Discrimination of Syzygium Polyanthum (Wight)
Discrimination of Syzygium Polyanthum (Wight)
Discrimination of Syzygium Polyanthum (Wight)
Bioscience Research
Print ISSN: 1811-9506 Online ISSN: 2218-3973
Journal by Innovative Scientific Information & Services Network
Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR) was utilised to discriminate Syzygium polyanthum
cultivars (Serai Kayu and Serai Kayu Hutan) due to its effectiveness in discriminating plants species
based on their chemical constituents. The ATR-FTIR mid infrared region (4000-400 cm–1) of the IR
spectrum was applied to the ethanolic and aqueous leaves extracts of Serai Kayu and Serai Kayu
Hutan, to identify various fingerprints and discriminate them using multivariate analysis. Much
phytochemical similarity was found between the two cultivars through the Principal Component Analysis
(PCA) and Hierarchical Cluster Analysis (HCA). There was also found variation between intraspecies
among same cultivars of Serai Kayu and Serai Kayu Hutan. The findings obtained from this study are
very important for taxonomic identification, in which to be served as a guide for quality control in natural
product development.
Keywords: ATR-FTIR; Serai Kayu; Serai Kayu Hutan; Discrimination
profiles or biochemical profiles of the Fourier chemical constituents of all medicinal plants must
Transform Infrared generated from the analysed be evaluated to be able to have reliability and
cells, are sets of data with a very high density repeatability of the process (Sultana et al., 2011;
which must be interpreted or analysed through Khairudin et al., 2014).
multivariate analysis, the technique or the concept Myrtaceae is of significant importance throughout
that has been used in microbial discrimination of the globe as it contributed economically, because
closely related species (Kim et al., 2004; many members of the family are edible and are
Mularczyk et al., 2012; Khairudin et al., 2014). domestically cultivated as food or as ornamental
In ethnopharmacology, quality control is plants (Moneruzzaman et al., 20011). Syzygium
compulsory and vital to confirm the quality and has been considered as the largest genus in the
authenticity of the plants for the development of family Myrtaceae, having approximately one
modern medicine or herbal supplements (Keidel hundred and twenty (120) species found almost
et al., 2010). One of the greatest sets back in the all over the Asia (Abdulrahman et al., 2018b).
development of herbal product is quality Syzygium is of significant importance biologically;
assurance as a result of large variation in the for its ability to cure diverse diseases
chemical constituents of the plants (Keidel et al., (Abdulrahman et al., 2018a). Being among the
2010; Khairudin et al., 2014; Zhang et al., 2018). largest genera of flowering plants, it also plays a
The discrepancies are as a result of many factors significant role in the rainforest ecosystem.
ranging from the time of collection (harvesting), Syzygium polyanthum is locally known as Serai
environmental factor (climate), the age of the Kayu, Serai Kayu Hutan, Salam, Daun and Kelat
plants, soil and storage condition. Therefore, among the people of Peninsular Malaysia
quality control with the identification of few (Abdulrahman et al., 2018a). Whilst in Indonesia,
compounds is insufficient for validation (Kim et al., it is named as Indonesian laurel or Bay leaf. S.
2004; Keidel et al., 2010; Gao et al., 2012; Nikzad polyanthum is a plant known for its medicinal
et al., 2017). value among the Malay ethnic group for curing
Development of herbal product or modern diverse ailments such as Diabetes, Malaria,
medicine lies completely with authenticity and Postpartum, Hypertension, Diarrhea, and
safety of the plants materials (Gao et al., 2012; Endometriosis (Abdulrahman et al., 2018a). The
Khairudin et al., 2014; Al-Tameme et al., 2015). aim of this study was to utilise data set from
Therefore, technique or concept must be adopted Fourier Transform Infrared (FTIR) with the aid of
in other to identify and discriminate the real plant multivariate analysis to discriminate Serai Kayu
needed to overcome challenges of adulterations and Serai Kayu Hutan in order to be able to
and safety of consumers (Gao et al., 2012; Gad et classify them phylogenetically.
