Ipcr - Recio 1st Sem 2022
Ipcr - Recio 1st Sem 2022
Ipcr - Recio 1st Sem 2022
I, ANGELIC A. RECIO, AGRARIAN REFORM PROGRAM TECHNOLOGIST , commits to deliver and agrees to be rated on the attainment of the following targets in accordance with the indicated
Name, Designation
measures for the period of JANUARY 1, 2022-JUNE 30, 2022 .
Period Covered
Signature Date
Reviewed by: Approved by:
1. Processes Purchase Orders and Disbursement Vouchers Purchase Orders and Disbursement Vouchers processed and 100% attachments evaluated and reviewed within ten (10) minutes upon 100% attachments evaluated and reviewed within 10 minutes upon
Received attachments completed receipt; 100% Disbursement Vouchers processed within thirty (30) minutes 37% receipt; 100% Disbursement Vouchers processed within Fifteen (15) 3 5 5 4.333 1.603
upon receipt minutes upon receipt
100% of Cash Advances evaluated and reviewed within 10 minutes upon 100% of Cash Advances evaluated and reviewed within 10 minutes upon
Liquidation of Cash Advances processed and attachments
2. Processes Liquidation of Cash Advances completed receipt; 100% of Cash Advances are liquidated within thirty (30) days upon 5% receipt; 100% of Cash Advances are liquidated within thirty (30) days 3 5 5 4.333 0.217
disbursement upon disbursement
3. Computes withholding taxes and inputs journal entry per Disbursement Vouchers computed of taxes, and input of 100% of vouchers for suppliers/creditors were computed with tax and 5% 100% of vouchers for suppliers/creditors were computed with tax and 3 4 5 4.000 0.200
Disbursement Voucher journal entries per supplier/creditor/claimant journal entries (10) minutes upon receipt journal entries 5min upon receipt.
Cash Balance daily monitored and MRD Working Paper 100% of MRD Working Paper accurately prepared and submitted completely 100% of MRD Working Paper accurately prepared and submitted
1. Monitors Cash Balance and Prepares MRD Working Paper tallied with monthly disbursement reports and cashier ten (10) days after the end of the reporting month 10% completely ten (10) days after the end of the reporting month 3 5 5 4.333 0.433
2. Prepares Transmittal of Reports to COA Monthly and Quarterly Transmittal of Reports to COA 100% of Monthly and Quarterly reports are recorded to the Transmittal of 2% 100% of Monthly and Quarterly reports are recorded to the Transmittal 3 5 5 4.333 0.087
submitted Reports to COA and are respectfully submitted of Reports to COA and are respectfully submitted
Report of Collection and Deposit (RCD) and it's attachments 100% of the RCD, together with it's attachments are reviewed and
3. Reviews RCD and its attachments received 100% of the RCD, together with it's attachments are reviewed and tallied 2% 3 5 5 4.333 0.087
are reviewed tallied
4. Assist with the Preparation of Monthly and Quarterly Quarterly Statement of Cash Flows and Monthly Trial 100% of Statement of Cash Flows accurately prepared and submitted 100% of Statement of Cash Flows accurately prepared and submitted
4% completely 10 days after the end of the reporting month, and on the 3 5 4 4.000 0.160
Reports Balance and it's attachments are reviewed and submitted completely 10 days after the end of the reporting month end of the ensuing month of the quarter
1. Report of Collection and Deposits JEVs prepared for RCD 100% JEVs prepared accurately from the received RCD and completely 2% 100% JEVs were prepared accurately from the received RCD and 3 5 5 4.333 0.087
submitted to COA 10 days after the end of the reporting month completely submitted to COA every 10th day of the ensuing month
100% of JEVs prepared accurately from the received RCIs and RADAIs and 100% of JEVs are accurately prepared from the received RCIs and
2. RCI and RADAI for disbursements for MOOE JEVs prepared for MOOE transactions under RCI and RADAI completely submitted to COA every 10th day of the ensuing month 15% RADAIs and are submitted to COA every 10th day of the ensuing month 3 5 5 4.333 0.650
100% of JEVs are prepared accurately from the received Liquidation Reports 100% of JEVs are prepared accurately from the received Liquidation
JEVs prepared for the Liquidation of Cash Advances
4. Liquidation of Cash Advances disbursed for the month of Cash Advances, completely submitted every 10th day of the ensuing 3% Reports of Cash Advances, completely submitted every 10th day of the 3 5 5 4.333 0.130
month ensuing month
5. Other Adjustments JEVs prepared for Other Adjustments 100% of JEVs are prepared for other adjustments and are completely 2% 100% of JEVs are prepared for other adjustments and are completely 3 5 5 4.333 0.087
submitted to COA, 10 days after the end of the reporting month submitted to COA, 10 days after the end of the reporting month
100% JEVs prepared accurately from the General Journal completely 100% JEVs prepared accurately from the General Journal completely
6. General Journal JEVs/Journal prepared for the General Journal submitted to COA every 10th day of the ensuing month 4% submitted to COA every 10th day of the ensuing month 3 5 5 4.333 0.173
Cash Advances are monitored and Notice to Liquidate is 100% of Cash Advances are liquidated before it reaches the 30-day 100% of Cash Advances are liquidated before it reaches the 30-day
1. Monitors Cash Advances and Prepares Notice to Liquidate prepared 10 days before the 30-day deadline of the Liquidation Period, Notice to Liquidate is prepared 10 days before the 30- 1% Liquidation Period, Notice to Liquidate is prepared 10 days before the 3 5 5 4.333 0.043
Liquidation Period day deadline 30-day deadline
100% of the Internal Audit findings were updated into the STOD
Processes are prepared and updated in accordance with the 100% of Internal Audit findings are updated into the STOD Processes for ISO
3. Prepares and Updates STOD Processes for ISO Certification Internal Audit Findings Certification and is approved by the Internal Auditor and PARPO II 5% Processes for ISO certification and was duly approved by the Internal 3 5 5 4.333 0.217
Auditor and PARPO II
Name and Signature of Employee DATE Name and Signature of Rater DATE Name and Signature of Head of Office DATE
Qn - Quantity E -Efficiency Ql - Quality T - Timeliness WA- Wieghted Average Revised 2018