9th - 12th - Blue Print - 2022 - 23
9th - 12th - Blue Print - 2022 - 23
9th - 12th - Blue Print - 2022 - 23
Arg 'RN of tg Rx)
400/04a IR% 40%f tiiwtq) 749; 20% qze)quiirict) tf4 I
1. 749' stmit 1 'RI 5 a 30 79rird TIT9' SP't c i1iteN, Rod W-Tiff, 'tit 7141; 76 Warzr ecm,
Trax zniTzr, 7.4-44t 9
61 I crv9. 06 Zit f4tiffru t I
2.TirsH1Z Ti Z1177 n artaft tee; v f vratuff 01i flz17 14-cFr tplier
§co14/3c1Wit UtIT Wrd9T4 sect( qia 04)1 419f 1.;Ittiri 0411-
33ft ei\ick-i414 5179' 02 a 'RT12-171 30 Sys
eiq‘lccPtI4 Licq 03 a "IT4PT 75 -Ylec
fdYc)tiuliclIct) 04 3 'a-TTIPT 120 WW
3. Thlt9T1 ?TV :— 40% .i-Nowx-i, 45% '1I1I-4 WI, 15% q) I
1 fed7 wir-1 1c41 1115-5 — #19T TIT-64 'el TA. of ##T T* T.04e0 kt
q..105 W T7 1-@41 TRIT
2. fed-7 917-1 1-174 trru—s — ;Tw cp,ccrr 30 crw fr9T Tqrt .sitii< fht
tq u4
a req. ITPT-1 44c.1.4 TRU-14 — 'E 4 Ie-lf tf Cdt tR"
'1"- T7 -T aitigio
4. fed-7 iff7r-1
mica rfT3-16 — 449Nlvl *I. ft3TT ml-q4)10 acl I
Section A
Reading Skill
Section - B
Writing Skills
Formal / informal letter to enable the students to identify the elements of a letter and to apply
them and compose a letter. They must be able to produce clear and coherent writing in which
the development , organisation and style are appropriate to task, purpose and audience.
Writing an essay/ article/ paragraph to enable the students to learn presentation of a coherent
argument in response to a stimulus or question and develop research, communication skills,
creative and critical thinking, organization of thoughts etc.
Language 1 mark
Content 2 marks
Expression(grammatical accuracy, coherence, 2 marks
appropriate words, spelling and punctuations)
Picture guided composition to encourage students to describe and observe details in the given
picturet It will help reinforce vocabulary, sequencing, decoding, creative thinking and
Language 1 mark
Content 1 mark
Expression(grammatical accuracy, coherence, 1 mark
appropriate words, spelling and punctuations)
Section - C
10 Marks
(I) Questions on gap filling, Tenses, Prepositions, Verbs, Conjunctions, Articles, Modals,
Determiners etc.
(II) Do as directed.
Voices, Transformation of sentences , Clauses etc.
Section D
39 Marks
This section will have the variety of assessment items including multiple choice questions,
objective type questions, short answer type questions and long answer type questions to assess
comprehension, analysis, interpretation and extrapolation of the textbooks.
1. Book-Beehive
Prose section-
The Bond of Love
Poetry section-
The Duck and the Kangaroo
The Snake Trying
2. Book-Moments
Weathering the Storm in Ersama
itsrzr— titiv Fm-0
20 Total
stSriw1444 tg 141)41244w -
40%, 49Mtis An; 40 WNW/ 3319; 20% ianulicit M et I
I. TiFq WrftW t 2TW
1719 3141 WI 1:474,13-c 740t4, f1 q1
evtivt, t0.ft vri tt410rnw trz4 zt oe -41. crw inaw * weR,
tfi. mitt 4-- f4Erna t
my f4r;p07 eft -
atWaguaitr4 SIT4 02 3EW
FiriFT 30 viR
eigks(thik vrta. 03 311'+ WTIFTI 75 TR
Itratrorrer 04 317x. FrrePT 120 r44
05 '3 UMPT 150 T1 C
t-44x0 tat * afit.wz
wit 4 aittft %bog 75t pitn ttsrrnt fftFt TIBTff M-4/3c1
t tit wr4 iisfa4rt 1iotit I Webit
WR 40% VRF 3lY9'. 45% 1•11, 4 3FTA: 15% Nlaa 5FR
yp.905:2-k...C:10-92—.N....illof!,),L _ vlol
10,11:411.ere— .1;14114ai,s;#):;,.6,1c. :44 yr-,
.1V>e S.
A. .-41
}41 /3.
. 1, 6:11rtit,PLA,L.C.MAIV:1•0
...11:4231,7715.9:66141115IS'AVenalt ta
64-4, bc1(5, _r
*L../ K_PIAAJ:tic,(04:-.3L...1-Ajt-t _r
_ re
.:Ad.('bt -Ihn !Chic Kett:. IA- I....UV- _A
11::...017 IL Lk: )11)./.11.1/1....,-1,433"1" -1
LetcifittifV6...- LAUD _L
Ji cr cr
/) Lro
62;41\ ?(-
1j Ci *CFA
-. )
r f •
__Jr-717?) cdyri) e
o_.0 ell) cc; trzI Le
k( (1' /
Li/.40(AA' Zri) )(11:4111
Wri 041 :- 75
f4ttzr 11171 :— 3:00 tit
T. *crii .cr . Ibra Greg <.oli mTlf4t 3i-TI-n wz-II Thcf 4,.P1
tR A3=f tt941 1:13=f
atred-a 1 2 3 4 5
a a a a a atw
1 Tr atzr (Prose) ittrti tw chi 17 08 03 01 - - 04
2 tf8Ta (Poetry) 16 07 03 01 — — 04
3 *ITTTIT R)tT, ancnvi 15 08 02 01 - - 03
4 itsgicicif 15 07 04 - - - 04
5 frect 04 - - - 01 - 01
6 1:17 *3F/3T1t49 171-1 04 - - - 01 - 01
7 3711%7 flilli 04 - - - 01 - 01
8 gild *TT 75 30 24 09 12 - 18+5=23
Tar Taft 75
Vim :-.1-wrt 77#7 3:00 Eft
5aTT \jut co 75
?OR :Atilt 3:00
mfr 75
itirr:- 3:00 Ile
GRATZ! 6014 t 'MIR( cl*cj *<4,14 tesAto aim-aN 7491 Tar ct,;c4 9179.
T. IR T' tit...241
recd. 4 afea.
S S a a
1 2 3 4
1 6111 arm-trr-fr * tr-<rst 6 4 1 -- -- 01
2 WIT 69I 8TTR1-17171. * ITC*
7 3 02
n t?
3uRgral (rd 3T7 7 3 01
4 IRTIT°1 *NTH f 7 3 02
5 Ati 4 les *04 6 3 — 1 -- 01
6 thacn 7 3 02
7 Tilt 8 2 1 -- 1 02
8 qa. 74 ,Ira t -f-rp 6 2 2 - - 02
9 Tocgicogui 5 1 02
10 4,14 ST4 thuti 6 3 -- 1 -- 01
11 saM 5 1 - - 1 01
12 t41sf TERITZT9' 4 TIN 5 2 01
T;F ITITE 75 30 24 09 12 18+4=22
Arq TM ti itatf -
• 40 AtZ1U TiTiritU Wff 40 f tRitmq) T179. 20 31farff q 0c414) SIV9. t4
1. AYi 4)914) -01 tf 04 'ffT 30 TiTIF4I W49. I Tref f4T7T, itel" 7Q-114 'ad) ‘5451, crw g1ct4 4 \icrp<
7NsiTAv ef4 I it4TRP4T4 KJ-4 TT iictti \iccP1 re M7 7-7 3R1 '24T tia f4TF1 utar t
f* 8-8 S ThtrfR t I
2. Nc.4t) 31:1 311 11 10.4 4 3TtanT itTF1 TT IF4t179" 61 I1 I TIT ffi-eFT 11111-i
-11/ 1:1 501tf MIT +1111.1 ffi
d91t R7 click 61 I 112-11. Ti \icci 91 1 1M11\41,1 61+1T-
2 3 4
ITRa. arrn 3tt7 13.41t 06 07 01 01 02
4Ra" wr *MT tozkinti 04 - - - 01 1
317-47 03 03 - - - -
ulciqll 04 02 01 - - 1
la 4-14it m-r ar waft 04 - 02 - - 2
vleitita.41 04 04 - - - -
2. Td S ti ieiciirf Itr4-1
14, i sta 02 - 01 - - 1
+{ti4 # tlimsle114 Ct Wilt Whet 04 02 01 - - 1
II girl t tea7 TT \i4R4 03 03 - - - -
r tfruvr 74 ‘34Ra3r4r 03 01 01 - - 1
319ft Fan # VCOTt 03 - - 01 - 1
3. ei ct>aAch livPilfel
ei 4>cfpr arm 31hr eiloci-x qt.? 05 03 01 - - 1
Sr@ fkgrivi 03 01 01 - - 1
11141 ,ilvt rer 03 03 - - - -
3:1-ff.1T3# OM ivf 05 - 01 01 - 02
Achcilitn 3T7ITT7 04 - - - 01 1
4 aphrra
Trra4cg lit tr 614r 03 03 - - - -
TERTIV# t TT # cl1,1 04 - 02 - - 02
fithur va' r41-41 05 01 - - 01 1
1I1 ?T 1T tqlel 03 03
75 30 18+ 5 (83TiritU
24 09 12
23 Wiff
AYE Theaul t fa lu is zl—
• 40 creavm Tirivs ;79. 40 1A7.7 raqW-Nct.) Ma 20 Affl'ITU q T179. $ I
1. Ira 0914> -01 tr 05 rig-) art qiz 779 01) I Wet fa'w- og, Rcto 7P-Tr9- v4-61 u1141, vg glcrtf \ck- r,
TP:r anreq, T4-401 AM 64 ciTtr - crv9. 06 3tT ffitTft t
2. ie 11M1 1A50r( 3TRr 314t 7491 3n raWecf AnazT14 >l>n I ZW fir
*014/3Er Mall ti9l1i >ed411 •tcH 70 04) I 111491 `ccl'i 441f 11-111+11*( th'R-
31tWErtRI uz-r (2 3i-g) - VT aTitrgurr 30 71c
ciT3cci-f T114 (3 31- - VIR 44-ir 3TRIM77 75 Ylac
t''')C11111014> M 31:- ) 7T• Aflt aitrm- d4 120 zif4
3 9n11 AZ4- qc t Vet t> *cmi fatief cwj 371-frii tr 91,1 att-9. tg Trvff arrcht
4. Tit911te':
r 40 Ifina7Tff tkciT W44, 45 Ard7iff 744, 15 Al=d7Tff Thlt4 749 I
91e - 111c0041 ZP-1TM '“g I 7TZTT t
Tel 94t :— 75
ATM %icpeir (4f &r) :— 3:00 'Eft
Tall :- TAT :- 25
itrif 1:ITZeRf *II TITRI :- 3:00 Eit
t.; trr- 25 10 04 06 - 05 i
r4153 +
749. trq f4iful tg Idx q fa zl -
1. 10 a * ate vv# 611 9Tz* awl-Pi-1z 97# tr? 01 ai-crs ti 0 t i qa, .si.zi* m-t to *qtr
Trt Az-II # alitto. thTFf TT TWA' 6)iii I ZIV fachcq 'Will $741/434N( ithli * 7T tiiiii
1it911 Tt 6) I '59' 1.R11 tr .3ccrr 44-ir f*iiviNt 041 -
aredati-ctrzi TITW 02 a 7111111 30 VT"
eivcciqlef AVW 03 a WiliTi 75 7lad
fac)tiunctico 05 a tinfiT 120 RT .
