Part II B BMP MOP Combined 6-24-19

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Virginia Department of Transportation

Part II B BMP Design Manual of Practice

1401 East Broad Street, Richmond, Virginia 23219
Chapter 1 Introduction ................................................................................................ 12
1.1 Introduction.......................................................................................................................... 12
1.2 Project Site .......................................................................................................................... 12
1.3 Design Treatment Volume .................................................................................................. 13
1.4 Water Quality and Quantity Standards ............................................................................... 14
Chapter 2 Sheet Flow to Vegetated Filter Strip ......................................................... 15
2.1 Overview of Practice ........................................................................................................... 15
2.2 Site Constraints and Siting of the Facility ........................................................................... 16
2.2.1 Filter Strip Location ...................................................................................................... 16
2.2.2 Maximum Contributing Drainage Area (CDA) and Contributing Flow Path ................. 16
2.2.3 Site Slopes ................................................................................................................... 16
2.2.4 Site Soils ...................................................................................................................... 16
2.2.5 Depth to Water Table ................................................................................................... 16
2.2.6 Karst Areas .................................................................................................................. 17
2.2.7 Utilities ......................................................................................................................... 17
2.3 General Design Guidelines ................................................................................................. 17
2.3.1 Vegetated Filter Strip General Design Requirements ................................................. 18
2.3.2 Slopes .......................................................................................................................... 18
2.3.3 Flow Path ..................................................................................................................... 18
2.3.4 Hotspot Land Uses ...................................................................................................... 18
2.3.5 Compost Amendments ................................................................................................ 18
2.3.6 Planting ........................................................................................................................ 19
2.3.7 Diaphragms, Berms and Level Spreaders ................................................................... 19
2.3.8 Topsoil and Compost Requirements ........................................................................... 19
2.3.9 Construction and Maintenance .................................................................................... 20
2.4 Design Example .................................................................................................................. 20
Chapter 3 Grass Channels.......................................................................................... 24
3.1 Overview of Practice ........................................................................................................... 24
3.2 Site Constraints and Siting of the Facility ........................................................................... 26
3.2.1 Maximum Drainage Area ............................................................................................. 26
3.2.2 Site Slopes ................................................................................................................... 26
3.2.3 Site Soils ...................................................................................................................... 27
3.2.4 Depth to Water Table ................................................................................................... 27
3.2.5 Separation Distances ................................................................................................... 27
3.2.6 Karst Areas .................................................................................................................. 27
3.2.7 Existing Utilities ............................................................................................................ 27
3.2.8 Floodplains ................................................................................................................... 27
3.3 General Design Guidelines ................................................................................................. 28
3.3.1 Channel Parameters .................................................................................................... 28
3.3.2 Geometry ..................................................................................................................... 30
3.3.3 Check Dams ................................................................................................................ 30
3.3.4 Runoff Pre-treatment ................................................................................................... 31
3.3.5 Compost Soil Amendments ......................................................................................... 32
3.3.6 Surface Cover .............................................................................................................. 32


3.4 Design Example .................................................................................................................. 33
Chapter 4 Soil Compost Amendments ...................................................................... 38
4.1 Overview of Practice ........................................................................................................... 38
4.2 Feasibility and Constraints .................................................................................................. 39
4.2.1 Maximum Contributing Drainage Area (CDA) and Contributing Flow Path ................. 39
4.2.2 Site Slopes ................................................................................................................... 39
4.2.3 Depth to Bedrock and Water Table ............................................................................. 39
4.2.4 Utilities ......................................................................................................................... 39
4.2.5 Proximity to Tree Line .................................................................................................. 39
4.3 General Design Guidelines ................................................................................................. 39
4.3.1 Soil Testing .................................................................................................................. 40
4.3.2 Volume Reduction........................................................................................................ 40
4.3.3 Depth of Compost Incorporation .................................................................................. 40
4.3.4 Compost Specifications and Installation ...................................................................... 41
4.4 Design Example .................................................................................................................. 41
Chapter 5 Permeable Pavement ................................................................................. 43
5.1 Overview of Practice ........................................................................................................... 43
5.2 Site Constraints and Siting of the Facility ........................................................................... 46
5.2.1 Site Soils ...................................................................................................................... 46
5.2.2 Contributing Drainage Area (CDA) .............................................................................. 46
5.2.3 Pavement Slope........................................................................................................... 46
5.2.4 Hydraulic Head ............................................................................................................ 47
5.2.5 Depth to Water Table ................................................................................................... 47
5.2.6 Setbacks ...................................................................................................................... 47
5.2.7 Existing and Proposed Utilities .................................................................................... 47
5.3 General Design Guidelines ................................................................................................. 48
5.3.1 Sizing of Reservoir Layer ............................................................................................. 48
5.3.2 Overdrains (High Flow Bypass) ................................................................................... 49
5.3.3 Pretreatment ................................................................................................................ 50
5.3.4 Reservoir Layer............................................................................................................ 50
5.3.5 Underdrain ................................................................................................................... 50
5.3.6 Maintenance Reduction Features ................................................................................ 50
5.3.7 Karst Considerations.................................................................................................... 51
5.3.8 High Water Table ......................................................................................................... 51
5.3.9 Cold Weather Performance ......................................................................................... 52
5.3.10 Construction and Inspection ...................................................................................... 52
5.4 Design Example .................................................................................................................. 52
Chapter 6 Infiltration ................................................................................................... 57
6.1 Overview of Practice ........................................................................................................... 57
6.2 Site Constraints and Siting of the Facility ........................................................................... 61
6.2.1 Contributing Drainage Area (CDA) .............................................................................. 62
6.2.2 Site Slopes in Vicinity of Practice ................................................................................ 62
6.2.3 Depth to Bedrock ......................................................................................................... 62
6.2.4 Depth to Water Table ................................................................................................... 62
6.2.5 Hydraulic Head ............................................................................................................ 62
6.2.6 Soils ............................................................................................................................. 62
6.2.7 Setbacks ...................................................................................................................... 62
6.2.8 Karst Areas .................................................................................................................. 62
6.2.9 Coastal Plain ................................................................................................................ 63


6.2.10 Cold Climate and Winter Performance ...................................................................... 63
6.2.11 Groundwater Hotspots ............................................................................................... 63
6.3 General Design Guidelines ................................................................................................. 64
6.3.1 Sizing ........................................................................................................................... 64
6.3.2 Pretreatment ................................................................................................................ 67
6.3.3 Infiltration Basins .......................................................................................................... 67
6.3.4 Drawdown .................................................................................................................... 68
6.3.5 Infiltration Rate Adjustment.......................................................................................... 68
6.3.6 Porosity ........................................................................................................................ 68
6.3.7 Construction and Inspection ........................................................................................ 68
6.3.8 Maintenance Reduction Considerations ...................................................................... 68
6.4 Design Process ................................................................................................................... 69
Chapter 7 Bioretention................................................................................................ 76
7.1 Overview of Practice ........................................................................................................... 76
7.2 Site Constraints and Siting of the Facility ........................................................................... 79
7.2.1 Minimum Drainage Area .............................................................................................. 79
7.2.2 Maximum Drainage Area ............................................................................................. 79
7.2.3 Site Slopes ................................................................................................................... 79
7.2.4 Site Soils ...................................................................................................................... 79
7.2.5 Depth to Water Table ................................................................................................... 80
7.2.6 Separation Distances ................................................................................................... 80
7.2.7 Karst Areas .................................................................................................................. 80
7.2.8 Placement on Fill Material ........................................................................................... 81
7.2.9 Existing Utilities ............................................................................................................ 81
7.2.10 Perennial, Chlorinated, Toxic and Irrigation Flows .................................................... 81
7.2.11 Floodplains ................................................................................................................. 81
7.2.12 Access ....................................................................................................................... 81
7.2.13 Security ...................................................................................................................... 82
7.3 General Design Guidelines ................................................................................................. 82
7.3.1 Basin Size .................................................................................................................... 83
7.3.2 Media Depth ................................................................................................................. 84
7.3.3 Surface Ponding Depth ................................................................................................ 84
7.3.4 Soil Infiltration Rate ...................................................................................................... 85
7.3.5 Basin Geometry ........................................................................................................... 85
7.3.6 Runoff Pre-treatment ................................................................................................... 85
7.3.7 Offline Configurations .................................................................................................. 86
7.3.8 Overflow/Bypass Structure .......................................................................................... 87
7.3.9 Filter Media and Surface Cover ................................................................................... 88
7.3.10 Planting Considerations ............................................................................................. 88
7.4 Design Example .................................................................................................................. 90
Chapter 8 Dry Swales.................................................................................................. 96
8.1 Overview of Practice ........................................................................................................... 96
8.2 Site Constraints and Siting of the Facility ......................................................................... 100
8.2.1 Maximum Contributing Drainage Area (CDA) ........................................................... 100
8.2.2 Site Slopes ................................................................................................................. 100
8.2.3 Site Soils .................................................................................................................... 101
8.2.4 Depth to Water Table ................................................................................................. 101
8.2.5 Separation Distances ................................................................................................. 101
8.2.6 Karst Areas ................................................................................................................ 102
8.2.7 Placement on Fill Material ......................................................................................... 102


8.2.8 Existing Utilities .......................................................................................................... 103
8.2.9 Wetlands .................................................................................................................... 103
8.2.10 Floodplains ............................................................................................................... 103
8.3 General Design Guidelines ............................................................................................... 103
8.3.1 Swale Size ................................................................................................................. 103
8.3.2 Media Depth ............................................................................................................... 104
8.3.3 Surface Ponding Depth .............................................................................................. 104
8.3.4 Soil Infiltration Rate .................................................................................................... 104
8.3.5 Dry Swale Geometry .................................................................................................. 105
8.3.6 Check Dams .............................................................................................................. 105
8.3.7 Drawdown .................................................................................................................. 105
8.3.8 Underdrains ............................................................................................................... 105
8.3.9 Runoff Pre-treatment ................................................................................................. 106
8.3.10 Filter Media .............................................................................................................. 107
8.3.11 Overflow ................................................................................................................... 107
8.3.12 Surface Cover .......................................................................................................... 107
8.4 Design Example ................................................................................................................ 107
Chapter 9 Wet Swales ............................................................................................... 114
9.1 Overview of Practice ......................................................................................................... 114
9.2 Site Constraints and Siting of the Facility ......................................................................... 117
9.2.1 Maximum Contributing Drainage Area (CDA) ........................................................... 117
9.2.2 Site Slopes ................................................................................................................. 117
9.2.3 Site Soils .................................................................................................................... 117
9.2.4 Depth to Water Table ................................................................................................. 117
9.2.5 Hotspot Runoff ........................................................................................................... 117
9.2.6 Karst Considerations.................................................................................................. 117
9.2.7 Wetlands .................................................................................................................... 117
9.3 General Design Guidelines ............................................................................................... 118
9.3.1 Swale Sizing .............................................................................................................. 118
9.3.2 Normal Pool Depth..................................................................................................... 118
9.3.3 Surface Ponding Depth .............................................................................................. 119
9.3.4 Basin Geometry ......................................................................................................... 119
9.3.5 Check Dams .............................................................................................................. 119
9.3.6 Overflow ..................................................................................................................... 119
9.3.7 Planting Plan .............................................................................................................. 119
9.3.8 Regenerative Conveyance Systems.......................................................................... 119
9.4 Design Example ................................................................................................................ 120
Chapter 10 Stormwater Filtering Practices ............................................................. 126
10.1 Overview of Practice ....................................................................................................... 126
10.2 Site Constraints and Siting of the Facility ....................................................................... 130
10.2.1 Hydraulic Head ........................................................................................................ 130
10.2.2 Maximum Contributing Drainage Area (CDA) ......................................................... 130
10.2.3 Space Required ....................................................................................................... 130
10.2.4 Depth to Water Table ............................................................................................... 130
10.2.5 Depth to Bedrock ..................................................................................................... 131
10.2.6 Site Soils .................................................................................................................. 131
10.2.7 Karst Areas .............................................................................................................. 131
10.2.8 Linear Highway Sites ............................................................................................... 131
10.2.9 Existing Utilities ........................................................................................................ 131
10.2.10 Maintenance Reduction Features .......................................................................... 131


10.3 General Design Guidelines ............................................................................................. 132
10.3.1 Sizing ....................................................................................................................... 132
10.3.2 Pretreatment ............................................................................................................ 133
10.3.3 High Flow Bypass .................................................................................................... 136
10.3.4 Dewatering ............................................................................................................... 136
10.3.5 Surface Cover .......................................................................................................... 136
10.3.6 Filter Media .............................................................................................................. 136
10.3.7 Media Depth ............................................................................................................. 136
10.3.8 Underdrains, Inspection Ports, and Cleanouts ........................................................ 136
10.3.9 Manhole Access for Underground Filters ................................................................ 137
10.3.10 Installation in Coastal Plain .................................................................................... 137
10.3.11 Steep Terrain ......................................................................................................... 137
10.3.12 Cold Climate and Winter Performance .................................................................. 137
10.3.13 Construction and Inspection .................................................................................. 138
10.4 Design Example .............................................................................................................. 138
Chapter 11 Constructed Wetlands ........................................................................... 145
11.1 Overview of Practice ....................................................................................................... 145
11.2 Site Constraints and Siting of the Facility ....................................................................... 148
11.2.1 Adequate Water Balance ......................................................................................... 148
11.2.2 Maximum Contributing Drainage Area (CDA) ......................................................... 149
11.2.3 Hydraulic Head ........................................................................................................ 149
11.2.4 Site Slopes ............................................................................................................... 149
11.2.5 Depth to Water Table ............................................................................................... 149
11.2.6 Setbacks .................................................................................................................. 150
11.2.7 Karst ......................................................................................................................... 150
11.2.8 Existing Utilities ........................................................................................................ 150
11.2.9 Soils ......................................................................................................................... 151
11.2.10 Discharge to Sensitive Aquatic Habitats ................................................................ 152
11.2.11 Coastal Plain Settings ............................................................................................ 152
11.2.12 Maintenance Reduction Features .......................................................................... 152
11.3 General Design Guidelines ............................................................................................. 153
11.3.1 Constructed Wetland Basin – Level 1...................................................................... 154
11.3.2 Constructed Multi-Cell Wetland – Level 2 ............................................................... 154
11.3.3 Constructed Multi-Cell Pond/Wetland Combination – Level 2 ................................. 154
11.3.4 Water Balance Analysis ........................................................................................... 155
11.3.5 Integrated Design Components and Geometry ....................................................... 155
11.3.6 Pool Depths ............................................................................................................. 155
11.3.7 Multiple-Cell Wetlands (Level 2) .............................................................................. 156
11.3.8 Micro-topography ..................................................................................................... 156
11.3.9 Side Slopes .............................................................................................................. 157
11.3.10 Flow Path ............................................................................................................... 157
11.3.11 Pretreatment Forebay ............................................................................................ 157
11.3.12 Geotechnical Testing ............................................................................................. 158
11.3.13 Embankment .......................................................................................................... 158
11.3.14 Inlet Protection ....................................................................................................... 158
11.3.15 Principal Spillway ................................................................................................... 159
11.3.16 Conveyance and Overflow..................................................................................... 159
11.3.17 Emergency Spillway .............................................................................................. 159
11.3.18 Landscaping Plan .................................................................................................. 160
11.3.19 Construction and Maintenance .............................................................................. 160
11.3.20 Winter Performance ............................................................................................... 160
11.4 Design Example .............................................................................................................. 161


Chapter 12 Wet Ponds .............................................................................................. 172
12.1 Overview of Practice ....................................................................................................... 172
12.2 Site Constraints and Siting of the Facility ....................................................................... 175
12.2.1 Minimum Contributing Drainage Area (CDA) .......................................................... 175
12.2.2 Hydraulic Head ........................................................................................................ 175
12.2.3 Minimum Setbacks................................................................................................... 175
12.2.4 Site Slopes ............................................................................................................... 175
12.2.5 Site Soils .................................................................................................................. 175
12.2.6 Depth to Water Table ............................................................................................... 176
12.2.7 Depth to Bedrock ..................................................................................................... 176
12.2.8 Existing Utilities ........................................................................................................ 176
12.2.9 Karst ......................................................................................................................... 176
12.2.10 Wetlands and Perennial Streams .......................................................................... 177
12.2.11 Upstream Sediment Considerations ...................................................................... 177
12.2.12 Floodplains ............................................................................................................. 177
12.2.13 Basin Location ....................................................................................................... 177
12.2.14 Discharge to Trout Streams ................................................................................... 178
12.3 General Design Guidelines ............................................................................................. 178
12.3.1 Treatment Volume ................................................................................................... 178
12.3.2 Storage Volume ....................................................................................................... 179
12.3.3 Water Balance Testing ............................................................................................ 180
12.3.4 Internal slopes .......................................................................................................... 180
12.3.5 Pretreatment Forebay .............................................................................................. 180
12.3.6 Internal Flow Path .................................................................................................... 181
12.3.7 Benching .................................................................................................................. 181
12.3.8 Inlet Protection ......................................................................................................... 181
12.3.9 Principal Spillway ..................................................................................................... 181
12.3.10 Low Flow Orifice .................................................................................................... 182
12.3.11 Foundation and Embankment Material .................................................................. 182
12.3.12 Embankment .......................................................................................................... 183
12.3.13 Embankment Height .............................................................................................. 183
12.3.14 Outfall Piping.......................................................................................................... 183
12.3.15 Emergency Spillway .............................................................................................. 184
12.3.16 Safety and Fencing ................................................................................................ 184
12.3.17 Discharge Protection ............................................................................................. 184
12.3.18 Drawdown System ................................................................................................. 184
12.3.19 Pond Liners ............................................................................................................ 185
12.3.20 Landscaping........................................................................................................... 185
12.3.21 Maintenance Access .............................................................................................. 187
12.3.22 Pond Aeration ........................................................................................................ 187
12.3.23 Application in Coastal Plains ................................................................................. 187
12.3.24 Design Adjustments for Cold Climates and High Elevations ................................. 187
12.4 Design Example .............................................................................................................. 188
Chapter 13 Extended Detention ............................................................................... 196
13.1 Overview of Practice ....................................................................................................... 196
13.2 Site Constraints and Siting of the Facility ....................................................................... 199
13.2.1 Minimum Contributing Drainage Area (CDA) .......................................................... 199
13.2.2 Hydraulic Head ........................................................................................................ 199
13.2.3 Minimum Setbacks................................................................................................... 199
13.2.4 Site Slopes ............................................................................................................... 199
13.2.5 Site Soils .................................................................................................................. 199
13.2.6 Depth to Water Table ............................................................................................... 200


13.2.7 Depth to Bedrock ..................................................................................................... 200
13.2.8 Existing Utilities ........................................................................................................ 200
13.2.9 Karst ......................................................................................................................... 200
13.2.10 Wetlands ................................................................................................................ 200
13.2.11 Upstream Sediment Considerations ...................................................................... 201
13.2.12 Floodplains ............................................................................................................. 201
13.2.13 Basin Location ....................................................................................................... 201
13.2.14 Discharge to Trout Streams ................................................................................... 201
13.3 General Design Guidelines ............................................................................................. 201
13.3.1 Treatment Volume ................................................................................................... 202
13.3.2 Depth Limitations ..................................................................................................... 203
13.3.3 Inlet Protection ......................................................................................................... 203
13.3.4 Principal Spillway ..................................................................................................... 203
13.3.5 Internal Flow Path .................................................................................................... 203
13.3.6 Foundation and Embankment Material .................................................................... 204
13.3.7 Embankment ............................................................................................................ 204
13.3.8 Embankment Height ................................................................................................ 204
13.3.9 Benching .................................................................................................................. 205
13.3.10 Side and Internal Slopes ........................................................................................ 205
13.3.11 Prevention of Short-Circuiting ................................................................................ 205
13.3.12 Low Flow Orifice .................................................................................................... 206
13.3.13 Pond Liners ............................................................................................................ 206
13.3.14 Outfall Piping.......................................................................................................... 207
13.3.15 Emergency Spillway .............................................................................................. 207
13.3.16 Safety and Fencing ................................................................................................ 208
13.3.17 Sediment Forebays ................................................................................................ 208
13.3.18 Discharge Protection ............................................................................................. 209
13.3.19 Landscaping........................................................................................................... 209
13.3.20 Maintenance Access .............................................................................................. 210
13.3.21 Application in Coastal Plains ................................................................................. 210
13.3.22 Design Adjustments for Cold Climates and High Elevations ................................. 211
13.4 Design Example .............................................................................................................. 211
References .............................................................................................................................. 224


Table 1.1 Land Cover Volumetric Runoff Coefficients (Rv) .......................................................... 13
Table 2.1 Summary of Stormwater Functions Provided by Filter Strips ..................................... 15
Table 2.2 Filter Strip Design Criteria ............................................................................................. 17
Table 2.3 Hydrologic Characteristics of Example Project Site ...................................................... 21
Table 2.4 Summary of Output from VRRM Site Data Tab ............................................................ 21
Table 2.5 Summary of Output from VRRM Site Data Tab for Full Treatment Area ...................... 21
Table 2.6 Rainfall Totals from NOAA Atlas 14 .............................................................................. 22
Table 2.7 Adjusted CN from Runoff Reduction Channel and Flood Protection Sheet .................. 22
Table 2.8 Post-development Discharge Peaks ............................................................................. 22
Table 3.1 Stormwater Functions Provided in Grass Channels .................................................... 26
Table 3.2 Grass Channel Design Guidance .................................................................................. 28
Table 3.3 Typical Check Dam (CD) Spacing to Achieve Effective Swale Slope ........................... 31
Table 3.4 Maximum Permissible Velocities for Grass Channels ................................................... 33
Table 3.5 Hydrologic Characteristics of Example Project Site ...................................................... 34
Table 3.6 Site Data Summary Table from VRRM showing Required Phosphorus Removal ........ 34
Table 3.7 Drainage Area Summary Table from VRRM showing Achieved Phosphorus Removal
by Grass Channel A/B soils ........................................................................................................... 34
Table 3.8 Rainfall Totals from NOAA Atlas 14 .............................................................................. 35
Table 3.9 Adjusted CN from Runoff Reduction Redevelopment Spreadsheet Channel and Flood
Protection Tab ............................................................................................................................... 35
Table 3.10 Post-development Discharge Peaks to BMP .............................................................. 35
Table 4.1 Stormwater Functions Provided by Soil Compost Amendments ................................ 38
Table 4.2 Runoff Coefficients for Use for Different Pervious Areas .............................................. 40
Table 4.3 Compost Incorporation Depths for Various Impervious Cover Ratios .......................... 41
Table 5.1 Summary of Stormwater Functions Provided by Permeable Pavement ....................... 44
Level 1 Design ............................................................................................................................... 44
Level 2 Design ............................................................................................................................... 44
Table 5.2 Permeable Pavement Design Criteria ........................................................................... 49
Table 5.3 Hydrologic Characteristics of Total Example Project Site*............................................ 53
Table 5.4 Summary of Output from VRRM Site Data Tab ............................................................ 53
Table 5.5 Summary of Output from VRRM Summary Tab for Permeable Pavement Treatment
Area ............................................................................................................................................... 53
Table 5.6 Rainfall Totals from NOAA Atlas 14 .............................................................................. 54
Table 5.7 Adjusted CN from Runoff Reduction Channel and Flood Protection ............................ 54
Table 5.8 Post-development Discharge Peaks Exiting BMP ........................................................ 55
Table 6.1 Summary of Stormwater Functions Provided by Infiltration Practices .......................... 58
Table 6.2 Characteristics of Three Design Scales of Infiltration Practices.................................... 59
Table 6.3 Stormwater Infiltration Practice Design Guidance ......................................................... 64
Table 6.4 Maximum Depth (in feet) for Infiltration Practices ......................................................... 65
Table 6.5 Number of Soil Profiles and Infiltration Tests Required ................................................ 67
Table 6.6 Required Pre-treatment Elements for Infiltration Practices ........................................... 67
Table 6.7 Hydrologic Characteristics of Example Project Site ...................................................... 70
Table 6.8 Summary of Output from VRRM Site Data Tab ............................................................ 70
Table 6.9 Summary Data from Treatment Train Treatment .......................................................... 70
Table 6.10 Rainfall Totals from NOAA Atlas 14 ............................................................................ 71
Table 6.11 Adjusted CN from Runoff Reduction Channel and Flood Protection .......................... 71
Table 6.12 Post-development Discharge Peaks Exiting BMP ...................................................... 71
Table 6.13 Storage Elevation Data................................................................................................ 73
Table 6.14 Routing of 2-Year Storm Through Facility ................................................................... 74
Table 6.15 Routing of 10-Year Storm Through Facility ................................................................. 75
Table 7.1 Summary of Stormwater Functions Provided by Bioretention Basins ........................... 77
Table 7.2 Bioretention Filter and Basin Design Criteria ................................................................ 83
Table 7.3 Hydrologic Characteristics of Example Project Site ...................................................... 90
Table 7.4 Hydrologic Characteristics of Contributing Drainage Area to BMP ............................... 91


Table 7.5 Summary Data from VRRM Site Data Analysis ............................................................ 91
Table 7.6 Summary Data from Level 1 Bioretention Treatment .................................................... 91
Table 7.7 Rainfall Totals from NOAA Atlas 14 .............................................................................. 92
Table 7.8 Adjusted CN from Runoff Reduction Channel and Flood Protection Sheet .................. 92
Table 7.9 Post-development Discharge Peaks to BMP ................................................................ 92
Table 8.1 Summary of Stormwater Functions Provided by Dry Swales........................................ 97
Table 8.2 Dry Swale Design Criteria ........................................................................................... 102
Table 8.2 Hydrologic Characteristics of Example Project Site .................................................... 108
Table 8.3 Summary Data from VRRM Site Data Analysis .......................................................... 108
Table 8.4 Summary Data from Level 1 Dry Swale Treatment ..................................................... 109
Table 8.5 Rainfall Totals from NOAA Atlas 14 ............................................................................ 109
Table 8.6 Adjusted CN from Runoff Reduction Channel and Flood Protection Sheet ................ 109
Table 8.7 Post-development Discharge Peaks (cfs) based on Adjusted CN .............................. 110
Table 9.1 Summary of Stormwater Functions Provided by Wet Swales ..................................... 115
Table 9.2 Wet Swale Design Criteria........................................................................................... 118
Table 9.3 Hydrologic Characteristics of Example Project Site .................................................... 120
Table 9.4 Summary Data from VRRM Site Data Analysis .......................................................... 121
Table 9.5 Summary Data from Level 1 Wet Swale Treatment .................................................... 121
Table 9.6 Rainfall Totals from NOAA Atlas 14 ............................................................................ 122
Table 9.7 Adjusted CN from Runoff Reduction Channel and Flood Protection Sheet [No
Reduction for Wet Swale BMP] ................................................................................................... 122
Table 9.8 Post-development Discharge Peaks to BMP .............................................................. 122
Table 10.1 Summary of Stormwater Functions Provided by Filtering Practices ......................... 127
Table 10.2 Filtering Practice Design Guidance ........................................................................... 132
Table 10.3 Hydrologic Characteristics of Example Project Site .................................................. 138
Table 10.4 Summary of Output from VRRM Site Data Tab ........................................................ 139
Table 10.5 Summary Data from Treatment Train Treatment ...................................................... 139
Table 10.6 Rainfall Totals from NOAA Atlas 14 .......................................................................... 140
Table 10.7 Adjusted CN from Runoff Reduction Channel and Flood Protection ........................ 140
Table 10.8 Post-development Discharge Peaks Exiting BMP .................................................... 141
Table 11.1 Summary of Stormwater Functions Provided by Constructed Wetland .................... 146
Table 11.2 Constructed Wetland Design Criteria ........................................................................ 148
Table 11.3 Required Liners for Constructed Wetlands in Karst Terrain...................................... 151
Table 11.4 Hydrologic Characteristics of Total Example Project Site ......................................... 161
Table 11.5 Hydrologic Characteristics of Disturbed Area............................................................ 162
Table 11.6 Summary of Output from VRRM Site Data Tab ........................................................ 162
Table 11.7 Summary of Output from VRRM Site Data Tab for Full Treatment Area .................. 162
Table 11.8 Rainfall Totals from NOAA Atlas 14 .......................................................................... 163
Table 11.9 Unadjusted CN from Runoff Reduction Channel and Flood Protection .................... 163
Table 11.10 Post-development Discharge Peaks Exiting BMP .................................................. 163
Table 11.11 Surface Area Summary of Varying Depth Zones .................................................... 166
Table 11.12 Volume Summary of Varying Depth Zones ............................................................. 167
Table 11.13 Stage – Storage Relationship .................................................................................. 167
Table 11.14 Extended Drawdown Calculations for 0.5Tv ............................................................ 168
Table 11.15 Portion of Modified Puls Routing Analysis of 1-Year Storm .................................... 169
Table 11.16 Portion of Modified Puls Routing Analysis of 10-Year Storm .................................. 170
Table 12.1 Summary of Stormwater Functions Provided by Wet Ponds .................................... 173
Table 12.2 Required Groundwater Protection Liners for Ponds in Karst Terrain ........................ 177
Table 12.3 Wet Pond Design Criteria .......................................................................................... 179
Table 12.4 Clay Liner Specifications ........................................................................................... 185
Table 12.5 Hydrologic Characteristics of Disturbed Area of Example Project Site ..................... 188
Table 12.6 Hydrologic Characteristics of Disturbed Area of Example Project Site ..................... 189
Table 12.7 Summary of Output from VRRM Site Data Summary Tab ........................................ 189
Table 12.8 Summary of Output from VRRM for Level 2 Wet Pond............................................. 189
Table 12.9 Rainfall Totals from NOAA Atlas 14 .......................................................................... 190
Table 12.10 UnAdjusted CN from Runoff Reduction Channel and Flood Protection.................. 191


Table 12.11 Post-development Discharge Peaks to Wet Pond .................................................. 191
Table 12.12 Pre-development Discharge Peaks to Wet Pond .................................................... 191
Table 12.13 Stage-Storage Relationship .................................................................................... 192
Table 12.14 Extended Drawdown Calculations ........................................................................... 193
Table 13.1 Summary of Stormwater Functions Provided by ED Ponds ...................................... 197
Table 13.2 Extended Detention (ED) Pond Criteria .................................................................... 202
Table 13.3 Clay Liner Specifications ........................................................................................... 207
Table 13.4 Liner for Karst Areas Specifications .......................................................................... 207
Table 13.5 Hydrologic Characteristics of Disturbed Area of Example Project Site ..................... 212
Table 13.6 Remainder of Drainage Area to Extended Detention Facility (Undisturbed)............. 212
Table 13.7 Summary of Output from VRRM Site Data Tab ........................................................ 212
Table 13.8 Summary of Output from VRRM Site Data Tab for Full Treatment Area .................. 212
Table 13.9 Rainfall Totals from NOAA Atlas 14 .......................................................................... 214
Table 13.10 Adjusted CN from Runoff Reduction Channel and Flood Protection ...................... 214
Table 13.11 Post-development Discharge Peaks to BMP .......................................................... 214
Table 13.12 Surface Area Summary of Varying Depth Zones .................................................... 216
Table 13.13 Volume Summary of Varying Depth Zones ............................................................. 216
Table 13.14 Stage-Storage Relationship .................................................................................... 216
Table 13.15 Extended Drawdown Calculations for 0.6Tv ............................................................ 218
Table 13.16 Portion of Modified Puls Routing Analysis of 1-Year Storm .................................... 219
Table 13.17 Portion of Modified Puls Routing Analysis of 2-Year Storm .................................... 219
Table 13.18 Portion of Modified Puls Routing Analysis of 10-Year Storm .................................. 220
Table 13.19 Portion of Modified Puls Routing Analysis of 100-Year Storm ................................ 220


Figure 3.1 Schematic Grass Channels - Typical Plan ................................................................... 24
Figure 3.2 Schematic Grass Channels -Typical Profile ................................................................. 25
Figure 3.3 Schematic Grass Channels - Typical Section .............................................................. 25
Figure 5.1 Typical Permeable Pavement Detail (Parking Lots) .................................................... 45
Figure 6.1 Typical Infiltration Basin ............................................................................................... 60
Figure 6.2 Typical Infiltration Trench Cross Section (with overdrain) ............................................ 60
Figure 6.3 Infiltration Trench Cross Section (with supplemental storage)..................................... 61
Figure 6.4 Infiltration Trench Cross Section (without subdrainage) .............................................. 61
Figure 7.1 Bioretention Cross-section – Type 1 ............................................................................ 78
Figure 7.2 Bioretention Cross-section – Type 2 ............................................................................ 78
Figure 7.3 Basin Geometry Relating Shortest and Longest Flow Paths. ...................................... 85
Figure 7.4 Typical Bypass Structure Configuration ....................................................................... 88
Figure 8.1 Typical Dry Swale [Plan View] ..................................................................................... 98
Figure 8.2 Typical Dry Swale – Level 1 [Profile View] ................................................................... 98
Figure 8.3 Typical Dry Swale – Level 1 [Cross-section View] ....................................................... 99
Figure 8.4 Typical Dry Swale – Level 2 [Profile View] ................................................................... 99
Figure 8.5 Typical Dry Swale – Level 2 [Cross-section View] ..................................................... 100
Figure 8.6 Cross-section through Downstream Check Dam ....................................................... 112
Figure 9.1 Wet Swale with Check Dams ..................................................................................... 115
Figure 9.2 Typical Wet Swale Profile........................................................................................... 116
Figure 9.3 Typical Wet Swale Cross-section ............................................................................... 116
Figure 10.1 Typical Surface Filter................................................................................................ 128
Figure 10.2 Typical Perimeter Sand Filter ................................................................................... 129
Figure 10.3 Typical Pretreatment Forebay .................................................................................. 134
Figure 10.4 Type 2 Check Dam Separating Pretreatment Cell from Filter Cell .......................... 135
Figure 10.5 Discharge-Volume Curve for the 2-year 24-hour storm ........................................... 142
Figure 10.6 VDOT Performance Curve for DI-7 in Sump ............................................................ 143
Figure 11.1 Typical Level I Constructed Wetland........................................................................ 147
Figure 11.2 Varying Wetland Depth Zones (Profile).................................................................... 147
Figure 12.1 Schematic of Wet Pond Facility ............................................................................... 174
Figure 12.2 Discharge-Elevation Curve for Circular Orifice ........................................................ 193
Figure 13.1 Schematic Extended Detention Basin Plan View ..................................................... 198
Figure 13.2 Discharge-Elevation Curve for Outlet Structure Design........................................... 217


Chapter 1 Introduction
1.1 Introduction

This Appendix was prepared for the Virginia Department of Transportation by

Virginia Tech under contract for the Virginia Center for Transportation Innovation
& Research. It provides guidance in the design of Best Management Practices
capable of contributing to the goal of stormwater management as defined in
Instructional and Informational Memorandum of General Subject “Virginia
Stormwater Management Program” (IIM-LD-195), which states:

“Inclusive of this stormwater management program is a post-construction

component that inhibits the deterioration of the aquatic environment by
maintaining the post-development water quantity and quality runoff
characteristics, as nearly as practicable, equal to or better than pre-
development runoff characteristics.”

Additionally, the design examples apply the BMP design methodologies found in
the Virginia Stormwater Management Handbook, 2nd Edition, Draft (DCR/DEQ,
2013) to the site conditions and constraints typically encountered in linear
development projects.

It is assumed that the readers of this document are knowledgeable in the

engineering disciplines of hydrology and hydraulics and will understand
fundamental fluid flow principles used in this manual.

This manual does not constitute a standard, specification, or regulation.

1.2 Project Site

The project site is defined as:

“The area of actual proposed land disturbance (i.e., construction limits)

plus any right of way acquired in support of the proposed land disturbance
activity/project. Any support areas within existing or proposed VDOT right
of way associated with the proposed land disturbance activity/project and
identified in the pre-construction SWPPP for the proposed land
disturbance activity/project shall also be considered a part of the site.
Permanent easements and/or other property acquired through the right of
way acquisition process in conjunction with the proposed land disturbance
activity/project may be considered a part of the site and utilized in the
determination of the post-development water quality requirements,
provided such property will remain under the ownership/control of the
VDOT and providing such property is so identified/designated on the
proposed land disturbance activity/project plans and is legally encumbered
for the purpose of stormwater management.”


1.3 Design Treatment Volume

Treatment volume for practices discussed in this manual is related to a 1” rainfall

over the contributing drainage area. The treatment volume is related to the area,
a volume coefficient, and the composite runoff coefficient, as shown in Equation
1.1, below:

1.0 in.

where is the volume coefficient (dependent on design level), is the

computed treatment volume (acre-ft), and is the contributing drainage area
(acres). The composite runoff coefficient, is derived from the runoff
reduction method for the contributing drainage area, (acres). The Virginia
Stormwater Management Handbook, 2nd Edition, Draft (DCR/DEQ, 2013),
Chapter 11 defines as:

= × %!" + $
×% "+ %
× %&" (1.2)


= Composite weighted runoff coefficient

= Runoff coefficient for Impervious cover (Table 1.1)
= Runoff coefficient for Turf cover (Table 1.1)
= Runoff coefficient for Forested cover (Table 1.1)

= Percent of site in Impervious cover (fraction)

= Percent of site in Turf cover (fraction)
= Percent of site in Forested cover (fraction)

Equation 1.2 and Table 1.1 are used to calculate for the post-
development condition.

Table 1.1 Land Cover Volumetric Runoff Coefficients (Rv)

Virginia Stormwater Management Handbook, Chapter 11, 2014
Runoff Coefficients
Land Cover
Forest/Open Space 0.02 0.03 0.04 0.05
Disturbed Soil or Managed Turf 0.15 0.20 0.22 0.25
Impervious Cover 0.95


1.4 Water Quality and Quantity Standards

For new projects, water quality and quantity standards shall conform to Part II B
(9VAC25-870-62) of the Virginia Stormwater Management Regulations.

“Part II B (9VAC25-870-62 et. seq.) contains the “new” technical criteria

that include the Runoff Reduction methodology (for determining
compliance with water quality requirements) and the Energy Balance
Equation (for determining compliance with the stream channel flooding
and erosion requirements). Part II B technical criteria are applicable to
non-grandfathered projects.”

This design manual applies to projects that must conform to Part II B technical

For projects that have been grandfathered, the requirements of Part II C

(9VAC25-870-93 et. seq.) of the Virginia Stormwater Management regulations
shall apply. VDOT shall determine if a project is grandfathered prior to design.

“Part II C (9VAC25-870-93 et. seq.) contains the “old” technical criteria

that include the Performance/Technology-Based methodology (for
determining compliance with water quality requirements) and MS-19
criteria (for determining compliance with stream channel flooding and
erosion requirements). Part II C technical criteria are applicable to
grandfathered projects.

A separate design manual is provided for projects that must conform to Part II C
technical criteria.


Chapter 2 Sheet Flow to Vegetated Filter Strip
2.1 Overview of Practice

Filter strips are used to treat runoff from areas that generate and deliver sheet
flow from adjacent impervious and managed turf areas by slowing the velocity of
runoff, which allows sediment and pollutants to be filtered by vegetation and/or
settled out of stormwater runoff. Two variations of sheet flow practices as
outlined by Virginia DCR/DEQ Stormwater Design Specification No. 2, (2013) are
Conserved Open Space and Vegetated Filter Strips. Although Conserved Open
Space is allowed in principal, it is unlikely that the right of way associated with a
VDOT project will contain the required minimum conservation space to ensure
long term viability of the practice; therefore information regarding use of
conserved open space is not included in this document.

Due to the requirement of a uniform linear edge to maintain runoff as sheet flow,
these practices are applicable to a wide array of road construction projects.

Table 2.1 Summary of Stormwater Functions Provided by Filter Strips 1

Modified from Virginia Stormwater Design Specification No. 2, Draft (DCR/DEQ, 2013)
Vegetated Filter Strip
HSG Soils HSG Soils
Stormwater Function 4
A B , C and D
3 2
No CA With CA
Annual Runoff Vol. Reduction (RR) 50% 50%
Total Phosphorus (TP) EMC
Reduction by BMP Treatment 0
Total Phosphorus (TP) Mass Load
50% 50%
Total Nitrogen (TN) EMC Reduction
by BMP Treatment Process
Total Nitrogen (TN) Mass Load
50% 50%
Partial. Designers can use the VRRM Compliance
spreadsheet to adjust curve number for each design
Channel Protection and
storm for the contributing drainage area; and
Flood Mitigation
designers can account for a lengthened Time-of-
Concentration flow path in computing peak discharge.
CWP and CSN (2008); CWP (2007)
CA = Compost Amended Soils (see Design Specification No. 4)
Compost amendments are generally not applicable for undisturbed A soils, although it may be
advisable to incorporate them on mass-graded A or B soils and/or filter strips on B soils, in order
to maintain runoff reduction rates.
The plan approving authority may waive the requirement for compost amended soils for filter
strips on B soils under certain conditions (see Section 6.2 below)
There is insufficient monitoring data to assign a nutrient removal rate for filter strips at this time.


2.2 Site Constraints and Siting of the Facility

When sheet flow is proposed to either conserved open space or managed turf,
the designer must consider a number of site constraints to ensure that the
practice is applicable to the suggested use.

2.2.1 Filter Strip Location

Ideally, the vegetated filter strip shall be located within the VDOT property or
right-of-way or, if not, then subject to a drainage easement to which VDOT has
appropriate access to ensure proper inspection and continued proper function of
the practice.

2.2.2 Maximum Contributing Drainage Area (CDA) and Contributing Flow

Vegetated filter strips should be restricted to treatment scenarios where the
contributing drainage area (CDA) is small, typically 5,000 ft2 or less. It is
important to design vegetative filter strips within the limits established for
contributing drainage areas. Too much or too little runoff can result in
performance issues and the need for subsequent repairs. Typically, the crucial
design factor is the length of the contributing flow path, which is shown in Table
2.2. The overall contributing drainage area must be relatively flat to ensure sheet
flow draining into the filter area. Where this is not possible, alternative measures,
such as an Engineered Level Spreader (ELS), can be used.

2.2.3 Site Slopes

Slopes approaching vegetated filter strips shall be kept to a minimum in order to
maintain sheet flow. Typically, for many applications, the maximum slope
entering pretreatment shall be the maximum shoulder slope (typically 8%) as
allowed in the VDOT Road and Bridge Standards, latest edition.

2.2.4 Site Soils

Filter strips are allowable in all soil types. Use in fill soils and HSG B, C, and D
soils will likely require the use of compost amendments (see Table 2.2).
Engineer shall indicate on plans for the Contractor to keep filter strip area off-line
and free from construction vehicle traffic, in accordance with VDOT Special
Provision for Sheet Flow to Vegetated Filter Strip (2014). The runoff reduction
associated with the measure shall be associated with the underlying Hydrologic
Soil Group (HSG) and whether or not composted soil amendments are used to
supplement existing soils in the area of the filter strip.

2.2.5 Depth to Water Table

Generally, vegetated filter strips will not function to optimum levels in the
presence of a seasonally high water table. If a high water table is encountered,
the designer and/or Contractor shall notify VDOT immediately to determine any
corrective actions necessary to address the lever of groundwater on the site.


2.2.6 Karst Areas
Vegetated filter strips may be used in karst areas. However, an adequate
receiving system down grade of the filter must be evaluated to be consistent with
requirements of the Virginia Stormwater Management Handbook, 2nd Edition,
Draft (DCR/DEQ, 2013) as they relate to stormwater discharge in karst areas.

2.2.7 Utilities
Vegetated filter strips may be constructed over existing and proposed utilities.
Generally utilities that cross (perpendicular) a vegetated filter strip are preferred.
Long longitudinal runs of utilities (parallel to road) through a grass filter strip
should be discussed with VDOT prior to incorporating on plans due to long term
issues with maintenance on utilities affecting operation and maintenance of the
vegetated filter.

Table 2.2 Filter Strip Design Criteria

Modified from Virginia Stormwater Design Specification No. 2, Draft (DCR/DEQ, 2013)
Design Issue Vegetated Filter Strip
Soil and Vegetative
Amended soils and dense turf cover or landscaped with herbaceous cover,
shrubs, and trees
Overall Slope and 1% 1 to 4% Slope – Minimum 35’ length
length (parallel to the 4% to 6% Slope – Minimum 50’ length
flow) 6% to 8% Slope – Minimum 65’ length
The first 10’ of filter must be 2% or less in all cases
Contributing Area of
Maximum flow length of 150’ from adjacent pervious areas;
Sheet Flow
Maximum flow length of 75’ from adjacent impervious areas
Level Spreader for
dispersing Length of ELS 3 Lip = 13 lin.ft. per each 1 cfs of inflow (13 lin.ft. min; 130
Concentrated Flow lin.ft. max.)

Construction Stage
Prevent soil compaction by heavy equipment
Typical Applications
Treat small areas of Impervious Cover
Optional (A soils)
Yes (B, C, and D soils) 2
Boundary Spreader GD 3 at top of filter
PB 3 at toe of filter
A minimum of 1% is recommended to ensure positive drainage.
The plan approving authority may waive the requirement for compost amended soils for filter strips
on B soils under certain conditions
ELS = Engineered Level Spreader; GD = Gravel Diaphragm; PB = Permeable Berm.

2.3 General Design Guidelines

The following presents a collection of design considerations when designing and

installing a vegetated filter strips for improvement of water quality. Cross-section
details for specific design features, including material specifications, can be
found in the VDOT BMP Standard Detail SWM-2 Sheet Flow to Vegetated Filter


2.3.1 Vegetated Filter Strip General Design Requirements
Filter strips should be used to treat small sections of impervious cover, 5,000 ft2,
or less, adjacent to road shoulders. They may be used as pretreatment for other
BMPs and may be incorporated into a treatment train.

Vegetated strips shall be designed to meet the following criteria:

• Soils compacted during installation will be restored through compost
amendments over the full length and width of the filter strip and according
to recommendations listed in VDOT BMP Standard Detail SWM-2 Sheet
Flow to Vegetated Filter Strip.
• The proposed strip shall be identified on the project’s erosion and
sediment control plan.
• After construction is complete, maintenance of the strip shall follow
procedures outlined in the VDOT BMP Maintenance Manual (2015),
unless prior approval from VDOT project manager is received for
alternative maintenance procedures.

2.3.2 Slopes
The allowed range for slopes through a filter is typically 1.0%-8.0% slope, in
order to maintain sheet flow throughout. In addition, upstream slopes should be
relatively flat to maintain sheet flow conditions as runoff enters the filter. If
restriction of upstream slopes is not possible, a level spreader meeting the
requirements shown in VDOT BMP Standard Detail SWM-2—Sheet Flow to
Vegetated Filter Strip may be used.

2.3.3 Flow Path

Flow lengths upstream of a filter shall be limited to those values shown in Table

2.3.4 Hotspot Land Uses

Vegetated filters should not receive runoff directed from stormwater hotspots due
to the risk of groundwater contamination.

2.3.5 Compost Amendments

Generally, compost amendments will be required for hydrologic soil group B, C,
and D soils. The requirement for amendments in type B soils may be waived at
the discretion of VDOT if the designer provides additional information to VDOT
regarding soil type, texture, and profile, and the area will be protected from
disturbance during construction. Compost amendments shall be installed
according to the depths outlined in VDOT BMP Standard Sheet SWM-4. The
media used for amending the soils shall be Engineered Soil Media Type 3, as
found in the VDOT Special Provision for Soil Compost Amendment (2014).
Installation of compost amendments shall be in accordance with the VDOT
Special Provision for Sheet Flow to Vegetated Filter Strip (2014).


2.3.6 Planting
Vegetation shall be installed at an appropriate density to achieve a 90%
grass/herbaceous cover after the second growing season. Sod shall not be
applied in filter strip areas. Species utilized within filter strips shall be salt

2.3.7 Diaphragms, Berms and Level Spreaders

Proper pre-treatment preserves a greater fraction of the Treatment Volume over
time and prevents large particles from clogging orifices, filter material, and
infiltration sites. Selecting an improper type of pre-treatment or designing and
constructing the pre-treatment feature incorrectly can result in performance and
maintenance issues. In that respect, a gravel diaphragm is required for all sheet
flow entering a vegetated filter strip in roadway applications. The gravel
diaphragm shall be installed in accordance with the Typical Gravel Diaphragm
Sheet Flow to Vegetated Filter Strip detail shown in VDOT BMP Standard Detail
SWM-2 Sheet Flow to Vegetated Filter Strip.

Sources of concentrated inflow upstream of a vegetated filter strip shall be

returned to sheet flow through the use of a Type I or Type II level spreader, as
outlined in VDOT BMP Standard Detail SWM-2 Sheet Flow to Vegetated Filter
Strip. A Type I level spreader shall be used in applications where there is
channel inflow, or in areas where upstream sheet flow has become partially
concentrated, or violates contributing area length requirements shown in Table
2.2. Type II level spreaders can be utilized to transition pipe or channel inflow to
sheet flow prior to runoff entering the vegetated filter strip. Receiving areas
downstream of level spreaders shall be designed to withstand the shear force
created by incoming flows. Stabilization downstream of the spreader will be
accomplished using clean, washed VDOT #1 stone, underlain by non-woven
geotextile filter fabric, as shown in VDOT BMP Standard Detail SWM-2—Sheet
Flow to Vegetated Filter Strip.

2.3.8 Topsoil and Compost Requirements

If existing topsoil will not promote dense turf growth, imported topsoil with the
following characteristics may be used:
• Loamy sand or sandy loam texture
• Less than 5% clay content
• Corrected pH between 6 and 7
• Soluble salt content not exceeding 500 ppm
• Organic matter content exceeding 2%
• Topsoil shall be of uniform depth between 6 and 8”

Compost shall be in accordance with the requirements set forth in VDOT Special
Provision for Soil Compost Amendments.


2.3.9 Construction and Maintenance
Construction shall be in accordance with the requirements set forth in the VDOT
Special Provision for Sheet Flow to Vegetated Filter Strip (2014), and
maintenance shall be in accordance with procedures set forth in the VDOT BMP
Maintenance Manual (2015).

2.4 Design Example

This section presents the design process applicable to vegetated filters serving
as water quality BMPs. The pre and post-development runoff characteristics are
intended to replicate stormwater management needs routinely encountered on
VDOT projects. The hydrologic calculations and assumptions presented in this
section serve only as input data for the detailed BMP design steps. Full
hydrologic discussion is beyond the scope of this report, and the user is referred
to Chapter 11 of the Virginia Stormwater Management Handbook, 2nd Edition,
Draft (DCR/DEQ, 2013) for details on hydrologic methodology.

Typically, vegetated filters are designed as the first step in a treatment train
approach to meeting water quality control requirements. However, due to the
applicability for treating sheet flow, there will be applications, such as shoulder
widening, that may exclusively use vegetated filters to potentially meet full
stormwater quality control requirements. In order to meet the vegetated filter
strip requirements, sufficient right-of-way must be present to meet the minimum
lengths required (see Table 2.2).

A shoulder widening project is planned along I-66 near Front Royal, Virginia.
The longitudinal slope along this section of I-66 is approximately 1.0%. The
project consists of adding a 6’ paved shoulder along the interior side (into
median) of the east bound lanes. In addition, a 50’ wide portion of the median will
be regraded for drainage improvements. The presence of HSG D soils along this
1,000’ section of the project will require compost amendments to supplement the
existing soil. The disturbed area of the project and the additional impervious
area added is minimal. Since the vegetated filter strip can also treat existing
runoff up to the road crown, it is particularly well suited for this application.

Due to a wide existing compacted gravel shoulder along the edge of the existing
pavement, the proposed widening will only add an additional 0.03 acres of
impervious area. Although the disturbed area (including median work) is 1.29
acres, the treatment area extends to the crown of the road, containing an
additional 0.29 acres of impervious cover (HSG D), and sums to 1.58 acres total
area. In the post-development condition, the time of concentration has been
calculated to be 9 minutes. Geotechnical investigations reveal compacted soil
with a high clay content. Lab tests confirm that infiltration cannot be performed at
this location. The project site does not exhibit a high or seasonally high
groundwater table.


