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Unity Pro XLS Supported System Bits and Words

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Unity Pro XLS Software

System Objects
33003885 07/2012

System Objects

This chapter describes the system bits and words of the Quantum Safety PLC.
Note: The symbols associated with each bit object or system word mentioned in the
descriptive tables of these objects are not implemented as standard in the software,
but can be entered using the data editor.
It is suggested that the symbol names associated with the system bits and system
words that appear on the following pages be implemented to provide continuity and
ease of understanding. Example: %S0 COLDSTART (the user can select another
word to replace COLDSTART).

What Is in This Chapter?

This chapter contains the following sections:
Section Topic Page
B.1 System Bits 100
B.2 System Words 109

33003885 07/2012 99
System Objects

B.1 System Bits

This section describes the system bits of the Quantum Safety PLC.
For your convenience, all system bits of standard Quantum PLCs are listed but only
explained further if used in the Quantum Safety PLC.

What Is in This Section?

This section contains the following topics:
Topic Page
System Bit Introduction 101
Description of the System Bits %S0 to %S13 102
Description of the System Bits %S15 to %S21 104
Description of the System Bits %S30 to %S51 106
Description of the System Bits %S59 to %S122 107

100 33003885 07/2012

System Objects

System Bit Introduction

The Quantum PLCs use %Si system bits which indicate the state of the PLC, or they
can be used to control how it operates.
These bits can be tested in the user program to detect any functional development.
Some of these bits must be reset to their initial or normal state by either the program
or the user. Other bits are automatically reset by the system. Finally, there are bits
which only display the status of the PLC.

33003885 07/2012 101

System Objects

Description of the System Bits %S0 to %S13

Detailed Description
NOTE: Not all of the system bits can be used in the Quantum Safety PLC. The
unusable system bits are marked in the Quant. Safety column with no.
The following table gives a description of the system bits %S0 to %S13:

Bit Function Description Initial Write Quant.

Symbol State Access Safety
%S0 cold start Normally at 0, this bit is set to 1 by: 1 no yes
COLDSTART z power restoration with loss of data (battery related), (1 cycle)
z the user program,
z the terminal,
z a change of cartridge,

This bit is set to 1 during the first complete restored

cycle of the PLC either in RUN or in STOP mode. It is
reset to 0 by the system before the following cycle.
%S0 is not always set in the first scan of the PLC. If a
signal set for every start of the PLC is needed, %S21
should be used instead.
%S1 warm see chapter "System Bits" (see Unity Pro, Program 0 no no
WARMSTART restart Languages and Structure, Reference Manual ) in the
Unity Pro Program Languages and Structure
Reference Manual
%S4 time base see chapter "System Bits" (see Unity Pro, Program - no no
TB10MS 10 ms Languages and Structure, Reference Manual ) in the
Unity Pro Program Languages and Structure
Reference Manual
%S5 time base see chapter "System Bits" (see Unity Pro, Program - no no
TB100MS 100 ms Languages and Structure, Reference Manual ) in the
Unity Pro Program Languages and Structure
Reference Manual
%S6 time base see chapter "System Bits" (see Unity Pro, Program - no no
TB1SEC 1s Languages and Structure, Reference Manual ) in the
Unity Pro Program Languages and Structure
Reference Manual
%S7 time base see chapter "System Bits" (see Unity Pro, Program - no no
TB1MIN 1 min Languages and Structure, Reference Manual ) in the
Unity Pro Program Languages and Structure
Reference Manual

102 33003885 07/2012

System Objects

Bit Function Description Initial Write Quant.

Symbol State Access Safety
%S10 input/output Normally at 1, this is set to 0 when an I/O fault on an in- 1 no yes
IOERR fault rack module or device on Fipio is detected (e.g. non-
compliant configuration, exchange fault, hardware
fault, etc.). The %S10 bit is reset to 1 by the system as
soon as the fault disappears.
%S11 watchdog Normally at 0, this is set to 1 by the system as soon as 0 no yes
WDG overflow the task execution time becomes greater than the
maximum execution time (i.e. the watchdog) declared
in the task properties.
%S12 PLC in This bit is set to 1 by the system when the PLC is in 0 no yes
It is set to 0 by the system as soon as the PLC is no
longer in RUN (STOP, INIT, etc.).
%S13 first cycle Normally set to 0, this is set to 1 by the system during - no yes
1RSTSCANRUN after the first cycle of the master task after the PLC is set to
switching to RUN.

