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Tolerances. Section 8 ANSI H35.2

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American National Standard Dimensional Tolerances for Aluminum Mill
Products 2013.

This covers the tolerances for sheet and plate, fin stock, foil, wire, rod,
and bar, tube and pipe, forgings, forging stock, and electrical conductors.

Section Tolerances

How straight is straight enough? How flat is flat
enough? How uniform must a wall thickness be
in order to be acceptable? These are not
abstract questions. Many products must be
manufactured to exacting standards.
The specified, acceptable range of deviation
from a given dimension is known as a tolerance.

Tolerances are measurable, so they can be speci-

fied and mutually agreed upon by manufacturers
and purchasers, by extruders and their
customers. Aluminum profiles can be extruded
to very precise special tolerances or to accepted
standard dimensional tolerances.

The first portion of the following section

addresses standard dimensional tolerances. The
latter portion of this section is an introduction to
geometric tolerancing.

Geometric tolerancing has been likened to a

modern technical language that enables
designers and engineers to communicate their
requirements to the people who produce the
components of an assembly.

When tolerances are met, parts fit together well,

perform as intended, and do not require
unnecessary machining. The aluminum
extrusion process puts the metal where it is
needed and offers the precision necessary to
meet specified tolerances.


What Are Tolerances? Note 8

Ask any engineering student to make Note 6
a critical measurement, and his first
question may be, “Accurate to how
many decimal places?”

He's just recognizing a basic fact of

nature: that dimensions, whether
measured or produced, are never
absolutely exact; they are only as
precise as we and our equipment can Cross-section/wall thickness
make them--or need to make them.
Every manufacturing process has
limits of accuracy, imposed by tech-
nology or economics, which are rou-
tinely taken into account in design
and production.

Most manufacturers and customers

expect to provide, or receive, prod-
ucts whose dimensions are reliable
within mutually acceptable limits of
deviation. Those agreed-upon limits
are called tolerances, and at the time
of ordering, a clear consensus A
regarding those tolerances benefits
both the extrusion supplier and the
user. It protects the user by ensuring
that the extruded product will be
suitable for his use; it protects the
extruder from having products reject-
ed by a customer with unreasonable
expectations; it's good business for
both of them.

Aluminum Extrusion Manual 8-1

Where Are Dimensional Tolerances
The shape of an aluminum profile is
described by specifying the dimen-
sions of its cross-section on an engi-
neering drawing, and by specifying
the delivered length.
The allowed tolerances are usually
expressed in plus-or-minus (decimal) D
fractions of an inch or percentages of
a dimension, applied to zones where
the dimensions are to be held within
these specified limits.

Unless otherwise specified, standard

industry tolerances are applied.
Special tolerances may be specified in
consultation with the extruder.
Extrusion tolerances are applied to a
variety of physical dimensions.


Section 8 Tolerances 8-2

End Cut Squareness
Surface (Vertical & Transverse

(Curved Surfaces)
Corner & Fillet



Aluminum Extrusion Manual 8-3

Extruded tube has additional
standard tolerances:


Mean At any one point


Wall thickness

Section 8 Tolerances 8-4




B Width and depth A





Aluminum Extrusion Manual 8-5

Standard Dimensional Tolerances Special Tolerances
The industry's standard tolerances Even tighter dimensional tolerances
were developed by technical commit- than the Industry Standard can be
tees of The Aluminum Association specified when necessary. To achieve
and the American National Standards them, however, requires more
Institute, taking into account both involved die corrections, slower extru-
the capabilities of extruders and the sion rates, increased inspections, and
needs of extrusion users. sometimes a higher rejection rate.
All that special care adds up, of
These Industry Standards are pub- course, to higher costs to the extrud-
lished in National Standard er and higher prices to the customer.
Dimensional Tolerances for Aluminum
Mill Products (ANSI H35.2) and In rare instances, a desired dimen-
Aluminum Standards and Data (ASD). sional tolerance may not be possible
Both publications are updated peri- to achieve, but an experienced extru-
odically to reflect improvements in sion supplier may be able to suggest a
extruder capabilities and changes in design change that solves the prob-
user needs. lem and still meets the purchaser's
economic and functional
Standard tolerances are not simple, requirements.
uniform fractional formulas.
They incorporate many different spe- The purchaser and the vendor should
cific numbers or formulas published agree on any special tolerances
in tables. The various tolerances are before an order is entered, and
established to match the various should specify them on the order and
degrees of difficulty an extruder faces engineering drawing.
in controlling different toleranced
dimensions. As a result, tolerances The published standard tolerances
vary with cross-sectional size (as mea- may be very easy to achieve, or very The choice is
yours: through
sured by the profile's fit within a cir- difficult, depending on the profile.
standard toler-
cumscribing circle--see Section 6), It may be practical and economically ances or special
and even with the location of each desirable to specify tolerances that tolerances,
dimension on a complex shape. are broader than the standard. aluminum extru-
Alloy composition and temper also sions give you
the precision you
influence certain tolerances, and are Remember: If no special dimensional
need--where you
reflected in the standard tolerance tolerances are specified, standard need it.
tables. dimensional tolerances will be
Because of all these important con-
siderations, tolerancing tables are
complex. But their significance is
simple and important: under stan-
dard tolerances, aluminum extru-
sions are routinely produced with
dimensions accurate within hun-
dredths or thousandths of an inch.
For most purposes, that's a more-

than-ample degree of precision.
Section 8 Tolerances
Estimating Dimensional Tolerances by READING A STANDARD
“Rules of Thumb” TOLERANCE TABLE
Exact extrusion tolerances can be Unless otherwise specified, aluminum
determined only by careful applica- extrusions are produced to industry-
tion of standard tolerance tables and standard dimensional tolerances. To
consultation with the extruder. illustrate this important feature of
aluminum extrusions, standard toler-
Often, however, it is not necessary or ance tables are reproduced here
practical to determine exact dimen- from Aluminum Standards and Data,
tional tolerances when rough esti- 1997 and the 1997 ANSI H35.2,
mates may be adequate for initial Standard Dimensional Tolerances for
product planning and design. Aluminum Mill Products.
The following “Rules of Thumb” offer Because the two publications and
easy estimates of standard tolerances. their standards are updated from
However, it is emphasized that these time to time, the following table and
“Rules of Thumb” approximations illustrations should not be used for
provide only rough estimates. actually specifying extrusions.
Specifications should be based only
Tolerance on the latest approved tolerance
Cross-section ± .008 per inch tables. Buyers and specifiers are
or profile encouraged to consult with their
of measured extruders on a case-by-case basis.
dimensions dimension

Cutting length
Piece parts ± .015 inches Complexity of Standard
Press parts ± .062 inches Tolerance Tables
Even a quick glance at the standard
Straightness .0125 inches x tolerance tables reveals that they are
length in very detailed and are frequently
feet qualified by footnotes and by refer-
ences to additional information.
Twist 0.5 deg. x
length in feet Reading tolerances from these tables
is a somewhat complex matter, even
Flatness 0.004 x width for dimensions across simple
in inches rectangular shapes.
Wall thickness ± 10%
A purchaser who is not thoroughly
familiar with the use of these tables
should consult the extrusion supplier
All critical dimensions should be to determine which standard
discussed between the purchaser and tolerance can be expected to apply to
extruder to determine the most critical dimensions of any specific
practical tolerances for each specific design.

