web Services

Service Oriented Architecture (SOA)

Web Services - Components

Web Services Components - WSDL

Lecture No. 43

Java Web Services


Java Web Services - Implementation

Java Web Services - SOAP vs. RESTful designs

Week 16:
Lecture No. 44

Java Web Services - Building web services

Java Web Services - Building service client

Java Web Services - Creating service web client

Lecture No. 45

Java Web Services - Building RESTful web services

Java Web Services - Anatomy of a RESTful service

Java Web Services - Create RESTful in Eclipse

Java Web Services - Create RESTful client

Best of Luck,

Instructor CS311.

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