On Quantum Safety PLCs, communication interruptions from NOE, CRA or CRP
modules are not reported on bit %S10.
Make certain that these system bits are used correctly.
Failure to follow these instructions can result in death, serious injury, or
equipment damage.

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System Objects

Description of the System Bits %S15 to %S21

Detailed Description
NOTE: Not all of the system bits can be used in the Quantum Safety PLC. The
unusable system bits are marked in the Quant. Safety column with no.
The following table gives a description of the system bits %S15 to %S21:

Bit Function Description Initial Write Quant.

Symbol State Access Safety
%S15 character see chapter "System Bits" (see Unity Pro, Program 0 yes no
STRINGERROR string fault Languages and Structure, Reference Manual ) in the
Unity Pro Program Languages and Structure
Reference Manual
%S16 task Normally set to 1, this bit is set to 0 by the system when 1 yes yes
IOERRTSK input/output a fault occurs on an in-rack I/O module or a Fipio device
fault configured in the task.
This bit must be reset to 1 by the user.
%S17 rotate or normally at 0 0 no yes
CARRY shift output During a rotate or shift operation, this bit takes the state
of the outgoing bit.
%S18 overflow or Normally set to 0, this bit is set to 1 in the event of a 0 yes yes
OVERFLOW arithmetic capacity overflow if there is
error z a result greater than + 32 767 or less than - 32 768,
in single length,
z result greater than + 65 535, in unsigned integer,
z a result greater than + 2 147 483 647 or less than -
2 147 483 648, in double length,
z result greater than +4 294 967 296, in double length
or unsigned integer,
z real values outside limits,
z division by 0,
z the root of a negative number,
z forcing to a non-existent step on a drum,
z stacking up of an already full register, emptying of
an already empty register.
It must be tested by the user program after each
operation where there is a risk of overflow, and then
reset to 0 by the user if there is indeed an overflow.
When the %S18 bit switches to 1, the application stops
in error state if the %S78 bit has been set to 1.

104 33003885 07/2012

System Objects

Bit Function Description Initial Write Quant.

Symbol State Access Safety
%S19 task period Normally set to 0, this bit is set to 1 by the system in the 0 yes yes
OVERRUN overrun event of a time period overrun (i.e. task execution time
(periodical is greater than the period defined by the user in the
scanning) configuration or programmed into the %SW word
associated with the task). The user must reset this bit to
0. Each task manages its own %S19 bit.
%S20 Index Normally set to 0, this bit is set to 1 when the address 0 yes no
INDEXOVF overflow of the indexed object becomes less than 0 or exceeds
the number of objects declared in the configuration.
In this case, it is as if the index were equal to 0.
It must be tested by the user program after each
operation where there is a risk of overflow, and then
reset to 0 if there is indeed an overflow.
When the %S20 bit switches to 1, the application stops
in error state if the %S78 bit has been set to 1.
%S21 first task Tested in a task (Mast, Fast, Aux0, Aux1, Aux2 Aux3), 0 no yes
1RSTTASKRUN cycle the bit %S21 indicates the first cycle of this task. %S21
is set to 1 at the start of the cycle and reset to zero at
the end of the cycle.
Notes: The bit %S21 does not have the same meaning
in PL7 as in Unity Pro.

On Quantum Safety PLCs, communication interruptions from NOE, CRA or CRP
modules are not reported on bit %S16.
Make certain that these system bits are used correctly.
Failure to follow these instructions can result in death, serious injury, or
equipment damage.

33003885 07/2012 105

System Objects

Description of the System Bits %S30 to %S51

Detailed Description
NOTE: Not all of the system bits can be used in the Quantum Safety PLC. The
unusable system bits are marked in the Quant. Safety column with no.
The following table gives a description of the system bits %S30 to %S51:

Bit Function Description Initial Write Quant.

