Parental Alienation
Parental Alienation
Parental Alienation
June 2, 2022
Alan D. Blotcky, PhD
In cases of parental alienation, these 8 steps should happen.
What an alienating parent does not realize is that a child is harmed tremendously by the
total or partial loss of a parent. Short-term and long-term negative consequences have
been found as a result of a child’s alienation.2 In its severest form, parental alienation is
child psychological abuse, as listed in DSM-5.3
There are many roadblocks in the diagnosis and treatment of parental alienation.4 An
offending parent will vigorously deny being an alienator and confuse others by
proclaiming that they are the victim. The alienated child will be strongly allied with the
favored parent and claim that they alone have rejected the other parent without
coaching or other influence. The alienated child’s attorney—the guardian ad litem
(GAL)—often has no mental health training and will accept what the child says at face
value, thereby reinforcing the alienation process. The alienating parent’s attorney will
unabashedly encourage the alienating behavior because it is a “winning” strategy from a
legal viewpoint. Most judges have little understanding of parental alienation and are
often swayed by the combined voices of the GAL and the alienating parent’s attorney.
These are a few of the major roadblocks in parental alienation cases. These roadblocks
are real and potentially catastrophic to a case. They can interfere with accurate
diagnosis, the implementation of appropriate treatment, and ultimate legal decisions
that are in the child’s best interest. These roadblocks can turn a case upside-down so
that the alienation is missed or dismissed—or, worse yet, that the wrong parent is
identified as the alienator and the child is placed, or remains, in the care of an abusive
But these roadblocks can be overcome. Parental alienation cases can be accurately
diagnosed, and appropriate treatment can ensue. Here is what needs to happen:
First, the targeted or rejected parent needs to make sure that a forceful attorney and an
experienced mental health expert are on the team. Both professionals are critical to
success. Neither can win the case alone. The mental health professional must have a
strong understanding of the specific family dynamics associated with parental
alienation. Without this knowledge base, the mental health professional will be
susceptible to making serious errors in the case. This must be avoided by choosing the
correct expert.
Third, false allegations of abuse must be confronted head-on so that they do not
become entrenched and intractable in the case. Often, these allegations are used as
weapons by the alienating parent.5 Multiple allegations of abuse during a legal
proceeding are a huge red flag for fabrication.
Fourth, specific interventions must be proposed, usually by the mental health expert and
the rejected parent’s attorney. Here are the necessary interventions: The alienating
parent must have individual therapy, the alienating parent’s attorney must make it clear
that the damaging behavior must cease, and the alienated child and rejected parent
must have reunification therapy. This is the treatment template in all parental alienation
cases.1 All of these interventions must take place. Reunification therapy will fail if the
alienating parent’s destructive behavior is not stopped.
Fifth, in severe cases of alienation where there is total rejection of a parent, removal of
the child from the alienating parent for some period of time is considered both essential
and mandatory. Research and clinical experience show that such removal can be
accomplished with excellent results.1
Sixth, nothing can sidetrack and undermine a parental alienation case more than
enabling attorneys. Their unhelpful roles in the situation must be confronted. The
alienating parent’s attorney and the GAL must be informed and guided by the mental
health expert’s knowledge, experience, and understanding of the research and clinical
Eighth, the rejected parent must remain hopeful, determined, and proactive at every step
along the way. Defeatism cannot creep in. Passivity is counterproductive. The rejected
parent’s passion and love of the child must be the energizing force in uncovering and
resolving the parental alienation pathology.
1. Blotcky AD, Bernet W, Harman JJ. Roadmap for the treatment of parental
alienation. Michigan Family Law Journal. 2022:15-18.
3. Blotcky AD, Bernet W. A silent epidemic: Parental alienation in a child is on par with
physical and sexual abuse. Psychiatric Times. April 7,
4. Blotcky AD, Bernet W. Winning parental alienation cases: A roadmap for family
lawyers. Family Lawyer Magazine. March 2,