2. 40 Ard7Tff WiTAIZ TRW, 40 Fird7Tff Liiqqatg 77 &Ted 749; 20 Trit7Tff faramr T e qi 7.3 r 6 I
A TAW 25
?dim saiRdtzf *life{ 312T4T titgichif) 3:00 Ere
Section - B
Writing Skills
Formal / informal letter to enable the students to identify the elements of a letter and to apply em
and compose a letter. They must be able to produce clear and coherent writing in which the
development , organisation and style are appropriate to task, purpose and audience.
Writing an essay/ article/ paragraph to enable the students to learn presentation of a cohe ent
argument in response to a stimulus or question and develop research, communication s lls,
creative and critical thinking, organization of thoughts etc.
Language 1 mark
Content 2 marks
Expression(grammatical accuracy, coherence, 2 marks
appropriate words, spelling and punctuations)
Picture guided composition to encourage students to describe and observe details in the yen
pictures. It will help reinforce vocabulary, sequencing, decoding, creative thinking and
Language 1 mark
Content 1 mark
Expression(grammatical accuracy, coherence, 1 mark
appropriate words, spelling and punctuations)
Section - C
10 Mark
(I) Questions on gap filling, Tenses, Prepositions, Verbs, Conjunctions, Articles, Mop als,
Determiners etc.
(H) Do as directed.
Voices, Transformation of sentences , Clauses etc.
Section D
39 Mark
This section will have the variety of assessment items including multiple choice questi i ns,
objective type questions, short answer type questions and long answer type questions to as ess
comprehension, analysis, interpretation and extrapolation of the textbooks.
T. rt
-1 Cr4 ltic{ ci tq TrvZ
*cti ii 3fTdT7 1R-I1 Thar VI
1:17 TITff t IS11 744
arredu 1 2 3 4 5
a a a a a a
Section - A (10 Marks)
1 Q. I Unseen Passage 5 5 - - - - 1
2 Q.2 Unseen Passage 5 5 - - - - 1
Section - B (16 Marks)
3 Q.3 Note Making (Title + Notes) 4 - 1
4 Q.4 Letter Writing (Formal / Informal letter) 4 - 1
5 Q.5 Long Composition (Essay/Article/Paragraph) -
5 1
6 Q.6 Picture Guided Composition 3 - 1
Section - C (10 Marks)
7 Q.7 Fill in the blanks. 5 5 - - - 1
8 Q.8 Do as directed. 5 5 - - - 1
Section - D (39 Marks)
g Q.9 Textual MCQs (from 'First Flight') 4 4 - - - 1
10 Q.10 (A) Extracts from Prose. (from 'First Flight') - -
63+3 - 1 (A B)
(13) Extracts from Poetry. (from 'First Flight)
11 Q.11 Short answer type questions from 'First Flight' 12 - 1
12 Q. 12 Short answer type questions from 'Poetry'. 4 - 1
13 Q.13 Short answer type questions from 'Footprints without Feet' 4 - 1
14 Q.14 Long answer typc questions from prose (First Flight) 3 - 1
15 Q.I5 Long answer type questions from Poetry (First Flight) 3 - 1
16 Q.16 Long answer type questions from 'Footprints without Feet' 3 - 1
crp ti I a) 75 30 20 12 8 5 16
.0._r_. __. .i.,-_,_,•._s_
.. -
1.1471 -
y' 40% Tfeirittr TR% 40% qtmlit4) An; 20% faY ll(NQ7 W9' tit I
1. Tra 071-1 Ica 1,2,7,8,9 74 10 4 qwsltiz 1“-i 04) IW€JIWIU TF:1 r ti 1 afr Thwiftg #1
2. ate llz4151W7 0f -‘R-4 14 en ftw-ozi(4 -31- grown 01Jir I Tit ct)I4 /31:1
'QTT t191-1 Trd9T1 3?1.7 clic) 8)41 I ATIY Ti 1-111,0 k 0141 -
31t7EnR1 02 a T7417 30
c.1\3(rt21/4 tr34 03 a T7417 75 VI- C
qrc)eiviicflcb 04 TTI-417 120 zlr<
05 aiV WIliTr 150 7,11
3. Ted911 :- 40% *NC4 179", 45% 1+11-4 AYE, 15% Trdff I1939. I
1. Book-First Flight
Prose section-
The Hundred Dresses —I
The Hundred Dresses —II
Poetry section-
2. Book-Footprints without Feet
The Hack Driver
12 1 u - • ••i '‘ 1
_ )(4=2 - 1 - -
- 1
13 aititiPel •1 2 - 1
14 +MINN 311t1T4 3n171- 0:1W 1:179t4 3 - 1
15 Wit:7 3iftWaf- - - - - 1
31-46-1'9-ffM TrZ9-11 3 1
16 ilczliviii, 3TRIT4 3TB*-171- 09-0;179ift 3 - - 1 - - 1
17 311Ted-dTITSI 4 - 1
18 IN i•-i•-f/aTTIC<9101-1ft1711 4 - 1
19 Mg74-1cm 4 - - - 1 - 1
zltrr: (a) 75 30 24 09 12 - 23
Tfirq tfffaelful tgf X tf fa XI -
> 40% WV203 979; 40% fag114td> TM% 20% fax quilcetuP SRI till
1. 749 aul-licn 1 t 5 4RVA" ITri & i 1?-41 f4T-Fr, ft4g- Tarrg-, [rw aria # \Jrcl,(,
3iwnr, Tr-er mg- 61 Ivr-r-T vr:r# t 06 a Mgifra t 1
2. TieZ IRriI 18#74M7 3:11.# li:11 # arta th-wgr wr gragg- 611 IM-11/31:1
* ug-r *Nil Thlt911 WR cilc 6)1 r TIT91 TA \3c71.1 41-ii P+-1121-V 0411
afragrfftRi T17# 02 a -7TIITT 30 zieq
c•iticci+.1 51z-1 03 aiT c-11117T 75 'W'
1. z()quiivii4, 04 atw WTPTIT 120 Vl''
05 Zirn WPM 150 VIR
3. Thle9Tt tck :- 40% '1 c1 Ara, 45% till-il-ef 171791 15% Thlt9" 1R-1 I
alVidyochit Data 't Seema Gaur\Blue Print Year 2022-23 \Class-10 Final 10
Syllabus Urdu 2022-2023
Class X
i5-(3'V4c e
DAVidyochit DatalSeema Gaur\Blue Print Year.2022-231/2Class-10 Final 11
Project work of Urdu Subject 2022-23
Class: X
X ;Iv'
KatuipLuzzawivk.eLaVt:: -1
42.,./ ok.cLowijc-JoArtif,:-.oLuf _A
‘.•J Kiviuf)
"z-ric Z - .1?1-1)
(f) (77-T9499), lerc C6rficnew-i
i -37-7-419)
rTh - a_ a A
(?) C-
FPAT) ---ne t- Ci •CM11;
TCT .ta i 417 (_ 4-00
LS) L__7Fff) 3 75.(tv
--c-4-" 'ecrWr
i C 7th-Fr{- -4 )
Tarr lot rn 75
ftrzr Wirt :— 3:00 Ele
An' lUtt —
> 40% Weili6J 31147, 40% tigtilcte W49; 20% fazelqullcH4, An eit
1. 5119. snflich 1 t 5 ifT 30 TiTiTh"Z 5137 61 I 3:1-gt ft-TF1, Rzu TQ.T19., tig1 at, t '5 sellcrzt \ecrk,
313TFT, 71-
4Eit 919 et#1 liV)cn T119. * 06 ai-cr) figna.