Symbol State Access Safety
%S30 activation/deactivation see chapter "System Bits" (see Unity Pro, 1 yes no
MASTACT of the master task Program Languages and Structure, Reference
Manual ) in the Unity Pro Program Languages
and Structure Reference Manual
%S31 activation/deactivation see chapter "System Bits" (see Unity Pro, 0 yes no
FASTACT of the fast task Program Languages and Structure, Reference
Manual ) in the Unity Pro Program Languages
and Structure Reference Manual
%S32 activation/deactivation see chapter "System Bits" (see Unity Pro, 0 yes no
%S33 of the auxiliary tasks 0-3 Program Languages and Structure, Reference
%S34 Manual ) in the Unity Pro Program Languages
%S35 and Structure Reference Manual
%S38 enabling/inhibition of see chapter "System Bits" (see Unity Pro, 1 yes no
ACTIVEVT events Program Languages and Structure, Reference
Manual ) in the Unity Pro Program Languages
and Structure Reference Manual
%S39 saturation in event see chapter "System Bits" (see Unity Pro, 0 yes no
EVTOVR processing Program Languages and Structure, Reference
Manual ) in the Unity Pro Program Languages
and Structure Reference Manual
%S50 updating of time and Normally set to 0, this bit is set to 1 by the 0 yes yes
RTCWRITE date via words %SW50 program or the terminal:
to %SW53 z set to 0: update of system words %SW50 to
%SW53 by the date and time supplied by the
PLC real-time clock,
z set to 1: system words %SW50 to %SW53
are no longer updated, therefore making it
possible to modify them.
z The switch from 1 to 0 updates the real-time
clock with the values entered in words
%SW50 to %SW53.
%S51 time loss in real-time This system-managed bit set to 1 indicates that - no yes
RTCERR clock the real-time clock is missing or that its system
words (%SW50 to %SW53) are meaningless. If
set to 1, the clock must be reset to the correct

106 33003885 07/2012

System Objects

Description of the System Bits %S59 to %S122

Detailed Description
NOTE: Not all of the system bits can be used in the Quantum Safety PLC. The
unusable system bits are marked in the Quant. Safety column with no.
The following table gives a description of the system bits %S59 to %S122:

Bit Function Description Initial Write Quant.

Symbol State Access Safety
%S59 incremental Normally set to 0, this bit can be set to 1 or 0 by the 0 yes yes
RTCTUNING update of program or the terminal:
the time z set to 0: the system does not manage the system
and date word %SW59,
via word z set to 1: the system manages edges on word
%SW59 %SW59 to adjust the date and current time (by
%S67 state of the This bit is used to monitor the status of the main battery - no yes
PCMCIABAT0 application when the memory card is in the upper PCMCIA slot (all
memory the Atriums, Premiums, and on the Quantums):
card battery z set to 1: main voltage battery is low (application is
preserved but you must replace the battery following
the so-called predictive maintenance procedure),
z set to 0: main battery voltage is sufficient
(application is preserved).
Bit %S67 is managed:
z on the PV06 small and medium capacity RAM
memory cards (product version written on the card
label), i.e. offering memory size under Unity
=#768K: TSX MRP P 128K, TSX MRP P 224K TSX
MCP C 224K, MCP C 512K, TSX MRP P 384K, TSX
MRP C 448K, TSX MRP C 768K,
z under Unity whose version is ≥ 2.02.

%S68 state of the This bit is used to check the operating state of the – no yes
PLCBAT processor backup battery for saving data and the program in
battery RAM:
z set to 0: battery present and operational,
z set to 1: battery missing or non-operational.

%S75 state of the This bit is used to monitor the status of the main battery – no no
PCMCIABAT1 data when the memory card is in the lower PCMCIA slot, see
storage chapter "System Bits" (see Unity Pro, Program
memory Languages and Structure, Reference Manual ) in the
card battery Unity Pro Program Languages and Structure
Reference Manual.
Note: Data stored on a memory card in slot B are not
processed in SIL3 projects.

33003885 07/2012 107

System Objects

Bit Function Description Initial Write Quant.

