Predicting First Grade Students Writing Proficiency

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Assessment in Education: Principles, Policy & Practice

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Predicting first grade students’ writing proficiency

Gustaf B. Skar & Alan Huebner

To cite this article: Gustaf B. Skar & Alan Huebner (2022) Predicting first grade students’
writing proficiency, Assessment in Education: Principles, Policy & Practice, 29:2, 219-237, DOI:

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2022, VOL. 29, NO. 2, 219–237

Predicting first grade students’ writing proficiency

a b
Gustaf B. Skar and Alan Huebner
Department of Teacher Education, Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU), Trondheim,
Norway; bDepartment of Applied and Computational Mathematics and Statistics, University of Notre Dame,
Notre Dame, IN, USA


This study aimed to investigate the predictability of writing devel­ Received 29 March 2021
opment and if scores on a writing test in the first weeks of first Accepted 20 March 2022
grade accurately predict students’ placements into different profi­ KEYWORDS
ciency groups. Participants were 832 first grade students in Norway. writing assessment; writing
Writing proficiency was measured twice, at the start and at the end development; predictability
of first grade (time 1 and time 2, respectively). Multilevel linear
regression analysis showed that writing proficiency measures at
time 1 were significant predictors of writing proficiency at time 2.
The results also showed that measures at time 1 could identify
students running the risk of not meeting expectations with high
precision. However, the results also revealed a substantial propor­
tion of false positives. The results are interpreted and discussed
from a formative writing assessment perspective.

Writing is a powerful tool for thinking, learning, and communicating. In many school
systems, students are expected to learn to write for these purposes from first grade (e.g.
Jeffery et al., 2018; National Governors Association Center for Best Practices & Council
of Chief State School Officers, 2010). Failing to master writing can impede a student’s
opportunity for engagement in learning activities in school, and social and societal
activities outside school (Gee, 2004; Organisation for Economic Co-operation and
Development, 2005). Thus, writing has since the early 2000s been a so-called ‘key
competence’ in Norwegian schools, and through the national curriculum, all teachers
are responsible for teaching subject relevant writing (Skar & Aasen, 2021). On
8 June 2018, the Norwegian parliament further stressed the importance of developing
writing proficiency by accepting an amendment to the Education Act requiring schools
to offer extracurricular writing instruction to students that ‘risk falling behind in
reading, writing and mathematics [. . .] so that the expected progression is met’
(Opplæringslova [The Education Act], 1998, §1-4, our translation). As outlined in
Skar et al. (in press) this amendment has been problematic; the regulation was not
accompanied by a definition of the ‘expected progression’, or tools for identifying the
students in need of extracurricular writing instruction.

CONTACT Gustaf B. Skar [email protected] Department of Teacher Education, NTNU, Trondheim NO-7491,
© 2022 The Author(s). Published by Informa UK Limited, trading as Taylor & Francis Group.
This is an Open Access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives License
(, which permits non-commercial re-use, distribution, and reproduction in any med­
ium, provided the original work is properly cited, and is not altered, transformed, or built upon in any way.

Although writing is a key competence and there are standards for writing proficiency
from second grade, there is no designated official writing test in Norway. Writing is tested
as a part of the Language Arts subject exam in tenth grade, but students do not receive
a writing score. Consequently, there is a substantial lack of tools for teachers who are
responsible for offering extracurricular instructions to students referenced by the Education
Act. A recent researcher-initiated project set out to devise indications of what teachers and
other experts would regard as expected progression at the end of first, second, and third
grade (Skar et al., in press). The current investigation should be regarded as a ‘sister project’,
as it aimed to investigate the predictability of writing development and if scores on
a writing test in the first weeks of first grade accurately predict students’ placements into
different proficiency groups – defined by Skar et al. (in press) – at end of first grade. If
measures of writing can predict future writing performance, teachers could engage in
formative assessment by using outcomes of that measure for planning the instruction.
The goal of formative assessment is to increase the probability of successful instruction
by adopting a dynamic approach to the curriculum by allowing successive collected
information about students’ proficiency guide the subsequent instruction (Black &
Wiliam, 2009, p. 9). The validity of formative assessment is contingent upon its con­
sequences; formative assessment is valid if it has desired consequences (Nichols et al.,
2009; Stobart, 2012). For writing instruction, formative assessment can be operationa­
lised by using the cycle outlined by Graham et al. (2018). This cycle includes stating the
objectives of the writing instruction, instruct students, collect and analyse evidence of
writing proficiency, and finally react to the analysis by, for example, altering the instruc­
tion to better meet the needs of the students. For example, a teacher can, by observing
students’ writing processes and the ensuing texts, focus his/her attention to stages in the
students’ processes that currently works sub-optimal.
Meta-analyses have proven the use of formative writing assessment to be successful.
Graham et al. (2012) reported an average effect size in elementary education of d = 0.42
for assessment in general, and d = 0.80 for feedback from adults. A subsequent meta-
analysis (Graham et al., 2015) found the average effect size for various types of feedback
to be d = 0.61 and the effect of adult feedback to be d = 0.87. Similar findings were also
reported by Koster et al. (2015). Koenka et al. (2019) even found a positive effect of
providing feedback in the form of grades – as compared to no feedback at all – although
written comments were more effective than grades, with an average effect size of d = 0.30
for comments versus grades.
To help teachers who are responsible for providing extracurricular instruction to
students running the risk of not developing writing skills in accordance with expecta­
tions, there is a need for a tool that can predict future writing performance. Without
fulfiling these requirements, an educator would not know what a piece of student writing
represents in terms of anticipated development. Previous research has explored both how
writing develops and to what extent writing proficiency can be predicted.