Table 2.3 Hydrologic Characteristics of Example Project Site
Impervious Turf
Soil Classification HSG D HSG D
Area (acres) 0.00 1.29
Soil Classification HSG D HSG D
Area (acres) 0.03 1.26

Step 1 - Enter Data into VRRM Spreadsheet

The required site data from Table 2.3 is input into the VRRM Spreadsheet for
Redevelopment (2014) to compute load reductions for a linear project, resulting
in site data summary information shown in Table 2.4. Note that using the
redevelopment spreadsheet, the required reduction for linear projects is
computed as the sum of the Post-Redevelopment Load and the Post-
Development Load minus 80% of the Predevelopment Listed load.

Table 2.4 Summary of Output from VRRM Site Data Tab

Site Rv 0.27
Post-development TP Load (lb/yr) 0.78
Total TP Load Reduction Required (lb/yr) 0.20

It is important to note that the values in Table 2.4 are only the values for the
disturbed area of the project. Although other run-on areas (0.29 acres total) were
described in the problem statement, they are not part of the disturbed area, and
should not be entered as such in the VRRM Spreadsheet to compute required
reductions (Table 2.4).

The vegetated filter will be used to treat runoff from the disturbed area and the
run-on area (0.29 acres). Note that the VRRM Spreadsheet will warn the user
that the area (1.58 acres) exceeds the disturbed area (1.29 acres); however, it is
acceptable to treat adjacent run-on area as part of the project. Appropriate data
for post-development conditions is input into the VRRM Spreadsheet Drainage
Area tab, yielding compliance results summarized in Table 2.5.

Table 2.5 Summary of Output from VRRM Site Data Tab for Full Treatment Area
Total Impervious Cover Treated (acres) 0.32
Total Turf Area Treated (acres) 1.26
Total TP Load Reduction Achieved in D.A. A (lb/yr) 0.71

In this case, the total phosphorus reduction required is 0.20 lbs/yr. The
estimated removal is 0.71 lbs/yr; therefore, the target has been met.

Step 2 - Enter Data in Channel and Flood Protection Tab

Hydrologic computations for required design storms for flood and erosion
compliance are not shown as part of this example. The user is directed to the


VDOT Drainage Manual for appropriate levels of protection and design
requirements related to erosion and flood protection.

Values for the 1-, 2-, and 10-year 24- hour rainfall depth should be determined
from the National Oceanographic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) Atlas
14 and entered into the “Channel and Flood Protection” tab of the spreadsheet.
For this site (Lat 38.942421, Long -78.138086), those values are shown in Table

Table 2.6 Rainfall Totals from NOAA Atlas 14

1-year storm 2-year storm 10-year storm
Rainfall (inches) 2.51 3.02 4.47

Curve numbers used for computations should be those calculated as part of the
runoff reduction spreadsheet (Virginia Runoff Reduction Spreadsheet for
Redevelopment, 2013). For this site, computed adjusted curve numbers are 81,
81 and 82 for the 1-, 2- and 10-year storms, respectively (Table 2.7).

Table 2.7 Adjusted CN from Runoff Reduction Channel and Flood Protection Sheet
1-year 2-year 10-year
Storm Storm Storm
RVDeveloped (in) with no Runoff Reduction 1.12 1.53 2.79
RVDeveloped (in) with Runoff Reduction 0.93 1.34 2.59
Adjusted CN 81 81 82

The values reported in Table 2.7 are only valid for the drainage area served
by the proposed vegetated filter drainage subarea. The remaining portion of
the site drainage area should use the appropriate curve numbers for those areas.

Input data is used in the Natural Resource Conservation Service Technical

Release 55 (NRCS TR-55) Tabular method to calculate discharge hydrographs.
(Note that other hydrologic methodologies are suitable-see VDOT Drainage
Manual, Hydrology for guidance) Peaks of those hydrographs for the 1-, 2-,
and 10-year storms are reported in Table 2.8. These values can be used to size
the conveyance downstream of the vegetated filter (not shown in this design

Table 2.8 Post-development Discharge Peaks

1-year storm 2-year storm 10-year storm
Discharge (cfs) 1.70 2.43 4.93

Step 3 - Select Filter Length

Because the travel lane and proposed paved shoulder has a 2.08% cross slope
and the filter will extend at a 4.0% grade cross-slope from the edge of shoulder,
the required filter length (in the direction of flow) from Table 2.2 is 35’. The
designer should also confirm that the upstream length restrictions are not


violated during the design. In this case, the length of the shoulder and existing
travel lane to the crown total 20’; therefore, the maximum upstream length of 75’
of paved surface is not violated.

Step 4 - Determine Compost Amended Soil Requirements

Because the underlying soil type is HSG D soils, the area where the filter will be
implemented must be amended. Amendments will be according to specifications
shown in the VDOT Special Provision for Soil Compost Amendments, 2013.
Based on the requirements in that document, amendments for this project will
require incorporating 10” of compost to a minimum incorporated depth of 11.6”
(see detailed calculations in Section 4.4) using a tiller. Specific compost
requirements and incorporation requirements are discussed in that document.

Step 5 - Seeding

The grass chosen should be able to withstand both wet and dry periods. The
user is directed to the Virginia Erosion and Sediment Control Handbook (1992)
permanent seeding chapter for guidance. The selected seed mix combination
should provide low maintenance, tolerance of moisture conditions, and be
tolerant to high salt concentrations during the winter months.

Step 6 - Design of Overflow and Conveyance Structures

Overflow and conveyance structures must be designed to pass the specified

design storm based on functional classification of the road. This includes
calculations for overtopping of the check dams by storms of lower recurrence (i.e.
25-, 50-, and 100-year storms). These computations are beyond the scope of
this design example. However, the user is directed to the VDOT Drainage
Manual for guidance on flood and erosion compliance calculations.


Chapter 3 Grass Channels
3.1 Overview of Practice

Grass channels are effective in providing moderate peak attenuation, volume

reduction, and filtering of stormwater runoff. They are particularly effective as a
first line treatment option in a treatment train, or for treatment of runoff prior to its
entry into inlets or culverts. Although they cannot provide as much volume or
pollutant reduction as dry swales, the performance of grass channels can be
improved through the use of soil amendments within the channel.

Grass channels are preferable to curb and gutter or storm drains due to their
ability to treat the runoff, unlike the impervious alternatives. The Virginia
Stormwater Design Specification No. 3, Grass Channels, Draft (DCR/DEQ, 2013)
describes grass channels as particularly well suited to linear applications, such
as transportation related projects.

Figure 3.1 Schematic Grass Channels - Typical Plan

VDOT SWM-3 Grass Channels


Figure 3.2 Schematic Grass Channels -Typical Profile
VDOT SWM-3 Grass Channels

Figure 3.3 Schematic Grass Channels - Typical Section

VDOT SWM-3 Grass Channels


Table 3.1 Stormwater Functions Provided in Grass Channels
Virginia Stormwater Design Specification No. 3, Grass Channels, Draft
(DCR/DEQ, 2013)
HSG Soils A and B HSG Soils C and D
Stormwater Function 2
No CA With CA No CA With CA
Annual Runoff Volume Reduction (RR) 20% NA 10% 20%
Total Phosphorus (TP) EMC
Reduction by BMP Treatment 15% 15%
Total Phosphorus (TP) Mass Load 24% (no CA) to
Removal 32% (with CA)
● Use VRRM Compliance spreadsheet to calculate a
Curve Number (CN) adjustment ; OR
Channel & Flood Protection
● Design extra storage in the stone underdrain layer and
peak rate control structure (optional, as needed) to
accommodate detention of larger storm volumes.
CWP and CSN (2008) and CWP (2007).
CA= Compost Amended Soils, see Stormwater Design Specification No. 4.
Compost amendments are generally not applicable for A and B soils, although it may be advisable to
incorporate them on mass-graded and/or excavated soils to maintain runoff reduction rates. In these
cases, the 20% runoff reduction rate may be claimed, regardless of the pre-construction HSG.
Change in event mean concentration (EMC) through the practice. Actual nutrient mass load removed
is the product of the pollutant removal rate and the runoff volume reduction rate (see Table 1 in the
Introduction to the New Virginia Stormwater Design Specifications).

3.2 Site Constraints and Siting of the Facility

When a grass channel is proposed, the designer must consider a number of site
constraints to ensure that the practice is applicable to the suggested use.

3.2.1 Maximum Drainage Area

The maximum drainage area of a grass channel is limited to 5 acres. Past this
threshold, there is an increasing likelihood that the velocity of flow in the channel
will reach a point that prevents the runoff treatment and effective filtering of the
treatment volume. In addition, there is an increasing threat of erosion in the
channel as the velocity increases.

3.2.2 Site Slopes

The design and installation of grass channels are limited to relatively shallow
slopes due to increased velocity and the threat of erosion on steeper slopes. Soil
conditions, turf type, and channel cross-section will affect the maximum
sustained velocity that a channel can withstand without erosion. It is the
responsibility of the designer to reduce the channel slope to a level that can
sustain non-erosive flow. Check dams may be used on moderately steep slopes
to reduce the effective channel slope—see Section 3.3.3.


3.2.3 Site Soils
Grass channels may be installed on all soil types. However, soil amendments
will be required in areas with HSG C and D soils to enhance vegetative growth,
improve long term functionality, and promote runoff reduction. Soil compost
amendments shall be integrated into the project according to instructions found in
the VDOT Special Provision for Grass Channels (2014) and Section 4 of this

3.2.4 Depth to Water Table

Grass channels should not be installed on sites with a high groundwater table
that results in frequently flowing water during all or part of the year. Grass
channels are intended to be dry between storm events.

3.2.5 Separation Distances

A 50’ minimum separation from water supply wells is required. Additionally, a 35’
minimum separation from septic drain fields is required.

3.2.6 Karst Areas

Grass channels are an acceptable practice in karst terrain, as long as they do not
treat hotspot runoff as defined in Table 8.10 of DCR/DEQ Stormwater
Specification #8, Infiltration (2013). The following design adaptations apply to
grass channels in karst terrain:
• Soil compost amendments in conformance with VDOT Special Provision
for Grass Channels (2015), may be incorporated into the bottom of grass
channels to improve their runoff reduction capability.
• Check dams are discouraged for grass swales in karst terrain, since they
pond too much water (although flow spreaders that are flush with the
ground surface and spaced along the channel length may be useful in
spreading flows more evenly across the channel width).
• The minimum depth to the bedrock layer is 18”.
• A minimum slope of 0.5% must be maintained to ensure positive drainage.
• The grass channel may have off-line cells and should be tied into an
adequate discharge point.

3.2.7 Existing Utilities

Grass channels that do not employ compost amendments may be installed over
existing utilities. However, grass channels installed parallel over existing utilities
should be avoided unless there is a minimum 2’ separation between the bottom
of channel and top of underlying utility.

3.2.8 Floodplains
Grass channels may be installed in 100 year floodplains if there is no negative
impact to flood elevation as mandated by state and federal guidelines.


3.3 General Design Guidelines

Table 3.2 presents a collection of design considerations when designing a grass

channel for conveyance of storm water and improvement of water quality. Cross-
section details for specific design features are found in the VDOT BMP Standard
SWM-3: Grass Channels (2014).

Table 3.2 Grass Channel Design Guidance

Virginia Stormwater Design Specification No. 3, Grass Channels, Draft (DCR/DEQ,
Design Criteria
The bottom width of the channel shall be set to maintain the peak flow rate for the 1” storm design
treatment volume (Tv) at less than 4” in depth and ≤ 1 fps velocity.
The channel side-slopes should be 3H:1V or flatter.
The maximum total contributing drainage area to any individual grass channel is 5 acres.
The longitudinal slope of the channel should be no greater than 4%. (Check dams may be used
to reduce the effective slope in order to meet the limiting velocity requirements.[Table 3.3])
The dimensions of the channel should ensure that flow velocity is non-erosive during the 2-year
and 10-year design storm events and the 10-year design flow is contained within the channel
(minimum of 4 inches-feet of freeboard).
The design of grass channels should consider the entire Tv of the contributing drainage area
(rather than the TvBMP which would reflect a decrease in Tv based on upstream runoff reduction
practices) in order to ensure non-erosive conveyance during all design storm conditions.

3.3.1 Channel Parameters

Grass channels are designed to provide conveyance based on peak rates of
flow. Longitudinal slopes should typically be between 0.5 and 4.0%; however,
the ideal slope is between 1% and 2%. Check dams shall be used in areas of
higher slopes to create a lower effective slope that allows reductions in
stormwater velocity and erosive potential see Table 3.3.

Manning’s Equation is typically used to verify the hydraulic capacity of a grass

channel based on physical parameters. Equation 3.1 describes the Manning
Equation for flow velocity:

' = () - 1
./0 2/.
, (3.1)


V = flow velocity (ft./sec)

n = Manning’s roughness coefficient (see discussion below)
R =hydraulic radius (ft), which is the cross sectional area divided by wetted
S = represents the average longitudinal channel slope (ft/ft)

Note that for very shallow flows the hydraulic radius (R) may be approximated by
the flow depth, D, in ft.


Grass channels are commonly used to convey runoff to secondary treatment
practices. The flow depth for the 1” rainfall should be maintained at a depth of 4”
or less. For flows under this depth, the manning coefficient (“n”) is 0.2 for well-
established grass channels. For a depth of 12”, the manning coefficient is
reduced to 0.03.

Channels shall be designed to convey runoff without eroding the channel for the
2 and 10-year flows. The 10-year peak flows shall be conveyed within the
channel with a minimum of 4” of freeboard.

For linear highway projects, the grass channel shall be evaluated at every
significant change in channel cross-section or slope to verify channel adequacy
for both non-erosive conveyance and verification of adequate freeboard.

The residence time for the treatment volume (1” rainfall) shall be a minimum of 9
minutes (Virginia Stormwater Design Specification No. 3, Grass Channels, Draft
(DCR/DEQ,2013)). When multiple inflow points exist, a 9 minute residence time
must be demonstrated for each point through evaluation of Equations 3.1 and
3.2 (Equations 3-1 and 3-2, Virginia Stormwater Design Specification No. 3,
Grass Channels, Draft (DCR/DEQ, 2013))

4 $5 = ' = ' 6 7 8 (3.2)


4 $5 is
design treatment volume (1”) peak flow rate (cfs)

' is flow velocity (fps)

is cross sectional flow area (ft2)

6 represents the channel base width (ft)

8 is the flow depth (ft)

Note that the substitution of cross sectional area in Equation 3.2 with the product
of channel width and flow depth is only valid as an approximation for shallow

Combination and manipulation of Equations 3.1 and 3.2 yields solutions for
minimum channel widths and velocities as found in Equations 3.3 and 3.4.

6= , 4 $5 "/ 1.4989/0 S2/. (3.3)

'=4 $5 / W x D (3.4)

The velocity calculated by Equation 3.4 should be less than 1 fps. Equation
parameters, n, W, and S may be adjusted, as necessary, for site conditions to
decrease velocity, and thus, increase residence time. The minimum length of


channel necessary to achieve a 9 minute residence time can be calculated using
the velocity resulting from use of Equation 3.5.

> = 540' (3.5)


> is the minimum channel length (ft).

' is flow velocity (ft./sec.)

3.3.2 Geometry
Grass channels shall be either trapezoidal or parabolic in cross-section in order
to facilitate mowing and maintenance. Side slopes should be kept to a maximum
slope of 3:1 to facilitate mowing. Typically, the bottom width is between 4’ to 8’ in
width. Wider cross-sections require use of measures (typically check dams) that
prevent erosion along the channel bottom.

3.3.3 Check Dams

Check dams (see Figure 3.2) are installed within grass channels, as necessary,
to provide temporary impoundment of runoff volume. Their purpose is to
decrease velocity and decrease the effective longitudinal slope, which results in
an increase of hydraulic residence time within the channel. The height of the
check dam should not exceed 12” above the normal channel elevation. Check
dams shall be securely anchored into the channel bottom a minimum of 6” and
entrenched into the swale side slopes to prevent outflanking during high intensity
storms. Soil plugs, which can reduce the chance for a blow out or erosion of the
media under the dams, are typically used on slopes of 4% or greater or when
maximum height (12”) check dams are used. A weir is designed and installed in
the top of the dam to pass design storms (10-year), with appropriate armoring
down the back side and at the downstream toe of the dam. A weep hole shall be
provided at the base of the dam to allow dewatering after storms. Design and
materials for check dam construction shall conform with those listed in the VDOT
BMP Standard –SWM-3: Grass Channels (2014).

Check dams should be spaced (Table 3.3) to allow a minimum of 25’-40’ length
between the toe of the upstream check dam and the face of a downstream check
dam. Water impoundment on the downstream check dam shall not extend
upstream to a point where impounded stormwater touches the toe of the
upstream dam.


Table 3.3 Typical Check Dam (CD) Spacing to Achieve Effective Swale Slope
Virginia Stormwater Design Specification No. 10, Dry Swales, Draft (2013)
Spacing 1 of 12” High
Spacing 1 of 12” High
Swale Longitudinal (max.) Check
(max.) Check Dams 2,
Slope 3 Dams 2, 3 to Create an
to Create an
Effective Slope of
Effective Slope of 2%
0% to 1%
0.5% – 200’ to –
1.0% – 100’ to –
1.5% – 67’ to 200’
2.0% – 50’ to 100’
2.5% 200’ 40’ to 67’
3.0% 100’ 33’ to 50’
3.5% 67’ 30’ to 40’
4.0% 50’ 25’ to 33’
4.5% 4 40’ 20’ to 30’
5.0% 4 40’ 20’ to 30’
The spacing dimension is half of the above distances if a 6” check dam is
A Check dams requires a stone energy dissipater at its downstream toe.
Check dams require weep holes at the channel invert. Swales with slopes less
than 2% will require multiple weep holes (at least 3) in each check dam.

3.3.4 Runoff Pre-treatment

Upstream pre-treatment should be considered for grass channels to decrease
velocity and filter runoff of excess sediments prior to being introduced into the
conveyance system. Upstream pre-treatment for grass channels is typically
achieved through use of one of the following options:

• Check Dam Forebay: These cells (Figures 3.1 and 3.2) act as forebays
to allow sediment to settle out of stormwater runoff prior to entering the
grass channel. In addition, it is used as an energy dissipater to reduce the
velocity of incoming stormwater runoff and prevent erosive damage within
the main channel.

• Grass Filter Strips: Runoff entering a grass channel as sheet flow may
be treated by a grass filter strip. The purpose of the grass buffer
strip/energy dissipation area is to reduce the erosive capabilities of runoff
prior to its entrance into the main channel. The recommended minimum
length of the grass filter strip should not be less than 10’ when using the
maximum side slope of 5:1. An alternative design may be used that
integrates road shoulders, requiring a 5’ minimum grass filter strip at 20:1
(5%), that is combined with 3:1 (or flatter) side slopes of the swale to
provide pre-treatment. See VDOT BMP Standard SWM-PT: Pre-
treatment (Pretreatment Forebay).


• Gravel Diaphragms: These pre-treatment measures are typically
installed along the edge of the pavement or roadway shoulder draining
into the channel, with the purpose of evenly distributing flow along the
length of the channel. See VDOT BMP Standard SWM-PT: Pre-treatment
(Gravel Diaphragm).

• Pea Gravel Flow Spreader: These measures are typically located at

points of concentrated inflow, such as curb cuts, etc. There should be a 2”
- 4” drop from the adjacent impervious surface into the flow spreader.
Gravel/stone should extend along the entire width of the opening, creating
a level stone weir at the bottom of the channel. Installation shall be in
accordance with VDOT BMP Standard SWM-PT: Pre-treatment (Gravel
Flow Spreader).

3.3.5 Compost Soil Amendments

Soil amendments should be considered for all soils that have a hydrologic soil
classification of C or D and shall be installed as specified in VDOT Special
Provision for Soil Compost Amendment (2014).

3.3.6 Surface Cover

Salt tolerant grass species that can resist erosion and withstand both wet and dry
periods as well as high-velocity flows should be used in order to withstand
concentrations of deicing solution used to treat roads during the winter. Species
selection is based on several factors, including climate, soil type, topography,
and sun or shade tolerance and should include those that will achieve a dense
cover as quickly as possible. Furthermore, selected species should have the
following characteristics: a deep root system to resist scouring; a high stem
density with well-branched top growth; water-tolerance; resistance to being
flattened by runoff; and an ability to recover growth following inundation. For turf
selection, consult the Virginia Erosion and Sediment Control Handbook and
Table 3.4.


Table 3.4 Maximum Permissible Velocities for Grass Channels
Virginia Stormwater Design Specification No. 3, Grass Channels, Draft (DCR/DEQ,
Easily Eroded
Cover Type Slope (%) Resistant Soils
Soils (ft./sec.)
Bermudagrass 0–5 6 4.5
Kentucky bluegrass
Reed Canarygrass 0–5 5 3.8
Tall fescue
Bermudagrass 5 – 10 5 3.8
Kentucky bluegrass
Reed Canarygrass 5 – 10 4 3
Tall fescue
0–5 4 3
Grass-legume mixture
5 - 10 3 2.3
Kentucky bluegrass
Reed Canarygrass > 10 3 2.3
Tall fescue
Red fescue 0-5 2.5 1.9

3.4 Design Example

This section presents the design process applicable to grass channels serving as
water quality BMPs. The pre- and post-development runoff characteristics are
intended to replicate stormwater management needs routinely encountered on
VDOT projects. The hydrologic calculations and assumptions presented in this
section serve only as input data for the detailed BMP design steps. Full
hydrologic discussion is beyond the scope of this report, and the user is referred
to Chapter 11 of the Virginia Stormwater Management Handbook, 2nd Ed., Draft
(DCR/DEQ, 2013) for details on hydrologic methodology.

A grass channel is proposed along a construction project for improvement of

Route 652 in Stafford County. The project increases the pavement width 4’
along each side of a 1,200’ section of the road. Computations in this example
are addressing a single side of the expansion. Similar computations would be
required for expansion of the opposing lane. The longitudinal slope along this
section of Route 652 is approximately 1.0%. Runoff from the crown to the side of
the expansion for this section of the project can be redirected to a BMP location
having a total cumulative contributing drainage area (at downstream end of
swale) of 1.10 acres. The current lane (on the BMP side of the crown) and
shoulder represent 0.35 impervious acres of the total drainage area. The
remainder of the total drainage area is 0.75 acres of turf covered shoulder that
drains to the area. The entire drainage area overlays HSG A soils
(predominantly Kempsville fine sandy loam.

The proposed widening will add an additional 0.10 acres of impervious area (0.45
acres, total land disturbance), and reduce the turf area post-development to 0.65


acres. In the post-development condition, the time of concentration has been
calculated to be 8 minutes.

Geotechnical investigations reveal a sandy loam soil that is well drained. Lab
tests confirm that infiltration is possible at this location with Ksat ranging between
0.57 and 1.98 in/hr. The project site does not exhibit a high or seasonally high
groundwater table.

Table 3.5 Hydrologic Characteristics of Example Project Site

Impervious Turf
Soil Classification HSG B HSG B
Area (acres) 0.35 0.75
Soil Classification HSG B HSG B
Area (acres) 0.45 0.65

Initially, the designer should use the Virginia Runoff Reduction Method (VRRM)
spreadsheet (Virginia Runoff Reduction Spreadsheet for Redevelopment, 2014)
to calculate removal for a linear project and ensure that the required water quality
load reduction is met by using the proposed grass channel for treatment. Note
that using the redevelopment spreadsheet, the required reduction for linear
projects is computed as the sum of the Post-Redevelopment Load and the Post-
Development Load minus 80% of the Predevelopment Listed load. In this case,
the total phosphorus reduction required is 0.39 lbs/yr (Table 3.6). The estimated
removal is 0.41 lbs/yr; therefore, the target has been met (Table 3.7).

Table 3.6 Site Data Summary Table from VRRM showing Required Phosphorus
Site Rv 0.51
Post-development Treatment Volume (ft3) 2,024
Post-development TP Load (lb/yr) 1.27
Total TP Load Reduction Required (lb/yr) 0.39

Table 3.7 Drainage Area Summary Table from VRRM showing Achieved
Phosphorus Removal by Grass Channel A/B soils
Total Impervious Cover Treated (acres) 0.45
Total Turf Area Treated (acres) 0.65
Total TP Load Reduction Achieved in D.A. A (lb/yr) 0.41

Values for the 1, 2, and 10-year 24-hour rainfall depth should be determined from
the National Oceanographic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) Atlas 14
and entered into the channel and flood protection tab of the VRRM spreadsheet.
For this site (Lat 38.37167, Long -77.49431), those values are shown in Table
3.8. Curve numbers used for computations are the adjusted curve number
calculated as part of the runoff reduction spreadsheet. For this drainage area,
results from the channel protection tab of the runoff reduction spreadsheet are
shown in Table 3.9, and result in adjusted curve numbers of 74, 74 and 75 for


the 1, 2 and 10-year storms, respectively, which is a nominal reduction from the
computed unadjusted curve number of 76 (for all return periods).

Table 3.8 Rainfall Totals from NOAA Atlas 14

1-year storm 2-year storm 10-year storm
Rainfall (inches) 2.57 3.11 4.79

Table 3.9 Adjusted CN from Runoff Reduction Redevelopment Spreadsheet

Channel and Flood Protection Tab
1-year storm 2-year storm 10-year storm
RVDeveloped (in) with no Runoff Reduction 0.74 1.09 2.36
RVDeveloped (in) with Runoff Reduction 0.64 0.99 2.26
Adjusted CN 74 74 75

Input data (rainfall depths from Table 3.8, drainage area, time of concentration,
and CN from Table 3.9) is used in the Natural Resource Conservation Service
Technical Release 55 (NRCS TR-55) Tabular method to calculate discharge
hydrographs. Peaks of those hydrographs for the 1, 2, and 10-year storms are
reported in Table 3.10. These values will be used to evaluate residence time,
adequacy, and size the conveyance downstream of the grass channel.

Table 3.10 Post-development Discharge Peaks to BMP

1-year storm 2-year storm 10-year storm
Discharge (cfs) 0.86 1.34 3.26

Step 1 - Compute the Treatment Volume Peak Discharge

The length of the project along Route 652 is approximately 1,200’. Since the
proposed channel cross-section and longitudinal slope is consistent along the

downstream end. In order to achieve this, the proposed treatment volume (4 $5

entire length, the channel will be evaluated for compliance at the most

must be computed. An initial step in computing this value is determining an

adjusted CN that generates runoff equivalent to the treatment volume from a 1”
rainfall. Note that this adjusted curve number is different than the adjusted curve
numbers associated with runoff reduction.

A10 + 5B + 10CD − 10 CD. + 1.25CD B F.9 G (3.6)


CN = Adjusted curve number

P = Rainfall (inches), (1.0” in Virginia)
Qa = Runoff volume (watershed inches), equal to


2,024PQ 0 12L,
CD = ) - = 0.51 L,
43,560 PQV 1 PQ
1.1 KR S 1 KRW

X10 + 5 1 L, + 10 0.51 L, − 10 0.51 L, + 1.25 0.51 L, 1 L, " Y

@ = 94

4 $ = 4Z CD (3.7)

4 $ = Treatment Volume peak discharge (cfs)


4Z = unit peak discharge (cfs/mi2/in)

CD = runoff volume (watershed inches = / )

= drainage area (mi2)

All of the variables are known in the above equation with the exception of 4Z . To
determine its value, first the initial abstraction must be computed using the

!D = −2

!D = − 2 = 0.13 L,RℎN\

Compute !D /B where B is the 1” rainfall (inches), which equates to 0.13.

Read the unit peak discharge, 4Z , from Exhibit 4-II of the SCS TR-55 Handbook
(1986). Reading the chart yields a value of 925 cfs/mi2/in.

925 h l 12L,
4 =] mi2 b c 1.1 KR eg
2,024 ft3
) -
in 640 KRV dL . g 43,560 PQV
k 1 PQ
1.1 KR × S 1 KRW
f j

4 $ = 0.81 RP\

Based on the requirements set forth in Virginia DCR/DEQ Stormwater Design

Specification No. 3, Grass Channels (2013), the Manning ‘n’ coefficient is 0.2 for
a depth of up to 4”. Since a depth of 4” will result in the minimum bottom width
estimate, it will be used as a first iteration of Equation 3.3.


6 = 0.20 0.81 cfs / 1.49 0.33 PQ 9/0
0.01 2/.
6 = 6.9 PQ

Velocity can now be computed using Equation 3.4 as:

0.81 RP\ PQ
'= = 0.36
6.9 PQ × 0.33 PQ \

This velocity is less than the maximum velocity of 1 fps required and therefore is
an acceptable design.

The minimum swale length is calculated using Equation 3.5 as:

> = 540' = 540 \NR )0.36 - = 194 PQ

The total length of the swale will be a minimum of 1,194’, which includes the
length adjacent to the project (1,000’) and the length downstream of the last
inflow location (corresponding to the termination of the project). If an existing
receiving channel exists downstream that approximates or exceeds the proposed
channel cross-section, then the downstream 194’ of channel will not be required.

Step 2 - Compute the Channel Geometry for Conveyance of 10-Year Storm

The peak 10-year flow at the most downstream location is 4.79 cfs, as shown in
Table 3.9. To facilitate maintenance (mowing), the side slopes of the channel
will be 3:1. Ditch computations to verify adequacy for conveyance of the 10-year
storm shall meet guidelines shown in the VDOT Drainage Manual, latest edition.

Step 3 - Seeding

The grass chosen should be able to withstand both wet and dry periods. The
combination should provide low maintenance, tolerance of moisture conditions,
and be tolerant of high salt concentrations during the winter months. For
compliance with methods specified in the VDOT Special Provision for Grass
Channels (2014) temporary E&S controls are required during construction of the
grass channel area to divert stormwater away from the grass channel area until it
is completed and permanently stabilized. These may include diversions,
temporary stormwater conveyance, or other standard methods for temporary
diversion of runoff around disturbed areas. Special protection measures such as
erosion control fabrics may be needed to protect vulnerable side slopes from
erosion during the construction process.


Chapter 4 Soil Compost Amendments
4.1 Overview of Practice

Soil compost amendments are used to improve the retention and infiltration
characteristics of post-construction or in situ soils through deep tilling and
composting. This allows heavily compacted post-construction fill or existing
hydrologic soil classification (HSG) B, C, or D soils to be remediated in order to
be suitable for receiving runoff from rooftop disconnections, grass channels and
vegetated filter strips. Requirements shown herein are modifications to
specifications found in Virginia Stormwater Design Specification No. 4, Soil
Compost Amendment, Draft, (DCR/DEQ 2013) for specific application to VDOT

Table 4.1 Stormwater Functions Provided by Soil Compost Amendments 1

Virginia Stormwater Design Specification No. 4, Soil Compost Amendment, Draft, (DCR/DEQ
HSG Soils A and B HSG Soils C and D
Stormwater Function 2
No CA With CA No CA With CA
Annual Runoff Volume Reduction (RR)
Simple Rooftop Disconnection 50% NA 25% 50%
3 4
Filter Strip 50% NA NA 50%
Grass Channel 20% NA 10% 30%
Total Phosphorus (TP) EMC
Reduction by BMP Treatment 0 0
Total Phosphorus (TP) Mass Load
Same as for RR (above) Same as for RR (above)
Total Nitrogen (TN) EMC Reduction by
0 0
BMP Treatment Practice
Total Nitrogen (TN) Mass Load
Same as for RR (above) Same as for RR (above)
Partial. Designers can use the RRM spreadsheet to
Channel Protection & adjust the curve number for each design storm for the
Flood Mitigation contributing drainage area, based on annual runoff
volume reduction achieved.
CWP and CSN (2008), CWP (2007)
CA = Compost Amended Soils,
Compost amendments are generally not applicable for A and B soils, although it may be advisable
to incorporate them on mass-graded B soils to maintain runoff reduction rates.
Filter strips in HSG C and D should use composted amended soils to enhance runoff reduction
capabilities. See DEQ Stormwater Design Specification No. 2: Sheet Flow to Vegetated
Filter Strip or Conserved Open Space.


4.2 Feasibility and Constraints

Compost amendments are suitable for compacted soils that been placed during
construction, and in situ soils belonging the HSG C or D. Constraints on use of
amendments are further defined in following sections.

4.2.1 Maximum Contributing Drainage Area (CDA) and Contributing Flow

The maximum impervious area draining to an area of compost amended soils
should typically be less than the area of the amendment bed. In areas where this
cannot be achieved, VDOT Hydraulics must be consulted to determine if
amendments can be used to achieve the normal runoff reduction credit.

4.2.2 Site Slopes

Slopes approaching amendment areas shall be kept to a minimum in order to
maintain sheet flow. Maximum slopes can vary based on the practice utilizing
the amendments (i.e. rooftop disconnection, sheet flow, or grass channels). See
those specifications for further guidance regarding maximum slopes. In addition,
amendments should not be used upslope of existing buildings.

4.2.3 Depth to Bedrock and Water Table

Amendments may be used if depth to bedrock and/or water table exceeds a
minimum of 1.5’ from final grade. Areas that are seasonally inundated within 1.5’
of the soil surface should not be used for amendment beds.

4.2.4 Utilities
Amendment areas may be placed above existing or proposed utilities. A
minimum of 1.5’ clearance to top of utility line should be provided. However, keep
in mind that if the utility needs to do its own maintenance at some point in time,
the excavation may disrupt the benefit of the compost amendments, especially if
the excavated amended soil is not use as backfill or if the surface is
subsequently compacted. Therefore, it is probably wise to avoid amending soils
above utility lines if at all possible.

4.2.5 Proximity to Tree Line

Amendments should not be placed below drip lines of existing trees that will
remain due to likelihood of damage to root system during tilling operations.

4.3 General Design Guidelines

The following presents a collection of design guidelines to be followed when

using amendments on VDOT projects. Specific material specifications and
guidelines can be found in VDOT Special Provision for Soil Compost
Amendments (2014). Installation shall also be in compliance with standard detail
SWM-4 Soil Compost Amendment (2014).


4.3.1 Soil Testing
Test shall be performed prior to implementation of the amendment plan to
determine existing soil properties in the amendment area. Results of this testing
may indicate a larger or smaller amendment area than that indicated by USDA
Soil Survey mapping. Tests should be performed to a depth of no less than 1’ to
report bulk density, pH, salts, and soil nutrients. Testing shall be performed at a
minimum spacing of one test every 5,000 ft2 of proposed bed area.

Post-construction testing will be performed at least one week after amendment

placement and incorporation to determine if any additional adjustments must be
made to meet the soil requirements as specified in the VDOT Special Provision
for Soil Compost Amendments (2014).

4.3.2 Volume Reduction

Volume reductions for each Hydrologic Soil Group are outlined in Virginia
Stormwater Design Specification No. 4, Soil Compost Amendment, Draft,
(DCR/DEQ 2013). Table 4.2, as presented in that specification is reproduced
below, for convenience. Table 4.2 may be used to calculate reductions in the
total treatment volume for areas within the right of way beyond shoulder areas
treated with compost amendments.

Table 4.2 Runoff Coefficients for Use for Different Pervious Areas
Virginia Stormwater Design Specification No. 4, Soil Compost Amendment, Draft, (DCR/DEQ
Hydrologic Soil Undisturbed Disturbed Restored and
Group 1 2 3
Soils Soils Reforested
A 0.02 0.15 0.02
B 0.03 0.20 0.03
C 0.04 0.22 0.04
D 0.05 0.25 0.05
Portions of a new development site, outside the limits of disturbance, which are
not graded and do not receive construction traffic.
Previously developed sites, and any site area inside the limits of disturbance as
shown on the E&S Control plan.
Areas with restored soils that are also reforested to achieve a minimum 75% forest

4.3.3 Depth of Compost Incorporation

The depth of compost incorporation is shown in the VDOT Special Provision for
Soil Compost Amendments (2014). Table 4.3 is a reproduction of Table 1, as
seen in the referenced VDOT publication.


Table 4.3 Compost Incorporation Depths for Various Impervious Cover Ratios
VDOT Special Provision for Soil Compost Amendments (2014)
Contributing Impervious Cover to Soil Amendment Area Ratio
2 3
IC/SA = 0 IC/SA = 0.5 IC/SA = 0.75 IC/SA = 1.0
4 5 5 5 5
Compost (in) 2 to 4 3 to 6 4 to 8 6 to 10
5 5 5 5
Incorporation Depth (in) 6 to 10 8 to 12 15 to 18 18 to 24
Incorporation Method Rototiller Tiller Subsoiler Subsoiler
1 2 2
IC = contrib. impervious cover (ft ) and SA = surface area of compost amendment (ft )
For amendment of compacted lawns that do not receive off-site runoff
In general, IC/SA ratios greater than 1 should be avoided, unless applied to a simple rooftop
Average depth of compost added
Lower end for B soils, higher end for C/D soils

An estimation of the total amount of compost required based on equations from

TCC (1997) is shown below:

= × 8 × 0.0031 (4.1)


C = required compost (cubic yards)

A = surface area of soil amendment (ft2)
D = depth of compost amendment [determined from Table 4.3] (inches)

4.3.4 Compost Specifications and Installation

Compost specifications and installation procedures shall be in compliance with
requirements listed in the VDOT Special Provision for Soil Compost
Amendments (2014).

4.4 Design Example

Due to the nature of compost soil amendments, no detailed or lengthy design

process is required. The designer is simply required to calculate the ratio
between the impervious cover and the surface area of the amendment in order to
complete the design using Table 4.3. An estimate of the required volume of
compost may then be calculated using Equation 4.1.

The design example found in Section 2.4 (Sheet Flow to Vegetated Filter Strips)
requires that HSG soils are compost-amended for compliance. Based on
information given in Section 2.4, the total impervious area draining to the bed is
0.32 acres, made up of a widened lane, and the existing pavement section to the
crown. The area of the bed itself is a minimum of 35’ wide by 1,000’ in length,
encompassing an area of 0.80 acres. Therefore, the IC/SA ratio used in Table
4.3 is computed as:


! 0.32 KRJN\
= = 0.40
1 0.80 KRJN\

Using Table 4.3, the IC/SA ratio can be compared to given table values and
linearly interpolated to determine the incorporation depth. Table 4.3 indicates
that for an IC/SA of 0, the incorporation depth for HSG D soils is 10”, while an
IC/SA of 0.50 yields an incorporation depth of 12”. Interpolation allows
computation of actual required incorporation depth:

12 L, − 10 L,
× 0.4 + 10 L, = nn. o pqrstu
0.50 − 0.0

Once the depth of the amendment has been computed, the estimated volume of
compost in cubic yards is computed using Equation 4.1 as:

= 1,000 PQ × 35 PQ × 11.6 L,RℎN\ × 0.0031 = n, xyz {|
PQ . ∙ L,

Therefore, 1,259 cubic yards of compost will be required to be tilled into the
amendment area to an average depth of 11.6”.


Chapter 5 Permeable Pavement
5.1 Overview of Practice

Permeable pavements are surfaces that allow for rapid filtration of rainfall
through voids in pavement surfaces to a subsurface stone storage layer for
discharge or infiltration. The result is a decrease in the effective impervious area
of the site. The reservoir layer is designed to provide adequate structural support
as well as sufficient storage for the design treatment volume. Permeable
pavement should be designed to treat runoff that falls directly on the pavement
and adjacent impermeable surfaces; however, treatment of adjacent pervious
areas should be limited to the extent possible. Requirements shown herein are
modifications to specifications found in Virginia Stormwater Design Specification
No. 7, Permeable Pavement (DCR/DEQ, 2013), for specific application to VDOT
projects. Note that although limited Level 2 criteria is shown in this
specification for consistency with DEQ specifications, currently VDOT does
not allow the use of Level 2 designs for permeable pavement.

Permeable pavement can be an important part of the stormwater quality

treatment compliance for a site, but it requires special design considerations to
minimize long-term maintenance. Otherwise, the pavement can become a
maintenance burden, particularly if sediment is allowed to accumulate on the
surface and fill the pore spaces, negating the pavement’s runoff reduction and
water quality benefits. Proper design (followed by proper construction) can
eliminate (or at least minimize) such problems.

Permeable pavement applications used for VDOT projects are limited in nature
due to restrictions in recommended use for high speed and high volume traffic
areas in extreme weather conditions. Permeable pavements typically are used
only for parking applications. Prior to use of permeable pavement in a road
application, VDOT shall be consulted to confirm acceptance of use.


Table 5.1 Summary of Stormwater Functions Provided by Permeable Pavement
Virginia Stormwater Design Specification No. 7, Permeable Pavement (DCR/DEQ, 2013)
Stormwater Function Level 1 Design Level 2 Design
Annual Runoff Volume Reduction (RR) 45% 75%
Total Phosphorus (TP) EMC Reduction1
25% 25%
by BMP Treatment Process
Total Phosphorus (TP) Mass Load
59% 81%
Total Nitrogen (TN) EMC Reduction1 25% 25%
Total Nitrogen (TN) Mass Load Removal 59% 81%
● Use VRRM Compliance spreadsheet to
calculate a Curve Number (CN)
adjustment2; OR
● Design extra storage in the stone
Channel Protection
underdrain layer and peak rate control
structure (optional, as needed) to
accommodate detention of larger storm
Partial. May be able to design additional
Flood Mitigation storage into the reservoir layer by adding
perforated storage pipe or chambers.
Change in event mean concentration (EMC) through the practice. Actual nutrient mass
load removed is the product of the removal rate and the runoff reduction rate (see Table
1 in the Introduction to the New Virginia Stormwater Design Specifications).
NRCS TR-55 Runoff Equations 2-1 thru 2-5 and Figure 2-1 can be used to compute a
curve number adjustment for larger storm events based on the retention storage
provided by the practice(s).
Sources: CWP and CSN (2008) and CWP (2007)


Figure 5.1 Typical Permeable Pavement Detail (Parking Lots)
(VDOT SWM-5, Filtering Practices, 2014)


5.2 Site Constraints and Siting of the Facility

When a permeable pavement system is proposed, the designer must consider a

number of site constraints to ensure that the practice is applicable to the
suggested use.

5.2.1 Site Soils

Site soils do not typically restrict the use of permeable pavement; however,
based on the hydrologic soil group, an underdrain may be required. If permeable
pavement is placed on compacted fill material, an underdrain must be present.
Designs that propose full infiltration of the captured storage volume must be
approved by VDOT prior to installation and have field-verified infiltration rates
exceeding 0.5 in/hr. Native soils must have a silt/clay content of less than 40%
and a clay content of less than 20%. Testing for infiltration shall be in accordance
with standards outlined in the VDOT Special Provision for Stormwater
Miscellaneous (2014). Level 1 designs using an underdrain to provide and outlet
for the reservoir layer do not require infiltration testing. In addition, permeable
pavement should never be situated above fill soils unless designed with an
impermeable liner and underdrain, and should not be installed over underlying
soils with a high shrink/swell potential.

5.2.2 Contributing Drainage Area (CDA)

Permeable pavement is not intended to treat sites with high sediment or
trash/debris loads, since such loads may cause the practice to clog and fail.
External drainage areas (areas draining to the surface of permeable pavement,
excluding the permeable pavement area) are allowed only for applications using
underdrains. When used, the external drainage area shall not exceed a loading
ratio of 2.5:1 and should be nearly 100% impervious. Any design with an external
drainage area contributing “run-on” to the permeable pavement section should
include requirements for more frequent operation and maintenance inspections.
It is important to design permeable pavement within the limits established for
CDAs. Too much or too little runoff can result in performance issues and the
need for subsequent repairs or reconstruction.

5.2.3 Pavement Slope

Generally, permeable pavement surface slopes should be less than 5%, and
preferably less than 2%. Designers should consider using a terraced design of
the sub-base for permeable pavement above sloped areas. The bottom bed
slope under the storage layer shall be relatively flat, with longitudinal grades
generally ranging between 0% and 1% for installations using infiltration or
underdrains/overdrains, respectively. Laterally, the grade shall be even (0%)
across the entire installation.


5.2.4 Hydraulic Head
Typically hydraulic head requirements are nominal, although they should be
evaluated on a case by case basis. Level 1 installations should have
underdrains installed at slopes greater than 0.5% in order to reduce the amount
of hydraulic head necessary to drive stored runoff from the system.

5.2.5 Depth to Water Table

A minimum separation of 2’ is required between the base of the storage layer
and the seasonal high groundwater table.

5.2.6 Setbacks
Although setbacks to structures are not applicable on many VDOT installations,
projects at district or area headquarters, rest areas or park-and-ride facilities may
propose permeable pavement in the vicinity of existing or proposed structures.
Setbacks are dependent upon the surface area of the permeable installation.
Requirements are as follows:
• 250-1,000 ft2 : 5’ down-gradient, 25’ up-gradient
• 1,000-10,000 ft2: 10’ down gradient, 50’ up-gradient
• >10,000 ft : 2
25’ down gradient, 100’ up-gradient

In cases where setbacks listed above cannot be met, those setbacks can be
reduced if an impermeable liner is used to encase the installation, and with
express permission from VDOT.

Due to the potential for contamination, a minimum setback of 100’ from all water
supply wells shall be enforced. In areas having a higher risk for ground water
contamination, ground water mapping should be used to determine
interconnectivity of groundwater systems to wells on surrounding properties.

5.2.7 Existing and Proposed Utilities

Although it is feasible to construct permeable pavement systems near and over
existing or proposed utilities, permission must be provided by VDOT during the
design process. Typically, a minimum vertical separation of 1’ will be required
below the stone layer and the top of the utility. A layer of impermeable clay, or
an impermeable liner may be required to prevent migration of stored runoff from
the pavement storage to the utility bedding. If ground water contamination is a
concern, additional preventative measures may be required to prevent flow from
exiting the system in utility bedding.

However, considering that maintenance of the utility lines will require excavation
through the permeable pavement, and that it is unlikely that the utility contractor
will backfill properly and replace the permeable pavement (due to the limited size
of the backfill area, it is highly recommended that areas over utility lines be
avoided for permeable pavement installations. Alternatively, VDOT should
carefully monitor utility repairs under permeable pavement installations for
appropriate quality control in replacing the pavement materials.


5.3 General Design Guidelines

Permeable pavement must be designed to support vehicular loads expected

during design life. Structural design will be based on four primary criteria:
• Total traffic volume and load
• In-situ soil strength
• Environmental elements
• Surface materials, bedding and reservoir layer design

Typical structural designs for surface layers will include Porous Asphalt Mix
(PAM) 9.5 and 19.0 components in thicknesses as specified through the design
guidance set forth in the VDOT Special Provision for Permeable Pavement
(2014). For parking applications, typical surface application will be 1.5” PAM-9.5
with underlying 3” PAM-19.0.

5.3.1 Sizing of Reservoir Layer

The hydraulic design to determine the depth of the stone layer used as storage in
the system is reproduced below in Equation 5.1 as found in the Virginia
Stormwater Design Specification No. 7, Permeable Pavement (DCR/DEQ, 2013).

B× × + B× ~
I =
•€ ×

= Depth of stone reservoir layer (feet)
= Rainfall depth (feet); Level 1 = 0.08’
= Contributing drainage area (ft2)
= Composite runoff coefficient for contributing area
= Area of permeable pavement (ft2)
= Porosity of stone layer (0.4)

Several assumptions are related to Equation 5.1, including:

• Drainage area, , is limited to a ratio of 2.5:1 (external area to permeable
pavement area) if an underdrain is used. If an underdrain is not used,
then the drainage area must equal the area of permeable pavement.
• The stone reservoir footprint is equivalent to the area of permeable
pavement, ~ .


Table 5.2 Permeable Pavement Design Criteria
Level 1 Design
Tv = (1)(Rv)(A) / 12 – the volume reduced by an upstream BMP
Soil infiltration is less than 0.5 in./hr.
Underdrain required
CDA = The permeable pavement area plus upgradient parking, as long as the ratio of
external contributing area to permeable pavement does not exceed 2.5:1.
The contributing drainage area to the permeable pavements should be limited to paved
surfaces in order to avoid sediment wash-on. When pervious areas are conveyed to permeable
pavement, sediment source controls and/or pre-treatment must be provided; a gravel filter strip
or sump should be used. The pre-treatment may qualify for a runoff reduction credit if designed

The computed treatment volume is defined in Section 1, Equation 1.1. The

composite runoff coefficient, is computed through use of Section 1,
Equation 1.2, and coefficients from Section 1, Table 1.1.

Permeable pavement can also be designed to address, in whole or in part, the

detention storage needed to comply with channel protection and/or flood control
requirements. The designer can model various approaches by factoring in
storage within the stone aggregate layer, expected infiltration, and any outlet
structures used as part of the pavement design. Routing calculations can also be
used to provide a more accurate solution of the peak discharge and required
storage volume. Oversizing the reservoir layer in this manner can also decrease
the maintenance frequency of the BMP and, thus, its life-cycle cost.

The permeability of the pavement surface and that of the gravel media is very
high. However, the permeable pavement reservoir layer will drain increasingly
slower as the storage volume decreases (i.e., the hydraulic head decreases). To
account for this change, a conservative stage discharge should be established
for routing the stone reservoir. The underdrains can serve as a hydraulic control
for limiting flows, or an external control structure can be used at the outlet of the

Keep in mind that designing the pavement to accomplish these additional

purposes means that the designer should provide requirements for VDOT to
maintain the pavement surface carefully to prevent clogging or other functional
failure, which would then place the channel protection or flood protection aspects
of the installation at risk as well.

5.3.2 Overdrains (High Flow Bypass)

An overdrain should be integrated in the design to prevent runoff from backing up
onto the pavement surface. In VDOT installations, it is recommended that a DI-3
series inlet be installed along perimeter curb and gutter to function as an
overdrain system (see VDOT BMP Detail SWM-5, Permeable Pavement). On
pavement designs with a long grade, the designer should use a stepped design


with an Overdrain in each cell in order to establish level reservoir storage areas
and prevent flow from exiting the pavement through the surface at the low end.

5.3.3 Pretreatment
Pretreatment is typically not required for permeable pavement systems.
However, pretreatment may be required if the pavement receives runoff from
adjacent pervious areas. For example, a gravel filter strip can be placed along
the receiving edge of the permeable pavement section to trap sediment particles
before they reach the permeable pavement surface.

5.3.4 Reservoir Layer

The reservoir layer shall be in accordance with the standards set forth in Section
II.(e) of the VDOT Special Provision for Permeable Pavement (2014). In general,
the layer shall consist of VDOT #2 or #3 stone having a minimum thickness of
12”. When installed in karst regions, the minimum thickness shall be increased
to 24”. The maximum thickness of the reservoir layer shall not exceed 36”.

5.3.5 Underdrain
Underdrains shall be installed in an underdrain trench, with typical dimensions of
12” by 12” (see detail on VDOT SWM-5, Permeable Pavement (2014)). The
underdrain shall be 6” Schedule 40 PVC, with a minimum slope of 0.5%.
Installation details are found in VDOT SWM-5, Permeable Pavement (2014), and
specifications regarding installation are found in the VDOT Special Provision for
Permeable Pavement (2014).

5.3.6 Maintenance Reduction Features

Maintenance is a crucial element to ensure the long-term performance of
permeable pavement. The most frequently cited maintenance problem is surface
clogging caused by organic matter and sediment, which can be reduced by the
following measures:

• Subgrade Design and Construction is Very Important to the Long-

Term Integrity of Permeable Pavement. This can help prevent untimely
deterioration of the pavement surface, thus extending the life-span and
reducing life-cycle costs.

• Address Nearby Drainage Problems and Problems with Existing

Pavement Conditions. If the permeable pavement is being installed in a
larger parking area as additional parking space or as a retrofit to replace a
conventional paving surface, ensure that any existing drainage issues that
may affect the permeable pavement are resolved. As well, worn pavement
in areas that may drain toward the permable pavement can contribute
pavement particles and other solid matter that could clog the pore space
in the permeable pavement. Therefore, it is important to repair any such
conditions prior to completion of the permeable pavement installation.


• Periodic Vacuum Sweeping. The pavement surface is the first line of
defense in trapping and eliminating sediment that may otherwise enter the
stone base and soil subgrade. The rate of sediment deposition should be
monitored and vacuum sweeping done once or twice a year. This
frequency should be adjusted according to the intensity of use and
deposition rate on the permeable pavement surface. At least one
sweeping pass should occur at the end of winter.