Symbol State Access Safety
%S76 configured This bit is set to 1 by the system when the diagnostics 0 no yes
DIAGBUFFCONF diagnostics option has been configured. Then, a diagnostics buffer
buffer for storage of errors found by diagnostics DFBs is
This bit is read-only.
%S77 full This bit is set to 1 by the system when the buffer that 0 no yes
DIAGBUFFFULL diagnostics receives errors from the diagnostics function blocks is
buffer full.
This bit is read-only.
%S78 stop in the Normally at 0, this bit can be set to 1 by the user, to 0 yes yes
HALTIFERROR event of program a PLC stop on application fault: %S15, %S18,
error %20.
%S80 reset Normally set to 0, this bit can be set to 1 by the user to 0 yes yes
RSTMSGCNT message reset the message counters %SW80 to %SW86.
%S94 saving see chapter "System Bits" (see Unity Pro, Program 0 yes no
SAVECURRVAL adjustment Languages and Structure, Reference Manual ) in the
values Unity Pro Program Languages and Structure
Reference Manual
%S118 General Normally set to 1, this bit is set to 0 by the system when – no yes
REMIOERR Remote I/O a fault occurs on a device connected to the RIO (Fipio
fault for Premium or Drop S908 for Quantum) remote
input/output bus.
This bit is reset to 1 by the system when the fault
This bit is not updated if an error occurs on the other
buses (DIO, ProfiBus, ASI).
%S119 General Normally set to 1, this bit is set to 0 by the system when – no yes
LOCIOERR inrack I/O a fault occurs on an I/O module placed in 1 of the racks.
fault This bit is reset to 1 by the system when the fault
%S120 DIO bus see chapter "System Bits" (see Unity Pro, Program – no no
%S121 faults Languages and Structure, Reference Manual ) in the
%S122 Unity Pro Program Languages and Structure
Reference Manual

108 33003885 07/2012

System Objects

B.2 System Words

This section describes the system words of the Quantum Safety PLC.
For your convenience, all system words of standard Quantum PLCs are listed but
only explained further if used in the Quantum Safety PLC.

What Is in This Section?

This section contains the following topics:
Topic Page
Description of the System Words %SW0 to %SW21 110
Description of the System Words %SW30 to %SW59 113
Description of the System Words %SW60 to %SW127 117

33003885 07/2012 109

System Objects

Description of the System Words %SW0 to %SW21

Detailed Description
NOTE: Not all of the system words can be used in the Quantum Safety PLC. The
unusable system words are marked in the Quant. Safety column with no.
The following table gives a description of the system words %SW0 to %SW21:

Word Function Description Initial Write Quant.

Symbol State Access Safety
%SW0 master task see chapter "System Objects" (see Unity Pro, 0 yes no
MASTPERIOD scanning Program Languages and Structure, Reference
period Manual ) in the Unity Pro Program Languages and
Structure Reference Manual
%SW1 fast task see chapter "System Objects" (see Unity Pro, 0 yes no
FASTPERIOD scanning Program Languages and Structure, Reference
period Manual ) in the Unity Pro Program Languages and
Structure Reference Manual
%SW2, %SW3, auxiliary task see chapter "System Objects" (see Unity Pro, 0 yes no
%SW4, %SW5 scanning Program Languages and Structure, Reference
period Manual ) in the Unity Pro Program Languages and
Structure Reference Manual
%SW8 acquisition of see chapter "System Objects" (see Unity Pro, 0 yes no
TSKINHIBIN task input Program Languages and Structure, Reference
monitoring Manual ) in the Unity Pro Program Languages and
Structure Reference Manual
%SW9 monitoring of see chapter "System Objects" (see Unity Pro, 0 yes no
TSKINHIBOUT task output Program Languages and Structure, Reference
update Manual ) in the Unity Pro Program Languages and
Structure Reference Manual
%SW10 first cycle see chapter "System Objects" (see Unity Pro, 0 no no
TSKINIT after cold Program Languages and Structure, Reference
start Manual ) in the Unity Pro Program Languages and
Structure Reference Manual
%SW11 watchdog Reads the duration of the watchdog. The duration - no yes
WDGVALUE duration is expressed in milliseconds (20...990 ms).
This word cannot be modified.

110 33003885 07/2012

System Objects

Word Function Description Initial Write Quant.

