Itemised Livspace - 1419737 - Vidur Chandra

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Home Interior
PID: 1419737

Name: Vidur Chandra

Customer Mob: 9810356599

Type Tentative Booking Quote

Room /Area Item Name Item Description/Sepcifications UOM

Breaking of tiles and flooring. Removal and

disposal of rubble. Going down 1.5 ft. to the
level of sunken slab. Waterproofing of sunken
Washroom Breaking and waterproofing slab with chemical. Laying of drain pipe, nani sq.ft.
trap, UPVC pipes as per design. Filling with brick
bat coba and sand. Cementing, Waterproofing
and plastering on top layer below tiles.

Branded Anti Skid Ceramic tiles on floor and

Vitrified 12x18 tiles on walls, design as per
Washroom Tiling of Bathroom Floor and clients choice, rate included for complete
walls with Epoxy Grouting sq.ft.
bathroom. Epoxy grout will be used instead
of regular grout to eliminate water seepage
into tiles/floor/walls.

Washroom False Ceiling work MR Gypsum / PVC False Ceiling as per

Client & designer specification
Washroom Door Framing Granite moulding at door frameas per design running ft.

Polshing of all external wooden surfaces +

removal of old damaged veneer + 4
Wardrobe Polishing & wood veneer mm.wood veneer on internal wardrobe sq.ft.
surface as per client choice + polishing of
veneer surfaces

Plumber charges + Material (UPVC pipes +

Washroom Plumbing work CPVC pipes - red line + Solvent cement + NA
Teflon tape + Angle cocks)

Electrician Charges + Material (Wire +

Washroom Electrical work Switch & socket +Light points + Geyser point NA
+ Fan point)

Cover house appliances and furniture with

Washroom Housekeeping plastic sheet prior to start of work. Deep
cleaning of entire home post work
completion and removal of all rabbit.
Schedule (Can
be edited by
Booking Fee 15.00%

Place Order(s) 50.00%

Execution stages**/prior to delivery (50%) 30.00%

Retention 5.00%
Terms ((Can be
5 yrs. warranty on bathroom waterproofing work
Warranty for sanitary fittings provided by client will not be covered under our scope

Terms &
conditions (Can
be edited)
Electricity and water used on site for scope of work will be at clients expense
Quote does not include sanitary fittings/geyser/vanity mirror/other items not mentioned, same to be procured by client
Tile rate limited to 60 rs/sq.ft. for mentioned price
Quotation Date: 17-Sep-2022 GST

Est. Expiry Date: 8-Oct-2022 Handling Fee

Livpreneur Name: Rachit Sharma Discount

LP Contact
Details: 9819289495

Quantity Unit Rate Total Amount

272 sq.ft. 277Rs/sq.ft. 75,344

272 sq.ft. 259Rs/sq.ft. 70,448

55 sq.ft. 210 Rs/sq,ft. 11,550

17 ft. 600 Rs/ft. 10,200

70 sq. ft. 600 Rs/sq.ft. 42,000

NA NA 42,100

NA NA 21,400

NA NA 7,330

Sub Total 280372.00

Design & Handling Fee (10%) 28037.20
Discount (2%) 2.00% 5607.44
Total Amount
(with GST) 357306.08

GST (18%) 54504.32

e to be procured by client



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