t I
2. arlZ 1.1Y-11 1 1.14m' Tflit 11x-11 # 3Tic c ft-TFr TT ATT-117 04111 -4-6. ft-T-Ff *1911 64,14/31 1
uP-ir €414 ed9-r4 7r I *5r \icrk" Ath R I-HT-1 K O ln —
aTft7F---f -14 749. 02 31T 711-4T71 30 W
cri\ircr€121 03 31* WPM 75
faaqullcite) 04 a wrp-Tr 120 Vig
05 a FTPTIT 150 71-C"
3. Ted-9T 3717 :— 40% .4-Nef T179; 45% *1191 TITff, 15% ria-9.
;r49;: ,
war IFITT :— 75
Th IPPT 3:00
T6fT 104f :— 75
M 71134 3:00 tit
tfq ul tgfdzltf fa XI —
> 40% 3iel8 M% 40% 4411.1Xct, 3179; 20% 11010 Sin 61'1 I
1, SITU sTmio 1 tr 4 UT 30 Wik11=41 tIg) MThF:1 8 a, tigl WEir 8 a, RCM W.@ 7 8tT, [FT
gicitr \Ick-H 7 a 34-4t trv9. 61 I STcl #7 1 31T reed t
2. 7RTPLZ !T Wt Wr 1.01scir( 31- F Tft lizr4 31r MTF1 ATT-Tiff 614 if I Zig T:4- 1' belief Uof
*014 tr UP-IT WIN Tri dUll 3U7 cila 6)1 lIZ-11 'i tch 4k8 I-111\9H 6 —
atdardtzr St 1 02a R-TPITT 30 zle
eiTicc014 T179. 03 a 7T1+TIT 75 31"
qXv)etuiic.10 043f UTPITT 120 VR"
3. Thlt#T1 WIZ :— 40% tHcf 767, 45% WU, 15% co i SITU!
> 40% 1-fgrqlkr 779; 40% ilitn-r<cn 779, 20% x tiunencn 779. elk I
1. C179 g4.1140 1 ti 5 ?F 7iI-ffilZ P79 BT11 I 711 izaTh-ST, NW WM, Tit et , , cl- > gm! 4 \Icel.!, TEM 317aT,
777 BY7I 76.)4.3 PV * 06 3i3> ffitintff t I
2. 7e3 7771 Th"" Blfcly1 3T3lit MI 4 artURT Mm < -7,r sim1T9 -9171i I z18' tth-P:i 1 rt
-r/31r *col 34 u21f
fl +11-1 Th1 iT1 RW! 4rA• tilt I a ;1191 If \crl't ifllf II-1 W-11\ &i41
3Tisdatj7-ffeRf 779 02 31.V WPPT 30 71
crl\leaci 779 03 7iT "ITITIT 75 7.1"
fax0)1408c94) 04 3i15 WPT7 120 ¶
3. Thlt9Tt .tel.! :- 40% \LPtei 779, 45% *nivel 779, 15% en -I P791
aitirm — 4
7 — 47 cfr<tlf c-QI 1 tR 71-44
7P-414 — 6
1--M;911-01" 1 /3
4 40
47 41:47 — 68 31:1t4 — elly1P1 e44, gi — 69 e 75 clot> — ..1£1 I, yceirr rem, 441
oils! reTru 37isPT, — 77 3411 SITT
cilcradNm'<Iw4lfcr — 2
1. C179' Crmich 1 tf 2 UT 10 Tatilz ITZU 61 I We th-TF1, Pcm 7P-TN, clef e, 'crT c114- # \sccH, tice4
swgr, ter 579- 041 I WV C1)wis-ri-i Tra. t 01 3Pf 14P-Tift t I
2. ifftn1Z 11Y-4 m-sr 1.015co,r Trlit vril 4 ziS ThmFr wr wablier 0,111 Z 1tmr iii Wit/ *1
P-1T •6 4-11-1 -ere91 Tr7 qr - tit I T 1791 mcr 1/3
4 ccri '(Thu fm-iitiN 1,,11-
3it crivccIel ARC 02 Ti "TTITTT 30 Vic<
ciTsccraef S179. 03 a -TTITTI. 75 VEC
ftoiiclich 05 a -4TIPT 150 71-C
3. el 717 :- 40% tixci Ira, 45%'(11+11--'r 749; 15% Thlt9' 14Y-1 I
Ter :-11 pf
fORT :At*
Twit WRIPPgs RT4R Tin mit TR
W. *cmi 74 ittgr crtn
TR sra. 11/94f Trri
Ned 1 2 3 4 5
31* 31'W aft 310 3i- 404
1 arrft WTI - 1, 'Vat 1904
nrczr Treezr cif 7rd-gru 74 wilt-16
.®-14 trftwr 17 06 02 01 01 - 04
drITMO : (31-- 4, sitin, 4ffm2f, Trai i41---zi)
.711---4 at gin' 74 fatic4 4t13TRITRff M
2 Val tET :
*cilia; t lkq (5recT 74 5471W 471cif ltq 74
'3/3 : 1TNZI (emu, 3tri, icnist 74 oci6,o1)
•S : 1:113T4 V TMT7 (cispliZtr, Tzrr, 15c16,0i
74 Wiztl(ki 3I-S -R) 09 05 02 - - - 02
Cat" : rrftvzr 74 144)1't OM 74 T4TW ErC)
•VI . 3f-F4Tr : trftffcr V v-t-F
.7m-Trr : 713q1 1 V licopt
• ffiRr four9
3 3TS ITITT - 1, 'WI d U.S
• iiszi a c5fWItgriT, covost) , ifift4t 74 74z1
mar .1 .0" (wr-4'r, tti-por, akuoict) 1'4-0-tem-Mt) 01 01 - 04
17 06 02
.*6w trftwzr
• wity-ii (if, 1.,,-i 1, 041/."11, faltr)
- R ER arrarfta. 749
.facmcitcl 74 ft*ST
4 IllifT ci)kl
• q1' @WM, CRP "cr4 41 164)
- TR
0:31C 74 39i licoH
• 41444 al 74 licpH (3TO 74 /Toil *3.7-T17 117)
12 05 02 01 - - 03
• cucto Vt-t-Rur [rd clicrti tiRcick
•71-4t 74 olcolf-47141
•1114 tievicl-f, 3i17 TOTPT, ft1119' t231-9", tiqic tUF
7qt 39-47' ft@
Note Making
Section - B
Writing Skills
Formal / informal letter to enable the students to identify the elements of a letter and to apply
them and compose a letter. They must be able to produce clear and coherent writing in which
the development , organisation and style are appropriate to task, purpose and audience.
Writing an essay/ article/ paragraph to enable the students to learn presentation of a coherent
argument in response to a stimulus or question and develop research, communication skills,
creative and critical thinking, organization of thoughts etc.
Language 1 mark
Content 2 marks
Expression(grammatical accuracy, coherence, 1 marks
appropriate words, spelling and punctuations)
Section - C
10 M•1cs
(I) Questions on gap filling, Tenses, Prepositions, Verbs, Conjunctions, Articles, Modals,
Determiners etc.
(II) Do as directed.
Voices, Transformation of sentences , Clauses etc.
Section D
44 M • ks
This section will have the variety of assessment items including multiple choice questions,
objective type questions, short answer type questions and long answer type questions to
assess comprehension, analysis, interpretation and extrapolation of the textbooks.
T WI 9 vl ig fdtli 41 —
> 40% TalieifIZ Ta., 40% fati‘MrP IR Tra., 20% laxc)tioliclI40 TX# 6 I I
1. 5179 srPlicn 1,6,7,8,9 7R1'qtZ Ara Oki .srw 517ff t17 01 ai.- •ftslifta' tl
2. M?"41:Z 14x-i. l 1915coi 714( lix--4 # 31fc fir Th -T TfidziTh' e).ii I Tfg .1- 1:be4-1 111111 414/3"Cf
(1,14 ticAT t'-iii Mfd91-4 WR ci i ck I Z# 1724l * \8ca Thai vrR 4191 9 8)41).—
3. 'd911 try& 40% *Mel 919, 45% •elPli-e4 779; 15% Thtd7 SP29.
Prose Section-
Landscape of the Soul
The Ailing Planet: the Green Movement's Role
The Browning Version
Ranga's Marriage
Albert Einstein at School
The Ghat of the Only World
t 117q 041I4) 1 tf 5 'aT 32 qFPTS MR.1 61'1 I Tit ffiT-Ff 06 a 13- 7-2119. 07 a, tl 7).7411 06
'crT clIcter 4 \iccr1 07 a, 'W4 31TIFT 06 a, Tinf 779. 011 I S AT TR' al st- risTft t I
2. Wl'ITZ liR•11. Tsf t9)54,•< it "W R-ii it 31i TT TIMETR Oil f I zIT .1=4T-FF ti 91 it@
frit t'dP.T.r (191-f wroRrt to.< ale) '!1x11 p lx'-ii mar .itch 491 T+.-tivist 61111-
31 :1 T2' 02 a 7711171 30 3T-R
eivccRio v79. 03 a WPM' 75 RIG<
. 4z(tiuliciRt) 04 3i
. . 7ITIPT 120 71-
u5 "cfft 2022-23
ei-r 1 di
trecticf Tfrreai T Rl k1 .gwrw 4 Tr-c-ca alarm t 1 1wcto. Wm alarm eTarzr9- t Rifftd etir Tr2r
C f: .)11.q424 I
11{141: tlri-11.181.31:1:
13152:314 )C%Lt.. artiVL.d.siteme CLO Lb Is 60.1)
<15,Ce.1501:g 1; Cal kr; ita.e>11:01 cr>ltda (Ljin IA tii
jfinILy:3),,tvc--,0:31,4:11Pc__ ,t,.