• Protecting the Bottom of the Reservoir Layer. There are two options to
protect the bottom of the reservoir layer from intrusion by underlying soils.
The first method involves covering the bottom with a barrier of choker
stone and sand. In this case, underlying native soils should be separated
from the reservoir base/subgrade layer by a thin 2” to 4” layer of clean,
washed, choker stone (ASTM D 448 No. 8 stone) covered by a layer of 6”
to 8” of course sand.

The second method is to place a layer of filter fabric on the native soils at
the bottom of the reservoir. Some practitioners recommend avoiding the
use of filter fabric, since it may become a future plane of clogging within
the system; however, designers should evaluate the paving application
and refer to AASHTO M288-06 for an appropriate fabric specification.
AASHTO M288-06 covers six geotextile applications: Subsurface
Drainage, Separation, Stabilization, Permanent Erosion Control, Sediment
Control and Paving Fabrics. However, AASHTO M288-06 is not a design
guideline. It is the engineer's responsibility to choose a geotextile for the
application that takes into consideration site-specific soil and water
conditions. Fabrics for use under permeable pavement should, at a
minimum, meet criterion for Survivability Classes (1) and (2). Permeable
filter fabric is still recommended to protect the excavated sides of the
reservoir layer, in order to prevent soil piping.

• Observation Well. An observation well shall be placed in all permeable

pavement installations. The well shall be installed to conform with Detail
C of VDOT SWM-5, Permeable Pavement (2014).

5.3.7 Karst Considerations

Level 1 designs can be used when an impermeable liner is placed below the
reservoir layer and an underdrain is used. A detailed geotechnical investigation
will be required prior to consideration of any installation in a karst area.

5.3.8 High Water Table

Permeable pavement should not be used in areas where the seasonally high
water table is less than 2’ from the bottom of the reservoir layer. If an underdrain
is used beneath the pavement in such a setting, a minimum 0.5% slope must be
maintained to ensure proper drainage.


5.3.9 Cold Weather Performance
Freeze-thaw action may affect the long term viability of permeable pavement
installations. Therefore, the following considerations should be made during the
• Eliminate surface ponding using an overflow structure (typically a DI-3
series inlet)
• Extend the reservoir layer and underdrain to below the frost line when
• Do not store pushed snow on permeable pavement
• Sand should not be used for winter traction in the vicinity of permeable
pavement installation.

5.3.10 Construction and Inspection

Construction and inspection shall be in conformance with the VDOT Special
Provision for Permeable Pavement (2014). The designer should direct that the
construction process should be carefully monitored (via regular inspections).
Improper construction is the main cause of permeable pavement failure, resulting
in costly repair/replacement.

5.4 Design Example

This section presents the design process applicable to permeable pavement

serving as a water quality BMP. The pre- and post-development runoff
characteristics are intended to replicate stormwater management needs routinely
encountered on VDOT projects. The hydrologic calculations and assumptions
presented in this section serve only as input data for the detailed BMP design
steps. Full hydrologic discussion is beyond the scope of this report, and the user
is referred to Chapter 11 of the Virginia Stormwater Management Handbook, 2nd
Edition, Draft (DCR/DEQ, 2013), for details on hydrologic methodology.

Installation of a combination building is proposed for an existing VDOT Area

Headquarters (AHQ) in Grayson County, near Galax, Virginia. The hydrologic
classification of on-site soils over the entire site is HSG B. The site is
approximately 4.9 acres, with the land cover parameters as listed in Table 5.3.
The time of concentration to the porous pavement area is less than 5 minutes,
and therefore will be set as 5 minutes for analysis. The project site does not
exhibit a high or seasonally high groundwater table or indicate the presence of
bedrock, based on geotechnical tests performed on site. Although a portion of
the site will be treated using a bioretention basin (computations for bioretention
basin not shown in this example), preliminary indications are that removal rates
will not meet required levels; therefore, a secondary treatment BMP will be
necessary. The contributing drainage area to the permeable pavement system is
a small double loaded (spaces on both sides of a travelway) parking lot. The
parking lot has thirty-two 9’ x 18’ spaces, and a 24’ wide drive aisle. The total
paved area draining to the stone reservoir is 8,712 ft2, while the surface area of


the 16 parking spaces to be constructed using permeable pavement is 2,592 ft2.
The expected pavement cross-slope toward overflow inlet is 2.08%.

Table 5.3 Hydrologic Characteristics of Total Example Project Site*

Impervious Turf Forest
Soil Classification HSG B HSG B HSG B
Area (acres) 2.35 2.55 0.0
Soil Classification HSG B HSG B HSG B
Area (acres) 2.25 2.65 0.00
*Note: Only the portions of the site identified in the above description (0.20 ac) drain to the
permeable pavement system. Areas shown above are for entire disturbed area of the

Step 1 - Enter Data into VRRM Spreadsheet

The required site data from Table 5.3 is input into the VRRM Spreadsheet for
Redevelopment (2014), resulting in site data summary information shown in
Table 5.4.

Table 5.4 Summary of Output from VRRM Site Data Tab

Site Rv 0.54
Post-development Treatment Volume (ft3) 9683
Post-development TP Load (lb/yr) 6.08
Total TP Load Reduction Required (lb/yr) 1.08

Prior to proceeding, the designer should make certain through VRRM

calculations that the required water quality load reduction is met by using the
proposed permeable pavement for treatment.

Based on site data described above, the total phosphorus reduction required for
the entire site is 1.08 lbs/yr (Table 5.4). The estimated removal in the
bioretention component (not shown) is 0.91 lbs/yr. In order to provide the
remaining treatment, a Level 1 permeable pavement system is proposed. The
0.20 acres of impervious area for the Level 1 permeable pavement area is
entered into the Runoff Reduction Spreadsheet Drainage Area tab. The
estimated phosphorus removal reported by the spreadsheet for the permeable
pavement treatment area is 0.25 lbs/year (Table 5.5).

Table 5.5 Summary of Output from VRRM Summary Tab for Permeable Pavement
Treatment Area
Total Impervious Cover Treated (acres) 0.20
Total Turf Area Treated (acres) 0.00
Total TP Load Reduction Achieved in D.A.A (lb/yr) 0.25

Thus, combined with the phosphorus removal from the bioretention component
(0.91 lbs/year), the permeable pavement system will be sufficient to meet water


quality requirements (1.08 lbs/year) for the project, resulting in a total phosphorus
removal of 1.16 lbs/year.

Step 2 - Compute the Required Treatment Volume

The treatment volume can be calculated using Section 1, Equation 1 or taken

directly from the VRRM Spreadsheet Drainage Area tabs. For this example, the
reported treatment volume on the drainage area tab (treating the 0.20 acre area)
is 690 ft3.

Step 3 - Enter Data in Channel and Flood Protection Tab

Hydrologic computations for required design storms for flood and erosion
compliance are not shown as part of this example. The user is directed to the
VDOT Drainage Manual for appropriate levels of protection and design
requirements related to erosion and flood protection. However, hydrologic
computations are necessary to compute overflow conveyance structures.

Values for the 1-, 2-, and 10-year 24-hour rainfall depth should be determined
from the National Oceanographic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) Atlas
14 and entered into the “Channel and Flood Protection” tab of the spreadsheet.
For this site (Lat 36.6289, Long -80.9873), those values are shown in Table 5.6.

Table 5.6 Rainfall Totals from NOAA Atlas 14

1-year storm 2-year storm 10-year storm
Rainfall (inches) 2.49 3.01 4.39

Curve numbers used for computations should be those calculated as part of the
runoff reduction spreadsheet (Virginia Runoff Reduction Spreadsheet for
Redevelopment, 2014). For runoff draining to the permeable pavement, results
from the runoff reduction spreadsheet are shown in Table 5.7, and result in
adjusted curve numbers of 94, 94 and 94 for the 1, 2 and 10-year storms,
respectively. Note that although areas draining to the bioretention facility would
also result in volume reduction and adjusted curve numbers, that the bioretention
portion should be entered as a separate drainage area in the RRM spreadsheet
in order to properly segregate the design parameters in order to design the
storage system and overflow for the permeable pavement system.

Table 5.7 Adjusted CN from Runoff Reduction Channel and Flood Protection
1-year 2-year 10-year
Storm Storm Storm
RVDeveloped (in) with no Runoff Reduction 2.26 2.78 4.15
RVDeveloped (in) with Runoff Reduction 1.83 2.35 3.73
Adjusted CN 94 94 94

Input data is used in the Natural Resource Conservation Service Technical

Release 55 (NRCS TR-55) Tabular method to calculate discharge hydrographs.


(Note that other hydrologic methodologies are suitable-see VDOT Drainage
Manual, Hydrology for guidance). Peaks of those hydrographs for the 1, 2, and
10-year storms are reported in Table 5.8. These values will be used to size the
conveyance downstream of the filtering practice.

Table 5.8 Post-development Discharge Peaks Exiting BMP

1-year 2-year 10-year
Storm Storm Storm
Discharge (cfs) 0.59 0.74 1.17

Step 4 - Compute Minimum Reservoir Depth

Based on the input parameters, a Level 1 design, and using Equation 5.1, the
required depth of the reservoir layer is calculated as:

0.08 PNNQ × 8,712 PQ . × 0.95 + 0.08 PNNQ × 2,592 PQ .

I = = 0.84 PNNQ
0.40 × 2,592 PQ .

Step 5 - Specify Underdrains

The depth of the system’s underdrain trench should be installed along the end of
the storage reservoir, parallel to the gutter pan (see Figure 5.1). Dimensions of
stone trench shall be 12” x 12” x 144’ (width of 16 parking spaces). As specified
in section 5.3.5, the pipe shall be perforated and constructed using 6” schedule
40 PVC at the minimum slope of 0.5%. Perforated underdrain stubouts shall
extend out into the permeable pavement section a distance of 10’ perpendicular
to the underdrain main line (see detail, Figure 5.1). Spacing between stubouts
shall be maintained at 20’ on center. Computations should be completed to
verify that the underdrain system draws down the reservoir within a 48-hour

Step 6 - Design Overflow Structure

The overflow structure for this application will be a single DI-3A sump inlet at the
lower end of the parking lot. Capacity for this overflow structure should be
verified for the 10-year storm to determine adequacy. As seen in Table 5.8, the
overflow peak for the 10-year storm is 1.17 cfs.

The interception capacity of the DI-3A curb inlet operating as a weir can be
calculated using Equation 9.10 of the VDOT Drainage Manual as shown below:

C = ‚ > + 1.86 I2.9



C = Intercepted flow, cfs

= Weir coefficient, use 2.3

= Length of curb opening, ft

= Width of local depression, ft
= Depth of water at curb from a point where the normal
pavement cross slope would intercept the curb face, ft

Allowable spread should be at least 1” below the top of curb, or 5” (0.42’).

The depth of allowable ponding = 8(0.0208) = 0.17’, which extends 8’ into the
adjacent parking space.

Using a factor of safety of 2, the depth of ponding is less than 1” below the top of
curb, or (2x(0.17’) < 0.42’).

If d/h<1.2, where h is the opening of the curb inlet then the inlet is in weir control.
With the factor of safety, the depth, d, is 0.34’ (4”) as shown above. From
specifications, the opening of the curb inlet is 5”. Therefore, d/h=4/5=0.80.
Since 0.8 < 1.2 then operation under weir control is confirmed.

Equation 9.10 from the VDOT Drainage Manual, and the length of the opening of
a DI-3A of 2.5’ is used to compute the flow capacity of a DI-3A:

C = 2.3 2.5 + 1.8 2 "0.342.9

C = 2.3 2.5 + 1.8 2 "0.342.9 = 2.78 RP\

Because the theoretical capacity is greater than the design flow, 2.78 cfs > 1.17
cfs, then a DI-3A may be used as the overflow. Otherwise, the design would
need to be upsized to use a DI-3C sump curb inlet. The proposed outlet pipe
from the DI-3A manhole is a 12” RCP pipe at 1.0% slope. Using Manning’s
equation, the pipe full capacity of a 12” reinforced concrete pipe at 1% slope is
3.57 cfs; therefore, the system will be adequate to convey the 10-year overflow.

Step 7 - Specify Pavement Section

The structural design of the surface and intermediate pavement sections are not
shown. Based on geotechnical analysis, CBR testing, and the expected
pavement loading, these two components have been determined to be 1.5” of
PAM 9.5 and 3.0” of PAM 19.0. As computed above, the reservoir layer (stone
bedding) will be just over 10”, at 0.84’. See VDOT Special Provision for
Permeable Pavement, 2014 for additional specification and design elements
related to permeable pavement systems.


Chapter 6 Infiltration
6.1 Overview of Practice

Infiltration practices typical employ a surface and subsurface storage volume to

temporarily store a design volume of runoff prior to exfiltration into underlying
soils. The infiltration process treats the design volume through physical and
chemical absorption processes for pollutant removal. On sites with suitable soils,
infiltration basins are used to promote groundwater recharge, and they aid the
designer in mimicking predevelopment hydrology in the post-development
condition. Due to removal of a volume of stormwater from the post-development
runoff hydrograph, infiltration practices result in the highest rate of runoff
reduction of any of the best management practices. Requirements shown herein
are modifications to specifications found in Virginia Stormwater Design
Specification No. 8, Infiltration Practices, Draft (DCR/DEQ, 2013), for specific
application to VDOT projects. Infiltration can be an important part of the
stormwater quality treatment solution for a site, but it requires special design
considerations to minimize long-term maintenance. Otherwise, the BMP can
become a maintenance burden, particularly if sediment is allowed to accumulate
on the surface and clog the pore spaces, negating the BMP’s runoff reduction
and water quality benefits. Proper design (followed by proper construction) can
eliminate (or at least minimize) such problems.

Due to the nature of the practice, infiltration facilities are applicable to a wide
variety of projects, including linear highway projects. Infiltration practices are
typically subdivided into three categories: micro-infiltration (250 to 2,500 ft2),
small-scale infiltration (2,500 to 20,000 ft2), and conventional infiltration (20,000
to 100,000 ft2). Specific criteria generally associated with each category are
found in Table 6.2. A typical configuration and various cross-sections typically
associated with infiltration facilities are found in Figures 6.1 to 6.4.


Table 6.1 Summary of Stormwater Functions Provided by Infiltration Practices
Virginia Stormwater Design Specification No. 8, Infiltration Practices, Draft (DCR/DEQ,
Stormwater Function Level 1 Design Level 2 Design
Annual Runoff Volume
50% 90%
Reduction (RR)
Total Phosphorus (TP) EMC
Reduction1 by BMP Treatment 25% 25%
Total Phosphorus (TP) Mass
63% 93%
Load Removal
Total Nitrogen (TN) EMC
Reduction1 by BMP Treatment 15% 15%
Total Nitrogen (TN) Mass Load
57% 92%
Channel and Flood Protection • Use the Virginia Runoff Reduction Method
(VRRM) Compliance Spreadsheet to calculate
the Curve Number (CN) Adjustment
• Design for extra storage (optional; as needed)
on the surface or in the subsurface storage
volume to accommodate larger storm volumes,
and use NRCS TR-55 Runoff Equations 2 to
compute the CN Adjustment.
Change in the event mean concentration (EMC) through the practice. The actual
nutrient mass load removed is the product of the removal rate and the runoff reduction
(RR) rate (see Table 1 in the Introduction to the New Virginia Stormwater Design
NRCS TR-55 Runoff Equations 2-1 thru 2-5 and Figure 2-1 can be used to compute a
curve number adjustment for larger storm events, based on the retention storage
provided by the practice(s).
Sources: CWP and CSN (2008) and CWP (2007)


Table 6.2 Characteristics of Three Design Scales of Infiltration Practices
Virginia Stormwater Design Specification No. 8, Infiltration Practices, Draft (DCR/DEQ,
Small-Scale Conventional
Design Factor Micro-Infiltration
Infiltration Infiltration
Impervious Area 2 2
250 to 2,500 ft 2,500 to 20,000 ft 20,000-100,000 ft2
Dry Well
Infiltration Trench Infiltration Trench
Typical Practices French Drain
Permeable Paving 1 Infiltration Basin
Paving Blocks
Min. Infiltration
1/2 in/hr field verified
Design Infil. Rate 50% of measured rate
Observation Well No Yes Yes
Type of External (leaf Vegetated filter strip
Pretreatment (see screens, grass filter or grass channel, Pretreatment Cell
Table 8.6) strip, etc) forebay, etc.
Depth Dimensions Max. 3’ depth Max. 5’ depth Max. 6’ depth,
Only if the surface
UIC Permit
No No width is less than the
max. depth
Nominal: 1 to 3’ Moderate: 1 to 5’ Moderate: 2 to 6’
An elevated
underdrain only on None required Back up underdrain
marginal soils
Based on surface
area of practice;
Varies based on Varies based on
Required Soil minimum of one soil
surface area of surface area of
Tests profile, one
practice 3 practice 3
infiltration tests per
location 3
10’ down-gradient 2 10’ down-gradient 25’ down-gradient
Building Setbacks
50’ up-gradient 100’ up-gradient
Although permeable pavement is an infiltration practice, a more detailed specification is
provided in Section 5, Permeable Pavement.
Note that the building setbacks are intended for simple foundations. The use of a dry
well or french drain adjacent to an in-ground basement or finished floor area or any
building should be carefully designed and coordinated with the design of the structure’s
water-proofing system (foundation drains, etc.), or avoided altogether.
Refer to VDOT Special Provision for Stormwater Miscellaneous (2014)


Figure 6.1 Typical Infiltration Basin
VDOT SWM-6 Infiltration Practices

Figure 6.2 Typical Infiltration Trench Cross Section (with overdrain)

VDOT SWM-6 Infiltration Practices


Figure 6.3 Infiltration Trench Cross Section (with supplemental storage)
VDOT SWM-6 Infiltration Practices

Figure 6.4 Infiltration Trench Cross Section (without subdrainage)

VDOT SWM-6 Infiltration Practices

6.2 Site Constraints and Siting of the Facility

Typically infiltration facilities can be considered if the proposed location has a

hydrologic soil classification of A or B. Infiltration should generally not be used in
areas prone to hotspot runoff due to the possibility of contaminating the ground
water table in the vicinity of the site.


6.2.1 Contributing Drainage Area (CDA)
Typically contributing drainage area to an infiltration facility should be highly
impervious (approaching 100%), and should not exceed 2.0 acres on any single
installation. Various scales related to the impervious area treated are found in
Table 6.2. It is important to design infiltration facilities within the limits established
for CDAs. Too much or too little runoff can result in performance issues and the
need for subsequent repairs or reconstruction.

6.2.2 Site Slopes in Vicinity of Practice

Infiltration practices should typically have flat bottoms (0% slope) in order to
promote evenly distributed infiltration over the practice area. The average slope
of upstream contributing areas shall be 15% or less.

6.2.3 Depth to Bedrock

Separation of at least 2’ is required between bedrock and the invert of the
infiltration bed.

6.2.4 Depth to Water Table

Separation of at least 2’ is required between the seasonally high groundwater
table and the invert of the infiltration bed.

6.2.5 Hydraulic Head

Minimal hydraulic head is typically required to drive flow through infiltration
practices; however, up to 2’ may be necessary for optimal functioning of
conventional infiltration practices, to be evaluated on a case by case basis.

6.2.6 Soils
Soils in the infiltration area are required to have infiltration tests in accordance
with the VDOT Special Provision for Stormwater Miscellaneous (2014), and
performed using the ASTM D 2434 Tube Permeameter Method. A field-tested
infiltration rate of 0.5 in/hr or greater is required for use of infiltration practices on
VDOT projects.

6.2.7 Setbacks
In order to prevent damage by seepage, infiltration practices should not be
hydraulically tied into base stone in pavement cross section or connected to
structure foundations. Setbacks from adjacent roads and structures are found in
Table 6.2 for each scale of infiltration practice. Setbacks from wells shall be a
minimum of 100’, and setbacks from septic drainfields shall be a minimum of 50’.
Infiltration practices shall be installed a minimum of 5’ down gradient of utility
lines. When located near down-gradient slopes of 20% or greater, infiltration
practices shall be located a minimum distance of 200’ from those slopes.

6.2.8 Karst Areas

Conventional infiltration practices shall not be allowed in karst regions. Micro-
scale or small-scale infiltration areas (Table 6.2) can be permitted if geotechnical


tests indicate a separation of 4’ to bedrock, an underdrain and impermeable liner
are used, and permission is acquired from VDOT prior to design. In Karst areas,
Bioretention is typically a preferred alternative to Infiltration.

6.2.9 Coastal Plain

The flat terrain, low head and high water table of many coastal plain sites can
constrain the application of conventional infiltration practices. However, such
sites are still suited for micro-scale and small-scale infiltration practices.
Designers should maximize the surface area of the infiltration practice, and keep
the depth of infiltration to less than 24” plus the necessary separation distance
from the groundwater table. Where soils have a very high infiltration rate (more
than 4.0” in/hr), shallow bioretention is a preferred alternative. Where soils are
more impermeable (i.e., marine clays with an infiltration rate of less than 0.5 in/hr
a constructed wetland practice may be more appropriate.

6.2.10 Cold Climate and Winter Performance

Infiltration practices can be designed to withstand moderate winter conditions.
The main problem is caused by ice forming in the voids or the subsoils below the
practice, which may briefly result in nuisance flooding when spring melting
occurs. The following design adjustments are recommended for infiltration
practices installed in colder parts of the state (higher elevations, etc.):
• The bottom of the practice should extend below the frost line.
• Infiltration practices are not recommended at roadside locations that are
heavily sanded and/or salted in the winter months (to prevent movement
of chlorides into groundwater and prevent clogging by road sand).
• Pre-treatment measures can be oversized to account for the additional
sediment load caused by road sanding (up to 40% of the Tv).

Infiltration practices must be set back at least 25’ from roadways to prevent
potential frost heaving of the road pavement.

6.2.11 Groundwater Hotspots

Stormwater hotspots are designated as areas with a higher potential for high
concentrations of stormwater pollutants, particularly toxic pollutants. Virginia
Stormwater Design Specification No. 8, Infiltration Practices, Draft (DCR/DEQ,
2013) contains information regarding specific types of hotspots. For purposes of
VDOT projects these include wash pads, maintenance facilities, and fueling
areas of VDOT area headquarters, parking lots or park and ride lots containing
40 spaces or more, and roads with 2,500 or higher average daily trips (ADT).
Contributing drainage areas that contain maintenance facilities, fueling stations,
wash facilities, or VDOT fleet storage facilities shall not use stormwater infiltration
practices. Parking lots, highways with more than 2,500 ADT, or any other VDOT
practice as specified by the District or Richmond offices, will require restricted
infiltration. In these areas, a minimum of 50% of the total treatment volume must
be treated using a filtering practice or bioretention prior to direction to an
infiltration practice.


6.3 General Design Guidelines

The following presents a collection of design issues to be considered when

designing an infiltration practice for improvement of water quality. Cross-section
details for specific design features, including material specifications, can be
found in the VDOT BMP SWM-6, Infiltration Practices. General guidance for
filtering practices can be found in Table 6.3.

Table 6.3 Stormwater Infiltration Practice Design Guidance

Virginia Stormwater Design Specification No. 8, Infiltration Practices, Draft (DCR/DEQ,
Level 1 Design (RR:50; TP:25; TN:15) Level 2 Design (RR:90; TP:25; TN:15)
Sizing: Tv = [(Rv)(A)/12] – the volume Sizing: Tv = [1.1(Rv)(A)/12] – the volume
reduced by an upstream BMP reduced by an upstream BMP
At least two forms of pre-treatment At least three forms of pre-treatment
(see Table 6.6) (see Table 6.6)
Soil infiltration rate 1/2 to 1 in/hr Soil infiltration rates of 1.0 to 4.0 in/hr
number of tests depends on the scale number of tests depends on the scale
(Table 6.2) (Table 6.2)
Minimum of 2’ between the bottom of the infiltration practice
and the seasonal high water table or bedrock
Tv infiltrates within 36 to 48 hours
Building Setbacks – see Table 6.2
All Designs are subject to hotspot runoff restrictions/prohibitions
* The Virginia DEQ Office of Water Supply (OWS) has taken the position that stormwater
infiltration BMPs designed in accordance with this design specification are acceptable
related to their potential impacts on groundwater quality and will not require a Virginia
Pollution Abatement (VPA) Permit. However, the DEQ Division of Land Protection and
Revitalization, which includes the OWS, may change the approach to evaluating impacts
to groundwater from stormwater infiltration BMPs in the future. In addition, stormwater
infiltration BMPs designed according to other specifications will require a case-by-case
determination by DEQ of VPA Permit requirements for the facility.

6.3.1 Sizing
The measured infiltration rate on site shall be in accordance with Virginia
Stormwater Design Specification No. 8, Infiltration Practices, Draft (DCR/DEQ,
2013), and VDOT Special Provision for Infiltration Practices (2014).

Actual dimensions are determined from Equations 8.1 to 8.4 of the Virginia
Stormwater Design Specification No. 8, Infiltration Practices, Draft (DCR/DEQ,
2013). For convenience, those equations are reproduced below.

Infiltration basins may be designed as surface or subsurface facilities. If the

facility is designed as a surface basin, the maximum depth is defined as:


) - Q„
I =



I Dƒ = maximum depth of the infiltration practice (feet)

P = measured infiltration rate (inches/hour)
Q„ = maximum draw down time (usually 48 hours)

If the facility is designed as a subsurface basin, the maximum depth is calculated

using Equation 6.2:

)2- Q„
I =

η × 12


η = porosity of the stone reservoir (assume 0.4)

After calculation with Equation 6.1 or 6.2, Table 6.4 shall be used for
comparison. The allowable depth that is less (Equations 6.1/6.2 or Table 6.4)
shall be used for final design.

Table 6.4 Maximum Depth (in feet) for Infiltration Practices

Virginia Stormwater Design Specification No. 8, Infiltration Practices, Draft (DCR/DEQ,
Scale of Infiltration
Mode of Entry Micro Small Scale Conventional
Infiltration Infiltration Infiltration
Surface Basin 1.0 1.5 2.0
Underground Reservoir 3.0 5.0 varies

Once the depth has been chosen, the surface area is computed using either
Equation 6.3 for surface basins or Equation 6.4 for subsurface basins:


1V "P × Q
1 = V +ˆ 2 ‰ Š


1 = Surface Area (ft2)

†‡~ = Treatment Volume from drainage area plus remaining volume

from upstream practices (ft3)

= Infiltration depth (feet), cannot exceed maximum allowable

= Measured infiltration rate (inches/hr)
= Time to fill the infiltration facility (2 hours)

1V "P × Q
1 = Šη×I +ˆ 2 ‰ Š
†‡~ (6.4)


η = porosity of the stone reservoir (assume 0.4)

The computed treatment volume used in Equations 6.3 or 6.4 is as defined in

Section 1, Equation 1.1, with adjustment for any remaining upstream volume
from BMPs that is to be infiltrated.

Required infiltration tests shall be according to surface area thresholds shown in

Table 6.5.


Table 6.5 Number of Soil Profiles and Infiltration Tests Required
Virginia Stormwater Design Specification No. 8, Infiltration Practices, Draft (DCR/DEQ,
# of Infiltration
# of Soil Profile
Area of Practice (Permeability)
Up to 2,500 ft2 1 2*
2 2
2,500 ft to 5,000 ft 2 3
2 2
5,000 ft to 7,500 ft 2 4
2 2
7,500 ft to 10,000 ft 2 5
Add 1 soil profile and 2 infiltration tests for
Greater than 10,000 ft2 2
each additional 5,000 ft of practice
Linear practices should add 1 additional soil profile for each 100 LF
of practice, and 1 additional infiltration test for each additional 50 LF
of practice.
*Micro-scale applications with a small footprint (<500 ft2), such as a
downspout disconnection (Design Specification No. 1) require only
one infiltration test per location.

6.3.2 Pretreatment
Pretreatment, including minimum pretreatment volume, required for infiltration
practices is as specified in Table 6.6.

Table 6.6 Required Pre-treatment Elements for Infiltration Practices

Virginia Stormwater Design Specification No. 8, Infiltration Practices, Draft (DCR/DEQ,
Scale of Infiltration
Pre-treatment 1 Small-Scale Conventional
Micro Infiltration
Infiltration Infiltration
Number and 2 external techniques; 3 techniques; 15% 3 techniques; 25%
Volume of Pre- no minimum pre- minimum pre- minimum pre-
treatment treatment volume treatment volume treatment volume
Techniques required. required (inclusive). required (inclusive); at
Employed least one separate
pre-treatment cell.
Acceptable Pre- Leaf gutter screens Grass filter strip Sediment trap cell
treatment Grass filter strip Grass channel Sand filter cell
Techniques Upper sand layer Plunge pool Sump pit
Washed bank run Gravel diaphragm Grass filter strip
gravel Gravel diaphragm
A minimum of 50% of the runoff reduction volume must be pre-treated by a filtering or
bioretention practice prior to infiltration if the site is a restricted stormwater hotspot

6.3.3 Infiltration Basins

Ponding depth is restricted to 24” over an infiltration area. Side slopes entering
the basin shall be no steeper than 4H:1V. If the contributing drainage area is


greater than 20,000 ft2, a surface pretreatment cell must be provided. This cell
may be a dry sediment collection area or a sand filter.

6.3.4 Drawdown
Drawdown should typically be complete in 36 to 48 hours.

6.3.5 Infiltration Rate Adjustment

Measured infiltration rates are adjusted by a factor of 2 to allow a factor of safety
for long term operation. This adjustment has been applied to the measured
infiltration rate in Equations 6.1 – 6.4.

6.3.6 Porosity
Porosity, used in Equations 6.2 and 6.4, should be assumed to be 0.4; however,
if additional storage in the form of subsurface pipes or similar structures are
used, the porosity coefficient may be adjusted, as appropriate.

6.3.7 Construction and Inspection

Construction and inspection shall be in conformance with the VDOT Special
Provision for Infiltration Practices, 2014. The designer should direct that the
construction process should be carefully monitored (via regular inspections).
Improper construction is the main cause of Infiltration BMP failure, resulting in
costly repair/replacement.

6.3.8 Maintenance Reduction Considerations

Maintenance is a crucial element that ensures the long-term performance of
infiltration practices. The most frequently cited maintenance problem for
infiltration practices is clogging of the surface stone by organic matter and
sediment. The following design features can either minimize the risk of clogging
or help to identify maintenance issues before they cause failure of the facility:

• Pre-treatment Filter Strip of Low Maintenance Vegetation - Regular

mowing of turf generates a significant volume of organic debris that can
eventually clog the surface of an infiltration trench or basin located in a turf
area; similarly, mulch from landscaped areas can migrate into the
infiltration facility. Landscaping vegetation adjacent to the infiltration facility
should consist of low maintenance ground cover.

• Observation Well - Small-scale and conventional infiltration practices

should include an observation well, consisting of an anchored 6” diameter
perforated PVC pipe fitted with a lockable cap installed flush with the
ground surface, to facilitate periodic inspection and maintenance.

• Filter Fabric - Geotextile filter fabric should not be installed along the
bottom of infiltration practices. Experience has shown that filter fabric is
prone to clogging, and a layer of coarse washed stone (choker stone) is a
more effective substitute. However, permeable filter fabric must be


installed on the trench sides to prevent soil piping. A layer of fabric may
also be installed along the top of the practice to help keep organic debris
or topsoil from migrating downward into the stone. Periodic maintenance
to remove and replace this surface layer will be required to ensure that
surface runoff can get into the infiltration practice.

• Direct Maintenance Access - Access must be provided to allow

personnel and equipment to perform non-routine maintenance tasks, such
as practice reconstruction or rehabilitation. While a turf cover is
permissible for micro- and small-scale infiltration practices, the surface
should not be covered by an impermeable material, such as asphalt or

6.4 Design Process

This section presents the design process applicable to infiltration practices

serving as water quality BMPs. The pre- and post-development runoff
characteristics are intended to replicate stormwater management needs routinely
encountered on VDOT projects. The hydrologic calculations and assumptions
presented in this section serve only as input data for the detailed BMP design
steps. Full hydrologic discussion is beyond the scope of this report, and the user
is referred to Chapter 11 of the Virginia Stormwater Management Handbook, 2nd
Edition, Draft (DCR/DEQ, 2013) for details on hydrologic methodology.

A Level 2 infiltration basin is being proposed to treat runoff from a 1.25 acre
addition (120 new parking spaces) to a park and ride lot near the U.S. 311 and
Interstate 81 interchange in Salem, VA. The hydrologic classification of on-site
soils is a mix of HSG B and HSG D soils. Infiltration tests indicate that the HSG
B soils are suitable for infiltration. Post-development conditions within the
disturbed area indicate 1.05 acres of impervious area, and 0.20 acres of
managed turf. Summaries of these parameters are found in Table 6.7. The time
of concentration to the infiltration practice has been computed as 6 minutes. The
project site does not exhibit a high or seasonally high groundwater table or
indicate the presence of bedrock, based on geotechnical tests performed on-site.
Due to the scale of the facility, it is classified as “conventional infiltration”
according to the impervious treatment areas shown in Table 6.2. In this case,
because there will be over 40 new parking spaces, the site is considered a
stormwater hotspot. Therefore, a Level 1 sand filter will be installed to provide
additional pretreatment prior to infiltration. Full design of the sand filter
pretreatment is not shown in this example. The user is directed to the Section 10
for computational methodology used to size the Level 1 sand filter pretreatment


Table 6.7 Hydrologic Characteristics of Example Project Site
Impervious Turf Forest Impervious Turf
Pre Classification
Area (acres) 0.00 0.15 0.20 0.00 0.90
Post Classification
Area (acres) 0.25 0.10 0.00 0.80 0.10

Step 1 - Enter Data into VRRM Spreadsheet

The required site data from Table 8.2 is input into the VRRM Spreadsheet for
New Development (2014), resulting in site data summary information shown in
Table 6.8.

Table 6.8 Summary of Output from VRRM Site Data Tab

Site Rv 0.83
Post-development Treatment Volume (ft ) 3,784
Post-development TP Load (lb/yr) 2.38
Total TP Load Reduction Required (lb/yr) 1.87

Appropriate data for post-development conditions is input into the VRRM

Spreadsheet Drainage Area tab, yielding compliance results summarized in
Table 6.9. Note that this includes used the Level 1 sand filter as the first
BMP in a treatment train, with effluent directed to a Level 2 Infiltration

Table 6.9 Summary Data from Treatment Train Treatment

Total Impervious Cover Treated (acres) 1.05
Total Turf Area Treated (acres) 0.20
Total TP Load Reduction Achieved in D.A. A (lb/yr) 2.30

In this case, the total phosphorus reduction required is 1.87 lbs/yr (Table 6.8).
The estimated removal is 2.30 lbs/yr; therefore, the target has been met.

Step 2 - Compute the Required Treatment Volume

The treatment volume can be calculated using Section 1, Equation 1 or taken

directly from the VRRM Spreadsheet Drainage Area tabs. For this example, the
reported treatment volume on the drainage area tab (treating the 1.25 acre area
described by data in Table 6.7) is 3,784 ft3. Because the infiltration facility is a
Level 2, this treatment volume must be multiplied by a factor of 1.1 to yield the
BMP treatment volume. This calculation yields a value of 4,162 ft3.


Step 3 - Enter Data in Channel and Flood Protection Tab

Values for the 1-, 2-, and 10-year 24-hour rainfall depth should be determined
from the National Oceanographic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) Atlas
14 and entered into the “Channel and Flood Protection” tab of the spreadsheet.
For this site (Lat 37.3170, Long -80.0553), those values are shown in Table 6.10.
Curve numbers used for computations should be those calculated as part of the
runoff reduction spreadsheet (Virginia Runoff Reduction Spreadsheet for New
Development, 2014). For this site, results from the runoff reduction spreadsheet
are shown in Table 6.11, and result in adjusted curve numbers of 84, 85 and 87
for the 1, 2 and 10-year storms, respectively.

Table 6.10 Rainfall Totals from NOAA Atlas 14

1-year storm 2-year storm 10-year storm
Rainfall (inches) 2.56 3.10 4.63

Table 6.11 Adjusted CN from Runoff Reduction Channel and Flood Protection
1-year 2-year 10-year
Storm Storm Storm
RVDeveloped (in) with no Runoff Reduction 1.93 2.45 3.94
RVDeveloped (in) with Runoff Reduction 1.18 1.70 3.19
Adjusted CN 84 85 87

Site data and adjusted curve numbers are used in the Natural Resource
Conservation Service Technical Release 55 (NRCS TR-55) Tabular method to
calculate discharge hydrographs. (Note that other hydrologic methodologies
are suitable-see VDOT Drainage Manual, Hydrology for guidance).
Resulting peaks of hydrographs for the 1-, 2-, and 10-year storms are reported in
Table 6.12. These values can be used to size the conveyance downstream of
the infiltration practice.

Table 6.12 Post-development Discharge Peaks Exiting BMP

1-year storm 2-year storm 10-year storm
Discharge (cfs) 2.25 3.28 6.35

Step 4 - Calculate Maximum Allowable Depth

The measured infiltration rate at the site is 1.2 in/hr. Based on guidelines by
DEQ, a factor of safety of 2 will be applied to this infiltration rate. Therefore, the
design rate will by 0.6 in/hr. The facility will be a subsurface facility; therefore,
the maximum depth is calculated using Equation 6.2 as:

0.6 L,/ℎJ 48 hrs

I = = 6 PNNQ

0.4 × 12


Step 5 - Calculate Underground Reservoir Surface Area

Six inches of temporary surface storage will be used above ground for use during
larger storms. However, due to the presence of an over drain at the top of the
stone reservoir layer (see VDOT SWM-6, Type I), this surface area cannot be
used as part of the treatment volume. An initial assumed depth of the facility is
taken as 75% of the maximum depth. Therefore, Equation 6.4 is evaluated using
an assumed reservoir depth of 4.5’ to determine surface area as:

•c 1V "1.2 L, × 2ℎJe ”
4,162PQ 0 • 2 ℎJ ‘ “
1 = Š
0.4 × 4.5 PQ + • 12“ = 2,312 PQ

• “
Ž ’

Because the assumed depth (4.5’) does not exceed the maximum allowed depth
of 6’, and the calculated surface area of the facility does not exceed the available
area in the HSG B soils, the design is appropriate. Therefore, the facility will
have a bed area of 2,312 ft2 and a stone reservoir depth of 4.5’.

Step 4 - Pretreatment

Parking lot runoff drains directly to a gravel diaphragm that runs along the edge
of the proposed pavement to introduce stormwater runoff into a small perimeter
grass channel, where it is conveyed into the pretreatment sediment forebay,
spilling into the sand filter cell. The minimum sand filter treatment volume is
calculated to be 0.50 (due to hotspot restrictions) of the infiltration practice,
which is 2,081 ft3. However, VDOT, in conversations with the City of Salem, has
determined that maximum removal of hotspot contaminants from this site is
desired; therefore the entire treatment volume will be treated through the sand
filter prior to entering the infiltration bed. Sizing of the sediment forebay and
sand filter will be according to guidelines found in Section 10, but are not shown
in this example.

Step 5 - Specify Full Cross Section and Geometry

Due to width constraints, the final dimensions of the facility will be 26.6’ wide and
90’ long. The vertical cross section shall conform to the VDOT SWM-6 Infiltration
Practices (2014) detail for a Type I Infiltration Practice. The surface shall consist
of 3” of river stone. The stone reservoir shall have a depth of 3.83’, consisting of
VDOT #1 open graded course aggregate. Below this, an 8” filtration layer
consisting of grade A VDOT fine aggregate shall be installed. Finally, directly
above the bed, a 4” choker layer of #8 stone shall be installed. Note that due to
the location of the overflow drain (VDOT SWM-6), the surface layer of river stone
and the top 4” of VDOT #1 stone in the reservoir layer cannot be used as part of
the storage volume calculation.


Step 6 - Design Overflow Structure

Discharges for design storms are found in Table 6.12. Per the requirements of
VDOT SWM-6 Infiltration Practices (2014), an overflow weir shall be installed to
allow outflow of design storms. In this case, a weir shall be installed at a 6”
elevation above the surface (river stone) of the infiltration bed, with a base width
of 3’ and side slopes of 3:1. The overflow structure must be evaluated based on
design peaks.

One purpose of the Runoff Reduction Method is to produce adjusted curve

numbers for use in estimating peak runoff downstream of a practice. Although
this method can be used, due to additional above-ground storage in the
infiltration facility, the peaks generated using this method (Table 6.12) would be
slightly conservative for this design example. An alternative method is to perform
a routing of the storms through the facility using common hydrologic modeling
software and hydrographs that have not been adjusted for the volume reduction
in the practice, in this case a curve number of 94. Use of TR-55 methodology,
using all other information and a curve number of 94, yields hydrographs with
peaks for the 2- and 10- year 24-hour design storms of 4.83 cfs and 7.78 cfs,
respectively. Routing of the 2- and 10-year storms has been performed through
the (assumed) empty facility. The first step in routing is the development of a
storage-elevation curve. Using information from Step 5, the resulting storage-
elevation data is shown in Table 6.13.

Table 6.13 Storage Elevation Data

Elevation Storage
(feet) (cubic feet)
1700.00 0
1702.00 1,830
1705.08 4,661
1705.58 5,811
1707.00 9,078

Using a 4” perforated riser exiting the bed at a 1.0% slope at invert 1704.50’, and
an overflow weir with crest of 1705.58’ (see geometry above), a rating curve can
be generated using standard hydrologic modeling software. Once the rating
curve is developed, hydrologic routing calculations can occur. Abbreviated
routing results for the 2- and 10-year design storms are found is Tables 6.14 and
6.15, respectively.


Table 6.14 Routing of 2-Year Storm Through Facility
Event Hydrograph Basin Storage Elevation Basin
Time Inflow Inflow Used MSL Outflow
(hrs) (cfs) (cfs) (acre-ft) (feet) (cfs)
0.90 1.60 1.57 0.029 1701.38 0.000
1.00 3.09 3.06 0.048 1702.29 0.000
1.10 4.83 4.80 0.081 1703.83 0.000
1.20 3.00 2.97 0.112 1705.17 0.219
1.30 1.04 1.01 0.126 1705.45 0.250
1.40 0.70 0.67 0.131 1705.54 0.269
1.50 0.59 0.56 0.134 1705.59 0.288
1.60 0.50 0.47 0.135 1705.62 0.361
1.70 0.41 0.38 0.136 1705.63 0.389
1.80 0.36 0.33 0.136 1705.62 0.373
1.90 0.34 0.31 0.135 1705.62 0.348
2.00 0.32 0.29 0.135 1705.61 0.326
2.10 0.29 0.26 0.135 1705.60 0.302
2.20 0.27 0.24 0.134 1705.60 0.290
2.30 0.26 0.23 0.134 1705.59 0.287
2.40 0.24 0.21 0.133 1705.58 0.283
2.50 0.23 0.20 0.133 1705.56 0.279

The infiltration rate of the facility has been converted to a constant outflow rate of
0.032 cfs by using an adjusted infiltration rate of 0.6 in/hr (half of measured rate)
and the bed surface area (2,312 ft2). This infiltration rate must be implemented as
part of the routing to compensate for exfiltration during the course of the runoff
event. Note that the 2-year storm is completely contained within the facility until
the subsurface storage volume is overwhelmed and the overdrain is activated.
The 2-year storm overflow peak computed using this method is 0.39 cfs. Note
that this is partially due to the additional storage available above the level of the
overdrain and under the crest of the overflow weir.


Table 6.15 Routing of 10-Year Storm Through Facility
Event Hydrograph Basin Storage Elevation Basin
Time Inflow Inflow Used MSL Outflow
(hrs) (cfs) (cfs) (acre-ft) (feet) (cfs)
0.60 0.41 0.38 0.012 1700.58 0.000
0.70 1.13 1.10 0.018 1700.87 0.000
0.80 1.85 1.82 0.030 1701.45 0.000
0.90 2.57 2.54 0.048 1702.30 0.000
1.00 4.98 4.95 0.079 1703.77 0.000
1.10 7.78 7.75 0.131 1705.53 0.266
1.20 4.84 4.81 0.164 1706.15 4.340
1.30 1.67 1.64 0.158 1706.05 3.350
1.40 1.13 1.10 0.149 1705.87 1.750
1.50 0.95 0.92 0.145 1705.79 1.210
1.60 0.80 0.77 0.143 1705.75 0.980
1.70 0.66 0.63 0.141 1705.72 0.800
1.80 0.59 0.56 0.140 1705.70 0.670

Note that routing the 10-year storm using this method results in a peak of 4.34
cfs, vs. the peak of 6.35 cfs that is calculated using the adjusted curve numbers.
During the design, the VDOT project manager and VDOT Hydraulics shall be
consulted to determine the methodology to be used for final analysis. The
receiving channel downstream of the overflow weir must be evaluated for
adequacy using standard methodologies, such as the Manning equation.

Step 7 - Design of Overflow and Downstream Conveyance Structures

Overflow and conveyance structures must be designed to pass the specified

design storm based on functional classification of the road. This includes
calculations for storms of lower recurrence (i.e. 25-, 50-, and 100-year storms).
These computations are beyond the scope of this design example. However, the
user is directed to the VDOT Drainage Manual for guidance on flood and erosion
compliance calculations.


Chapter 7 Bioretention
7.1 Overview of Practice

Bioretention practices form a class of both filtration and infiltration BMPs whose
function is to improve the quality of stormwater runoff by means of adsorption,
filtration, volitilization, ion exchange and microbial decomposition. The soil media
and stone bed also contribute to partial volume reduction as calculated through
the runoff reduction methodology. In the most general sense, a bioretention
BMP can be thought of as a modified infiltration area comprised of a specific mix
of trees, plants, and shrubs intended to mimic the ecosystem of an upland (non-
wetland) forest floor. There are two categories of bioretention BMP: basins and

Bioretention basins are planting areas constructed as shallow basins in which

stormwater inflow is treated by filtration through the surface plant material,
biological and chemical reactions within the soil and basin vegetation, and the
eventual infiltration into the underlying soil media. Bioretention filters function
much the same as bioretention basins, but are used in locations where full
infiltration is not feasible due to inadequate soil permeability or the proximity to
wells, drainfields, or structural foundations. Bioretention filters are equipped with
a connection, via underdrain, to a local storm sewer system such that water
enters the storm sewer after it has filtered through the bioretention cell. Figures
9.1 and 9.2 present the general configuration of a bioretention basin and filter.

The Virginia Stormwater Design Specification No. 9, Bioretention, Draft

(DCR/DEQ, 2013) lists several bioretention applications, including parking lot
islands, parking lot edges, road median, roundabouts, interchanges and cul-de-
sacs, right-of-way or commercial setback, or courtyards. Due to the ability to
construct the practice in irregular shapes, including linear formations, and the
relatively high pollutant removal efficiency, bioretention facilities are applicable on
a wide array of transportation related projects.

Bioretention can be an important part of a stormwater quality treatment train, but

these BMPs require special design considerations to minimize maintenance.
Otherwise, they can become a maintenance burden, particularly if sediment
accumulates within the basin, where it can clog the media pore space. Good
design can eliminate or at least minimize such problems.


Table 7.1 Summary of Stormwater Functions Provided by Bioretention Basins
Stormwater Function Level 1 Design Level 2 Design
Annual Runoff Volume
40% 80%
Reduction (RR)
Total Phosphorus (TP) EMC
Reduction1 by BMP 25% 50%
Treatment Process
Total Phosphorus (TP) Mass
55% 90%
Load Removal
Total Nitrogen (TN) EMC
Reduction1 by BMP 40% 60%
Treatment Process
Total Nitrogen (TN) Mass
64% 90%
Load Removal
Channel and Flood • Use the Virginia Runoff Reduction Method (VRRM)
Protection Compliance Spreadsheet to calculate the Curve
Number (CN) Adjustment
• Design extra storage (optional; as needed) on the
surface, in the engineered soil matrix, and in the
stone/underdrain layer to accommodate a larger
storm, and use NRCS TR-55 Runoff Equations2 to
compute the CN Adjustment.
Change in event mean concentration (EMC) through the practice. Actual nutrient mass
load removed is the product of the removal rate and the runoff reduction rate (see Table
1 in the Introduction to the New Virginia Stormwater Design Specifications).
NRCS TR-55 Runoff Equations 2-1 thru 2-5 and Figure 2-1 can be used to compute a
curve number adjustment for larger storm events based on the retention storage
provided by the practice(s).
Sources: CWP and CSN (2008) and CWP (2007)


Figure 7.1 Bioretention Cross-section – Type 1
VDOT SWM-7 Bioretention

Figure 7.2 Bioretention Cross-section – Type 2

VDOT SWM-7 Bioretention


7.2 Site Constraints and Siting of the Facility

When a bioretention facility is proposed the designer must consider a number of

site constraints in addition to the contributing drainage area’s new impervious
cover. These constraints are discussed as follows.

7.2.1 Minimum Drainage Area

The minimum drainage area contributing runoff to a bioretention cell should
typically be no smaller than 0.1 acres. Bioretention basins and filters are well
suited to relatively small drainage areas.

7.2.2 Maximum Drainage Area

The maximum drainage area to a single bioretention facility is dependent on the
type/level of bioretention proposed. Bioretention basins typically have an upper
limit of 2.5 acres. Under special circumstances, the upper limit of bioretention
basins may be increased to a maximum area of 5 acres (no more than 50%
impervious) if additional low flow diversions or other pre-treatment and flow
regulation measures are included. Any decision to exceed the maximum
threshold of 2.5 acres should be discussed with VDOT prior to submittal. It is
important to design bioretention facilities within the limits established for CDAs.
Too much or too little runoff can result in performance issues and the need for
subsequent repairs or reconstruction.

7.2.3 Site Slopes

Bioretention facilities are most suited for sites with upstream slopes between 1%
and 5%. Steep upstream slopes are typically indicative of higher runoff velocities
and higher probability of erosion and sediment transport into the facility, which is
to be avoided. Installation on sites with greater upstream slopes (up to 15%)
than those recommended will require energy dissipation measures integrated
with required pre-treatment to ensure that runoff that is laden with high
concentrations of sediment is not entering the facility.

7.2.4 Site Soils

This section refers to the native site soils underlying a bioretention facility. The
planting soil mix of a bioretention facility is governed by specific guidelines
discussed later in this Section and also in the Virginia Stormwater Design
Specification No. 9, Bioretention, Draft (DCR/DEQ, 2013).

Although an underdrain will be required on most VDOT facilities, a bioretention

system without underdrains may be acceptable under certain circumstances and
only upon approval of the VDOT project manager. When such a facility is
proposed, a subsurface analysis and permeability test is required. The required
subsurface analysis should investigate soil characteristics to a depth of no less
than 3’ below the proposed bottom of the engineered media. Data from the
subsurface investigation should be provided to the Materials Division early in the


project planning stages to evaluate the final design characteristics of the
proposed facility.

The soil infiltration rate should be measured according to the requirements in

VDOT Special Provision for Stormwater Miscellaneous (2014) – see “Infiltration
and Soil Testing”. Soil infiltration rates which are deemed acceptable for
bioretention basins without an underdrain are typically greater than 0.50 in/hr.
Soils exhibiting a clay content of greater than 20% and silt/clay content of more
than 40% are typically unacceptable for bioretention facilities without an
underdrain. Sites categorized as stormwater hotspots should not be used for
infiltrative bioretention facilities due to higher likelihood of groundwater

7.2.5 Depth to Water Table

Bioretention basins should not be installed on sites with a seasonal high
groundwater table. Inadequate separation between the BMP bottom and the
surface of the water table may result in contamination of the water table. This
potential contamination arises from the inability of the soil underlying the BMP to
filter pollutants prior to their entrance into the water table. Additionally, a high
water table can flood the bioretention cell and render it inoperable during periods
of high precipitation and/or runoff. A separation distance of no less than 2’ is
required between the bottom of a bioretention basin and the surface of the
seasonally high water table unless the site is located in coastal plain residential
settings where the distance may be reduced to 1’.

7.2.6 Separation Distances

Setbacks from buildings and streets should be in accordance with Table 7.2.
When using a liner, a 50’ minimum separation from wells is required, which is
increased to 100’ if no liner is present. Additionally, a 20’ minimum separation
from septic drain fields is required when using a liner, and is increased to 50’ if a
liner is not present. Bioretention facilities must maintain a minimum down-
gradient separation of 5’ from wet utilities; however, dry utilities may pass
beneath a bioretention facility if the utilities are encased. In the latter case, the
utilities do not have to be encased if they can be routinely accessed without
disturbing the bioretention basin.

