Kokology Test
Kokology Test
Kokology Test
1. Imagine that you are going through the city and suddenly see a lot
of scary, crazy monsters. What do you think is the cause of their
a. They are hungry and are looking for food.
b. They seek their lost love.
c. They have a temperament.
d. They are disappointed in the world.
2. You go through the art gallery, you are relaxed. Your eyes will
stop on one image. You look at it for a long time, surprised and
fascinated. What kind of image?
a. Self-portrait.
b. Caricature.
c. Abstraction.
d. Landscape.
3. If you had a magic eraser that could erase everything:
a. You would erase yourself.
b. You would have wiped your beloved person.
c. You would erase "the third one".
4. You are again in the same art gallery. Where you admire the
image, the man standing next to you speaks to you. The words are:
a. "What a beautiful picture, don’t you think?"
b. "How do you like this picture?"
c. "Sorry, do you know what time it is?"
d. "You know, I painted this picture."
5. You are in a 5-star hotel, in a room overlooking the blue sky. You
cut a few hours of nap. What can you expect from a window when
you wake up?
a. Southern sun illuminating the blue sea.
b. The dark blue sea in which the stars reflect.
c. Fog, which covers the sea.
d. Sunset on the horizon.
6. You are in your living room when someone knocks on the door.
Through the viewer, you see a stranger. You know that it's a
technician. Who's that?
a. Electrician.
b. Hydraulic.
c. Someone from air conditioning.
d. Computer/television technician.
7. You're a superstar who's going to release a new album. What is
the cover?
a. A beautiful landscape.
b. Picture as from a cartoon.
c. Abstract image, something artistic.
d. Your photo.
3. This question will show you how you deal with love problems and
what kind of love you have.
If you chose the answer:
a. You always run away from problems.
b. You respect love and consider it a beautiful adventure.
c. You love to solve any problems right away.
4. This question means the way you react when you meet someone
for the first time.
If you chose the answer:
a. You are friendly - you love to meet new friends.
b. You will be conservative.
c. You are independent.
d. You are always upset when you meet someone new, you want to make a good
5. This question symbolizes your expectations for love.
If you chose the answer:
a. You want an enormous passion.
b. You believe in the importance of honesty between lovers.
c. You want your beloved person to be your best friend.
d. You are looking for perfect love. Ideal and romantic.
6. The question symbolizes a problem existing in your family that
you are trying to ignore.
If you chose the answer:
a. A warm atmosphere that makes everyone want to talk to each other.
b. A sense of understanding and respect for the feelings of others.
c. An external factor that harms you.
d. Common fun, family entertainment.
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Source: Unsplash.com/Starstock.newscom.com/Pixabay.com