104 SAfrican LJ616
104 SAfrican LJ616
104 SAfrican LJ616
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Attorney of the Supreme Court of South Africa
against the company, with the result that they may learn only later
that an entirely normal and proper transaction is void under ss 348
and 341(2). True, s 341(2) empowers the court to validate any
disposition by the company of its property, but an application for
such an order is costly and cumbersome and, as the cases in other
jurisdictions with similar provisions show, of uncertain prospects of
success; 3 5 moreover, not all transactions constitute a disposition by
the company of its property"6-for example, a payment to the
company-and therefore not all transactions are capable of being
The uncertainty whether a transaction will be validated is also
potentially prejudicial to the company. It is true, as already pointed
out, that in this country no publicity is given to the presentation of
winding-up applications; however, the fact of such presentation
seldom remains entirely confidential. The effect of the presentation's
becoming known to persons dealing with the company is described
by McPherson 7 as follows:
'Since neither the company, nor any person dealing with it, can be sure that the
petition will be dismissed, or, if it succeeds, that a disposition of property made by
the company will be validated by the courts, the effect is to discourage transactions
with the company for as long as this state of uncertainty exists. This in turn tends to
make the company's position deteriorate even more rapidly.'
Even where the winding-up application is entirely unfounded, the
mere presentation of the application may therefore harm the
The prejudicial consequences of this uncertainty are well illustrated
by two English Court of Appeal cases: In re Clifton Place Garage Ltd"8
and Re Gray's Inn Construction Co Ltd. 9 In the Clifton Place case
Phillimore LJ said in relation to the English counterpart of s 341(2):40
'This is a very harsh section as applied. We are told that the first result of a
petition seeking an order for the winding up of a company by the court is that its
bank refuses to honour its cheque[s], although it will continue to accept receipts in
its favour. 4' It follows that, even in the case of a company where the court
ultimately refuses the order, serious damage may have resulted from the petition.
After all, one of the results of a petition and of such action of the bank is that a
company may have great difficulty in paying its employees, and, if it does pay
them, the payments if derived from the funds of the company are prima facie
void. ... [I]n my judgment, the court should extend indulgence to any disposition
by a company honestly designed to ensure that its employees are paid their wages
or which was made to enable it to carry on its business and perhaps turn the corner;
provided always that it was a reasonable disposition and not dishonest or reckless. I
question also whether this rigid practice of the banks in all cases is right, or
a' Thesis 468-613.
36 See generally Thesis 320-467 in regard to which transactions are dispositions and which are
3 B H McPherson The Law of Company Liquidation 2 ed (1980) 144-5.
[1970] Ch 477 (CA).
' [1980] 1 All ER 814 (CA).
At 494B-E.
The Australian banks adopt the same practice-McPherson op cit note 37 at 143-but it
may be questioned whether a bank may freeze the customer's account without committing
breach of contract: Thesis 633-46.
whether, particularly if they were aware that the court would look with indulgence
on such cases, it would not be possible, after proper inquiry, at any rate in some
cases, to cash cheques for a company, even if only against current receipts on a day
to day basis.'
The Journal of Business Law4 2 commented wryly on this advice:
'It will be interesting to see whether bankers have the courage to follow this advice,
and, if they do, whether the sentiments expressed by Phillimore L.J. will prove to
be shared by all his fellow judges.'
One bank, the National Westminster Bank Ltd, apparently took
the advice, for it allowed company customers to continue to operate
their bank accounts after presentation of a winding-up application
against them, subject to safeguards to ensure that the continued
operation of the account was in the ordinary course of the company's
business. The bank was, however, no doubt to rue its decision when
the Court of Appeal in the Gray's Inn case held these safeguards to be
inadequate in that the bank should also have instituted safeguards to
ensure that the company was only permitted to continue to operate
its account as long as it traded at a profit and to ensure that no
payments were made to pre-presentation creditors.
The company in fact traded at a loss and the court held the bank
liable for the trading loss by refusing to validate transactions on the
bank account up to the amount of the loss. The court also held the
bank to be vulnerable to repay to the liquidator all amounts paid to
pre-presentation creditors in so far as the amounts exceeded the
dividends they would otherwise have received, but that the excess
should primarily be recovered from the creditors to whom it was
The court did not suggest what safeguards it would have regarded
as adequate, but it did say that it did not think that its approach would
increase the dilemma facing a bank when a company requests the
continuation of banking facilities after the presentation of a
winding-up application against it. Not surprisingly, the bank, it
seems, did not agree, and has now joined the other English banks in
freezing a company's account if a winding-up petition is presented
against the company, unless a validation order is obtained in advance.
