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Approaches For Language Teaching

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Approaches/Methods for Language Arts Teaching

1. Grammar-translation Approach
This is the scene: A teacher stands in front of the class, telling her students to turn their textbooks
to chapter four, “Verbs and Tenses.” She writes on the board the different ways of forming the
past tense of verbs. She lists the general rules, and this list is promptly followed by—you’ve
guessed it—the exceptions to the rules, those special cases that make grammar so exciting.

This is the classic way of teaching language. It began as a method to teach Latin and Greek and
was generalized to teach any second language. The Grammar-translation Approach uses the
students’ native language to teach the target language.

If you’re over 30, have ever learned language via the textbook or have spent many a night
memorizing a list of 30 foreign words, you’ve experienced the Grammar-translation Approach.

Grammar and vocabulary are memorized rote. Plenty of written examples and drills are given
where grammar rules are elegantly observed:

The dog is black.

The cats are cute.

The approach has strong structural underpinnings and the emphasis is on the correct use of
grammar, regardless of the substance or context. The Grammar-translation Approach is best
when the goal is for the students to read/write the target language, as well as appreciate its

2. Direct Approach
Okay, turn Grammar-translation Approach on its head. What do you get?

Right. We have the Direct Approach. It’s a response to the Grammar-translation school and, this
time, rather than the written form, the emphasis is on the spoken language and the development
of oral skills.

Grammar isn’t taught explicitly but is learned inductively by the students through repeated
exposure to the spoken language. Activities like pantomiming, word-picture association,
question-answer patterns, dialogues and role playing give the students the chance to figure out
the rules for themselves. And good news for your students—there are no grammar drills or
analyses of written sentences.

Oh, and by the way, only the target language is used in class. That’s a biggie. As teacher, you
won’t use the students’ mother tongue to teach concepts. Listening and comprehension thus
become central to this approach. There are no vocabulary lists to memorize, but there are a lot of
words and phrases to listen for and become more familiar with.

All things considered, it wouldn’t be hard to understand why the Direct Approach has also been
called as “The Anti-grammatical Method” and “Reform Method.”

3. Reading Approach
This is a very specific approach designed for a specific type of language learner.

The type of student that most appreciates this method probably never intends to interact with
native speakers in the target language. She may be a psychology doctoral candidate studying
German in order to understand the experts in her field. Or she may be a culinary student whose
only desire is to make lots of delicious food and understand the French techniques in her
gastronomie book.

A student like this requires only one linguistic skill: Reading comprehension.

So you do away with pronunciation and dialogues. Vocabulary words are learned in context. The
little grammar that you teach must be oriented towards understanding a piece of reading. You
need to teach elements like conjunctions, which nestles phrases and sentences together, and
negation, which changes the meaning of a sentence by 180 degrees.

In the Reading Approach, learning a language is employed as a means to a higher end. This
approach has both structural and functional underpinnings.

4. Audiolingual Approach
This approach is also known as “The Army Method.” At the height of the events in World War
II, military personnel needed to learn the languages of allies and enemies alike as they swept
through the fields of Europe and Asia.

The approach, which blossomed in the 50s and 60s, is all about structural patterns. Proponents
believe that a language can be reduced to a basic set of sounds. Combine them and you have
spoken words. Those words, when phonetically joined, become phrases and later become

Unlike the Reading Approach, the Audiolingual Approach gives higher priority to the spoken
form than the written form. Classes are generally held using the target language.

Activities like role playing are dialogues are drilled into students until they get the
pronunciations and rhythm right. And because Audiolingualism borrows from the behaviorist
school of psychology, languages are taught through a system of reinforcement.

A single word like “Good!” with a pat on the back, a clap from the class, a star on her paper are
some of the reinforcements used. (Side note: How do we know if something is a
“reinforcement”? Answer: If it makes the students feel good about themselves or about the
situation, then it is one.)

Mistakes on the other hand, are quickly, but gently corrected. The end goal is the forming of
linguistic speaking habits through correct repetitions.

5. Communicative Approach
What good would it do any of your students if they know all the different ways of conjugating a
verb but fail to communicate a coherent message?

Communication is essentially the rationale for language and the Communicative Approach seeks
to develop those skills that enable students to meaningfully engage with each other.

Interactive activities are the hallmark of this approach. As the teacher, your responsibility is to
give the students as much opportunity to give and receive meaningful communication as
possible. For example, you can let students introduce themselves, share their hobbies using the
target language. Instead of just presenting the language, you’re giving them a task that can only
be accomplished by using the target language.

The difference between statements shared in a round of show and tell and those found in
textbooks is that the former are much more meaningful to your students. They’re purposeful and
in context—not a list of discordant sentences used to illustrate a rule of grammar. Authentic
materials are used every so often.

A poster touting a concert or a flyer about some huge sale at a mall can be fertile ground for
learning. In the Communicative Approach, students experience the target language as
experienced by native speakers.

6. The Silent Way

Imagine a teacher who talks as little as possible.

You better believe it’s more than a fantasy. Proponents of this “alternative” approach believe that
teaching too much can sometimes get in the way of learning. It’s argued that students learn best
when they discover rather than simply repeat what the teacher said.

The Silent Way uses silence as a teaching tool. Your students might feel you’re giving them the
silent treatment if you don’t keep things friendly and explain the process to them. You’re really
encouraging them to do the talking themselves.