Aluminum Extrusion Manual 8-7

col. 4 col. 2
Step-by-Step Illustration of
Standard Tolerancing Note 8
Just to show how the tables are used, a Note 6
step-by-step example of standard
cols. 4-9
tolerancing is spelled out on the
following pages, applied to the
“Model Extrusion” that appears cols. 4-9 col. 3 col. 4
at the top of Table 8-1 col. 2

col. 2

Table 8-1 Standard Cross-Sectional Dimension Tolerances (Except for T3510, T4510, T6510, T73510, T76510, and T8510 Tempers) 7

1 These Standard Tolerances are applicable to the average profile 6 At points less than 0.250 inch from base of leg the tolerances in Col. 2 9 These tolerances do not apply to space dimensions such as
(shape); wider tolerances may be required for some profiles (shapes) are applicable. dimensions “X” and “Z” of the example (below), even when “Y” is
and closer tolerances may be possible for others. 75 percent or more of “X.” For the tolerance applicable to
7 Tolerances for extruded profiles in T3510, T4510, T6510, T73510, dimensions “X” and “Z” use Col. 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, or 9, dependent
2 The tolerance applicable to a dimension composed of two or more T76510, and T8510 tempers shall be as agreed upon between purchaser on distance “A.”
component dimensions is the sum of the tolerances of the component and vendor at the time the contract or order is entered.
dimensions if all of the component dimensions are indicated.
8 The following tolerances apply where the space is completely enclosed Y
3t or Greater X
3 When a dimension tolerance is specified other than as an equal bilat- (hollow profiles): For the width (A), the balance is the value shown in Col. 4 Z
eral tolerance, the value of the standard tolerance is that which applies for the depth dimension (D). For the depth (D), the tolerance is the value
to the mean of the maximum and minimum dimensions permissible shown in Col. 4 for the width dimension (A). In no case is the tolerance for t
under the tolerance for the dimension under consideration. either width or depth less than the metal dimensions (Col. 2) at the corners.
Example—Alloy 6061 hollow profile having 1 X 3
4 Where dimensions specified are outside and inside, rather than wall rectangular outside dimensions; width tolerance
thickness itself, the allowable deviation (eccentricity) given in Column 3 is ±0.021 inch and depth tolerance ±.034 inch. 10 The wall thickness tolerance for hol-
applies to mean wall thickness. (Mean will thickness is the average of (Tolerances at corners, Col. 2, metal t low or semihollow profiles shall be as
3t or
two wall thickness measurements taken at opposite sides of the void). dimensions, are ±0.024 inch for the width and Greater agreed upon between purchaser and ven-
±0.012 inch for the depth.) Note that the Col. 4 dor at the time the contract or order is
5 In the case of Class 1 Hollow Profiles the standard wall thickness tol- tolerance of 0.021 inch must be adjusted to entered when the nominal thickness of one
erance for extruded round tube is applicable. (A Class 1 Hollow Profile 0.024 inch so that it is not less than the Col. 2 wall is three times or greater than that of
is one whose void is round and one inch or more in diameter and whose tolerance. the opposite wall.
weight is equally distributed on opposite sides of two or more equally
spaced axes.)

Section 8 Tolerances 8-8

X (Col. 4)
Examples Illustrating Use of
the Standard Tolerance Table

Closed-Space Dimensions X (Col. 4)

X (Col. 4)
All dimensions designated “Y” are
classed as “metal dimensions” and
tolerances are determined from
Y (Col. 2)
column 2. X (Col. 4)
X (Col. 4)
Y (Col. 2)

Dimensions designated “X” are

classed as “space dimensions through
an enclosed void” and the tolerances
applicable are determined from col-
umn 4 unless 75 percent of the
dimension is metal, in which case
column 2 applies. Y (Col. 2) X (Col. 4) X (Col. 4)

X (Col. 4)

Open-Space Dimensions
Tolerances applicable to dimensions
“X” are determined as follows:

1. Locate dimension “X” in column 1.


2. Determine which of columns 4 A A

through 9 is applicable, dependent Y

on distance “A.”

3. Locate proper tolerance in col-

umn 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 or 9 in the same line
as dimension “X.” A

Dimensions “Y” are “metal dimen-
sions”; tolerances are determined X C
from column 2. Y

Distances “C” are shown merely to

indicate incorrect values for deter-
mining which of columns 4 through 9


Aluminum Extrusion Manual 8-9

Two Special Cases
I. Tolerances applicable to dimen-
sions “X” are determined as follows:
1. Locate distance “B” in column 1. A A

2. Determine which of columns 4-9 is

applicable, dependent on distance B B

3. Locate proper tolerance in col-
umn 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, or 9 in same line as
value chosen in column 1.

II. Tolerances applicable to dimen- A

sions “X” are not determined from
the Standard Tolerance Table; X A X

tolerances are determined by

standard tolerances applicable to
angles “A.”

(F) (E) (D) (C) (B) (A)
This example supposes that the
“model extrusion” profile is to be 2.000" 2.000" 2.000" 2.000" (M) 2.000" 2.000"
produced with the nominal dimen-
sions specified on the drawing


• A lower horizontal leg 9" long. 0.200" (H)

0.200" (G)(TYP.) H
• An upper horizontal leg 5.9" long.

• A vertical connecting leg at one 2.400" (J)

end. 9.000"(I)
• A vertical connecting leg whose
inner surface is located 2.4 inches The standard tolerancing for this profile might be
from the inside of the end leg. worked out, step-by-step, this way:
• A uniform outside depth of 2"
• A uniform metal thickness of 0.200"
• The alloy is assumed to be one of
the many choices included on the
tolerance table as “Other Alloys.”
Because this profile seems simple--
consisting only of parallel surfaces,
right angles, and uniform thickness-
es--it shows all the more clearly how
commercial standard tolerances can
vary from point to point over “open”
and “closed” sections.
Section 8 Tolerances 8-10
Step 1:
Determine the Profile Size

Purpose: Figure out which half of the

tolerance table assigns tolerances for
the model extrusion's profile.

Method: This part is easy. Profiles

that fit within a “circumscribing
circle” less than ten inches in
diameter are toleranced by the upper
part of the table. Larger profiles are
toleranced by the lower part.

All this step requires is to measure or
calculate the diameter of the profile's
“circumscribing circle”--the smallest
circle that completely encloses it. 9"

A circumscribing circle gauge is

represented in Section 6.

For this profile, it's clear that the cir-

cumscribing circle diameter matches
the profile's longest point-to-point 9.21
distance, the 9.219-inch diagonal
from the end of the long leg to the
opposite corner of the rectangular

Since the diameter--9.219 inches--is

less than 10 inches, all of the toler-
ances for this profile will be found in
the upper part of the table, headed:
“Circumscribing Circle Sizes Less
Than 10 Inches In Diameter.”

Aluminum Extrusion Manual 8-11

Step 2: M A
Identify Metal Dimensions
5.900" L
0.200" H
Purpose: Identify each profile dimen-
sion whose length includes at least 75 I
percent metal, versus open space.
G 2.000" 2.000"
a) Scan the profile for dimensions In the model profile, the 9-inch length of the long leg from end to end
(“I”) has no gaps, so it's a metal dimension. So are the 5.9-inch length
that have no gaps in their entire of the shorter leg “L”, the 2-inch lengths along the end leg “A” and mid-
length. Since these dimensions are leg “M”, and the wall thicknesses themselves as at “G” and “H”.
100 percent metal and no open
space, they qualify as metal

b) Calculate the metal percentage of

any dimension with one or more gaps
which might include at least 75 per- .200"
cent metal, to rule it in or out of this


In the model profile, the metal thickness is a uniform 0.200 inch. A

measurement across the profile through its open (left) side at F includes
two thicknesses of metal through the long and short legs, at 0.200 inch
each, for a total of 0.400 inch of metal. This dimension, then, is only 20
percent metal (0.400 inch out of a total length of 2 inches). It is obviously
not a metal dimension. It is, instead, a space dimension.

The user is now ready to refer to the tolerance table in

proceeding with the next steps.

Section 8 Tolerances 8-12

Step 3:
Determine Applicability of the More
Generous Tolerance on Walls That
Enclose a Space

Purpose: To assign each metal dimen-

sion to its appropriate column on the
standard tolerance table.