To sum up, ss 348 and 341(2) create a blunt instrument which does
not discriminate between tainted and untainted transactions, and
although the court has a discretion to validate transactions, this has
not proved a satisfactory protection against hardship in other
jurisdictions with similar provisions. Were the sections to be
fundamental to the achievement of the object of a fair distribution of
the estate, this would be a cogent reason for placing as wide an
interpretation on the sections as the wording would permit and as
would promote the achievement of this object; but the concept
4 Clive M Schmitthoff & James H Thompson 'Avoidance of Disposition by Receiver After
Commencement of Winding-up' 1970 Journal of Business Law 124 at 125.
embodied in the sections contributes little, if anything, to the
achievement of this object in this country, and there is therefore no
reason to give the sections any wider a meaning than necessary. On
the contrary, the capacity inherent in the sections for causing
hardship, both to the company itself and to persons dealing with the
company, is a compelling reason for giving the sections no wider a
meaning than necessary. Snyman J focused on an aspect of this in
Lief's case when he said: 43
'... normally statutes must be interpreted in such a way as to cause a minimum of
interference with, or deprivation of, rights. Sec. 115 on occasion may be an
interference with the rights of people who have legitimately acquired rights after
the presentation of the petition for winding-up but before the order is granted by
the court.' 44
Historically, the counterparts of ss 348 and 341(2) in earlier
legislation had a raison d'Etre in the absence of adequate specific
provisions for the impeachment of improper dispositions,4 5 but with
the enactment of adequate specific impeachment provisions first in
1926 and then in 1973 this raison d'etre fell away and the sections
became an anachronism. However, it is not within the capacity of the
courts to repeal the sections. Nevertheless, the fact that the effect of
the sections has become more harmful than beneficial is a valid reason
for the sections, in the event of ambiguity, to be given no wider an
interpretation than is necessary, and interpreting 'presentation' to
refer to moving in open court would at least minimize, if not
eliminate, the harmful effect of the sections.
What conclusion, then, is to be drawn? If the question were res
nova, the arguments for a restrictive interpretation of s 348 would
surely outweigh the counter-arguments, and therefore 'presentation'
would be held to refer to the moving of the winding-up application in
open court. However, the question is not res nova; there is a
background of earlier legislation and of decided cases which cannot
be disregarded and which, it seems, will carry the day in favour of the
interpretation that 'presentation' refers to the filing of the winding-up
application with the registrar, undesirable as this may be.
The fact that s 348 deems a winding-up to commence on
presentation of the application for winding-up does not mean that as
soon as a winding-up application is presented the company is in
winding-up; it means that if a winding-up order is granted the
'Section 348 refers expressly to a winding-up by the court, and that is the event
which is deemed to commence at an earlier stage. Thus, before the deeming
provision can operate there must be a winding-up by the court. By the deeming
provision, Parliament has antedated the operation of a winding-up by the court,
but without such a winding-up there is nothing to antedate. To hold the contrary
winding-up order, however ill-founded or even vexatious, would ipso jure have
the effect of a winding-up order.'
The question which arises, therefore, is whether, once a
winding-up order has been granted, the concursus creditorum is
deemed retrospectively to have been established on presentation of
the application or, to put it another way, is the commencement of the
winding-up backdated to presentation for all purposes? Or, is the
commencement backdated for certain limited purposes only, for
instance, for the purpose only of those other sections of the Act,
notably s 341(2), which expressly refer to the commencement of the
Taken literally, s 348 would appear to backdate the commence-
ment of a winding-up to the date of presentation for all purposes,
including the establishment of the concursus creditorum. The effect
of this would be that the date of presentation would be the date of
crystallization of the rights and obligations of debtors and creditors,
and the date of cessation of the directors' powers. All acts of the
directors thereafter would be void and all contracts concluded by the
company, all payments made to or by the company, all deliveries of
goods to or by the company etc would be void.4"
It would be surprising, however, if the legislature had intended
such a startling result. In practice, a company against which a
winding-up application is presented may be carrying on business at
the time and may continue- to do so for some time until a winding-up
order is granted on the application. Any attempt to unravel all the
dealings of the company between presentation of the winding-up
application and the grant of the winding-up order would therefore
often be impracticable to implement, and it may be doubted whether
the legislature intended such an absurdity:
'... the degree of absurdity or repugnance is of importance as it bears upon the
intention of the enactment under discussion. If, examining results, you find
1982 (4) SA 159 (T) at 162A-C. See also Prudential Shippers SA Ltd v Tempest Clothing Co
(Pty) Ltd 1976 (4) SA 75 (W) at 83A-B; Du Plooy v Onus (Edms) Bpk 1981 (1) PH E2 (0); In re
Tumacacori Mining Company (1874) 17 Eq 534 at 537.