t lrnit ite4 6:?:,), ti %Id CI -
v ) era L. if)
e--""ti • )
) t II
N o
t? ) n iZrta; 7 CF. TIT.< I cliac )ff. 8717fritcrty )
wrr lit 80
1=474 4Tret Ourri TITR1 3:00 Eta
AYi WI it* xi -
t Irc49. 5471-lIch 1 * 5 UT 32 TiTift 737 6 . 1 I tip fir, Rcrd 7-2/19; Tit '111, SrW iiall 4 \3cci C,
arii- r 34-4t gr4ff 6141 1 SITZ" Tr49' IT7 01 atw ftslifta t I
2. qFPIF5 'IRil ml-
a7 Trt 1R.-4 it 31I- dft fir TT war@ 0,111 TIT itt-Fr tp-ii-r Tm-1-4/
rt -rltr UQ17 will Tre9T1 41a 611 liYen. $ \icd/ *1191 n' -B3tir1 6. —
3Titalp-ffeRr A' 02 atT M1-4171 30 Yleg
ei\JCr14:14 A3'03 a -/PTTT 75 zlcq
factiulic414, 04 a WT1PT 120 YIc4
3. 71T4 tth :- 40% tike{ 3:79; 45% *H91-4( 5174, 15% App ATI' I
,"•- 40% 4%1'11U 749', 40% Thr444Nch 44-4, 20% x tf Hon? TRU e4 I
1. AZ9' spflico 1 tf 5 ?1I5 32 4%111Z 51139 4)•1 tier ro-Fr 06 a, fQctcl WTH 07 3N, wet Wr 06
a,7- T-OcE1 4 \3ccpt 07 a, *Ic4 31717:f 06 ai-- , iter S179 t3t1 ABC T179 AZ 01 3T ffitiffkiu t 1
a raptu siz-II Wr to cryr 3Tft 97- 4i* 4 sTithkw fam-Fr TT wrao.n4 Odio ZES fir t1111-1 rt-it/WT
*Chia- tr ugr trori-r wP64T trN cria 611 lizil. Wr sm.< 491 i;miltik 6141 —
stru WI' 02 5 7111/T 30 .i64
(Ptvcoqlet 9-44 03 a WrITTT 75 Y leq
fa4plicin 04 aiw WTIPT 120 Vig
05 3fii WPM 150 k'leg
3.TfriTt RR :— 40% fife( IN9, 45% tw9le4 5119; 15% Tft9 TI77 I
2. q9r41Z 1R 1' s'r .s<0 3.rt mzi * 3TE-dNsfdmc4 s-r vr7-r# 6 III zi f4--t-Ff
tiiihi iraii/wEr @Mi. tf H"-TT tithi Thr671 RR 41cl 04) I T# -el %3ccH tiliii m-oltiH
@In —
81fdardtRi IR# 02 31T -71.117 30 ITE
eivcciqw 97 03 3.1T -71-41-1T 75 Ylc4
fazquilc1-14) 04 3tTh 1TIWTT 120 31R
05 31.-- 774TIT 150 7TR
a TeaRri :— 40% tkci 3:R9, 45% tO9I-4.1 TR9, 15% chral Crk79.
2 2 3 tits( kqi 4 41 atiRm- tile1
4 t14-Iciei II ire 3TrilruT *'T
3 4 6 4)14 6v1 31N" edu zrrl'i-- thuil wr Ti-R-rur (Trrd-m 74
NM-7 elviN)
4 5 7 chul t f4MTZT 74 tiu eicict 74 1‘-14-licH 3Te met got t T2.17
ti 74 \rice aicrztFr
5 6 8 ricc1104u1 .1—Tv-TRIt
1 541-16 ,
ski. *cmi 31 IR1 wig( Thi" l'IT ‘9R-iici met Trt fdqqatg
1 7 9 c ti * zl-tft p TT eRft Th-F TITzlTheT c4igsr< * 3:P.Trff
tFlic-Enterd-r 7a: Tim il-urt-
(cciei ttuirricri %-r)
2 8 12 ‘311s1141164 trat MI. thftzr ziw. Thz-r mar
3iTarr 4 14Pcki-r mar fted-zrt 74
7maRr won.
3 10 14 C di 31-14-ef 1-Delq * 31-17th-Tr
Tar .— iit ri :— 70
fozr tenger itom TITEZI 3:00 ite
2 4111101 tftcHI 09 02 01 — — 01 02
6 71117F4F-IT 07 02 01 01 — — 02
7 3Sf 3TfTS 04 01 — 01 — — 01
1. LES# soi1ko 1 31 4 Tro 28 WelThti 779. 011 Wei itTh-Ff 07 314"5, it4U WU 07
07 a, 7W cwr4\5ccri 07 3iV 3441t1 97# I SkiT An' #7 cm aiT eitTift # I
3. Mta-911 tcW :— 40% \11•<ci TR#, 45% tilmi-4 97#, 15% Th-r69' W9. I
¶ 2022-23
— 114?
f4rfzi — te04-1 ft@
r 'l * f f
3. Wrd9Tt trk 40% tPtcrf AV9', 45% t091-4 "SR-I, 15% 5I:8-9 lizei
Tarr —
ftsgr — v fdvi
1. 11 *Il 4 LI cI6 el
2. 12 Urn-7 Itrlfol*
TUF :- 11 If °II V) :- 70
1:204 :- t IllaRIc61 711Tzr :- 3:0 tte
2. 7%1'4EU llztil M-11 191fl7 31- 1 394t %RI. aitufk TT 'AMUR dmni Izig f4M74
ail /34 tf U21-1 M-1491 ale) 61,11 Thar \.1,0 1--iijtiK 6 11-
3. 40 Tled71ff d-RtfklZ "Wzi, 40 ifed71d tiiGtcj 31•MTRU 179', 20 ;AVM' .1- ze)ti ivy tra• tlY1
:-1141 irrfw 80
ffizizi 'NE Xirof (ACCOUNTANCY) TFRI :— 3:00
W. *cr4 n WWIWRI *4)14 eS aft--dR u,491 met TF
tR 3179' luErr 74#
3Treeff 1 2 3 4
S 3iT S S S
I facc114 atg 14)
1 csict)-r — cr- wzr —
6 4 1 — 01
2 at510-1 — t51facp 371ETT7 —
6 4 1 — 01
3 a-, a- Tr 3A--auF -I 10 4 1 — 02
4 ari-i) TT 3fliflaUF —H —
10 3 2 1 03
5 tic Tirilzirff 1=4-4717 —
6 2 2 — 02
6 clCeILIC / 3711=47# TT 347#ZI# 1
10 4 1 — 02
7 61tI, Iirdtin. 31W •÷1 4.4 1
8 2 1 — 02
II fdccn4 <gictii
8 it-
Azr ffi-47ur -i 12 3 — 3 03
9 fkazr fackui -II 1
12 6 1 — 02
Ta. zfrrr so 32 20 12 16 18+5=23
wait — 1 it
itisgr — c4v.NI VIME
3. Tit9T1 tch( :— 40% tkef TM', 45% *1191-4 g79", 15% N2-1 317.9. I
WET— 1141
Witt — °skim 3T5449'
114f 80
?OR' arahrri3r war 74 al lyt-f - 2'
w. *gni 74 Wrzr crtcl wit ti7 q7rIS afwqw well* ilwir Tfi
edu TR9. AYE
a 1 2 3 4
a a a a
1 ITT7T-1 04 02 01 - - 01
31817R7 # *II -tlftif
2 3Tre1 Thi •(198', ti4iol 74 lltticilcirOT 11 04 02 01 - 03
3 Thtizi crifo. Si TIN 10 04 01 - 01 02
4 1:081 - 147 war MP 07 02 01 01 - 02
5 71V Vitta, Tichich 7-4 tinsia Si 99 04 - - 01 01
fer41 Wf zign-Tr
6 '1:117-2 06 01 01 01 - 02
21-rar Ntfamerr wr rawf7T-
ftwf7f Affigt 3ff7 317417(1947-90)
tcRit-If If 114 7:1E7ff trq lint r
'1-THeRT (1950-90)
7 1991 .R - 1 5 06 02 - - 01 01
\lqi1icpx.i, 1;,Ii0xur 3117 z, ctrLuf-
7-W tr4tw
8 Wei 3T2 TT WI (44914 Vira7:4- 10 04 01 - 01 02
'IT 7f ili 1:1198' VI9 01 914101 f4m-r-fr
9 21-r-drzr 318fameif WE cici i t-iledtri- 10 05 01 01 - 02
,2 ‘31 ii,‹ x'-ii 4, ar4tcrwrtrt-Tor •ct 3r7r
Ica. qtr T4 ETREIrzr Itt-ru
10 'gm afR wii-4i tr-41-41 to W 08 04 02 - - 02
golici-Kb f4-073 3178-8
. trr
T,F 80 32 20 12 16 18+5=23
747 1TW fahfui tgid7 a to 7f -
40% atglAucs 779, 40% fdtmxcp 97% 20% faxe)ttunclie w rgt4
1. P79 0910 1 tf 5 WW 32 871filz A79' 6141 I Tref edw- 07 06 3iW, flat, 7€119 06 31W, WI 2SI 06
/3Ts i07 a, 70 cllertf 11. ‘.3cr1'1 07 a, tWil TI7 WI I u 1 1T7 01 a %Md. t I 87:81ffird
Et X41 UFft thaft fir 6111 iw r4--t-Fr ti•Her i<mi/z-cr ioq .74 .9.9-r m-fe-9-4 1TR
•5-9 7491 S \Ictrr flr &.fl -
311 8 5179" 02 a RTTIPT 30 YID
Fgumtzi g7ff 03 3131 WMPT 75 7T
f4qe)9u9c9e 04 3i3 7711P1 120 7T
2. 1479 13 Tlwtptu 9-49. 40%, utj 3IN1fftd P79 40%, 7 121 3ITETTitff 5179 20% .4l I
3. WI7 :- 40% tlXvi 779. 45% .<1191-41 779, 15% 3+ia9 5177 I
A79'17 9 u1 ii fdzlq—
2. rferZ ts) .nrt '*t4 "Sizi 3TtUftT ffiT-Fr TT ARUM 61'i1 ZT 'MT-Fpf 44,14/
444C1 Pf2TT t1911 Thlt97t 1'girl 04)1 7z7 wz-4 'icci' 61.11 —
aird-FErfftRi TR7 023T T7 30 7TR
n\icciqlef cra. 03 aiV 771ITTT 75 7TR
04 771-417 120 '41R
05 3tW WIWI 150 V1
3. Ted9Tt 3U7 :— 40% *Pte{ 74-4, 45% t1191 779., 15% Tra-U 9-7 1
wur tow :- 80
fdtrzr :-ed-
Erfr TP:R1 3:00 We
40% Tirils3 An; 40% fg4grch An", 20% z ttimicflo 311•-f 'gilt 1
1. Wiff spewp 1 t 5 32 q•-47,4 A79 61'1 I to ftWel 06 atw, 1Z4cr 7P-17 07 S. \Lig fl 06
747 qiitr \iccp‹ 07 3IT, 313:1M 06 5, Titit use 611 131-fT 1T7 01 S ffiefftd t
a T4'i-‘ zi T'r er) .RT4t llz-i 4 3it-13T thWezr WT UT tn9 6 nil zig (004 Wildrt/
6014 tf MIT tn-1" Th-ft9T4 WR ciia 6141 I r liZ-II Thar \3cth 4kr f),--iiltipi 61'
3ird-ep- ffeRr 31x1 02 31V WPFT 30 71'
cii\lcrlicf 11x.1 03 3I11 -111-17T 75 71.
fze)quiir94) 04 atw F74-17 120 zip
3. Wit-
11 :- 40% \TM Ate', 45% ti Hi ;riff, 15% Thlt9. Tr89.
