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Career Guidance Program

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 Objective 1: develop their personal learning plan for high graduation and their career pathway.
 Objective 2: link their academic strengths and high school courses to post-secondary education/training.
 Objective 3: develop productive work habits in the classroom that apply to the workforce.



1. Information To inform all the Orientation on the -Students will have - Guidance
Service students of Different roles of a comfortable and Counselor
different services Guidance office to the strong connection to -Teachers
of the Guidance students: the counselor -Parents
office and to The guidance office will -Students and Students 
eliminate the held an orientation seminar teachers will trust
stigma that the to inform all the students the guidance office
Guidance office is of the different services of more when they’re
the strangest zone the Guidance office. in need of help
in school It must be exciting program regarding school
in a way that the student  problems and
must not become boring of  personal problems. 
2. Individual To get to know All information about the This will enable the - Guidance Office
Inventory more the students students will be gathered students to develop - Faculty
Service  by the counselor and collected including a deeper and fuller Members
and to facilitate their interest and passion. It understanding of his - Parents 
the is to self awareness.
student’s self  be used as guide and a basis This will also help
awareness,self of evaluating what is the the parents to guide
understanding, and  possible career path they their child.
decision making. should take based on their
field of interest.
3. Counseling To guide the All graduating students must Graduating students - Students
students in making  be individually approach will be able to - Guidance Office
a career to take in the guidance office and understand more - Advisers 
college. It is to there, the counselor must their desired course
advise and give one by in college and they
 basic insights on will able to ensure
one talk to them regarding
the different on their desired courses and the program they
 possibility of life school to go to after their will take in.
in college graduation.
especially the It is difficult to do but its
graduating worth it for the career of the
students. students.

4. Placement To inform The guidance office will The students must - Students
invite different universities  be able to be -Speaker
about the different that will sell their school knowledgeable Different
schools and on the students. about different universities
courses they might We will also conduct courses and - Guidance Office 
intersted in. seminar on the graduating  profession as well
students about the different as the university
 profession and course they they might like.
might take after graduation.

5. Follow Up The students is required The students must - Students

To assist the to approach again the finalize and confirm - Counselor  
students in taking counselor and talk to them what courses they
the career path about the status of the are really like to
they will make in  planning in college.  push through in thei
college. college level.
6. Research and To know and Survey forms will be The Guidance ofiice - Students
Evaluation evaluate how the distributed towards the would able to - Guidance Office 
guidance office students for the purpose of know their
has help the evaluation and how the weaknesses and
students in making guidance office has helped strive for the
their college them so far.And it will be improvement of
decision. analyze and interpret so that their services in
the office can know what are assisting the
some improvements they students toward
could make to serve the their career.
students and institution in
 better ways. The students will be
able to evaluate how
the guidance office
helped them
throughout the
 process of choosing
their career path.

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