Method: There are two columns

(Col. 2 and Col. 3) under the general
heading “Metal Dimensions.”
The characteristic performance of
extrusion dies that contain hollow Column 3 provides the definition that separates them: “Wall Thickness
spaces dictates this special category. Completely Enclosing Space 0.11 sq. in. and Over (Eccentricity).”
The dies create these voids by sus-
pending a mandrel in the metal flow.
Should the mandrel move (as it
always does to some degree) an
eccentricity develops: one wall
becomes slightly thicker and the
opposite wall becomes slightly thinner
since both wall thicknesses are deter-
mined by the position of the mandrel.

Thus, any wall segment that is part of

a space enclosure is subject to this
effect when a part of the die, the
mandrel, shifts; and that wall thick-
ness carries a greater tolerance than
walls in more stable areas of the die.

Aluminum Extrusion Manual 8-13

Step 4:
Select the Appropriate Alloy

Purpose: To select the single To make this selection all you need to know is the alloy to
subcolumn that provides the be used for the extrusion.
tolerance for each metal dimension.
In the model example presented here, it is assumed that
Method: There are two subcolumns the extrusion is to be made of one of the “Other Alloys,”
each, under Columns 2 and 3, so all of its tolerances will be found in one or another of
identifying two different groups of the subcolumns under that caption.
extrusion alloys:
• “Alloys 5083, 5086, 5454” on the
left, highlighted (pg. 8-13)
• “Other Alloys” on the right.

Step 5:
Find the Wall Thickness Tolerance
for Metal That Encloses a Space

Purpose: Define special tolerances

for the walls around the die 2.400"
0.200" (H) 1.600"
Method: As determined above, toler-
ances for closed metal dimensions
are listed in Column 3: “Wall
Thickness Completely Enclosing Dimension “H” (and all shaded walls), for example, is a 0.200-inch metal
Space 0.11 sq. in. and Over dimension, its inner surface completing the enclosure of a rectangular
space 1.600 by 2.400 inches, or 3.84 square inches (greater than 0.11
(Eccentricity).” square inch).

a) For each dimension that meets To find its standard tolerance, read down Column 1 to the dimension line
this criterion, read down Column 1 “0.125-0.249,” then across the Column 3 “Other Alloys,” where the toler-
to its specified dimension line; then ance is listed as ten percent, but no greater than 0.060 inch and no small-
er than 0.010 inch.
read across to the appropriate alloy
subcolumn under Column 3. The standard tolerance of dimension “H” is ten percent of 0.200 inch,
which equals ±0.020 inch and is within the allowed range.
b) Tolerances in Column 3 are given
as percentages of the specified
dimension, within fixed limits.
Calculate the appropriate percentage
to find the tolerance. If the calculat-
ed tolerance is larger or smaller than
the limits provided, the appropriate
limit becomes the tolerance.
Section 8 Tolerances 8-14
Step 6:
Find the Tolerances for All Other G M A
Metal Dimensions

Purpose: Apply the decisions reached

in the previous steps to read the table
and find the standard tolerances for
each metal dimension. For example, dimension “A” is specified at 2.000 inches. It has been
identified, above, as a metal dimension made of an “other alloy.”
a) For each metal dimension, read To determine its standard tolerance, read down Column 1, “Specified
Dimension” to line “2.000-3.999”; then read across to Column 2 “Other
down Column 1 “Specified Alloys.” The standard tolerance is listed there as “0.024”--twenty-four
Dimension” to the appropriate line. thousandths of an inch. (Remember, in this example, to stay in the upper
part of the table, reserved for profiles with a circumscribing circle under
b) Read across that line to the appro- 10 inches diameter.)
priate alloys-subcolumn of Column 2,
Therefore, dimension “A” would be produced, within standard tolerance,
where the tolerance is specified. at 2.000 inches ±0.024 inches.

Dimension “G”, although it looks different meets the same conditions as

“A”: it is a metal dimension of a wall which does not enclose a space.
So its tolerance is found in the same column, but on a different line.
Its specified dimension of 0.200 inch would be produced ±0.007 inch at
standard tolerance.

Aluminum Extrusion Manual 8-15

Step 7:
Identify the Space Dimensions The Example

(F) (E) (D) (C) (B) (A)

Purpose: To identify space dimen- 2.000" 2.000" 2.000" 2.000" (M) 2.000" 2.000"

sions and locate the section of the

tolerance table that includes them.


0.200" (H)

0.200" (G)(TYP.) H
Method: Space dimensions are those
measurements that include less than
75 percent metal (and so more than
25 percent open space). 2.400" (J)
Their tolerances are found under At each of these positions on the model, a dimension measured across
the general heading of “Space the profile has a total length of 2 inches, which includes two metal thick-
Dimensions” on the standard nesses of 0.200 inches each. Thus, only 20 percent of the distance is
tolerance table. metal, and these are all “space dimensions.”


0.200" 2.000"


Such dimensions can be measured anywhere across a “space” profile.

Positions B, C, D, E, and F on the model profile are examples; but space
dimensions could be measured and toleranced at any other appropriate
positions as well.

Section 8 Tolerances 8-16

Step 8: The “Space Dimensions” heading of the table and the
Distinguish Between Open and model profile which illustrates it are both referenced to
Enclosed Space Dimensions Footnotes 6 and 8.

Footnote 8 begins: “The following tolerances apply where

the space is completely enclosed (hollow profiles) . . .”
Purpose: To determine which toler-
ancing methods apply to various • If a dimension crosses a completely enclosed void, it is
space dimensions. an enclosed space dimension and its tolerance is indicated
by Footnote 8 of the standard tolerance table.
Method: At this point it's necessary to See step 11.
read the fine print that comes with
the standard tolerance table. • If the dimension crosses a space which is only partially
enclosed it is an open spaced dimension and its tolerance
is found on the table, somewhere in Columns 4 through 9.
See steps 9 and 10.
col. 4 col. 2

Note 8
Note 6

cols. 4-9 col. 3 col. 4

col. 2

col. 2
X (Col. 4)
Examples Illustrating Use of
the Standard Tolerance Table

Closed-Space Dimensions X (Col. 4)

X (Col. 4)
All dimensions designated “Y” are
classed as “metal dimensions” and
tolerances are determined from
Y (Col. 2)
column 2. X (Col. 4)
X (Col. 4)
Y (Col. 2)

Dimensions designated “X” are

classed as “space dimensions through
an enclosed void” and the tolerances
applicable are determined from col-
umn 4 unless 75 percent of the
dimension is metal, in which case
column 2 applies. Y (Col. 2) X (Col. 4) X (Col. 4)

X (Col. 4)
Figure 8-14 (four examples)

O S Di i

Aluminum Extrusion Manual 8-17

Step 9: 1"
Relate Each Open Space Dimension 0.250"
to Its Tolerance Column

Purpose: Open space dimensions

with identical cross-sections may have
different tolerances, depending on F E D C
how far they are located from the
base of the nearest supporting leg.
The purpose of this step is to assign
each open space dimension to the
appropriate column listing its In this example: Dimension “C” is located 0.250 inch from the base of the
tolerance. supporting leg “M”, so its tolerance is found in Column 4. (If it is located
less than 0.250 inch from the base of the leg, use column 2, as indicated
in Note 6.)
a) Select (or measure) the distance Dimension “D” is located one inch from the leg, and is toleranced in
from the base of the nearest Column 5.
supporting leg to the location where
the open space dimension is to be Dimension “E” is located 2 inches from the leg, and falls within
Column 6.
Dimension “F” is 3 inches from the leg (and just short of the end of the
b) Find the “Space Dimensions” upper arm): it is toleranced by Column 7.
column whose range includes this
distance. That column contains the
applicable tolerance.

c) Notice Footnote 6: open space

dimensions located less than 0.250
inch from the base of a leg are toler-
anced by Column 2, as if they were
metal dimensions.

d) As before, select the appropriate Note that the “base

alloy subcolumn. of leg” is in here

and not out here

Section 8 Tolerances 8-18

Step 10: ±.057"
Find the Tolerances of the Open ±.048" ±.038" ±.034"
Space Dimensions Specified

Purpose: Based on the decisions

reached in the preceding steps, read
the standard tolerance table to find
the tolerance for each open space
dimension. F E D C