Writing development and predictions of writing ability

Some studies have investigated writing development in elementary school over time to
explore developmental patterns. For example, Bae and Lee (2012) measured writing
ability in students (N = 42) from second to sixth grade in South Korea and found on

average students display gains in all measures (e.g. grammar, coherence, and text length),
albeit at different rates. Kim et al. (2015a) investigated the writing proficiency develop­
ment in US students (N = 304) attending first grade. The authors noted a general increase
in all measures, and that the pace of development could not be explained by extraneous
factors such as eligibility for free lunch. Drijbooms et al. (2017) surveyed writing
proficiency development in Dutch students (N=93) in grades 4–6 and found that
students develop in terms of syntactic complexity, without noticeable development in
narrative writing skills. Hsieh (2016), in a cross sectional study of linguistic development
of 765 essays written by students in Singapore in grades 3–6, noticed ‘a general upward
trend in lexical and syntactic development over the 4 years’. In two cross-sectional
studies, Graham (1999), and Graham et al. (2001), investigated handwriting development
in US students (N=900) in grades 1–9 and US students (N=300) in grades 1–3, respec­
tively. Both studies found that the average student displayed an increase in measures of
handwriting, but the developmental pace was different between grade levels, with
a ‘plateau tendency’ increasing with grades.
These studies point to two quite general predictions: given instruction, children are
likely to develop as writers, and the nature and pace of that development will presumably
differ between grade levels and be related to the certain aspect of writing being
Other studies investigated predictors of writing proficiency. Campbell et al. (2019)
investigated predictors among 62 students in first grade in the US and found name-
writing ability, but not demographic variables such as gender or age, at the start of the
school year to be a predictor of writing proficiency after six months. Hooper et al. (2010)
investigated predictors of narrative writing skills among 65 US students who were
followed from kindergarten to grades 3–5 and found the following predictors to be
statistically significant: core language abilities, maternal education and prereading skills.
Similar findings were reported in a study of 157 US students in grade K–3 (Kim, et al.,
2015). Juel (1988) investigated writing predictors among 54 US students in grades 1 and
found that writing competence in first grade predicted writing competence in fourth
grade (r = .38).
Two recent studies (Wilson, 2018; Wilson et al., 2016) investigated the classification
accuracy of measures of writing proficiency. In Wilson et al. (2016), the writing scores of
272 US students in sixth grade, awarded after an assessment in the fall, were used to
assess to what extent that writing measure could be used to accurately predict students
being at risk in the subsequent spring semester. The results indicated that scores on the
fall assessments provided acceptable prediction accuracy.
In Wilson (2018), 230 US students’ writing proficiency in third and fourth grade were
assessed using a screening tool. A subsequent state assessment was used to identify
students meeting or not meeting requirements of the grade levels. The screening tests,
based in the tradition of ‘direct assessment of writing (DAW)’, meant that students wrote
texts in reply to a prompt specifying a topic and a rhetorical situation. Wilson (2018)
reported his models yielded acceptable levels of discrimination for third grade and
excellent levels for fourth grade.
Taken together, development and prediction studies indicate that one can presume
that writing skills develop over time, and that the development will probably be related to
prior achievements. The studies also indicate that development is not likely to be linear.

The current study

One could argue that promising results of formative assessment, the explorations of
writing development and predictability of writing proficiency would call for
a Norwegian adaptation of existing formative assessment programmes and writing
measures. However, such an approach would not take into account the contextual
factors of writing. Theoretical (Berge et al., 2016; Graham, 2018; Russell, 1997) and
empirical (Jeffery, 2009; Jeffery et al., 2018; Purves, 1992) findings suggest that
different school contexts value different types of writing. Investigations of writing
instruction and writing assessment, of which there is little outside the US (Graham
& Rijlaarsdam, 2016; Zheng & Yu, 2019), suggest that instruction differs between
contexts (Graham et al., 2021). These findings illustrate the importance of conduct­
ing studies in various contexts. Replication studies have the ability to extend the
knowledge base, and to provide context relevant knowledge about writing develop­
ment and accuracy of predicting writers’ future proficiency. We briefly outline some
aspects of the Norwegian school context.
In Norway, students enter school the year they turn six years old. The age difference in
a class can be eleven months. A Norwegian school year starts in August and ends in June.
Teacher generated grades are awarded from the start of eighth grade, and in tenth grade
students sit for an external exam.
Writing is supposed to be taught in all subjects because of its status as a ‘key
competence’, but Language Arts has the main responsibility for writing instruction
(Skar & Aasen, 2021).1 A recent survey among Norwegian teachers in first to third
grade (Graham et al., 2021) indicated that teachers typically offered varied writing
instruction and devoted approximately 20 minutes per day to writing instruction.
Currently, students sit for national tests in English as a foreign language, mathematics
and reading in fifth, eighth and ninth grade. One of the purposes of these tests is to
provide teachers with insights into student achievement within these domains, to better
plan the subsequent instruction.