Symbol State Access Safety
%SW12 mode of This word indicates the operating mode of the 16#A501 no yes
APMODE application application processor. Possible values are:
processor z 16#A501: application processor is in
Maintenance Mode.
z 16#5AFE: application processor is in Safety
Any other value is interpreted as an error.
This system word is not available for the standard
Quantum CPU.
%SW13 mode of Intel This word indicates the operating mode of the Intel 16#501A no yes
INTELMODE processor Pentium processor. Possible values are:
z 16#501A: application processor is in
Maintenance Mode.
z 16#5AFE: application processor is in Safety
Any other value is interpreted as an error.
This system word is not available for the standard
Quantum CPU.
%SW14 commercial This word contains the commercial version of the - no yes
OSCOMMVERS version of PLC processor.
PLC Example: 16#0135
processor version: 01; issue number: 35
%SW15 PLC This word contains the commercial version of the - no yes
OSCOMMPATCH processor PLC processor patch.
patch version It is coded onto the least significant byte of the
coding: 0 = no patch, 1 = A, 2 = B...
Example: 16#0003 corresponds to patch C.
%SW16 firmware This word contains the Firmware version number - no yes
OSINTVERS version in hexadecimal of the PLC processor firmware.
number Example: 16#0017
version: 2.1; VN: 17
%SW17 error status see chapter "System Objects" (see Unity Pro, 0 yes yes
FLOATSTAT on floating Program Languages and Structure, Reference
operation Manual ) in the Unity Pro Program Languages and
Structure Reference Manual
%SW17.1: Flag not managed by Quantum Safety.
%SW18 absolute time %SW18 is the low and %SW19 the high word for 0 yes yes
%SW19 counter calculating durations. Both are incremented every
100MSCOUNTER 1/10th of a second by the system (even when the
PLC is in STOP, they are no longer incremented if
it is powered down). They can be read and written
by the user program or by the terminal.

33003885 07/2012 111

System Objects

Word Function Description Initial Write Quant.

Symbol State Access Safety
%SW20 absolute time The low word %SW20 and the high word %SW21 0 no yes
%SW21 counter are incremented every 1/1000th of a second by
MSCOUNTER the system (even when the PLC is in STOP, they
are no longer incremented if it is powered down).
They can be read by the user program or by the
terminal. %SW20 and %SW21 are reset on a cold
start, but not on a warm start.

112 33003885 07/2012

System Objects

Description of the System Words %SW30 to %SW59

Detailed Description
NOTE: Not all of the system words can be used in the Quantum Safety PLC. The
unusable system words are marked in the Quant. Safety column with no.
The following table gives a description of the system words %SW30 to %SW59:

Word Function Description Initial Write Quant.

Symbol State Access Safety
%SW30 master task This word indicates the execution time of the last - no no
MASTCURRTIME execution time master task cycle (in ms).

%SW31 maximum This word indicates the longest master task - no yes
MASTMAXTIME master task execution time since the last cold start (in ms).
execution time
%SW32 minimum This word indicates the shortest master task - no yes
MASTMINTIME master task execution time since the last cold start (in ms).
execution time
%SW33 to fast task see chapter "System Objects" (see Unity Pro, - no no
%SW35 execution Program Languages and Structure, Reference
times Manual ) in the Unity Pro Program Languages and
Structure Reference Manual
%SW36 NTP number of This word indicates the number of seconds 0 no yes
seconds (LSB) passed since January 1st, 1980 at 00:00 (LSB
part). It reflects the NTP time coming from the
140 NOE 771 11 module. This word is refreshed
internally between two NTP synchronizations.
%SW37 NTP number of This word indicates the number of seconds 0 no yes
seconds passed since January 1st, 1980 at 00:00 (MSB
(MSB) part). It reflects the NTP time coming from the
140 NOE 771 11 module. This word is refreshed
internally between two NTP synchronizations.
%SW38 NTP number of This word indicates the number of milliseconds 0 no yes
milliseconds added to the NTP number of seconds (%SW36
and %SW37). It reflects the NTP time coming
from the 140 NOE 771 11 module. This word is
refreshed internally between two NTP

33003885 07/2012 113

System Objects

Word Function Description Initial Write Quant.