Method: For each open space

dimension, read down Column 1 to
the appropriate “Specified
Dimension” line; then read across to
the column corresponding to the
distance from the dimension to the
Distance from Leg Dimension-Tolerance
Where the line and column intersect,
the tolerance is listed for an open Dimension “C” 0.250 inch 2.000 ±0.034 inch
space dimension of that size at the
location. Dimension “D” One inch 2.000 ±0.038 inch

For the open space dimensions Dimension “E” Two inches 2.000 ±0.048 inch
assumed in this model example, the
tolerance differences associated with Dimension “F” Three inches 2.000 ±0.057 inch
distance from the leg are now

Aluminum Extrusion Manual 8-19

Step 11: Because the rectangular shape is such a common profile
Determine the Tolerances of the in the extrusion industry, specific rules (Footnote 8)
Enclosed Space Dimensions apply. For those other, less clear, profiles use this manual
as a guide, and then decide the matter of applicable and
appropriate tolerances with your extrusion source before
you buy.
Purpose: To determine tolerances
for enclosed space dimensions by fol- The example shape is shown below with tolerances
lowing the instructions in Footnote 8 indicated for two dimensioning techniques. Follow the
and in the Enclosed Space rules in Footnote 8.
Dimensions example.

Method: When less than 75 percent

of a space dimension is metal, the
applicable tolerance is in Column
4 . . . for 75 percent and more, use
Column 2.

B = 2.000± .034"

± .034"

1.600± .034"
2.400± .024"

Section 8 Tolerances 8-20

If the practice of using the long
dimension to arrive at the tolerance
for the short dimension is not clear,
consider this: the longer wall of a rec-
tangle is the least well supported and
is more likely to deviate from its
intended profile than is the shorter
and more closely supported adjacent
wall. Since the long wall is also the
limit of the short dimension, it there-
by imparts its variations to the short

The preceding 11-step illustration
covered only the cross-sectional
dimensioning techniques most often
employed. Even so, not every
situation is completely explained.
The nature of extrusions is so varied
that full standardization of tolerances Of the important concepts applicable to the understand-
is not a practical goal. ing of these tables, two must be emphasized.

The foregoing cross-sectional 1. Many tables indicate allowances for both unit devia-
tolerances and the linear tolerances tions and overall deviations. The purpose of this dual
to follow are guides. They apply, indication is to preclude the occurrence of a large overall
when specified, in the absence of dimensional deviation abruptly within a short distance.
specifically assigned tolerances. Unit deviation limits ensure that an allowable overall
Since the extrusion process can deviation will be appropriately dispersed.
accommodate special situations, the
extrusion user is strongly encouraged 2. The tolerances shown in each table of the following
to discuss tolerance trade-offs with lineal section are additive. That is, in a single extruded
the manufacturer or supplier. By piece, straightness tolerance is added to twist tolerance, is
allowing extra margin on some added to flatness tolerance, and so on. Twist tolerance
dimensions, a few tighter tolerances should be reviewed carefully to avoid misunderstanding.
can frequently be achieved without
significant cost effect.

Aluminum Extrusion Manual 8-21

Table 8-2 Length[1]—Wire, Rod, Bar and Profiles (Shapes)
TOLERANCE—inches plus
(PROFILES): inches Up Over 12 Over 30 Over 50
through 12 through 30 through 50
Up through 2.999 1/8 1/4 3/8 1
3.000-7.999 3/16 5/16 7/16 1
8.000 and over 1/4 3/8 1/4 1

Table 8-3 Straightness[1]—Rod, Bar and Profiles (Shapes)

Rod and All except O
Square, TX510[2] All .. .0125 x Measured length, ft.
Hexagonal TX511[2]
and O 0.500 and over .. .050 x Measured length, ft.
Octagonal .050 x Measured length, ft.
TX510[2] 0.500 and over ..
TX511[2] 0.500 and over .. .0125 x Measured length, ft.
All except O Up through 1.499 Up through 0.094[7] .050 x Measured length, ft.
TX510[2] 0.095 and over .0125 x Measured length, ft.
Rectangular TX511[2] 1.500 and over All .0125 x Measured length, ft.
Bar O Over 0.500 0.500 and over .050 x Measured length, ft.
TX510[2] Over 0.500 0.500 and over .050 x Measured length, ft.
TX511[2] Over 0.500 0.500 and over .0125 x Measured length, ft.
All except O Up through 1.499 Up through 0.094[7] .050 x Measured length, ft.
TX510[2][5] 0.095 and over .0125 x Measured length, ft.
TX511[2] 1.500 and over All .0125 x Measured length, ft.
O 0.500 and over Up through 0.094[7] .200 x Measured length, ft.
0.095 .050 x Measured length, ft.
TX511[2] 0.500 and over Up through 0.094[7] .050 x Measured length, ft.
0.095 and over .0125 x Measured length, ft.
Footnotes for Tables 8-2 through 8-5 [5]
Tolerances for T3510, T4510, T6510, T73510, T76510, and T8510 tem-
These Standard Tolerances are applied to the average profile pers shall be as agreed upon between purchaser and vendor at the time the
(shape); wider tolerances may be required for some profiles, and contract or order is entered.
closer tolerances may be possible for others. [6]
See ASD, Standards Section (6), for Application of Twist Limits; for
TX510 and TX511 are general designations for the following additional information, see Aluminum Association publication “Understanding
stress-relieved tempers: T3510, T4510, T61510, T6510, T8510, Aluminum Extrusion Tolerances.”
T73510, T76510, and T3511, T4511, T61511, T6511, T8511, [7]
Applies only if the thickness along at least one-third of the total perimeter
T73511, T76511, respectively. is 0.094 or less. Otherwise use the tolerance shown for 0.095 and over.
When weight of piece on the flat surface minimizes deviation. [8]
Tolerance for “O” temper material is four times the standard tolerances
The circumscribing circle diameter is the diameter of the smallest shown.
circle that will completely enclose the cross-section of the extruded Excerpted from Aluminum Standards and Data (ASD), 1997,
product. Tables 11.5 and 11.6.

Section 8 Tolerances 8-22

Table 8-4 Twist [1] [6]—Bar and Profiles (Shapes)


(BAR): THICKNESS degrees
(inches) (inches) ONE FOOT OR MORE OF LENGTH
All except O Up through 1.499 All 1 x Measured length, ft. 7
TX510[2] 1.500-2.999 All 1/2 x Measured length, ft. 5
TX511[2] 3.000 and over All 1/4 x Measured length, ft. 3
O 0.500-1.499 0.500 and over 3 x Measured length, ft. 21
1.500-2.999 0.500 and over 11/2 x Measured length, ft. 15
3.000 and over 0.500 and over 3/4 Measured length, ft. 9
Bar TX510[2] 0.500-2.999 0.500 and over 1 1/2 x Measured length, ft. 7
3.000 and over 0.500 and over 1/2 x Measured length, ft. 5
TX511[2] 0.500-1.499 0.500 and over 1 x Measured length, ft. 7
1.500-2.999 0.500 and over 1/2 x Measured length, ft. 5
3.000 and over 0.500 and over 1/4 x Measured length, ft. 3
All except O Up through 1.499 All 1 x Measured length, ft. 7
TX510[2] [5] 1.500-2.999 All 1/2 x Measured length, ft. 5
TX511[2] 3.000 and over All 1/4 x Measured length, ft. 3
O 0.500 and over Up through 0.094 [7] 3 x Measured length, ft. 21
0.500-1.499 0.095 and over 3 x Measured length, ft. 21
Profiles 1.500-2.999 0.095 and over 11/2 X Measured length, ft. 15
(Shapes) 3.000 and over 0.095 and over 3/4 x Measured length, ft. 9
TX511[2] 0.500 and over Up through 0.094[7] 1 x Measured length, ft. 7
0.500-1.499 0.095 and over 1 x Measured length, ft. 7
1.500-2.999 0.095 and over 1/2 x Measured length, ft. 5
3.000 and over 0.095 and over 1/4 x Measured length, ft. 3