Research questions
We posed two research questions:

(1) Was students’ writing proficiency at the start of first grade a significant predictor
of their writing proficiency at the end of first grade, after controlling for numerous
school-level and individual-level factors?
(2) With what accuracy could scores on a writing test at the beginning of first grade
accurately predict students’ placements into different proficiency groups for text

If writing is predictable, this would imply that the writing measures can be used by
teachers in their formative assessment, given that the accuracy was acceptable enough.
In other words, our understanding of the possible outcomes relates to both statistical
significance and practical significance. Without the latter, the former may be of lesser
interest for practitioners. Based on previous research, we expected the writing

proficiency to be predictable, but based on the arguments about context sensitivity

above we refrained from formulating a hypothesis about the exact nature of this

Participants were 832 students from 62 classes in 26 schools. All students attended
first grade, and their mean age was 73.6 months (SD = 3.3). There were 402 boys,
(48% of the total sample), and six hundred forty students (77%) had Norwegian as
their first language, 134 students (16%) were bilingual with Norwegian as one of
the first languages, while 58 students (7%) had a first language other than
Schools in our sample were located in four municipalities, two urban and two rural,
with relatively large and small populations, respectively. There was a mixture of large and
small schools with a mean school size of 483.6 students (SD = 164.1). The moving average
result on the above mentioned national tests in reading, English, and mathematics in the
period 2018–2021 for the schools was 50.6 (SD = 2.3).2 On average, 95.4% (SD = 5.2%) of
teachers in these schools were certified. The average number of students per special
education teacher was 92.5 (SD = 34.6) and students in these schools averaged 55.4
instructional hours (SD = 8.6), a metric that states the number of instructional hours
divided by the number of students.
We argue that the sample was representative of the population. There were 50.2%
boys attending first grade in the academic year of 2019–2020. In 2019–2020, 7.9% of
students in Norway were entitled to extra-curricular language instruction, which is
close to the proportion of L2 speakers in the sample. The size of the schools included in
the material was somewhat bigger than the national average size (M = 226, SD = 166).
The municipalities, however, represented the population range of municipalities in
Norway with a range from large (population of 673,469, or 13% of the population) to
average sized (population of 13,958, or 3% of the population) to smaller municipalities
(population of 6,882, or 1% of the population). The municipalities were located at
different areas of Norway, and thus represented education in various parts of the
country. The proportion of certified teachers in the sample as well as school hours
per student were similar to national average, which was 95.% and 61 hours, respec­
tively. Also, the average number of students per special education teacher was similar to
the national average, which was 82.4 (SD = 98.2). Finally, the average national test score
in our sample (M = 50.6, SD = 2.3) was close to the national average of 50 (SD = 10).
Thus, we argue that the effects of the measures presented below are generalisable to the
Norwegian population.

Sampling procedure
Students were recruited at the school level as participants as part of a large scale writing
intervention study (Skar et al., 2020). After recruitment, half of the schools were
randomly selected to an intervention group, while the other half formed the control

group. In the current study, only students from the latter group participated, as estimates
from the intervention group probably would be less generalisable to the population, since
those students had participated in a writing instruction program.
In this control group 1,333 students from 72 classes in 28 schools were approached,
and 1,170 (87.8%) participated after consent from parents and guardians. Of those, 832
(71.1%) students, nested in 62 classes in 26 schools, participated in enough data collec­
tion for reliable estimates of writing proficiency to be calculated.
Due to the nested structure of the data, the major analytical strategy for this study was
multi-level regression analysis. For regression models, the estimate of statistical power
may focus on inference for a coefficient, a variance component, or on the means of
particular groups (Snijders, 2005). The current study focuses on the coefficient indicating
the effect of the predictability of writing measures, and the estimated statistical power of
the study was high (> 99%) To obtain the power stated above, we ran simulations using
the MLPowSim software (Browne & Golalizadeh, 2021). Given the very high statistical
power, we will subsequently discuss issues of practical significance versus statistical

Students were administered two types of measures related to writing proficiency, on two
occasions. In total, there were six tasks, of which four were used to derive measures of text
quality, and two were used to derive measures of handwriting fluency. The former
measure related to several aspects of writing proficiency, while the latter related to
transcription skills.
There were two justifications for using these measures of writing proficiency. First,
they have both been used in a previous investigation including 4,950 Norwegian students
in grades 1–3, which had provided norming data (Skar et al., 2022). Second, another
previous study used the Text Quality Scale associated with the text quality measure to
establish cut scores for three proficiency levels, including the level referred to in
Norwegian law.