Symbol State Access Safety
%SW39 status of the Meaning of the different bits of %SW39 word: 0 yes yes
NTP z %SW39.0 (managed by the controller):
timestamps in z =0, the time value is not available or the
ms time has not been updated within last 2
z =1, the time value is available or the time
has been updated within last 2 minutes
z %SW39.1 (managed by the 140 NOE 771 11
z =0, the NTP server time value is not
z =1, the updated time value is received from
the NTP server and has been sent to the
module (at least once)
z %SW39.2 (managed by the CPU):
z =0, the time value in %SW36 to %SW38
words differs from the last NTP server time
received by more than 2 seconds. The last
NTP server time received has been
z =1, the time value in %SW36 to %SW38
words are consistent with the last NTP
server time received (less than 2 seconds
difference). The time value in %SW36 to
%SW38 words is filtered with a slope of
1ms/s to reach the last NTP server time
z %SW39.3 to %SW39.7: not used
z %SW39.8 (control that can be set by the
z =0, no action
z =1. When set to 1, the CPU will accept the
next NTP server time received without
filtering (1 ms/s) and without consistency
check (difference between time value in
%SW36 to %SW38 words and NTP server
time). After the next NTP server time is
received, the %SW39.8 bit is automatically
reset to 0 by the controller.
z %SW39.9 to %SW39.15: not used

%SW40 to auxiliary tasks see chapter "System Objects" (see Unity Pro, - no no
%SW47 execution Program Languages and Structure, Reference
times Manual ) in the Unity Pro Program Languages and
Structure Reference Manual

114 33003885 07/2012

System Objects

Word Function Description Initial Write Quant.

Symbol State Access Safety
%SW48 number of see chapter "System Objects" (see Unity Pro, 0 yes no
IOEVTNB events Program Languages and Structure, Reference
Manual ) in the Unity Pro Program Languages and
Structure Reference Manual
%SW49 real-time clock System words containing date and current time (in - yes yes
DAYOFWEEK function BCD):
z %SW49: day of the week:
%SW50 z 1 = Monday,
SEC z 2 = Tuesday,
z 3 = Wednesday,
%SW51 z 4 = Thursday,
HOURMIN z 5 = Friday,
z 6 = Saturday,
%SW52 z 7 = Sunday,

%SW50: Seconds (16#SS00),
z %SW51: Hours and Minutes (16#HHMM),
%SW53 %SW52: Month and Day (16#MMDD),
%SW53: Year (16#YYYY).
These words are managed by the system when
the bit %S50 is set to 0.
These words can be written by the user program
or by the terminal when the bit %S50 is set to 1.
%SW54 real-time clock System words containing date and time of the last - no yes
STOPSEC function on last power outage or PLC stop (in Binary Coded
stop Decimal):
%SW55 z %SW54: Seconds (00SS),
STOPHM z %SW55: Hours and Minutes (HHMM),
z %SW56: Month and Day (MMDD),
%SW56 z %SW57: Year (YYYY),
STOPMD z %SW58: the most significant byte contains the
day of the week (1 for Monday through to 7 for
%SW57 Sunday), and the least significant byte
STOPYEAR contains the code for the last stop:
z 1 = change from RUN to STOP by the
%SW58 terminal or the dedicated input,
STOPDAY z 2 = stop by watchdog (PLC task or SFC
z 4 = power outage or memory card lock
z 5 = stop on hardware fault,
z 6 = stop on software fault. Details on the
type of software fault are stored in

33003885 07/2012 115

System Objects

Word Function Description Initial Write Quant.

Symbol State Access Safety
%SW59 adjustment of Contains 2 8-bit series to adjust the current date. 0 yes yes
ADJDATETIME current date The action is performed on the rising edge of the
This word is enabled by bit %S59=1.
In the following illustration, bits in the left column
increment the value, and bits in the right column
decrement the value:

116 33003885 07/2012

System Objects

Description of the System Words %SW60 to %SW127

Detailed Description
NOTE: Not all of the system words can be used in the Quantum Safety PLC. The
unusable system words are marked no in the Quant. Safety column.
The following table gives a description of the system words %SW60 to %SW127:

Word Function Description Initial Write Quant.

Symbol State Access Safety
%SW60 Quantum Hot Meaning of the different bits of the word %SW60: 0 yes no
HSB_CMD Standby z %SW60.0=1 invalidates the commands
command entered in the display (keypad).
register z %SW60.1
z =0 sets PLC A to OFFLINE mode.
z =1 sets PLC A to RUN mode.

z %SW60.2
z =0 sets PLC B to OFFLINE mode.
z =1 sets PLC B to RUN mode.

z %SW60.3=0 forces Standby PLC to OFFLINE

mode if the applications are different.
z %SW60.4
z =0 authorizes an update of the firmware
only after the application has stopped.
z =1 authorizes an update of the firmware
without the application stopping.
z %SW60.5=1 application transfer request from
the Standby to the primary.
z %SW60.8
z =0 address switch on Modbus port 1 during
a primary swap.
z =1 no address switch on Modbus port 1
during a primary swap.