al., 2013). The presently available methods used
for quality assurance are subjective to many MATERIALS AND METHODS
challenges (Naumann et al., 2010; Gad et al.,
2013). The conventional method of classification Collection and Preparation of the Sample
and identification of plants from the dried Material
materials by means of morphological and Two cultivars of Syzygium polyanthum (Serai
anatomical (Macroscopic and Microscopic) Kayu and Serai Kayu Hutan) were collected from
characteristics or features requires an extensive the wild in Besut, Terengganu, Peninsular
labour, time consuming and specific or prior Malaysia, and fully confirmed by a Botanist at the
knowledge of the concept. Molecular Universiti Sultan Zainal Abidin (UniSZA), after
identification and description of the plants is very which the identified herbarium specimen was
expensive, time consuming and also required further taken to the Universiti Kebangsaan
sophisticated machines to be able to interpret the Malaysia (UKM) and the University of Malaya
result. Biochemical or molecular identification is (UM) for further identification, and finally
difficult or complex as a result of sample deposited at the Herbarium of UniSZA, UKM and
preparation or processing with full of uncertainty UM respectively. The leaves were excised from
of the end result such as the quality of the the plants and dried under shade at room
sequence purified or the quantity and quality of temperature and kept in clean place in order to
the extracted DNA which is the building block of avoid contamination before extraction was carried
molecular studies (Gao et al., 2012). For the out.
purpose of improvement in Herbal supplement
development and pharmacological research, the
been previously reported by Ul Hassan et al, potential to apply to all plants for taxonomic
(2014) in taxonomic identification of Solanum discrimination.
nigarum and Solanum giganteum. Similarly, Lang
et al., (2017) in their study of identifying plant
species to family level have reported FTIR Posses
the potential of taxonomically identifying plants to
family level from their branches and has the
Table 1a: Voucher numbers of deposited specimen in respective Herbarium
1 Syzygium polyanthum (Serai Kayu) Unisza 00395
2 Syzygium polyanthum (Serai Kayu Hutan) Unisza 00396
5 Syzygium polyanthum (Serai Kayu) UM-KLU49443
6 Syzygium polyanthum (Serai Kayu Hutan) UM-KLU49444
7 Syzygium polyanthum (Serai Kayu) UKMB 40352
8 Syzygium polyanthum (Serai Kayu Hutan) UKMB 40353
Wavenumber cm-1
Figure. 1: Overlay spectra of ethanolic leaves extracts Syzygium polyanthum (Serai Kayu and
Serai Kayu Hutan)
Figure. 2: Overlay spectra of aqueous leaves extracts of Syzygium polyanthum (Serai Kayu and
Serai Kayu Hutan)
Table 1: Characteristics of absorption bands of Serai Kayu and Serai Kayu Hutan
(Syzygium polyanthum)
Wave number
S/N Fingerprints
1 800 C-O stretching (phenyl)
2 892 C-C, C-O (Deoxyribose)
3 1000 Phosphodiester region
4 1200 P=O stretching of Phosphodiester
5 1310 Protein
6 1370 Lignin
7 1500 N=O stretching of aromatic ring in lignin
8 1600 Stretching (lipids)
9 2800 C–H stretching of CH2 in fatty acids
10 3000 O-H stretching water
11 3500 O-H bonds
Note: S/N = Serial Number of the overlay ethanolic and aqueous extracts
Figure. 3: PCA score plot of ATR-FTIR spectroscopy data of ethanolic leaves extracts of Syzygium
polyanthum (Serai Kayu and Serai Kayu Hutan)
Figure. 4: PCA score plot of ATR-FTIR spectroscopy data of aqueous leaves extracts of Syzygium
polyanthum (Serai Kayu and Serai Kayu Hutan)
Figure. 5: Loading line plot from ATR-FTIR spectroscopy of ethanolic leaves extracts showing
fingerprints responsible for the discrimination and relationship within the PC1 of Serai Kayu and
Serai Kayu Hutan (Syzygium polyanthum)
Figure. 6: Loading line plot from ATR-FTIR spectroscopy of ethanolic leaves extracts showing
fingerprints responsible for the discrimination and relationship within the PC2 of Serai Kayu and
Serai Kayu Hutan (Syzygium polyanthum)
Figure. 7: Loading line plot from ATR-FTIR spectroscopy of aqueous leaves extracts showing
fingerprints responsible for the discrimination and relationship within the PC1 of Serai Kayu and
Serai Kayu Hutan (Syzygium polyanthum)
Figure. 8: Loading line plot from ATR-FTIR spectroscopy of aqueous leaves extracts showing
fingerprints responsible for the discrimination and relationship within the PC2 of Serai Kayu and
Serai Kayu Hutan (Syzygium polyanthum)
Figure. 9: Dendrogram of the HCA of the ethanolic leaves extracts showing the discrimination
and relationship between Serai Kayu and Serai Kayu hutan (Syzygium polyanthum).
Figure. 10: Dendrogram of the HCA of the aqueous leaves extracts showing the discrimination
and relationship between Serai Kayu and Serai Kayu Hutan (Syzygium polyanthum).