Text quality measure

To obtain a measure of text quality, students were administered two ‘functional’ writing
tasks at two time points (Time 1 [T1], Time 2 [T2]), resulting in four texts. The tasks were
developed for data collection purposes within the project Functional Writing in Primary
School (FUS), detailed in Skar et al. (2020). They were ‘functional’ in the sense of
targeting the communicative function of writing. The tasks were similar to those in
DIW writing (Wilson, 2018).
The tasks at Time 1, administered at the start of first grade, were called ‘Recess Time’
and ‘Lunch Box’, respectively. Recess Time prompted students to write ‘a letter where
you describe what you usually play with during recess time’ to staff at ‘the University in
Trondheim’. This letter was to be a reply to a letter from the same researchers asking
students across the country to provide information about popular activities during recess
time. Teachers first read the letter aloud and then led a discussion about popular recess
time activities, how someone might describe something to a non-present reader, and

common features associated with letters. Teachers also presented a visual portraying
students playing in a school yard. Students started writing when the teacher was
convinced that all students had decided on elements to include.
The Lunch Box task prompted students to describe ‘the lunch box of your dreams to
someone who cannot see or smell its content’. This administration also had teachers lead
a similar discussion as described above, as well as projecting a visual, this time a blue
lunch box containing typical Norwegian fare.
At Time 2 – at the end of first grade – students again were administered the Recess
Time task. This time the letter from the researchers was amended with this sentence: ‘it’s
been almost a year since you started school – what do you usually play with during recess
time now?’ Students were also administered the task ‘Magical Hat’. This task prompted
students to picture themselves finding a magical hat, which would grant the wearer any
wish. The task further prompted students to recount what happened that day. Teachers
engaged students in a pre-writing discussion and provided visual aid, this time in the
form of a hat laying on a road surrounded by green fields.
There were two reasons why two tasks were administered at each time. First, research
in primary school writing has shown multiple tasks to be effective to increase generali­
sability of scores (Bouwer et al., 2015; Graham et al., 2016; Kim et al., 2017; Olinghouse
et al., 2012). Second, given the use of proper statistical analyses, multiple tasks would
allow the researchers to estimate text quality scores for students who were absent for one
of the tasks. There were 797 students participating in both tasks at the first measurement
point. Fifteen students participated in the recess task only, and 20 students took the lunch
box task as the only task. At Time 2, 756 students participated in both tasks. Seventy-six
students participated in the recess task only, and 15 students took the magic hat task as
the only task.
A pool of trained raters read and rated each student text using eight validated ratings
scales, published in Skar et al. (2020). The scores were combined and scaled to a single
Text Quality Score using a many-facet Rasch approach (see below). Raters assigned
a score of 1–5 on the following rating scales: audience awareness, organisation, content
relevance, vocabulary, sentence construction, spelling, legibility and punctuation. Higher
scores represented better quality for each aspect of writing assessed. All rating scales had
descriptors for all scale steps, and raters were also provided with exemplar text associated
with each descriptor.
The scales targeted different aspects of text quality. For example, audience awareness
concerned how the text addressed a reader, whereas the rating scale organisation con­
cerned the structure of the text at the macro-, meso-, and micro-level.
The pool of judges consisted of 33 trained raters recruited from the university of the
first author. The judges participated in training sessions, focusing on how to understand
and use the rating scales. The raters supplied their 25 first ratings to the first author who
provided feedback on harshness and consistency. During the rating period, an email list
was available for raters to address the first author and fellow judges with questions. When
a question was posted on the list, the rating stopped, and raters were given directions
according to answers to the question posed.
All texts were blinded, and each text was assessed independently by two raters. There
were to separate occasions, Rating Occasion 1 and Rating Occasion 2, that corresponded
to Time 1 and Time 2, respectively. To provide an empirical link between the raters and

students, all raters scored 50 student texts from a previous rating session. This empirical
link was used to scale the raw scores with a many-facet Rasch model (MFRM; Linacre,
log ¼ Bn Am Ei Cj Fx
Pnmijðk 1Þ

Here, PnmijðkÞ represents the probability of student n, on task m, rated on rating scale i,
by rater j, receiving a score of k, and Pnmijðk 1Þ represents the probability of the same
student under the same conditions receiving a score of k 1. Bn is the ability for person
n, Am is the difficulty of task m, Ei is the difficulty of rating scale i, and Cj is the severity of
rater j. Finally, Fx represents the point on the logit scale where category k and k–1 are
equally probable.3
If the data fits the MFRM, one can use the scaled score as an estimate of the outcome of
interest – in this case Text Quality. The computer software FACETS converts the scaled
score back to a scale of the same length as the original scale. This converted score is called
a ‘fair score’ in the FACETS lingo, and it represents a ‘fair’ measure of text quality, which
means that it is adjusted for differing task and rating scale difficulties and differing rater
The data fit the model well; specifically, the ‘reliability of separation’-measure, which is
a MFRM analogue to Cronbach’s α, was .95 for Rating Occasion 1 and .96 for Rating
Occasion 2, which indicates a reliability fit for high stakes assessment in the measure of
students’ writing quality. The standardised residuals also indicated a reasonable fit for the
ratings at Rating Occasion 1, as 2.90% were in the range of |2–3| and 2.0% exceeding |3|,
and a good fit for the ratings at Rating Occasion 2 as 4.10% were in the range of |2–3| and
0.80% exceeding |3|. Standardised residuals above 2 should preferably not exceed 5%, and
standardised residuals above 3 should preferably not exceed 1% (Eckes, 2011).

