Uself Ref.
Uself Ref.
Uself Ref.
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Eastern culture includes Asia and the Middle East, while the western world includes South and North
America, European countries, New Zealand and Australia. The East and West have many differences
based on their culture which is reflected in people’s attitude and behaviour.
When a comparison between eastern and western culture is made, one of the key differences between
western and eastern culture is that countries in the West are more liberal than countries in the East.
Western culture allows people to be more open and critical. They discuss subjects that are considered
taboo in eastern cultures and they are allowed to show their emotions and vent anger if they think they
should. This sort of behaviour wouldn’t take place in eastern cultures. People prefer to approach difficult
situations by using good manners and tact, not aggression.
A second eastern and western culture comparison is a person from the West is more free and flexible to
reach decisions on his/her own, unlike what happens in the East where families make more decisions
collectively. Thirdly, arranged marriages are not a key feature of western cultures, as love is considered
to be the way that people tie the marital knot.
Many schools of thought believe that there is not enough common ground between eastern and
western cultures for them to ever share similar characteristics. There are some features that are so
different, like the types of religions in eastern cultures, such as Islam, Hinduism, Shenism, Buddhism,
Jainism and Taoism. Clothing and rituals are so different in eastern cultures, like Indians paying respect
to parents or elders by touching his/her feet. East Asians bow down as a gesture used when welcoming
guests, saying thank you and apologizing. When it comes to ideologies and beliefs, eastern cultures find
it difficult to question them despite what they might really feel. In contrast, most people can forsake
religion and no one will think anything of it.
Elders are the decision-makers in eastern cultures
The difference between western and eastern culture can be seen by looking at the role of elders. In
eastern cultures, elders are the leaders in the home, so children do what the elders say without
questioning them. Any important decisions to do with a child are generally made by an elder. When
parents grow old, children are often the ones who take on the responsibility for caring for them. Often in
western cultures, an elderly person’s welfare becomes the responsibility of the state in collaboration
with children or other close relatives.
Arranged marriages commonly take place in eastern cultures. They are usually arranged by a couple’s
parents or another elder. They believe that love follows marriage, not the other way round.
The comparison between eastern and western culture shows that western education focuses on
creativity and allows individuals to develop as much as they can. In Eastern education, achievement is
linked to struggle and hard work. This means you can achieve anything if you work hard enough.
Students from eastern cultures often excel academically when in a western educational environment
because they work harder than western children.
Students in western culture are encouraged to actively participate in debates and ask questions. This is
not so much the case in eastern cultures where what the teacher says is always right. Added to this is
the extra effort in western cultures to integrate children who are classified as special needs. They sit in
classrooms alongside other students. This doesn’t often happen in eastern cultures where special needs
children are taught separately.
Overall, when a comparison between eastern and western culture is made at this point in time, there is
not a lot that the two cultures have in common but each should be respected for what they stand for
and achieve.
Every nation has its own culture which is made up of certain values naturally transferred to the next
generations. The social, political, and economic structures of a country play a major role in the
formation of these cultural values. On one hand, countries have different cultures due to such structures
peculiar to them; on the other hand, they are in constant contact with each other. Especially, there has
been a continuing interaction between the Eastern and the Western throughout history. It is clear that
both cultures are very similar in some ways, but they also show several key differences.
Eastern and Western cultures resemble each other in some notable aspects. The first similarity is the
adherence to religious beliefs. Both civilizations shape their lives according to their religious beliefs. As
an example, Christians living in the West go to the church every Sunday to pray. Likewise, Muslims living
in the East go to the mosque every Friday in the direction of their beliefs. In addition, families living in
the East and the West also nurture their children according to their religious beliefs and enable them to
transfer these beliefs to the next generation. Another similarity between two civilizations is the way
they communicate. In everyday speech, people use similar terms when communicating with each other.
People living on both sides share the expressions they want to explain with each other by establishing
similar sentences. Furthermore, both are also similar in terms of commercial life. For instance, they have
been developing banking systems in commercial applications. That is why such applications as checks,
credits, and guarantees give the commercial life a substantial direction in both cultures.
Despite these similarities, eastern and western cultures bear a few crucial differences as well. The
main difference between the East and the West is the geographical structure. Depending on the
landforms of the East and the West, their climates also vary from each other. Eastern countries generally
have a milder climate, whereas western countries have a colder climate. Another difference is to do with
their family structures. In Eastern culture, the concept of family is given more importance than Western
culture. While the thought of getting support from the family on any issue is quite dominant in Eastern
culture, more individual life style is seen in the West. For example, in the West, when children reach the
age of 18, their families are not obliged to look after them. Thus, the people living in the West live a
more independent life away from their family. Besides, the educational system between two civilizations
show great differences. Eastern countries have implemented an education system based on traditions
and customs, whereas the Western educational system is open to innovations. Therefore, Western
countries use scientific and technological developments in their education systems. In brief, these
cultural features make these civilizations different from one another.