ITTIT 1, •il<rfl4 11. tii-I
1Trftstrff—c-ertt eit7 crn4 10 4 1 — 1 2
ccr 6 1 1 1 — 2
2 5 3 1 — — 1
4 4,141-ii q,f 6 3 — 1 - 1
5 -tlIci4Achf 4 — — — 1 1
6 tik4c4IC 4 2 1 — — 1
7 W-TItif 'Nutt( 5 2 — 1 — 1
liFT 2, liui co117-
a rlvl-?lei ct> fii4 . 4 2 1 — — 1
9 *cfc17401 6 — 1 — 1 2
10 *NNW 5 3 1 — — 1
11 ifir 3 1 1 — — 1
12 3TRITT7 5 2 — 1 — 1
13 iiIIRecti 4 2 1 — — 1
14 •titccII4 10 4 1 — 1 2
15 SITIf47441a1 3 3 — — —
td il/PT 80 32 20 12 16 18+5=23
1. r179' vim, 1 t 5 cien 32 it ft,:Z If3 6 I s! lItt -Fl" 06 3fr, R-49 7-2.1T# 07 afw
06 3iT, 4147-1 k ‘ick-K 07 31T, W4 313TM 06 3.* Eft mzi 6) I •Cita• tg 1
ffitTriftd tl MI1 V).,cfr( amr 3:rait11z 11 > 31-t-
dftT fawFr crrw-rm
?Ow ,1411-r ct,ii/3171 Th-1•1
Vt7it t cua 6) I rfi. Meth
114f 80
Mtn *1+1M WW1 rrn • •
w. *gni 74 Itiwzr crtg tt-14 zR n'PZ5 31WIN 'grit met *W T-a- TM'
3i 1 cifeci TIY#
afw 1 2 3 4
a a al* aiw
1 tplivr I11-4 -cit tiflivr 10 3 2 1 — 3
2 ,t-pilur VTR9 # Cfarf Yltsgicl
tici,04-11( Sr4 \314,I wcp:Or
10 3 2 1 — 3
3 tipilDcb *P-TT3# Thl. 11+1*1-B 12 4 2 — 1 3
4 ti•ecrifZ( MIT 11 cmul" 12 4 2 — 1 3
5 91411uf MIT #1 111-4:1 tifilvf # tw-ii AO
1-1PcRI1 MIT BP-BDch mr43,24T
12 6 1 — 1 2
6 tiltc11 '<VIM VIR:#1 7 BRMF 12 4 1 2 — 3
7 cif cif 'd+-1l 'Vinf 12 8 — — 1 1
! -- 744
,a- 80 32 20 12 16 18+5=23
T179. WIia41 Lir t-g fdxlw qaYI —
t mz-f Viici) 1 * 5 a 32 MV11 CIV# 51+1 11181 1:4WF1 06 a, flgrl WIN 06 a, Tit vi)41 06
SrT clIV4 -4 \lcck 07 315, TIM/Gra 07 a, #0Eft 74# +)1 Ac )'W 97
4# 77 01 3T ffitlift t
2. Tq=1
11Z Ircen) 7P-# alt-dftw fa--t-w AlMIT# 51111 zri, iTht-Fr *P111 *cbli/
*cpli M11 Thlt#11 tcft I tf \3c71.1 491 1;+.11111k 61411 —
31tarffel7 vim 02 a 7#97 30 zicc
clq‘szcfq141 tT 9 03 a FITIPT 75 VR'
1"Zaquuci1cb 3:177 04 & WPM 120 zic<
*gni jrd iWrgf crtg cf-)1 TiTir4t3 3iq,q Tin S 3tqgif air I17#
Trz Alf
'area 1 2 3 4 5
1 471' ? 11 06 01 01 02
2 .11-4 13 02 01 01 01 03
3 itTiff 11 06 01 01 02
4 Trot arwrThw 08 03 01 01 02
p-r-rf&T R1W-zrrg
5 eap-Fr 09 02 01 0I 02
6 9114 *11 08 04 02 02
7 Ricii 05 03 01
8 01
Sri' tia41 05 02 01
cgei Z*71 70 I 28 16 12 04 10 15+5=20
An 1:9 1441-11ui L jY f 4YI —
Trrawrr 4 t ?OR
*44-1 Tritftrff Tiff t ?
3i5OZTN ZiptItTr WrirM 1:19tbrft-
tat( =ETA 74 IfTalT4T Altzfr7 jq3:T4-4-9T, 31-4-0T 3
"Ttatf 3171I Tar coRlivich #11 1- 4-4-9T
:117 v1),1 TRIT t I
Ft71-6 3114713
grzr arm, 3ff4Tr4 aickur, earl-PT Wo-trt, arm Rq-tt S
319:1-RT 4 7M-41g
7 *1 lTd 31Tel4-i Ria 1 1
3 1
8 'ma c rtU 1
4 2 1
9 R3rfqw z-ER.a. 1
3 3
10 artri--41*
3 3
11 trr-4-4 arrarlta
3 3
12 itti NI 70 fficlq9'
13 fq)I 1 1
5 2 1
14 trr-c-a wrra. 1
3 1
15 ATE vi Id Tr GNI-lox 1
3 1 1
161m--fk # cbi-kkcsr ftrafr-1 1
3 3
17 a 14 ThlazEr ftR9T-2
3 1 1
18140Tzft 1
2 2
19 1- coluil-46 ••••••
20 1 1
2 2
70 28 I_ 16 12 04 15+5
STV9' ui f-dq)tf Th r —
> 40% VRTSRtU C1791 40% M-4-077W An; 20% fothfurin civa
1. 47ff soflict) 1 7k 5 !W 28 TiTifkiz trza-
611 fir 06 3fr, 1 :
3-4V1 W19' 06 a 1‘18")
05 31 t afrf 1/4 cci.< 05 ate, TIM 8177M 06 345, *l
mtlfftff t I a ;riff I ITEW WI" '47 01
2. 07e4ZA Tr8ft ;mt. # araffr ft-
fartfucr sr wr grmTr#14111 trE Rt-Fr
uerr 37#9. aftwrt Tr7 ar
3neivcci414 Tra 02 fl AR 4191 trft —
FIT97 30 klis
eivca.4 RR- 03 al* 11-4-17T 75
fas--Erarr-orra 3fr MPPT 120 71g
05 a Finn 150 VI-C
3. ell :— 40% sePtcri !riff, 45% tli111-0 Cia'9', 15% Thltff ST
4. tiltuf IiiqusPq 139 I
tzfr7 f4)e4T TIM t I
2022-23-1 Blue Print
4111/424 Tir5F, *lira
1411 trtfElT 71'9' 2022-23
co lizif
AIR :— wiTa. ‘icms<rr cr4 ‘iewiz11-4 (cti. 70 11
*kw() 71971
3:00 Eft
uct Wqrt 74 1'4E14 ch's WE qv VelefiT5 aiwaR 3i791m9.
arreeff TIT49' *I'19-11 TIT?
1 2 3 4 I 5
1 01 Tier rftwzr 3fflinim 3fr
2 2
2 02 I ter R-t-F t vorrrd-zif 4
3 03 I triTt 2 1 10.