Copying task
To measure the handwriting fluency of students, teachers administered a copying task
(Graham et al., 1997). Students were instructed to copy a short text as quickly and
accurately as possible within 1.5 minutes. The paragraph was taken from the Group
Diagnostic Reading and Aptitude and Achievement Tests (Monroe & Sherman, 1966).
To standardise the task ensure that students understood the text they were going to
copy, students were first shown an instructional video explaining how to complete the
task. The teachers were instructed to then read the paragraph aloud and to start the task
when s/he assessed all children to have understood the instruction. Students were
instructed to start and stop copying the text at the teacher’s command.
The handwriting fluency measure for each student was obtained through a process
where trained coders would tally all correctly written letters. The coders did not count
incorrectly written letters, or letters that were skipped or correctly written letters that did
not match the text. To estimate inter-rater reliability, 10% of all tasks were re-coded by an
independent co-coder. The reliability was satisfactory (κ = .812, ICC = .99). The score for
handwriting was divided by 1.5 to provide an estimate of handwriting fluency
per minute.

Classifications of writing proficiency

To classify performance regarding text quality we used cut scores that were
established through a standard setting procedure and documented in a separate
investigation (Skar et al., in press). This investigation based the standard setting
procedure on measures of text quality that were closely related to measures in this
study; students in Skar et al. (in press) were administered the recess time writing
In Skar et al. (in press), three levels of proficiency were defined: ‘a warning zone’,
‘minimum level’, and ‘aspirational level’.5 The warning zone denoted proficiency
that would yield extracurricular writing education at the end of first grade. The term
itself referred to that the performance would warn educators about performance not
meeting expectations. For the sake of brevity we will refer to at risk of performing
in the warning zone as ‘at risk’. The cut score the at risk level was set to 2.0 on the
Text Quality Scale. The minimum level referred to minimally acceptable proficiency
at the end of second grade, and the cut score was set to 2.3. The aspirational level
referred to the level of proficiency that panellists in the standard setting procedure
would wish students to attain at the end of first grade. The cut score for this level
was set to 3.7 on the Text Quality Scale.
In the classification process, all students’ performances with Text Quality Scores of ≤
2.0 were classified as ‘at risk’. Performances in the range >2.0 ≤2.3 were classified as
‘below minimal’, and performances ≥3.7 were classified as ‘aspirational’. Performances
between the minimum level and aspirational level were classified as ‘above minimum,
below aspirational’.
As can be noted, the gap between the ‘at-risk level’ and the ‘minimum level’ amounted
to 0.3 units on the Text Quality Scale. Although this difference may seem small, it is
worth noting that a previous study based on comparable measures of text quality found
the average second grade student to score 0.43 units more than the average first grade
student (Skar et al., in press). The difference between 2.0 and 2.3 can thus be understood
as substantial.

We included the following covariates for the school level in the analysis: National
Test Result, School Size, Proportion Certified Teachers, Students per special educa­
tion teacher, and School Hours per Student. Data for these variables, which were
described in the participants section above, were collected from the database
‘Skoleporten’ [The School Gate], hosted by the governmental agency the
Norwegian Directorate for Education and Training (
Covariates for student levels were gender, language background, late administration,
and time. Data for the first two variables were collected by teachers who indicated
the students’ gender, and if the student learned Norwegian or another language first,
or both. Late administration, which was a dummy variable, concerned students that
for some reason were administered the task later than the other students. The
covariate was included to control for possible effects of differences in time of

Table 1. Student-level variables (i.e. outcome variables), broken down by gender

and language background.
Time 1 Time 2

Outcome Gender Language N M SD M SD

HF Boy BL 73 6.02 3.14 12.58 6.69
Boy L1 299 5.19 2.60 12.15 6.25
Boy L2 30 4.82 2.08 10.51 5.46
Girl BL 61 6.15 2.67 14.72 6.48
Girl L1 341 6.53 3.71 14.36 6.85
Girl L2 28 4.00 3.27 10.83 6.37
Total 832 5.83 3.20 13.18 6.64

TQ Boy BL 73 1.21 0.36 2.26 0.68

Boy L1 299 1.28 0.39 2.41 0.55
Boy L2 30 1.08 0.18 2.20 0.63
Girl BL 61 1.20 0.31 2.52 0.60
Girl L1 341 1.36 0.39 2.68 0.53
Girl L2 28 1.11 0.21 2.29 0.61
Total 832 1.29 0.38 2.51 0.58
HF: Handwriting fluency, TQ: Text quality, T1: Time 1, T2: Time 2. L1: Norwegian as first language,
L2: Norwegian as second language, BL: Norwegian and another language as first languages.

Table 2. School and student level covariates.

School-level Short Name N M (SD)
National test result nation_test 832 50.63 (2.29)
School size school_size 832 438.55 (164.11)
Proportion certified teachers prop_certif 832 95.39 (5.21)
Students per special education teacher stud_speced 832 92.46 (34.63)
School hours per student hours 832 55.42 (8.62)
Gender dummy variable (with girl coded as 1) gender 832 0.52
Speakers with Norwegian as L1 L1 640 0.77
Speakers with Norwegian as L2 L2 58 0.07
Speakers with Norwegian and BL 134 0.16
additional language as L1

Outcome variables and covariates are summarised below. Table 1 summarises the
names and descriptive statistics of student level measures and Table 2 the covariates used
in the analyses.
There were moderate correlations between the measures of writing proficiency, span­
ning from r = .24 (p < .001) between handwriting fluency at Time 1 (HFT1) and text
quality at Time 2 (TQT2), to r = .42 (p < .001) between handwriting fluency at Time 2
(HFT2) and TQT2. The handwriting fluency measures had a correlation of r = .37 (p <
.001) between Time 1 and Time 2, and the text quality measures displayed a relationship of
r = .40 (p < .001) between Time 1 and Time 2. Please refer to Table 3 for all correlations.

