Unity Pro XLS Supported System Bits and Words
Unity Pro XLS Supported System Bits and Words
Unity Pro XLS Supported System Bits and Words
System Objects
33003885 07/2012
System Objects
This chapter describes the system bits and words of the Quantum Safety PLC.
Note: The symbols associated with each bit object or system word mentioned in the
descriptive tables of these objects are not implemented as standard in the software,
but can be entered using the data editor.
It is suggested that the symbol names associated with the system bits and system
words that appear on the following pages be implemented to provide continuity and
ease of understanding. Example: %S0 COLDSTART (the user can select another
word to replace COLDSTART).
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System Objects
This section describes the system bits of the Quantum Safety PLC.
For your convenience, all system bits of standard Quantum PLCs are listed but only
explained further if used in the Quantum Safety PLC.
The Quantum PLCs use %Si system bits which indicate the state of the PLC, or they
can be used to control how it operates.
These bits can be tested in the user program to detect any functional development.
Some of these bits must be reset to their initial or normal state by either the program
or the user. Other bits are automatically reset by the system. Finally, there are bits
which only display the status of the PLC.
Detailed Description
NOTE: Not all of the system bits can be used in the Quantum Safety PLC. The
unusable system bits are marked in the Quant. Safety column with no.
The following table gives a description of the system bits %S0 to %S13:
On Quantum Safety PLCs, communication interruptions from NOE, CRA or CRP
modules are not reported on bit %S10.
Make certain that these system bits are used correctly.
Failure to follow these instructions can result in death, serious injury, or
equipment damage.
Detailed Description
NOTE: Not all of the system bits can be used in the Quantum Safety PLC. The
unusable system bits are marked in the Quant. Safety column with no.
The following table gives a description of the system bits %S15 to %S21:
On Quantum Safety PLCs, communication interruptions from NOE, CRA or CRP
modules are not reported on bit %S16.
Make certain that these system bits are used correctly.
Failure to follow these instructions can result in death, serious injury, or
equipment damage.
Detailed Description
NOTE: Not all of the system bits can be used in the Quantum Safety PLC. The
unusable system bits are marked in the Quant. Safety column with no.
The following table gives a description of the system bits %S30 to %S51:
Detailed Description
NOTE: Not all of the system bits can be used in the Quantum Safety PLC. The
unusable system bits are marked in the Quant. Safety column with no.
The following table gives a description of the system bits %S59 to %S122:
%S68 state of the This bit is used to check the operating state of the – no yes
PLCBAT processor backup battery for saving data and the program in
battery RAM:
z set to 0: battery present and operational,
z set to 1: battery missing or non-operational.
%S75 state of the This bit is used to monitor the status of the main battery – no no
PCMCIABAT1 data when the memory card is in the lower PCMCIA slot, see
storage chapter "System Bits" (see Unity Pro, Program
memory Languages and Structure, Reference Manual ) in the
card battery Unity Pro Program Languages and Structure
Reference Manual.
Note: Data stored on a memory card in slot B are not
processed in SIL3 projects.
This section describes the system words of the Quantum Safety PLC.
For your convenience, all system words of standard Quantum PLCs are listed but
only explained further if used in the Quantum Safety PLC.
Detailed Description
NOTE: Not all of the system words can be used in the Quantum Safety PLC. The
unusable system words are marked in the Quant. Safety column with no.
The following table gives a description of the system words %SW0 to %SW21:
Detailed Description
NOTE: Not all of the system words can be used in the Quantum Safety PLC. The
unusable system words are marked in the Quant. Safety column with no.
The following table gives a description of the system words %SW30 to %SW59:
%SW31 maximum This word indicates the longest master task - no yes
MASTMAXTIME master task execution time since the last cold start (in ms).
execution time
%SW32 minimum This word indicates the shortest master task - no yes
MASTMINTIME master task execution time since the last cold start (in ms).
execution time
%SW33 to fast task see chapter "System Objects" (see Unity Pro, - no no
%SW35 execution Program Languages and Structure, Reference
times Manual ) in the Unity Pro Program Languages and
Structure Reference Manual
%SW36 NTP number of This word indicates the number of seconds 0 no yes
seconds (LSB) passed since January 1st, 1980 at 00:00 (LSB
part). It reflects the NTP time coming from the
140 NOE 771 11 module. This word is refreshed
internally between two NTP synchronizations.