7.2.7 Karst Areas

Infiltrative bioretention facilities (Level 2) should not be used in karst areas, or in
areas with a prevalence of bedrock or fractured rock. However, a bioretention
filter (Level 1) with an underdrain and liner may be considered if a separation
distance of 3’ is maintained between the bottom of the facility and the top of rock.
In addition, drainage areas to Level 1 practices in these areas should be limited
to 20,000 ft2, and setbacks from structures should be discussed with VDOT and
should generally be larger than standards shown in Table 7.1.


7.2.8 Placement on Fill Material
Bioretention basins should not be constructed on or nearby fill sections due to
the possibility of creating an unstable subgrade. Fill areas are vulnerable to
slope failure along the interface of the in-situ and fill material. The likelihood of
this type of failure is increased when the fill material is frequently saturated, as
anticipated when a bioretention basin.

7.2.9 Existing Utilities

Bioretention facilities can often be constructed over existing utility easements,
provided permission to construct the facility over these easements is obtained
from the utility owner prior to design of the facility. However, keep in mind that if
the utility needs to do its own maintenance at some point in time, the excavation
may disrupt the benefit of the filter media, especially if the excavated media mix
is not used as backfill or if the surface is subsequently compacted. Therefore, it is
generally advisable avoid locating bioretention BMPs above utility lines if at all

7.2.10 Perennial, Chlorinated, Toxic and Irrigation Flows

Bioretention facilities must not be subjected to continuous or very frequent flows.
Such conditions will lead to anaerobic conditions which support the export of
previously captured pollutants from the facility. Additionally, bioretention facilities
must not be subjected to chlorinated flows, such as those from swimming pools
or saunas or toxic pollutants from stormwater hotspots, such as gasoline
stations. The presence of elevated chlorine levels or toxic pollutants can kill the
desirable bacteria responsible for the majority of nitrogen uptake in the facility. In
general, bioretention facilities should not be subjected to any flows that are not
stormwater runoff.

7.2.11 Floodplains
Bioretention facilities shall not be located in 100-year floodplains as designated
on applicable FEMA flood maps for the project area.

7.2.12 Access
It is vital to provide adequate access to the BMP site. Site access must be safe
and must provide enough room and appropriate gradients (ideally 4H:1V or
flatter) for construction vehicles to install the BMP and for crews and equipment
to perform maintenance. Ideally, access should include a dedicated easement
that guarantees right-of-entry. Access requirements for underground versus
above-ground BMPs are slightly different.

It is also important to consider alternative surface treatments for access ways,

when appropriate, such as reinforced turf that do not increase the site’s
impervious cover. Maintenance access should extend to all critical elements of
the BMP, such as the forebay, safety bench, inlet and riser/outlet structures, flow
splitters, by-pass manholes and chambers, and emergency spillways. Risers
should be located in embankments for access from land, and they should include
access to all elements via a manhole and steps.


7.2.13 Security
To the degree feasible, the BMP should be located so that appropriate security
can be provided – to minimize the risk to the facility of physical damage caused
by outside sources, to minimize access to the facility by unauthorized persons
(particularly children), and to thus reduce VDOT’s liability for potential damages
and physical harm. Where fencing is considered appropriate, ensure that gates
are large enough to allow equipment necessary to perform maintenance to pass
through and maintenance crews have keys/codes to unlock the gates.

7.3 General Design Guidelines

The proposed location of a bioretention facility must be established early in the

project design phase and remain an integral component of the site design
throughout to ensure runoff intended for treatment can be directed to the
bioretention facility, pretreatment can be provided, and that slopes within the
drainage area are appropriate.


Table 7.2 Bioretention Filter and Basin Design Criteria
Virginia Stormwater Design Specification No. 9, Bioretention, Draft (DCR/DEQ, 2013)
Level 1 Design (RR 40 TP: 25 ) Level 2 Design (RR: 80 TP: 50)
Sizing (Section 7.3.2): Sizing (Section 7.3.2):
TvBMP = [(1)(Rv)(A) / 12] + any remaining volume TvBMP = [(1.25)(Rv)(A) / 12] + any remaining
from upstream BMP volume from upstream BMP
2 1 2 1
Surface Area (ft ) = TvBMP / Storage Depth Surface Area (ft ) = TvBMP /Storage Depth
Recommended maximum contributing drainage area = 2.5 acres, or with local approval up to 5 acres
and a maximum of 50% impervious
2 2
Maximum Ponding Depth = 6 to 12 inches Maximum Ponding Depth = 6 to 12 inches
Filter Media Depth minimum = 24”; recommended Filter Media Depth minimum = 36”; recommended
maximum = 48” maximum = 48”
Media & Surface Cover (Section 7.3.10) = supplied by vendor; tested for acceptable hydraulic
conductivity (or permeability) and phosphorus content

Sub-soil Testing (Section 7.3.5): one soil profile

Sub-soil Testing (Section 7.3.5): not needed if an 2
and two infiltration tests per facility (up to 2,500 ft
underdrain used; Min infiltration rate > 1/2 in/hr in
of filter surface); Min infiltration rate > 1/2 in/hr in
order to remove the underdrain requirement.
order to remove the underdrain requirement.
Underdrain & Underground Storage Layer
Underdrain (Section 7.5, Step 5) = Schedule 40 (Section 7.5, Step 5) = Schedule 40 PVC with
PVC with clean-outs clean outs, and a minimum 12” stone sump below
the invert
Inflow: sheet flow, curb cuts, trench drains, concentrated flow, or the equivalent
Geometry (Section 7.3.6): Geometry (Section 7.3.6):
Length of shortest flow path/Overall length = 0.3; Length of shortest flow path/Overall length = 0.8;
OR, other design methods used to prevent short- OR, other design methods used to prevent short-
circuiting; a one-cell design (not including the pre- circuiting; a two-cell design (not including the pre-
treatment cell). treatment cell).
Pre-treatment (Section 7.3.7): a pre-treatment Pre-treatment (Section 7.3.7): a pre-treatment cell
cell, grass filter strip, gravel diaphragm, gravel flow plus one of the following: a grass filter strip, gravel
spreader, or another approved (manufactured) diaphragm, gravel flow spreader, or another
pre-treatment structure. approved (manufactured) pre-treatment structure.
Conveyance & Overflow (Section 7.3.9) Conveyance & Overflow (Section 7.3.9)
Planting Plan (Section 7.3.11): a planting
Planting Plan (Section 7.3.11): a planting
template to include turf, herbaceous vegetation,
template to include turf, herbaceous vegetation,
shrubs, and/or trees to achieve surface area
shrubs, and/or trees to achieve surface area
coverage of at least 90% within 2 years. If using
coverage of at least 75% within 2 years.
turf, must combine with other types of vegetation.
Building Setbacks (Section 7.2.6):
10’ if down-gradient from building or level (coastal plain); 50’ if up-gradient.

Storage depth is the sum of the porosity (•) of the soil media and gravel layers multiplied by their
Deeded Maintenance O&M Plan (VDOT maintains per BMP Maintenance Manual)

respective depths, plus the surface ponding depth. (Section 7.3.4).

A ponding depth of 6” is preferred. Ponding depths greater than 6” will require a specific
planting plan to ensure appropriate plant selection (Section 7.3.4).
These are recommendations for simple building foundations. If an in-ground basement or other
special conditions exist, the design should be reviewed by a licensed engineer. Also, a special footing
or drainage design may be used to justify a reduction of the setbacks noted above.

7.3.1 Basin Size

For preliminary sizing and space planning, a general rule of thumb is that the
surface area of the facility will be 3%-6% of the contributing drainage area
(dependent on imperviousness and design level). To avoid performance issues,
the facility must be sized properly for the target Treatment Volume. However,
oversizing the storage provided in the BMP, as compared to what is required to
achieve the BMP’s performance target, can decrease the frequency of


maintenance needed and, thus, potential life-cycle costs. Oversizing, where
feasible, can also help VDOT achieve its broader pollution reduction
requirements associated with its DEQ MS4 Permit and the Chesapeake Bay
TMDL. Oversizing options are likely to involve the adjustment of detention times
and may require prior approval by DEQ.

Equation 7.1 describes the bioretention design storage depth as:

18 = 0.25 •„ + 0.40 –„ + 1.0 11„ (7.1)

18 = storage depth (ft);


•I = proposed media depth (ft);

–„ , = proposed gravel depth (ft) and
11I = the proposed surface storage depth (ft).

Coefficients in front of each correspond with void ratios associated with each
layer as defined in Virginia DEQ Stormwater Design Specification No.9, (2013, et

Equation 7.2 describes the calculation of the required minimum bioretention

surface area as:

A × − 'Z G
1 =

1 = computed surface area (ft2)


= volume coefficient (1.0 for level 1 design and 1.25 for level 2 design);

'Z = volume reduced by an upstream BMP (in a treatment train);

, = computed treatment volume (acre-ft);

18 = storage depth (ft).

The computed treatment volume in Equation 7.2 is further defined in Section 1,

Equations 1.1 and 1.2.

7.3.2 Media Depth

The depth of the facility’s planting soil should be determined from Table 7.2,
according to the specified design level (Level 1 or Level 2).

7.3.3 Surface Ponding Depth

The depth of ponding on the facility surface should be restricted to no less than
6” and no more than 12” to preclude the development of anaerobic conditions
within the planting soil. Further, for elevated outlet structures, a minimum of 1’ of
freeboard should be provided from the crest elevation to the top of the berm.
The 10-year storm is required to pass through the primary outlet without
overtopping the berm.


7.3.4 Soil Infiltration Rate
Level 1 designs do not require soil infiltration rate testing due to the presence of
an underdrain. Subsoil infiltration rates must exceed 1/2 in/hr for bioretention
basins if an underdrain is not installed. The soil infiltration rate should be
measured according to the requirements in VDOT Special Provision for
Stormwater Miscellaneous (2014) – see “Infiltration and Soil Testing”.

7.3.5 Basin Geometry

Basins should be configured to prevent short circuiting or bypassing of runoff
from the edge of the facility to the overflow structure. In addition, the overall
efficiency of the facility is contingent upon even distribution of inflow across the
surface of the facility (flat filter surface). In order to prevent short circuiting, the
ratio of the shortest flow path to the longest flow path in the facility should not fall
below 0.3 for Level 1 designs, or 0.8 for Level 2 designs (see Figure 7.3). If
some inlets are unable to meet this criteria, the drainage areas served by these
inlets should be 20% or less of the contributing drainage area. Further, this
requirement may be waived by VDOT Hydraulics on a case by case basis if the
design incorporates methods to prevent short circuiting such as landscape
baffling or other methods.

Figure 7.3 Basin Geometry Relating Shortest and Longest Flow Paths.
Virginia DEQ Stormwater Design Specification No. 9, 2013

7.3.6 Runoff Pre-treatment

Bioretention facilities must be preceded upstream by some form of runoff pre-
treatment. For Level 1 designs, at least one of the pre-treatment options below
must be chosen. A Level 2 design requires the installation of a pre-treatment
forebay in addition to one of the other options. Roadways and parking lots
often produce runoff with high levels of sediment, oil, and other pollutants. These
pollutants can potentially clog the pore space in the facility, thus greatly reducing
its pollutant removal performance. The selection of runoff pre-treatment is
primarily a function of the type of flow entering the facility, as discussed below.
Proper pre-treatment preserves a greater fraction of the Treatment Volume over
time and prevents large particles from clogging orifices and filter media. Selecting
an improper type of pre-treatment or designing and constructing the pre-
treatment feature incorrectly can result in performance and maintenance issues.


• Pre-treatment Forebay: These cells act as forebays to allow sediment to
settle out of stormwater runoff prior to entering the bioretention cell.
Concentrating sediment settling in one location simplifies maintenance
significantly. In addition, the forebay functions as an energy dissipater to
reduce the velocity of incoming stormwater runoff and prevent erosive
damage within the treatment cell. A pre-treatment cell must have a
minimum volume of at least 15% of the bioretention cells total treatment
volume. Installation shall be in accordance with VDOT BMP Standard
SWM-PT: Pre-treatment (Pre-treatment Forebay).

• Grass Filter Strips: Runoff entering a bioretention basin or filter as sheet

flow may be treated by a grass filter strip. The purpose of the grass buffer
strip/energy dissipation area is to reduce the erosive capabilities of runoff
prior to its entrance into the bioretention area. The recommended length
of the grass buffer strip is a function of the land cover of the contributing
drainage area and its slope. The recommended minimum length of the
grass buffer strip should not be less than 10’. The maximum side slope of
a grass filter strip is 5:1 for Pre-treatment Level 1 and 3:1 for Pre-
treatment Level 2. For Pre-treatment Level 2, a minimum 5’ length of 5:1
or shallower slope is required prior to sloping to the surface of the facility.

• Gravel Diaphragms: These pre-treatment measures are typically

installed along the edge of pavement or road shoulder with the purpose of
evenly distributing flow onto the cell surface. The diaphragm should be
oriented perpendicular to flow, as shown in VDOT BMP Standard SWM-
PT: Pre-treatment (Gravel Diaphragm).

• Gravel Flow Spreader: These measures are typically located at points of

concentrated inflow, such as curb cuts, downspouts, etc. There should be
a 2”-4” drop from the adjacent impervious surface. Gravel/stone should
extend along the entire width of the opening, creating a level stone weir at
the bottom of the channel. Installation shall be in accordance with VDOT
BMP Standard SWM-PT: Pre-treatment (Gravel Flow Spreader).

7.3.7 Offline Configurations

Whenever possible, bioretention facilities should be placed off-line so that flow is
diverted onto it. This permits the facility to fill with only the desired treatment
volume and bypass any remaining flow to the storm drainage system. Because
offline bioretention BMPs are sized to accommodate only the designated water
quality volume, a flow-splitter or diversion weir must be designed to restrict
inflows to the bioretention area. The flow-splitter or diversion weir must be
designed to admit a designated volume of runoff into the basin rather than to
simply regulate the flow rate into the basin. The diversion structure may be
prefabricated, or cast in place during construction.


Typically, the construction of the bypass channel invert (or diversion weir) will
place its crest elevation equal to the maximum allowable ponding depth in the
bioretention area. Flow over the diversion weir will occur when runoff volumes
exceed the depth in the cell that corresponds with the computed water quality
volume. These overflows then enter the stormwater conveyance channel. This
configuration results in minimal mixing of the held water quality volume with flows
from large runoff producing events. A modified design referred to as a dual pond
system is characterized by a diversion weir/channel which directs the computed
water quality volume into the bioretention area, while conveying excess volumes
downstream to a peak mitigation detention pond.

7.3.8 Overflow/Bypass Structure

When a bioretention facility is constructed online, or the maximum volume of flow
entering the facility is not otherwise restricted, an overflow structure must be
provided. This structure provides bypass for excess runoff when the bioretention
subsurface and surface capacity is met. A maintenance bypass also allows
storms to be re-routed around the BMP during maintenance cycles (from several
days to a week). Maintenance bypasses should typically be located either at the
inlet or slightly upstream of the BMP. In piped systems, this is accommodated by
fitting sluice gates to the by-pass pipe and BMP inlet pipe in an upstream
manhole. For maintenance operations, the gate to the BMP can be closed and
the gate to the by-pass pipe opened. This type of system can also be used for
the seasonal operation of infiltration systems that accept roadway runoff.

Common overflow structures include domed risers, grate or slot inlets (such as
DI-7), and weir structures. Budget, site aesthetics, and maintenance will govern
the selection of the overflow structure. The sizing of the overflow structure must
consider the flow rate for the design storm of interest, typically the 10-year runoff
producing event. The crest or discharge elevation of the overflow structure
should be set an elevation of 6” to 12” above the elevation of the filter bed. A
typical riser overflow structure is shown in Figure 7.4.


Figure 7.4 Typical Bypass Structure Configuration
VDOT BMP Standard SWM-7 Bioretention

7.3.9 Filter Media and Surface Cover

Installation of correct filter media and surface cover are critical to the functionality
and long term maintenance of a bioretention facility. Media shall be installed
according to the requirements in VDOT BMP Standard SWM-7 Bioretention and
the VDOT Special Provision for Bioretention Facilities. Surface cover shall be
either a 2”-3” layer of shredded, aged, hardwood mulch, or alternative covers
such as turf, perennials/herbaceous shrubs, or a combination as recommended
by a landscape architect or plant specialist for application in specific region and
based on salt tolerance and/or other specific project considerations. It is critical
to specify and install the correct type and depth of filter media; doing otherwise is
likely to result in performance and maintenance issues. See VDOT Special
Provision for Bioretention Facilities (2014) for material specifications.

7.3.10 Planting Considerations

The ultimate goal in the selection and location of vegetation within a bioretention
facility is to, as closely as possible, mimic an upland (non-wetland) terrestrial
forest ecosystem. This type of planting scheme is based on a natively-occurring
forest’s ability to effectively cycle and assimilate nutrients, metals, and other
pollutants through the plant species, underlying soil, and also the system’s
organic matter. It is crucial that a planting plan be prepared and that plant
selection includes a range of robust species capable of handling frequent
inundation and within the ability to withstand expected concentrations of
pollutants (salt, oil, VOCs, etc.). If designed correctly, planting plans can reduce
future maintenance liabilities. For example, proper landscaping can stabilize
banks and prevent upland erosion.

Aesthetics is an important concern as well. Bioretention BMPS can often be

incorporated into the stormwater management plans of high profile areas,
providing a desirable site amenity in the form of landscaping. The design of


bioretention facilities requires a working knowledge of indigenous horticultural
practices, and it is recommended that a landscape architect or other qualified
professional participate in the design process.

Typically, one of six planting templates should be used to maintain the function
and appearance of a bioretention bed. The six most common bioretention
templates are as follows:
• Turf. This option is typically restricted to on-lot micro-bioretention
applications, such as a front yard rain garden. Grass species should be
selected that have dense cover, are relatively slow growing, and require
the least mowing and chemical inputs (e.g., fine fescue, tall fescue).
• Perennial garden. This option uses herbaceous plants and native
grasses to create a garden effect with seasonal cover. It may be employed
in both micro-scale and small scale bioretention applications. This option
is attractive, but it requires more maintenance in the form of weeding.
• Perennial garden with shrubs. This option provides greater vertical form
by mixing native shrubs and perennials together in the bioretention area.
This option is frequently used when the filter bed is too shallow to support
tree roots. Shrubs should have a minimum height of 30”.
• Tree, shrub and herbaceous plants. This is the traditional landscaping
option for bioretention. It produces the most natural effect, and it is highly
recommended for bioretention basin applications. The landscape goal is to
simulate the structure and function of a native forest plant community.
• Turf and tree. This option is a lower maintenance version of the tree-
shrub-herbaceous option 4, where the mulch layer is replaced by turf
cover. Trees are planted within larger mulched islands to prevent damage
during mowing operations.
• Herbaceous meadow. This is another lower maintenance approach that
focuses on the herbaceous layer and may resemble a wildflower meadow
or roadside vegetated area (e.g., with Joe Pye Weed, New York Ironweed,
sedges, grasses, etc.). The goal is to establish a more natural look that
may be appropriate if the facility is located in a lower maintenance area
(e.g., further from buildings and parking lots). Shrubs and trees may be
incorporated around the perimeter. Erosion control matting can be used in
lieu of the conventional mulch layer.

The goal is to provide a planting plan that will provide cover for the filter surface
in a short amount of time. Plants should be tolerant and able to withstand
periods of inundation and drought. Species more tolerant of wet conditions
should be located towards the center of the bed, with those less tolerant toward
the perimeter. If trees are used, a spacing of approximately 15’ on center, and
density of approximately one tree per 250 ft2 is suggested. Shrubs should be
planted approximately 10’ on center, and herbaceous vegetation should be
planted at 1 to 1.5’ on center. Where trees and shrubs are recommended
(typically Level 2 designs), the designer should consider the long-term growth
habit of the plants – trees can dominate a facility and require extensive


maintenance. Maintenance is crucial when selecting plant species, and non-
maintenance intensive species are preferred. All bioretention facilities
installed for VDOT facilities or in rights of way shall be planted with salt-
tolerant, herbaceous perennials due to the propensity of salt laden runoff
occurring during winter months.

7.4 Design Example

This section presents the design process applicable to bioretention facilities

serving as water quality BMPs. The pre and post-development runoff
characteristics are intended to replicate stormwater management needs routinely
encountered on VDOT facilities projects. The hydrologic calculations and
assumptions presented in this section serve only as input data for the detailed
BMP design steps. Full hydrologic discussion is beyond the scope of this report,
and the user is referred to Chapter 11 of the Virginia Stormwater Management
Handbook, 2nd Edition (DCR/DEQ, 2013) for details on hydrologic methodology.

A bioretention basin design is being proposed to treat runoff from a 3,000’ long
section of a lane widening project along I-81 in Montgomery County Virginia.
The current shoulder in the area that will be disturbed includes 1.10 acres of
impervious (gravel and paved) area [0.80 acres overlaying HSG B soils and 0.30
acres overlaying HSG C soils]. Note that the milled areas on the remaining lanes
are not counted in the disturbed area for calculations. In addition there is 1.20
acres of turf covered shoulder that drains to the area (0.90 acres in HSG B soils
and 0.30 acres in HSG C soils) within the area of disturbance. The proposed
widening will add an additional 0.40 acres of impervious area (total 1.10 acres
HSG B and 0.40 acres HSG C), and reduce turf area post-development to 0.80
acres (0.60 acres HSG B and 0.20 acres HSG C). See Table 7.3 for disturbed
area characteristics.

Table 7.3 Hydrologic Characteristics of Example Project Site

Impervious Turf
Soil Classification HSG B HSG C HSG B HSG C
Area (acres) 0.80 0.30 0.90 0.30
Soil Classification HSG B HSG C HSG B HSG C
Area (acres) 1.10 0.40 0.60 0.20

Due to geographic and topographic constraints, only a portion of the disturbed

area (1,500’) can be caught and treated at the proposed BMP location.
Treatment calculations should include drainage from the disturbed area in
addition to any additional treatment area (undisturbed by project) that drains to
the proposed BMP location. For this project, additional run-on occurs from the
existing lane that was milled and resurfaced (0.40 acres in HSG B soils). A
summary of the runoff characteristics to the proposed BMP location is shown in
Table 7.4.


Table 7.4 Hydrologic Characteristics of Contributing Drainage Area to BMP
Impervious Turf
Soil Classification HSG B HSG C HSG B HSG C
Area (acres) 0.80 0.20 0.30 0.10

The time of concentration for the BMP location subarea has been calculated to
be 12 minutes. Geotechnical investigations reveal compacted soil with a high
clay content. Lab test confirm that infiltration cannot be performed at this
location. The project site does not exhibit a high or seasonally high groundwater

Step 1 - Enter Data into VRRM Spreadsheet

The required site data from Table 7.3 is input into the VRRM Spreadsheet for
Redevelopment (2014) to compute load reductions for a linear project, resulting
in site data summary information shown in Table 7.5. Note that using the
redevelopment spreadsheet, the required reduction for linear projects is
computed as the sum of the Post-Redevelopment Load and the Post-
Development Load minus 80% of the Predevelopment Listed load.

Table 7.5 Summary Data from VRRM Site Data Analysis

Site Rv 0.69
Post-development TP Load (lb/yr) 3.62
Total TP Load Reduction Required (lb/yr) 1.27

Step 2 - Select Candidate BMP and Enter Information into Drainage Area

A Level 1 bioretention has been selected as the candidate BMP for treatment of
captured runoff. The land cover characteristics from Table 7.4 is input into the
VRRM Spreadsheet for Redevelopment (2014) drainage area tab, resulting in
site data summary information shown in Table 7.6.

Table 7.6 Summary Data from Level 1 Bioretention Treatment

Total Impervious Cover Treated (acres) 1.00
Total Turf Area Treated (acres) 0.40
Total TP Load Reduction Achieved in D.A. A (lb/yr) 1.29

Step 3 - Compute the Required Treatment Volume

The treatment volume can be calculated using Section 1, Equation 1 or taken

directly from the VRRM Spreadsheet Drainage Area tabs. For this example, the
reported treatment volume on the drainage area tab (treating the 1.40 acre area
described by data in Table 7.6) is 3,746 ft3.

Step 4 - Enter Data in Channel and Flood Protection Tab


Hydrologic computations for required design storms for flood and erosion
compliance are not shown as part of this example. The user is directed to the
VDOT Drainage Manual for appropriate levels of protection and design
requirements related to erosion and flood protection. However, hydrologic
computations are necessary to compute peaks to design overflow components of
the Level 1 Bioretention.

Values for the 1-, 2-, and 10-year 24- hour rainfall depth should be determined
from the National Oceanographic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) Atlas
14 and entered into the “Channel and Flood Protection” tab of the spreadsheet.
For this site (Lat 37.1538, Long -80.3265), those values are shown in Table 7.7.
For the 1-, 2-, and 10-year 24-hour storms, adjusted curve numbers supplied by
the VRRM spreadsheet should be used for conveyance and overflow sizing
related to the proposed BMP.

Table 7.7 Rainfall Totals from NOAA Atlas 14

1-year storm 2-year storm 10-year storm
Rainfall (inches) 2.31 2.80 4.17

For this site, results from the runoff reduction spreadsheet are shown in Table
7.8, and result in adjusted curve numbers of 83, 84 and 85 for the 1-, 2- and 10-
year storms, respectively.

Table 7.8 Adjusted CN from Runoff Reduction Channel and Flood Protection Sheet
1-year storm 2-year storm 10-year storm
RVDeveloped (in) with no Runoff Reduction 1.22 1.64 2.89
RVDeveloped (in) with Runoff Reduction 0.93 1.35 2.59
Adjusted CN 83 84 85

Input data obtained in Tables 7.7 and 7.7 is used in the Natural Resource
Conservation Service Technical Release 55 (NRCS TR-55, 1986) Tabular
method to calculate discharge hydrographs. Peaks of those hydrographs for the
1-, 2-, and 10-year storms are reported in Table 7.9. These values will be used
to size the overflow structures and downstream conveyance from the

Table 7.9 Post-development Discharge Peaks to BMP

1-year storm 2-year storm 10-year storm
Discharge (cfs) 1.52 2.31 4.57

Step 5 - Design of BMP Geometry

The depth of the facility’s planting soil should be a minimum or 24”, as specified
in Table 7.2. While this is the minimum allowed, the minimum should not be
exceeded except under special circumstances (such as site area constraints),
and should be discussed with VDOT during design. Site grading and placement


of the facility’s overflow structure must ensure a minimum surface ponding depth
of 6” and a maximum ponding depth of 12”.

•I, GI, and 11I in Equation 7.1 as 2’, 1’, and 0.5’, respectively, yields a storage
Because the proposed design is for a Level 1 facility, using standard values of

depth of 1.40’.

18 = 0.25 •„ + 0.40 –„ + 1.0 11„

18 = 0.25 2 ft + 0.40 1 ft + 1.0 0.5 ft = 1.40 ft

From Step 3 above, the treatment volume is:

= 3,746 PQ 0

The basin minimum surface area is determined through use of Equation 7.2.

A1.0 × 3,746PQ 0 − 0G
1 = = 2,676 sq. ft
1.40 ft

Note in the above calculation that the upstream treatment volume was assumed
to be 0. A coefficient of 1.0 is used when multiplying by the treatment volume
since this is a Level 1 facility. If this were part of a treatment train, the volume
treated by the upstream BMP would be subtracted from the treatment volume.

In order to prevent short circuiting, for a Level 1 design, the SFP/L ratio is
required to be 0.30 or greater. In order to determine an initial estimate of the
width and length of the basin to meet this ratio, the following calculations can be

> × 6 = 2,676 sq. ft

performed (initially assuming a rectangular basin).

If the overflow structure is centered lengthwise (0.5>) along the perimeter of the
basin opposite the inflow (side of facility opposite the road shoulder), then a

second equation relating the two parameters is:
= 0.30

Solving the two equations yields:

> × 0.30 0.5> = 2,676 sq. ft

> = 133.6 ft

6 = 0.30 0.50 133.6 ft

6=20 ft


These calculations yield an initial estimate of 134’ x 20’ for the basin surface
area. However, based on site and right of way constraints, modifications may be
required to these preliminary dimensions.

Step 5 - Design of Pretreatment

Level 1 bioretention facilities are required to be pre-treated by one of the

methods discussed in Section 9.3.7 Runoff Pre-treatment. In this case, pre-
treatment forebays will be used to dissipate energy and remove some sediment
prior to discharge into the facility.

Pre-treatment forebays are required to contain a minimum of 15% of the

treatment volume of the facility. For this case, the volume required is calculated

0.15 2,676 PQ 0 =401 PQ 0

This volume can be achieved through many geometric configurations, and should
be evaluated to best fit the site grades, channel cross sections, etc. If stone or
rip-rap is included within the calculated pre-treatment volume section, the
designer must ensure that only voids within the rip-rap are used to calculate
available volume.

Step 6 - Underdrains

Underdrains will be designed in accordance with the VDOT Special Provision for
Stormwater Miscellaneous (2014). Based on specification in that document,
underdrains shall be 6” rigid Schedule 40 PVC with 4 rows of 3/8” (9.5 mm) holes
with a hole spacing of 3.25 +/- 0.25”. A non-woven geotextile fabric shall be
installed over the top of the underdrain, extending 2’ to either side prior to
installation of the stone layers. Filter fabric shall be non-woven and shall have
0.08” thick equivalent opening size of #80 sieve, and maintain 125 GPM/ft2 flow
rate and meet ASTM D-751 (Puncture strength of 125 lbs), ASTM D-1117
(Mullen Burst Strength of 400 PSI, and ASTM D-1682 (tensile strength of 300

Step 7 - Design Overflow Structure

Overflow and conveyance structures must be designed to pass the specified

design storm based on functional classification of the road. This includes
calculations for overtopping of the check dams by storms of lower recurrence (i.e.
25-, 50-, and 100-year storms). These computations are beyond the scope of
this design example. However, the user is directed to the VDOT Drainage
Manual for guidance on flood and erosion compliance calculations.


Step 8 - Specify the Number of Vegetative Plantings

Specification of plant materials in a bioretention area should be designed by a

landscape architect, or someone with extensive knowledge of plant species.
Depending of the planting scenario [one of the six discussed in Section 7.3.10
and in the Virginia DCR/DEQ Stormwater Design Specification No. 9,
Bioretention, Draft, (2013)] trees may or may not be part of the planting plan.
Due to the nature of this site (adjacent to an interstate), it is expected that there
will be significant salt laden runoff during winter months. Therefore, the plant
specialist should ensure that salt resistant varieties are used during plant
selection. The goal is to achieve at least 80% cover within a three (3) year
period. Select a planting plan, as described above in Section 7.3.10.


Chapter 8 Dry Swales
8.1 Overview of Practice

Dry swales are effectively a modification of bioretention facilities that are

designed to fit into long and narrow linear configurations and covered with turf or
surface material rather than mulch and ornamental plants. Due to this, dry
swales are a desirable BMP option for linear highway projects. Dry swales form
a class of both filtration and infiltration BMPs whose function is to improve the
quality of stormwater runoff by means of adsorption, filtration, volitilization, ion
exchange and microbial decomposition. The soil media and stone bed also
contribute to partial runoff volume reduction as calculated through the runoff
reduction methodology.

Dry swales may be configured as a Dry Conveyance Swale or a Dry Treatment

Swale. The primary difference between the two is that the Dry Conveyance
Swale is used to convey runoff in the direction of a downstream discharge point
along a linear impervious area, while a Dry Treatment Swale may treat more
non-linear impervious areas and may be used instead of a bioretention facility
due to space constraints. Both configurations are used to store and filter the
calculated treatment volume through soil media that is similar to that used for
bioretention practices, having a high sand content. Based on soil testing results,
the practice may be designed to infiltrate into underlying soils, but on VDOT
projects, requires the installation of an underdrain. This underdrain will discharge
to grade with appropriate outlet protection or to a local storm sewer system, such
that water enters the storm sewer after it has filtered through the soil media.
Figures 8.1 to 8.5 present the general configuration of Level 1 and 2 dry swales,
to be installed in accordance with VDOT Special Provision for Dry Swales (2014).

The Virginia Stormwater Design Specification No. 10, Dry Swale, Draft
(DCR/DEQ, 2013) lists several dry swale applications, including road medians
and shoulders, in commercial setbacks, parking lots, and along buildings to
accept and treat runoff from roofs. Due to the linear nature of the practice and
the relatively high pollutant removal efficiency, dry swales are applicable on a
wide array of transportation related projects.

Dry Swales can be an important part of the stormwater quality treatment train,
but they require special design considerations to minimize maintenance.
Otherwise, they can become a maintenance burden, particularly if sediment
accumulates within the channel or if flows cause erosion within the channel.
Good design can eliminate or at least minimize such problems.

Also, while check dams or inter-channel berms may be useful flow control
devices, they can also increase the maintenance burden, clogging quickly with
sediment and debris that must be removed to ensure conveyance of design
flows. Therefore, only use these devices when they are absolutely necessary.


Table 8.1 Summary of Stormwater Functions Provided by Dry Swales
Stormwater Function Level 1 Design Level 2 Design
Annual Runoff Volume
40% 60%
Reduction (RR)
Total Phosphorus (TP) EMC
Reduction1 by BMP Treatment 20% 40%
Total Phosphorus (TP) Mass
52% 76%
Load Removal
Total Nitrogen (TN) EMC
Reduction1 by BMP Treatment 25% 35%
Total Nitrogen (TN) Mass Load
55% 74%
Use the Virginia Runoff reduction Method (VRRM)
Compliance Spreadsheet to calculate the Curve
Number (CN) Adjustment
Channel Protection Design for extra storage (optional; as needed) on the
surface, in the engineered soil matrix, and in the
stone/underdrain layer to accommodate a larger
storm, and use NRCS TR-55 Runoff Equations2 to
compute the CN Adjustment.
Flood Mitigation Partial. Reduced Curve Numbers and Time of
Change in the event mean concentration (EMC) through the practice. The actual
nutrient mass load removed is the product of the removal rate and the runoff reduction
rate (see Table 1 in the Introduction to the New Virginia Stormwater Design
NRCS TR-55 Runoff Equations 2-1 thru 2-5 and Figure 2-1 can be used to compute a
curve number adjustment for larger storm events, based on the retention storage
provided by the practice(s).
Sources: CWP and CSN (2008), CWP, 2007


Figure 8.1 Typical Dry Swale [Plan View]
VDOT BMP Standard Detail SWM-8

Figure 8.2 Typical Dry Swale – Level 1 [Profile View]

VDOT BMP Standard Detail SWM-8


Figure 8.3 Typical Dry Swale – Level 1 [Cross-section View]
VDOT BMP Standard Detail SWM-8

Figure 8.4 Typical Dry Swale – Level 2 [Profile View]

VDOT BMP Standard Detail SWM-8


Figure 8.5 Typical Dry Swale – Level 2 [Cross-section View]
VDOT BMP Standard Detail SWM-8

8.2 Site Constraints and Siting of the Facility

When a dry swale is proposed the designer must consider a number of site
constraints to ensure that the practice is applicable to the suggested use.

8.2.1 Maximum Contributing Drainage Area (CDA)

The maximum drainage area to a dry swale should be limited to 5 acres. Past
this threshold, there is an increasing likelihood that the velocity of flow in the
swale will reach a point causing difficulty to prevent erosion in the channel and
hydraulic overloading through the underlying sections. It is important to design
dry swales within the limits established for CDAs. Too much or too little runoff
can result in performance issues and the need for subsequent repairs or

8.2.2 Site Slopes

Dry swales are suited to sites with slopes up to 4%, with a preference for slopes
2% or less. Steep upstream slopes are typically indicative of higher runoff
velocities and higher probability of erosion and sediment transport into the
facility, which is to be avoided. Steep downstream slopes can be subject to
seepage and failure, and should be avoided in close proximity to the edge of the
dry swale when possible.


8.2.3 Site Soils
The soil mix of a dry swale is governed by specific guidelines in the VDOT
Special Provision for Dry Swales (2014).

Soil conditions do not endorse nor preclude the use of dry swales; however, they
do determine if a liner must be installed. Therefore, in situ soil infiltration rate is a
critical design element in a dry swale for a level 2 design since the underdrain is
situated above the stone sump. When such a facility is proposed, a subsurface
analysis and permeability test is required in support of a level 2 design. The
required subsurface analysis should investigate soil characteristics to a depth of
no less than 3’ below the proposed bottom of the engineered media. Data from
the subsurface investigation should be provided to the Materials Division early in
the project planning stages to evaluate the final design characteristics of the
proposed facility.

The soil infiltration rate should be measured according to the requirements in

VDOT Special Provision for Stormwater Miscellaneous – see “Infiltration and
Soil Testing”. Soil infiltration rates which are deemed acceptable for dry swales
are typically greater than 0.50 in/hr. Soils exhibiting a clay content of greater
than 20% and silt/clay content of more than 40% are typically unacceptable for
level 2 dry swales. Sites categorized as stormwater hotspots should not be used
for infiltrative bioretention facilities due to the higher likelihood of groundwater

8.2.4 Depth to Water Table

Dry swales should not be installed on sites with a seasonally high groundwater
table. Inadequate separation between the BMP bottom and the surface of the
water table may result in contamination of the water table. This potential
contamination arises from the inability of the soil underlying the BMP to filter
pollutants prior to their entrance into the water table. Additionally, a high water
table can flood the media underlying the dry swale and render it inoperable
during periods of high precipitation and/or runoff. A separation distance of no
less than 2’ is required between the bottom of the dry swale and the surface of
the seasonally high water table unless the site is located in coastal plain
residential settings where the distance may be reduced to 1’. Unique site
conditions may arise which require an even greater separation distance.

8.2.5 Separation Distances

Setbacks from buildings and streets should be in accordance with the distances
shown in Table 8.1. A 50’ minimum separation from wells is required.
Additionally, a 20’ minimum separation from septic drain fields is required when
using a liner, and this is increased to 35’ if a liner is not present. Dry swales
must maintain a minimum down-gradient separation of 5’ from wet utilities;
however, dry utilities may pass beneath a dry swale if utilities are encased.
Bottom elevations of swales should be a minimum of 1’ below the bottom
elevation of an adjacent road or parking lot bed.


8.2.6 Karst Areas
Infiltrative dry swales should not be used in karst areas, or in areas with a
prevalence of bedrock, or fractured rock. However, a dry swale with underdrain
and liner may be considered if a separation requirement of 2’ is maintained
between the bottom of the facility and the top of rock. In addition, setbacks
between structures and karst features should be discussed with VDOT, and
should generally be larger than standards shown in Table 8.1.

Table 8.2 Dry Swale Design Criteria

Virginia Stormwater Design Specification No. 10, Dry Swale, Draft (DCR/DEQ, 2013)
Level 1 Design (RR:40; TP:20; TN:25) Level 2 Design (RR:60; TP:40; TN: 35)
Sizing (Sec. 8.3.1): Sizing (Sec. 8.3.1):
2 2
Surface Area (ft ) = (Tv– the volume reduced by an Surface Area (ft ) = {(1.1)(Tv) – the volume reduced
1 1
upstream BMP) / Storage depth by an upstream BMP } / Storage Depth
2 2
Effective swale slope ≤ 2% Effective swale slope ≤ 1%
Media Depth: minimum = 18”; Recommended Media Depth minimum = 24”
maximum = 36” Recommended maximum = 36”
Sub-soil testing (Section 8.3.4): one soil profile and
two infiltration tests for dry swales up to 50 LF; add
Sub-soil testing (Section 8.3.4): not needed if an
one additional infiltration test for dry swales up to
underdrain is used; min. infiltration rate must be >
100 LF; Refer to Section 8.3.4 for swales longer
1/2 in/hr to remove the underdrain requirement;
than 100 LF; min. infiltration rate must be > 1/2 in/hr
to remove the underdrain requirement
Underdrain and Underground Storage Layer
(Section 8.3.8): Schedule 40 PVC with clean outs,
Underdrain (Section 8.3.8): Schedule 40 PVC with
and a minimum 12” stone sump below the invert; OR
none if the soil infiltration requirements are met (see
Section 8.3.4)
Media (Section 8.3.10): supplied by the vendor; tested for an acceptable hydraulic conductivity (or
permeability) and phosphorus content
Inflow: sheet or concentrated flow with appropriate pre-treatment
Pre-Treatment (Section 8.3.9): a pre-treatment cell, grass filter strip, gravel diaphragm, gravel flow
spreader, or another approved (manufactured) pre-treatment structure.
On-line design Off-line design or multiple treatment cells
Turf cover Turf cover, with trees and shrubs
Building Setbacks :
10’ if down-gradient from building or level (coastal plain); 50’ if up-gradient.
(Refer to additional setback criteria in Section 8.2.5)
The storage depth is the sum of the Void Ratio (Vr) of the soil media and gravel layers multiplied by their
respective depths, plus the surface ponding depth (Refer to Section 8.3.1)
The effective swale slope can be achieved through the use of check dams – 12” height
Refer to VDOT Special Provision for Dry Swales (2014)
These are recommendations for simple building foundations. If an in-ground basement or other
special conditions exist, the design should be reviewed by a licensed engineer. Also, a special
footing or drainage design may be used to justify a reduction of the setbacks noted above.

8.2.7 Placement on Fill Material

Dry swales that are to be constructed on or nearby fill sections shall be
discussed with VDOT prior to design due to the possibility of creating an unstable
subgrade. Fill areas are vulnerable to slope failure along the interface of the in-
situ and fill material. The likelihood of this type of failure is increased when the fill
material is frequently saturated, as anticipated with a dry swale. The practice
may be used if an impermeable liner and underdrain is present, with the approval
of VDOT.


8.2.8 Existing Utilities
Dry swales can often be constructed over existing vacant easements, provided
permission to construct the strip over these easements is obtained from the utility
owner prior to design of the strip. However, conflicts with utilities should be
avoided where possible due to concerns over future access and maintenance to
both the swale and utility lines.

8.2.9 Wetlands
When the construction of a dry swale is planned in the vicinity of known
wetlands, the designer must coordinate with the appropriate local, state, and
federal agencies to identify wetlands boundaries, their protected status, and the
feasibility of BMP implementation in their vicinity.

8.2.10 Floodplains
Dry swales should not be located in 100-year floodplains for project areas as
defined by applicable FEMA flood maps.

8.3 General Design Guidelines

The following presents a collection of design issues to be considered when

designing a dry swale for improvement of water quality. Cross-section details for
specific design features, including material specifications, can be found in the
VDOT BMP Standard SWM-8: Dry Swale (2014).

8.3.1 Swale Size

For preliminary sizing and space planning, a general rule of thumb is that the
surface area of the facility will be 3%-10% of the contributing drainage area
(dependent on imperviousness and design level).

Equation 8.1 describes the dry swale design equivalent subsurface storage
depth as:

18 = 0.25 •„ + 0.40 –„ (8.1)

18 = equivalent storage depth (ft);


•I = media depth (ft);

–I = gravel depths (ft).

Coefficients in front of each correspond to the void ratio associated with each

et seq). In a typical Level 1 design, the depths for these two layers (•I and –I)
layer, as defined in Virginia DEQ Stormwater Design Specification No.10, (2013,

are 1.5’ and 0.25’, respectively, which yields an effective subsurface storage
depth of 0.5’; however, equation 10.1 should be used to calculate the design-
specific equivalent storage depth if a situation results in the modification of the
standard design.


Level 2 design, the depths for the two subsurface layers (Md and –I) are typically
Similarly, a Level 2 dry swale design also uses Equation 8.1. However, in a

2’ and 1’, respectively, which yields an equivalent storage depth of 0.90’. Again,
Equation 8.1 should be used to calculate the actual equivalent depth if a
situation results in the modification of this standard design.

Equation 8.2 below is used to calculate the required surface area, SA, of the
Level 1 and Level 2 swales described above. If the dry swale includes check
dams to decrease the effective swale longitudinal slope, or to simply create
storage volume, it is recommended that the designer estimate the design width of
the swale, compute the storage volume retained by the check dams (' , and
subtract it from the BMP design treatment volume, , of Dry Swale. This will be
an iterative computation if the design width of the Dry Swale is different from that
which is used to estimate the surface storage.

Equation 8.2 describes the calculation of the required minimum dry swale

A −' G
surface area as:
1 =

1 =
surface area (ft2)
= computed treatment volume (ft3), Section 1, Equation 1.1 ( = 1.0

'ss =
for Level 1 and 1.1 for level 2)

18 =
volume of surface storage (ft3)
storage depth (ft), as computed by Equation 8.1.

8.3.2 Media Depth

Media depth should be determined from Table 8.1, according to the specified
design level (Level 1 or Level 2).

8.3.3 Surface Ponding Depth

The depth of ponding on the facility surface should be restricted to no more than
12” at the most downstream point to preclude the development of anaerobic
conditions within the planting soil.

8.3.4 Soil Infiltration Rate

Level 1 designs do not require soil infiltration rate testing due to the presence of
an underdrain. Subsoil infiltration rates must exceed 1/2 in/hr for Level 2 dry
swales if an underdrain is not installed. The soil infiltration rate should be
measured according to the requirements in VDOT Special Provision for
Stormwater Miscellaneous (2014) – see “Infiltration and Soil Testing”. A
minimum of one soil profile and infiltration test shall be collected if attempting
obtain level 2 credit. One additional infiltration test shall be necessary for dry
swales between 50’ and 100’ long, with one additional soil profile for each 100’ of


length above the first 100’ and one additional infiltration test for each 50’ of length
above the first 100’.

8.3.5 Dry Swale Geometry

Dry swale cross-sectional geometry is assumed to be trapezoidal or parabolic.
Side slopes are to be 3:1 or flatter. Flatter slopes (5H:1V) act to enhance pre-
treatment of sheet flow entering the swale. The minimum bottom width should be
between 2’ and 4’. Swales wider than 6’ require incorporation of check dams,
berms, level spreaders, etc. to prevent excessive erosion of the bottom.
Recommended bottom slopes are less than 2% for a Level 1 design and less
than 1% for a Level 2 design. The minimum recommended slope for an inline
dry swale is 0.5%. Off line dry swales may function similarly to bioretention
facilities and have very flat (less than 0.5%) slopes.

8.3.6 Check Dams

Check dams (see Figure 8.2) are installed within dry swales to provide upgrade
impoundment of runoff volume for filtration through subsurface media. The
height of the check dam should not exceed 18” above the normal channel
elevation. Check dams shall be securely entrenched into the swale side slopes
to prevent outflanking during high intensity storms. Soil plugs can reduce the
chance for a blow out or erosion of the media under the dams. They are typically
used on slopes of 4% or greater or when maximum height (18”) check dams are
used. A weir should be installed in the top of the dam to pass design storms,
with appropriate armoring down the back side of the dam.

Check dams may also be used for velocity reduction. Velocities in dry swales
should not exceed 3 fps to prevent erosion. Typical check dam spacing to
achieve effective swale slopes may be found in the Section 3, Table 3.3.

8.3.7 Drawdown
Drawdown of the treatment volume should occur within a 6 hour period. Filtration
may be accomplished through the soil media mix or in situ soils with verified
adequate permeability. This drawdown time can be achieved by using the soil
media mix specified in the VDOT Special Provision for Dry Swales (2014) and an
underdrain along the bottom of the swale, or native soils with adequate
permeability, as verified through testing.

8.3.8 Underdrains
Underdrains shall be installed in accordance with material, size, and installation
specifications found in the VDOT Special Provision for Stormwater Miscellaneous
(2014), VDOT Special Provision for Dry Swales (2014), and VDOT Standard
Detail SWM-8: Dry Swales (2014).


8.3.9 Runoff Pre-treatment
Dry swales must be preceded upstream by some form of runoff pre-treatment.
For dry conveyance swales, pre-treatment typically consists of a 10’ wide
(minimum) grass filter strip. Pre-treatment for dry treatment swales is typically
integrated at inflow locations along the swale. Roadways and parking lots often
produce runoff with high levels of sediment, grease, and oil. These pollutants
can potentially clog the pore space in the media mix, thus greatly reducing its
pollutant removal performance. The selection of runoff pre-treatment is primarily
a function of the type of flow entering the facility, as discussed below. Proper pre-
treatment preserves a greater fraction of the Treatment Volume over time and
prevents large particles from clogging orifices, filter material, and infiltration sites.
Selecting an improper type of pre-treatment or designing and constructing the
pre-treatment feature incorrectly can result in performance and maintenance

• Pre-treatment Forebay: These cells act as forebays to allow sediment to

settle out of stormwater runoff prior to entering the dry swale.
Concentrating sediment settling in one location simplifies maintenance
significantly. In addition, a forebay is used as an energy dissipater to
reduce the velocity of incoming stormwater runoff and prevent erosive
damage within the treatment cell. A pre-treatment cell must have a 2:1
length to width ratio and a minimum storage volume of at least 15% of the
dry swale total treatment volume. Installation shall be in accordance with
VDOT BMP Standard SWM-PT: Pre-treatment (see Pre-treatment

• Grass Filter Strips: Runoff entering a dry swale as sheet flow may be
treated by a grass filter strip. The purpose of the grass filter strip/energy
dissipation area is to reduce the erosive capabilities of runoff prior to its
entrance into the bioretention area. The recommended length of the grass
filter strip is a function of the land cover of the contributing drainage area
and its slope. The recommended minimum length of the grass filter strip
should not be less than 10’ when using the maximum side slope of 5:1.
An alternative design may be used that integrates road shoulders,
requiring a 5’ minimum grass filter strip at 20:1 (5%), that is combined with
3:1 (or flatter) side slopes of the swale to provide pre-treatment.

• Gravel Diaphragms: These pre-treatment measures are typically

installed along the edge of a swale with the purpose of evenly distributing
flow along the length of the swale and, of course, to pre-treat that flow.
The diaphragm should be oriented perpendicular to flow, with a drop of 2”-
4” from adjacent edge of the impervious surface, as shown in VDOT BMP
Standard SWM-PT: Pre-treatment (Gravel Diaphragm).

• Pea Gravel Flow Spreader: These measures are typically located at

points of concentrated inflow, such as curb cuts, etc. There should be a


2”-4” drop from the adjacent impervious surface. Gravel/stone should
extend along the entire width of the opening, creating a level stone weir at
the bottom of the channel. Installation shall be in accordance with VDOT
BMP Standard SWM-PT: Pre-treatment (Gravel Flow Spreader).

8.3.10 Filter Media

Filter media shall be installed as specified in VDOT Special Provision for Dry
Swale (2014). It is critical to specify and install the correct type and depth of filter
media; doing otherwise is likely to result in performance and maintenance issues.

8.3.11 Overflow
The dry swale shall be designed to convey the 10-year storm within the banks
with a minimum of 3” of freeboard. Overflow from the dry swale may discharge
into an overflow structure (such as a VDOT Standard DI-7), and overflow
channel, or an overflow pipe. Discharge of overflow shall be to an adequate
channel per state and local requirements.

8.3.12 Surface Cover

Surface cover shall be in a 3”- 4” layer of topsoil having a loamy sand or sandy
loam texture, with less than 5% clay content, a pH (corrected) of 6-7, and at least
2% organic matter. Cover will typically be turf or river stone, but may also
include bioretention plants, if required and/or approved by VDOT.

Salt tolerant grass and plant species should be used in order to withstand
concentrations of deicing solution used to treat roads during the winter.

8.4 Design Example

This section presents the design process applicable to dry swales serving as
water quality BMPs. The pre- and post-development runoff characteristics are
intended to replicate stormwater management needs routinely encountered on
VDOT projects. The hydrologic calculations and assumptions presented in this
section serve only as input data for the detailed BMP design steps. Full
hydrologic discussion is beyond the scope of this report, and the user is referred
to Chapter 11 of the Virginia Stormwater Management Handbook, 2nd Edition,
Draft (DCR/DEQ, 2013) for details on hydrologic methodology.