Ten spectra were obtained from the ethanolic of both the ethanolic and aqueous extracts is to
and aqueous extracts of all the ten samples of further carry the analysis of the PCA and HCA
Serai Kayu and Serai Kayu Hutan collected in all model. Score plots (scattered) of the two PCs
the localities. The peaks of the ethanolic extracts (PC1 and PC2) of the ethanolic extracts of the
were sharp at 812 cm –1 which represent C-O Serai Kayu and Serai Kayu Hutan dataset was
stretching (phenyl) and the spectral region of constructed and evaluated to account for 99.7%
892, 1000, 1200, 13100, 1500, 2800, 3000 and variation R2X (cum). Along the PC2 axes, eight
3500 cm-1 that represent the fingerprints of C-C, main clusters were constructed in the second PC.
C-O (Deoxyribose), Phosphodiester region, P=O In the first PC along the PC1, one strong outlier
stretching (Phosphodiester), N=O stretching of can be observed from Serai Kayu and also
aromatic ring in lignin, protein, O–H stretching of variation within the same sample (intraspecies
CH2 in fatty acids, O-H stretching water and O-H variation). Two groups are constructed from Serai
bonds respectively (Fig. 1 and Table 2). While in Kayu and one group from Serai Kayu Hutan along
the case of aqueous extracts the peaks were the X axes of the PC1 with variation accounting
sharp at 1000, 13100, 1370, 1600 and 3500 cm -1 for 49.6% (R2X.0.496) (Fig. 3). The fitness and the
which represent Phosphodiester region, protein, predictive model obtained in the following study
lignin, stretching (lipids) and O-H bonds supported the findings of Maree & Viljoen, (2011)
respectively (Fig. 2 and Table 2). A broad region were the obtained a similar pattern of fitness and
was observed to have a significant difference the predictive model (FT-MID: R2X (cum): 0.956,
between ethanolic and aqueous extracts at the Q2 (cum) =0.952. FT-MID: R2X (cum): 0.753, Q2
region of the spectra of 3500-3000 cm-1 peaks, (cum) =0.731). Principal Component Analysis
and the peaks and some fingerprints were not (PCA) suggested that there were large
seen in aqueous extracts that was due to the fact phytochemical similarities between the two
of the polarities of the compounds to be able to be cultivars, and intra variation also existed between
extracted from the ethanolic extracts. The results species of the same cultivar whereby no clear
show no significant difference from the fingerprints separation can be seen along the PC1 and bit
of ethanolic extracts of Serai Kayu and Serai Kayu separation was seen in the PC2 (Fig. 3). The
Hutan, same as in the aqueous extracts. The findings were also in agreement with Song et al.
finding supported the results of Khairudin et al., (2014) in discriminating closely related Brassica
(2014) where no significant difference was rapa species. Also concur with the findings of
reported in their spectral bands of direct Mohd et al., (2014) on discrimination of ficus
discriminations of some plant populations using deltoidea jack in Peninsular Malaysia where they
FTIR spectroscopy. The studies also in report variation (intra and inter) among similar
agreement with Mohd et al., (2014) in their studies species of the same cultivar.
to discriminate seven varieties Ficus deltoidea Score plots (scattered) of the 2 PCs (PC1 and
using FTIR dataset coupled with chemometrics PC2) of the aqueous extracts dataset were
where they report no significance was observed constructed with and evaluated. Along the PC1
from the fingerprint of the methanolic and both the Serai Kayu and Serai Kayu Hutan were
aqueous extracts of both the seven varieties. The seen overlapping each other no clear separation
study disagreed with Keidel et al., (2010) on their was observed (Fig. 4). In the second PC along the
study to discriminate Green arabica and Robusta PC2 one strong outlier can be observed from
(coffee beans). Serai Kayu Hutan and also variation within the
The complete datasets of the ethanolic same sample (intra species variation). Also, no
sample of (Syzygium polyanthum) Serai Kayu and clear separation was seen but overlapped along
Serai Kayu Hutan were analysed using the the PC1 with variation accounting for 68.8%
Principal Component Analysis (PCA). The best (R2X.0.688). This is in agreement with Mohd et al.,
spectra filter model was obtained with X matrix (2014) in their methanolic and aqueous studies of
with highest variation (R2X (cum). 0.997) and the seven varieties of F.deltoidea. The score plot of
highest predictive power (fitness of the model) (Q2 FTIR spectroscopy data from the ethanolic and
(cum).0.987) while the data set from the aqueous aqueous extracts exhibit a strong relationship
sample with best spectra filter model was between the two cultivars. This is further
obtained with X matrix, highest variation (R2X confirmed the morphology and anatomical studies
(cum).0.993) and with highest predictive power carried out on Syzygium polyanthum cultivars
(fitness of the model) (Q2 (cum).0.981). The (Serai Kayu and Serai Kayu Hutan) by
fitness of the model revealed how good the data Abdulrahman et al. (2018b), further validate the
findings of Song et al., (2014) on discrimination of ethanolic PCA where a variation existed between
cabbage progenies from their parents and same cultivars and further established a strong
Khairudin et al, (2014) where they used FTIR to relationship existed between Serai Kayu and
establish relations that exists between plant Serai Kayu Hutan based on their chemical
species. Also is in agreement with Mohd et al., constituents.