Table 8-5 Flatness (Flat Surfaces)[1]—Bar, Solid Profiles & Semihollow Profiles (Shapes)
EXCEPT FOR PROFILES IN O[8] T3510, T4510, T6510, T73510, T76510 and T8510 TEMPERS[4]
Maximum Allowable Deviation D = TOLERANCE (inches)
Maximum Allowable Deviation D = TOLERANCE x W (inches)
THICKNESS OF UP 6.000 8.000 10.000 12.000 14.000 16.000 18.000 20.000 22.000 24.000
(inches) 5.999 7.999 9.999 11.999 13.999 15.999 17.999 19.999 21.999 23.999 UP
Up through .0124 .004 .006 .010 .014 .. .. .. .. .. .. ..
0.125-0.187 .004 .006 .008 .012 .014 .014 .014 .. .. .. ..
0.188-0.249 .004 .006 .008 .010 .012 .012 .012 .014 .014 .. ..
0.250-0.374 .004 .006 .006 .008 .010 .010 .012 .012 .012 .014 ..
0.375-0.499 .004 .004 .006 .008 .008 .008 .010 .010 .010 .012 .014
0.500-0.749 .004 .004 .006 .006 .008 .008 .008 .008 .010 .010 .012
0.750-0.999 .004 .004 .006 .006 .008 .008 .008 .008 .008 .008 .010
1.000-1.499 .004 .004 .004 .006 .006 .008 .008 .008 .008 .008 .008
1.500-1.999 .004 .004 .004 .004 .006 .006 .006 .008 .008 .008 .008
2.000 and up .004 .004 .004 .004 .004 .006 .006 .006 .008 .008 .008
Excerpted from Aluminum Standards and Data (ASD), 1997, Tables 11.7 and 11.8

Aluminum Extrusion Manual 8-23

Table 8-6 Flatness (Flat Surfaces)[1] HOLLOW PROFILES (SHAPES)
EXCEPT FOR PROFILES IN O[10], T3510, T4510, T6510, T73510, T76510 and T8510 TEMPERS[4]
Maximum Allowable Deviation D = TOLERANCE (inches)
D Maximum Allowable Deviation D = TOLERANCE x W (inches)


THICKNESS OF UP 6.000 8.000 10.000 12.000 14.000 16.000 18.000 20.000 22.000 24.000
(inches) 5.999 7.999 9.999 11.999 13.999 15.999 17.999 19.999 21.999 23.999 UP
Up through 0.124 .006 .008 .012 .016 .. .. .. .. .. .. ..
0.125-0.187 .006 .008 .010 .014 .016 .. .. .. .. .. ..
0.188-0.249 .004 .006 .010 .012 .014 .014 .014 .016 .. .. ..
0.250-0.374 .004 .006 .008 .010 .012 .012 .012 .014 .014 .016 ..
0.375-0.499 .004 .006 .008 .010 .010 .010 .012 .012 .012 .014 .016
0.500-0.749 .004 .004 .006 .008 .008 .008 .010 .010 .012 .012 .014
0.750-0.999 .004 .004 .006 .006 .008 .008 .008 .008 .010 .010 .012
1.000 and up .004 .004 .004 .006 .006 .008 .008 .008 .008 .008 .008

Table 8-7 Surface Roughness[1] Table 8-9 Squareness of Cut Ends[1]

Wire Rod, Bar & Profiles (Shapes) Allowable deviation from square: 1 degree


OF CONDITIONS[2] Table 8-10 Corner and Fillet Radii[1]—
THICKNESS (inches)
(inches, max) Bar & Profiles (Shapes)
Up through 0.063 .0015
0.064-0.125 .002
0.126-0.188 .0025 ALLOWABLE DEVIATION
0.189-0.250 .003 FROM SPECIFIED RADIUS
0.251-0.500 .004 SPECIFIED RADIUS[9]
0.501-and over .008 (inches)
Table 8-8 Contour (Curved Surfaces) [1] [3]
— Profiles (Shapes)
Difference between radius
A and specified radius
Sharp corners +1/64
0.016-0.187 ±1/64
All except O, Allowable deviation from
0.188 and over ±10%
TX510[4] specified contour: 0.005 inch per
inch of chord length; 0.005 inch
minimum. Not applicable to
contours with chord length
6 inches and over.
O Allowable deviation from
specified contour: 0.015 inch per
inch of chord length; 0.015 inch
minimum. Not applicable to
contours with chord length 6
inches and over.

Section 8 Tolerances 8-24

Footnotes for Tables 8-6 through 8-11 Table 8-11 Angularity [1] [5]
These Standard Tolerances are applicable to the
average profile (shape); wider tolerances may be TOLERANCE
required for some profiles, and closer tolerances may Degrees plus and minus
be possible for others.
Allowable Deviation From Specified
COL. 3
Conditions include die lines and handling marks. Angle

As measured with a contour gauge whose surface is

limited to a maximum subtended angle of 90 degrees.
Extruded curved surfaces comprising more than a 90 TEMPER THICKNESS COL. 2[6]

degree subtended angle are checked by sliding the (inches)

COL. 3[7]
gauge across the surface, thus checking two or more
90-degree portions of the surface. Extruded profile COL. 3[7] COL. 2
surfaces comprising arcs formed by two or more radii
require the use of a separate contour gauge for each RATIO: LEG OR SURFACE
[6] [7]

portion of the surface formed by an individual radius. LENGTH TO LEG OR METAL

Tolerances for T3510, T4510, T6510, T 73510,
T76510, and T8510 tempers shall be as agreed upon 1 and less Over 1 through 40
between the purchaser and vendor and at the time the
contract or order is entered. Column 1 Column 2 Column 3
Angles are measured with protractors or with gauges. All except Up through 0.187 1 2
As illustrated, a four-point contact system is used, two 1 1 1/2
O, TX510[4] 0.188-0.749
contact points being as close to the
0.750 and over 1 1
angle vertex as practical, and the
others near the ends of the respec-
tive surfaces forming the angle. Up through 0.187 3 6
Between these points of measure- 3 4 1/2
O 0.188-0.749
ment, surface flatness is the
0.750 and over 3 3
controlling tolerance.

When the area between the surface forming an angle


is all metal, values in column 2 apply if the larger

surface length to metal thickness ratio is 1 or less.

When two legs are involved, the one having the larg-

er ratio determines the applicable column.

Not applicable to 2219 alloy extrusions. Most profiles


in 2219 alloy will have die lines about twice the depth
shown in the table; however, for each profile the
supplier should be contacted for the roughness value to

If unspecified, the radius shall be 1/32 inch maximum


including tolerances.

Tolerance for “O” temper material is four times the


standard tolerance shown.

Excerpted from Aluminum Standards and Data

(ASD), 1997, Tables 11.9, 11.10, 11.11, 11.12, 11.13,
and 11.14.