33003885 07/2012 117

System Objects

Word Function Description Initial Write Quant.

Symbol State Access Safety
%SW61 Quantum status Meaning of the different bits of the word %SW61: 0 no yes
HSB_STS register z %SW61.0 und %SW61.1 PLC operating mode
z %SW61.1=0, %SW61.0=1: OFFLINE
z %SW61.1=1, %SW61.0=0: primary mode.
z %SW61.1=1, %SW61.0=1: secondary
mode (Standby).
z %SW61.2 and %SW61.3 operating mode bits
from the other PLC
z %SW61.3=0, %SW61.2=1: OFFLINE
z %SW61.3=1, %SW61.2=0: primary mode.
z %SW61.3=1, %SW61.2=1: secondary
mode (Standby).
z %SW61.3=0, %SW61.2=0: the remote PLC
is not accessible (switched off, no
z %SW61.4=0 the applications are identical on
both PLCs.
z %SW61.5
z =0 the PLC is used as unit A.
z =1 the PLC is used as unit B.

z %SW61.7
z =0 same PLC OS version.
z =1 different PLC OS version.

z %SW61.8
z =0 same Copro OS version.
z =1 different Copro OS version.

z %SW61.12
z =0 information given by bit 13 is not
z =1 information given by bit 13 is valid.

z %SW61.13
z =0 NOE address set to IP.
z =1 NOE address set to IP + 1.

z %SW61.15
z =0 Hot Standby not activated.
z =1 Hot Standby activated.

118 33003885 07/2012

System Objects

Word Function Description Initial Write Quant.

Symbol State Access Safety
%SW62 transfer word These 2 words may be written by the user in the 0 yes yes
HSBY_REVERSE0 first section of the master task. They are then
%SW63 transferred automatically from the Standby
HSBY_REVERSE1 processor to update the primary PLC.
They may be read on the primary PLC and be
used as primary application parameters.
%SW70 real-time clock System word containing the number of the week – yes
WEEKOFYEAR function in the year: 1 to 52.

%SW71 position of the This word provides the image of the positions of 0 no yes
KEY_SWITCH switches on the the switches on the front panel of the Quantum
Quantum front processor. This word is updated automatically by
panel the system.
z %SW71.0 = 1 switch in the "Memory
protected" position,
z %SW71.1 = 1 switch in the "STOP" position,
z %SW71.2 = 1 switch in the "START" position,
z %SW71.8 = 1 switch in the "MEM" position,
z %SW71.9 = 1 switch in the "ASCII" position,
z %SW71.10 = 1 switch in the "RTU" position,
z %SW71.3 to 7 and 11 to 15 are not used.

%SW75 timer-type see chapter "System Objects" (see Unity Pro, 0 no

TIMEREVTNB event counter Program Languages and Structure, Reference
Manual ) in the Unity Pro Program Languages
and Structure Reference Manual
%SW76 diagnostics Result of the last registration: 0 yes
DLASTREG function: z = 0 if the recording was successful,
recording z = 1 if the diagnostics buffer has not been
z = 2 if the diagnostics buffer is full.

%SW77 diagnostics Result of the last deregistration: 0 yes

DLASTDEREG function: non- z = 0 if the non-recording was successful,
recording z = 1 if the diagnostics buffer has not been
z = 21 if the error identifier is invalid,
z = 22 if the error has not been recorded.

%SW78 diagnostics Number of errors currently in the diagnostics 0 yes

DNBERRBUF function: buffer.
number of

33003885 07/2012 119

System Objects

Word Function Description Initial Write Quant.