SI 4),41ei q'T 5
4 04 I f4fka. tb-RTF 1 1
4 4 •••••
5 05 3 3
6 06 1:18T i lirdV Tif 2 1 1
7 07 sr4 artzr iqic 4 2 1 1
8 08 ircr arm T4 TIRT°T
4 2 1 1
9 09 zrft2Rvr
3 1 — 1
10 10 IT 4 w<uf cr4 8TR1
5 3 1 1
11 1 11 ftrt
4 1
12 12 tat .1014 cua ziq
3 1 1
13 13 S't trth ar49.-1 4 2 1
14 14 9c I Ther TT 3TaRM-2 1
5 1 1
15 15 zilt,r Tr Trr*T 312zgri 3 1
16 16 1 7dIIZUN 1
2 2
17 17 71P- M-th tr *et—, 2 1
18 18 TrM"r?1-2
19 19 galtzr1i1gf Wr 1 1
5 3 1
20 20 *0- #-if-TR 3 3
T,F ui
70 28 16 12 04 10 15+5=
AYE TrW Th+iful tg fdxl01 Th4 —
> 40% 7R?jell 1:177, 40% q 44tNcr) C189; 20% tiuticiico An' 8 +11
1. AYE 0 4114) 13)' 5 a'W 28 qWjfkw A79' EM) I Trer RW
-04 06 3iT,
05 8frf, ti qr-44 4 5(TH 05 51T, VITZI 313TRI 06 3tT, *dr 5179' 041VP-T7 06 3iT, Tref vi
f4snita 1 .sr-4w rr39. IR 01
2.8T-ell Tit Etc.7 Tit IrzeiI 4 3Reft it*-
#"1/317 ict>i4 32.1T Ff TT CfralTI" MITT I zfg ffiTF1 11+11
mte9rt a0 e41 f 74-4t Thcr
aiTheivcc014 CRM 02 3rT Titgrr P•rultiur 0 ,11 —
ei\itchNT 03 3It FTIIIrr 75 WC
fizc;tiunci-m> 04 a wr44 120 7T-C
05 a WITIPT 150 WC
3. Ted90 t1/-H4 40% *Ner W9; 45%'`1191'1 Art 15% Tfaff If`49'
4. titei trrqqm33 1-41‘ itzfr 7 r4r t
2022-23-11 th Blue Print
liNACII Oef, 9ki4Siaqi, 1:1141F
6I1X 1) tiff WM 2022-23
qv' :— lit
fozr VirM 70
tiv410-1, y T citicm , ritcrron .leaf tic Mt/ 1-14714) 11174 3:00 Eft
n-rt 4cni ;
74 ititf Wrg .CR 4iTiegki 31*-71Z "sp49Y tivAl
311cifeC1 A`49. ITV*
2 3 4 5
31 5
1 1 ATcfi aistm9 3 1
2 2 7 sit atTr tf wrtf4- 1
3 3
3 3 TITA ltfr
3TEIRF 4 2 1 1
4 4 tin Th`t *--- mff 974-1 3
5 5 - 71'41811 ti ‘sericf -rtc)-2
3 3
6 6 1:117 31‘711-1
4 1 1
7 I 47 Th-cri***fr-TTff 1
3 1 1
8 8 vol. licciklyirr 2
9 9 1TZI iR*-1* T4 1
—1 4 1 1
10 10 77114 -1 74 t*Ita•-2 4 1
11 11 4s1m-1kr4 W-q 14 I el-T
TrftTra7 Sr4 Tfi s'ir z-cri -rem
. 12 12 Th-T 310:171-q 4 2 1 1
13 13 STET alcitil4 3 3
14 14 ti6cni al 5 3 1
15 15 yea .3c41e-i 1
16 16 pi' +Nicol 1 1
5 1
17 17 pl. arata9' 1
lam 3 3
18 18 pl SIM*
3 3
19 19 TT sT4 flyvvii 4 2 1
20 20 1
3 1 1
cgel ZOT 1
70 28 16 12 15+5
04 10
Trn tn. fifit- fUtr M-6r — =20
> 40% TC1f4EU SIVW, 40% I tic44.14> siz-1, 20% z (mon? IR* tlY I
1. PT* spelicr 1 * 5chi 28
l TR* el*: +1g1 .1:4W1 06 3fr, ltq*7211* 06 a, dig q
'VW 4140-1 lft 05 TW,
05 31* i:174 31Wrezt 06 317 , *4E1Y if3* 6)1 171-1-W 3IT*
2. awir4T3 14z11 z 9t
117 01 a riaipa- t I
31tdfiT r4WezT Th7 TIT- 447 61d1Il VS ffiTh-FI
ictui UM' Thlt9T1 tt-11/97
qr• 011 #9-517491 \3rc1t —
3TraFpni Tfri 02 31W FITIPT 30 Ti
cit~c3ct1'4 ;179' 03 3115 711117 75 x164
04 3irt) -1.PPT 120 WR
05 -ITIPT 150
3. Th7 :— 40% 3I79, 45% •iii111-4 M, 15% Thlt9' c119' I
4. tiri 910,qpivi t frzrn. itzfr MIT #1
2022-23-11th Blue Print
41l}24i luSer, 1'kM
*HI eff 2022-23
AAA :- (moil 11 „{,
vrici .— ..I.UU LI C
74 Ititi MI nit IR WitttS altql`l TR91 Thtt tityif 430{
W arraft al* ma ATI'
1 2 3 4 5
a a af-- aim al*
1 1 mmiciir 2 --
2 2 vivicilg 3 1 1 - -- - 1
3 3 9T 4 2 1 - -- - 1
4 4Tit.*9.-t-T7 4 2 1 - -- - 1
5 5 IffitZRuT 4 2 1 - — - 1
6 6 di< 4 2 1 - -- - 1
7 7 1/34 •1/4) 4 2 1 - — - 1
8 8 •tgv-i ciN” 3
9 9 WR:ra S (wm. V ti qi -0 4 2 1 - — - 1
10 10 Tnialt mar cil (Ern S trth) 4 -- — - 1 - 1
11 11 \3€11-17ft-AA 3
12 12 31#7" wvicii4l 2
13 13 ITU liflivi 5
14 39-1b46 Si c ti (ZHici, tn., fi=r4,
14 WO 3 — — 1 — - 1
15 15 ler MIT cErrw S rt-r aTunn 3 — -- 1 -- - 1
16 16 th-MY S tacit (MI 14 r) 4 2 1 - — - 1
17 17 ti 1/4311(* tocii 'Thaf 3 3 - - -- - --
18 18 79 q tickAl trftwur 3
19 th-F 4 Trdt Trikeror t fd • i kr4
19 fl7
tf-4 3 — — 1 - - 1
20 20 th-F AffitTaT MD( faAT
5 — — - - 1 1
tei *T
70 28 16 12 15+5
04 10
An VA ThTrfur tg fblq. Ms.'. - ---20
> 40% Ti?jia liz-f, 40% f l4g4Nm 749, 20% zClqullciio 5179' 6101
1. TI79. stmict) 1 ti 5 UW 28 qR7,11 A3=f eill
ITrier MTh-F 06 a, ft-4W 3:21Iff 06 3TM, li I fl
05 3fr, .cW ciicitf 4 \icrri 05 af.T, tmr 3TZ1vzr 06 3i.-.
, TiEft AYr &i) I TIIT TI39' ITZ 01 a
f4./fftff # I
2. l'Res3 All Wt on-7 flm-n• 4 alifflt
. MMF1 MT cIMEIT9' 0111 I 7:r fn -FT tither
-t-r// -cr terl t ?12.IT , ii-iii m-fe9-rt /Tr? qr*erki
Trni Si \scci,( ti)th f;,-/iltv tifr -
egumitzr .srn 02 a WrITTI. 30 RM.
Q1 'TRIP VIT9' 03 a 7/TIPT 75 VI''
qZatiuiiricb 04 3T "ITITTT 120 WR
05 3tM M779-71. 150 7.1'
3. M-PCITt RR :- 40% *Nei AV9, 45% tYI+ilnl TIT, 15% Wed7 749' I
4. Tillof tut.rofr tr n-feiz ti' 14,41I TrZir t I
20 ?2-23-11th Blue Print
XI -
inotrAcn 5crt, nontaxl, *Ma
*RN cius4 takii *7 2022-23
ffitm I ct) 70
weer thwur srd a.Rr sfrr ( favrr if) *WI 3:00 4t
ifi §coi ?OR cies rt-r1 weirniu 7(491 mat tk941
TR ;179'
awl ci 2 3 4 5
1. 7 ftF TAT Ei? 04 2 1
2 mr-o-ffa-r, rt, 7&=8", TR", Tfltiff 1
08 3 1 1
fa f 2
3 7I1V9' 9$7-1 06 3 1
4 arm Aar 1
10 4 1 1
5 arrtR kr-4 tenor 2
10 3 1 1
6 thud td Tr7, 2
mu)! cif Mtrzrf 09 4 1 1 2
7 urET tRyzil dicie 09 2 1 1
a qt,r c c .st az Mtrivr 2
08 3 1 1
9 -r1
pc74 tia viii 2
06 4 1
TM ztrir 1
70 28 16 12 04 10 15+5=
20 1T
AYr trW fa9ful fobT kl -
> 40% Wilffixty 3fX9', 40% 14?-itit:ff TRff, 20% 'DX TI/# t#1
1. 979" 1,1•11k) 1 5 WW 28 awe Tr:44 61,1 I Tref
coon 05 3iV, Pctu ‘xli# 06 a, 9 nf 05
am/ um7 06 a 9 arffar os 31a , T444. MM 6.
t ITei-e4tz MC11 Mt 17117-t7 411 1lc4q) 749- izR 01 a fAtfifta-
* 3itaftW ;nun. Ow 1 Zr itt-Fr *191-f
rt-11/34 *(t)ii *UXIT TreTt 17R clic) 01) I
atdo-guetrzr .crn 02 a *-71#7 30 WR
eicciql4 317# 03 a WIWT 75 71W
f-Oxaquiion 04 a *### 120 31
05 a N71#7 150 71"-"C
40% 717F LITff, 45% *Nil-0 IfV#, 15% CP n V119' I
40% W€11:
418 31‘49; 40% tigittzt) 517% 20% fdzelqunricn An' I
t IRM snflio 1 tf 5 W45 28 T:gf41Z 77# 6. I
ti tt-Ff 05 ai", ctrl WTI. 06 3fR '11
a, S'T zlaG TT SW am *i ‘sccit 06 a, Rim vl . 05
ar-ffr o6 3i, Trait Asa 6I,1 1 tr-:Y-i 749.
3f ffitifern t I az 01
2. T71f#Tz AI Thl" utn7 Ti'* Aral # 3itd-ffR
MRFT TT TIRETTff 61,111 zrg 1'4-RN *HI-1 nr1 /31:r an4
t U21T tiiii-i Thlt9T1 RWR" cilel ei# I Vv-ii Thl- 3M7 AT 1"..1itsiP1 -
a- gipm --14'R 317# 02 3RI 711-417 30 .1c4
c•Icrlq1+-1 W9' 03 3tW WPM 75 WR
.DYc;quilr-ich 04 a W### 120 31st
05 a WIWI' 150 71W
3. Thit91 RR. :- 40% TRW ART, 45% \1119I ;17f, 15% q>2-1 TITff I
wrl ;74 ?ow 'am Teaks aiwaR Tr if war ritual W,F Iftr4
1 2 3 4 5
31* 3R I 31
1. trqraf S zfriiRr Thrr
2 2 1
2 3
08 3
3 sulk 1 1
05 3 1
4 rd:f WT 1
Wilctrel" 74. t14141 07 2 1 1
5 4401 ?Aultitner
05 2 1
6 1
06 I 2 1
7 1
05 3 1
8 TN. * faf4m 1
-i-pa it t?I 06 3
fkku-i, 1 1
9 wa 74 Tor 06 4 1
10 *TT clicp cn WT 3TEZ479' 1
06 2 2
11 TR'S 2
WY#25 thou) 07 2
TF 41 I 1
70 28 16 12 04 10 15+5=20
A$9' 1-4-111,1 —
3. Wed7lt 40% '<ei 17179; 45% twit TI49', 15% Wreff Triff
4. titrf 141q4isrii —1-ue c)e-ipt f b ii TRIT t I
a Mit9T1 7U7
40% WZF An, 45% tl I elfref AZW, 15% 'Thf69. An"
4. tirf 465‘419o1-1 1
*LIR 13>co TRH' t1
V I I)
Ctri zfr71" 80
.srtrff trq. ti Pt& A4zi —
1. titer 4oq.z4sofr 31r eipt four Trzrr t
CI *IT 80 az
Tr4 49' ui tg nazi —
1. 3-4-71 1410404i lslC dii e itZff 7TzTT %I
3. Ted9T1 31'7: 40% %mei 37#, 45% 11191 ^tf LIT.--1, 15% The6# TR# I
Section - B
Writing Skills
4. Letter writing.
4 Marks
Formal / informal letter to enable the students to identify the elements of a letter and to
apply them and compose a letter. They must be able to produce clear and coherent
writing in which the development , organisation and style are appropriate to task, purpose
and audience.