To sum up, there are noticeable similarities and differences between Eastern and Western cultures. In
spite of, these similarities and differences, what is important for me is the way people treat each other.
In my opinion, if mutual rapport is achieved, the communication between the East and the West will be
All I know is we are different and unique as a person and as a Filipino who lives in the Philippines. What
makes us different from other Asian people is that our culture, our tradition, our values, and especially
the way our family raises up. Filipino is different from others in the way they carry themselves they are
confident and glamorous. Filipino have a strong faith when it comes to their beliefs and values. Here in
the Philippines a lot of Filipino women are charming and very loving, that what makes Filipino people
different from others. The traits of Filipino people can easily adapt and have a strong motivation for
what they want and what they do.
The Philippines is one of the Asian countries that have the tradition of kissing the hands of the elders as
a sign of respect.
Filipino is different because rice is the one important food on the table. They love to eat the rice rather
than bread.
Filipino can easily learn any language in a different country. Filipino can speak fluently in English.
Filipino has a heart of trusting a person easily and accept the person with all their heart
Filipino people are family-oriented, they fight for you if you are part of their family. They support, love,
and protect you no matter what happened.
Filipino people are different from other countries because Filipino have a concern for someone. They
care for people, not just the ones that they know but even those people around them.
We are different from other countries because we have the best Filipino women in the world. Filipino
women are smart, beautiful in their own way, glamorous, modest, confident, dedicated, and most of all
Filipino men are what we call lover boy. Because they are romantic and loving to girls and every girl
that’s why they are different and unique.
Filipino is more carefree than other nationalities because of strong beliefs and spiritual faith.
Filipino has a passion for sports. When it comes to sport the humility, discipline, and sacrifice of Filipino
people will be shown up.
Filipino people will welcome their visitors with open arms and they warmly accept foreigners into their
house and serve them almost VIPs.
The difference between Filipino to foreigners is we take care of our grandparents. They don’t put their
grandparents in the home for the aged. In other countries, if you are too old your relatives or your
family put you in the home for the aged just to take care of someone you don’t know.
Filipino always come late. That’s a Filipino time. Not like other foreign people Filipino don’t come at an
exact time of the meeting they always come late, not like other foreigners when they say that time they
are they before the exact time of the meeting.
Filipino always say ” bahala na ” or letting the circumstances take care of them. It also shows some
Filipinos how lazy it is like when they have homework in school and they don’t feel to do it they say
“bahala na”. This negative side of Filipino attitude could not be a good example to children.
Filipino negative side is “Ningas Kugon” or it is called grassfire. It means that there are few Filipinos that
have an attitude of doing things and then left it unfinished. They are aggressive at first but in the middle
of the project, they just left and not finish what it started.
Filipino has a crab mentality it means that they push people down just for them to gain more. This is
more on those people in politics they have many competitors and sometimes they push down their
competitors just to win and they do back fighting and focusing on other people’s fault.
Another negative side of Filipino mentality is copying. They can easily adapt or copy what others have or
do. Sometimes if they see on the TV or social media what is a trend now they buy for it to have it and
say that they also in fashion. When they see others become a success in their business they also put up
the same business just to become successful also.
Being “Balat SIbuyas” or very sensitive is one of the negative traits of Filipino people. They easily feel
insulted and become very sensitive when they hear any bad words that throw at Filipino. Especially
when it comes from a foreigner who talks and says bad things to Filipino.
Filipino especially here in the Philippines has always disregarded the rules. They don’t follow orders
easily or follow the rules easily. But when they live in other countries they are can really follow the rule
of the law in other countries and they obey what orders easily. Sometimes even when there is a sign of
no jaywalking they even ignore the sign and just walk in that place. They break the law that’s why some
Filipinos are head-headed. There still some Filipinos who fail to follow the implement rules and have no
discipline of themselves to follow the law of the Philippines government.
The main problem and one of the popular why Filipino is different from other countries is corruption. A
lot of Filipino are open to the true meaning of corruption. Corruption everywhere you go. We must say
that in every corner of the government offices there still corrupt employees. But not every Filipino is
corrupt there are few of them who live with high standards and yet their money comes from corruption.
Here are Some Talented Filipino That We Are Proud of and Different to Others
One of the talents of Filipino is singing. Most Filipino recognize in another country because of their
beautiful voice and the way they sing. Filipino talents become popular all over the world. Not only in
singing but also in sports, dancing, acting, cooking, fashion designing, and many more.