A Level 1 dry conveyance swale design is being proposed to treat runoff from a
2,100’ long section of a road improvement project along I-64 near Waynesboro.
The longitudinal slope along this section of I-64 is approximately 1.5%. Runoff
from the crown to the side of the expansion for this section of the project can be
redirected to a BMP location having a total cumulative contributing drainage area
(at the downstream end of swale) of 2.30 acres. The current lane (on BMP side
of crown) and shoulder represent 1.40 acres of impervious area (1.00 acres
overlaying HSG B soils and 0.40 acres overlaying HSG C soils). In addition
there is 0.90 acres of turf covered shoulder that drains to the area (0.60 acres in
HSG B soils and 0.30 acres in HSG C soils).


The proposed widening will add an additional 0.60 acres of impervious area (total
1.40 acres HSG B and 0.60 acres HSG C), and reduce turf area post-
development to 0.30 acres (0.20 acres HSG B and 0.10 acres HSG C). In the
post-development condition, the time of concentration has been calculated to be
13 minutes.

Geotechnical investigations reveal compacted soil with a high clay content. Lab
tests confirm that infiltration rates necessary for a Level 1 design a at this
location. The project site does not exhibit a high or seasonally high groundwater

Step 1 - Enter Data into VRRM Spreadsheet

The required site data from Table 8.2 is input into the VRRM Spreadsheet for
Redevelopment (2014) to compute load reductions for this linear project,
resulting in site data summary information shown in Table 8.3. Note that using
the redevelopment spreadsheet, the required reduction for linear projects is
computed as the sum of the Post-Redevelopment Load and the Post-
Development Load minus 80% of the Predevelopment Listed load.

Table 8.2 Hydrologic Characteristics of Example Project Site

Impervious Turf
Soil Classification HSG B HSG C HSG B HSG C
Area (acres) 0.00 0.00 0.60 0.30
Soil Classification HSG B HSG C HSG B HSG C
Area (acres) 0.40 0.20 0.20 0.10

It is important to note that the values in Table 8.2 are only the values for the
disturbed area of the project. Although other run-on areas (2.30 acres total) were
described in the problem statement, they are not part of the disturbed area, and
should not be entered as such in the VRRM Spreadsheet to compute required
reductions (Table 8.3).

Table 8.3 Summary Data from VRRM Site Data Analysis

Site Rv 0.63
Post-development TP Load (lb/yr) 1.52
Total TP Load Reduction Required (lb/yr) 1.12

The drainage area is for this outfall is roughly symmetrical, with flow approaching
a common central discharge point from both directions. The Level 1 dry swale
will be used to treat runoff from one direction only (a total of 1.20 acres) for water
quality compliance. Note that the VRRM Spreadsheet will warn the user that the
area (1.20 acres) exceeds the disturbed area (1.05 acres); however, it is
acceptable to treat adjacent run-on area as part of the project. Appropriate data
for post-development conditions is input into the VRRM Spreadsheet Drainage
Area tab, yielding compliance results summarized in Table 8.4.


Table 8.4 Summary Data from Level 1 Dry Swale Treatment
Total Impervious Cover Treated (acres) 1.00
Total Turf Area Treated (acres) 0.20
Total TP Load Reduction Achieved in D.A. A (lb/yr) 1.17

In this case, the total phosphorus reduction required is 1.12 lbs/yr. The
estimated removal is 1.17 lbs/yr; therefore, the target has been met.

Step 2 - Compute the Required Treatment Volume

The treatment volume can be calculated using Section 1, Equation 1 or taken

directly from the VRRM Spreadsheet Drainage Area tabs. For this example, the
reported treatment volume on the drainage area tab (treating the 1.20 acre area
described by data in Table 8.4) is 3,594 ft3.

Step 3 - Enter Data in Channel and Flood Protection Tab

Hydrologic computations for required design storms for flood and erosion
compliance are not shown as part of this example. The user is directed to the
VDOT Drainage Manual for appropriate levels of protection and design
requirements related to erosion and flood protection. However, hydrologic
computations are necessary to compute peaks to design components of the Dry
Swale. In particular, the 10-year 24-hour design storm is used to size the
rectangular notch is check dams.

Values for the 1-, 2-, and 10-year 24-hour rainfall depth should be determined
from the National Oceanographic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) Atlas
14 and entered into the “Channel and Flood Protection” tab of the spreadsheet.
For this site (Lat 38.0522, Long 78.9162), those values are shown in Table 8.5.
For the 1-, 2-, and 10-year 24-hour storms, adjusted curve numbers supplied by
the VRRM spreadsheet should be used for conveyance and overflow sizing
related to the proposed BMP.

Table 8.5 Rainfall Totals from NOAA Atlas 14

1-year storm 2-year storm 10-year storm
Rainfall (inches) 2.58 3.12 4.64

Table 8.6 Adjusted CN from Runoff Reduction Channel and Flood Protection Sheet
1-year 2-year 10-year
Storm Storm Storm
RVDeveloped (in) with no Runoff Reduction 1.49 2.27 3.74
RVDeveloped (in) with Runoff Reduction 1.16 1.94 3.41
Adjusted CN 87 88 89


The values reported in Table 8.6 are only valid for the drainage area served
by the proposed dry swale. The remaining portion of the site drainage area
should use the appropriate curve numbers for those areas.

Input data is used in the Natural Resource Conservation Service Technical

Release 55 (NRCS TR-55, 1986) Tabular method to calculate discharge
hydrographs. (Note that other hydrologic methodologies are suitable-see
VDOT Drainage Manual, Hydrology for guidance). Peaks of those
hydrographs for the 1-, 2-, and 10-year storms are reported in Table 8.7.

Table 8.7 Post-development Discharge Peaks (cfs) based on Adjusted CN

1-year storm 2-year storm 10-year storm
Discharge (cfs) 1.96 2.77 4.92

Step 4 - Compute Minimum Basin Floor Area

Because the proposed design is for a Level 1 facility, using standard values of •I
and GI in Equation 8.1 as 1.5’ and 0.25’, respectively, yields an equivalent
storage depth of 0.48’.

18 = 0.25 •„ + 0.40 –„

18 = 0.25 1.5 ft + 0.40 0.25 ft = 0.48 ft

Although not required (due to the low slope of 1.5%), check dams will be installed
to increase surface storage and decrease the required width of the dry swale.
Based on the check dam spacing table in Section 3, Table 3, to achieve an
effective channel slope of 1.0%, a spacing of 67’ to 200’ should be used if the
actual channel slope is 1.5%. If 3:1 side slopes are assumed, the surface storage
volume may be approximated by:

™. 6
'˜ = ) + ™-
1 2

'˜ = surface volume in ft3 (between check dams);


6 = channel bottom width (ft);

™ = check dam height (ft);
1 = channel slope (ft/ft);
*Note: Equation 8.3 has been derived specifically for the geometry
used in this example. It is not a general equation that may be
used for all applications.

An assumed bottom width must be used ultimately to verify storage

requirements. One way to get an initial estimate of bottom width is to base the
minimum width on the required with of the weir through the check dam that is
required to pass to the 10-year storm (VDOT Special Provision for Stormwater


check dams). The weir (assumed to be rectangular) discharge, C, can be
Miscellaneous (2014) requires a central weir to pass the 10-year storm for in-line

calculated by:

C = 3.33 > − 0.2ℎ ℎ0⁄. (8.4)

C = design flow (cfs)


> = weir length

ℎ = height of flow over the weir.
3.33 is used for weir coefficient for rectangular broad crested weir

The notch weir length should be a minimum of 1’ less (6” clearance on each side)

The weir should also be centered in the check dam. An assumed ℎ of 0.50’ (6”)
than the channel bottom width to reduce the chance of erosion to channel banks.

and the C2F discharge of 4.92 cfs (Table 8.7) is used in rearranged Equation 8.4
to compute weir length:

C2F 4.92 RP\

>= − 0.2ℎ = − 0.2 0.50 PQ = 4.1 PQ
3.33 0.50PQ 0⁄.

Adding 1’ clearance to the notch weir length (to prevent erosion), yields a
minimum bottom width of ~5.1’. Therefore, 5.1’ will be used as the assumed
bottom width for surface storage computations.

The surface storage requirement is based on volume behind check dams, and
must initially be calculated by assuming the number of check dams necessary for
the application. If nine check dams are assumed, then the length of dry swale
media bed is estimated as 67’ (distance between dams) x 9 (dams), or
approximately 603’. The 67’ distance assumption stems from the spacing criteria
shown in Section 3, Table 3.3, which suggests of spacing of 67’ when on a 1.5%
swale slope to decrease the effective slope to 0%. If the media bed is assumed
to extend across the entire width of the channel bottom, the required minimum
surface storage can be calculated as:

3,594 PQ 0 − 0.48PQ 603PQ 5.10PQ = 2,118 PQ 0

The 2,118 ft3 is divided between storage areas behind each proposed check

is equivalent to '˜ from Equation 8.3. Substituting into that equation, and
dam. The volume calculated above after being divided by 9 dam areas (235 ft3)

assuming an effective check dam height, ™ , of 12” (1’), the required minimum
surface storage volume, '˜ is computed as:

™. 6 1.0 PQ . 6
235 PQ 0 = ) + ™- = ) + 1.0 PQ-
1 2 0.015 2


6 = 5.1 PQ

This value confirms the assumed channel width that was based on the weir
length calculated by Equation 8.4 (with 1’ added for erosion clearance) of 5.1’.
Therefore, the assumption of 9 check dams is valid, and produces sufficient
surface storage for the design.

The final treatment bed will encompass an area along the channel of 600’ x 5.10’,
with 9 check dams spaced evenly at 67’ intervals. A 4.1’ wide weir will be
centered in each check dam with a crest elevation of 12” above channel bottom,
and height of 6”. The total height of the check dam will be the maximum
allowable height of 18” (Figure 8.6).

Figure 8.6 Cross-section through Downstream Check Dam

Step 5 - Pre-treatment

Pre-treatment requirements will be met through the use of a grass filter for sheet
flow. The filter is shown in Figure 10.3 as the 5’ 20:1 shoulder along the
pavement, with a 3:1 slope to the bottom of the swale. No other pre-treatment is
required for this installation.

Step 6 - Specify Media Depth

The depth of the facility’s filtering media should be a minimum or 18”, as

specified in Table 10.2. for a Level 1 design. While this is the minimum allowed,
the minimum should not be exceeded except under special circumstances, and
should be discussed with VDOT during design. Media type and specifications
are as found in the VDOT Special Provision for Dry Swales (2014).


Step 7 - Underdrains

Based on VDOT guidelines, an underdrain is required for the installation. Due to

the minimal width of the facility, a single 6” perforated underdrain pipe will be
required along the length of the facility. Discharge will be routed to a storm
sewer, adequate channel, or stormwater management facility downstream.
Observation wells and cleanouts shall be placed along the length of the channel
for observation and maintenance. Cleanouts should be placed at a minimum
spacing of approximately 100’.

Step 8 - Seeding

The grass chosen should be able to withstand both wet and dry periods. The
user is directed to the Virginia Erosion Control Handbook (1992) permanent
seeding chapter for guidance. The selected seed mix combination should provide
low maintenance, tolerance of moisture conditions, and be tolerant to high salt
concentrations during the winter months.

Step 9 - Design of Overflow and Conveyance Structures

Overflow and conveyance structures must be designed to pass the specified

design storm based on functional classification of the road. This includes
calculations for overtopping of the check dams by storms of lower recurrence (i.e.
25-, 50-, and 100-year storms). These computations are beyond the scope of
this design example. However, the user is directed to the VDOT Drainage
Manual for guidance on flood and erosion compliance calculations.


Chapter 9 Wet Swales
9.1 Overview of Practice

Wet swales are effectively a hybrid treatment device that is a cross between a
swale and a constructed wetland. The purpose of the practice is to intercept the
high groundwater table and detain runoff. Wet swales provide pollutant removal
though gravitational settling, pollutant uptake, and microbial activity.

Due to the presence of shallow groundwater present in locations where the

practice is viable, wet swales do not provide a runoff volume reduction credit and,
therefore, are typically used in a treatment train. According to Virginia
Stormwater Design Specification No. 11, Wet Swales, Draft (DCR/DEQ, 2013),
use of wet swales “should therefore be considered only if there is remaining
pollutant removal required after all other upland runoff reduction options
have been considered and properly credited.”

The Virginia Stormwater Design Specification No. 11, Wet Swales, Draft
(DCR/DEQ, 2013) describes wet swales as well-suited for use in linear
applications to treat highway or residential street runoff.

Wet Swales can be an important part of the stormwater quality treatment train,
but they require special design considerations to minimize maintenance.
Otherwise, they can become a maintenance burden, particularly if sediment
accumulates within the channel or if flows cause erosion within the channel.
Good design can eliminate or at least minimize such problems.

Also, while check dams or inter-channel berms may be useful flow control
devices, they can also increase the maintenance burden, clogging quickly with
sediment and debris that must be removed to sustain design flows. Therefore,
only use these devices when they are absolutely necessary, because they make
the maintenance worker’s job more difficult.


Table 9.1 Summary of Stormwater Functions Provided by Wet Swales
Virginia Stormwater Design Specification No. 11, Wet Swales, Draft (DCR/DEQ, 2013)
Stormwater Function Level 1 Design Level 2 Design
Annual Runoff Volume Reduction
0% 0%
Total Phosphorus (TP) EMC
Reduction1 by BMP Treatment 20% 40%
Total Phosphorus (TP) Mass Load
20% 40%
Total Nitrogen (TN) EMC
Reduction1 by BMP Treatment 25% 35%
Total Nitrogen (TN) Mass Load
25% 35%
Channel Protection Limited – reduced Time of Concentration; and partial
detention volume can be provided above the
Treatment Volume (Tv), within the allowable
maximum ponding depth.
Flood Mitigation Limited
Change in event mean concentration (EMC) through the practice.
Sources: CWP and CSN (2008), CWP, 2007

Figure 9.1 Wet Swale with Check Dams

VDOT BMP Standard Detail SWM-9 Wet Swale


Figure 9.2 Typical Wet Swale Profile
VDOT BMP Standard Detail SWM-9 Wet Swale

Figure 9.3 Typical Wet Swale Cross-section

VDOT BMP Standard Detail SWM-9 Wet Swale


9.2 Site Constraints and Siting of the Facility

When a wet swale is proposed the designer must consider a number of site
constraints to ensure that the practice is applicable to the suggested use.

9.2.1 Maximum Contributing Drainage Area (CDA)

The maximum drainage area of a wet swale is limited to 5 acres, but preferably
less. Past this threshold, there is an increasing likelihood that the velocity of flow
in the swale will reach a point that prevents the residence time needed to provide
effective settling of the treatment volume. It is important to design wet swales
within the limits established for CDAs. Too much or too little runoff can result in
performance issues and the need for subsequent repairs or reconstruction.

9.2.2 Site Slopes

Wet swales are suited to sites with slopes up to 2%. Although some gradient is
necessary to establish positive drainage, typically, wet swales are limited to very
shallow slopes. If wet swales are proposed in locations of steeper slopes, it may
be possible to use a regenerative conveyance system (see section 9.3.8) upon
approval by the VDOT Project Manager.

9.2.3 Site Soils

Typically wet swales are more suited on HSG C and D soils since they are
generally more impermeable in nature.

9.2.4 Depth to Water Table

Wet swales are allowed to intersect the groundwater table. Typically, this
intersection should be limited to approximately 6” on the bottom of the swale.

9.2.5 Hotspot Runoff

Wet swales should not be used for treatment of runoff from hotspots (areas that
produce higher than normal concentrations of toxic pollutants) due to the
potential direct contamination of the ground water table.

9.2.6 Karst Considerations

Wet swales are not feasible in karst areas.

9.2.7 Wetlands
When the construction of a wet swale is planned in the vicinity of known
wetlands, the designer must coordinate with the appropriate local, state, and
federal agencies to identify wetlands boundaries, their protected status, the
feasibility of BMP implementation in their vicinity, and potential permit


Table 9.2 Wet Swale Design Criteria
Virginia Stormwater Design Specification No. 11, Wet Swales, Draft (DCR/DEQ, 2013)
Level 1 Design (RR:0; TP:20; TN:25) Level 2 Design (RR:0; TP:40; TN:35)
Tv = [(1”)(Rv)(A)] / 12 – the volume Tv = [(1.25”)(Rv)(A)] / 12 – the volume
reduced by an upstream RR BMP reduced by an upstream RR BMP
Swale slopes less than 2% 1 Swale slopes less than 1% 1
On-line design Off-line swale cells
Minimal planting; volunteer vegetation Wetland planting within swale cells
Turf cover in buffer Trees, shrubs, and/or ground cover within
swale cells and buffer
Wet Swales are generally recommended only for flat coastal plain conditions with a
high water table. A linear wetland is always preferred to a wet swale. However, check
dams or other design features that lower the effective longitudinal grade of the swale can
be applied on steeper sites, to comply with these criteria.

9.3 General Design Guidelines

The following presents a collection of design issues to be considered when

designing a wet swale for improvement of water quality. Cross-section details for
specific design features, including material specifications, can be found in the
VDOT BMP Standard SWM-9 Wet Swale (2014).

9.3.1 Swale Sizing

For preliminary sizing and space planning, a general rule of thumb is that the
surface area of the facility will be approximately 5% of the contributing drainage
area (dependent on imperviousness and design level).

Actual dimensions are determined from the requirement to capture and treat the
(treatment volume) remaining from upstream runoff reduction practices (if
any). Treatment credit is applied to both the permanent wet storage below the
normal pool level and any temporary storage created through the installation of
check dams or other features.

The design must also demonstrate that on-line wet swales also have sufficient
capacity above the to safely convey the 10-year design storm and be non-
erosive during both the 2-year and 10-year design storms. When a Wet Swales
is used as an off-line practice (Level 2 design), a bypass or diversion structure
must be designed to divert the large storm (e.g., when the flow rate and/or
volume exceeds the water quality Treatment Volume) to an adequate channel or
conveyance system.

Design guidance shown in Sections 3.3.1, 3.3.2, and 3.3.4 of Section 3, Grass
Channels, should be used for design of pre-treatment and swale geometry.

9.3.2 Normal Pool Depth

The normal pool depth (average) should be less than or equal to 6”.


9.3.3 Surface Ponding Depth
The maximum temporary ponding depth in any single Wet Swale cell should not
exceed 12” at the most downstream point (e.g., at a check dam or driveway

9.3.4 Basin Geometry

Wet swale cross-sectional geometry is assumed to be trapezoidal or parabolic.
Side slopes are to be 4:1 or flatter. Recommended longitudinal bottom slopes
are less than 2% for a Level 1 design and less than 1% for a level 2 design.
Individual cells formed by the installation of check dams shall generally be
greater than 25’ but less than 40’ in length.

9.3.5 Check Dams

Materials and sizing guidelines for check dam construction shall conform with
that listed in the VDOT BMP Standard SWM-CD Check Dams (2014) and VDOT
Special Provision for Stormwater Miscellaneous (2014). Check dams are
installed within wet swales to decrease the effective slope of the channel as
necessary. Typical check dam spacing to achieve effective swale slopes may be
found in Section 3, Table 3.3.

Check dams may also be used for velocity reduction. Velocities in wet swales
should not exceed 3 fps to prevent erosion.

Keep in mind that the first cell created by a series of check dams will function, at
least to some degree, as a pre-treatment forebay, allowing sediment to settle out
of the stormwater prior to the runoff moving further down the swale. This first cell
should be one thing checked during maintenance inspections, to ensure design
capacity is being maintained so the cell performs properly in its pollution removal

9.3.6 Overflow
The wet swale shall be designed to convey the 10-year storm within the banks
with a minimum of 3” of freeboard. The downstream end of the wet swale may
discharge into an overflow structure (such as a VDOT Std DI-7), and overflow
channel, or an overflow pipe.

9.3.7 Planting Plan

Plants selected for use in wet swales are required to be tolerant of both wet and
dry periods. A list of suitable species is found in Virginia Stormwater Design
Specification No. 13, Constructed Wetlands, Draft (DCR/DEQ, 2013). Salt
tolerant species should be selected for use on VDOT projects.

9.3.8 Regenerative Conveyance Systems

Regenerative conveyance systems (RCS) are a more complex variation of wet
swales that are designed, and primarily used with steep slopes. . RCS uses riff
pools, engineered soil media, check dams and other features to detain and


convey stormwater Due to installation cost, special design, and maintenance
considerations, regenerative systems should not be considered without receiving
permission from VDOT. Design of these systems is beyond the scope of this

9.4 Design Example

This section presents the design process applicable to wet swales serving as
water quality BMPs. The pre- and post-development runoff characteristics are
intended to replicate stormwater management needs routinely encountered on
VDOT projects. The hydrologic calculations and assumptions presented in this
section serve only as input data for the detailed BMP design steps. Full
hydrologic discussion is beyond the scope of this report, and the user is referred
to Chapter 11 of the Virginia Stormwater Management Handbook, 2nd Edition,
Draft (DCR/DEQ, 2013) for details on hydrologic methodology.

A Level 1 wet swale design is being proposed to treat runoff from a 1,500’ long
section of a road improvement project along Route 620 in Isle of Wight County.
The longitudinal slope along the proposed redesign of this section of Route 620
is very flat (approximately 0.8%). The proposed project includes removal of
approximately 1,500 LF of road to grade a series of vertical curves (humps) that
do not meet VDOT’s current design standards. This will require complete
removal of the current pavement cross-section, regrading of subgrade, and
replacement of the pavement section with a width matching the existing
pavement. Runoff from the centerline crown to each side of the road can be
directed to wet swales on either side of the road. Calculations shown are for a
single side (south side of road) only. The current lane (on BMP side of crown)
and shoulder represent 0.40 acres of impervious area (all overlaying HSG C
soils). In addition there is 1.20 acres of turf covered shoulder that drains to the
BMP treatment area (0.80 acres in HSG C soils and 0.40 acres in HSG D soils).
A summary of the data is found in Table 9.3. In the post-development condition,
the time of concentration has been calculated to be 9 minutes.

Geotechnical investigations reveal a seasonally high ground water table adjacent

to the site in several locations.

Table 9.3 Hydrologic Characteristics of Example Project Site

Impervious Turf
Soil Classification HSG C HSG D HSG C HSG D
Area (acres) 0.40 0.00 0.80 0.40
Soil Classification HSG C HSG D HSG C HSG D
Area (acres) 0.40 0.00 0.80 0.40


Step 1 - Enter Data into VRRM Spreadsheet

The required site data from Table 9.3 is input into the VRRM Spreadsheet for
Redevelopment (2014) to compute load reductions for this linear project,
resulting in site data summary information shown in Table 9.4. Note that using
the redevelopment spreadsheet, the required reduction for linear projects is
computed as the sum of the Post-Redevelopment Load and the Post-
Development Load minus 80% of the Predevelopment Listed load.

Table 9.4 Summary Data from VRRM Site Data Analysis

Site Rv 0.41
Post-development TP Load (lb/yr) 1.50
Total TP Load Reduction Required (lb/yr) 0.30

The entire disturbed area drains to the proposed location of the BMP. Due to the
presence of high groundwater, a Level 1 wet swale is proposed as the treatment
BMP. Appropriate data for post-development conditions is input into the VRRM
Spreadsheet Drainage Area tab, yielding compliance results summarized in
Table 9.5.

Table 9.5 Summary Data from Level 1 Wet Swale Treatment

Total Impervious Cover Treated (acres) 0.40
Total Turf Area Treated (acres) 1.20
Total TP Load Reduction Achieved in D.A. A (lb/yr) 0.30

In this case, the total phosphorus reduction required is 0.30 lbs/yr. The
estimated removal is 0.30 lbs/yr; therefore, the target has been met.

Step 2 - Compute the Required Treatment Volume

The treatment volume can be calculated using Section 1, Equation 1 or taken

directly from the VRRM Spreadsheet Drainage Area tabs. For this example, the
reported treatment volume on the drainage area tab (treating the 1.60 acre area
described by data in Table 9.3) is 2,381 ft3.

Step 3 - Enter Data in Channel and Flood Protection Tab

Hydrologic computations for required design storms for flood and erosion
compliance are not shown as part of this example. The user is directed to the
VDOT Drainage Manual for appropriate levels of protection and design
requirements related to erosion and flood protection. However, hydrologic
computations are necessary to compute peaks to design components of the Wet
Swale. In particular, the 10-year 24-hour design storm is used to size the
rectangular notch is check dams.


Values for the 1-, 2-, and 10-year 24-hour rainfall depth should be determined
from the National Oceanographic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) Atlas
14. For this site (Lat 36.962591, Long 76.676985), those values are shown in
Table 9.6.

Table 9.6 Rainfall Totals from NOAA Atlas 14

1-year storm 2-year storm 10-year storm
Rainfall (inches) 2.95 3.59 5.53

Because no runoff reduction is provided by a wet swale, there is no curve

number adjustment (Virginia Runoff Reduction Spreadsheet for Linear
Development, 2015). For this site, results from the runoff reduction spreadsheet
yield an unadjusted curve number (Table 9.7) of 82 for all storms within the BMP
drainage area.

Table 9.7 Adjusted CN from Runoff Reduction Channel and Flood Protection Sheet
[No Reduction for Wet Swale BMP]
1-year 2-year 10-year
Storm Storm Storm
RVDeveloped (in) with no Runoff Reduction 1.34 1.86 3.56
RVDeveloped (in) with Runoff Reduction 1.34 1.86 3.56
Adjusted CN 82 82 82

Input data is used in the Natural Resource Conservation Service Technical

Release 55 (NRCS TR-55) Tabular method to calculate discharge hydrographs.
(Note that other hydrologic methodologies are suitable-see VDOT Drainage
Manual, Hydrology for guidance). Peaks of those hydrographs for the 1-, 2-,
and 10-year storms are reported in Table 9.8.

Table 9.8 Post-development Discharge Peaks to BMP

1-year storm 2-year storm 10-year storm
Discharge (cfs) 2.5 3.5 6.8

Step 4 - Compute the Treatment Volume Peak Discharge

Sizing of wet swales follow similar procedures to those using to size grass

for the proposed treatment volume (4 $5 . To do this, an adjusted CN must be

channels (Section 3). The first step in the analysis is computation of discharge

computed that generates runoff equivalent to the treatment volume from a 1”

rainfall. Note that this adjusted curve number is different than the adjusted curve
numbers associated with runoff reduction.



X2F›9~›2Fœ• ž2F œ•Ÿ ›2..9œ• ~" Y (9.1)


CN = Adjusted curve number

P = Rainfall (inches), (1.0” in Virginia)
Qa = Runoff volume (watershed inches), equal to

2,381PQ 0 12L,
CD = ) - = 0.41 L,
43,560 PQV 1 PQ
1.6 KR S 1 KRW

X10 + 5 1 L, + 10 0.41 L, − 10 0.41 L, + 1.25 0.41 L, 1 L, " Y

@ = 92

4 $ = 4Z CD (9.2)

4 $ = Treatment Volume peak discharge (cfs)


4Z = unit peak discharge (cfs/mi2/in)

CD = runoff volume (watershed inches = / )

= drainage area (mi2)

All of the variables are known in the above equation with the exception of 4Z . To
determine its value, first the initial abstraction must be computed using the

!D = −2

!D = − 2 = 0.17 L,RℎN\

Compute !D /B where B is the 1” rainfall (inches), which equates to 0.17.

Read the unit peak discharge, 4Z , from Exhibit 4-II of the SCS TR-55 Handbook
(NRCS, 1986). Reading the chart yields a value of 855 cfs/mi2/in.


855 h l 12L,
4 =] mi2 b c 1.6 KR eg
2,381 ft3
k) -
in 640 KRV
dL . g 43,560 PQV
k 1 PQ
1.6 KR × S 1 KRW
f j

4 $ = 0.88 RP\

Step 5 - Compute the Channel Bottom Width

The length of the project along Route 620 is approximately 1,500’. Since the
proposed channel cross-section and longitudinal slope is consistent (0.8%) along
the entire length, the channel will be evaluated for compliance at the most
downstream end.

Based on the requirements set forth in Section 3, Grass Channels, the Manning
‘n’ coefficient is 0.2 for a depth of up to 4”. Based on geotechnical observations,
it is estimated that a seasonally high groundwater table will intersect with the
bottom 4” of the swale during a portion of the year. Because specifications allow
treatment credit to be applied to both the permanent volume (as well as
temporary storage, if any) the initial assumption will be that treatment can occur
in the first 4” of depth. The estimated width may be calculated through
modification of Equation 3.3 (Section 3, Grass Channels), reproduced below
for convenience.

6= , 4 $5 "/ 1.4989/0 S2/.

6 = 0.20 0.88 cfs / 1.49 0.33 PQ 9/0
0.008 2/.
6 = 8.4 PQ

Step 6 - Compute the Required Minimum Treatment Length

Using the discharge (0.88 cfs), the flow depth (0.33’), and the channel width
(8.4’), velocity can now be approximated using Section 3, Equation 3.4 as:

0.88 RP\ PQ
'= = 0.32
8.4 PQ × 0.33 PQ \

This velocity is less than the maximum velocity of 1 fps required, and is therefore
is an acceptable design.

The minimum swale length is calculated using Section 3, Equation 3.5 as:

> = 540' = 540 \NR )0.32 - = 173 PQ


The total length of the swale will be a minimum of 1,673’, which includes the
length adjacent to the project (1,500’) and the length downstream of the last
inflow location (corresponding to the termination of the project). Note that this
length can be reduced if check dams are used to increase the surface storage

Step 7 - Design of Overflow and Conveyance Structures

Overflow and conveyance structures must be designed to pass the specified

design storm based on functional classification of the road. This includes
calculations for overtopping of the wet swale by storms of lower recurrence (i.e.
25-, 50-, and 100-year storms). These computations are beyond the scope of
this design example. However, the user is directed to the VDOT Drainage
Manual for guidance on flood and erosion compliance calculations.

Step 8 - Planting Selection

For maintenance purposes, VDOT prefers grass and other herbaceous varieties
to be planted in wet swales, instead of trees and shrubs. See Stormwater
Specification 13, Constructed Wetland, Draft (DCR/DEQ, 2013) for a list of
acceptable plant species.


Chapter 10 Stormwater Filtering Practices
10.1 Overview of Practice

Stormwater filters are used to collect and treat runoff from small, highly
impervious areas. These practices treat runoff by providing a pretreatment
chamber that slows and settles larger particles from runoff, and then through a
secondary treatment filter which provides an underdrain for discharging the
treated stormwater into a downstream conveyance system. Although filters are
moderately efficient at removal of pollutants, the practice affords no reduction in
the computed stormwater volume leaving the site. Stormwater filters are best
applied on sites where nearly 100% of the contributing drainage area is
impervious to limit the potential of clogging due to sediment laden runoff from
erosion on permeable surfaces. Linear stormwater filters are very suitable for
highway projects and may be designed as a series of filters. In practice, on
linear projects, the layout of filter practices will be very similar to dry swale
configurations. Requirements shown herein are modifications to specifications
found in Virginia Stormwater Design Specification No. 12, Filtering Practices,
Draft (DCR/DEQ, 2013), for specific application to VDOT projects. Table 10.1
describes a summary of stormwater functions provided by filtering practices.

Filtering practices can be an important part of the stormwater quality treatment

train, but they require special design considerations to minimize maintenance.
Otherwise, they can become a maintenance burden. Good design can eliminate
or at least minimize such problems.

Typical configurations of filters used for highway projects include surface filters
and perimeter sand filters, shown in Figures 10.1 and 10.2, respectively.
Surface filters, although similar in design to bioretention, several differences
include: impermeable filter fabric lining bottom of facility, an underdrain is always
present, surface cover is gravel, sand, or turf (no other plants), media is one
hundred percent sand, and the filter includes an upstream dry or wet settling
basin/chamber. Perimeter sand filters are typically precast systems that include
inlet grates, a sedimentation chamber, and the media filter bed, with underdrain.
Although very practical for highway projects due to the relatively small size and
linear nature, the overall dimensions will limit the contributing area that may be
treated by the device. Manufactured Treatment Devices (MTDs) may also be
allowed by VDOT on a case by case basis. Information regarding specific MTD
structures shall be submitted to VDOT Materials Division for acceptance during


Table 10.1 Summary of Stormwater Functions Provided by Filtering Practices
Virginia Stormwater Design Specification No. 12, Filtering Practices, Draft (DCR/DEQ,
Stormwater Function Level 1 Design Level 2 Design
Annual Runoff Volume
0% 0%
Reduction (RR)
Total Phosphorus (TP) EMC
Reduction1 by BMP Treatment 60% 65%
Total Phosphorus (TP) Mass
60% 65%
Load Removal
Total Nitrogen (TN) EMC
Reduction1 by BMP Treatment 30% 45%
Total Nitrogen (TN) Mass Load
30% 45%
Channel Protection Limited – Runoff diverted off-line into a storage
facility for treatment can be supplemented with
an outlet control to provide peak rate control.
Flood Mitigation None. Most filtering practices are off-line and do
not materially change peak discharges.
Change in the event mean concentration (EMC) through the practice..
Sources: CWP and CSN (2008) and CWP (2007)


Figure 10.1 Typical Surface Filter
VDOT SWM-10 Filtering Practices


Figure 10.2 Typical Perimeter Sand Filter
VDOT SWM-10 Filtering Practices


10.2 Site Constraints and Siting of the Facility

When a stormwater filter is proposed, the designer must consider a number of

site constraints to ensure that the practice is applicable to the suggested use.

10.2.1 Hydraulic Head

Hydraulic head is the driving force which allows the filter to operate. Although
the head required to most efficiently operate filters ranges between 2’ to 10’,
perimeter sand filters (Figure 10.2) can function with minimal head of as little as

10.2.2 Maximum Contributing Drainage Area (CDA)

Stormwater filters are best applied on small sites where the contributing drainage
area (CDA) is as close to 100% impervious as possible to minimize the sediment
and organic solids load to the filter. A maximum CDA of 5 acres is recommended
for surface sand filters, and a maximum CDA of 2 acres is recommended for
perimeter or underground filters. Filters can be designed to treat runoff from
larger areas; however, the increased hydraulic loading will contribute to greater
frequency of media surface clogging and associated maintenance costs. It is
important to design filtering BMPs within the limits established for CDAs. Too
much or too little runoff can result in performance issues and the need for
subsequent repairs or reconstruction. Section 5 of Virginia Stormwater Design
Specification No. 12, Filtering Practices, Draft (DCR/DEQ, 2013) provides
additional information about the design variations that can allow sand filters to be
used at challenging sites.

10.2.3 Space Required

The amount of space required for a Filter Practice depends on the design variant
selected. Both sand and organic surface filters typically consume about 2% to
3% of the CDA, while perimeter sand filters typically consume less than 1%.
Underground stormwater filters can be placed under parking or open space and
generally allow the surface area to be used for other purposes.

Surface Sand Filters are normally designed to be off-line facilities in order to

economize the size of the filter components and reduce maintenance costs.
However, in some cases they can be installed as a treatment component within
the bottom of a Dry Extended Detention (ED) Pond that has a shallow total

10.2.4 Depth to Water Table

Separation of at least 2’ between the seasonally high groundwater table and the
bottom of the filter is required. A minimum of one test location should be used at
the existing low point in grade that lies within the footprint of the proposed filter
locations for establishment of the water table elevation.


10.2.5 Depth to Bedrock
Separation of at least 2’ between bedrock and the invert of the filter is required.
A minimum of one soil boring is required at the existing low point in grade that
lies within the footprint of the proposed filter location(s) for establishment of
bedrock elevation.

10.2.6 Site Soils

Generally, due to the presence of the impermeable base of the filter and
underdrain, filters may be constructed in any soil condition, including fill material.
A minimum of one soil boring is required within the footprint of the proposed filter
location(s) to evaluate soil suitability for the proposed structure.

10.2.7 Karst Areas

Because filters do not promote infiltration, they are an excellent option in karst
areas. Inspection during construction should ensure that practices are
watertight. See VDOT Special Provision for Filtering Practice (2014).

10.2.8 Linear Highway Sites

Linear stormwater filters are a preferred practice for constrained highway rights-
of-way when designed as a series of individual on-line or off-line cells. In these
situations, the final design closely resembles that of Dry Swales with vegetated
filter strip pretreatment. Salt-tolerant grass species should be selected if the
contributing roadway will be salted in the winter.

10.2.9 Existing Utilities

Although possible to construct filters over existing utilities, or easements, care
should be taken to evaluate future maintenance/installation within the footprint of
the filter. Installation of filters above existing utilities should be avoided, where
possible, and should not be done without prior approval from VDOT.

10.2.10 Maintenance Reduction Features

The following maintenance issues should be addressed during filter design to
reduce future maintenance problems:

• Access - Good maintenance access is needed to allow crews to perform

regular inspections and maintenance activities. “Sufficient access” is
operationally defined as the ability to get a vacuum truck or similar
equipment close enough to the sedimentation chamber and filter to enable

• Visibility - Stormwater Filters should be clearly visible at the site so

inspectors and maintenance crews can easily find them. Adequate signs
or markings should be provided at manhole access points for
Underground Filters.


• Confined Space Issues - Underground Filters are often classified as an
underground confined space. Consequently, special OSHA rules and
training are needed to protect the workers that access them. These
procedures often involve training about confined space entry, venting, and
the use of gas probes.

10.3 General Design Guidelines

The following presents a collection of design issues to be considered when

designing a filtering practice for improvement of water quality. Cross-section
details for specific design features, including material specifications, can be
found in the VDOT SWM-10, Filtering Practices (2014). General guidance for
filtering practices can be found in Table 10.2.

Table 10.2 Filtering Practice Design Guidance

Virginia Stormwater Design Specification No. 12, Filtering Practices, Draft (DCR/DEQ,
Level 1 Design (RR:0; TP:60; TN:30) Level 2 Design (RR:0 1; TP:65; TN:45)
Tv = [(1.0)(Rv)(A)] / 12 – the volume Tv = [(1.25)(Rv)(A)] / 12 – the volume
reduced by an upstream BMP reduced by an upstream BMP
One cell design2 Two cell design2
Sand media Sand media with an organic layer
Contributing Drainage Area (CDA) CDA is nearly 100% impervious
contains pervious area
May be increased if the 2nd cell is utilized for infiltration in accordance with Stormwater
Specification No. 8 (Infiltration) or Stormwater Design Specification No. 9
(Bioretention). The Runoff
Reduction (RR) credit should be proportional to the fraction of the Tv designed to be
A pretreatment sedimentation chamber or forebay is not considered a separate cell

10.3.1 Sizing
For preliminary sizing and space planning, a general rule of thumb is that surface
filters will occupy an area ranging between 2%-3% of the contributing drainage
area, while perimeter sand filters or MTDs may be 1% or less.

Actual dimensions are determined from Equations 10.1 and 10.2 (below), from
the Virginia Stormwater Design Specification No. 12, Filtering Practices, Draft
(DCR/DEQ, 2013)

The required filter surface area size is determined by the following equation:


I‰ "
¢ ℎ‰ + I‰ " Q‰ "
‰ (10.1)

‰ = area of the filter surface (ft2)

¢ = Coefficient of permeability—3.5 ft/day

= Treatment volume *(storage volume in ft3)

ℎ‰ = Average height of water above bed (ft) [maximum of 5’]

I‰ = Filter media depth (thickness) [minimum 1’]
Q‰ = Allowable drawdown time [1.67 days]

* Stormwater filters are typically the only practice in a drainage area, or in

some cases used as pretreatment for another BMP; however, where
runoff reduction practices are upstream of the filter (i.e., the filter is part of
a treatment train), the design must be reduced by the upstream runoff
reduction, or †‡~ .

As described in Virginia Stormwater Design Specification No. 12, Filtering

Practices, Draft (DCR/DEQ, 2013), the coefficient of permeability is chosen to
assume a condition near the end of the sand media operational life (i.e., in a
clogged condition). Although water begins filtering and exiting the system
through the underdrain shortly after the beginning of a runoff event, fluctuations
in filtration rates due to head conditions require storage to prevent bypass of the
filter. The volume of storage required is estimated by Equation 10.2, as found in
Virginia Stormwater Design Specification No. 12, Filtering Practices, Draft
(DCR/DEQ, 2013).

' = 0.75 (10.2)

' = Volume of storage (ft3)


= Treatment Volume (ft3)

The computed treatment volume used in Equation 10.2 is computed using

Equations 1.1 and 1.2, with information found in Table 1.1 (all from Section 1).

10.3.2 Pretreatment
Pretreatment is always required upstream of filters to remove trash, capture
coarse sediment, and provide for even flow distribution into the filter bed at near
zero velocity. The pretreatment volume is required to be a minimum of 0.25 .
For surface filters, the pretreatment (sediment forebay cell) shall conform to the
PT-1 Detail in VDOT SWM-PT, Pretreatment (2014) [see Figure 10.3]. Flow
entering surface cells directly from paved areas may require a pretreatment
gravel diaphragm in accordance with PT-2 in VDOT SWM-PT, Pretreatment
(2014) to insure that flow enters the cell as sheet flow. As required, a grass filter
strip at least 15’ long and meeting the requirements of VDOT SWM-2, Sheet


Flow to Vegetated Filter Strip (2014), may be incorporated to further pretreat
runoff into the filter bed.

Figure 10.3 Typical Pretreatment Forebay

VDOT SWM-PT Pretreatment

The check dam used to create the pretreatment forebay through separation from
the main filter bed shall be constructed in accordance with the VDOT SWM-CD,
Type 2 (2014) [Figure 10.4].


Figure 10.4 Type 2 Check Dam Separating Pretreatment Cell from Filter Cell
VDOT SWM-CD Check Dams


10.3.3 High Flow Bypass
Off-line systems must be designed with a bypass to divert larger storms around
the filter cells. Flow splitting can be accomplished through precast flow splitters,
weirs, bypass channels, or other similar methods. Calculations for all design
events must be submitted for review to insure proper functioning over the entire
range of storms.

10.3.4 Dewatering
Filters shall be designed to dewater in less than 40 hours after a runoff producing
storm event.

10.3.5 Surface Cover

Surface cover for surface sand filters (Level 2 only) shall consist of a 3” layer of
topsoil (organic material), conforming to the requirements found in the VDOT
Special Provision for Soil Compost Amendment (2014). Organic material is not
applied to Level 1 surface sand filters.

Surface cover for underground sand filters (Level 2 only) shall consist of a 4”
choker layer meeting the requirements of Part II.(e) of the VDOT Special
Provision for Filtering Practices (2014) placed over a non-woven geotextile filter
fabric conforming to the requirements of the VDOT Special Provision for
Stormwater Miscellaneous (2014).

10.3.6 Filter Media

Media shall conform to VDOT Road and Bridge Specifications Section 202.02,
Grade C Sand. When incorporating an organic layer in the design (primarily
when attempting to remove metals and hydrocarbons), requirements for
composition shall adhere to Engineered Soils Media, Type 3, found in VDOT
Special Provision for Soil Compost Amendments (2014). Filter media shall
consist of clean, washed sand with grain size between 0.02” and 0.04” in
diameter, and conform with the requirements specified in Part II(h) of the VDOT
Special Provision for Filtering Practices (2014).

10.3.7 Media Depth

Generally, bed depth should range between 12” and 18”. Depth may be
increased for facilitation of future maintenance (e.g., removing 1”-3” of sand
without having to replace it during each scheduled maintenance); however, this
practice shall be approved by VDOT prior to implementation.

10.3.8 Underdrains, Inspection Ports, and Cleanouts

Underdrain, cleanouts, and inspection ports and all other components of the
underdrain system shall conform to the VDOT Special Provision for Stormwater
Miscellaneous (2014). Underdrain pipes shall be 4” to 6” and installed at no
greater than a 20’ spacing between pipes. A minimum of one cleanout pipe will
be required per 2000 ft2 of filter surface area. A choker layer shall be installed
above and below the perforated underdrain pipe consisting of VDOT #8, #78, or
#8P aggregate, or as allowed per special approval outlined in Part II.(e) of the


VDOT Special Provision for Filtering Practices (2014). Non-woven geotextile
filter fabric shall be placed between the media (sand) layer and choker layer over
top of the underdrains. The width of this fabric shall extend no greater than 1’ to
either side of the pipe.

10.3.9 Manhole Access for Underground Filters

Access grates or covers will be required for all underground filters. Access is
required into all chambers to facilitate inspection and maintenance. Although the
access may be through rectangular or circular grates, or solid covers, the
minimum opening shall be 30” in diameter and include steps to facilitate entry.

10.3.10 Installation in Coastal Plain

Slight modifications to the design requirements discussed herein may be
necessary for installation in areas with very flat surface slopes and a high
seasonal water table. As discussed in the Virginia DEQ Stormwater Design
Specification No. 12, Filtering Practices (2013), modification may be made as
• The combined depth of the underdrain and sand filter layer may be
reduced to 18” total.
• The length of the cell may be maximized; or, treatment may be in multiple
connected cells.
• The minimum depth from the bottom of the cell to the high groundwater
table may be decrease to as little as 1’ proved that a 6” underdrain is
designed and installed that is only partially efficient at dewatering the filter.
• Further decreases in distance to groundwater table may be allowed if the
installation is watertight with respect to surrounding soil. Anchoring may
be required to ensure that floatation is not a concern. A buoyancy
analysis shall be required to be submitted, reviewed, and approved by
VDOT prior to allowing these installations.
• A minimum slope of 0.5% is required on the underdrain to discharge to
grade, or tie into the receiving channel or pipe.

10.3.11 Steep Terrain

Two celled terraced designs may be used in areas of steep terrain, provided that
the drop between cells is limited to 1’ and the slope is armored. This allows the
gradient of upstream slopes contributing runoff to the filter to be increased up to

10.3.12 Cold Climate and Winter Performance

Surface or perimeter filters may not always be effective during the winter months.
The main problem is ice that forms over and within the filter bed. Ice formation
may briefly cause nuisance flooding if the filter bed is still frozen when spring
melt occurs. To avoid these problems, filters should be inspected before the
onset of winter (prior to the first freeze) to dewater wet chambers and scarify the
filter surface. Other measures to improve winter performance include the


• Provide a weir between the pre-treatment chamber and filter bed to
reduce ice formation; the weir is a more effective substitute than a
traditional standpipe orifice.
• Extend the filter bed below the frost line to prevent freezing within the filter
• Oversize the underdrain to encourage more rapid drainage and to
minimize freezing of the filter bed.
• Expand the sediment chamber to account for road sand. Pre-treatment
chambers should be sized to accommodate up to 40% of the .

10.3.13 Construction and Inspection

Construction and inspection shall be in conformance with the VDOT Special
Provision for Filtering Practices.

10.4 Design Example

This section presents the design process applicable to stormwater filters serving
as water quality BMPs. The pre- and post-development runoff characteristics are
intended to replicate stormwater management needs routinely encountered on
VDOT projects. The hydrologic calculations and assumptions presented in this
section serve only as input data for the detailed BMP design steps. Full
hydrologic discussion is beyond the scope of this report, and the user is referred
to Chapter 11 of the Virginia Stormwater Management Handbook, 2nd Edition
(DCR/DEQ, 2013) for details on hydrologic methodology.

A Level 1 perimeter sand filter is being proposed to treat runoff from 1.05 acre
park and ride lot near the U.S. 460 and Interstate 81 interchange in
Christiansburg, VA. The hydrologic classification of on-site soils is HSG B. Post-
development conditions within the disturbed area indicate 0.95 acres of
impervious area, and 0.10 acres of managed turf. Summaries of these
parameters are found in Table 10.3. The time of concentration to the filtering
practice has been computed as 8 minutes. The project site does not exhibit a
high or seasonally high groundwater table or indicate the presence of bedrock,
based on geotechnical tests performed on site.

Table 10.3 Hydrologic Characteristics of Example Project Site

Impervious Turf Forest
Soil Classification HSG B HSG B HSG B
Area (acres) 0.00 0.15 0.90
Soil Classification HSG B HSG B HSG B
Area (acres) 0.95 0.10 0.00


Step 1 - Enter Data into VRRM Spreadsheet

The required site data from Table 10.3 is input into the VRRM Spreadsheet for
New Development (2014), resulting in site data summary information shown in
Table 10.4.

Table 10.4 Summary of Output from VRRM Site Data Tab

Site Rv 0.88
Post-development Treatment Volume (ft3) 3,349
Post-development TP Load (lb/yr) 2.10
Total TP Load Reduction Required (lb/yr) 1.67

Information should now be entered in the Drainage Area tab of the spreadsheet
using the proposed treatment train with sheet flow to vegetated filter strip to a
Level 1 filter. Appropriate data for post-development conditions is input into the
VRRM Spreadsheet Drainage Area tab, yielding compliance results summarized
in Table 10.5.

Table 10.5 Summary Data from Treatment Train Treatment

Total Impervious Cover Treated (acres) 0.95
Total Turf Area Treated (acres) 0.10
Total TP Load Reduction Achieved in D.A. A (lb/yr) 1.68

In this case, the total phosphorus reduction required is 1.67 lbs/yr. The
estimated removal is 1.68 lbs/yr; therefore, the target has been met.

Step 2 - Compute the Required Treatment Volume

The treatment volume can be calculated using Section 1, Equation 1 or taken

directly from the VRRM Spreadsheet Drainage Area tabs. For this example, the
treatment volume is calculated using Equations 1.1 and 1.2. In order to meet
pollutant removal requirement (0.41 lbs/acre/year), a vegetated filter strip
pretreatment and Level 1 stormwater filter is proposed.

Information from Table 10.3 is used in conjunction with Equation 1.2 and Table
1.1 (both from Section 1) to calculate for the post-development

= × %!" + $
×% "+ %
× %&"

0.95 acres 0.10 acres

= )0.95 × - + )0.20 × - = 0.88
1.05 acres 1.05 acres

Once the has been calculated, the Treatment Volume for the 1.0”
runoff through the facility can be directly computed using Equation 1.1 (from
Section 1) for a Level 1 facility.


1.00 1.0 in.

1.00 1.0 in. 0.88 1.05 acres

=¥ ¦ = 0.077 acre-ft = 3,354 PQ 0

Because the filter is part of a treatment train, and the vegetated filter strip results
in a runoff reduction of 1,638 ft3 of runoff as calculated by the VRRM
spreadsheet, the total treatment volume above can be reduced by that amount:

= 3,354 PQ 0 − 1,638PQ 0 = 1,716PQ 0

Step 3 - Enter Data in Channel and Flood Protection Tab

Values for the 1-, 2-, and 10-year 24- hour rainfall depth should be determined
from the National Oceanographic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) Atlas
14 and entered into the “Channel and Flood Protection” tab of the spreadsheet.
For this site (Lat 37.1342, Long -80.3722), those values are shown in Table 10.6.
Curve numbers used for computations should be those calculated as part of the
runoff reduction spreadsheet Virginia Runoff Reduction Spreadsheet for New
Development (2014). For this site, results from the runoff reduction spreadsheet
are shown in Table 10.7, and result in adjusted curve numbers of 89, 89 and 90
for the 1-, 2- and 10-year storms, respectively. Note that the volume reduction
achieved is from the vegetated filter pretreatment, and that no volume reduction
is achieved through use of the filtering practice.

Table 10.6 Rainfall Totals from NOAA Atlas 14

1-year storm 2-year storm 10-year storm
Rainfall (inches) 2.31 2.80 4.19

Table 10.7 Adjusted CN from Runoff Reduction Channel and Flood Protection
1-year 2-year 10-year
Storm Storm Storm
RVDeveloped (in) with no Runoff Reduction 1.69 2.16 3.51
RVDeveloped (in) with Runoff Reduction 1.25 1.72 3.07
Adjusted CN 88 89 90

Input data is used in the Natural Resource Conservation Service Technical

Release 55 (NRCS TR-55) Tabular method to calculate discharge hydrographs.
(Note that other hydrologic methodologies are suitable-see VDOT Drainage
Manual, Hydrology for guidance). Peaks of those hydrographs for the 1-, 2-,
and 10-year storms are reported in Table 10.8. These values will be used to size
the conveyance downstream of the filtering practice.


Table 10.8 Post-development Discharge Peaks Exiting BMP
1-year storm 2-year storm 10-year storm
Discharge (cfs) 1.68 2.39 4.31

Step 4 - Compute Minimum Filter Area

Using a media depth of 12” (1.0’), and a surface ponding depth average of 1’
(note that the maximum head is 2’), the required filter area is calculated using
Equation 10.1 as:

1,716 PQ 0 1.0 PQ
= = 147 ft .