You’re encouraging learners to be independent, to discover and figure out the language for
themselves. Learning the target language is therefore seen as a creative, problem-solving process
—a engaging cognitive challenge.

So how does one teach in silence?

Well, because you talk as little as possible, you need to employ plenty of gestures and facial
expressions to communicate with your students. You can also use props.

A commonly used prop option is Cuisenaire Rods—rods of different color and lengths. In an
English class for example, you can pick up any rod and say, “rod.” Pick another one, point at it
and say “rod.” Keep on repeating until students understand that “rod” refers to the objects in
front of them.

Then pick a green one and say, “green rod.” With an economy of words, point to something else
green and say, “green.” Keep on repeating until students get that “green” refers to the color.

7. Community Language Learning

It’s called Community Language Learning because the class learns together as one unit. Not
listening to the same lecture, but interacting in the target language. The teacher’s role is that of a
counselor, a guide, an encourager.

Here’s what might happen in an innovative CLL class: Students sit in a circle. Because the
approach is learner-led, there’s no set lesson for the day. The students decide what they want to
talk about. Someone might say, “Guys, why don’t we talk about the weather?” That student will
then turn to the teacher (who’s standing outside the circle) and ask for the translation of his
statement. The teacher, acting as facilitator, will give him the translation and ask him to utter it
out loud. She’ll guide his pronunciation at the same time. The class, listening to the teacher and
student, are already learning from the interaction.

When the teacher is satisfied that the first student got the pronunciations right, she’ll deliver her
statement to the group again. (There’s a recorder standing by to record the first line of

After that, another student might chime in to say, “I had to wear three layers today.” She then
turns to the teacher for help. The process is repeated until a whole conversation is saved in the

This conversation is then transcribed and mined for language lessons featuring grammar,
vocabulary and subject-related content.

In this approach, the students work as a community—learning together and negotiating the
lessons. Your role as a teacher is to encourage them to open up, participate in the discussion and
contribute to the whole process.

8. Functional-notional Approach
The Functional-notional Approach recognizes language as purposeful communication. That is,
we talk because we need to communicate something. There’s purpose and meaning behind the
sounds that come out of our mouths.

In essence, we have verbs, nouns, pronouns, adjectives and so on in order to express language
functions and notions.
When we speak, we do it to inform, persuade, insinuate, agree, question, request, evaluate and
perform other “functions.” We do it to talk about concepts (“notions”) like time, events, action,
place, technology, process, emotion, etc.

So a teacher’s first stop when using this approach is to evaluate how the students will be using
the language.

For example, when teaching very young kids, you might want to teach them language skills that
would help them communicate with mommy and daddy, or with their friends. So, you can teach
them key social phrases like “thank you,” “please” or “may I borrow.”

When dealing with business professionals, a different syllabus would be in order. You might
want to teach them formal forms of the language, how to delegate tasks, how to vocally
appreciate a job well done. You could create role playing scenarios where students get a basic
feel for typical workplace situations. For example, in a marketplace situation, you can teach
functions like asking a question, expressing interest or negotiating a deal. Notions involved could
be about prices, quality or quantity.

You can certainly teach grammar and sentence patterns, but they’re always subsumed by the
purpose for which language is used.

9. Natural Approach
The Natural Approach takes its cues from how first language is naturally learned by children.
That process is then simulated for teaching adults a second language.

Just as there’s a “silent period” when babies don’t utter a single comprehensible word, the
Natural Approach gives time for learners to simply listen and absorb the language. Producing
correctly pronounced words and phrases comes later in the learning curve. The emergence of
speech isn’t a first priority. Listening comprehension is the priority.

So, early on in the process, students don’t need to speak at all. They have to observe, to read the
situation, to guess the meanings of words, to make mistakes and self-correct, just like babies!

In addition, the Natural Approach sees a difference between “learning” and “acquisition.”

Learning a language requires textbooks, grammar lessons and rote memory. Acquiring a
language only requires an immersive process of repetition, correction and recall. While other
methods have teachers leading students in a choral pronunciation of words written on a board,
the Natural Approach has the teacher bouncing a ball and repeatedly saying “ball.” She’s also
showing them pictures of different kinds of “balls.” She has the class play a game with the
object. Or she hides the object and says, “find the ball!”

The Natural Approach believes that the more the students lose themselves in the activity, the
better their handle on the language will be.
10. Total Physical Response
Total Physical Response is an approach to language teaching where gestures, actions and
movements play a vital role in language acquisition.

Remember when you were a kid and adults would tell you to do all kinds of things, like “catch
the ball,” “pick up your doll” or “open your mouth”? Well, TPR is going back to those good old

TPR believes that when your students see movement and when they themselves move, their
brains create more neural connections that make for more efficient language acquisition.

That’s why, when you teach TPR, you’ll be flailing your hands a lot, widening your eyes and
moving your body. This isn’t so you can catch up on your exercise. This is to teach your students
basic language skills.

After demonstrating several times what “jump” looks like, for example, you’d then ask students
to perform the action themselves. Guess what, this won’t only invigorate them, but will also
make the word “jump” so memorable they’ll find it very hard to forget.

Another pillar of this approach is that learning a language should be stress free. Pop quizzes and
exams are dropped in exchange for fun activities like “Simon Says” where you ask students to
perform actions like “close your eyes,” “raise your left arm” or “pick up the red ball.”

With TPR, it’s like having an ice-breaker all the time. Your class would be so fun that word will
get around.

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