Cf Henochsberg on the Companies Act 3 ed (1975) by A Milne et al 615:
'In the case of a winding-up by the Court the powers of directors cease....
'The retrospective effect of s. 348 may result in serious consequences but it is submitted that
the Courts will be strongly disposed, in the absence of any specific contrary statutory
provision, to hold that directors will continue to be such until a winding-up order has been
granted, in the case of a winding-up by the Court.'
This statement has been omitted from the fourth edition of 1985.
absurdity or repugnance of a kind, which, from a study of the enactment as a
whole, you conclude the legislature never could have intended, then you are
entitled so to interpret the enactment as to remove the absurdity or repugnance and
give effect to the intention of the legislature.' 49
Sections similar to ss 348 and 341(2) are to be found in the
companies legislation of various countries, notably England, 5"
Australia51 and India, 52 and a section broadly similar to s 348 appears
in the Canadian Bankruptcy Act, 53 which applies both to individuals
and to companies."
In England the seal was set at an early stage on the interpretation
that the English counterpart of s 348 does not backdate a winding-up
for all purposes.
In 1868 in In re Wiltshire Iron Company, ex parte Pearson,55 the locus
classicus in relation to the English counterparts of ss 348 and 341(2),
the company had sold and delivered iron to Pearson after a winding-
up petition had been presented against it. On a literal interpretation of
the English counterpart of s 348, both the sale and delivery would
have been invalid. However, the Court of Appeal held, without
discussing the possible broader effect of the English counterpart of
s 348, that only the delivery was avoided by the English counterpart
of s 341(2). 56
In Mersey Steel and Iron Co Ltd v Naylor, Benzon & Company5" the
defendant had agreed to purchase steel from a company, the steel to
be delivered in instalments and payment of the price to be made
within three days of delivery. After delivery of the first instalment,
but before payment, a petition for the winding-up of the company
was presented. The defendant was advised by its solicitor that it could
not safely pay the price to the company pending the petition without
the leave of the court, and asked the company to obtain an order of
court sanctioning the payment. The company treated this as a
repudiation of the contract, and the issue before the court was
whether or not the defendant's action did constitute a repudiation of
the contract. Both the Court of Appeal and the House of Lords held
that there was no repudiation, for the defendant, while willing to
pay, was bona fide under the impression that it could not do so until a
liquidator had been appointed. Although not part of the final ratio
decidendi, several of the judgments in both courts touched upon the
question of whether the solicitor's advice was correct or not.
" Per StratfordJA in Hatch v Koopoomal 1936 AD 190 at 209; see generally Steyn op cit note 19
at 25ff.
" Sections 127 and 129 of the Insolvency Act 1986 (c 45).
" Sections 365(2) and 368 of the Companies Act 1981 (Cth).
"' Sections 441(2) and 536(2) of the Companies Act 1 of 1956.
"a Section 54 of RSC 1970 (c B-3).
"Definition of'person' in s 2.
(1868) 3 Ch App 443.
56 As already pointed out above, our law is different, at least if the Insolvency Act definition of
'disposition' applies to s 341(2)-see note 25.
5 (1882) 9 QB 648 (CA); (1884) 9 AC 434 (HL).
Insurance Company, ex patte The Etna Insurance Company (1877) 46 LJ Ch 403 and Indian Overseas
Bank Ltd v Kalinga Industries Ltd (1978) 1 Cut 347, in both of which it was assumed that the
winding-up was backdated for all purposes. Millar v The National Bank of Scotland Ltd & others
It is noteworthy that the question had been settled in England by
1884. The significance of this lies in the fact that the concept
embodied in ss 348 and 341(2) was first introduced into this country
only in 1892."6 This gives rise to the question whether the legislature
in this country should be presumed to have known what interpreta-
tion had been placed on the sections by the English courts and to have
intended the sections in our legislation to have the same. meaning.