)3.5 - 1.0 PQ + 1.0 PQ 1.67 IK¨\

Step 5 - Pretreatment

The parking lot runoff drains directly to a gravel diaphragm that runs along the
edge of the proposed pavement to introduce stormwater runoff to the vegetated
filter strip as sheet flow. The diaphragm is installed according to detail SWM-PT,
PT2, and the vegetated filter strips according to guidelines set forth in Section 2
of this manual. Runoff then is concentrated into a small perimeter grass channel,
where it is conveyed into the pretreatment sediment forebay. The minimum
forebay size is calculated as 0.25 , which is 429 ft3. However, due to limitations
in storage above the sand bed for this particular facility, the sediment forebay is
increased in size to allow ponding of approximately 1,400 ft3 of surface runoff
upstream of the rock check dam separating the pretreatment cell from the
treatment filter.

Step 6 - Specify Media Depth

The depth of the facility’s filtering media should be a minimum of 12” and typically
a maximum of 18”. As stated above, a depth of 12” is used for this design
example. Limitations in available surface storage for head, limitations in
discharge elevation, and long-term maintenance needs and costs will be typical
driving factors that must be weighed in determining depth of media.

Step 7 - Design Overflow Structure

An overflow structure must be provided for large runoff producing events to

bypass excess runoff when the sand filter is exceeded. This filter bed has
been designed with an overflow DI-7 grate that corresponds with the maximum
elevation of the treatment volume over the bed. Because there is no runoff
reduction associated with the stormwater filter (runoff reduction in this case was
integral to the first step in the treatment train—the vegetated filter), the of the
filter will in essence be subtracted from the hydrograph prior to activation of the
overflow spillway into the grass channel. One method of determining the peak


overflow after removal of the treatment volume from the inflow hydrograph is
shown below.

First, the hydrograph ordinates should be used to compute the cumulative

volume for preceding flow at each discrete hydrograph time interval. For the 2-
year storm used in this example, the resulting chart is shown in Figure 10.5.
Since the treatment volume of the filter is known to be 1,716 ft3, the peak
discharge associated with this value is found to be approximately 2.34 cfs from
the generated curve (Figure 10.5). Note that this occurs prior to the peak of 2.39
cfs; therefore, the peak of 2.39 cfs should still be used in overflow calculations to
determine that no erosion to the system occurs when discharging to a manmade
conveyance. Although this method does not yield an exact solution due to
fluctuating outflow rates through the filter, depending on head conditions, it is
expected that in most cases the resulting volume intersection will occur on the
rising limb of the hydrograph and result in use of the computed hydrograph peak
(in this case, 2.39 cfs).

2.34 cfs


1,716 cubic feet
Flow (cfs)



0 1,000 2,000 3,000 4,000 5,000 6,000 7,000
Cumulative Volume (cubic feet)

Figure 10.5 Discharge-Volume Curve for the 2-year 24-hour storm

For the 10-year storm, if a similar curve is plotted (not shown), the treatment
volume will intersect the curve prior to the hydrograph peak of 4.31 cfs.
Therefore, the 10-year peak of 4.31 cfs should be used to determine the
adequacy of the downstream manmade conveyance system. Discharges to
natural systems will require additional analysis for the 1-year storm to meet the
requirements of 9VAC25-870-66 of the Virginia Administrative Code. Although,
there is an additional discharge related to the filter underdrains, based on the


filter surface area of 147 ft2 and the assumed drawdown rate of 3.5 ft/day (see
Equation 10.1), the average bed discharge is negligible, calculating to less than
0.1 cfs.

Adequacy of the DI-7 to convey the peak discharge with the available head
should be verified using applicable nomographs in the VDOT Drainage Manual
(latest edition). VDOT Figure 9C-14 is used to determine flow capacity of a DI-7
in a sump. For this example, the DI-7 crest is set at 1’ above the filter bed
surface (maximum ponding depth), with a height of 1.0’ between DI-7 crest and
top of berm. Flow is computed through use of the VDOT 9C-14 nomograph, as
shown in Figure 10.6. Evaluation of the 10-year peak (Figure 10.6) shows that
a head of approximately 0.46’ above the DI-7 crest is needed to convey the 10-
year storm. Since this is less than the 1.0’ height to top of berm, the system is
adequate for the 10-year storm, even if partially clogged.

Figure 10.6 VDOT Performance Curve for DI-7 in Sump

VDOT Drainage Manual, Appendix 9C-14

The discharge pipe from the DI-7 manhole will be sized to convey the 10-year
discharge without surcharge. The designer should use nomographs in the VDOT


Drainage Manual or hydraulic design software with the capability of solving the
Manning equation for flow in partially full pipes, to determine preliminary pipe
size. Assuming that discharge will be to a reinforced concrete pipe on a 1%
slope, a 15” minimum pipe size is required to discharge the 10-year flow of 4.31
cfs. Specific elevations and pipe slopes are dependent on site elevations at the
filter bed, and in the receiving channel.

Step 8 - Underdrains

Underdrains are required to be installed on all stormwater filters. Typically, on

small beds, 4” perforated pipes are sufficient to convey filtered flow. Spacing
shall be no greater than 20’ between pipes. The 147 ft2 filter bed proposed in
this example will be installed as a square bed that has approximate dimensions
of 12.2’ x 12.2’ (rounded up to the nearest 0.1’). Due to the minimal width, a
single run of 4” perforated pipe will be sufficient to provide drainage for the stone
layer of the filter.

Step 9 - Seeding

Because the proposed facility is a Level 1 facility, no organic layer or seeding on

top of the filter bed is required. However, the pretreatment area and vegetated
filter should be seeded with salt-resistant species as specified in the Virginia
Erosion and Sediment Control Handbook or the VDOT SWM-2 Vegetated Filter
Strip guidance.


Chapter 11 Constructed Wetlands
11.1 Overview of Practice

Constructed stormwater wetlands fall into a structural BMP category having the
capacity to improve the quality of stormwater runoff in much the same manner as
retention and enhanced extended detention basins. Like these impounding
facilities, stormwater wetlands are seeded with a diverse mix of aquatic and
emergent vegetation, which plays an integral role in the pollutant removal
efficiency of the practice. Wetland BMPs improve the quality of runoff by
physical, chemical, and biological means. The physical treatment of runoff
occurs as a result of decreased flow velocities in the wetland, thus leading to
evaporation, sedimentation, adsorption, and/or filtration. Chemical treatment
arises in the form of chelation (bonding of heavy metal ions), precipitation,
chemical adsorption, and microbial activity. Biological treatment occurs via
uptake of nutrients and other constituents into plant tissue.

Constructed stormwater wetlands are typically the final element in treatment

trains, provide no volume reduction credit, and should, generally, be used only if
there is remaining pollutant removal to manage after all other upland runoff
reduction options have been considered and properly credited. Although
constructed wetlands can be designed to safely pass flood-level design storms,
when a BMP is employed as a quantity control practice, there is an inherent
expectation of rapidly fluctuating water levels in the practice following runoff
producing events. Rapid fluctuations in water level subject emergent wetland
and upland vegetation to enormous stress, and many wetland species cannot
survive such conditions. In addition to producing large surges of stormwater
runoff, land use conversion resulting in a loss of pervious cover will often result in
a decrease of perennial baseflow from a watershed. The decrease or absence of
such baseflow is problematic for the establishment of a diverse and healthy mix
of wetland vegetation. Requirements shown herein are modifications to
specifications found in Virginia Stormwater Design Specification No. 13,
Constructed Wetland, Draft (DCR/DEQ, 2013), for specific application to VDOT

Constructed Stormwater Wetlands can be an important part of the stormwater

quality treatment train, but they require special design considerations to minimize
maintenance. Otherwise, they can become a maintenance burden, particularly if
sediment accumulates or if flows cause erosion. Good design can eliminate or at
least minimize such problems.


Table 11.1 Summary of Stormwater Functions Provided by Constructed Wetland
Virginia Stormwater Design Specification 13, Constructed Wetland, Draft (DCR/DEQ,
Stormwater Function Level 1 Design Level 2 Design
Annual Runoff Volume
0% 0%
Reduction (RR)
Total Phosphorus (TP) EMC
Reduction1 by BMP Treatment 50% 75%
Total Phosphorus (TP) Mass
50% 75%
Load Removal
Total Nitrogen (TN) EMC
Reduction1 by BMP Treatment 25% 55%
Total Nitrogen (TN) Mass Load
25% 55%
Yes. Up to 1’ of detention storage volume can be
Channel Protection
provided above the normal pool.
Yes. Flood control storage can be provided above
Flood Mitigation
the normal pool.
1 Change in event mean concentration (EMC) through the practice.

Typical details for plan and profile views of constructed wetlands are shown in
Figures 11.1 and 11.2. Due to the water balance requirements for maintaining
vegetative species found in wetlands, applications on linear sites can be
challenging. Therefore, their used by VDOT will typical be limited to non-linear
sites or interchanges. However, linear wetland cells and regenerative
conveyance systems are well suited to treat runoff within swales located along


Figure 11.1 Typical Level I Constructed Wetland
VDOT SWM-11 Constructed Wetlands

Figure 11.2 Varying Wetland Depth Zones (Profile)

VDOT SWM-11 Constructed Wetlands


Table 11.2 Constructed Wetland Design Criteria
Virginia Stormwater Design Specification 13, Constructed Wetland, Draft (DCR/DEQ,
Level 1 Design (RR:0; TP:50; TN:25) Level 2 Design (RR:0; TP:75; TN:55)
Tv = [(Rv)(A)] / 12 – the volume reduced by Tv = [1.5(Rv)(A)] / 12 – the volume reduced
an upstream BMP by an upstream BMP
Single cell (with a forebay and micro-pool Multiple cells or a multi-cell pond/wetland
outlet)1,2 combination1,2
Extended Detention (ED) for 50% of Tv (24 No ED or detention storage. (limited water
hr)3 or Detention storage (up to 12”) above surface fluctuations allowed during the 1”
the wetland pool for channel protection (1- and 1-year storm events)
year storm event)
Uniform wetland depth. 2 Allowable mean Diverse micro-topography with varying
wetland depth is > 1’ depths 2;
Allowable mean wetland depth ≤1’
The surface area of the wetland is ≤ 3% of The surface area of the wetland is > 3% of
the contributing drainage area (CDA) the CDA
Length/Width ratio OR Flow path = 2:1 or Length/Width ratio OR Flow path = 3:1 or
more more
Length of shortest flow path/overall length Length of shortest flow path/overall length
= 0.5 or more 3 = 0.8 or more 4
Emergent wetland design Emergent and Upland wetland design
Pre-treatment Forebay required
Internal Tv storage volume geometry – refer to Section 11.3
Extended Detention may be provided to meet a maximum of 50% of the Tv; Refer to
Stormwater Design Specification 15 for ED design
In the case of multiple inlets, the flow path is measured from the dominant inlets (that
80% or more of the total pond inflow)

11.2 Site Constraints and Siting of the Facility

Constructed wetlands normally require a footprint that takes up about 3% of the

contributing drainage area, depending on the contributing drainage area’s
impervious cover and the constructed wetland’s pool average depth. When a
constructed wetland is proposed the designer must consider a number of site
constraints to ensure that the practice is applicable to the suggested use.

11.2.1 Adequate Water Balance

A water balance analysis must be performed to ensure that adequate water in
the form of stormwater runoff, groundwater inflow, or base flow is present to
prevent the micro-pools from completely drying out after a 30-day drought.


11.2.2 Maximum Contributing Drainage Area (CDA)
The contributing drainage area must be large enough to sustain a permanent
water level within the stormwater wetland. If the only source of wetland hydrology
is stormwater runoff, then a minimum of 10 to 25 acres of drainage area are
typically needed to maintain adequate water elevations. Of critical concern is the
presence of adequate baseflow to the facility. Many species of wetland
vegetation cannot survive extreme drought conditions. Additionally, insufficient
baseflow and the subsequent stagnation of wetland marsh areas can lead to the
emergence of undesirable odors from the wetland. Regardless of drainage area,
all proposed wetlands should be subjected to a low flow analysis to ensure that
an adequate marsh volume is retained even during periods of dry weather when
evaporation and/or infiltration are occurring at a high rate. The anticipated
baseflow from a fixed drainage area can exhibit great variability, and insufficient
baseflow may require consideration of alternate BMP measures. When
infiltration losses from the wetland are excessive, a clay liner or geosynthetic
membrane may be considered. Such a liner should meet the approval and
specifications of the Materials Division.

The presence of a shallow groundwater table, as common in the Tidewater

region of the state, may allow for the implementation of a constructed wetland
whose contributing drainage area is very small. These circumstances are site-
specific, and the groundwater elevation must be monitored closely to establish
the design elevation of the permanent pool.

It is important to design constructed stormwater wetlands within the limits

established for CDAs. Too much or too little runoff can result in performance
issues and the need for subsequent repairs or reconstruction.

11.2.3 Hydraulic Head

Available hydraulic head is usually constrained based on the discharge elevation
at the downstream end of the practice. Hydraulic head necessary to drive the
system is typically a minimum of 2’ to 4’.

11.2.4 Site Slopes

Stormwater wetlands should, generally, not be constructed within 50’ of any
slope steeper than 10%. When this is unavoidable, or when the facility is located
at the toe of a slope greater than 10%, a geotechnical report should be
performed to address the potential impact of the facility in the vicinity of such a
slope. When flow must be conveyed down steeper slopes and constructed
wetlands must be integrated in the stormwater management design,
Regenerative Conveyance Systems (RCS) may be considered with the
permission of the District Office.

11.2.5 Depth to Water Table

Due to the desired interaction of the water table with maintenance of the
minimum pool elevation, depth to water table is not typically a constraint in


implementing constructed wetlands. However, high groundwater inflows may
inhibit the proper water quality treatment function of the wetland and, thus, affect
the allowed pollutant reduction credits assigned to the facility. High groundwater
may also increase excavation costs. Furthermore, in Coastal areas there is the
possibility that salt water may have intruded into the groundwater table, and this
will have implications for the selection of wetland plants to use.

11.2.6 Setbacks
Generally, edges of wetlands should be 20’ from the right of way line, 25’ from
foundations, 50’ from septic drainfields, and 100’ from wells. Variations from
these requirements shall be requested and approved through the District Office,
prior to integration in Contract Documents.

11.2.7 Karst
Typically, constructed wetlands should not be implemented in karst areas due to
the risk of sinkhole formation and groundwater contamination. However, if a
geotechnical investigation shows at least a 3’ separation between the bottom of
the wetlands and bedrock, the practice can be implemented with approval from
the District Office, and with the installation of an impermeable liner (clay or,
preferably, geosynthetic) meeting the specifications shown in Table 11.3. If a
constructed wetland is used in karst terrain, then shallow, linear and multiple-cell
wetland configurations are preferred. Deeper wetland configurations, such as a
pond/wetland system and the ED wetland have limited application in karst terrain.

11.2.8 Existing Utilities

Basins should not be constructed over existing utility rights-of-way or easements.
This can have significant repercussions for long-term maintenance of the basin.
When this situation is unavoidable, permission to impound water over these
easements must be obtained from the utility owner prior to design of the basin.
When it is proposed to relocate existing utility lines, the costs associated with
their relocation should be considered in the estimated overall basin construction


Table 11.3 Required Liners for Constructed Wetlands in Karst Terrain
Virginia Stormwater Design Specification 13, Constructed Wetland, Draft (DCR/DEQ,
Situation Criteria
24” of soil with a maximum hydraulic
Not Excavated to Bedrock
conductivity of 1 x 10-5 cm/sec
24” of clay1 with maximum hydraulic
Excavated to or near Bedrock
conductivity of 1 x 10-6 cm/sec
Excavated to Bedrock within wellhead 24” of clay1 with maximum hydraulic
protection area, in recharge are for conductivity of 1 x 10-7 cm/sec and a
domestic well or spring, or in known faulted synthetic liner with a minimum
or folded area thickness of 60 mil.
Plasticity Index of Clay: Not less than 15% (ASTM D-423/424)
Liquid Limit of Clay: Not less than 30% (ASTM D-2216)
Clay Particles Passing: Not less than 30% (ASTM D-422)
Clay Compaction: 95% of standard proctor density (ASTM D-2216)
Source: WVDEP, 2006 and VA DCR/DEQ, 1999

11.2.9 Soils
The implementation of constructed stormwater wetlands can be successfully
accomplished in the presence of a variety of soil types. However, when such a
facility is proposed, a subsurface analysis and permeability test is required. The
required subsurface analysis should investigate soil characteristics to a depth of
no less than 3’ below the proposed bottom of the wetland. Data from the
subsurface investigation should be provided to the Materials Division early in the
project planning stages to evaluate the feasibility of such a facility on native site

To ensure the long-term success of a constructed wetland, it is essential that

water inflows (baseflow, surface runoff, and groundwater) be greater than losses
to evaporation and infiltration. This requires the designer to calculate a monthly
water budget. Due to excessive infiltration losses, soils exhibiting high infiltration
rates (Hydrologic Soil Groups A and B) are not typically suited for the
construction of stormwater wetlands whose lone source of inflow is from surface
runoff. Often, soils of moderate permeability (on the order of 1x10-6 cm/sec), as
well as those of Hydrologic Soil Group C and D, are capable of supporting the
shallow marsh areas of a stormwater wetland. However, the hydraulic head
(pressure) generated from deeper regions, such as the wetland micro-pool, may
increase the effective infiltration rate rendering similar soils unsuitable for wetland

Mechanical compaction of existing subsoils, a clay liner, geosynthetic membrane,

or other material (as approved by the Materials Division) may be employed to
combat excessively high infiltration rates. The wetland embankment material
must meet the specifications detailed later in this section and/or be approved by
the Materials Division and be installed in accordance with specifications found in
the VDOT Special Provision for Constructed Wetland (2014).


11.2.10 Discharge to Sensitive Aquatic Habitats
Construction of the practice is watersheds containing trout streams is
discouraged due to the potential of temperature impairment caused by the long
term impoundment of water. District approval will be required prior to the
installation of constructed wetlands in watersheds containing trout streams.

Installation within existing wetlands and jurisdictional waters is not allowed.

VDOT Environmental shall be contacted to determine if waters are jurisdictional
prior to design.

11.2.11 Coastal Plain Settings

Constructed wetlands are an ideal practice for the flat terrain, low hydraulic head
and high water table conditions found at many coastal plain development sites.
The following design adaptations can make them work more effectively in coastal
plain settings:
• Shallow, linear and multiple-cell wetland configurations are preferred.
• It is acceptable to excavate up to 6” below the seasonally high
groundwater table to provide the requisite hydrology for wetland planting
zones, and up to 3’ below for micro-pools, forebays and other deep pool
• The volume below the seasonably high groundwater table is acceptable
for the Tv, as long as the other primary geometric and design requirements
for the wetland are met (e.g., flow path and micro-topography).
• Plant selection should focus on species that are wet-footed and can
tolerate some salinity.
• A greater range of coastal plain tree species can tolerate periodic
inundation, so designers should consider creating forested wetlands,
using species such as Atlantic White Cedar, Bald Cypress and Swamp
• The use of flashboard risers is recommended to control or adjust water
elevations in wetlands constructed on flat terrain.

The regenerative conveyance system is particularly suited for coastal plain

situations where there is a significant drop in elevation from the channel to the
outfall location.

11.2.12 Maintenance Reduction Features

The following design criteria will help to avoid significant maintenance problems
pertaining to constructed wetlands:
• Maintenance Access. Good access is needed so crews can remove
sediments, make repairs and preserve wetland treatment capacity).
o Maintenance access must be provided to the forebay, safety benches,
and outlet riser area.
o Access roads must (1) be constructed of load bearing materials, (2)
have a minimum width of 12’, and (3) possess a maximum profile
grade of 15%.


o Turnaround areas may also be needed, depending on the size and
configuration of the wetland.

• Clogging Reduction. If the low flow orifice clogs, it can result in a rapid
change in wetland water elevations that can potentially kill wetland
vegetation. Therefore, designers should carefully design the flow control
structure to minimize clogging, as follows:
o A minimum 3” diameter orifice is recommended in order to minimize
clogging of an outlet or extended detention pipe when it is surface fed.
It should be noted, however, that even a 3” orifice will be very
susceptible to clogging from floating vegetation and debris.
o Smaller openings (down to 1” in diameter) are permissible, using
internal orifice plates.
o All outlet pipes should be adequately protected by trash racks, half-
round CMP, other anti-clogging measures, or reverse-sloped pipes
extending to mid-depth of the micro-pool.

11.3 General Design Guidelines

Constructed wetlands are designed based on three major factors: (1) the
desired plant community (an emergent wetland – Level 1 design; a mixed
wetland – emergent and forest; or an emergent/pond combination – Level 2
design); (2) the contributing hydrology (groundwater, surface runoff or dry
weather flow); and (3) the landscape position (linear or basin).

Constructed wetlands shall typically fall within one of three categories, as defined
in the Virginia Stormwater Design Specification No. 13, Constructed Wetland,
Draft (DCR/DEQ, 2013). These are:
• Constructed Wetland Basin – Level 1 (1.0 x Treatment Volume [ ])
• Constructed Multi-Cell Wetland – Level 2 (1.5 )
• Constructed Multi-Cell Pond/Wetland Combination – Level 2 (1.5 )

Details found in VDOT Detail SWM-11: Constructed Wetlands (2014) should be

incorporated in the design. More specific requirements for each of the three
constructed wetland types are found below.

To avoid performance issues, the facility must be sized properly for the target
Treatment Volume. However, oversizing the storage provided in the BMP, as
compared to what is required to achieve the BMP’s performance target, can
decrease the frequency of maintenance needed and, thus, potential life-cycle
costs. Oversizing, where feasible, can also help VDOT achieve its broader
pollution reduction requirements associated with its DEQ MS4 Permit and the
Chesapeake Bay TMDL. Oversizing options are likely to involve the adjustment
of detention times and may require prior approval by DEQ.


11.3.1 Constructed Wetland Basin – Level 1
Several configuration options exist that allow for implementation of the †‡~
credit from the Virginia Runoff Reduction Method. Allowable storage
components for a Level 1 constructed wetland that may be used to demonstrate
treatment volume retention requirements are:
• Water volume stored below the normal pool (including deep pools).
• A 24-hour extended detention storage, including a maximum of 0.5
above the normal pool elevation.
• Void storage in submerged rock, sand, or stone layers may be used in the
computation of required storage.

Note that the one year channel protection detention and detention volume depth
above normal pool shall not exceed 1’. Typically, the 1-year storm volume will
drive this requirement since it is likely that the will be less than the 1-year
storm volume. The maximum water level fluctuation during routing of the
treatment volume and/or the 1-year storm is limited to 12”. A weir or other outlet
control structure may be used to ensure that this maximum is not violated (see
VDOT Detail SWM-11: Constructed Wetlands (2014)).

11.3.2 Constructed Multi-Cell Wetland – Level 2

Similar to the Level 1 facility described above, the components of a multi-cell
wetland that can be used to meet the treatment volume requirements are:
• Entire water volume stored below the normal pool of each cell (including
deep pools).
• Void storage in submerged rock, sand, or stone layers may be used in the
computation of required storage.

Routing of the treatment volume requires that the water level fluctuations not
exceed 8”. Further, a maximum of 12” fluctuation in water level is allowed during
routing of the 1-year storm volume through the constructed wetland.

11.3.3 Constructed Multi-Cell Pond/Wetland Combination – Level 2

Due to the presence of the pond component, demonstration of the treatment
volume storage is slightly different for the constructed multi-cell pond/wetland
system. Additional details for wet pond design can be found in Section 12, Wet
Ponds. The components that may be used are as follows:
• Water volume stored below the normal pool (including deep pools). This
is required to include a minimum of 50% of the total Level 2 treatment
volume (i.e. 0.75 ). The remaining 50% can be in a pond with the
following requirements for volume storage credit:
o Permanent pool volume, containing a minimum of 50% of the pond cell
design volume.
o Extended detention storage above the permanent pool, containing a
maximum of 50% of the pond cell design volume.
• Void storage in submerged rock, sand, or stone layers may be used in the
computation of required storage.


11.3.4 Water Balance Analysis
An analysis of the system water balance for the contributing drainage area is
required as part of the design. This is used to ensure the long term viability of
the system when taxed by environmental stressors such as infiltration,
evapotranspiration, and drought. Water balance guidance for the wet pond
component of a Level 2 facility is found in Section 12, Wet Ponds. For
constructed wetlands, designers should use the Hunt Water Balance Equation as
adapted from the Virginia DEQ Stormwater Design Specification No. 13,
Constructed Wetland (2013).

8 ×
8B = & × − ² − !@& − ²1

‚ ±D}„


8B = Depth of pool (inches)

& = Monthly rainfall during drought (inches)
8 = Contributing drainage area (acres)
= Composite runoff volume coefficient for CDA
‚ ±D}„
² = Summer evapotranspiration rate (assumed to be 8”)
= Area of the wetland footprint (acres)

!@& = Monthly infiltration loss (assume 7.2” @ 0.1 in/hr)

²1 = Reservoir of water for a factor of safety (assume 6”)

Based on the assumption of zero rainfall (drought), a minimum depth of pool of

21.2” is calculated from Equation 11.1. Therefore, without other known sources
of inflow such as baseflow or groundwater inflow, the minimum pool depth
should be at least 22”.

11.3.5 Integrated Design Components and Geometry

Research and experience have shown that the internal design geometry and
depth zones are critical in maintaining the pollutant removal capability and plant
diversity of the stormwater wetland. Wetland performance is enhanced when the
wetland has multiple cells, longer flow paths, and a high ratio of surface area to
volume. Whenever possible, constructed wetlands should be irregularly shaped
with long, sinuous flow paths. The following design elements are required for
Constructed Wetlands:

11.3.6 Pool Depths

Level 1 designs may have a pool depth exceeding 1’. Level 2 wetland cells are
restricted to a mean pool depth of 1’ or less. Variable pool depths should be
integrated in the design in order to promote both open water and diverse
vegetative cover. Specific design parameters for depth zones are as follows:


• Deep Pools: A forebay (distinct from pretreatment forebays), center, and
micro-pool, each ranging in depth from between 18” and 48”, should be
provided which cumulatively hold approximately 25% of the design
treatment volume. See Section 11.3.4 for further guidance on minimum
deep pool depth.

• High Marsh: Approximately 70% of the cell surface area should have
elevations ranging between -6” to +6” relative to the normal pool

• Low Marsh: This zone contains storage at -6” to -18” below the normal
pool elevation. This zone is not considered to be an effective wetland
zone and should provide a short transition between high marsh and deep
pools. Maximum slopes in this transition zone from the deep pool to the
high marsh should be 5H:1V (or preferably flatter). Biodegradable erosion
control fabric should be used to prevent erosion of this zone during
construction, to prevent erosion or slumping due to difficulty in quickly
establishing vegetative cover.

11.3.7 Multiple-Cell Wetlands (Level 2)

In addition to the forebay and micro-pool discussed above, the Level 2 design is
required to have at least two additional deep pool cells. Typically, cells will be
installed at successively lower elevations. The ultimate goal is to provide a 50%-
50% mix of emergent and forested wetland vegetation across all cells. Cells can
be formed using a variety of berming techniques (see VDOT Detail SWM-11
Constructed Wetland (2014)). The pretreatment forebay is typically at a higher
elevation than the secondary cell, which is the normal pool elevation. The third
cell is typically 3” to 6” lower than the second cell (normal pool). The final cell
(micro-pool) is located at the point of discharge from the system (through an
outlet structure or weir).

11.3.8 Micro-topography
Variations in topography resulting in small variations in elevation are used to
create the various regions described above. At least two of the following design
features must be integrated into a Level 2 design:
1. Tree peninsulas, high marsh wedges, or rock filter cells installed
perpendicular to primary flow path.
2. Tree islands above both the normal pool and maximum extended
detention zone, formed by coir fiber logs.
3. Inverted root wads or large wood-based debris.
4. Gravel diaphragms within high marsh zone(s).
5. Internal weirs/baffles made of cobble with sand backfill, gabion baskets, or
stabilized earthen berms.


11.3.9 Side Slopes
Side slopes for the wetland should generally have gradients of 4H:1V to 5H:1V.
Such mild slopes promote better establishment and growth of the wetland
vegetation. They also contribute to easier maintenance and a more natural

11.3.10 Flow Path

The overall flow path through the wetland shall have a 2:1 length-to-width ratio
for Level 1 designs and a 3:1 ratio for Level 2 designs. One modification that
may achieve these ratios is the design of sinuosity within the system, as shown
in Figure 11.1. The ratio of the shortest flow path (shortest distance from closest
inlet into the system to the outlet) to the overall length must be at least 0.5 for
Level 1 designs and 0.8 for Level 2 designs.

11.3.11 Pretreatment Forebay

Proper pre-treatment preserves a greater fraction of the Treatment Volume over
time and prevents large particles from clogging orifices and filter media. Selecting
an improper type of pre-treatment or designing and constructing the pre-
treatment feature incorrectly can result in performance and maintenance issues.

Sediment forebays shall be installed to maintain the long-term viability of the

wetland system. These forebays allow settling of a portion of the suspended
sediment and reduce velocity of flow entering the system. A forebay is required
at each major inlet (defined as any location contributing at least 10% of the
overall drainage area) to the wetland system and must meet the following
• Forebays consist of separate cells (beyond those discussed in previous
sections) in both Level 1 and Level 2 designs and are formed by
acceptable barriers (see VDOT Detail SWM-11: Constructed Wetland
• Forebay shall be a maximum depth of 4’ at the inlet, or as determined by
Equation 11.1, but transition to a 1’ depth at the entrance into the first
wetland cell.
• For safety, an aquatic bench (1’ to 2’ in depth) shall be installed around
perimeter (4’ to 6’ in width). This bench shall transition to 0’ in width at the
entrance into the first wetland cell.
• Total volume stored in all forebays shall be at least 15% of the total
treatment volume. If multiple forebays are include, relative volumetric
sizing should be related to the percentage of total volumetric inflow into
the wetland at each location.
• The bottom of the forebay may include a concrete surface for easier
maintenance. This item should be discussed with the VDOT District Office
prior to integration into the design.
• A metered rod should be installed within the forebay to monitor long term
sediment accumulation and to aid in scheduling maintenance.


For forebay design design information, refer to Appendix D: Sediment
Forebays of the Introduction to the New Virginia Stormwater Design
Specifications, as posted on the Virginia Stormwater BMP Clearinghouse web
site, at the following web address:

Other forms of pre-treatment for sheet flow and concentrated flow at minor inflow
points should be designed consistent with pre-treatment criteria found in Section
6.4 of Stormwater Design Specification No. 9: Bioretention.

11.3.12 Geotechnical Testing

Soil borings shall be provided at the following (minimum) locations:
• Within the footprint of the proposed embankment(s).
• At the location of the proposed outlet structure.
• A minimum of two locations within the proposed treatment area.

Data from the borings will be used to:

• Determine the adequacy of excavated material for structural fill.
• Determine the need for and design requirements related to an
embankment cut-off trench.
• Provide data regarding bearing capacity and buoyancy analysis for use in
designing outlet works.
• Determine design depth to seasonal high groundwater and bedrock.
• Determine potential infiltration losses (and the potential need for a liner).

11.3.13 Embankment
The top width of the embankment should be a minimum of 10’ in width to provide
ease of construction and maintenance. The design of the dam should be in
accordance with Appendix A: Earthen Embankments of the Introduction to the
New Virginia Stormwater Design Specifications, as posted on the Virginia
Stormwater BMP Clearinghouse web site:

To permit mowing and other maintenance, the embankment slopes should be no

steeper than 4H:1V., or 3H:1V if a safety bench is employed.

11.3.14 Inlet Protection

Inlet areas should be stabilized to ensure that non-erosive conditions exist during
storm events up to the overbank flood event (i.e., the 10-year storm event). Inlet
pipe inverts should generally be located at or slightly below the permanent pool


11.3.15 Principal Spillway
Weir spillways have a large cross-sectional area that can pass a considerable
flow rate at low head conditions. Since reducing the depth of ponding in a
constructed wetland helps to avoid stressing plant communities, an armored,
weir-type spillway may be the most desirable overflow device for a constructed
stormwater wetland. Further, the use of an adjustable weir will help maintain the
proper water surface elevation during seasonal extremes.

Design the principal spillway with acceptable anti-flotation, anti-vortex and trash
rack devices. The spillway must generally be accessible from dry land. Refer to
Appendix B: Principal Spillways of the Introduction to the New Virginia
Stormwater Design Specifications, as posted on the Virginia Stormwater BMP
Clearinghouse web site:

11.3.16 Conveyance and Overflow

Several conveyance and overflow conditions should exist that will effectively
introduce and transfer the treatment volume through the constructed wetland
cells. These include:
• The slope profile within individual wetland cells should be generally flat
from inlet to outlet (adjusting for micro-topgraphy), and the maximum
elevation change between adjacent wetland cells shall be 12” or less.
• A maximum depth of 4’ over the normal pool elevation is recommended
during 10-year and 100-year flooding events for on-line facilities.
• The designer should consider using flashboard risers to allow modification
of normal pool elevation after construction.
• The discharge from the pond cell to the wetland cells in a Level 2
Pond/Wetland should be through reverse-slope pipes. The invert from the
pond should be situated at least 2’ below the normal pool elevation to
prevent clogging by floating organic matter (leaves, grass clippings, etc.).
A gate valve may be included in the design to provide the ability to adjust
outflow for fluctuating inflows throughout the year.
• A minimum 3” diameter orifice is recommended to prevent clogging;
however, in certain situations, this may be reduced when using internal
orifice plates within the pipe or other means to protect orifices < 3”
diameter from clogging.
• All outlet controls shall be protected by trash control measures (i.e. trash
racks, inverted pipes, etc.)

11.3.17 Emergency Spillway

Wet Ponds must be constructed with overflow capacity to pass the 100-year
design storm event through either the Primary Spillway (with 2’ of freeboard to
the settled top of embankment) or a vegetated or armored Emergency Spillway
(with at least 1’ of freeboard to the settled top of embankment). The emergency
spillway shall be stabilized with rip rap, concrete, or any other non-erodible


material approved by the VDOT Material Division. Refer to Appendix C:
Vegetated Emergency Spillway of the Introduction to the New Virginia
Stormwater Design Specifications, as posted on the Virginia Stormwater BMP
Clearinghouse web site at the following URL:

11.3.18 Landscaping Plan

The landscaping plan shall be developed by a wetlands expert or a certified
landscape architect with input from the design engineer regarding the aerial
extent of various zones. Planting shall be in accordance with standards specified
in the VDOT Special Provision for Constructed Wetland (2014). The plan should
contain native species that exist in surrounding native wetlands to the extent
possible. For extensive information regarding plant selections for various
wetland zones, the design professional is referred to the Virginia Stormwater
Design Specification No. 13, Constructed Wetland, Draft (DCR/DEQ, 2013).
Additional recommendations regarding pond landscaping can be found in
Appendix E: Landscaping of the Introduction to the New Virginia Stormwater
Design Specifications , as posted on the Virginia Stormwater BMP Clearinghouse
web site:

11.3.19 Construction and Maintenance

Construction guidelines and maintenance access requirements are found in the
VDOT Special Provision for Constructed Wetland (2014).

11.3.20 Winter Performance

Due to the likelihood of influx of salt and/or sand during winter months because
of treatment operations, several modifications should be implemented in
constructed wetland systems related to VDOT projects. Note that items 2-4
below are only require in colder regions of the Commonwealth. Consult the
District Office to determine if these modifications are required on individual
projects. Modifications may include:
1. Plant salt-tolerant vegetation.
2. Restrict submergence of inlet pipes and provide slopes of 1% minimum on
pipes to discourage ice formation (Note: this is only required in the colder
3. Angle trash racks to prevent build-up of ice.
4. Over-size riser and/or weirs to compensate for ice build-up.
5. Increase the pretreatment forebay size to accommodate increased


11.4 Design Example

This section presents the design process applicable to constructed wetlands

serving as water quality BMPs. The pre- and post-development runoff
characteristics are intended to replicate stormwater management needs routinely
encountered on VDOT projects. The hydrologic calculations and assumptions
presented in this section serve only as input data for the detailed BMP design
steps. Full hydrologic discussion is beyond the scope of this report, and the user
is referred to Chapter 11 of the Virginia Stormwater Management Handbook, 2nd
Edition (DCR/DEQ, 2013) for details on hydrologic methodology.

The proposed project includes the installation of an additional lane along a

section of I-295 adjacent to Fort Lee near Hopewell, Virginia. The hydrologic
classification of on-site soils over the entire site is HSG B/D. The B/D
designation indicates that for un-drained soils (in their native condition), a
designation of D is used. For this site, due to the proximity of Fort Lee, the site is
assumed to be in its natural condition for undisturbed areas. Portions of existing
lanes draining to the wetland area are assumed to be drained, and therefore are
HSG B. The disturbed area of the project within this drainage area is
approximately 3.15 acres; however, a contributing drainage area of 15.3 acres
(total including existing lanes and adjacent R/W) drains to the proposed site of
the constructed wetland. Pre-development and post-development conditions
within the contributing drainage area are described in Table 11.4. The time of
concentration to the constructed wetlands as determined by standard
methodology (see VDOT Drainage Manual (2014), Chapter 6, Hydrology) is 27.5
minutes. The project site does exhibit the presence of a high groundwater table
that must be incorporated with the design. Geotechnical borings do not indicate
the presence of significant bedrock within 5’ vertically below the proposed
maximum depth of deep pools.

Table 11.4 Hydrologic Characteristics of Total Example Project Site

Impervious Impervious Turf Forest
Soil Classification HSG B HSG D HSG D HSG D
Area (acres) 4.36 0.00 1.70 9.24
Soil Classification HSG B HSG D HSG D HSG D
Area (acres) 4.36 1.45 1.70 7.79

Step 1 - Enter Data into VRRM Spreadsheet

The required site data must be input into the VRRM Spreadsheet for
Redevelopment (2014), to determine the required load reduction of phosphorus
for this linear site. Note that using the redevelopment spreadsheet, the required
reduction for linear projects is computed as the sum of the Post-Redevelopment
Load and the Post-Development Load minus 80% of the Predevelopment Listed
load. Although the total contributing drainage area is defined by components
listed in Table 11.4, the area that is used to calculate water quality improvements


is tied to the actual disturbed area of 3.15 acres. It is these components that
should be first entered into the Runoff Reduction Spreadsheet to determine
required removal. The breakdown of the 3.15 acres, which is used in the ‘Site
Data’ tab of the spreadsheet for the disturbed area in pre- and post-development
conditions, is shown in Table 11.5. The resulting summary output from the
spreadsheet is then shown in Table 11.6.

Table 11.5 Hydrologic Characteristics of Disturbed Area

Impervious Turf Forest
Soil Classification HSG D HSG D HSG D
Area (acres) 0.00 1.70 1.45
Soil Classification HSG D HSG D HSG D
Area (acres) 1.45 1.70 0.00

Table 11.6 Summary of Output from VRRM Site Data Tab

Site Rv 0.57
Post-development Treatment Volume (ft3) 6543
Post-development TP Load (lb/yr) 4.11
Total TP Load Reduction Required (lb/yr) 3.20

Output from the RRM Summary Spreadsheet is shown in Table 11.6, and
indicates that the required removal load is 3.20 lbs/yr. Although a Level 1
constructed wetland treating only the disturbed area does not meet the
requirement (only resulting in a net removal of 2.05 lbs/yr), an analysis performed
by inputting and treating the full drainage area to the constructed wetland,
including treatment of the two additional (undisturbed) lanes and the remaining
upstream drainage area, results in a load reduction of 6.77 lbs/year as indicated
in Table 11.7. This is achieved by input of the post-development land use given
in Table 11.4 in to the Drainage Area tab of the spreadsheet, and treating the
area with a Level 1 constructed wetland.

Table 11.7 Summary of Output from VRRM Site Data Tab for Full Treatment Area
Total Impervious Cover Treated (acres) 5.81
Total Turf Area Treated (acres) 1.70
Total TP Load Reduction Achieved in D.A. A (lb/yr) 6.77

Step 2 - Compute the Required Treatment Volume

The treatment volume can be calculated using Section 1, Equation 1 or taken

directly from the VRRM Spreadsheet Drainage Area tabs. For this example, the
reported treatment volume on the drainage area tab (treating the 15.30 acre area
described by post-development data in Table 11.4) is 22,992 ft3.

Step 3 - Enter Data in Channel and Flood Protection Tab

Hydrologic computations for required design storms for flood and erosion
compliance must be computed to verify that design components meet guidelines.


Values for the 1-, 2-, and 10-year 24- hour rainfall depth should be determined
from the National Oceanographic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) Atlas
14 and entered into the “Channel and Flood Protection” tab of the spreadsheet.
For this site (Lat 37.2751, Long -77.3311), those values are shown in Table 11.8.
Curve numbers used for computations should be those calculated as part of the
runoff reduction spreadsheet (Virginia Runoff Reduction Spreadsheet for Linear
Development, 2015). For runoff draining to the constructed wetlands, adjusted
curve numbers from the runoff reduction spreadsheet are shown in Table 11.9.
Note that constructed stormwater wetlands receive no volume reduction credit.

Table 11.8 Rainfall Totals from NOAA Atlas 14

1-year storm 2-year storm 10-year storm
Rainfall (inches) 2.79 3.38 5.14

Table 11.9 Unadjusted CN from Runoff Reduction Channel and Flood Protection
1-year 2-year 10-year
Storm Storm Storm
RVDeveloped (in) with no Runoff Reduction 1.41 1.91 3.50
RVDeveloped (in) with Runoff Reduction 1.41 1.91 3.50
Adjusted CN 85 85 85

Input data is used in the Natural Resource Conservation Service Technical

Release 55 (NRCS TR-55, 1986) Tabular method to calculate discharge
hydrographs. (Note that other hydrologic methodologies are suitable-see
VDOT Drainage Manual, Hydrology for guidance). Peaks of those
hydrographs for the 1-, 2-, and 10-year storms are reported in Table 11.10.
These values will be used to size the conveyance downstream of the constructed

Table 11.10 Post-development Discharge Peaks Exiting BMP

1-year 2-year 10-year
Storm Storm Storm
Discharge (cfs) 17.45 24.09 44.23

Step 4 - Sizing the Sediment Forebays

Volume of sediment forebays shall be designed to be a minimum of 15% of the

treatment volume, or:

'³´µdN &³JN¶K¨ \ = 0.15 × 22,992 PQ 0 = 3,449PQ 0

This volume should be distributed proportionally to total volume for each inlet
location based on runoff generated from a 1” rainfall. For this design, a single
inlet will introduce flow from the impervious and turf portions of the project (from
the I-295 lanes and shoulder), and a secondary inlet will introduce flow from the


west (undisturbed forested portions of the drainage area). Runoff volume from
the impervious and turf areas can be calculated using the runoff equation found
in the NRCS TR-55 Manual (1986):

AP − !D G.
P − !D + 1


= runoff (inches)

= rainfall (inches)

= potential maximum retention after runoff begins (inches)
= initial abstraction (inches) = 0.2 1

Storage, 1 is related to curve number (CN) by the following equation:

1= − 10

1000 .
Substituting Equation 11.3 into Equation 11.2 yields:
XP − 0.2 @ − 10 Y
B + 0.8 @ − 10

Equation 11.4 can now be used with computed curve numbers for the road and
forest components using information from the channel and flood protection tab of
the Runoff Reduction Spreadsheet to compute runoff for each from a 1” rainfall.

1000 L, .
X1 L, − 0.2 − 10 L, Y
C¸ = 85 = 0.17 inches
D„ 1000 L,
1 L, + 0.8 − 10 L,

1000 L, .
X1 L, − 0.2 77 − 10 L, Y
C% = = 0.05 inches
€ 1000 L,
1 L, + 0.8 − 10 L,

Using the drainage area ratios of each, the proportion of the total sediment
forebay volume that should be used for each inlet area is calculated as:

7.51 KRJN\
1&¸ D„ 0.17 L, ×
= 15.3 KRJN\ = 0.083 ≅ 3.3
1&% € 7.79 KRJN\ 0.025 1
0.05 L, ×
15.3 KRJN\


Therefore, of the total forebay volume, ~11.5% should be used to treat runoff
from the road components, and ~3.5% from the forested inflow components.
Therefore, the sediment forebay for the forested area will be 22,992 ft3 x 0.035,
or 805 ft3, and that of the road area would be the remaining 2,644 ft3. The
sediment forebay will not need to be increased in size since sand is not used for
road treatment in this area.

Step 5 - Sizing the Various Pool Volumes

The deep pool should have a volume of approximately 25% of the design
treatment volume. Therefore, the deep pool volume ('„ ) is calculated as:

'„ = 0.25 º = 0.25 22,992 PQ 0 = 5,748 PQ 0

The deep pool volume listed above includes the volume of the sediment
forebays, calculated above as 3,449 ft3. The remaining 2,299 ft3 will be split
evenly between the central pool and the micro-pool at the outlet/overflow

This Level 1 BMP will be designed to hold 50% of the treatment volume above
the wet pool elevation for an extended drawdown of at least 24 hours. Therefore,
the remainder of the treatment volume not in the storage area above the wet pool
(50%) and in the deep pools (25%) is 25%.

Assuming average deep pool depths of 48”, the surface area of the deep pools
are estimated as:

5,748 PQ 0
= 1,437 PQ .
4 PQ

Initially, the designer must assume surface area ratios (or percentages)
corresponding to each component of the constructed wetland (deep pools, high
marsh, and low marsh). Initially, assuming that the deep pools contain
approximately 8% of the total surface area each, enables computation of an
initial estimate of total surface area.

1,437 PQ .
= 17,963 PQ .

Approximately 70% of the cell surface area should have elevations ranging
between -6” and +6” (measures relative to the normal pool) as high marsh areas.

17,963 PQ . × 0.70 = 12,574 PQ .

The low marsh area is initially estimated as the remaining 22% of the total area,
or 3,952 ft2.


Now, the assumed surface areas must be used to estimate volumes and verify
that the treatment volume has been successfully integrated in the design. Due to
the use of the extended drawdown volume above the wet pool, the remaining
volume to be treated in the high marsh area that is between the submerged
portion of the high marsh area and the low marsh is calculated as:

0.50 º − '„ = 0.50 22,992 PQ 0 − 5,748 PQ 0 = 5,748 PQ 0

Assuming an average low marsh depth of 1’, and an average submerged high
marsh depth of 0.25’, with the surface areas of the high marsh and low marsh
components as computed above, the estimated volume of submerged storage in
these areas can be calculated as:

0.5 × 12,574 PQ . × 0.25 PQ + 3,952 PQ . × 1 PQ = 5,524 PQ 0

Because this estimate is slightly less than the required 5,748 ft3, minor
adjustments to yield the necessary volume must be made to the grading plan. It
is assumed that the adjustment will be made in the low marsh area, with an
adjusted volume during final design of 4,176 ft3, but that the assumed surface
area of 3,952 ft2 can be carried forward in computations.

Summaries of the surface area and volume components of the various zones are
found in Tables 11.11 and 11.12, respectively. Note that only 50% of the volume
is shown in Table 11.12 since the 24-hour extended drawdown volume that is
temporarily stored above the permanent pool comprised 50% of the treatment

Table 11.11 Surface Area Summary of Varying Depth Zones

Surface Area Percentage of Total
Zone / Depth
(ft2) Surface Area (%)
High Marsh (+6” to -
6") 12,574
Low Marsh (-6 to -18") 3,952 22
Deep Pools* (0 to -
48”) 1,437
Total 17,963 100
*Includes sediment forebay and micro pool volumes


Table 11.12 Volume Summary of Varying Depth Zones
Percentage of Total
Approximate Volume
Zone / Depth Treatment Volume
High Marsh (0” to -6") 1,572 7
Low Marsh (-6 to -18") 4,176 18
Deep Pools* (0 to -
48”) 5,748*
Total 11,496 50
*Includes sediment forebay and micro pool volumes

Step 6 - Create Storage-Elevation Curve

After determining the required surface areas and storage volumes, the stage-
storage relationship can be created. This curve is necessary for routing design
storm hydrographs through the BMP to determine adequacy. Table 11.13
presents the stage-storage relationship for this constructed wetland. The floor
elevation of the wet pools has been measured to be at approximately elevation
48’, above mean sea level, with the permanent pool set at 52’.

Table 11.13 Stage – Storage Relationship

Incremental Total
Incremental Total Volume
Elevation Elevation Volume Volume
Volume (ft3) (ft3)
(ft3) (ft3)
48 0 0 51.5 2352.24 7187.4
48.5 696.96 696.96 52 4225.32 11412.72
49 696.96 1393.92 52.5 7361.64 18774.36
49.5 696.96 2090.88 53 9365.4 28139.76
50 696.96 2787.84 53.5 10367.28 38507.04
50.5 696.96 3484.8 54 11761.2 50268.24
51 1350.36 4835.16

Step 7 - Design of 24-hour Water Quality Drawdown Structure

The proposed facility is designed to store 50% of the treatment volume above the
permanent pool. The elevation corresponding to the treatment volume of 22,992
ft3 is approximately 52.72’ (see Table 11.12). The volume above the permanent
pool elevation (52.00’) is required to have a drawdown of at least 24 hours. In
addition, the 1-year 24-hour storm should have a maximum ponding depth of less
than 1’, or a maximum elevation of 53.0’. It is recommended that the designer
use hydraulic design software that has the ability to model a multi-stage
structure. It is typical that many iterations may be necessary to meet multiple
criteria related to the design.

For this particular installation, a combination 6” wide rectangular weir and

48”x48” riser crest conforming to the VDOT SWM-1 Standard Detail, with crest
elevation at 52.6’ achieves the required extended detention and impoundment
goals. Note that for smaller installations, it is recommended that the drawdown


and baseflow structure be a submerged inverted pipe to prevent clogging.
However, due to the design volumes treated by this facility, the 6” rectangular
weir is less prone to clogging by organic matter. Drawdown calculations using
the designed control structure are shown in Table 11.14., showing that the
required 24-hour drawdown is met.

Routing calculations showing the maximum depth of the 1-year 24-hour storm
are shown in Table 11.15. Note that during routing calculations it is assumed
that the starting pool elevation is at the permanent pool elevation of the facility
(52’). The maximum elevation of the 1-year 24-hour storm as shown in Table
11.14 is 52.97’, which is lower than the maximum allowed elevation of 53.00’.

The conveyance pipe providing outfall from the riser structure is a 30” RCP pipe
at 2.0% slope. The discharge pipe has been designed to convey the 10-year
outflow to a point of adequate discharge (calculations for adequacy not shown).
Modified puls routing calculations of the 10-year 24-hour post-development storm
using the outlet structure and rating curves developed above result in a peak
elevation of 53.36’ and a peak outflow of 42.31 cfs. See abbreviated set of
routing calculations for 10-year storm in Table 11.16. An emergency spillway for
conveyance of the 100-year storm should be designed with a crest elevation of
approximately 53.40’. The 100-year storm elevation is required to have a
maximum elevation less than 4’ above the maximum pool elevation, or 56.00’.
Calculations for the 100-year storm yield a peak elevation of 53.99’ if a 20’ wide
emergency spillway is installed at 53.40’ (calculations not shown).

