Virgin Trains Case Study

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Strategic Management & Information System

Case study: Virgin Trains

Virgin Trains is known for running high quality, fast and reliable state-of-the-art trains, capable of speeds of up to 125 miles per hour. Virgin Trains operates the West Coast rail franchise with trains running along various routes including from Glasgow, Manchester and Birmingham to London. The average journey time from Manchester to London today is just over two hours. Virgin Trains currently operates 333 trains and carries more than 62,000 passengers a day. Until 1993, railways in Britain had been part of the public sector. They were run by an organisation appointed by the government called British Rail. The culture was one where managers passed down instructions and directions to employees who carried them out without questioning them. Since 1997, Virgin Trains has been running the West Coast and other lines as an independent privatesector business. Virgin Trains seeks to differentiate itself from other rail competitors in order to increase customer satisfaction and develop a train service fit for the twenty-first century. The business is organised on a decentralised regional structure. Each region has a set of Managers responsible for the important operating areas. These Managers then link up with other regional Managers to share ideas and expertise. Each region is able to focus on the commercial needs of its area. y y The structure at Manchester s Piccadilly station links the station with the train crews. The Scottish region focuses on developing services to include the local economy and particularly tourism. Each seeks to maximise the quality of services to customers, for example, by cutting unnecessary costs and waste.

In 2003, the Chief Executive of the company, Tony Collins, set out his vision for the company, which has transformed its operations. Virgin Trains vision involves the empowerment of staff to take responsibility and ownership of their performance. This vision is what makes Virgin Trains different. This case study looks at how this vision is transforming the culture and performance of Virgin Trains.

What is a vision?
A vision enables an organisation to move forward with clarity. It links the business specific objectives and targets with the core values that govern how the business will operate in order to meet those targets. It therefore goes further than a mission statement. A mission statement sets out the purpose of an organisation. For example, for Virgin Trains, this is to run a high quality, efficient and cost-effective rail service. A vision goes further. It paints a picture in clear language of where the organisation is going, linked to the behaviours it expects of everyone in the organisation. Virgin Trains vision is: To become the most safe, consistent, reliable and profitable ofthe train operating franchises in a climate that respects different views and people need not be afraid to be open and honest .

This is a very clear vision: 1. It sets out the values of the company, e.g. safety and reliability. 2. It sets out clear commercial targets profitability.

3. It sets out the relationship between the organisation and its people and encouraging openness and honesty.

respecting different views

This vision reflects Virgin Trains forward-thinking style. This may stand the company in good stead in any future franchise bids. Linked closely to vision is the organisation s culture. The culture of an organisation is the typical way of working within an organisation as demonstrated by the behaviours of the people that work for it. This includes how approachable managers are and how they treat subordinates, the care for customers and how formal systems and procedures are. A clear vision enables an organisation to change organisational culture in a positive way. The organisational culture at Virgin Trains is one that places customers and their experience of travel as the main priority. Virgin Trains management believes that this is best secured by listening to employees. Senior managers at Virgin Trains believe that in such a geographically stretched organisation, change needs to be suggested and implemented by those at local level because those people know what changes customers are asking for and need. Virgin Trains believes employees working directly with customers not only have the technical skills but also the commercial awareness to make a difference. An example of this was the provision of toys in waiting rooms to help keep children happy whilst waiting for connections. Managers positively encourage employees to get involved in running the company by asking questions, challenging ideas and being prepared to disagree and suggest better ways of working. For instance, employees challenged Virgin Trains to increase its commitment to sustainable development by reducing its carbon footprint. Virgin Trains now encourages recycling in all its offices and trains.

Sharing the vision and values

A key objective for Virgin Trains is to be a profit-making organisation. A good way of making a profit is to satisfycustomers who will use services over and over again. To achieve this objective it is essential that Virgin Trains staff deliver a first-class service. The company has therefore turned the traditional perspective of the organisation upside down and puts its customers first. The Virgin Trains way of working encourages front-line employees to interact with customers. In doing so, they are able to improve the customer s experience, whilst at the same time discovering possible ways of improving operational performance. The role of managers in this scenario is to explain and encourage good behaviours and actively seek suggestions from employees to improve the business. Virgin Trains people drive its strategy of focusing on customers.The regional structure enables staff who are in direct contact withcustomers to contribute to and shape the business strategies.Regular priorities meetings are held by groups of staff across theregions to identify best practices, share concerns and discusswhat the priorities should be. Feedback from customers identifiesthe priorities and includes issues such as what menu optionsshould be on trains or what ticket options are available in stations.Managers then take these ideas and support workers to improvethe services they provide. This develops good relationships andincreases employee confidence that managers will follow up onideas and feedback from

