Chapter I
Chapter I
Chapter I
learn best when the whole brain is involved (Boer, Steyn &Toit, 2001).
throughout most of life, the brain does not mature at the same rate in
implement and integrate programs that will address the needs of the
and two years of senior high school (grades 11 to 12). The enhanced K
to join the workforce right after high school, and suitably prepare
the new curriculum will also support college graduates seeking work
international community.
De la Cruz (2017), points out that the last time the Philippines
third and fourth to the last in the list of nations in the 1999 and
Furthermore, the DepEd reports that the NAT mean percentage score
for high school in school year 2012-2013 was 51.41 percent, or 23.59
percentage points away from the MPS target which is 75%. The MPS in
Science was 41.35 percent. Umil (2017), says that the key issues and
low. It did not reach the DepED target mean percentage score of 75%.
42.12 percent and from SY 2014-2015, the mean percentage score was
Gubat National High School, one of the biggest schools in the Division
and concerns, the researcher was motivated to try the use of Whole
Brain Teaching Strategy (WBTS) on the topic Waves. Based from Khan
a. waves
b. sound
c. light
Teachers. This study may be beneficial to the teachers since they are
the WBTS could help them become experts in planning and designing
their own Whole Brain Teaching class to make their lessons more
engaging and fun to the learners that could improve their performance
School Administrators. This study may help them address the low NAT
initiate trainings and workshops for teachers along the use of Whole
Brain Teaching Strategy not only among Science Teachers but also among
considering the WBTS that could address the needs of the students.
the use of this strategy in teaching Science. This study may help them
Science that enable them to achieve the desired goal and increase
and the output may serve as reference and basis to conduct further
Brain Teaching.
and amplitude 5. explain sound production in the human voice box, and
how pitch, loudness, and quality of sound vary from one person to
The respondents of the study were 120 students from the four
sections of grade 7. All belong to regular class. Among the five grade
was excluded in this study. Other grade levels of Gubat National High
School and grade 7 special class students were excluded in this study.
Definition of Terms
Rules, Teach-Okay, the Scoreboard, Hands and Eyes, Switch and Mirror
study, it refers to three topics such as waves, sound and light taught
made test parallel to the pre-test and administered after teaching the
topics on waves.