Table 3. Correlations between outcome measures.

HFT1 –
TQT1 0.310*** –
HFT2 0.368*** 0.312*** –
TQT2 0.243*** 0.394*** 0.418*** –
*** p < 0.001. Note. HF: Handwriting fluency, TQ: Text quality, T1: Time 1, T2: Time 2.

Data collection procedures

All tasks were administered by students’ own teachers. This was consistent with the
tradition in Norway, where external assessments are not introduced before tenth
grade, and formal grades are not set until eighth grade. The first author worked with
teachers in first grade to design a test administration procedure that would fit the
participating students. All teachers who participated were given instructions pro­
vided by the first author. Moreover, there were instructional videos available for
teachers to consult if they had questions. There was also a telephone hotline
teachers could use to call the project group, as well as an email address teachers
could use to pose questions. Some teachers had questions not pertaining to the
study, such as how to get refunded for post stamps after sending the student texts to
the university.
Students were given 45 minutes to complete each ‘functional’ writing task. The
copying tasks were restricted to 90 seconds. Data for the first measurement point
was collected during weeks 35–36 in 2019 (i.e. August 26–September 6), which
meant that data collection started one week after students entered first grade. Data
for the second measurement point was collected in weeks 22–25 in 2020 (i.e.
May 25–June 16), which was close to the last day of the second semester of the
students’ first school year.6 The data collections were counterbalanced, so that no
task exclusively was first, middle or last.

Analytical strategy
Multilevel linear regression models were used as the main method for analysing
the data, as these models are well suited for handling the clustered nature of the
data. The R package lme4 (Bates et al., 2015) was used to fit the models, and the
package lmerTest (Kuznetsova et al., 2017) was used to obtain the p-values.
Random intercepts were included for classes and schools. The continuous covari­
ates described in the previous section were standardised so that regression effects
can be interpreted in terms of standard deviations. For each of the two outcome
variables, three models were fit. The first model (1) was a null model with no
predictors, so that the correlation structure could be examined. Then, two more
models were fit: (2) a model with all predictors except for the time 1 measurement
of the covariate, and (3) a model with all predictors. For example, for the outcome
HFT2, model (2) consists of all predictors except for HFT1, and model (3) consists
of all predictors. The difference in values between models (3) and (2) quantifies the
unique contribution of HFT1 in explaining the variation in HFT2. Furthermore,
examination of the regression slope in model (3) for HFT1 will determine whether
it was a significant predictor of HFT2 (i.e. research question 1), and similar for
TQT1 and TQT2.
The second research question, addressing the accuracy of predicting TQT2, was
addressed using model (3) for TQT2. Predicted text quality scores and prediction
intervals for each student were obtained from the model using the R package merTools
(Knowles & Frederick, 2020). The prediction intervals were created using a 68% con­
fidence level, as this is stated by Harvill (1991) as the most common level for creating

intervals around test scores. Then, the intervals were used to assess the accuracy of two
different types of classifications: (1) whether the students were at risk vs. not at risk, and
(2) whether the students were at risk or below minimal vs. above minimal or aspirational.
For (1), students were classified as being at risk if the lower bound of their prediction
interval was ≤2.0. For (2), students were classified as being at risk or below minimal if the
lower bound of their prediction interval was ≤2.3. The classification accuracy as assessed
by using ‘confusion matrices’, a method used in a similar manner by Wilson (2018).
These matrices are tables which summarise the true positive rates (sensitivity) and the
true negative rates (specificity) of the classifications, which will be explained below in the
context of the current study.

The effect sizes for the random and fixed effects for models for both outcomes are
displayed in Table 4. The random effects can be summarised by the intraclass
correlation coefficient (ICC). The ICCs for class and school were both higher for
the text quality outcome than for handwriting fluency. This indicates that the text
quality scores are (slightly) more highly correlated than writing fluency scores for
students in a given class and school. The R2 values quantify the amount of variation
in the outcome explained by the predictors, and the effect size f 2 ¼ 1 RR2 is given in
parenthesis. For the HWT2 outcome, the full model explains approximately 21.4%
of the variation in HWT2, and HWT1 alone explains 9.4% of the variation in
HWT2, when controlling for TQT1, and other covariates. The results for the
TQT2 outcome are similar. The full model explains about 17.3% of the variation
in TQT2, and the TQT1 predictor explains approximately 9.2% of the variation in
TQT2, after controlling for HFT1 and other covariates.
Table 5 displays the parameter estimates and corresponding p-values for the full
models for each outcome variable. There are similarities between the results; gender,
HFT1, and TQT1 are highly significant predictors of both outcomes. In particular,
holding all other variables fixed, we expect girls to score 1.324 units higher than boys
on HFT2 and 0.21 units higher on TQT2. Also, holding all other variables fixed, for every
one-standard deviation increase in HFT1 we expect a 2.217 unit increase in HFT2 and
a 0.097 increase in TQT2, on average. Similarly, holding all other variables fixed, for every
one-standard deviation increase in TQT1, we expect a 1.785 unit increase in HFT2 and
a 0.157 unit increase in TQT2, on average.