Language 1 mark
Content 2 marks
Expression(gramxnatical accuracy, coherence, 1 marks
appropriate words, spelling and punctuations)
Section - C
10 Marks
(I) Questions on gap filling, Tenses, Prepositions, Verbs, Conjunctions, Articles,
Modals, Determiners etc.
(II) Do as directed.
Voices, Transformation of sentences , Clauses etc.
Section D
44 Marks
This section will have the variety of assessment items including multiple choice
questions, objective type questions, short answer type questions and long answer type
questions to assess comprehension, analysis, interpretation and extrapolation of the
idyochit Data \ Sccma Gam\ Blue Print Year 2022-23 \Class -12 FInal.docx 8
— 124i
MIRE — tixi-etzci
-Itcpc1 r #4-6-r-fr liwrw
tfia- '<lei! — MU TT 97
-ge.t aTarrzr — 41 Icbial
tiki-1 4-1 3WITET — dItichlaf 74
. tls-tichlal
-14 4-1" 31alTtf — riiccr el.
ura itqgfr MU VT F.
zite7r: Iai
to: - LAUF
&iqr: - ffitn:Pare.
4 L-kayei
11 ccirti cog _is•-11
12 Lcs
19 cy
Lia1 cs--,,e1 ate' 4
20 Total
WI #31 fa9fgr g fElt TT4'41 -
> 40% gtsnoci 1Tri; 40% fdgr4vra. AY% 20% 'rata uticii 3111# '91#1
1. Sin ivflicri 1 at 5 MO 32 M71124C3 54V f611 Tit fa45-Fri 06 3W, 124-
4W W4T9' 07 n. Wel ?era 06 31,
VW 11I1Y4 # %soy( 07 3IW TM( 3fird7 06 .3iVi. 7t-441 7371 ef'4'11 Cr&c0 711# IR 01 34
-47 1:Wffsta t I A321#18
117#i *I gitti 4T1ii Arqr * 3ittift6 ittn4-1 wr litzmti7 &ir 1 trt: facteg apt w
iiltri mit-grilTR trrA 0,11
-4/ztr 5444 A. ?tart
LIT91 Met ‘irctif 74tzli Itkr5R3R ill -
01MFES-erim 779. 02 3t0 allIPT 30 7M.
ciVCA0 12-49 03 3P$ WPM 75 TM'
fa,toittuiic.10$ 04 311- ffilf# 120 /rg
OS 3.t- et Rig 150 1W
4t filVi ii 4 * tit LW NV 124t rI1B7tirizi REF area 20222023 tft.17
itifiz t */.41 AR mcoce fkirrti Rita, ('ri -t.,xi fan) trz itraittrcr itv Ire t. _le , 1:117r
ticliclict (utri) 9ft c vii%4 I
try-S,.aw—cicifX.—ar vilj-4.
—J)) JA4cf-iegt.ori),,,,Jw;/ tir
(a_ kt
ofroyktrAn.1,211.k 3, jusod-:weir3F.(13,4
r 3.1.3 0.Ahicdibeg:Llw 4_2 tit:*i
- -0)fr
4re 1:4*fII * zin* er) 1241 * tiwcr-th-g *** 2022:2023 n7 fil e ftv 71V t
1/4 fimt 111*4 *1 wfic-ft oft'c t9 f4 Ow chit (WO 1:17 *mood (uk-t)
— fx; J ./JA•
Edt!je://-:7/-) Qt — Jc-/' /
. 0), :Tr, , ,.„ „I 'Th
et el eti 1) e< %Div! <149 45 a I
Q uinel ••eic-1 K•04 :t.
) -43 r!ocf cl-te ( 'a-, 41 411 silt 07T-.9
Cp Th
LICIVI---C • `rt 971 )
3I 9hr
U) 15-ref ct
unc-r- if)
4.<51( *IT
-Trett tre?":1 4firi?-C si-F-v-,mm,
_ A -a I
TAiT 1241 80
ATM :- 3:00
L ~I
2. smitp-r — I altzfRT
124I • TuTtT :- 70
'REPT /r4 favm :- 3:00 tit
TF *IT 70 28 16 12 4 10 15+4=19
zwur-16: trznavar sa
TAIT :— 12 If 1 011W :— 70
fdtrzr tautaira ti iu :— 3:00 tie
9 atioltath facti 08 05 - 01 - 01
10 frdizr\-nrR 06 03 - 01 - 01
11 fatly@ Wel 10 04 01 - 01 02
12 31:141t OT 7ffily1 06 02 02 - - 02
Ta zilTr 80 32 20 12 16 18+5=23
us-ff ti9 or t ftcr ffits7 —
S' 40% WieltZT Ir49, 40% fagtlgr<h 749; 20% lIclitt Wiff till
1. Ali sttilict) 1 * 5 c 32 MtargtU A79 I th'recf 06 a, chi WT9 07 a, VI q
ciiqzr 3f 3m-7 07 a tIvel 3ififil 06 a, 7F4t ;179 61 I TIV* SW tF 01 a ffilTiftat11-41 06
2. urtiz 7491 m-t Tr* 3ifrrftT ft-t-Fr TrRT-4E17 6111 zrt 1.4064 tt-1-4/37
a-ft 10-11' S 41.111;1-11I<W trit —
311derffegf Tiff 02 a WPM 30 WC
c9\icrAtf 749 03 a WPM 75 VTC
04 a WPTTT 120
3. We6911 3TI7 :- 40% 'Mei 117W, 45% ,69411-c1 3179; 15% Th-rd9' TIVff I
4. 317 2022-23 * chi Tit 410,401-1 AYE-P51 4 TRW W ulla I
5. tilgeMS 117 311tTriktff111 iii 4>14 ig 20 3N5 alreeff t
micx409 Trt
3.s7r). 0 at m-4 aiaffq idcp<ui
1 #PT-1 — 3 amino tiq c< t
* #Fff # atiFn 4t4 toff
tHcm 4n2d-0 ti 1 -1
Wf 3e1YIT Sr4 cgatilli IR
* Nici414r<uf, 1; cpx 1 3117
fdciali4j4y<ui tc fttEr Ti-4-4t
it 1
*v-4-at cciten144, i-NicNvi if
74ET-Er4 lailizlig
2 117 — 1— 7
1 fi-tWW ffibTff * Ra
DAVidyochit Data \Seema Gaur \Blue Mint Year 2022-23\Class -12 FInal.docx 29
eubti itif flyscf, eithIst qr, Mlglrf
61tN ,t)lus tit 717 2022-23
> 40% WelT7 11'49; 40% cdttgLitrt,11`37, 20% nunci-PtP An' gl) I
1. 977 snliIrn 174 4 de 28 7Flel Tiff 04) I Wet thg- 04 07 a, NI 72117 07 a, Rit o1 . 07
ceft V1 AT 'cro ant II \occk. 07 aig, 7441 TP37 61i1 I Act IT:f9. tg 1 3W N1Pci t I
2. 6711'117 uril m-t #r7-7 0 3-Pit •A-ii 4 artaft tt-Fr wr warm 61iir 1 zr ftm-Fr tielyr twrt/7ci
7k 721T icil-nef grd9Tt 777 rila 6141 I -9. ART S \ict-P( A.II 1.;
1-nt-IH tilt —
aed-a-g---mItzr ARC 02 3T15 97N71 30 Wg
olVcchniEr 1747 03 31g WITIPT 75 Wg
qc)tPlit-4iro 04 3t4 77417 120 zla4.
05 3ig "ITITIT 150 Wg
3. gro9 777 :— 40% •CIhtcf A47, 45% tIP-IP-cf TTZ7, 15% git9' Tra I
Ti, cnii 7-4 fati4 0441 544 TR wrge4s3 atmaR Tral Sr 444s411 m_-,F Sliff
zu-aitu 1744
3T? 1 2 3 4
3iT 3iT 3iT 3tT
4-i+opiArr I-4a 41,A4114
1 t OrTrffr sr at 7 2 1 1 — 2
2 ticoi T acoreaco ch-A 6 3 — 1 — 1
3 tfticnicrlief *yr srltRrr 5 1 — — 1 1
4 d711ta \Lincs.-1
31- 7 3 — — 1 1
5 ‘99,:niefil [aka 4 71-Tur 5 3 1 — — 1
6 Hof 3117 14icteach 7-1711V9 6 4 1 — — 1
7 a7cil9r01 4 2 1 — — 1
itick '11TR'ff 4 xivigua
8 7I1 1...+1114 Thal Vieddi 6 3 — 1 — 1
9 1- 4411rr fam-RT St 41.141.4 5 3 1 — — 1
10 4T-4.a. M Wa-4T 354Er 8 2 1 — 1 2
11 sit4T 9-orrSt—Tfairi sitT 2 — 1 — — 1
11 =&Wan TT ii<Pd 7 2 1 1 — 2
12 alTZT 31TWie9T 8 2 1 — 1 2
13 lirVeRr 411/4114114 — 97 tic qiiCf 4 2 1 — — 1
, zFrrr 80 32 20 12 16 18+5=23
> 40% Wir4TU 779; 40% fi44144c1) A79, 20% faYc)quiiceicn 743 et I
1. 1TVff ;Filich 1 tr scTcF 32 WirITZT SI3ff 5141 I ZitTr4Th-F1 06 313,, Rcsci 79 07 31T, Zio uil 06 31T.