(2014) where they conclude a good clustering was Similar pattern from the score plot was also
observed in their studies. But the study completely observed with the HCA of aqueous leaves extract
disagrees with Naumann et al., (2010) where they (Fig.10). The dendrogram divided into two major
report clear clustering on discrimination of Oats clades. The first major clade contained only Serai
and Peanuts root using FTIR datasets coupled Kayu Hutan and the second major clade was
with chemometrics. Morgenstern et al., (2014) in divided into two subclades with the first subclades
their studies of Myrciaria jaboticaba and Myrciaria divided into two mini clades. The first mini clade
cauliflora to discrimination them from their fruit contained Serai Kayu Hutan while the second mini
using near-infrared spectroscopy where they also clade contained Serai Kayu. The second subclade
report clear clustering from the fruits of the two further divided into two major clades, with the first
species. clade divided into two mini subclades. The first
The similarities and discrimination of the score and the second mini clades contained only Serai
plot from the ethanolic extracts of the Serai Kayu Kayu Hutan. The second subclade divides into
and Serai Kayu Hutan has resulted from the two subclades, with the first mini clades contained
following fingerprints along the positive loading both Serai Kayu Hutan and Serai Kayu and also
line plot of the PC1; 1654.92, 1560.41, 1508.33, the second mini clade also contains both Serai
1490.97, 1473.62, 486.062 and 418.553 cm –1 and Kayu and Serai Kayu Hutan. The results further
the fingerprint within the negative loading line plot proved that no clear separation was observed
are 1651.07, 1539.2 and 1504.48 cm–1 . These from the PCA. The results from both the ethanolic
were responsible for the intra and interspecies and aqueous extracts of Serai Kayu and Serai
variations of the cultivars that fall within the region Kayu Hutan were also in agreement with Kim et
of PC1 (Fig.5 and 6) respectively. Likewise, the al., (2004) in their studies on taxonomic
relationship established from the score plot of the identification of flowering plants by using
aqueous extracts was as a result of the following multivariate analysis coupled with FTIR datasets.
fingerprints; 1755.52, 1730.15, 1354.03, 1311.59, These results were in agreements with the
1201.65, and 1058.92 and 2926.01, 2850.79, findings of Gao et al., (2012), where they report
1616.35, 1570.06 and 447.485 cm –1 along the phylogenetic relationships of ulam using FTIR
PC1 and PC2 respectively (Fig .7 and 8). dataset. The findings were in disagreement with
To further confirm their relationships and Schulz et al., (2005) on their studies of
dissimilarity of the two cultivars, the dataset from characterization of essential oil by using IR and
the ethanolic and aqueous leaves extract were Raman spectroscopy were they obtained clear
used to construct Hierarchical Cluster Analysis discrimination of essential oil distilled in plants
(HCA) in order to figure them into distinct classes collected from Turkey from Principal Component
(Fig. 9 and 10). The dendrogram from the HCA of Analysis before they are subjected to Hierarchical
the ethanolic extracts (Fig. 9) was further Cluster Analysis. The results of the studies from
confirmed by the Relationship (similarities and the FTIR datasets coupled with Chemometrics
dissimilarities) that has already been established have provided an efficient way of discriminating
by the PCA (Fig. 3). These resulted them into two plant species of closely related and further
major clades, with first major clade was divided supported the findings of Mularczyk et al., (2012)
into three subclades, the first clade having were they find FTIR coupled with chemometrics
species of Serai Kayu hutan, second clades as a great tool for taxonomic identification of
contained only Serai Kayu and the last clade plants to species level.
contain Serai Kayu only. Another major clade
was further divided into six clades, with first clade CONCLUSION
containing only Serai Kayu, the second clade The studies have fully discriminated Serai
containing Serai Kayu Hutan, third clade Serai Kayu and Serai Kayu Hutan based on their
Kayu Hutan, fourth clade Serai Kayu Hutan, fifth relationships and dissimilarity, which also
clade Serai Kayu and the last clade containing provided that; there is intra variation within the
Serai Kayu Hutan. The HCA from the ethanolic same species collected at the same location. PCA
extracts has further supported the result of the provided a good explanation on the discrimination
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