Periodical Exam 9

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Km.9 Sasa, Davao City

Junior High School Department
S.Y. 2018-2019
First Periodical Examination
Science 9

Name : _______________________________ Year & Section:______________Score:__________

Teacher: Ma’am Jassien Florentino Time of Exam:_______________Rating_________
Proctor: ______________________________ Date:_____________________________________

Directions: Use black or blue pen only. Kindly follow instructions.

Test I. Identify the terminology used in the sentences.

___________________1. These are segments of DNA that determine particular traits of an


___________________2. The study of chromosomes is called

___________________3. The place where alleles are located.

___________________4. It means observable traits of organism.

___________________5. It is the genetic makeup of an organism.

___________________6. It refers to the disorder which results in a poor blood coagulation

___________________7. It is the inability of the individual to distinguished a certain color.

___________________8. A non-mendelian inheritance in which one allele is partially dominant over

the others.
___________________9. This is a disorder that is mostly occur in male than in female.

__________________ 10.It is the end of the species.

__________________ 11. This is also called the normal or natural extinction.

__________________ 12. This is a rapid and widespread decrease in the amount of biodiversity.

Test II. Solve the following problem of non- mendelian genetics.

1. The family history of Edward suffered from the disease of sickle cell anemia, which causes
red blood cells to become misshaped curved BB compared to normal rounded rr red blood
cells. Edward acquired an incomplete dominant of sickle cell anemia. And later he marries
a normal heterozygous woman.

a. What is the phenotype of F2 generation? (4 pts)

b. What is genotype of the F1 generation? (4 pts)

c. What is the percentage of the offspring to get a normal trait? (4pts)

2. Suppose a man who is homozygous dominant blood type A marries a woman that is blood
type B.
a. What is the genotype of the F1 generation? (4pts)

b. What is the phenotype of the F1 generation?(4pts)

c. What is the percentage of the F1 generation to get a blood type O?(4pts)

Test III Essay: Read and answer the following questions.
Criteria Score
Content 2 points
Focus 2 points
Neatness 2 points
Total 6 points
1. Why is there a need to preserve and conserve the natural resources of the
environment? (6pts)



2. Fire ants (Solenopsis geminate) are insects that have fiery and painful stings that
invade native communities of animals and plants. Suppose you were an official of
the government, how will you solve the problem that the community encounters on
the introduction of the new species? (6pts)


3. Industrialization is what the humans were trying to reach. We build buildings, roads
and turn land to village. This is a sign of progression and development of a country.
However in order for the progression to happen we must cut and destroys many trees
that produces oxygen for us to live. As a human being are you in favor of destroying
the habitat of animals for the development of human civilization? Yes or no? defend
your answer. (6pts)


4. Explain are the ways of reducing the rate of species extinction? (6pts)


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