Table 11.14 Extended Drawdown Calculations for 0.5Tv

Elevation Storage Outflow Time
(ft) (acre-ft) (cfs) (hours)
52.72 0.526 3.65
52.63 0.488 1.23 0.1885
52.53 0.442 0.61 0.598
52.42 0.404 0.44 0.882
52.32 0.369 0.28 1.1973
52.21 0.333 0.16 1.9527
52.11 0.298 0.06 4.0597
52.00 0.262 0.00 15.2692
Total 24.1474


Table 11.15 Portion of Modified Puls Routing Analysis of 1-Year Storm
Runoff Hydrograph Basin Storage Elevation Basin Outflow
Time Inflow Inflow Used MSL Outflow Total
(hrs) (cfs) (cfs) (acre-ft) (feet) (cfs) (cfs)
0.00 0.50 0.50 0.26 52.00 0.00 0.00
0.10 0.56 0.56 0.27 52.01 0.01 0.01
0.20 0.62 0.62 0.27 52.03 0.01 0.01
0.30 0.67 0.67 0.28 52.04 0.02 0.02
0.40 0.76 0.76 0.28 52.06 0.03 0.03
0.50 0.85 0.85 0.29 52.08 0.04 0.04
0.60 0.94 0.94 0.30 52.10 0.05 0.05
0.70 1.18 1.18 0.30 52.12 0.07 0.07
0.80 1.43 1.43 0.31 52.15 0.10 0.10
0.90 1.68 1.68 0.33 52.19 0.13 0.13
1.00 2.80 2.80 0.34 52.24 0.19 0.19
1.10 5.22 5.22 0.37 52.33 0.31 0.31
1.20 9.73 9.73 0.43 52.50 0.57 0.57
1.30 15.10 15.10 0.52 52.71 3.07 3.07
1.40 17.45 17.45 0.60 52.89 10.69 10.69
1.50 16.83 16.83 0.63 52.97 15.12 15.12
1.60 13.48 13.48 0.63 52.97 15.15 15.15
1.70 10.05 10.05 0.61 52.93 12.78 12.78
1.80 7.69 7.69 0.59 52.88 10.17 10.17
1.90 6.25 6.25 0.57 52.83 8.14 8.14
2.00 4.82 4.82 0.56 52.80 6.56 6.56


Table 11.16 Portion of Modified Puls Routing Analysis of 10-Year Storm
Runoff Hydrograph Basin Storage Elevation Basin Outflow
Time Inflow Inflow Used MSL Outflow Total
(hrs) (cfs) (cfs) (acre-ft) (feet) (cfs) (cfs)
1.00 7.86 7.86 0.4839 52.62 1.09 1.09
1.10 14.21 14.21 0.548 52.77 5.45 5.45
1.20 25.75 25.75 0.6297 52.96 14.75 14.75
1.30 39.05 39.05 0.7227 53.16 27.54 27.54
1.40 44.23 44.23 0.7933 53.31 38.65 38.65
1.50 42.39 42.39 0.8166 53.36 42.31 42.31
1.60 33.61 33.61 0.795 53.31 38.92 38.92
1.70 24.83 24.83 0.7467 53.21 31.2 31.2
1.80 18.9 18.9 0.6989 53.11 24.09 24.09
1.90 15.3 15.3 0.662 53.03 19.04 19.04
2.00 11.71 11.71 0.6324 52.97 15.13 15.13

Step 8 - Water Balance Calculation

To ensure that the wetland permanent marsh does not become dry during
extended periods of low or absent inflow, the designer must perform a water
balance calculation. Equation 11.1, discussed previously, includes a brief
analysis of minimum pool depths related to drought conditions. The minimum
deep pool depth recommended is 22”. The deep pools in this analysis are
proposed at 48”, which exceeds the minimum depth for drought conditions.

A secondary analysis is performed for the anticipated low flow conditions. For
Hopewell, Virginia, the month with the lowest average precipitation is February,
at 3.19”. Using this average rainfall, Equation 11.1 is evaluated as:

15.3 KR × 0.41
8B = 3.19 L, × − 8 L, − 7.2 L, − 6 L, = 28 L,RℎN\
0.41 KR

This exceeds the recommended minimum deep pool depth (22”) during drought

Step 9 - Landscaping

As discussed previously, landscaping plans should be designed by a wetlands

expert or a certified landscape architect with input from the design engineer
regarding the aerial extent of various zones. The four inundation zones that must
be evaluated for planting are:
• Zone 1: -6” to -12” below normal pool
• Zone 2: -6” to normal pool
• Zone 3: Normal pool to +12”
• Zone 4: +12” to +36”


Specific guidance on plant species suitable for each zone can be found in the
Virginia Stormwater Design Specification No. 13, Constructed Wetland, Draft
(DCR/DEQ, 2013). Invasive species such as cattails, Phragmites, and purple
loosestrife should be avoided.


Chapter 12 Wet Ponds
12.1 Overview of Practice

A wet pond is a basin that retains a portion of its inflow in a permanent pool so
the basin is typically wet, even during non-runoff producing periods. Generally,
stormwater runoff is stored above the permanent pool, as necessary, to provide
flood control and/or downstream channel protection. Wet ponds are capable of
providing downstream flood control, water quality improvement, channel erosion
control, and the reduction of post-development runoff rates to pre-development

Typically, wet ponds are difficult to incorporate on VDOT projects due to the area
required for the footprint of the facility. Also, because wet ponds provide no
runoff reduction credit, they should be used only if additional water quality
improvement credit is required after all other options are exhausted.
Requirements shown herein are modifications to specifications found in Virginia
Stormwater Design Specification No. 14, Wet Pond (DCR/DEQ, 2013), for
specific application to VDOT projects.

Wet ponds can be an important part of the stormwater quality treatment train, but
they require special design considerations to minimize maintenance. Otherwise,
they can become a maintenance burden, particularly if sediment accumulate or if
flows cause erosion. Good design can eliminate or at least minimize such


Table 12.1 Summary of Stormwater Functions Provided by Wet Ponds
Virginia Stormwater Design Specification No. 14, Wet Pond (DCR/DEQ, 2013)
Stormwater Function Level 1 Design Level 2 Design
Annual Runoff Volume
0% 0%
Reduction (RR) 1
Total Phosphorus (TP) EMC
Reduction2 by BMP Treatment 50% (45%) 3 75% (65%) 3
Total Phosphorus (TP) Mass
50% (45%) 3 75% (65%) 3
Load Removal
Total Nitrogen (TN) EMC
Reduction2 by BMP Treatment 30% (20%) 3 40% (30%) 3
Total Nitrogen (TN) Mass Load
30% (20%) 3 40% (30%) 3
Yes; detention storage can be provided above the
Channel Protection
permanent pool.
Yes; flood control storage can be provided above
Flood Mitigation
the permanent pool.
Runoff Reduction rates for ponds used for year round irrigation can be determined
through a water budget computation.
Change in event mean concentration (EMC) through the practice.
Number in parentheses is slightly lower EMC removal rate in the coastal plain (or any
location) if the wet pond is influenced by groundwater.
Sources: CWP and CSN (2008), CWP (2007)


Figure 12.1 Schematic of Wet Pond Facility
Virginia Stormwater Design Specification No. 14, Wet Pond (DCR/DEQ, 2013)


12.2 Site Constraints and Siting of the Facility

The surface area of a wet pond will normally be at least 1% to 3% of the

contributing drainage area, depending on the impervious cover, pond geometry,
etc. In addition to the new impervious cover in the contributing drainage area, the
designer must consider additional site constraints when the implementation of
wet pond is proposed. These constraints are discussed as follows.

12.2.1 Minimum Contributing Drainage Area (CDA)

The minimum contributing drainage area (CDA) to a wet pond is recommended
to be 10 to 25 acres or greater in order to maintain the hydrologic and ecologic
functioning of the facility. Although a smaller CDA is possible, extreme
fluctuations in the permanent pool elevation can result, cause nuisances and
clogging. In these cases, designers should look at implementing constructed
wetlands instead of wet ponds.

It is important to design wet ponds within the limits established for CDAs. Too
much or too little runoff can result in performance issues and the need for
subsequent repairs or reconstruction.

12.2.2 Hydraulic Head

Typically, wet pond requires at least 6 to 8’ of head to drive the system.

12.2.3 Minimum Setbacks

Typically, the temporary pool impoundment should be no closer than 20’ to
property/right-of-way lines, 25’ from foundations, 50’ to septic drain fields, and
100’ from private water supply wells. Variances to these typical setback
requirements may be considered, but must be approved by the District Office.

12.2.4 Site Slopes

Generally, wet ponds should not be constructed within 50’ of any slope steeper
than 15%. When this is unavoidable, a geotechnical report is required to address
the potential impact of the facility in the vicinity of such a slope. Some adjustment
can be made by terracing pond cells in a linear manner, using a 1’ to 2’ armored
elevation drop between individual cells. Terracing may work well on longitudinal
slopes with gradients up to approximately 10%.

12.2.5 Site Soils

A wet pond can be built and can function successfully on a variety of soil types.
However, when such a facility is proposed, a subsurface analysis and
permeability test is required. Soils exhibiting excessively high infiltration rates
are not suited for the construction of a wet pond, as they will behave as an
infiltration facility until clogging occurs. The designer should also keep in mind
that as the ponded depth within the basin increases, so does the hydraulic head.
This increase in hydraulic head results in increased pressure, which leads to an
increase in the observed rate of infiltration. To combat excessive infiltration
rates, a clay liner, geosynthetic membrane, or other material (as approved by the


Materials Division) may be employed. The basin’s embankment material must
meet the specifications detailed later in this section and/or be approved by the
Materials Division. Embankment design shall be in accordance with DCR dam
safety regulations.

12.2.6 Depth to Water Table

Construction in areas with high water table is possible; however, excavation is
difficult and more costly in areas with high groundwater, and pollutant removal
efficiencies are typically diminished, as described in Table 12.1.

12.2.7 Depth to Bedrock

Typically, wet ponds are not recommended in areas with high bedrock due to the
danger that fractures in the rock will allow rapid exfiltration of the wet pool. If
sufficient separation between the bottom of pond and bedrock (typically 3’) is
employed, in addition to a pond liner, exceptions to locations may be granted by

12.2.8 Existing Utilities

Basins should not be constructed over existing utility rights-of-way or easements.
This can have significant repercussions for long-term maintenance of the basin.
When this situation is unavoidable, permission to impound water over these
easements must be obtained from the utility owner prior to design of the basin.
When it is proposed to relocate existing utility lines, the costs associated with
their relocation should be considered in the estimated overall basin construction

12.2.9 Karst
Wet ponds are not recommended for installation in or near karst areas. If the
geotechnical report indicates that less than 3’ of vertical separation exists
between the bottom of the pond and the underlying soil/bedrock interface, a wet
pond should not be used due to the risk of sinkhole formation.. Exceptions may
be granted by VDOT. If ponds are employed in karst areas, the following criteria
must apply:
• A minimum of 6’ of unconsolidated soil material exists between the bottom
of the basin and the top of the karst layer.
• Maximum temporary or permanent water elevations within the basin do
not exceed 6’.
• Annual maintenance inspections must be conducted to detect sinkhole
formation. Sinkholes that develop should be reported immediately after
they have been observed, and should be repaired, abandoned, adapted or
observed over time following the guidance prescribed by the appropriate
local or state groundwater protection authority
• A liner is installed that meets the requirements outlined in Table 12.2


Table 12.2 Required Groundwater Protection Liners for Ponds in Karst Terrain
Virginia Stormwater Design Specification No. 14, Wet Pond (DCR/DEQ, 2013)
Situation Criteria
24” of soil with a maximum hydraulic
Pond not excavated to bedrock
conductivity of 1 x 10-5 cm/sec.
24” of clay1 with a maximum hydraulic
Pond excavated to or near bedrock
conductivity of 1 x 10-6 cm/sec.
Pond excavated to bedrock within a
wellhead protection area, in a recharge Synthetic liner with a minimum thickness of
area for a domestic well or spring, or in a 60 mil.
known faulted or folded area
Clay properties as follows:
Plasticity Index of Clay = Not less than 15% (ASTM D-423/424)
Liquid Limit of Clay = Not less than 30% (ASTM D-2216)
Clay Particles Passing = Not less than 30% (ASTM D-422)
Clay Compaction = 95% of standard proctor density (ASTM D-2216)
Source: WVDEP (2006) and VA DCR/DEQ (1999)

12.2.10 Wetlands and Perennial Streams

Wet ponds cannot be located in jurisdictional waters without obtaining necessary
permits as determined after discussing with VDOT Environmental; however, the
practice is typically discouraged. The presence of wet ponds in the vicinity of
natural wetlands or streams can alter the hydraulics of the area and have
unintended long term consequences for the ecosystem.

12.2.11 Upstream Sediment Considerations

Close examination should be given to the flow velocity at all basin inflow points.
When entering flows exhibit erosive velocities, they have the potential to greatly
increase the basin’s maintenance demands by transporting large amounts of
sediment. Additionally, when a basin’s contributing drainage area is highly
pervious, there is also a risk that inflow will contain excessive sediment.

12.2.12 Floodplains
The construction of a wet pond within floodplains is strongly discouraged. When
this situation is deemed unavoidable, critical examination must be given to
ensure that the proposed basin remains functioning effectively during the 10-year
flood event. The structural integrity and safety of the basin must also be
evaluated thoroughly for 100-year flood conditions as well as the basin’s impact
on the characteristics of the 100-year floodplain. When basin construction is
proposed within a floodplain, construction and permitting must comply with all
applicable regulations under FEMA’s National Flood Insurance Program.

12.2.13 Basin Location

When possible, wet ponds should be placed in low profile areas. When such a
basin must be situated in a high profile area, care must be given to ensure that
the presence of the facility does not result in nuisance conditions or have
negative impacts from a wildlife management perspective (e.g., attracts abundant
geese and ducks, beavers and muskrats, etc.).


“Design of any stormwater management facilities with permanent water features
(proposed or potential) located within five (5) miles of a public use or military
airport is to be reviewed and coordinated in accordance with Section A-6 of the
VDOT Road Design Manual.”

12.2.14 Discharge to Trout Streams

Impoundment of water causes increased discharge temperature due to radiant
heating of the water volume. Use of wet ponds in trout stream drainage sheds is
prohibited unless special permission is acquired through conversations with
VDOT Hydraulics.

12.3 General Design Guidelines

The following presents a collection of broad design issues to be considered when

designing a wet pond. Many of these items are expanded upon later in this
document within the context of a full design scenario. A summary of general
sizing requirements are found in Table 12.3. To avoid performance issues, the
facility must be sized properly for the target Treatment Volume. However,
oversizing the storage provided in the BMP, as compared to what is required to
achieve the BMP’s performance target, can decrease the frequency of
maintenance needed and, thus, potential life-cycle costs. Oversizing, where
feasible, can also help VDOT achieve its broader pollution reduction
requirements associated with its DEQ MS4 Permit and the Chesapeake Bay
TMDL. Oversizing options are likely to involve the adjustment of detention times
and may require prior approval by DEQ.

The wet pond is designed to manage the design treatment volume within a
permanent pool, multiple pool cells, or a combination of the permanent pool and
extended detention storage. The design shall be based on the treatment volume
of the contributing drainage area, less any volume treated (and reduced) by
upstream BMPs to determine the permanent pool volume, as well as any other
pond features (forebays, etc.).

12.3.1 Treatment Volume

As shown in Table 12.3, Level 1 facilities are designed based on the total
contributing area treatment volume, while a Level 2 facility requires an additional
50% treatment volume, or 1.50(Rv)(A). For Level 1 facilities, the entire treatment
volume should be below the permanent pool elevation, while several volume
distribution options exist for Level 2 facilities. For Level 2 facilities, the treatment
volume shall either:
• Be treated below the permanent pool in a minimum of 3 internal cells (one
of which may be a sediment forebay)
• Up to 50% may be treated in extended detention above the permanent pool
elevation when using one or multiple cells.


Table 12.3 Wet Pond Design Criteria
Virginia Stormwater Design Specification No. 14, Wet Pond (DCR/DEQ, 2013)
Level 1 Design (RR:0 1; TP: 50 5; TN:30 5) Level 2 Design (RR:0 1; TP: 75 5; TN:40 5)
Tv = [(1.0)(Rv)(A)/12] – volume reduced by Tv = [1.5 (Rv) (A) /12] – volume reduced by
upstream BMP upstream BMP
Single Pond Cell (with forebay) Wet ED 2 (24 hr) and/or a Multiple Cell Design

Length/Width ratio OR Flow path = 2:1 or Length/Width ratio OR Flow path = 3:1 or
more; Length of shortest flow path / overall more;
length 4 = 0.5 or more Length of shortest flow path/overall length4 =
0.8 or more
Standard aquatic benches Wetlands more than 10% of pond area
Turf in pond buffers Trees, shrubs, and herbaceous plants in pond
buffers; Shoreline landscaping to discourage
No Internal Pond Mechanisms Aeration (preferably bubblers that extend to or
near the bottom or floating islands
Runoff volume reduction can be computed for wet ponds designed for water reuse and
upland irrigation.
Extended Detention may be provided to meet a maximum of 50% of the Level 2 Treatment
Volume; Refer to Design Specification 13 for ED design
At least three internal cells must be included, including the forebay
In the case of multiple inflows, the flow path is measured from the dominant inflows (that
comprise 80% or more of the total pond inflow)
Due to groundwater influence, slightly lower TP and TN removal rates in coastal plain, CSN
Technical Bulletin No. 2. (2009)
Sources: CSN (2009), CWP and CSN (2008), CWP (2007)

12.3.2 Storage Volume

For a Level 1 design, the vertical depth of the permanent pool (volume equal to
BMP treatment volume) should be between 4’ and 6’. Depths for flood control
(e.g. 2-, 10-, and 100-year events) may exceed this limitation when a multistage
outlet control is employed.

For Level 2 designs, the storage volume is divided into multiple cells (Table
12.3), of which one cell can be a sediment forebay. Typically, other cells related
to a Level 2 design consist of deep pools and wetland cells (see Section 11,
Constructed Wetlands). Typically, the pool configuration is designed to maximize
hydraulic residence time in order to boost the sediment and pollutant removal
functioning of the facility. This includes design elements such as incorporation of
long flow paths and relatively shallow depths through a portion of the facility. In
Level 2 facilities, the allowed extended detention volume cannot exceed a depth
of 12” above the permanent pool elevation; however, additional storage volume
can extend to 5’ above the permanent pool when providing storage for
downstream channel and flood protection. Non-erodible berms or simple weirs
should be used instead of pipes to separate multiple pond cells.


12.3.3 Water Balance Testing
Water balance computations must be performed in order to verify that sufficient
inflows compensate for combined infiltrative and evaporative losses during
extended dry periods such as a 30 day drought. Equation 12.1 is as
recommended in Virginia Stormwater Design Specification No. 14, Wet Pond
(DCR/DEQ, 2013).

DP > ET + INF + RES – MB (12.1)

DP = Average design depth of the permanent pool, inches
ET = Summer evapotranspiration rate, inches (assume 8”)
INF = Monthly infiltration loss (assume 7.2 @ 0.01 in/hr)
RES = Reservoir of water for a factor of safety (assume 24”)
MB = Measured baseflow rate to the pond, if any (convert to inches)

Translating the baseflow to inches refers to the depth within the pond. Therefore,
the following equation can be used to convert the baseflow, measured in cubic
feet per second (ft3/s), to pond-inches:

Pond inches = ft3/s * (2.592E6) * (12”/ft) / SA of Pond (ft2) (12.2)


2.592E6 = Conversion factor: cfs to ft3/month.

SA = surface area of pond in ft2

12.3.4 Internal slopes

Side slopes within the facility should typically be kept from 4H:1V to 5H:1V in
exposed planting areas to facilitate vegetative growth and maintenance, and to
prevent excessive erosion. Internal submerged slopes of deep pools and
forebays can typically be steeper, but generally should not exceed a maximum
slope of 3H:1V.

The internal slope of the pond bottom should be at least 0.5% to 1% to ensure
flow proceeds within the facility toward the outlet structure.

12.3.5 Pretreatment Forebay

Proper pre-treatment preserves a greater fraction of the Treatment Volume over
time and prevents large particles from clogging orifices and filter media. Selecting
an improper type of pre-treatment or designing and constructing the pre-
treatment feature incorrectly can result in performance and maintenance issues.
For wet ponds, a forebay shall be located at all major inlet locations to trap
sediment for settling prior to entering the main treatment area of the wet pond


12.3.6 Internal Flow Path
Flow paths within the facility should be long and have significant sinuosity in
order to promote increased hydraulic residence time. The overall flow path
through the main portion of the pond should have a minimum length to width ratio
of 2L:1W for Level 1 designs, and 3L:1W for Level 2 designs. This can be
accomplished through incorporations of islands, berms, peninsulas and the
effective placement of multiple wetland cells.

The ratio of the shortest flow path (from closest inlet to the outlet structure)
should be a minimum of 0.5 for Level 1 designs and 0.8 for Level 2 designs. If
these requirements cannot be met, the drainage area contributing to the closest
inlet may not constitute more than 20% of the total contributing drainage area to
the wet pond.

12.3.7 Benching
All pools with a depth of 4’ or greater shall employ safety and aquatic benches.

A safety bench (intended to reduce the risk of someone falling into the pond) with
a minimum width of 10’ should be employed just above the permanent pool
elevation. The cross slope shall be approximately 2%. Slopes below the bench
should not exceed 3H:1V. If pond side slopes above the permanent pool are
less than 5H:1V, benching is not required.

Aquatic benches (shallow areas just inside the perimeter of the normal pool that
promote growth of aquatic and wetland plants and also provide a safety feature)
shall be employed around the perimeters of forebays, micropools, and wetland
pools. Depth shall range between 0 and 18”. A 10’ minimum width is required
for forebays, micropools and deep pools.

Landscaping (thick shoreline vegetation) should be included in both bench types

to reduce access to the water’s edge by humans or geese.

12.3.8 Inlet Protection

Inlet areas should be stabilized to ensure that non-erosive conditions exist during
storm events up to the overbank flood event (i.e., the 10-year storm event). Inlet
pipe inverts should generally be located at or slightly below the permanent pool

12.3.9 Principal Spillway

Design the principal spillway with acceptable anti-flotation, anti-vortex and trash
rack devices. The spillway must generally be accessible from dry land. Refer to
Appendix B: Principal Spillways of the Introduction to the New Virginia
Stormwater Design Specifications, as posted on the Virginia Stormwater BMP
Clearinghouse web site:


12.3.10 Low Flow Orifice
Traditionally, orifice sizes would be a minimum of 3” in diameter to prevent
clogging. However, newer basins designed for extended drawdown may require
an orifice < 3” in diameter to meet the technical criteria. Risks to clogging of
small orifices <3” in diameter can be minimized by:
• Providing a 4’ deep micropool at the outlet structure, using a reverse slope
pipe (for discharge) that extends downward from the riser to an inflow
point 1’ below the pool elevation
• Maximizing the size of the sediment forebay to reduce the likelihood of
trash reaching outlet location
• Implementation of trash racks to protect low flow orifice
• Employ a broad crested rectangular or V-notch weir, protected by half
(semicircular) CMP extending 12” below the pool elevation

12.3.11 Foundation and Embankment Material

Foundation data for the dam must be secured by the Materials Division to
determine whether or not the native material is capable of supporting the dam
while not allowing water to seep under the dam.

“The foundation material under the dam and the material used for the
embankment of the dam should be an AASHTO Type A-4 or finer and/or meet
the approval of the Materials Division. If the native material is not adequate, the
foundation of the dam is to be excavated and backfilled a minimum of 4’ or the
amount recommended by the VDOT Materials Division. The backfill and
embankment material must meet the soil classification requirements identified
herein or the design of the dam may incorporate a trench lined with a membrane
(such as bentonite penetrated fabric or an HDPE or LDPE liner). Such designs
shall be reviewed and approved by the VDOT Materials Division before use.”

The design of the dam should employ a homogenous embankment with seepage
controls or zoned embankments, or similar design in accordance with
recommendations of the VDOT Materials Division.

Soil borings should be conducted within the footprint of the proposed

embankment, in the vicinity of the proposed outlet structure, and in at least two
locations within the proposed Wet Pond treatment area. Soil boring data is
needed to (1) determine the physical characteristics of the excavated material to
determine its adequacy as structural fill or for other uses, (2) determine the need
and appropriate design depth of the embankment cut-off trench; (3) provide data
for structural designs of the outlet works (e.g., bearing capacity and buoyancy),
(4) determine the depth to groundwater and bedrock and (5) evaluate potential
infiltration losses (and the potential need for a liner).


During the initial subsurface investigation, additional borings should be made
near the center of the proposed basin when:
• Excavation from the basin will be used to construct the embankment;
• There is a potential of encountering rock during excavation; or
• A high or seasonally high water table, generally 2’ or less, is suspected.

12.3.12 Embankment
The top width of the embankment should be a minimum of 10’ in width to provide
ease of construction and maintenance. The design of the dam should be in
accordance with Appendix A: Earthen Embankments of the Introduction to the
New Virginia Stormwater Design Specifications, as posted on the Virginia
Stormwater BMP Clearinghouse web site:

To permit mowing and other maintenance, the embankment slopes should be no

steeper than 4H:1V, or 3H:1V if a safety bench is employed.

12.3.13 Embankment Height

A detention basin embankment may be regulated under the Virginia Dam Safety
Act, Article 2, Chapter 6, Title 10.1 (10.1-604 et seq.) of the Code of Virginia and
Dam Safety Regulations (4 VAC 50-20 et seq.) established by the Virginia Soil
and Water Conservation Board (VS&WCB). A detention basin embankment may
be excluded from regulation if it meets any of the following criteria:
• is less than 6’ in height
• has a capacity of less than 50 acre-ft and is less than 25’ in height
• has a capacity of less than 15 acre-ft and is more than 25’ in height
• will be owned or licensed by the Federal Government

When an embankment is not regulated by the Virginia Dam Regulations, it must

still be evaluated for structural integrity when subjected to the 100-year flood

12.3.14 Outfall Piping

The pipe culvert under or through the basin’s embankment shall be reinforced
concrete equipped with rubber gaskets. Pipe: Specifications Section 232
(AASHTO M170), Gasket: Specification Section 212 (ASTM C443).

A concrete cradle shall be used under the pipe to prevent seepage through the
dam. The cradle shall begin at the riser or inlet end of the pipe, and run the full
length of the pipe.

The design must specify an outfall that will be stable for the maximum (pipe-full)
design discharge (the 10-year design storm event or the maximum flow when
surcharged during the emergency spillway design event, whichever is greater).
The channel immediately below the pond outfall must be modified to prevent


erosion and conform to natural dimensions in the shortest possible distance.
Outlet protection should be provided consistent with guidelines provided in the
VDOT Drainage Manual.

12.3.15 Emergency Spillway

Wet Ponds must be constructed with overflow capacity to pass the 100-year
design storm event through either the Primary Spillway (with 2’ of freeboard to
the settled top of embankment) or a vegetated or armored Emergency Spillway
(with at least 1’ of freeboard to the settled top of embankment). The emergency
spillway shall be stabilized with rip rap, concrete, or any other non-erodible
material approved by the VDOT Material Division. Refer to Appendix C:
Vegetated Emergency Spillways of the Introduction to the New Virginia
Stormwater Design Specifications, as posted on the Virginia Stormwater BMP
Clearinghouse web site at the following URL:

12.3.16 Safety and Fencing

Although most projects will be in limited access areas, safety measures shall be
employed on all pond components and outfall structures to ensure public safety.
Trash racks and/or fencing shall be used on principle outlet structures and pipe
outfalls to prevent access.
• Ponded depths greater than 3’ and/or excessively steep embankment
• The basin is situated in close proximity to schools or playgrounds, or other
areas where children are expected to frequent
• It is recommended by the VDOT Field Inspection Review Team, the VDOT
Residency Administrator, or a representative of the City or County who will
take over maintenance of the facility

“No Trespassing” signs should be considered for inclusion on all detention

facilities, whether fenced or unfenced.

12.3.17 Discharge Protection

All basin outfalls must discharge into an adequate receiving channel per the most
or meet the channel protection requirements of the Virginia Stormwater
Management Regulations. Unless unique site conditions mandate otherwise,
receiving channels should be analyzed for overtopping during conveyance of the
10-year discharge event, or the design discharge through the emergency
spillway, whichever is greater.

12.3.18 Drawdown System

Wet ponds shall be designed with a system for drawdown in order to perform
maintenance and remove accumulated sediment. The draw down pipe should
have a gate valve, or similar device, installed to allow manual operation during
drawdown activities. Note that the design of valve system should take into


account expected debris buildup in the draw down piping, which may affect the
operation of the valve.

If a gravity based drawdown system is not feasible, such as in areas with high
groundwater conditions, a pump wet well shall be provided for incorporation of
temporary pumps required to draw down the permanent pool for maintenance

12.3.19 Pond Liners

When a wet pond is located over permeable soils (greater than 1x10-6 cm/sec) or
fractured bedrock, a liner may be needed to sustain a permanent pool of water.
Suitable options for liners may include:
• A clay liner following the specifications outlined in Table 12.3
• A 30 mil poly-liner
• Bentonite
• Chemical additives
• Alternative engineering design, as approved on a case-by-case basis by

A clay liner meeting the specifications shown in Table 12.3 should have a
minimum thickness of 12” with an additional 12” layer of compacted soil above. If
the pond is being constructed in Karst terrain, the liner must conform to criteria in
Table 12.4.

Table 12.4 Clay Liner Specifications

Virginia Stormwater Design Specification No. 14, Wet Pond (DCR/DEQ, 2013)
Property Test Method Unit Specification
Permeability ASTM D-2434 Cm/sec 1 x 10-6
Plasticity Index of
ASTM D-423/424 % Not less than 15
Liquid Limit of Clay ASTM D-2216 % Not less than 30
Clay Particles
ASTM D-422 % Not less than 30
95% of standard proctor
Clay Compaction ASTM D-2216 %
Source: DCR/DEQ (1999)

12.3.20 Landscaping
A landscaping plan must be provided that indicates the methods used to
establish and maintain vegetative coverage in the pond and its buffer. Minimum
elements of a plan include the following:
• Delineation of pondscaping zones within both the pond and buffer
• Selection of corresponding plant species
• The planting plan
• The sequence for preparing the aquatic and safety benches (including soil
amendments, if needed)
• Sources of native plant material


• The landscaping plan should provide elements that promote diverse
wildlife and waterfowl use within the stormwater pond and buffers.
However to the extent possible, the aquatic and safety benches
should be planted with dense shoreline vegetation to help establish
a safety barrier, as well as discourage resident geese.
• Woody vegetation may not be planted or allowed to grow within 15’ of the
toe of the embankment nor within 25’ outward from the maximum water
surface elevation of the wet pond. Permanent structures (e.g., buildings)
should not be constructed within the buffer area. Existing trees should be
preserved in the buffer area during construction.
• The soils in the stormwater buffer area are often severely compacted
during the construction process, to ensure stability. The density of these
compacted soils can be so great that if effectively prevents root
penetration and, therefore, may lead to premature mortality or loss of
vegetative vigor. As a rule of thumb, planting holes should be three times
deeper and wider than the diameter of the root ball for ball-and-burlap
stock, and five times deeper and wider for container-grown stock.
• Avoid species that require full shade, or are prone to wind damage. Extra
mulching around the base of trees and shrubs is strongly recommended
as a means of conserving moisture and suppressing weeds.

For more guidance on planting trees and shrubs in Wet Pond buffers, consult the
• Cappiella et al (2006)
• DCR/DEQ's Riparian Buffer Modification & Mitigation Guidance Manual,
available online at:
• Appendix E: Landscaping of the Introduction to the New Virginia
Stormwater Design Specifications , as posted on the Virginia Stormwater
BMP Clearinghouse web site:

The landscaping plan shall be developed by a wetlands expert or a certified

landscape architect with input from the design engineer regarding the aerial
extent of various zones. Planting, when incorporating constructed wetland
components, shall be in accordance with standards specified in the VDOT
Special Provision for Constructed Wetland (2014). The plan should contain
native species that exist in surrounding native wetlands to the extent possible.
For extensive information regarding plant selections for various wetland zones,
the design professional is referred to the Virginia Stormwater Design
Specification No. 13, Constructed Wetland (DCR/DEQ, 2013).


12.3.21 Maintenance Access
Good access to the facility is needed so maintenance crews can remove
sediments, make repairs and preserve pond treatment capacity.
• Adequate maintenance access must extend to the forebay, safety bench,
riser, and outlet structure and must have sufficient area to allow vehicles
to turn around.
• The riser should be located within the embankment for maintenance
access, safety and aesthetics. Access to the riser should be provided by
lockable manhole covers and manhole steps within easy reach of valves
and other controls.
• Access roads must (1) be constructed of materials that can withstand the
expected frequency of use, (2) have a minimum width of 12’, and (3) have
a profile grade that does not exceed 15%. Steeper grades are allowable if
appropriate stabilization techniques are used, such as a gravel surface.
• A maintenance right-of-way or easement must extend to the stormwater
pond from a public or private road.

12.3.22 Pond Aeration

Level 2 designs are required to have internal aeration systems. Specific types of
mechanical or electrical aerators must be approved by the VDOT Materials
division prior to incorporation in design documents. Typically, an electrical
connection is necessary for operation of aeration systems. Aerators can be used
on a continuous, seasonal, or temporary basis as needed to maintain minimum
oxygen levels.

12.3.23 Application in Coastal Plains

Due to flat terrain, low hydraulic head, and high water table, application of wet
ponds in coastal plains areas is difficult. Although allowed, adjustments to
nutrient removal credits are applied in these situations, as outlined in Table 12.1.
Typically, constructed wetlands would be a preferred alternative in coastal plains

12.3.24 Design Adjustments for Cold Climates and High Elevations

Wet pond performance is negatively affected in areas subject to extended cold
temperatures due to ice formation and accumulation. In addition, ponds in these
areas are typically subject to runoff with higher salt loading due to winter road
maintenance. The following adjustments are recommended for application in
these areas, as found in Virginia Stormwater Design Specification No. 14, Wet
Pond (DCR/DEQ, 2013):
• Treat larger runoff volumes in the spring by adopting seasonal operation
of the permanent pool (see MSSC, 2005).
• Plant salt-tolerant vegetation in pond benches.
• Do not submerge inlet pipes, and provide a minimum 1% pipe slope to
discourage ice formation.
• Locate low flow orifices so they withdraw at least 6” below the typical ice


• Place trash racks at a shallow angle to prevent ice formation.
• Oversize riser and weir structures to avoid ice formation and pipe freezing.
• If winter road sanding is prevalent in the contributing drainage area,
increase the forebay size to accommodate additional sediment loading.

12.4 Design Example

This section presents the design process applicable to wet ponds serving as
water quality BMP. The pre and post-development runoff characteristics are
intended to replicate stormwater management needs routinely encountered on
VDOT projects. The hydrologic calculations and assumptions presented in this
section serve only as input data for the detailed BMP design steps. Full
hydrologic discussion is beyond the scope of this report, and the user is referred
to Chapter 11 of the Virginia Stormwater Management Handbook, 2nd Edition,
Draft (DCR/DEQ, 2013) for details on hydrologic methodology.

The proposed project includes the installation of a new interchange on US 460 in

Blacksburg, Virginia. The proposed intersection is to serve as a relocation and
improvement in level of service classification to the existing Southgate Drive
signalized intersection. The hydrologic classification of on-site soils within the
contributing drainage area is a mixture of approximately 55% HSG B and 45%
HSG C. Although part of a larger hydrologic analysis, the portion of the project in
the contributing drainage area covered by this example drains to the proposed
location of the facility on the south side of Southgate Drive, located at Lat
37.213620, and Long -80.429768. The disturbed area of the project within this
drainage area is approximately 78.0 acres; however, a contributing drainage area
of approximately 105.0 acres drains to the proposed site of the wet pond. Pre-
development and post-development conditions within the contributing drainage
area are described in Table 12.5, and those of the disturbed area are shown in
Table 12.6. The time of concentration to the wet pond as determined by
standard methodology (see VDOT Drainage Manual) is 42.0 minutes. The
project site does not exhibit the presence of a high groundwater table.
Geotechnical borings do not indicate the presence of significant bedrock within 5’
vertically below the proposed basin bottom.

Table 12.5 Hydrologic Characteristics of Disturbed Area of Example Project Site

Imp. Turf Forest Imp. Turf Forest
Soil Classification HSG B HSG C
Area (acres) 2.6 47.2 8.0 2.2 42.0 3.0
Soil Classification HSG B HSG C
Area (acres) 30.3 19.5 8.0 29.5 14.7 3.0

The Virginia Runoff Reduction Method (VRRM) is used to compute the

acceptable phosphorus load for the site and the required post-construction
phosphorus removal. Use of the VRRM spreadsheet will not result in adjusted
curve numbers since wet ponds do not receive any volume reduction credit. In
the case of this project, conversations with Virginia Tech have resulted in plans
to use this facility as a regional stormwater management facility for future


development. Therefore, the numbers in Table 12.5 are further refined to include
expected build-out, as shown in Table 12.6, prior to entering data into the VRRM

Table 12.6 Hydrologic Characteristics of Disturbed Area of Example Project Site

Imp. Turf Forest Imp. Turf Forest
Soil Classification HSG B HSG C
Area (acres) 0.0 34.7 8.0 0.0 32.3 3.0
Soil Classification HSG B HSG C
Area (acres) 27.7 7.0 8.0 27.3 5.0 3.0

Step 1 - Enter Data into VRRM Spreadsheet

The required disturbed area data from Table 12.8 is input into the VRRM
Spreadsheet for Redevelopment (2015), resulting in site data summary
information shown in Table 12.7.

Table 12.7 Summary of Output from VRRM Site Data Summary Tab
Site Rv 0.71
Post-development TP Load (lb/yr) 125.69
Total TP Load Reduction Required (lb/yr) 97.92

It is important to note again that the values entered in the VRRM spreadsheet
(Table 12.6) are only the values for the disturbed area of the project. Although
other areas (105.00 acres total) drain to the proposed facility as described in the
problem statement, they are not part of the disturbed area, and should not be
entered as such in the VRRM Spreadsheet to compute required reductions.

Information for the full drainage area (Table 12.5) is then entered into the
Drainage Area tab of the VRRM Spreadsheet. A Level 2 wet pond is chosen for
the treatment BMP, and information is entered in the appropriate cells of the
spreadsheet, resulting in summary output shown in Table 12.8.

Table 12.8 Summary of Output from VRRM for Level 2 Wet Pond
Total Impervious Cover Treated (acres) 59.80
Total Turf Area Treated (acres) 34.20
Total TP Load Reduction Achieved in D.A. A (lb/yr) 109.25

In this case, the total phosphorus reduction required is 97.92 lbs/yr. The
estimated removal is 109.25 lbs/yr; therefore, the target has been met.

Step 2 - Compute the Required Treatment Volume

The treatment volume can be calculated using Section 1, Equation 1 or taken

directly from the VRRM Spreadsheet Drainage Area tabs. For this example, the
treatment volume is computed using the Section 1 equations.


8.0 acres 0.03 3.0 acres 0.04
= + =0.03
% 11.0 acres 11.0 acres

19.50 acres 0.20 14.7 acres 0.22

= + =0.21
$ 34.20 acres 34.20 acres

30.30 acres 0.95 29.50 acres 0.95

= + =0.95
59.80 acres 59.80 acres

= × %!" + $
×% "

11.0 acres 34.2 acres 59.8 acres

= )0.03 × - + )0.21 × - + )0.95 × - = 0.61
105.0 acres 105.0 acres 105.0 acres

Once the has been calculated, the Treatment Volume for the 1.0”
runoff through the facility can be directly computed using Equation 1.1 for a
Level 2 facility.

1.50 1.0 in. 0.61 105.0 acres

=¥ ¦ = 8.0 acre-ft = 348,480 PQ 0

Step 3 - Enter Data in Channel and Flood Protection Tab

Hydrologic computations for required design storms for flood and erosion
compliance are not shown as part of this example. The user is directed to the
VDOT Drainage Manual for appropriate levels of protection and design
requirements related to erosion and flood protection. However, hydrologic
computations are necessary to compute peaks to design components of the Wet

Values for the 1-, 2-, and 10-year 24-hour rainfall depth should be determined
from the National Oceanographic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) Atlas
14 and entered into the “Channel and Flood Protection” tab of the spreadsheet.
For this site, those values are shown in Table 12.9. Curve numbers used for
computations should be those calculated as part of the Runoff Reduction
Spreadsheet (Virginia Runoff Reduction Spreadsheet for Redevelopment, 2014),
which in this case are unadjusted. The resulting unadjusted curve numbers for
all return periods are reported in the channel and flood protection tab of the
VRRM spreadsheet, with a value of 84, as shown in Table 12.10.

Table 12.9 Rainfall Totals from NOAA Atlas 14

1-year storm 2-year storm 10-year storm 100-year storm
Rainfall (inches) 2.26 2.74 4.08 6.49


Table 12.10 UnAdjusted CN from Runoff Reduction Channel and Flood Protection
1-year 2-year 10-year
Storm Storm Storm
RVDeveloped (in) with no Runoff Reduction 0.93 1.31 2.44
RVDeveloped (in) with Runoff Reduction 0.93 1.31 2.44
Adjusted CN 84 84 84

Input data is used in the Natural Resource Conservation Service Technical

Release 55 (NRCS TR-55) Tabular method to calculate discharge hydrographs.
(Note that other hydrologic methodologies are suitable-see VDOT Drainage
Manual, Hydrology for guidance). Peaks of those hydrographs for the 1-, 2-,
10-, and 100-year storms are reported in Table 12.11. These values will be used
to size the conveyance downstream of the wet pond. Although full hydraulic
calculations for flood and channel protection are not fully explored in this design
example, the pre-development peak flows to this location are shown in Table
12.12 for comparison.

Table 12.11 Post-development Discharge Peaks to Wet Pond

1-year storm 2-year storm 10-year storm 100-year storm
Discharge (cfs) 61 88 172 324

Table 12.12 Pre-development Discharge Peaks to Wet Pond

1-year storm 2-year storm 10-year storm 100-year storm
Discharge (cfs) 12 26 77 198

Step 4 - Sizing the Sediment Forebays

A sediment forebay will be included on the inflow side of the project. The
majority of runoff (>90%) will enter the facility from a single direction. Volume of
the sediment forebay is required to be designed to be a minimum of 0.25” of
runoff per impervious acre of contributing drainage area, or:

1 PQ 43,560 PQ
'³´µdN &³JN¶K¨ = 0.25 in ) - × 59.8 ac ) - = 54,268 PQ 0
12 L, 1 KR

Step 5 - Sizing the Main Pond and Extended Detention Volumes

As a Level 2 wet pond, the facility is required to either use multiple pools to store
the treatment volume below the permanent pool elevation, or provide extended
detention for up to 50% of the treatment volume (24-hour minimum drawdown)
within 1’ above the permanent pool. For this site, the second option will be used
to meet the requirements. In order to have some indication of elevations and
storage, the first step is to create a storage elevation table (Table 12.13) from
topographic data. The desire is to use existing site grades for the facility, to the
extent possible, in order to limit disturbance and earthwork required at the wet
pond site.


Table 12.13 Stage-Storage Relationship
Total Volume
(acre - ft)
2024.1 0.000
2026 2.027
2028 4.967
2030 10.867
2032 20.117
2034 32.137

Initially, there are two particular elevations that need to be derived from the
stage-storage relationship. They are the elevation corresponding to the
treatment volume (8.0 acre-ft), and that corresponding to 50% of the treatment
volume (4.0 acre-ft). Based on linear interpolation, the elevation corresponding
to 50% of the treatment volume is 2027.34’, and that corresponding to the
treatment volume is 2029.03. Because the extended detention storage volume
cannot exceed 1’ (12”) above the permanent pool, a 50%-50% split is not
possible since 2029.03’ – 2027.34’ is 1.69’. Therefore, the permanent pool
elevation will be set at 2028.1’, which corresponds to a volume of 5.26 acre-ft.
Therefore, the permanent pool will store 66% of the volume, and the extended
detention portion will temporarily store the remaining 34%.

Step 6 - Design of 24-hour Water Quality Drawdown Structure

The proposed facility will be designed to store 34% of the treatment volume
above the permanent pool. The volume above the permanent pool elevation is
required to have a drawdown of at least 24 hours. It is recommended that the
designer use hydraulic design software that has the ability to model a multi-stage
structure. It is typical that many iterations may be necessary to meet multiple
criteria related to the design. Because these computations are not normally done
by hand, detailed orifice and grate sizing computations are not shown in this
document. If hand calculations are performed, the user is directed to the VDOT
Drainage Manual for detailed guidance on orifice and grate sizing calculations.

For this particular installation, a 1’ circular orifice at elevation 2028’.1 is proposed

as the water quality orifice. Using a 0.6 orifice coefficient, the discharge
elevation curve for the orifice is shown in Figure 12.2.




Discharge (cfs)

2024 2026 2028 2030 2032 2034 2036
Elevation (feet)

Figure 12.2 Discharge-Elevation Curve for Circular Orifice

Next, drawdown (or empty time) calculations must be performed to ensure that
the selected orifice size meets the minimum drawdown of 24 hours for the
extended detention volume. Drawdown calculations using pond routing software
(employing the Modified Puls routing technique) are shown in Table 12.14.
Based on these calculations, the extended drawdown requirement is met. At this
point, the designer may wish to increase the orifice size in order to decrease the
drawdown time to a point closer to the 24-hour minimum; however, additional
channel protection requirements requires that discharge limitations must be
determined prior to increasing the orifice size.

Table 12.14 Extended Drawdown Calculations

Elevation Storage Outflow Time
(ft) (acre-ft) (cfs) (hours)
2029.03 8.00 2.32
2028.53 6.52 0.54 12.56
2028.10 5.41 0.21 35.91
Total 48.47

Step 7 - Water Balance Calculation

To ensure that the wet pond does not become dry during extended periods of low
or absent inflow, the designer must perform a water balance calculation.
Equation 12.1 calculates a recommended minimum pool depth to ensure that
adequate pool volume will remain during drought conditions. The minimum deep
pool depth (prior to calculation) as recommended is 22”. The deep pools in this


example are proposed at 48”, which exceed the minimum depth for drought

DP > 8”+ 7.2” + 24” – 0 (12.1)

Although there is minimal base flow into the wet pond area, it is negligible for
most of the year, and assumed to be 0, which is conservative. The equation
above evaluates to a minimum deep pool depth of 39.2”.

Step 8 - Permanent Pool Length to Width Ratio

The total length of the facility along the flow path from the inflow to the outflow
point is 515’. The maximum width is 165’. Both of these measurements are
taken at the elevation of the permanent pool. The ratio evaluates to 515:165, or
3.12:1. Therefore, the Level 2 requirement of 3:1 or higher ratio has been

Due to the direction of flow, the short circuiting ratio is not an issue for this wet
pond implementation since a very small percentage of the flow enters the pond
near the outlet.

Step 9 - Wetland Area Requirement

Two requirements must be achieved for the Level 2 design. First, a minimum 10’
aquatic bench must be provided around the perimeter of the facility. Second, a
minimum of 10% of the pond surface area (at the permanent pool elevation) must
be wetland. The perimeter of the contour at the permanent pool elevation
(2028.1’) is 1,378’, and the area is 83,372 ft2. If the 10’ aquatic bench is
employed, the area will be approximately 13,207 ft2 (note that this is slightly less
than 1,378’ x 10’ since the 10’ offset is into the wet pool area), which should be
evaluated using CAD software. This area can be used to compute the wetland
areal coverage and determine if additional wetland area is required. The
percentage evaluates as:

13,207PQ .
× 100 = 15.8%
83,372PQ .

Therefore, additional wetland area is not required above that required for the
aquatic bench.

Step 10 - Buoyancy Calculation

Many wet ponds and extended detention facilities have control structures that are
within the zone of saturation, which requires a full buoyancy analysis. In this
case, control structures are designed to be away from the main pool, and
embedded in the embankment outside the zone of saturation; therefore a


buoyancy analysis is not warranted for this specific installation. For more details
on buoyancy calculations, see the design example in Section 13, Extended

Step 11 - Design of Overflow and Conveyance Structures

Overflow and conveyance structures must be designed to pass the specified

design storm based on functional classification of the road. This includes
calculations for overtopping of storms of lower recurrence (i.e. 25-, 50-, and 100-
year storms). These computations are beyond the scope of this design example.
However, the user is directed to the VDOT Drainage Manual for guidance on
flood and erosion compliance calculations, or for Section 13 for an example
routing through and Extended Detention Facility.

Step 12 - Landscaping

As discussed previously, landscaping plans should be designed by a wetlands

expert or a certified landscape architect with input from the design engineer
regarding the aerial extent of various zones. The four inundation zones that must
be evaluated for planting are:
• Zone 1: -6” to -12” below normal pool
• Zone 2: -6” to normal pool
• Zone 3: Normal pool to +12”
• Zone 4: +12” to +36”

Specific guidance on plant species suitable for each zone can be found in the
Virginia DEQ Stormwater Design Specification No. 13, Constructed Wetland
(2013). Invasive species such as cattails, Phragmites, and purple loosestrife
should be avoided.

Step 13 - Outlet Protection

Discharge locations should be evaluated using requirements set forth in the

Virginia Erosion and Sediment Control Handbook, and specifically Minimm
Standard 11 (MS-11), to prevent erosion at discharge locations. The reader is
directed to that reference to determine minimum sizing of outlet protection for this
application. Although channel protection and flood protection were evaluated
above to be adequate, these are still locations of concentrated discharge, and
must be protected.

Step 14 - Pond Aeration

Pond aeration is required and will be implemented using aerators as approved by

VDOT’s Materials Division. Plans shall indicate the source of power for the
aerators and the type and number to be installed throughout facility.


Chapter 13 Extended Detention
13.1 Overview of Practice

An extended detention basin is defined as an impoundment which temporarily

detains runoff and releases that runoff at a controlled rate over a specified period
of time. Extended detention (ED) facilities are particularly effective at reducing
the peak discharge for storms with lower recurrence intervals and consequently,
may be effective measures for reducing downstream erosion caused by
increased runoff peaks. Due to space requirements, ED facilities are difficult to
implement on highway projects.

Extended detention ponds can be an important part of the stormwater quality

treatment train, but they require special design considerations to minimize
maintenance. Otherwise, they can become a maintenance burden, particularly if
sediment accumulates if flows cause erosion. Good design can eliminate or at
least minimize such problems.

An extended detention pond should be the last element in a treatment sequence

and “should be considered only if there is remaining Treatment Volume or
Channel Protection Volume to manage after all other upland runoff
reduction practices have been considered and properly credited” (Virginia
Stormwater Design Specification 15, Extended Detention Pond,
(DCR/DEQ,2013)). Additionally, extended detention facilities should be designed
to provide a 24-hour (Level 1) to 36-hour (Level 2) drawdown storage for the
required treatment volume, which is dependent on the level of design.
Performance credits related to the use of extended detention ponds are found in
Table 13.1. Requirements shown herein are modifications to specifications
found in Virginia Stormwater Design Specification 15, Extended Detention Pond,
(DCR/DEQ,2013), for specific application to VDOT projects.


Table 13.1 Summary of Stormwater Functions Provided by ED Ponds
Virginia Stormwater Design Specification 15, Extended Detention Pond, (DCR/DEQ,
Stormwater Function Level 1 Design Level 2 Design
Annual Runoff Volume
0% 15%
Reduction (RR)
Total Phosphorus (TP) EMC
Reduction1 by BMP Treatment 15% 15%
Total Phosphorus (TP) Mass
15% 31%
Load Removal
Total Nitrogen (TN) EMC
Reduction by BMP Treatment 10% 10%
Total Nitrogen (TN) Mass Load
10% 24%
Yes; storage volume can be provided to
Channel Protection accommodate the full Channel Protection Volume
Yes; flood control storage can be provided above
Flood Mitigation
the maximum extended detention volume
Change in event mean concentration (EMC) through the practice. The actual nutrient
mass load removed is the product of the removal rate and the runoff reduction rate (see
Table 1 in the Introduction to the New Virginia Stormwater Design Specifications)
Sources: CWP and CSN (2008), CWP (2007)


Figure 13.1 Schematic Extended Detention Basin Plan View
Virginia Stormwater Design Specification 15, Extended Detention Pond, (DCR/DEQ,


13.2 Site Constraints and Siting of the Facility

A typical ED Pond requires a footprint of 1% to 3% of its contributing drainage

area, depending on the impervious cover, pond geometry, etc. In addition to the
new impervious cover in the contributing drainage area, the designer must
consider additional site constraints when the implementation of an extended
detention basin is proposed. These constraints are discussed below.

13.2.1 Minimum Contributing Drainage Area (CDA)

The minimum contributing drainage area (CDA) to an extended detention facility
is recommended to be 10 acres or greater in order to maintain the hydrologic and
ecologic functioning of the facility. Although a smaller CDA is possible, the small
orifice sizes required to meet the minimum drawdowns are likely to cause
clogging, increasing maintenance demands. It is important to design wet ponds
within the limits established for CDAs. Too much or too little runoff can result in
performance issues and the need for subsequent repairs or reconstruction.