Manny Pacquiao. The number one most popular and famous all over the world because of his world
champion in boxing. He has won many awards for his talent in boxing. He is now one of the senators in
the Philippines. He’s different from other countries because is not only an eight-division world champion
in boxing but he also serves as a public servant in the Philippines.
Pia Wurtzbach. One of the most beautiful girls not only in the Philippines but all over the world who won
Miss Universe 2015. She is the 3rd Filipina who brings the crown to the Philippines for the prestigious
beauty pageant. Not only his name but a lot of Filipina also won in the different category of a beauty
pageant like Megan Young who wins Miss World 2013, Winwyn Marquez wins Reina Hisponoamericana
Lea Salonga. She became popular when she joined Miss Saigon and Les Miserables. She knew because of
her singing voice and acting skills. She performed in theater abroad and voice two Disney princesses and
guest on some Tv shows out of the country. Another singer who is Filipino by blood is he is a
member of The Black Eyed Peas and become popular abroad and an award-winning at Grammy award.
For a fashion designer, our most popular and best designers are Jose “Pitoy” Moreno one of the pillars
of Philippines fashion and known for his sophisticated Baro’t Saya the Philippines national costume.
Michael Cinco who is now based in Dubai but a Filipino designer who recognize because of his
magnificent couture gowns. Most of his creations dress by famous Hollywood celebrities like Beyonce,
Rihanna, Lady Gaga, Britney Spears, Jennifer Lopez, Cristina Aguilera, Nicole Scherzinger, Paris Hilton,
Chris Brown, and supermodels Tyra Banks. Also from the Philippines best fashion designer is Rajo Laurel
he is best in embroidery, beadwork, and hand-painted prints gown. Most of Filipino celebrities wore his
creation that he made.
Famous Filipino chefs that joined the cast of Top Chef Chicago in2008 is Dale Talde. He has many
restaurants abroad and helping his co Filipino to work with him. He has a restaurant in New Jersey,
Miami, Massoni, and Atlantic Social in New York.
Michael Martinez is the first Filipino figure skater. He represents the Philippines and wins the first figure
skater at the age of 17 years old.
Robert Lopez is a Filipino-American who recognized because of his talent in composing a song. Like the
popular song “Let it Go” from the movie “Froze” He was the one who composed the song. He is best and
known for his musicals and songwriter.
Monique Lhuillier is a Hollywood fashion designer who also a Filipi-American. She is one of the famous
designers not only in the Philippines but all over the world.
Wesley Barbasa is a Filipino-American chess grandmaster. He became the youngest player that passes a
2600 Elo rating in 2008. And now he is transferring to the United States and won in 2015 Bilbao Chess
Oliver Tolentino is a couturier and the first Filipino designer in the Philippines who put up clothing lines
in the US. He received many awards like the Eco0Fashion award in the Bahamas, Golden Globe Awards,
Grammys, American Billboard Awards, People Choice Awards, Teen Choice Awards, And many more for
his eco-friendly fabrics design. He came from a poor family and become rich because of his talent and
skill that make him different from others.
We Filipinos can be proud of our humanity and be being down to earth person. If there is a negative side
of Filipino attitude there’s a lot of positive side of it. Filipino people are very proud to be Filipino that is
one thing that I may say we are different. Filipino has a dignity of who they are even if they stay in other
countries. And also Filipino don’t ashamed of being Filipino even if a lot of foreign countries
discriminated against us we still acknowledge who we are. Most foreign countries discriminate against
Filipino people maybe because they know that Filipino will excel in everything. Most foreigners look
down on Filipino people because they believe that Filipino people are opponent or their rivals. They
don’t treat Filipino people as their friends. That’s the difference between Filipino and foreigners while
we Filipino we treat foreigners or people outside the Philippines as our friends or sometimes we
acknowledge them as our own family. The difference between Filipino people to other countries is that
Filipino has a remarkable quality here in the Philippines and even abroad. You can put all the Filipinos in
every corner of the world and they become successful in their chosen career. Some of them shine and
become famous in their career because of their own talent and skills. Filipino is different because they
know what they want and they never stop until they succeed.
We Filipinos are different from other countries because we have an extended family. Mostly you can
notice that the Filipino family has 3-5 children or more, they are very close to their family and relatives.
Sometimes even if their children has its own family they still live with their parent together with their
family. Filipino call it extended family. That is how we are different from other countries because
Filipinos are very clannish and helpful. In their families, they see to it that they help each other no
matter what. But somehow it is not also good for the Filipino parent to spoil their children and let them
stay in the house while their parents are working hard. Filipino parents have the ability to spoil their
children because of their love for their children.