front-line workers.Every Virgin Trains employee is encouraged to buy into the visionand values of Virgin Trains by: giving and receiving constructive feedback dealing with change and welcoming it challenging the ideas of others in an appropriate way. All employees have an opportunity to find out about (and becomepart of) the vision by attending a voluntary three-day facilitatedworkshop. The workshops focus on how to give and receiveconstructive feedback. They also help Virgin Trains people to seewhat leadership looks like in the workplace and how it affectsindividuals. The workshop provides a good opportunity to share ideas andto influence others in a relaxed atmosphere. Regional teams attend together. This brings togetheremployees at different levels (including senior managers) andthose involved in different tasks. Everyone has the opportunity to explore what change means,what people feel when faced by change and what supportindividuals need during times of change. Employees can discuss how the vision relates to his or herpersonal values and beliefs and how these values line up withcompany objectives. When people go back to their work roles they know that theycan challenge, question and propose ideas of their own.

From vision to culture

In order to embed a vision into the organisation, it needs to becomepart of every aspect of work. At a practical level, the Virgin Trainsvision is supported by clear Human Resource (HR) activities. TheseHR activities help to shape the culture of the organisation.People-focused initiatives at Virgin Trains recognise and rewardhigh-performing employees. Team and individual awards arepresented at official ceremonies to highlight where employeeshave made a difference.The business encourages new behaviours. Behaviours focus notjust on what Virgin Trains people do but also how they dosomething. For example, this might be focusing on the customer,listening to others or taking a positive approach to challenges.As part of the culture change, Virgin Trains also promotescharitable work in partnership with organisations such as CLICSargent, which raises money for children with cancer. The charityis chosen on a national basis by the company; each region thensupports in its own way.The benefit of this behaviour is a more caring approach tocustomers and staff. This enhances customer satisfaction and desireto use Virgin Trains more often. Virgin Trains behaviours havedeveloped from the bottom-up approach of the vision workshops. The vision also guides Virgin Trains recruitment and developmentprocesses: At recruitment the key skills required to deliver the vision formpart of the person specification. This means Virgin Trainsattracts people who share the vision and behaviours. At appraisal, employees are assessed on their contribution tothe business, development and customer focus. Appraisalinterviews take place regularly where employees discusscurrent performance with their line manager and identify futurepersonal targets and goals.

For developing employees, Virgin Trains has created a TalentWheel that identifies the sorts of behaviours employees needto show to highlight their potential for promotion. Thoseconsidered suitable for promotion will be employees who arecurrently performing well, want promotion, feel passionateabout Virgin Trains and are currently developing the skills andknowledge required for a more advanced post. Learning and development opportunities include a range ofinternal and external courses and training opportunities foremployees. Examples include developing coaching skills orencouraging people to learn how to ask questions and takeresponsibility. Leadership programmes for front-line staff and managersembody the vision.

Reviewing the vision

New principles of working are only effective if they work in practice.Virgin Trains sees the culture change programme as ongoing. It isimportant to review the whole process regularly in order to ensurethat the change in culture is embedded and that it is helping to meetorganisational objectives. The culture change programme is not just about engaging with passengers. It is also about meeting allobjectives (including those for profit) in the most efficient way. Setting Key Performance Indicators helps a business measureachievement. These measures or targets can show how far abusiness has moved towards its objectives. KPIs used byVirgin Trains include: reducing sickness levels lowering staff turnover rates improving customer satisfaction ratings reducing numbers of complaint letters. Virgin Trains has improved in all of these areas. Cost savings havecome as a direct result of implementing the vision. Virgin Trains employees are prepared to challenge decisions and ideas putforward by managers, enabling the company to save and makemoney. An example of this was the Through ticket toHuddersfield , which the Manchester team developed and implemented. Customers previously had to purchase a new ticketfor the second part of their journey on changing trains. Virgin Trainssaw a customer need and were empowered to put the new ticketin place. This now generates income.

Virgin Trains has a reputation for high quality service and modern practices. The company constantly seeks to develop competitive advantage over rivals. A key way of securing successful change is to involve employees in decision-making.Employees who work directly with customers are best placed to come up with customer-focused improvement solutions.Virgin Trains vision provides all employees with clear direction, backed by the support and encouragement of managers from the top down to challenge existing practices and suggest new ideas. This has led to greater employee involvement, increased customer satisfaction and yielded improved business results.

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