Table 4. Effect sizes for the three models fit to each of the three
outcome variables.
Quantity HFT2 TQT2
ICC (class) 0.078 0.191
ICC (school) 0.028 0.115
R2 , model without T1 (f 2 ) 0.120 (0.136) 0.081 (0.088)
R2 , model with T1 (f 2 ) 0.214 (0.272) 0.173 (0.209)
R2 , difference (f 2 ) 0.094 (0.104) 0.092 (0.101)
HF: Handwriting fluency, TQ: Text quality, T1: Time 1, T2: Time 2.

Table 5. Parameter estimates and p-values for full models for HFT2 and TQT2
outcome variables. Continuous covariates were standardised.

Handwriting Fluency Text Quality

Parameter Estimate P-val Estimate P-val

Intercept 13.288 <0.001 2.471 <0.001
nation_test 0.442 0.548 0.005 0.949
school_size −0.001 0.607 0.000 0.334
prop_certif −0.498 0.321 0.017 0.756
stud_speced −0.409 0.358 −0.003 0.960
hours −0.152 0.853 −0.008 0.933
Girl 1.324 0.001 0.210 <0.001
L1 0.005 0.993 0.103 0.044
L2 −1.091 0.266 −0.096 0.252
HFT1 2.217 <0.001 0.097 <0.001
TQT1 1.785 <0.001 0.157 <0.001
For Gender, the ref. level was boy. For Language, the ref. level was bilingual.

Table 6. Confusion matrix for classifying students as at risk

(TQT2 ≤2.0).
Actual Status

Predicted Status At Risk Not at Risk Total

At risk 132 300 432
Not at risk 12 388 400
Total 144 688 832

As explained above, the full model reported in Table 5 for the TQT2 outcome was used
to explore how accurately students can be classified as at risk. Table 6 displays the
confusion matrix that summarises the accuracy of the classifications.
The diagonal entries of the confusion matrix denote the true positives (at risk students
predicted to be at risk) and true negatives (students not at risk predicted to be not at risk).
Thus, 132 of 144 students who were actually at risk were predicted to be at risk, yielding
a true positive rate (or, sensitivity) of 132/144 = 0.92. Also, 388 students were predicted to
be not at risk out of 688 students actually not at risk, yielding a true negative rate (or,
specificity) of 388/688 = 0.56.
Table 7 shows a second confusion matrix that was produced to examine the accuracy
of the model for classifying students as at risk/below minimal. We see that the true
positive rate was very high (241/245 = 0.98), while the true negative rate was low (157/
587 = 0.27).

Table 7. Confusion matrix for classifying students as at risk (TQT2 ≤2.3,

Text Quality Actual Status

At Risk/Below Above Minimal

Predicted Status Minimal Aspirational Total
At Risk/Below Minimal 241 430 671
Above Minimal Aspirational 4 157 161
Total 245 587 832

We posed two research questions in this investigation. The first research question
regarded statistically significant predictors of writing proficiency. The results showed
that handwriting proficiency measures at Time 1 (HFT1) were statistically significant
predictors of handwriting proficiency measures at Time 2 (HFT2), explaining 9.4% of the
variation for HFT2, which equalled an effect size of f 2 = 0.104. Text Quality at Time 1
(TQT1) explained 9.2% of the variation in Text Quality at Time 2 (TQT2) (f 2 = 0.101).
Effect sizes in this range are usually considered to be small to moderate (Cohen, 1992;
Lorah, 2018). In assessing the magnitude of the effect sizes, however, one should note that
the measures were derived from the very first weeks of schooling, where the variance was
considerably smaller than at Time 2. This indicates that even small differences among
students who were otherwise tightly clustered together was a predictor of future scores.
Moreover, the analysis controlled for a large set of student and school level variables, that
otherwise might have confounded the effect of time. The writing proficiency of the
students in this sample was significantly predictable, even after controlling for gender,
age, and within and between school variance, which were all by themselves significant
predictors of outcome.
Previous studies, mainly conducted in the US, have also demonstrated predictability in
elementary school writing (Campbell et al., 2019; Hooper et al., 2010; Juel, 1988; Kim et al.,
2015a). This investigation adds to those studies by confirming predictability also in the
Norwegian context, and by including a sample size much larger than most previous studies.
It will have theoretical implications, should the pattern of predictability repeat itself in several
contexts; this could potentially imply that a student’s baseline continues to exert influence
over his or her development ‘independent’ of instruction. We have seen that even at the
group level, the slope of writing development is far from a straight line (Bae & Lee, 2012;
Drijbooms et al., 2017; Graham, 1999; Graham et al., 2001; Hsieh, 2016; Kim., 2015;
Montanari et al., 2016), but previous research (Kim et al., 2015a) has also shown that
demographic variables did not explain the relative pace of development. In Kim et al.
(2015a) the rank ordering of students did not change enough for demographic variables to
be able to explain the pace of development, even though students – on group level –
developed as writers.
To our knowledge, no study has investigated whether an intervention could fulfil the
supplementary aims of increasing all students’ writing proficiency, and tightening the
distribution of outcome scores so much that predicting individual scores would be
difficult or impossible. Because previous investigations had made it obvious that all
students are capable of developing, research that targets the closing of gaps would be
interesting as it might help educators better to understand how pedagogical actions could
be tailored to individual needs.
The second research question examined with what accuracy text quality measures at
Time 1 would predict a student’s classification into proficiency groups. The results showed
that 92% of the student performances classified as ‘at risk’ at Time 2 was accurately
predicted by measures at Time 1. For student performances classified as ‘below minimum’,
the accuracy was 98%. However, the results also indicated that a substantial low specificity;
632 (80.6%) of students were predicted to be in the below minimum category, 430 (64%)
wrongfully so. We note that this pattern of high sensitivity and low specificity is consistent