This question is similar to the question, discussed above, whether
'presentation' in our legislation should be given the same meaning as
in the English legislation. The conclusion reached was that the
differences in context materially restrict the persuasiveness of any
argument that s 348 should be given a similar interpretation to that
given to its English counterpart.
The question of the extent to which a provision such as s 348
backdates the commencement of a winding-up has been most directly
in issue in Canada (although it should be noted that the context in
which the Canadian counterpart of s 348 appears is significantly
different). Section 54 of the Canadian Bankruptcy Act provides:
'The bankruptcy shall be deemed to have relation back to and to commence at the
time of filing of the petition on which a receiving order is made.'
A similarly worded forerunner of this section 7 was in issue in the
leading case of R 9 v Louis Minden & Mindens Ltd."8 The then Act
further provided:
'Any person who has been adjudged bankrupt ... shall in each of the cases following
be guilty of an indictable offence ...
(p) If he is guilty of any false representation or other fraud for the purpose of
obtaining the consent of his creditors or any of them to an agreement with
reference to his affairs or to his bankruptcy.'
(The italics are mine.) The Ontario Court of Appeal held that the
offence could be committed between the filing of the bankruptcy
petition and the grant of the order, Middleton JA saying:7"
'After much anxious consideration I have concluded that the combined effect of
these statutory provisions7 " is to make the bankruptcy begin at the time of the
presentation of the petition for all purposes.'7
(1891) 28 ScLR 884 at 888-9 at first sight also appears to be out of line, but it turned on specific
provisions in the Scottish Act. The question whether prescription is interrupted as at the
commencement of the winding-up or on the grant of the winding-up order has been the subject
of conflicting decisions in India and, in relation to the Australian Bankruptcy Act, in Australia.
See generally Thesis 261-3.
" The Companies Act 25 of 1892 (C). (In a sense it had previously been introduced in Natal
,which applied the English law-s 46 of Winding-up Law 19 of 1866 (N)-but 1892 was the first
time it could have acquired a different meaning from that in English law.)
7 Section 4(11) of the Bankruptcy Act RSC 1927 (c 11).
"(1935) 4 DLR 309 (CA Ont).
" Section 191.
o At 312.
The statutory provisions referred to are, apparently, ss 4(11) and 191 already referred to.
72 The court noted that a narrower interpretation had been placed by the English courts on the
English counterpart of the Canadian section. Leave to appeal to the Supreme Court of Canada
was refused by the Supreme Court on the ground that there was no conflicting decision of
another court of appeal, such a conflict being a condition precedent to the Supreme Court's
having jurisdiction to entertain the appeal-Minden v The King 1935 CLR 609, (1935) 4 DLR 593
(SCt of Can).
The Canadian Act has no equivalent of s 341(2), but this has not
ueerru d te LoULsL nluisa ssuiulls 1lt pays1i-le-is dil Uother tranlfC.rs Of
property," including the granting and perfecting of mortgages,7 4 by
a bankrupt after the filing of the bankruptcy petition are invalid; that
a judgment granted against the bankrupt after the filing of the
bankruptcy petition is invalid because the bankrupt lacked the
capacity after that date to defend;75 that creditors' rights to priority in
payment are determined as at the date of the filing of the petition;R
and that the statutory provision granting a landlord a lien for rent for
the three months preceding, and the three months succeeding,
bankruptcy refers to the filing and not the grant of the order. 77
A major objection to interpreting s 348 as backdating the com-
mencement of a winding-up for all purposes is that s 341(2) would
then be redundant, as all dispositions by the company of its property
would in any event be void under s 348, thus offending against the
presumption against superfluity in statutory interpretation. 7" Section
359(1)(b), providing that any attachment or execution after the
commencement of the winding-up is void, would similarly be
A further instance of redundancy would be found in ss 340 and
416, which import the impeachment provisions of the Insolvency Act
into the Companies Act and which in so doing expressly provide that
the date of presentation of the winding-up application is to be taken
as equivalent to the date of sequestration. If s 348 backdates a
winding-up for all purposes, the date of presentation would
" Perras v Parant (1958) Que QB 466 (CA); In re Hansard Spruce Mills Ltd (1953) 33 CBR 217
(BC) at 220; In re Soren Brothers (No 2) (1926) 7 CBR 545 (Ont) at 547.
" Re Del Bianco (1978) 29 CBR (NS) 83 (BC); Re Martin & Harlock Electric Ltd (1960) 33 WWR
410 (BC) at 413.
