Illicit Drugs

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University of Science and Technology of Southern Philippines

C.M. Recto Avenue, Lapasan, Cagayan de Oro City

SY: 2021-2022




Fine white powder Brown or black powder Black tar Heroin

This form of Heroin gets its color

This is the purest form of Heroin This form of Heroin comes as a
from additives and is more
black sticky gel.
common than pure Heroin.

Classification of Heroin
Also called Opiates, Opioids are either derived from the drug Opium or from
chemicals designed to mimic it. Opioids work by acting on receptors in the brain, sometimes
by mimicking the effects of neurotransmitters. This can enable Opioids to serve as powerful
pain killers, but also can cause feelings of intense pleasure and lead to addiction. Opioid
addiction is one of the most serious problems faced by America today. Opioids are some of
the most addictive of all known substances, and they are also some of the deadliest. Some
of the most well-known opioids include:

Effects of the Heroin

Heroin users have described the drug’s high as an intense feeling of well-being.
When users inject Heroin, they often experience a “rush” from the drug reaching the brain
so quickly.
The rush from intravenous Heroin use lasts about two minutes. Intravenous users
have likened the rush to an orgasm in terms of pleasure. As Heroin travels through the
bloodstream, the high lasts for four to five hours.

The general effects of using Heroin include:

 Contentment
 Reduced anxiety
 Relieved tension
 Drowsiness
 Apathy


Classification Of Cocaine
Stimulants: Also known as “uppers,” the primary use of Stimulants is to increase
energy, concentration, and wakefulness. Stimulants are said to provide a “rush.” In the short
term, Stimulants are believed to increase productivity and performance while producing an
excited high of pleasure. In the long term, Stimulants are incredibly addictive and have a
very high potential for abuse.

Effects of the Cocaine

Cocaine is a central nervous system stimulant that affects the brain by stimulating
high levels of dopamine, a brain chemical associated with pleasure and reward. Over time,
Cocaine negatively effects every part of the body with potential for severe long-term effects.
It can cause changes to genetics in brain cells, nerve cells and proteins, among other
permanent effects.

The general effects of using cocaine include:

 Talkativeness
 Excitement
 Alertness
 Anxiety
 Overconfidence

Classification of Hallucinogens
Sometimes referred to as Dissociatives, after the user’s perception of reality. Often
this results in auditory and visual hallucinations, a process known as “tripping.” Although
Hallucinogens are generally less addictive than other drug classifications, their immediate
impacts are generally more severe and dangerous.
LSD, PCP, mushrooms and salvia are all examples of psychoactive or mind-altering
drugs. While an addiction to this type of drug is less common than other drugs, use and
abuse of these substances can cause severe negative side effects.

Effects of the Hallucinogens

 feelings of euphoria;
 blurred vision;
 sense of relaxation and well-being;
 increased body temperature and sweating, may alternate with chills and shivering;
 irregular heartbeat, palpitations;
 nausea and vomiting;

Classification of Methamphetamine
Also known as “uppers,” the primary use of Stimulants is to increase energy,
concentration, and wakefulness. Stimulants are said to provide a “rush.” In the short term,
Stimulants are believed to increase productivity and performance while producing an
excited high of pleasure. In the long term, Stimulants are incredibly addictive and have a
very high potential for abuse.

Effects of the Methamphetamine

When Meth is snorted, it creates a euphoric sensation but not a rush. The rush from
injection produces the strongest effects and can last up to 30 minutes. After the initial rush,
people using the drug experience a steady high that can last anywhere from 8 to 24 hours
depending on the mode of consumption. Injecting Meth produces a stronger high than
smoking or snorting it, but the effects wear off more quickly this way. Meth users are known
to stay up for multiple days in a row due to binge use.

 Paranoia
 Confusion
 Irregular heartbeat
 Anxiety
 Aggression
 Insomnia
 Tremors
 Weight loss

Classification of Ecstasy
Ecstasy is a street name for a version of MDMA, or 3,4 Methylenedioxy-
Methamphetamine. It is an illegal and man-made drug classified as a Stimulant with
potentially Hallucinogenic properties.
Schedule I drugs have the most regulations and harshest penalties of any drugs.
Schedule I drugs have no legitimate accepted medical use and a high potential for abuse.

Effects of the Ecstasy

Ecstasy and Molly promote a feeling of well-being, happiness, and friendliness. These
drugs enhance the user’s sense of sight, sound, smell, and touch. Ecstasy and Molly are
common at dance clubs and raves, places where the user can take advantage of their
heightened sensations.
Like most drugs, Ecstasy and Molly interfere with the brain’s pleasure center and
natural levels of dopamine.
The high from Ecstasy generally lasts between 3 and 5 hours. Depending on a number of
factors, including body weight, gender, amount taken, and method of administration,
Ecstasy’s effects can last up to 8 hours.

 Euphoria
 Heightened senses
 Calm and relaxation
 Long-lasting energy
 Empathy for others
 Lowered inhibitions

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