13.2.2 Hydraulic Head

Typically, an extended detention (ED) facility requires at least 4’ to 6’ of head to
drive the system, but the necessary head may exceed 10’ if the facility is used to
meet channel and flood protection requirements.

13.2.3 Minimum Setbacks

Typically, the temporary pool impoundment should be no closer than 10’ to
property/right-of-way lines, 25’ from foundations, 35’ to septic drain fields, and 50’
from private water supply wells. Variations to these typical setback requirements
may be considered, but must be approved by the District Office.

13.2.4 Site Slopes

Generally, extended detention basins should not be constructed within 50’ of any
slope steeper than 15% and, generally, not in steep terrain at all. When this is
unavoidable, a geotechnical report is required to address the potential impact of
the facility in the vicinity of such a slope.

13.2.5 Site Soils

The implementation of an extended detention basin can be successfully
accomplished in the presence of a variety of soil types. However, when such a
facility is proposed, a subsurface analysis and permeability test is required. Soils
exhibiting excessively high infiltration rates are not suited for the construction of
an extended detention facility, as they will behave as an infiltration facility until
clogging occurs. The designer should also keep in mind that as the ponded
depth within the basin increases, so does the hydraulic head. This increase in
hydraulic head results in increased pressure, which leads to an increase in the
observed rate of infiltration. To combat excessively high infiltration rates, a clay
liner, geosynthetic membrane, or other material (as approved by the Materials
Division) may be employed. The basin’s embankment material must meet the


specifications detailed later in this section and/or be approved by the Materials
Division. Embankment design shall be in accordance with DCR dam safety

13.2.6 Depth to Water Table

If the depth to water table is within 2’ of the basin bottom, ED basins should not
be employed. Instead, shallow constructed wetlands should be considered.

13.2.7 Depth to Bedrock

The presence of bedrock within the proposed construction envelope of an
extended detention basin should be investigated during the subsurface
investigation. When blasting of rock is necessary to obtain the desired basin
volume, a liner should be used to eliminate unwanted losses through seams in
the underlying rock.

13.2.8 Existing Utilities

Basins should not be constructed over existing utility rights-of-way or easements.
This can have significant repercussions for long-term maintenance of the basin.
When this situation is unavoidable, permission to impound water over these
easements must be obtained from the utility owner prior to design of the basin.
When it is proposed to relocate existing utility lines, the costs associated with
their relocation should be considered in the estimated overall basin construction

13.2.9 Karst
The presence of Karst topography places even greater importance on the
subsurface investigation. Implementation of extended detention facilities in Karst
regions may greatly impact the design and cost of the facility, and must be
evaluated early in the planning phases of a project. Construction of stormwater
management facilities within a sinkhole is prohibited. When the construction of
such facilities is planned along the periphery of a sinkhole, the facility design
must comply with the guidelines found in Chapter 5 of this Manual and
DCR/DEQ’s Technical Bulletin #2 “Hydrologic Modeling and Design in Karst.”

13.2.10 Wetlands
When the construction of an extended detention facility is planned in the vicinity
of known wetlands, the designer must coordinate with the appropriate local,
state, and federal agencies to identify the wetlands’ boundaries, their protected
status, and the feasibility of BMP implementation in their vicinity. In Virginia, the
Department of Environmental Quality (DEQ) and the U.S. Army Corps of
Engineers (USACOE) should be contacted when such a facility is proposed in
the vicinity of known wetlands.


13.2.11 Upstream Sediment Considerations
Close examination should be given to the flow velocity at all basin inflow points.
When entering flows exhibit erosive velocities, they have the potential to greatly
increase the basin’s maintenance demands by transporting large amounts of
sediment. Additionally, when a basin’s contributing drainage area is highly
pervious, there is also a risk that inflow will contain excessive sediment.

13.2.12 Floodplains
The construction of extended detention facilities within floodplains is strongly
discouraged. When this situation is deemed unavoidable, critical examination
must be given to ensure that the proposed basin remains functioning effectively
during the 10-year flood event. The structural integrity and safety of the basin
must also be evaluated thoroughly under 100-year flood conditions as well as the
basin’s impact on the characteristics of the 100-year floodplain. When basin
construction is proposed within a floodplain, construction and permitting must
comply with all applicable regulations under FEMA’s National Flood Insurance

13.2.13 Basin Location

When possible, extended detention facilities should be placed in low profile
areas. The location of an extended detention basin in a high profile area places
a great emphasis on facility maintenance.

“Design of any stormwater management facilities with permanent water features

(proposed or potential) located within five (5) miles of a public use or military
airport is to be reviewed and coordinated in accordance with Section A-6 of the
VDOT Road Design Manual.”

Generally, installation of facilities in perennial streams or jurisdictional waters is

not allowed. If no other options exist, the District office may consider allowing
installation on perennial streams if the necessary state and federal permits can
be obtained.

13.2.14 Discharge to Trout Streams

Impoundment of water causes increased discharge temperature due to heating
of the water volume. Use of ED ponds in trout stream drainage sheds is
prohibited unless upland practices meet the channel protection requirements,
drawdown occurs in less than 12 hours, the outlet pool is minimized to prevent
clogging and heating, the facility perimeter is planted with trees to provide full
shading, and the facility is located outside of any required stream buffers.

13.3 General Design Guidelines

The following presents a collection of broad design issues to be considered when

designing an extended detention basin. Many of these items are expanded upon


later in this document within the context of a full design scenario. A summary of
general sizing requirements is found in Table 13.2.

To avoid performance issues, the facility must be sized properly for the target
Treatment Volume. However, oversizing the storage provided in the BMP, as
compared to what is required to achieve the BMP’s performance target, can
decrease the frequency of maintenance needed and, thus, potential life-cycle
costs. Oversizing, where feasible, can also help VDOT achieve its broader
pollution reduction requirements associated with its DEQ MS4 Permit and the
Chesapeake Bay TMDL. Oversizing options are likely to involve the adjustment
of detention times and may require prior approval by DEQ.

Table 13.2 Extended Detention (ED) Pond Criteria

Virginia Stormwater Design Specification 15, Extended Detention Pond,
Level 1 Design (RR:0; TP:15; TN:10) Level 2 Design (RR:15; TP:15; TN:10)
Tv = [(1.0) (Rv) (A )] / 12 – the volume reduced Tv = [(1.25) (Rv) (A)] / 12 – the volume reduced
by an upstream BMP by an upstream BMP
A minimum of 15% of the Tv in the permanent A minimum of 40% of Tv in the permanent pool
pool (forebay, micropool) (15% in forebays and micropool, and 25% in
constructed wetlands)
Length/Width ratio OR flow path = 2:1 or more; Length/Width ratio OR flow path = 3:1 or more;
Length of the shortest flow path / overall length Length of the shortest flow path / overall length
= 0.4 or more. = 0.7 or more.
Average Tv ED time = 24 hours or less. Average Tv ED time = 36 hours.
Vertical Tv ED fluctuation may exceed 4’. Maximum vertical Tv ED limit of 4’.
Turf cover on floor Trees, shrubs, and herbaceous plants in upper
elevations, and emergent plants in wet features
Forebay and micropool Incudes additional cells or features (deep
pools, wetlands, etc.)

13.3.1 Treatment Volume

The ED Pond is designed to hold the design Tv within the water volume below
the normal pool elevation of any micro-pools, forebays and wetland areas
(minimum of 15% for ED Level 1, and 40% for Level 2), as well as the temporary
extended detention storage volume above the normal pool. To qualify for the
higher nutrient reduction rates associated with the Level 2 design, the ED Pond
must be designed with a Tv that is 25% greater [i.e., 1.25(Rv)(A)] than the Tv for
the Level 1 design (additional channel protection volume is not required.

Designers should use the BMP design treatment volume, TvBMP (defined as the
treatment volume based on the contributing drainage area, TvDA, minus any
volume reduced by upstream runoff reduction practices) to size and design the
wet features and extended detention volume. If additional detention storage is
proposed for channel protection and/or flood control, designers should use the
adjusted curve number reflective of the volume reduction provided by the
upstream practices as well as the ED Pond (Level 2) to calculate the developed
condition energy balance detention requirements. (Refer to Chapter 11 of the
Virginia Stormwater Handbook, 2nd Edition, Draft (DCR/DEQ 2013)).


13.3.2 Depth Limitations
For a Level 1 design, the vertical depth of the treatment volume cannot exceed 5’
above the basin floor or normal pool elevation. For a Level 2 design, this depth
limitation is decreased to a maximum of 4’. Depths for flood control (e.g. 2-, 10-,
and 100-year events) may exceed this limitation when a multistage outlet control
is employed.

13.3.3 Inlet Protection

Inlet areas should be stabilized to ensure that non-erosive conditions exist during
storm events up to the overbank flood event (i.e., the 10-year storm event). Inlet
pipe inverts should generally be located at or slightly below the permanent pool

13.3.4 Principal Spillway

Design the principal spillway with acceptable anti-flotation, anti-vortex and trash
rack devices. The spillway must generally be accessible from dry land. Refer to
Appendix B: Principal Spillways of the Introduction to the New Virginia
Stormwater Design Specifications, as posted on the Virginia Stormwater BMP
Clearinghouse web site:

13.3.5 Internal Flow Path

ED Pond designs should have an irregular shape and a long flow path from inlet
to outlet to increase water residence time, treatment pathways, and pond
performance. In terms of flow path geometry, there are two design
considerations: (1) the overall flow path through the pond, and (2) the length of
the shortest flow path (Hirschman et al., 2009):
• The overall flow path can be represented as the length-to-width ratio OR
the flow path. These ratios must be at least 2L:1W for Level 1 designs and
3L:1W for Level 2 designs. Internal berms, baffles, or topography can be
used to extend flow paths and/or create multiple pond cells.
• The shortest flow path represents the distance from the closest inlet to the
• The ratio of the shortest flow to the overall length must be at least 0.4 for
Level 1 designs and 0.7 for Level 2 designs. In some cases – due to site
geometry, storm sewer infrastructure, or other factors – some inlets may
not be able to meet these ratios. However, the drainage area served by
these “closer” inlets should constitute no more than 20% of the total
contributing drainage area.
• Micro-pool ED Ponds shall not have a low flow pilot channel, but instead
must be constructed in a manner whereby flows are evenly distributed
across the pond bottom, to promote the maximum infiltration possible.


13.3.6 Foundation and Embankment Material
Foundation data for the dam must be secured by the Materials Division to
determine whether or not the native material is capable of supporting the dam
while not allowing water to seep under the dam.

“The foundation material under the dam and the material used for the
embankment of the dam should be an AASHTO Type A-4 or finer and/or meet
the approval of the Materials Division. If the native material is not adequate, the
foundation of the dam is to be excavated and backfilled a minimum of 4’ or the
amount recommended by the VDOT Materials Division. The backfill and
embankment material must meet the soil classification requirements identified
herein or the design of the dam may incorporate a trench lined with a membrane
(such as bentonite penetrated fabric or an HDPE or LDPE liner). Such designs
shall be reviewed and approved by the VDOT Materials Division before use.”

If the basin embankment height exceeds 15’, or if the basin includes a permanent
pool, the design of the dam should employ a homogenous embankment with
seepage controls or zoned embankments, or similar design in accordance with
the recommendations of the VDOT Materials Division.

During the initial subsurface investigation, additional borings should be made

near the center of the proposed basin when:
• Excavation from the basin will be used to construct the embankment
• There is a potential of encountering rock during excavation
• A high or seasonally high water table, generally 2’ or less, is suspected

13.3.7 Embankment
The top width of the embankment should be a minimum of 10’ in width to provide
ease of construction and maintenance.The design of the dam should be in
accordance with Appendix A: Earthen Embankments of the Introduction to the
New Virginia Stormwater Design Specifications, as posted on the Virginia
Stormwater BMP Clearinghouse web site:

To permit mowing and other maintenance, the embankment slopes should be no

steeper than 4H:1V., or 3H:1V if a safety bench is employed.

13.3.8 Embankment Height

A detention basin embankment may be regulated under the Virginia Dam Safety
Act, Article 2, Chapter 6, Title 10.1 (10.1-604 et seq.) of the Code of Virginia and
Dam Safety Regulations (4 VAC 50-20 et seq.) established by the Virginia Soil
and Water Conservation Board (VS&WCB). A detention basin embankment may
be excluded from regulation if it meets any of the following criteria:


• Is less than 6’ in height
• Impounds a volume of less than 50 acre-ft and is less than 25’ in height
• Impounds a volume of less than 15 acre-ft and is more than 25’ in height
• Will be owned or licensed by the Federal Government

When an embankment is not regulated by the Virginia Dam Regulations, it must

still be evaluated for structural integrity when subjected to the 100-year flood

13.3.9 Benching
A safety bench (intended to reduce the risk of someone falling into the pond) with
a minimum width of 10’ should be employed just above the high water elevation.
The cross slope shall be approximately 2%. Sloped below the bench should not
exceed 3H:1V.

Aquatic benches (shallow areas just inside the perimeter of the normal pool that
promote growth of aquatic and wetland plants and also provide a safety feature)
shall be employed around the perimeters of forebays, micropools, and wetlands
pools. Depth shall range between 0 and 18”. A 4’ minimum width is required for
forebays, and 6’ for micropools.

Landscaping (thick shoreline vegetation) should be included in both bench types

to reduce access to the water’s edge by humans or geese.

13.3.10 Side and Internal Slopes

Side slopes leading to the ED Pond should generally have a gradient no steeper
than 4H:1V; or 3H:1V with a safety bench. The mild slopes promote better
establishment and growth of vegetation and provide for easier maintenance and
a more natural appearance.

The internal slope of the pond bottom should be at least 0.5% to 1% to ensure
flow proceeds within the facility toward the outlet structure.

13.3.11 Prevention of Short-Circuiting

Short circuiting of inflow occurs when the basin floor slope is excessive and/or
the pond’s length to width ratio is not large enough. Short circuiting of flow can
greatly reduce the hydraulic residence time within the basin, thus negatively
impacting the desired water quality benefit.

To combat short-circuiting, and reduce erosion, the maximum longitudinal slope

of the basin floor shall be no more than 2%. To maintain minimal drainage within
the facility, the floor shall be no less than 0.5% slope from entrance to discharge

For a Level 2 facility the basis is required to have a length to width ratio of 3:1 or
greater, with the widest point typically observed at the outlet end. For a Level


one facility, this is reduced to a minimum 2:1 length to width ratio. When this
minimum ratio is not possible, consideration should be given to pervious baffles,
berms, or multiple ponding cells.

The shortest flow path (distance from closest inflow point to outlet structure) must
be used to calculate the ratio of this distance to the overall flow (maximum)
length in the facility. For a Level 1 facility, this ratio must be 0.4 or higher. This
ratio is increased to a minimum value of 0.7 for a Level 2 design. If these ratios
cannot be met, the inflow locations violating these ratios should not contain more
than 20% of the contributing drainage area.

13.3.12 Low Flow Orifice

Traditionally, orifice sizes would be a minimum of 3” in diameter to prevent
clogging. However, to meet the technical criteria of Part II B, orifices smaller
than 3” may be necessary. Risks to clogging of small orifices can be minimized
• Providing a 4’ deep micropool at the outlet structure, using a reverse slope
pipe (for discharge) that extends downward from the riser to an inflow
point 1’ below the pool elevation
• Maximizing the size of the sediment forebay to reduce likelihood of trash
reaching outlet location
• Implementation of trash racks to protect low flow orifice

13.3.13 Pond Liners

When a wet pond is located over highly permeable soils or fractured bedrock, a
liner may be needed to sustain a permanent pool of water. Suitable options for
liners may include:
• A clay liner following the specifications outlined in Table 13.3
• A 30 mil poly-liner
• Bentonite
• Chemical additives
• Alternative engineering design, as approved on a case-by-case basis by

A clay liner meeting the specifications shown in Table 13.3 should have a
minimum thickness of 12” with an additional 12” layer of compacted soil above. If
the pond is being constructed in Karst terrain, the liner must conform to criteria in
Table 13.4.


Table 13.3 Clay Liner Specifications
Virginia Stormwater Design Specification 14, Wet Pond, (DCR/DEQ, 2013)
Property Test Method Unit Specification
Permeability ASTM D-2434 Cm/sec 1 x 10-6
Plasticity Index of
ASTM D-423/424 % Not less than 15
Liquid Limit of Clay ASTM D-2216 % Not less than 30
Clay Particles
ASTM D-422 % Not less than 30
95% of standard proctor
Clay Compaction ASTM D-2216 %
Source: DCR/DEQ (1999)

Table 13.4 Liner for Karst Areas Specifications

Virginia Stormwater Design Specification 14, Wet Pond, (DCR/DEQ, 2013)
Situation Criteria
24” of soil with a maximum hydraulic
Pond not excavated to bedrock
conductivity of 1 x 10-5 cm/sec.
24” of clay1 with a maximum hydraulic
Pond excavated to or near bedrock
conductivity of 1 x 10-6 cm/sec.
Pond excavated to bedrock within a
wellhead protection area, in a recharge Synthetic liner with a minimum thickness of
area for a domestic well or spring, or in a 60 mil.
known faulted or folded area
Clay properties meeting those specified in Table 12.3, with exception of hydraulic
conductivity, which shall be as specified above
Source: WVDEP (2006) and VA DCR/DEQ (1999)

13.3.14 Outfall Piping

The pipe culvert under or through the basin’s embankment shall be reinforced
concrete equipped with rubber gaskets. Pipe: Specifications Section 232
(AASHTO M170), Gasket: Specification Section 212 (ASTM C443).

A concrete cradle shall be used under the pipe to prevent seepage through the
dam. The cradle shall begin at the riser or inlet end of the pipe, and run the full
length of the pipe.

The design must specify an outfall that will be stable for the maximum (pipe-full)
design discharge (the 10-year design storm event or the maximum flow when
surcharged during the emergency spillway design event, whichever is greater).
The channel immediately below the pond outfall must be modified to prevent
erosion and conform to natural dimensions in the shortest possible distance.
Outlet protection should be provided consistent with guidelines established in the
VDOT Drainage Manual (2014).

13.3.15 Emergency Spillway

Wet Ponds must be constructed with overflow capacity to pass the 100-year
design storm event through either the Primary Spillway (with 2’ of freeboard to


the settled top of embankment) or a vegetated or armored Emergency Spillway
(with at least 1’ of freeboard to the settled top of embankment). The emergency
spillway shall be stabilized with rip rap, concrete, or any other non-erodible
material approved by the VDOT Material Division. Refer to Appendix C:
Emergency Spillways of the Introduction to the New Virginia Stormwater Design
Specifications, as posted on the Virginia Stormwater BMP Clearinghouse web
site at the following URL:

13.3.16 Safety and Fencing

Although most projects will be in limited access areas, safety measures shall be
employed on all pond components and outfall structures to ensure public safety.
Trash racks and/or fencing shall be used on principle outlet structures and pipe
outfalls to prevent access.

Fencing is typically not required or recommended on most VDOT detention

facilities. However, exceptions do arise, and the fencing of an extended
detention facility may be needed. Such situations include:
• Ponded depths greater than 3’ and/or excessively steep embankment
• The basin is situated in close proximity to schools or playgrounds, or other
areas where children are expected to frequent
• It is recommended by the VDOT Field Inspection Review Team, the VDOT
Residency Administrator, or a representative of the City or County who will
take over maintenance of the facility

“No Trespassing” signs should be considered for inclusion on all detention

facilities, whether fenced or unfenced.

13.3.17 Sediment Forebays

Proper pre-treatment preserves a greater fraction of the Treatment Volume over
time and prevents large particles from clogging orifices and filter media. Selecting
an improper type of pre-treatment or designing and constructing the pre-
treatment feature incorrectly can result in performance and maintenance issues.
Each basin inflow point should be equipped with a sediment forebay. The
forebay volume is dependent on design level (Table 13.2).

For forebay design design information, refer to Appendix D: Sediment

Forebays of the Introduction to the New Virginia Stormwater Design
Specifications, as posted on the Virginia Stormwater BMP Clearinghouse web
site, at the following web address:


Other forms of pre-treatment for sheet flow and concentrated flow at minor inflow
points should be designed consistent with pre-treatment criteria found in Section
6.4 of Virginia Stormwater Design Specification No. 9: Bioretention, Draft
(DCR/DEQ, 2013).

13.3.18 Discharge Protection

All basin outfalls must discharge into an adequate receiving channel per the most
or meet the channel protection requirements of the Virginia Stormwater
Management Regulations. Unless unique site conditions mandate otherwise,
receiving channels should be analyzed for overtopping during conveyance of the
10-year discharge event, or the design discharge through the emergency
spillway, whichever is greater.

13.3.19 Landscaping
A landscaping plan must be provided that indicates the methods used to
establish and maintain vegetative coverage within the ED Pond and its buffer.
Minimum elements of a plan include the following:
• Delineation of pond-scaping zones within both the pond and buffer
• Selection of corresponding plant species
• The planting plan
• The sequence for preparing the wetland bed, if one is incorporated with
the ED Pond (including soil amendments, if needed)
• Sources of native plant material
• The landscaping plan should provide elements that promote diverse
wildlife and waterfowl use within the stormwater wetland and buffers.
• The planting plan should allow the pond to mature into a native forest in
the right places, but yet keep mowable turf along the embankment and all
access areas. The wooded wetland concept proposed by Cappiella et al.,
(2005) may be a good option for many ED Ponds.
• Woody vegetation may not be planted or allowed to grow within 15’ of the
toe of the embankment nor within 25’ from the principal spillway structure.
• A vegetated buffer of native plants that requires minimal maintenance
should be provided that extends at least 25’ outward from the maximum
water surface elevation of the ED Pond. Permanent structures (e.g.,
buildings) should not be constructed within the buffer area. Existing trees
should be preserved in the buffer area during construction.
• The soils in the stormwater buffer area are often severely compacted
during the construction process. The density of these compacted soils can
be so great that it effectively prevents root penetration and, therefore, may
lead to premature mortality or loss of vigor. As a rule of thumb, planting
holes should be three times deeper and wider than the diameter of the
root ball for ball-and-burlap stock, and five times deeper and wider for
container-grown stock.
• Avoid species that require full shade, or are prone to wind damage. Extra
mulching around the base of trees and shrubs is strongly recommended
as a means of conserving moisture and suppressing weeds.


For more guidance on planting trees and shrubs in ED Pond buffers, consult
Cappiella et al (2006) and Appendix E: Landscaping of the Introduction to the
New Virginia Stormwater Design Specifications, as posted on the Virginia
Stormwater BMP Clearinghouse web site:

The landscaping plan shall be developed by a wetlands expert or a certified

landscape architect with input from the design engineer regarding the aerial
extent of various zones. Planting, when incorporating constructed wetland
components, shall be in accordance with standards specified in the VDOT
Special Provision for Constructed Wetland (2014). The plan should contain
native species that exist in surrounding native wetlands to the extent possible.
For extensive information regarding plant selections for various wetland zones,
the design professional is referred to the Virginia Stormwater Design
Specification No. 13, Constructed Wetland (DCR/DEQ, 2013).

13.3.20 Maintenance Access

Good access to the facility is needed so maintenance crews can remove
sediments, make repairs and preserve pond treatment capacity.
• Adequate maintenance access must extend to the forebay, safety bench,
riser, and outlet structure and must have sufficient area to allow vehicles
to turn around.
• The riser should be located within the embankment for maintenance
access, safety and aesthetics. Access to the riser should be provided by
lockable manhole covers and manhole steps within easy reach of valves
and other controls.
• Access roads must (1) be constructed of materials that can withstand the
expected frequency of use, (2) have a minimum width of 12’, and (3) have
a profile grade that does not exceed 15%. Steeper grades are allowable if
appropriate stabilization techniques are used, such as a gravel surface.
• A maintenance right-of-way or easement must extend to the stormwater
pond from a public or private road.

13.3.21 Application in Coastal Plains

The lack of sufficient hydraulic head and the presence of a high water table of
many coastal plain sites significantly constrain the application of ED Ponds.
Excavating ponds below the water table creates what are known as dugout
ponds where the water quality volume is displaced by groundwater, reducing the
pond’s mixing and treatment efficiency and creating nuisance conditions. In
general, shallow Constructed Wetlands are a superior alternative to ED
Ponds in coastal plain settings.


13.3.22 Design Adjustments for Cold Climates and High Elevations
Wet pond performance is negatively affected in areas subject to extended cold
temperatures due to ice formation and accumulation. In addition, ponds in these
areas are typically subject to runoff with higher salt loading due to winter road
maintenance. The following adjustments are recommended for application in
these areas, as found in Virginia Stormwater Design Specification No. 14, Wet
Pond, Draft (DCR/DEQ, 2013):
• Do not submerge inlet pipes.
• Provide a minimum 1% slope for inlet pipes to discourage standing water
and potential ice formation in upstream pipes.
• Place all pipes below the frost line to prevent frost heave and pipe
• Locate low flow orifices in the micro-pool so they withdraw at least 6”
below the typical ice layer.
• Place trash racks at a shallow angle to prevent ice formation.
• If winter road sanding is prevalent in the contributing drainage area,
increase the forebay size to 25% of the total Tv to accommodate additional
sediment loadings.

13.4 Design Example

This section presents the design process applicable to extended detention

serving as water quality BMP. The pre and post-development runoff
characteristics are intended to replicate stormwater management needs routinely
encountered on VDOT projects. The hydrologic calculations and assumptions
presented in this section serve only as input data for the detailed BMP design
steps. Full hydrologic discussion is beyond the scope of this report, and the user
is referred to Chapter 11 of the Virginia Stormwater Management Handbook, 2nd
Edition, Draft (DCR/DEQ, 2013) for details on hydrologic methodology.

The proposed project includes the installation of a new interchange on I-581 in

Roanoke, Virginia. The hydrologic classification of on-site soils over the entire
site is HSG B. Portions of existing mall parking lots and existing travel lanes, in
addition to the new interchanges, ramps flow to the proposed extended detention
locations. The disturbed area of the project within this drainage area is
approximately 9.60 acres; however, a contributing drainage area of 23.6 acres
drains to the proposed site of the extended detention. Pre-development and
post-development conditions within the contributing drainage area are described
in Table 13.5. The time of concentration to the detention facility as determined
by standard methodology (see VDOT Drainage Manual) is 28.0 minutes. The
project site does not exhibit the presence of a high groundwater table.
Geotechnical borings do not indicate the presence of significant bedrock within 5’
vertically below the proposed basin bottom.


Table 13.5 Hydrologic Characteristics of Disturbed Area of Example Project Site
Impervious Turf Forest
Soil Classification HSG B HSG B HSG B
Area (acres) 2.40 7.20 0.00
Soil Classification HSG B HSG B HSG B
Area (acres) 3.60 6.00 0.00

Table 13.6 Remainder of Drainage Area to Extended Detention Facility

Impervious Turf Forest
Soil Classification HSG B HSG B HSG B
Area (acres) 1.00 13.00 0.00

Step 1 - Enter Data into VRRM Spreadsheet

The required site data from Table 13.5 is input into the VRRM Spreadsheet for
Redevelopment (2014), resulting in site data summary information shown in
Table 13.7.

Table 13.7 Summary of Output from VRRM Site Data Tab

Site Rv 0.48
Post-development Treatment Volume (ft3) 16771
Post-development TP Load (lb/yr) 10.54
Total TP Load Reduction Required (lb/yr) 3.70

It is important to note that the values in Table 13.5 are only the values for the
disturbed area of the project. Although other areas (combining to 23.60 acres
total) were described in the problem statement (Table 13.6), they are not part of
the disturbed area, and should not be entered as such in the VRRM Spreadsheet
to compute required reductions.

The required removal rate is 3.70 lbs/year of phosphorous, as shown in Table

13.7. Although a Level 2 extended detention facility treating only the disturbed
area does not meet the requirement, an analysis performed by inputting the
actual drainage area to the ED facility including treatment of a portion of I-581
and existing ramps (to remain) and the remaining upstream drainage area.
Appropriate data for post-development conditions is input into the VRRM
Spreadsheet Drainage Area tab for a Level 2 ED facility, yielding compliance
results summarized in Table 13.8.

Table 13.8 Summary of Output from VRRM Site Data Tab for Full Treatment Area
Total Impervious Cover Treated (acres) 4.60
Total Turf Area Treated (acres) 19.00
Total TP Load Reduction Achieved in D.A. A (lb/yr) 5.16

In this case, the total phosphorus reduction required is 3.70 lbs/yr. The
estimated removal is 5.16 lbs/yr; therefore, the target has been met.


Step 2 - Compute the Required Treatment Volume

The treatment volume can be calculated using Section 1, Equation 1 or taken

directly from the VRRM Spreadsheet Drainage Area tabs. For this example, the
treatment volume is calculated using Equations 1.1 and 1.2 in conjunction with
information from Table 1.1 (all found in Section 1). Note that the treatment
volume will be computed using the disturbed area plus the “undisturbed” area
which is necessary to provide adequate phosphorus load reduction.

4.60 acres 0.95

= =0.95
4.60 acres

19.00 acres 0.20

= =0.20
$ 19.00 acres

= × %!" + $
×% "

4.60 acres 19.00 acres

= )0.95 × - + )0.20 × - = 0.35
23.60 acres 23.60 acres

Once the has been calculated, the Treatment Volume for the 1.0”
runoff through the facility can be directly computed using Equation 1.1 for a
Level 2 facility.

1.25 1.0 in. 0.35 23.6 acres

=¥ ¦ = 0.860 acre-ft = 37,462 PQ 0

Step 3 - Enter Data in Channel and Flood Protection Tab

Hydrologic computations for required design storms for flood and erosion
compliance are not shown as part of this example. The user is directed to the
VDOT Drainage Manual for appropriate levels of protection and design
requirements related to erosion and flood protection.

Values for the 1-, 2-, and 10-year 24- hour rainfall depth should be determined
from the National Oceanographic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) Atlas
14 and entered into the “Channel and Flood Protection” tab of the spreadsheet.
For this site (Lat 37.2978, Long -79.9586), those values are shown in Table 13.9.
Curve numbers used for computations should be those calculated as part of the
runoff reduction spreadsheet (Virginia Runoff Reduction Spreadsheet for
Redevelopment, 2014). For runoff draining to the ED facility, results from the
runoff reduction spreadsheet are shown in Table 13.10, and result in adjusted
curve numbers of 66, 67 and 67 for the 1-, 2- and 10-year storms, respectively.


Table 13.9 Rainfall Totals from NOAA Atlas 14
1-year storm 2-year storm 10-year storm
Rainfall (inches) 2.60 3.14 4.70

Table 13.10 Adjusted CN from Runoff Reduction Channel and Flood Protection
1-year 2-year 10-year
Storm Storm Storm
RVDeveloped (in) with no Runoff Reduction 0.43 0.70 1.67
RVDeveloped (in) with Runoff Reduction 0.38 0.65 1.62
Adjusted CN 66 67 67

Input data is used in the Natural Resource Conservation Service Technical

Release 55 (NRCS TR-55) Tabular method to calculate discharge hydrographs.
(Note that other hydrologic methodologies are suitable-see VDOT Drainage
Manual, Hydrology for guidance). Peaks of those hydrographs for the 1-, 2-,
and 10-year storms are reported in Table 13.11. These values will be used to
size the conveyance downstream of the ED facility.

Table 13.11 Post-development Discharge Peaks to BMP

1-year 2-year 10-year
Storm Storm Storm
Discharge (cfs) 4.49 10.25 28.06

Step 4 - Sizing the Sediment Forebays

Volume of sediment forebays and the micropool combined shall be designed to

be a minimum of 15% of the treatment volume, or:

'³´µdN \ = 0.15 × 37,462 PQ 0 = 5,619 PQ 0

Due to the location of this ED facility, all runoff enters the facility at a single
forebay location. If multiple inlets were used along the perimeter, then the
various sediment forebays would be sized proportional to the runoff volume
entering each. For sizing methodology, see design problem in Section 11,
Constructed Wetlands.

Of the total 5,619 ft3 of required forebay storage, 80% (4,495 ft3) will be in a
sediment forebay, and 20% (1,124 ft3) will be in the micropool at the outlet
structure location.

Step 5 - Sizing the Various Pool Volumes

Because this is a Level 2 facility, constructed wetlands will be contained within a

portion of the facility to treat a total of 25% (9,366 ft3) of the total treatment
volume (below the permanent pool elevation).


The deep pools have been sized volumetrically as part of Step 4 above, since
deep pools include the sediment forebays and micropool. The extended
detention facility (Level 2) is designed to hold 60% of the treatment volume
above the wet pool elevation for an extended drawdown of at least 36 hours.

Approximately 70% of the cell surface area should have elevations ranging
between -6” and +6” (measured relative to the normal pool) as high marsh areas.
The remaining 30% of the constructed wetlands area should have depths ranging
from -6” to -18” below the permanent pool. Since the total volume of the
constructed wetlands is known, the surface area may be approximated as:

³QK´ '³´µdN = 0.70 × NJKMN 8N»Qℎ ™LMℎ + 0.30 × NJKMN 8N»Qℎ >³¼ ∗ JNK

Solving for Area:

9,366 PQ 0 = 0.70 × 0.25 PQ + 0.30 × 1 PQ ∗ JNK

JNK = 19,717PQ .

Note that this is only an approximation and should be verified through creation of
a storage elevation curve. The average depth for the high marsh area is taken
as the average between the normal pool and 6” in depth (0.25’), while that of the
low marsh is taken as the mean of the low marsh depth range, or 1’.

Surface areas of the deep pools (sediment forebays and micropool), assumed to
have an average depth of 4’, is approximated from the volume computed in Step
2 as:

5,619 PQ 0
= 1,405 PQ .
4 PQ

Therefore, the total estimated surface area of the facility permanent pool is the
sum of 19,717 ft2 and 1,405 ft2, or 21,122 ft2 (0.48 acres). Note that the VRRM
process requires the wet pond areas to be calculated as impervious areas in the
VRRM spreadsheet. This likely means that design is an iterative process—
unless the area for the detention facility is known at the beginning of design. For
purposes of this example, this impervious area of the wet pool is assumed to be
included in the impervious area shown in Table 13.5.

Summaries of the surface area and volume components of the various zones are
found in Tables 13.12 and 13.13, respectively. Note that only 40% of the
volume is shown in Table 13.13 since the 24-hour extended drawdown volume
that is temporarily stored above the permanent pool comprised 60% of the
treatment volume.


Table 13.12 Surface Area Summary of Varying Depth Zones
Surface Area Percentage of Total
Zone / Depth
(ft2) Surface Area (%)
High Marsh (+6” to -6") 13,802 65.3
Low Marsh (-6 to -18") 5,915 28.0
Deep Pools* (0 to -48”) 1,405 6.7
Total 21,122 100
*Includes sediment forebay and micro pool volumes

Table 13.13 Volume Summary of Varying Depth Zones

Percentage of Total
Approximate Volume
Zone / Depth 3 Treatment Volume
(ft )
High Marsh (0” to -6") 3,450 7
Low Marsh (-6 to -18") 5,915 18
Deep Pools* (0 to -
48”) 5,619*
Total 14,984 40
*Includes sediment forebay and micro pool volumes

Step 6 - Create Storage-Elevation Curve

After determined the required surface areas and storage volumes, the stage-
storage relationship can be determined. This curve is necessary for routing
design storm hydrographs through the BMP to determine adequacy. Table
13.14 presents the stage-storage relationship for this ED facility. The floor
elevation of the wet pools has been measured to be approximately elevation
1130’, above mean sea level.

Table 13.14 Stage-Storage Relationship

Incremental Total Volume
Volume (ft3) (ft3)
1130 0 0
1131 1,405 1,405
1132 1,405 2,810
1132.5 702.5 3,513
1133 2,674 6,187
1133.5 2,674 8,861
1134* 6,124 14,984
1134.5 10,561 25,545
1135 11,000 36,545
1136 22,880 59,425
1138 47,520 106,945
1140 51,320 158,265


Step 7 - Design of 36 hour Water Quality Drawdown Structure

The proposed facility is designed to store 60% of the treatment volume above the
permanent pool. The elevation corresponding to the treatment volume of 37,462
ft3 is approximately 1135.04’ (see Table 13.14). The volume above the
permanent pool elevation (1,134.00’) is required to have a drawdown of at least
36 hours. It is recommended that the designer use hydraulic design software
that has the ability to model a multi-stage structure. It is typical that many
iterations may be necessary to meet multiple criteria related to the design.
Because these computations are not normally done by hand, detailed orifice and
grate sizing computations are not shown in this example. If hand calculations are
performed, the used is directed to the VDOT Drainage Manual for detailed
guidance on orifice and grate sizing calculations.

For this particular installation, a combination 4” circular orifice at elevation

1134.0’ and DI-7 Type 1 grate with top elevation 1135.50 is used as the multi-
stage outlet structure. The discharge elevation curve associated with this design
is shown in Figure 13.2. A VDOT SWM-1 Standard trash rack will be used on
top of the control structure to prevent clogging. Note that for smaller installations,
it is recommended that the drawdown and baseflow structure be a submerged
inverted pipe to prevent clogging. However, due to the design volumes treated
by this facility, the 4” circular orifice exceeds the size (3”) that requires special
precautions. The designer should determine if VDOT Hydraulics requires special
precautions--in addition to a standard trash rack over--the low flow orifice.
Drawdown calculations using the designed control structure are shown in Table
13.15. Abbreviated routing calculations for the 1-, 2-, 10-, and 100-year storms
are shown in Tables 13.16-13.19, respectively. Note that routing calculations
should assume that the starting pool elevation is at the permanent pool elevation
of the facility (1134’ in this case).

Figure 13.2 Discharge-Elevation Curve for Outlet Structure Design


The conveyance pipe providing outfall from the riser structure is a 30” RCP pipe
at 1.0% slope and invert (from riser) set at 1129.0’. This pipe size is adequate to
convey the 100-year storm through the riser structure and to the receiving
channel. A concrete cradle meeting the standards shown in the VDOT Drainage
Manual will be installed on the 30” RCP pipe through the embankment to provide
seepage control. As seen in Table 13.19, the peak 100-year storm elevation is
1137.70’. The top of berm of the facility, as designed, is 1140.00’. Because the
freeboard is greater than 2’ above the 100-year storm elevation, an emergency
spillway is not required.

Elevations of design storms shown in Tables 13.16-13.19 do not exceed the

maximum depths over the permanent pool that is allowed by design standards
for a Level 2 facility; therefore, the proposed basin configuration is adequate.
Routed hydrographs (partially presented in Tables 13.16-13.19) may be used to
complete downstream adequacy calculations for flood and erosion control (not
shown in this example).

Table 13.15 Extended Drawdown Calculations for 0.6Tv

Elevation Storage Outflow Time
(ft) (acre-ft) (cfs) (hours)
1135.04 0.862 0.39
1134.74 0.706 0.32 5.375
1134.21 0.446 0.07 16.140
1134.00 0.370 0.04 15.712
Total 37.227


Table 13.16 Portion of Modified Puls Routing Analysis of 1-Year Storm
Event Hydrograph Storage Elevation Basin
Time Inflow Used MSL Outflow
(hrs) (cfs) (acre-ft) (feet) (cfs)
11.90 0.01 0.344 1134.00 0.00
12.00 0.06 0.344 1134.00 0.00
12.10 0.38 0.346 1134.00 0.00
12.20 1.27 0.353 1134.02 0.00
12.30 2.78 0.370 1134.05 0.01
12.40 4.14 0.398 1134.11 0.02
12.50 4.49 0.433 1134.18 0.06
12.60 4.15 0.468 1134.26 0.11
12.70 3.40 0.499 1134.32 0.15
12.80 2.83 0.523 1134.37 0.18
12.90 2.44 0.543 1134.41 0.21
13.00 2.05 0.560 1134.45 0.22
13.10 1.83 0.574 1134.47 0.23
~ ~ ~ ~ ~
20.50 0.35 0.760 1134.84 0.35
20.60 0.35 0.760 1134.84 0.35
20.70 0.35 0.760 1134.84 0.35
20.80 0.35 0.760 1134.84 0.35
20.90 0.35 0.760 1134.84 0.35
21.00 0.35 0.760 1134.84 0.35
~ ~ ~ ~ ~

Table 13.17 Portion of Modified Puls Routing Analysis of 2-Year Storm

Runoff Hydrograph Storage Elevation Basin
Time Inflow Used MSL Outflow
(hrs) (cfs) (acre-ft) (feet) (cfs)
12.20 3.58 0.371 1134.06 0.01
12.30 7.22 0.415 1134.15 0.04
12.40 10.04 0.486 1134.29 0.13
12.50 10.25 0.568 1134.46 0.23
12.60 8.92 0.645 1134.62 0.28
12.70 7.07 0.709 1134.74 0.32
~ ~ ~ ~ ~
16.80 0.80 1.114 1135.52 0.79
16.90 0.78 1.114 1135.52 0.79
17.00 0.77 1.114 1135.52 0.79
~ ~ ~ ~ ~


Table 13.18 Portion of Modified Puls Routing Analysis of 10-Year Storm
Runoff Hydrograph Storage Elevation Basin
Time Inflow Used MSL Outflow
(hrs) (cfs) (acre-ft) (feet) (cfs)
12.10 6.24 0.459 1134.24 0.09
12.20 13.27 0.538 1134.40 0.20
12.30 22.57 0.684 1134.69 0.30
12.40 28.06 0.890 1135.10 0.41
12.50 27.67 1.116 1135.53 0.82
12.60 22.93 1.285 1135.85 8.79
12.70 17.56 1.358 1135.99 14.10
12.80 13.67 1.367 1136.01 14.84
12.90 11.26 1.352 1135.98 13.69
13.00 8.86 1.330 1135.93 11.95
~ ~ ~ ~ ~

Table 13.19 Portion of Modified Puls Routing Analysis of 100-Year Storm

Runoff Hydrograph Storage Elevation Basin
Time Inflow Used MSL Outflow
(hrs) (cfs) (acre-ft) (feet) (cfs)
12.10 21.84 0.828 1134.98 0.38
12.20 40.66 1.083 1135.46 0.48
12.30 63.02 1.428 1136.12 19.79
12.40 72.77 1.771 1136.75 32.91
12.50 70.18 2.063 1137.28 39.30
12.60 56.20 2.246 1137.62 42.81
12.70 41.86 2.294 1137.70 43.68
12.80 32.02 2.242 1137.61 42.74
12.90 26.04 2.137 1137.42 40.75
13.00 20.06 2.002 1137.17 38.05
~ ~ ~ ~ ~

Step 8 - Water Balance Calculation

To ensure that the wetland permanent marsh does not become dry during
extended periods of low or absent inflow, the designer must perform a water
balance calculation. Equation 11.1 (Section 11) calculates a recommended
minimum pool depth to ensure that adequate pool volume will remain during
drought conditions. The minimum deep pool depth as recommended is 22”. The
deep pools in this analysis are proposed at 48”, which exceed the minimum
depth for drought conditions.


A secondary analysis is performed for the anticipated low flow conditions. For
Roanoke, Virginia, the month with the lowest average precipitation is February, at
2.87”. Using this average rainfall, Equation 11.1 is evaluated as:

23.6 × 0.35
8B = 2.87 L, × − 8 L, − 7.2 L, − 6 L, = 28 L,RℎN\

This analysis shows that the design pool depth of 48” is expected to be
adequately maintained (drawing down to 28”) even during the month with the
lowest average precipitation. If the equation is evaluated for the average July
precipitation of 4.06” of rainfall, the estimated maintainable pool depth is 49”.

Step 9 - Buoyancy Calculation

A buoyancy calculation should be performed on every proposed riser structure.

A minimum factor of safety of 1.25 should be provided between the weight of the
structure and the uplifting buoyant force when the riser is submerged and the
ground is saturated. When the summation of downward forces, including the
riser’s weight, are less than this buoyant force, flotation will occur.

The first step is to compute the buoyant force acting on the riser. The buoyant
force is a function of the volume of water displaced by the riser. The calculation
presented here also assumes that the basin ground is saturated, thus including
the buoyant force of the volume of water displaced below grade by the riser
footing. A VDOT SWM-1 is used in this design example.

Due to the use of the SWM-1 trash rack and the 30” outfall culvert, a 5’ inner
diameter (6’ outer) manhole will be used. Displacement of water volume from the
riser crest (DI-7 elevation) is calculated using the volume of the manhole [from
base (typically invert minus 8”)] to maximum storm depth. In this case, the total
height is 1135.50’ (DI-7) minus 1128.33’ (base), or 7.17’.

Therefore, the volume of water displaced is computed as:

'„ = ¾ 3PQ .
7.17PQ = 202.73 PQ 0

The unit weight of water is 62.4 lb/ft3, with the buoyant force computed as:

&¿Z = 202.73 PQ 0 × 62.4 = 12,650 ´¶
PQ 0

Applying the 1.24 factor of safety:

&„ Á} = 12,650 ´¶ × 1.25 = 15,813 ´¶

The downward force is computed by calculating the summing the weights of the
manhole, grates, and SWM-1 used for the structure.


Weight of manhole base:
&¿D = 0.667 PQ ¾ 3PQ .
× 150 = 2,829 ´¶
PQ 0

Weight of manhole riser:
&€ = 5.84PQ A¾ 3PQ .
− ¾ 2.5PQ . G × 150 = 7,568 ´¶

PQ 0

The weight of the SWM-1 trash rack is approximately 120 lbs, and the weight of
the DI-7, Type 1 grate and top is approximately 2,000 lbs.

Finally, the concrete weight lost due to the presence of the 4.5” orifice must be

& = 0.5PQ A¾ 0.1875 PQ . G × 150 = 8.3 ´¶

The total force down is computed as:

2,829 ´¶ + 7,568 ´¶ + 120 ´¶\ + 2,000 ´¶\ − 8.3 ´¶\ = 12,509 ´¶\

Because this weight is less than the buoyant force (with applied safety factor) of
15,813 lbs, additional weight must be added. The simplest method of providing
this additional weight is to add additional concrete to the bottom of the manhole.
If the manhole is ordered with additional depth (below the invert out), the invert
may be placed on site with A3 concrete filling the base of the manhole up to the
invert out elevation. This will provide the additional ballast necessary to
counteract the buoyant force. The additional depth needed can be directly
calculated using the difference in forces and the interior radius of the manhole
(5’) as:

15,813 ´¶\ − 12,509 ´¶\

8D„„ = = 1.12 PNNQ
150 0 × ¾ 2.5 PQ .

Therefore, when ordered, the interior manhole invert should be 1127.88 or less,
and concrete will be placed in the bottom up to the pipe invert out of 1129.00.

Step 10 - Landscaping

As discussed previously, landscaping plans should be designed by a wetlands

expert or a certified landscape architect with input from the design engineer
regarding the aerial extent of various zones. The four inundation zones that must
be evaluated for planting are:


• Zone 1: -6” to -12” below normal pool
• Zone 2: -6” to normal pool
• Zone 3: Normal pool to +12”
• Zone 4: +12” to +36”

Specific guidance on plant species suitable for each zone can be found in the
Virginia Stormwater Design Specification No. 13, Constructed Wetland
(DCR/DEQ, 2013). Invasive species such as cattails, Phragmites, and purple
loosestrife should be avoided.



Center for Watershed Protection (CWP). 2007. National Pollutant Removal

Performance Database Version 3.0. Center for Watershed Protection, Ellicott
City, MD.

Natural Resource Conservation Service (NRCS). 1986. Urban Hydrology for

Small Watersheds, Technical Release 55. Government Printing Office.

Schueler, T. 2008. Technical Support for the Baywide Runoff Reduction Method.
Chesapeake Stormwater Network. Baltimore, MD.

Virginia Department of Conservation and Recreation/Environmental Quality.

2013. Virginia Stormwater Design Specification No. 2, Sheet Flow to a Vegetated
Filter Strip or Conserved Open Space, Draft. Richmond, VA.

Virginia Department of Conservation and Recreation/Environmental Quality.

2013. Virginia Stormwater Management Handbook, Second Ed., Draft.
Richmond, VA.

Virginia Department of Environmental Quality. 1992. Virginia Erosion and

Sediment Control Handbook, 3rd Ed. Richmond, VA.

Virginia Department of Transportation. Special Provision for Sheet Flow to

Vegetated Filter Strip. Richmond, VA.

Virginia Department of Transportation. Special Provision for Compost

Amendments. Richmond, VA.

Virginia Department of Conservation and Recreation/Environmental Quality.

2013. Virginia Stormwater Design Specification No. 3, Grass Channels, Draft.
Richmond, VA.

Virginia Department of Conservation and Recreation/Environmental Quality.

2013. Virginia Stormwater Design Specification No. 10, Dry Swales, Draft.
Richmond, VA.

Virginia Department of Conservation and Recreation/Environmental Quality.

2013. Virginia Stormwater Design Specification No. 8, Infiltration, Draft.
Richmond, VA.

Virginia Department of Transportation. VDOT Special Provision for Grass

Channels. Richmond, VA.


Virginia Department of Transportation. VDOT Special Provision for Stormwater
Miscellaneous. Richmond, VA.

Composting Council (TCC). 1997. Development of a Landscape Architect

Specification for Compost Utilization. Alexandria, VA.

Virginia Department of Conservation and Recreation/Environmental Quality.

2013. Virginia DCR/DEQ Stormwater Design Specification No. 4, Soil Compost
Amendment, Draft. Richmond, VA.

Virginia Department of Transportation. VDOT Special Provision for Permeable

Pavement. Richmond, VA.

Virginia Department of Environmental Quality. 2013. Virginia DEQ Stormwater

Design Specification No. 7, Permeable Pavement. Richmond, VA.

Virginia Department of Transportation. VDOT Special Provision for Infiltration

Practices. Richmond, VA.

Virginia Department of Environmental Quality. 2013. Virginia DEQ Stormwater

Design Specification No. 8, Infiltration Practices. Richmond, VA.

Virginia Department of Conservation and Recreation/Environmental Quality.

2013. Virginia Stormwater Design Specification No. 9, Bioretention, Draft.
Richmond, VA.

Virginia Department of Transportation. VDOT Special Provision for Bioretention

Facilities. Richmond, VA.

Virginia Department of Transportation. VDOT Special Provision for Dry Swales.

Richmond, VA.

Virginia Department of Conservation and Recreation/Environmental Quality.

2013. Virginia Stormwater Design Specification No. 11, Wet Swales, Draft.
Richmond, VA.

Virginia Department of Conservation and Recreation/Environmental Quality.

2013. Virginia Stormwater Design Specification No. 13, Constructed Wetlands,
Draft. Richmond, VA.

Virginia Department of Transportation. VDOT Special Provision for Wet Swales.

Richmond, VA.


Virginia Department of Conservation and Recreation/Environmental Quality.
2013. Virginia Stormwater Design Specification No. 12, Filtering Practices, Draft.
Richmond, VA.

Virginia Department of Transportation. VDOT Special Provision for Filtering

Practices. Richmond, VA.

Virginia Department of Conservation and Recreation/Environmental Quality

(DCR/DEQ). 1999. Virginia Stormwater Management Handbook. Volumes 1 and
2. Richmond, VA.

Virginia Department of Conservation and Recreation/Environmental Quality

(DCR/DEQ). 2013. Virginia Stormwater Management Handbook, Second Ed.,
Draft. Richmond, VA.

Virginia Department of Transportation (VDOT). VDOT Special Provision for

Constructed Wetlands. Richmond, VA.

Cappiella, K., T. Schueler and T. Wright. 2006. Urban Watershed Forestry

Manual: Part 2: Conserving and Planting Trees at Development Sites. USDA
Forest Service. Center for Watershed Protection. Ellicott City, MD

Virginia Department of Environmental Quality. 2013. Virginia DEQ Stormwater

Design Specification No. 13, Constructed Wetlands. Richmond, VA.

Virginia Department of Environmental Quality. 2013. Virginia DEQ Stormwater

Design Specification No. 14, Wet Pond. Richmond, VA.

Hirschman, D., L. Woodworth and S. Drescher. 2009. Technical Report:

Stormwater BMPs in Virginia’s James River Basin: An Assessment of Field
Conditions & Programs. Center for Watershed Protection. Ellicott City, MD.

Virginia Department of Conservation and Recreation/Environmental Quality.

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Pond. Richmond, VA.


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