with the results of the confusion matrices reported by Wilson (2018). While they used
a logistic regression approach, the current study used linear regression. The reason for this
is because it is because the response variable text quality is continuous, and it is generally
recommended that continuous variables should not be collapsed, or discretized (Harrell,
2001). Interestingly, however, despite the different modelling approaches, the end classi­
fication results of Wilson (2018) and the current study appear to be concordant.
The pedagogical implications of high sensitivity and low specificity are far from
straightforward. An educator mostly concerned with the sensitivity rate would be able
to use the measures from Time 1 to assure extracurricular activities to students at risk of
not developing writing skills in accordance with expectations, possibly with the outcome
that this would lead to a more desired development pace for those students. However,
a large proportion of students would – at least as long as the pedagogical decisions are
based on this first measure only – receive a suboptimal treatment, that in worst con­
sequence would hinder their development. A worst-case scenario, then, would be that all
students end up tightly clustered around a mean score, at the cost of a substantial number
of students having their development suppressed.
An alternative would be to adopt a more dynamic approach, as the one suggested by
Graham et al. (2018), where the teacher frequently elicits information of the individual’s
writing performance for purposes of planning instruction. Such an approach would also
be in line with research indicating the limited generalisability of one-off assessments
(Bouwer et al., 2015; Kim et al., 2017; Olinghouse et al., 2012). A cautious start, taking at
risk warnings seriously might initially not fit all students, but would be sure to identify
those that indeed are in need of extracurricular instruction. Subsequent assessments will
presumably provide more nuanced information, enabling the educator to better tailor
instructional needs to the individual students.

This backdrop of this study was the need for context relevant tools for identifying
students’ strengths and potential weaknesses to better tailor instruction to individual
need. While the study – as intended – did provide much needed insights into
predictability and accuracy, future research will be needed to transform the tools
that were explored in this investigation to pedagogical tools that can be applied in
classroom settings. Such research would include teacher participants using the
assessment tools to elicit evidence about students’ performance and also include
a series of instructional steps that would follow, depending on student outcomes. It
would be preferable if such research could be designed in a way that would allow
researchers to draw causal conclusions, so that teacher community could be pro­
vided with answers on how effective the tools were for improving the trajectories of
students’ writing development.

This study showed that writing proficiency in the end of first grade was predictable using
measures of writing proficiency at the start of first grade. It also showed a high ability to
predict which students that performed at the at risk-level and below minimum level at end

of first grade. If nothing else, this predictability suggests for teachers to assess their students
and act on that assessment to ensure a dynamic and tailored instruction, rather than a static
curriculum, which might preserve and strengthen differences between students.

1. There may, of course, be a discrepancy between the intended, official curriculum, and the
one enacted. We do not know if writing is taught in all subjects.
2. We chose to use this metric, as it is the statistic the Norwegian Directorate for Education and
Training uses for computing school-level added value. Initially, we were going to include
added value instead, but the Directorate for Education and Training does not disclose data
for all schools, which meant that several students in the sample would have been excluded.
3. There were in effect two rating occasions and scores were scaled for each occasion. To make
scaled scores from each occasion comparable, we used scaled scores from the fifty texts as
‘anchor values’ when scaling scores from the second rating occasion.
4. This is made possible since the MFRM is robust against missing data, which means that if
the data fits the model well, a student can get an estimated value on combinations of items,
tasks and raters s/he did not encounter empirically.
5. Please note that the project reported on in Skar et al. (in press) generated more cut scores than
were eventually published. All cut score statistics are available upon request to the first author.
6. Due to logistic reasons, 77 students were administered one of the two functional writing
tasks after the first data collection period, and four students were administered the test a few
days after the second data collection. Two students were administered the writing tasks late
at both data collection occasions. Also, 53 students were administered the copy task after the
first data collection period and two students were administered the test a few days after
the second data collection. Rather than excluding these students from the analysis, however,
we chose to include ‘late administration’ as a covariate in a preliminary analysis. This
covariate was not significant, and thus all subsequent analyses were performed without
this covariate.

Disclosure statement
No potential conflict of interest was reported by the author(s).

This work was supported by the The Research Council of Norway [288795].

Notes on contributors
Gustaf B. Skar, Ph.D., is Professor of Language Arts Education.
Alan Huebner, Ph.D., is Teaching Professor of Applied and Computational Mathematics and

Gustaf B. Skar
Alan Huebner

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