NCM105 (Lec) - Prelim Reviewer

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NUTRITION AND DIET ● curing, or compensating for,

● a disease,
THERAPY ● ailment,
NCM 105 ● defect, or

TOPIC 1: Welcome to Nutrition and Diet • Health is a state of complete physical, mental and
Therapy (PART 1) social well-being and not merely the absence of
disease or infirmity. (WHO)
• Is the study of food in relation to health of an
• Is a deviation of bodily functions from the normal
individual, community or society and the process
or usual well-feeling and its perception in both
through which food is used to sustain life.
physiological and psychological.
• The science of food, the nutrients, and the
substances therein, their action, interaction, and
Food - Products derived from plants or animals.
balance in relation to health and disease.
- Necessity of life.
Process by which the organisms:
- Acts as body fuel that gives the
- Ingests
energy required for bodily functions.
- Digests
- Substance consisting essentially of protein,
- Absorbs
carbohydrate, fat, and other nutrients used in the
- Transports
body of an organism to sustain growth and vital
- Utilizes- Excrete
processes and to furnish energy.
food substances (through your digestive
- Contains NUTRIENTS
• Is all about food and how the body uses it
especially as a fuel for growth and daily activities.

Digestive System 1 Therapeutic Diets are Modifications of the

• Basic role is to bring essential nutrients into the Normal Diet
internal environment so that they are available to All hospital diets are modifications of the
each cell of the body. normal diets and aim to accomplish one or
more of the following;
DIET THERAPY 1. To maintain good nutritional status.
• Is a broad term for the alteration or adoption of a 2. To correct deficiencies that may have
diet to prevent or treat a disease or to simply occurred.
promote optimum health. 3. To provide rest to the whole body or to
Diet certain organs that may be affected by the disease.
• Refers to food and drink regularly consumed 4. To adjust the food intake to the body's
according to a regimen of time and amount ability to metabolize the nutrients.
Therapy 5. To bring about changes in body weight
• Is a branch of dietetics that is concerned with the whenever necessary.
use of food for therapeutic purposes.
Therapeutic purposes:
● preventing, 2 Individualization is the Key to Successful
● diagnosing, Nutrition Counseling
● monitoring, • Each person is a unique individual with his own
● alleviating, physiological need, socio-economic status,
● treating, emotional predisposition and cultural background.
• To motivate the patient to eat his food and to
know the rationale of his diet, background CLASSIFICATION OF NUTRIENTS
information is needed which can be acquired by NUTRIENTS - Nourishing materials that are vital
interviewing the patient or his family members. for human functioning.
- Is applied to chemical substances present in

3 Quality Food with Proper Tray Service food and is used in the body for one or more
of the following functions:
• Food should not only provide nutritional needs 1. To provide energy
but also aesthetic pleasures. The principles of 2. To build and repair tissues
preparing and serving sanitary, palatable and 3. To regulate life processes
attractive meals apply to hospital, family and
commercial food services. Classes of Nutrients
• Since most hospital meals are served on a tray, MACROnutrients - They are needed in the body in
certain standards must be observed for tray service: large amounts.
Sample of an Attractive Tray that ensures Proper - Carbohydrates
Tray Service - Protein
- Fat
- Major minerals
- Water
MICROnutrients - They are needed in the body in
smaller quantities.
- Vitamins
- Trace Minerals

Things to Remember (Nutrients)

1. All nutrients are equally and physiologically
a. Bread plate, b. dinner plate, c. cup and saucer, d.
important in the body regardless of their
beverage, e. dessert, f. soup (or side dish), g. salad
2. While all nutrients are important in the
Food Service in the Hospital
body, there are those that cannot be made (called
1. Physician - prescribes the diet
dietary essentials) and therefore must be supplied
2. Dietary Department
in the diet.
3. Nursing Department
3. All nutrients can have adverse effects when
Works together to in feeding the patient
taken in excessive amounts. (Excess)
Responsibilities of the Dietary Department
4. Nutrient intakes, when insufficiently
- Provide food service primarily for the
provided over time, can lead to deficiency disorder.
5. Most foods are made up of more than one
- Often times it also feeds hospital staff and
nutrient (ex. Fruits contains sugar, vitamins,
personnel. Some institutions even operate a
minerals and fibers)
cafeteria or coffee shop for the visiting public.
- Some foods contain only one nutrient. (ex.
Responsibilities of the Nursing Department
Cooking oil)
- Nurses have more direct and continuous
THUS: No single food provides all the nutrients
communications with the patient.
required by the body in sufficient quantities, so a
- Nurses are the first person who observes the
variety of foods must be eaten.
patient's feeding problems (ex. Inability to chew).
- Nurses are the one who relay the patient's
PINGGANG PINOY - Visual tool to guide
questions regarding their food to the dietitian.
Filipinos in consuming the right amount of food in
- Nurses are the ones who forward the
every meal.
physician's diet prescription to the dietary
Monosaccharide/Single Sugar
SUMMARY 1. FRUCTOSE - Mainly found in fruits and
is all about food and how the body
NUTRITION uses it especially as a fuel or - The amount of fructose in fruits depends on
growth and daily activities. the degree of ripeness
2. GLUCOSE - Also known as dextrose sugar
are products derived from plants or grape sugar
or animals that is a necessity in - Circulating sugar in the body
FOODS life, provides the body fuel for
3. GALACTOSE - Sugar in milk
bodily functions and also contain
nutrients. - Component of lactose

are nourishing materials that are Disaccharides/Pairs of monosaccharides

vital for human functioning. 1. LACTOSE - Sugar in milk
2. SUCROSE - Common table sugar
(2 classes: MACROnutrients and
MICROnutrients.) 3. MALTOSE - Intermediate product of starch

Sugar Alcohols

TOPIC 2: Welcome to Nutrition and Diet (di pa tapos)

Therapy (PART 2)
Week 1 - Notes - The Effects of Various Kinds
- Carbohydrates of Fats on Blood Lipids:
- Protein - Vitamins
- Fat - Trace Minerals UuhR2h82Z583RR9qANkMNf6sa8OLtOY2eDY/ed
- Major Minerals it
CARBOHYDRATES uEkv1VI44aMdqMcabDphh2-FVPl2FAD4Qs/edit
• Is the preferred energy source for most of the MINERALS
body's activities including the brain and muscle
functions. 2S8IYlbwWrqwso5q1L8ABpHacLo3xuyFew/edit
Note: Fat, protein, and alcohol should not be used as the
major source of fuel since diets high in any of them are
associated with undesirable health problems.
• Carbohydrates contain carbon, hydrogen, and
• The ratio of hydrogen to oxygen is 2:1 as in water
molecule, hence the word carbo-hydrate referring
to a hydrated carbon.

Carbohydrate Classification
Simple carbohydrates
- Monosaccharide/ single sugar
- Disaccharides (pairs of monosaccharides)
- Sugar alcohols

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