Symbol State Access Safety
%SW80 message These words are updated by the system, and can 0 yes yes
MSGCNT0 management also be reset using %S80.
z %SW80: Number of Modbus messages sent by
%SW81 the system as client on all communication
MSCNT1 ports except USB and Ethernet copro.
NOTE: Modbus messages sent by the system as
Master are not counted in this word.
z %SW81: Number of Modbus messages
received by the system as client on all
communication ports except USB and
Ethernet copro.
NOTE: Modbus messages received as response
to the requests sent by the system, as Master, are
not counted in this word.
%SW87 communication Number of requests processed by synchronous 0 yes
MSTSERVCNT flow server per master (MAST) task cycle.
%SW90 maximum This word is used to set a maximum number of 0 yes yes
MAXREQNB number of requests which can be processed by the PLC per
requests master task cycle.
processed per When the CPU is the server: This number of
master task requests must be between 2 (minimum) and N+4
cycle (maximum).
N: number differs depending on the model.
When the CPU is the client:
N: number differs depending on the model.
The value 0 does not work. If a value that is
outside of the range is entered, it is the value N
that is taken into account.
See also chapter "System Objects" (see Unity
Pro, Program Languages and Structure,
Reference Manual ) in the Unity Pro Program
Languages and Structure Reference Manual.
%SW108 number of This system word counts the number of forced I/O 0 no yes
FORCEDIOIM forced I/O module bits. This word is incremented for every
module bits forcing, and decremented for every unforcing.
%SW110 number of This system word gives information on the size of – no yes
unrestricted the unrestricted memory area for %M.
memory area This system word is not available for the standard
for %M Quantum CPU.
%SW111 number of This system word gives information on the size of – no yes
unrestricted the unrestricted memory area for %MW.
memory area This system word is not available for the standard
for %MW Quantum CPU.

120 33003885 07/2012

System Objects

Word Function Description Initial Write Quant.

Symbol State Access Safety
%SW124 type of system This system word is updated if the PLC is set to – no yes
CPUERR fault error state.
The possible values are as follows:
z 0x0065: execution of HALT instruction
z 0x0080: system watchdog

If the PLC is set to Safety error state, the content

of %SW125 is updated and can be read after the
next restart of the PLC (see below).

33003885 07/2012 121

System Objects

Word Function Description Initial Write Quant.

Symbol State Access Safety
%SW125 last fault The code of the last fault detected is given in this – no yes
BLKERRTYPE detected word. The following error codes cause the PLC to
stop if %S78 is set to 1. %S15, %S18 and %S20 are
activated independently of %S78:
z 16#0002: PCMCIA signature not verified
z 16#2258: execution of HALT instruction
z 16#2302: call to a not supported system
function in a user function block
z 16#9690: error of application CRC detected in
z 16#DE87: calculation error on floating-point
numbers (%S18, these errors are listed in the
word %SW17)
z 16#DEB0: watchdog overflow (%S11)
z 16#DEF1: character string transfer error
z 16#DEF2: arithmetic or division by 0 error
z 16#DEF3: index overflow (%S20)

Note: The codes 16#8xxx and 16#7xxx do not

stop the application and indicate an error on
function blocks.
In case of a SIL3 related error, the PLC stops.
After power off and restart of the PLC, %SW 125
contains the code of the cause of the error:
z 0x5AF1: sequence check error (unpredictable
execution in CPU)
z 0x5AF2: error in memory (corrupt address)
z 0x5AF3: comparison error (execution results
of Intel and application processor differ)
z 0x5AF4: real-time clock error
z 0x5AF5: error initializing double code
z 0x5AF6: watchdog activation error
z 0x5AF7: error during memory check (takes
more than 8 hours)
z 0x5AF8: error in memory check (corrupt RAM)

Note: %SW125 is only reset after init or

complete download or restart (it always contains
the last fault detected).

122 33003885 07/2012

System Objects

Word Function Description Initial Write Quant.

Symbol State Access Safety
%SW126 blocking fault Address of the instruction that generated the 0 no yes
ERRADDR0 instruction application blocking fault.
%SW127 address For 16 bit processors:
ERRADDR1 z %SW126 contains the offset for this address,
z %SW127 contains the segment number for this
For 32 bit processors:
z %SW126 contains the least significant word for
this address,
z %SW127 contains the most significant word for
this address.
The content of %SW126 and %SW127 is for
Schneider Electric use only.

For the description of the system words %SW128 to %SW339 and %SW535 to %SW640,
see the chapter "Quantum Specific System Words" (see Unity Pro, Program
Languages and Structure, Reference Manual ) in the Unity Pro Program Languages
and Structure Reference Manual. The system words %SW340 to %SW534 are not
used in Quantum Safety PLCs.

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