Aluminum Extrusion Manual 8-25

Table 8-12 Diameter—Round Tube
EXCEPT FOR T3510, T4510,T6510,T75310, AND T8510 TEMPERS[7]
TOLERANCE[2]-inches plus and minus

(inches) A B


Difference between 1/2 (AA+BB) and specified diameter Difference between AA or BB and specified diameter
Column 2 Column 3
Column 1 Alloys 5083, 5086, Other Alloys [16]
Alloys 5083, 5086, Other Alloys [16]

5454 5454
0.500 - 0.999 .015 .010 .030 .020
1.000 - 1.999 .018 .012 .038 .025
2.000 - 3.999 .023 .015 .045 .030
4.000 - 5.999 .038 .025 .075 .050
6.000 - 7.999 .053 .035 .113 .075
8.000 - 9.999 .068 .045 .150 .100
10.000 -11.999 .083 .055 .188 .125
12.000 -13.999 .098 .065 .225 .150
14.000 -15.999 .113 .075 .263 .175
16.000 -17.999 .128 .085 .300 .200

Table 8-13 Width and Depth—Square, Rectangular, Hexagonal, and Octagonal Tube
EXCEPT FOR T3510,T4510, T6510, T73510, AND T8510 TEMPERS [7]

TOLERANCE[2]-inches plus and minus

(inches) A A
Difference between AA and specified width or depth Difference between AA and specified width, depth, or distance across flats
Column 2 NAL Column 4
Column 1
Alloys 5083, Other Alloys [16]
Alloys 5083, Other Alloys [16] All Alloys
5086, 5454 5086, 5454
0.500-0.749 .018 .012 .030 .020 The tolerance for the
0.750-0.999 .021 .014 .030 .020 width is the value in the
previous column for a
1.000-1.999 .027 .018 .038 .025 dimension equal to the
2.000-3.999 .038 .025 .053 .035 depth, and conversely,
4.000-4.999 .053 .035 .068 .045 but in no case is the
tolerance less than at the
5.000-5.999 .068 .045 .083 .055 corners.
6.000-6.999 .083 .055 .098 .065
Example: The width tol-
7.000-7.999 .098 .065 .108 .075 erance of a 1 X 3 inch
8.000-8.999 .113 .075 .123 .085 alloy 6061 rectangular
9.000-9.999 .128 .085 .143 .095 tube is ± 0.025 inch and
the depth tolerance
10.000-10.999 .143 .095 .158 .105 ±0.035 inch.
11.000-12.999 .158 .105 .173 .115

Numbered footnotes follow Table 8-24. Excerpted from Aluminum Standards and Data
(ASD), 1997, Tables 12.2 and 12.3.
Section 8 Tolerances
Table 8-14 Wall Thickness—Round Extruded Tube
TOLERANCE[1] [2]-inches plus and minus
WALL THICKNESS [5] (Eccentricity)
(inches) A
Difference between 1/2 (AA + BB) and specified wall thickness A

Difference between AA and
Under 1.250 1.250-2.999 3.000-4.999 5.000 and over mean wall thickness
Column 1 Column 2 Column 3 Column 4 Column 5 Column 6
Alloys Other Alloys Other Alloys Other Alloys Other All Alloys
5083 Alloys [16] 5083 5083 Alloys [16] 5083 Alloys [16]
5086 Alloys [16]
5086 5086 5086
5454 5454 5454 5454
Under 0.047 .009 .006 .. .. .. .. .. .. Plus and minus
0.047-0.061 .011 .007 .012 .008 .012 .008 .015 .010 10% of mean wall
0.062-0.077 .012 .008 .012 .008 .014 .009 .018 .012 thickness
0.078-0.124 .014 .009 .014 .009 .015 .010 .023 .015
0.125-0.249 .014 .009 .014 .009 .020 .013 .030 .020 max ± 0.060
0.250-0.374 .017 .011 .017 .011 .024 .016 .038 .025 min ± 0.010
0.375-0.499 .. .. .023 .015 .032 .021 .053 .035
0.500-0.749 .. .. .030 .020 .042 .028 .068 .045
0.750-0.999 .. .. .. .. .053 .035 .083 .055
1.000-1.499 .. .. .. .. .068 .045 .098 .065
1.500-2.000 .. .. .. .. .. .. .113 .075
2.001-2.499 .. .. .. .. .. .. .128 .085
2.500-2.999 .. .. .. .. .. .. .143 .095 ± 0.120
3.000-3.499 .. .. .. .. .. .. .158 .105
3.500-4.000 .. .. .. .. .. .. .173 .115
TABLE 8-15 Wall Thickness—Other-than-Round Extruded Tube
TOLERANCE[1] [2]-inches plus and minus
(inches) A A
Difference between 1/2 (AA + BB) and specified wall thickness Difference between AA and mean wall thickness


Under 5.000 5.000 and over Under 5.000 5.000 and over
Column 1 Column 2 Column 3 Column 4 Column 5
Alloys 5083 Other Alloys 5083 Other All Alloys All Alloys
5086 5454 Alloys [16] 5086 5454 Alloys [16]
Under 0.047 .008 .005 .012 .008 .005
0.047-0.061 .009 .006 .014 .009 .007
Plus and minus
0.062-0.124 .011 .007 .015 .010 .010
10% of mean wall
0.125-0.249 .012 .008 .023 .015 .015
0.250-0.374 .017 .011 .030 .020 .025
0.375-0.499 .021 .014 .045 .030 .030
max ± 0.060
0.500-0.749 .038 .025 .060 .040 .040
min ± 0.010
0.750-0.999 .053 .035 .075 .050 .050
1.000-1.499 .068 .045 .090 .060 .060
1.500-2.000 .. .. .105 .070 ..
Numbered footnotes follow Table 8-24.
Excerpted from Aluminum Standards and Data (ASD), 1997, Tables 12.4 and 12.5.

Aluminum Extrusion Manual 8-27

TABLE 8-16 Length—Extruded Tube
TOLERANCE-inches plus excepted as noted
(inches) Up through Over 12 Over 30 Over Up through Over 100 Over 250 Over 500
12 through through 50 100 through through
30 50 250 500
0.500-1.249 1/8 1/4 3/8 1 +5%, -0% ±10% ±15% ±20%
1.250-2.999 1/8 1/4 3/8 1 .. .. .. ..
3.000-7.999 3/16 5/16 7/16 1 .. .. .. ..
8.000 & over 1/4 3/8 1/2 1 .. .. .. ..

TABLE 8-17 Twist [11]

—Other-than-Round Tube
TOLERANCE [9]-Degrees

(inches) (inches)

Y (max.) in degrees
All except O, 0.500-1.499 All 1 x Measured length, feet 7
TX510, TX511[8] 1.500-2.999 All 1/2 x Measured length, feet 5
3.000 and over All 1/4 x Measured length, feet 3
TX510[8] 0.500 and over 0.095 and over [7] [7]

TX511[8] 0.500-1.499 0.095 and over 1 x Measured length, feet 7

1.500-2.999 0.095 and over 1/2 x Measured length, feet 5
3.000 and over 0.095 and over 1/4 x Measured length, feet 3

TABLE 8-18 Straightness—Tube in TABLE 8-19 Flatness (Flat Surfaces)

Except for 0, T3510, T4510, T6510, T73510, T76510, & T8510 Tempers[7]
Straight Lengths
TOLERANCE [9] [12] -inches TOLERANCE-inches
(inches) ING THE Y
D SURFACE Maximum Allowable Deviation Y
(inches) WIDTHS UP
5.999 INCHES

All except 0.500-5.999 .010 x Measured length, feet Up through 0.187 0.006 0.006 x W (inches)
O, TX510[8] 6.000 and over .020 x Measured length, feet 0.188 and over 0.004 0.004 x W (inches)
TX510[8] 0.500 and over [7]

Section 8 Tolerances 8-28

TABLE 8-20 Squareness of Cut Ends Footnotes for Tables 8-12 through 8-24

Allowable deviation from square: 1 degree. [1]

When outside diameter, inside diameter, and wall thickness (or
their equivalent dimensions in other-than-round tube) are all speci-
fied, standard tolerances are applicable to any two of these dimen-
sions, but not to all three. When both outside and inside diameters
or inside diameter and wall thickness are specified, the tolerance
TABLE 8-21 Corner and Fillet Radii applicable to the specified or calculated O.D. dimension shall also
apply to the I.D. dimension.
ALLOWABLE When a dimension tolerance is specified other than as an equal

SPECIFIED DEVIATION FROM bilateral tolerance, the value of the standard tolerance is that which
RADIUS applied to the mean of the maximum and minimum dimensions per-
SPECIFIED RADIUS missible under the tolerance for the dimension under consideration.
Mean diameter is the average of two diameter measurements

A taken at right angles to each other at any point along the length.