%SW37 NTP number of This word indicates the number of seconds 0 no yes
seconds passed since January 1st, 1980 at 00:00 (MSB
(MSB) part). It reflects the NTP time coming from the
140 NOE 771 11 module. This word is refreshed
internally between two NTP synchronizations.
%SW38 NTP number of This word indicates the number of milliseconds 0 no yes
milliseconds added to the NTP number of seconds (%SW36
and %SW37). It reflects the NTP time coming
from the 140 NOE 771 11 module. This word is
refreshed internally between two NTP
%SW40 to auxiliary tasks see chapter "System Objects" (see Unity Pro, - no no
%SW47 execution Program Languages and Structure, Reference
times Manual ) in the Unity Pro Program Languages and
Structure Reference Manual
%SW50: Seconds (16#SS00),
z %SW51: Hours and Minutes (16#HHMM),
%SW53 %SW52: Month and Day (16#MMDD),
%SW53: Year (16#YYYY).
These words are managed by the system when
the bit %S50 is set to 0.
These words can be written by the user program
or by the terminal when the bit %S50 is set to 1.
%SW54 real-time clock System words containing date and time of the last - no yes
STOPSEC function on last power outage or PLC stop (in Binary Coded
stop Decimal):
%SW55 z %SW54: Seconds (00SS),
STOPHM z %SW55: Hours and Minutes (HHMM),
z %SW56: Month and Day (MMDD),
%SW56 z %SW57: Year (YYYY),
STOPMD z %SW58: the most significant byte contains the
day of the week (1 for Monday through to 7 for
%SW57 Sunday), and the least significant byte
STOPYEAR contains the code for the last stop:
z 1 = change from RUN to STOP by the
%SW58 terminal or the dedicated input,
STOPDAY z 2 = stop by watchdog (PLC task or SFC
z 4 = power outage or memory card lock
z 5 = stop on hardware fault,
z 6 = stop on software fault. Details on the
type of software fault are stored in
Detailed Description
NOTE: Not all of the system words can be used in the Quantum Safety PLC. The
unusable system words are marked no in the Quant. Safety column.
The following table gives a description of the system words %SW60 to %SW127:
z %SW60.2
z =0 sets PLC B to OFFLINE mode.
z =1 sets PLC B to RUN mode.
z %SW61.7
z =0 same PLC OS version.
z =1 different PLC OS version.
z %SW61.8
z =0 same Copro OS version.
z =1 different Copro OS version.
z %SW61.12
z =0 information given by bit 13 is not
z =1 information given by bit 13 is valid.
z %SW61.13
z =0 NOE address set to IP.
z =1 NOE address set to IP + 1.
z %SW61.15
z =0 Hot Standby not activated.
z =1 Hot Standby activated.
%SW71 position of the This word provides the image of the positions of 0 no yes
KEY_SWITCH switches on the the switches on the front panel of the Quantum
Quantum front processor. This word is updated automatically by
panel the system.
z %SW71.0 = 1 switch in the "Memory
protected" position,
z %SW71.1 = 1 switch in the "STOP" position,
z %SW71.2 = 1 switch in the "START" position,
z %SW71.8 = 1 switch in the "MEM" position,
z %SW71.9 = 1 switch in the "ASCII" position,
z %SW71.10 = 1 switch in the "RTU" position,
z %SW71.3 to 7 and 11 to 15 are not used.
For the description of the system words %SW128 to %SW339 and %SW535 to %SW640,
see the chapter "Quantum Specific System Words" (see Unity Pro, Program
Languages and Structure, Reference Manual ) in the Unity Pro Program Languages
and Structure Reference Manual. The system words %SW340 to %SW534 are not
used in Quantum Safety PLCs.