71 Perras v Parant supra note 73 at 468:
. si l'on accepte la doctrine de la r~troactivit6 sur l'adjudication de la faillite la d~bitrice ne
pouvait plus d~fendre 5 l'action.'
(If one accepts the doctrine of retroactivity of the adjudication of insolvency the debtor was no
longer able to defend the action.) See also Bank of Hamilton v Kramer Irwin Co (1912) 1 DLR 475.
In re Shapiro (1954) 34 CBR 205 (Ont).
In re Clayton's Women's Wear Ltd, ex parte Louis K Liggett Company Ltd (1933) 14 CBR 361
(CA Ont); but cf Arthur C Weeks Ltd v CanadianCredit Men's Trust Association (1962) 4 CBR (NS)
182 (CA BC). L Duncan & J D Honsberger Bankruptcy in Canada 3 ed (1961) summarize the
position as follows (at 383):
'After [filing] the bankrupt is deemed to have had no title, and no power to convey or charge
what had been his property, or to give receipts for moneys paid to him, or discharges for debts
due to him. Nor is a trustee, asserting his title by relation back, estopped by any representation
made by the bankrupt after the date to which the title relates back.'
They suggest (at 384), however, that the severity of the doctrine is mitigated by the rule that 'the
Court will not permit its officer to insist on a rule of law or equity in the administration of the
estate where insistence would produce an unjust and dishonest result' (quoted in In re Bertone
Construction Co Ltd; Grobstein v Watson, Jack, Hopkins Ltd & others (1961) 2 CBR (NS) 30 (Que) at
" S v Weinberg 1979 (3) SA 89 (A) at 98E-F; Steyn op cit note 19 at 17ff. Could this
presumption be rebutted in the case of s 348 by arguing that, despite its form, the true intention
of s 341(2) is to give the court the power to validate transactions rendered void by s 348? In my
submission the answer is in the negative. Not only does the wording ofs 341(2) not lend itself to
such an interpretation but also not all transactions involve dispositions-for example, payments
to the company-with the result that the court's power to validate would be incomplete, and it is
unlikely that this would have been the intention of the legislature.
automatically be equivalent to the date of sequestration and it would
be unnecessary to expressly so provide.
A further consequence of interpreting s 348 as backdating the
commencement of a winding-up for all purposes would be that a
number of anomalies would arise in applying the provisions of the
Insolvency Act, in accordance with s 339 of the Companies Act, in
respect of any matter not dealt with specifically in the Companies
Act. Two examples may be given."9
Section 37 of the Insolvency Act empowers a trustee to elect
whether to continue or terminate any lease entered into by the
insolvent as tenant prior to his insolvency and provides further that
the rental from the date of sequestration until the trustee makes his
election will be preferent as part of the costs of administration. It
follows that if the date of presentation of a winding-up application is
equated with the date of sequestration, the rental during the period
from presentation until the grant of the order-a period which may
run to several months-will be preferent, despite the fact that before
the grant of the order there could be no liquidator in office with
power to decide whether the lease should be continued or not."0
Section 38 of the Insolvency Act provides that sequestration of an
employer's estate terminates the employment of his employees and
s 100 confers a preference in respect of the employees' claims for their
remuneration and leave pay due up to the date of sequestration. If
sequestration is equated with the presentation of the winding-up
application in the case of a company, the company's employees will
not have a claim at all for their remuneration, much less a preferent
claim, for the period from presentation until the grant of the order.
Further assistance in seeking to ascertain the legislature's intention
in enacting s 348 is, I suggest, to be had from the provisions of
s 342(1) of the Companies Act, which enjoins the application of the
assets of a company under winding-up '. . . as nearly as possible as
they would be applied. . . under the law relating to insolvency...'.
It can be said that the nearest possible application would involve an
adoption of the date of the winding-up order and not of the
presentation of the winding-up application as the equivalent of the
date of the sequestration order, and that this by implication excludes
the interpretation that s 348 backdates the commencement of a
winding-up to the date of presentation for all purposes.
Sections 83(3) and 85(1) also call for consideration, because they
could be construed as indicating that the legislature did in fact intend
to backdate the commencement of a winding-up for all purposes.
Both sections relate not to windings-up but to reductions of capital;
however, they refer to claims which, if the dates referred to in the
sections 'were the commencement of the winding-up of the
9 For further examples, see ss 36(1), 85(2) and 101 of the Insolvency Act.
Cf In re Clayton's Women's Wear Ltd, ex parte Louis K Liggett Company Ltd supra note 77.