Not applicable in the annealed (O) temper or if wall thickness is


less than 2 1/2 percent of outside diameter of a circle having a

Difference between
radius A and circumference equal to the perimeter of the tube.
specified radius [5]
The mean wall thickness of round tube is the average of two
Sharp corners +1/64 measurements taken opposite each other. The mean wall thickness
0.016-0.187 ±1/64 of other-than-round tube is the average of two measurements taken
opposite each other at approximate center line of tube and
0.188 and over ±10% perpendicular to the longitudinal axis of the cross-section.

When dimensions specified are outside and inside, rather than wall

thickness itself, allowable deviation at any point (eccentricity) applies

to mean wall thickness.

TABLE 8-22 Angularity [7]

Tolerances for T3510, T4510, T6510, T73510, T76510, and T8510
tempers shall be as agreed upon between purchaser and vendor at
Allowable deviation from square: ± 2 degrees. the time the contract or order is entered.
Tempers TX510 and TX511 are general designations for the
following stress-relieved tempers: T3510, T4510, T6510, T8510,
TABLE 8-23 Surface Roughness[14] [17] T73510, T76510; and T3511, T4511, T6511, T8511, T73511, T76511,
Specified Wall Allowable Depth respectively.
Specified Outside
Diameter Thickness of Conditions [13] [9]
When weight of piece on flat surface minimizes deviation.
(inches) (inches) (inches, max.)
The circumscribing circle diameter is the diameter of the smallest

Up through Up through 0.063 0.0025 circle that will completely enclose the cross-section of the extruded
12.750 0.064-0.125 0.003 product.
0.126-0.188 0.0035 [11]
See ASD, Standards Section (6), for Application of Twist limits.
0.189-0.250 0.004
0.251-0.500 0.005 Tolerances not applicable to TX510 or TX511 temper tube having

0.501 and over 0.008 a wall thickness less than 0.095 inches.
12.751-15.000 Up through 0.500 0.010 [13]
Conditions include die lines, mandrel lines, and handling marks.
0.501 and over 0.012
15.001-20.000 Up through 0.500 0.012 For tube over 12.750 inches O.D. the 2xxx and 7xxx series alloys

0.501 and over 0.015 and 5xxx series alloys with nominal magnesium content of 3 percent
or more are excluded.
20.001 and over Up through 0.500 0.015
0.501 and over 0.020 [15]
Not applicable to O temper tube.
Limited to those alloys listed in ASD, Table 12.1.
TABLE 8-24 Dents[15]
Depth of dents shall not exceed twice the Not applicable to 2219 alloy tube. Most tubes in 2219 alloy will

have die lines about twice the depth shown in the table; however, for
tolerances specified in Table 8-12 for diameter each tube size the supplier should be contacted for the roughness
at any point from specified diameter, except for value to apply.
tube having a wall thickness less than 2 1/2
If unspecified, the radius shall be 1/32 inch maximum including
percent of the outside diameter, in which case
the following multipliers apply:
2% to 2 1/2% exclusive-2.5 x tolerance (max.) Excerpted from Aluminum Standards and Data (ASD), 1997,
1 1/2% to 2% exclusive-3.0 x tolerance (max.) Tables 12.10, 12.11, 12.12, 12.13, and 12.14.
1% to 1 1/2% exclusive-4.0 x tolerance (max.)

Aluminum Extrusion Manual 8-29

PROPERTIES AND Test Method - A measured quantity of solvent (125 ml
TOLERANCES FOR minimum of inhibited 1,1,1 trichloroethane,
EXTRUDED COILED trichloroethylene or equal) is pumped or aspirated
through a test sample of tube into the flask. The test
TUBE sample shall have a minimum internal area of 375 square
inches, except that no more than 50 feet of length shall
Application be required. The solvent is then transferred to a
Extruded round coiled tube is preweighed container such as a crucible, evaporating
produced by bridge or porthole die dish, or beaker and completely evaporated on a low-
extrusion methods and is intended temperature hot plate. After solvent evaporation, the
for general purpose applications container is dried in a furnace or oven for at least 10
such as refrigeration units, oil lines, minutes at 212-230°F (100-110°C), cooled in a desiccator,
and instrument lines. then weighed. A blank determination is made on the
measured quantity of solvent, and the gain in weight for
Internal Cleanliness the blank is subtracted from the weight of the residue
The tube shall be capable of meeting sample. The corrected weight is then calculated in grams
an inside cleanliness requirement of of residue per internal area of tube.
no more residue than 0.002 g of
residue per square foot Note: The quantity of solvent used for the blank run is the
(0.139 x 10-4g per square inch) of same as that used for the actual examination of the tube
internal surface when tested in sample. The sample is prepared so that there is no
accordance with the following inclusion of chips, dust, and so forth, resulting from the
paragraph. Tube ends are sealed by sample preparation.
crimping or by other suitable means
to maintain cleanliness during
shipping and storage. Leak Test
The tube is capable of withstanding an internal air
pressure of 250 psi with no evidence of leakage or
pressure loss.

The tube ends are capable of being expanded by forcing
a steel pin having an included angle of 60 degrees into
them until the outside diameter is increased 40 percent.
The expansion shall not cause cracks, ruptures, or other
defects visible to the unaided eye.

Section 8 Tolerances 8-30

TABLE 8-25 Mechanical Property Limits [1] [2] and Tolerances—Extruded Coiled Tube
min max
1050-H112 0.032-0.050 8.5 14.5 2.5 25
1100-H112 0.032-0.050 11.0 17.0 3.0 25
1200-H112 0.032-0.050 10.0 16.0 3.0 25
1235-H112 0.032-0.050 9.0 15.0 3.0 25
3003-H112 0.032-0.050 14.0 20.0 5.0 25

TABLE 8-26 Outside Diameter

DIAMETER (inches)

0.250-0.625 0.004 0.006

TABLE 8-27 Wall Thickness

SPECIFIED WALL TOLERANCE-inches plus and minus
THICKNESS (inches)
0.032-0.050 0.003 0.004

TABLE 8-28 Coil Length [4]

70 min. 80 to 120 percent of nominal
30 max. 60 to 80 percent of nominal

1. The data base and criteria upon which these mechanical property limits are established are outlined in The Aluminum Association publication
Aluminum Standards and Data (ASD), 1997, page 6-1, under “Mechanical Properties.”

2. Processes such as flattening, leveling, or straightening coiled products subsequent to shipment by the producer may alter the mechanical properties of
the metal. (Refer to ASD 1997, Section 4, “Certification Documentation.”)

3. Also available in F (as-extruded temper), for which no mechanical properties are specified or guaranteed.

4. Coil size shall be as agreed upon between supplier and purchaser.

Aluminum Extrusion Manual 8-31

Section 8 Tolerances

INTRODUCTION TO universal engineering drawing

language and technique that
GEOMETRIC companies, industries, and govern-
DIMENSIONING AND ment are finding essential to their
TOLERANCING operational well-being. Over the past
30 years, this subject has matured to
become an indispensable manage-
Taken together, geometric dimension- ment tool; it assists productivity, qual-
ing and tolerancing can be used to ity, and economics in producing and
specify the geometry or shape of an marketing products around the
extrusion on an engineering drawing. world.
It can be described as a modern tech-
nical language, which has uniform
meaning to all, and can vastly RATIONALE OF
improve communication in the cycle GEOMETRIC
from design to manufacture. DIMENSIONING AND
Terminology, however, varies in mean- TOLERANCING
ing according to the Geometric Geometric dimensioning and toler-
Standard being used; this must be ancing builds upon previously estab-
taken into account in each case. lished drawing practices. It adds,
however, a new dimension to drawing
Geometric dimensioning and toler- skills in defining the part and its fea-
ancing, also referred to in colloquial tures, beyond the capabilities of the
terms as geometrics, is based upon older methods.
sound engineering and manufactur-
ing principles. It more readily cap- It is sometimes effective to consider
tures the design intent by providing the technical benefits of geometric
designers and drafters better tools dimensioning and tolerancing by
with which to "say what they mean." examining and analyzing a drawing
Hence, the people involved in manu- without such techniques used,
facturing or production can more putting the interpretation of such a
clearly understand the design require- drawing to the test of clarity. Have
ments. In practice, it becomes quite the requirements of such a part been
evident that the basic "engineering" adequately stated? Can it be pro-
(in terms of extruding, fixturing, duced with the clearest understand-
inspecting, etc.) is more logically con- ing? Geometric dimensioning and
sistent with the design intent when tolerancing offers that clarity.
geometric dimensioning and toler-
ancing is used. As one example, Often an engineer is concerned
functional gauging can be used to about fit and function. With many
facilitate the verification process and, standard tolerances this may become
at the same time, protect design a concern. Geometric tolerancing is
intent. Geometric dimensioning and structured to better control parts in a
tolerancing is also rapidly becoming a fit-and-function relationship.