7E8 3T IIT 'crT 110 # \3c7 07 31T tfc f 317IFf 06 3iT, it4tAYf i 11 TRtIT 74# ti 1 a
2. Ti7PTU W9): T'f ith-4-m-7 3Te ffiTF1 TT ArItT9 6)9f1 Z1TWWFT #11/3C1
cfZ1T 41911 mte-
- iTt gia Arms \icd( 414-9. A.--91‘414 51411 —
ea-Fp-Mit 739 02 3TT WPM 30 VR.
t 9. 03 31T aT4ITT 75 WR
fae)tiunci-ta> 04 sis T-TTIPT 120 WR
3. ZUZ :— 40% tHrf A`47, 45% ,(1191.-0 739; 15% Ted7 TR. I
1 ii t191v1tr viitliftuic6144 2 3
10 3
2 twit uun art t-cltcil 74
10 4 1 2
3 dI9I(v1rn 74. cat-01•1 1
10 4 1 2
4 tive(tracr, feawur rra41 10 3 2 1 3
B 4Ra. k 713467 74
1.4 Hi
5 tr<4.1IrtIch 1-1Rc.11-1 5 1 1 2
7 .1141)61" # Ropei 1
10 6 1 1
8 31 tj.iimi =1 1-11-4c4d-r ai
10 6 2 2
9 sr! ct, 34-4-
d-9 10 6 1 1
TF *Tr 80 32 20 12 16 18+5=23
3. Trdffit ZtTY :— 40% tkrf Ira; 45% ‘‘114i1-4 9-137, 15% Thrdff SII9
*chi — 4 — MP( Cif tl WEE if
*gni — 10 — 117-414 cnciti m cnoi
rt-Tt — 13 — ti5c1-1(muf aft tIlth vido 4c1-1
*CPI - 14 — 1/4,11ti4 i 3.117 vl \I-ltd.(
1. 747 st)flict, 1 if 5 a 28 Argf4TZI 3:177 I Tit fdteg 06 31T, Rua 7P-.T17 05 a, Wer wl4l 06 a,
RTF:r 3T i
i 06 a, TT qicrei 4 act1 05 3W, 34*11 Tn. 61 I
— 02
Post Freudian Approaches
— 03
Positive Health
— 05
Factors Contributing to healing in
5 X4,14 01 10 05 01 01 — — 02
olitie$11 : TtO7u1, EH M, of aily
9 Th-Tt 55 02 — 01 — — — 01
rw MP 4 wrIka vs Id
7-4 tifit111r
10 ITITa TT 911 .,f : §1714 Olt 05 it 05 — — — — 01 01
tiPirgg tuqqcr)1 tR arra
¶c1 70 28 16 12 04 10 15+5=20
D:Widyochit Data'Sccma Gaur Slue Print Year 2022-23 \Class -12 FInal.docx 41
TrrIcrq 1 1 tg Y 111 filvr
1749 40% Tigict4zU 3179; 40% 1V-P-Nco 779., 20% T179. I
1. 774 4,ificr, 1 s c 28 8c f tu six 6 I tI tTh-Fr 05 S. R<WI 7-
419 06 a, Wth wl4l 05 3
trr Rrw qr-q-LT .3c.th 06 a, iitcr 3Tsi 06 a, 7-4-4t zr74 81,11 sTR1v mr4 T. 1 a
2. niizV E4-4n 941 101. ' 3ThdftT ffiT-FfT5T liicN1-1 6 MI Z ftTFI t-T-11/317
ff2Tf •C1+111 art 77I7 8-0 611 .T4 Reilt mct \scr(t Aflr —
3TefiartRf Tfrff (2 — 91 3TRITOTF 30 WC
eiTacrAef TrZff atT) — Yis 41-11 AT-MT 75 WC
faatIolly11co TN (4 etT) — 31t-Tal1 120 WC
I'MfTri 2Zc1 vIrItH.9-11 itdrT tirlycl 3117cft -
v1-hcIt5t11 dui ‘3t-114
31tzflzf 3 virrekszii 3icafT4 4-11 771r t)
nil 3
Warn 6. ich f:
tt1141•1 311glft \sv.414 i, 19); TR' 31T T13 LizA 3MTTika" \iti 11, \30-11q 3M-71ftd ‘SS4)41,
311EITT ITT ZWPT, 441N141cl i7y 4ril4 41e1 3t1tetw zi, WI W67 wizraT
M? I, \rug Adria ar
3116EI17T 7 03RM T4 Wg2f 11,4110e1114
trelK, cttlult.rt-41:f fa71J1cPei I LI, 81eRr f49T-
erczrRr 8 zrftat9. trup(
aitS ‘s1(11I41 — .<1*-1 , A. efil wa9TT1, iRITA TO,
alulTzl 9 ziatieRf 0411LIK
3T ET zll4lt *NcP1( , It alINK •411‘6, 31-
dwittf «I141ttOgra. +1141
nit 4
zizziN 10 fli-14 cite OF amirrzr 8ci ill Trzrr t)
WI 1
319TRI 4 &nu
ifixci # 'vi'ui TT Ict)Itl 71. viltitV-11 3IFT-F t3TP4T7 ix TT co ctrog
-T4 3 311471 5 Ili:N=111R Th2TT cpfa
3TufTz7 6viiTIRTRI#
-Tt 5
TWERT TOWN ‘3ctIlq-1 V \3€41-r wri- 9
m.. *cpii crqtftizr c *q)ii Teptzs 31-ca7 lizi.
117 749' brit ilri
zrreca 1 2 3 4 5
31T 31T 31.-W S S S
1 wa i-cpltf 4 — — — 1 — 1
2 1:871
:1 *IT 6 — — 2 — — 2
3 uis.1 1 — — — — — —
4 347W 4 — 2 — — — 2
5 itlg TiRwr—I 3 1 1 — — — 1
6 tt)Er Tffirvr—II 3 3 —
— — — —
7 1h7Tai
Th°1 a4t—I s — — — — 1 1
8 178T1F1 'tr —ii 4 2 1 — — — 1
9 1-1YW-1 a a I 3 —
3 — — — —
10 3l eicil f1 ,
3 — — 1 — — 1
11 61-4?-fieli —
—. — — — —
12 111W lIti Thcf Thfg Rft 4 2 1 — — — 1
13 Wal l mbr act- I 5 3 1 — — — 1
14 rh- 1 *1 41— II
5 3 1 — — — 1
15 31171Rf tIV Met ,dcgiq-1. cl 0 3 3 — — — — —
16 aim-Idth7171
-847 Mk) a& 3 3 — — — — —
17 tra TrizfiePT Thccci47 4 2 1 — — —
18 14Ract kicyti, V ‘31cor Loh{ 5 — — — — 1
19 VII 3TetcaR31 3 — — 1 — —
20 1KTikirT 3 —
3 — — — —
Th7 70 28 16 12 4 10 2P
Ara' 9 1=4471.
40% qVi"IsU Wff, 40% 994.<9., Ma, 20% xehu1101 Tr49 *41
1. W 9 sniiit 1 t 5 aro" 28 8T@RIZ 'UR 6141 I 'der teFt 06 31* fhtW.ITff 06 31'W,
qT4T 05
q 71 . TIT SrT aitg \3ccpz 05 tictr an-{Fr 06 31-W, #411 1:189. eT)" I llcd» use 1
2. wfgritu w-r1 1.4q).< 71t1.1.Z•4 31idftW fb-Ff TIT8STri 611if ZAW te-FT tith-f 4 i
71 ?121T 71t9T4 77R 40 611) I 1R-ii a ‘3 crP( 491 1; " 111 6 —
311WF8jtzf Tr19. 02 3.t4 RIPTIT 30 VC
vivccAzi 1:189 03 3tE8 F111 171 75 .864
fakatluncsIrn 04 of i 120 7.r .
05 3f wpm 150 '81 .
3. Thitffit 17R :— 40% tNci T491 45% t111-11-41 L17% 15% Thlt9 TI79.
4. tfttjui MT:WI t f1Z ZTI7 iaair Trzfr I
11 11 1.91410-r 04 02 01 - - - 01
12 12 IT81 31717 02 02 - - - - -
13 13 Tzta 05 - - - - 01 01
14 14 1T T21. 05 - 01 01 - - 02
15 15 tift 4'4 03 03 - - - - -
16 16 A 3T1 * tilit1-4 *r 05 03 01 - - - 01
17 17 meti" 02 - 01 - - - 01
18 18 47442,d 3T171 05 - - - - 01 01
19 19 ti-rtC trr 03 03 - - - - -
20 20 1741 W'11'1 05 03 01 - - - 01
Titrr 15+5=
" 70 28 16 12 04 10
44 9f"1 et Yr -
40%T4463 419, 40% ticit<47 A`44, 20% Ye1titi11c414a un 611
474 st>111(0 1 t 5 ?1 5 28 5*P153 AV4 6141 3itt 14TFT 06 3iT, Rod T419 06 31T, lig v1141 05 31T,
SrW 4140 it \lccH 05 3fiT, TRZ- 1 3RiFf 06 3fT, titif S1 MI ITITITT4 117 01 a ThtteM t I
2. 4-Clei1Z11R4 T'1 #17T7 TA 112-11# 3Trea fdTh71 TT 311TIF 51101 ZIT r4TF1 •01-nef *rali/31:1 r4-4
t 4V.4 7197 Ted#11 'MR' ar-a 611 i liz-ii St \3ccp( tfliii f-ill
tirr 6111 -
aircepWizt m 02 a WIWI 30 3TaF
vrq9 03 a WPM 75 71
1-"de)ttuliclicri 04 a WPM 120 YIe4
05 a 771417 150 YIcQ
3. TratT tt-ff :- 40% ti'f'f Mal 45% 'tiIHI-4 784, 15% Trd# A741
4. ,113101 tiics,acp‘r t WEE qvt f. zrr TRii I
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