Aluminum Extrusion Manual 8-33

Effective implementation of geomet- FLATNESS
rics first requires a good grasp of the
many different symbols and their ANGULARITY
functional meaning. The following PERPENDICULARITY
symbols are those that are most
commonly used within the extrusion PARALLELISM
The current standard, as of this POSITION
writing, is from the American Society
of Mechanical Engineers (ASME) CIRCULARITY
through the American National PROFILE OF A LINE
Standards Institute (ANSI) in
publication Y14.5, 1994. PROFILE OF A SURFACE

For definitions of basic terms used in CYLINDRICITY

geometric tolerancing, refer to the DIAMETER
appendix at the end of this section.

Note: Tolerances used within the

following examples are purely illustra- M
tive and may not reflect the standard
tolerances used by the aluminum REGARDLESS OF FEATURE
extrusion industry. SIZE (RFS) S



This feature is to be in:

The feature control frame is a rectan- A CYLINDRICAL
gular box containing the geometric TOLERANCE OF
characteristics symbol and the form,
orientation, profile, runout, or loca- 0.020 M A B C
tion tolerance. If necessary, datum
references and modifiers applicable 0.020 TOTAL
to the feature of the datums are also
contained in the frame. when the feature is produced

Section 8 Tolerances 8-34

Maximum Material Condition
The abbreviation for maximum mate-
rial condition is MMC and the sym-
bol is the capital letter M with a circle
around it. The maximum material
condition occurs when a feature
contains the most material allowed by
the size tolerance. It is the condition
that will cause the feature to weigh
the most. MMC is often considered
when the designer's concern is assem- The most critical assembly condition
bly. The minimum clearance or max- is when External (Male) features are
imum interference between mating their largest and Internal (Female)
parts will occur when the part fea- features are their smallest
tures are at MMC.

The maximum material condition for

external features occurs when the
size dimension is at its largest. Regardless of Feature Size
The abbreviation for regardless of feature size is RFS, and
The maximum material condition for the symbol is S within a circle. Regardless of feature size
internal features occurs when the size is a condition that is used when the importance of loca-
dimension is at its smallest. tion and/or shape of a feature is independent of the fea-
MMC - abbreviation ture's size and forces anyone checking the part to use
open set-up inspection.
M - symbol
RFS - abbreviation

Least Material Condition S - symbol

The abbreviation for least material
condition is LMC and the symbol is L
within a circle. Least material condi- RULE # 1 - “Where only a tolerance of size is specified,
tion is the opposite of maximum the limits of size of an individual feature prescribe the
material condition. In other words, extent to which variations in its geometric form, as well as
it is a condition of a feature where it size, are allowed.”
contains the least amount of
material. For external parts, that Rule # 2 - “For all applicable geometric tolerances, RFS
occurs when the overall dimension is applies with respect to individual tolerance, datum refer-
at a maximum. It is the maximum ence, or both, where no modifying symbol is specified.
size of an internal feature. MMC, or LMC, must be specified on the drawing where it
is required.”
LMC - abbreviation
L - symbol

Aluminum Extrusion Manual 8-35

A datum is a theoretically exact point,
axis, or plane that is derived from the A
true geometric counterpart of a speci-
fied datum feature. The datum is the
origin from which the location or ori-
entation of part features is
established. B

Confusion can arise if the drawing

does not specify how a part is to be
located. This is done by specifying
datums on the drawing.

A drawing of a ball bearing would not

require a datum because it is a single Simulated datums are what hold the
feature part. If a hole were drilled in parts in production, inspection, and
the ball bearing, different measure- their assembly.
ments would result if the
tolerance of the part were held to be
on the feature of the ball or the hole.
Adding a datum designation to one of
these features and referencing to it
would eliminate any confusion.

The datum feature is defined as the ASME 1994 ANSI Prior to

actual feature of a part that is used to and ISO 1994
establish the datum. Since it is not
possible to establish a theoretically
exact datum, datums must be
simulated. Typical ways to simulate a -A-
datum are to use surface plates, angle

plates, gauge pins, collets, machine Theoretically Perfect
tool beds, etc. The intent of the stan- Either Method Means The Following:
dard is to hold or fixture the part with
something that is as close to the true Simulated Datum Datum Feature

geometric counterpart as possible.
The further the fixture deviates from
the true geometric counterpart, the
greater the set-up error and, Mating
therefore, the less reliable the
measurement. Measurements Are Made
From Simulated Datums

Section 8 Tolerances 8-36

The datums can be thought of as a In this example, the 0.500 dimension established two
navigation system for dimensions of parallel lines. One pair is 0.520 apart (the high limit)
the part. They might also be thought and the other pair is 0.480 apart (the low limit). The
of as a "trap" for the part. On the 0.480 can float within the 0.520. If the lower surface was
lower drawing on the opposite page, perfectly flat (right--hand figure), the upper surface
the datum, in this case datum A, could be anywhere within a 0.040 tolerance zone.
refers to a theoretically perfect datum
plane. A surface plate in an inspec- In this extreme case, it can be said that the top surface
tion area would serve as a simulated must be flat within 0.040.
datum and would make contact on
the high points or extremities of the
These high points are the same
points that will make contact with the
mating part in the final assembly.
Measurements made from the surface
plate to other features on the part
will be the best method to predict
whether the part will perform its
intended function.

0.520 0.480

If the part is manufactured at MMC, both surfaces would

have to be perfectly flat.

The geometric form of a feature is

controlled first by a size dimension.
Prior to the use of geometric
dimensioning and tolerancing, size
dimension was the primary control of
form and did not prove to be
sufficient. In some cases, it is too
restrictive and in others, the meaning
is unclear. Rule Number 1 (see page
8-35) clearly states the degree to
which size controls form.

Aluminum Extrusion Manual 8-37

FLATNESS M , S or L not allowed
Flatness is the condition of a surface
having all elements in one plane. 0.006 A
Flatness usually applies to a surface Never a datum reference
being used as a primary datum

Other tolerances that provide flatness

control include:
•Any size tolerance on a feature
comprised of two internal or external
parallel opposed planes.

•Any flat surface being controlled by:

Perpendicularity 0.008 A
Parallelism 0.008 A
Angularity 0.008 A
Profile of a Surface 0.010 A B
Total Runout 0.010 A

One way to improve the form of the Flatness Placement

surface is to add a flatness tolerance.
This tolerance compares a surface to 0.006 or
an ideal or perfectly flat plane. A
flatness tolerance does not locate the

The flatness requirement is placed in a view where the

controlled surface appears as an edge. The feature
control frame may be on either a leader line or an
extension line. Since flatness can only be applied to flat
surfaces, it should never be placed next to a size

Section 8 Tolerances 8-38

(of an axis or center plane)
Straightness is a condition under is implied per Rule # 2
which an element of a surface or an (since 1994)
axis is a straight line.
0.005 M & L are allowed
The feature control frame must be
located with the size dimension.

This tolerance is used as a way to

override the requirement of perfect
form at MMC (Rule #1).

Other tolerancing that automatically

provides this control are:

Any Size Tolerances ±0.010

Circular Runout 0.006 A

Total Runout 0.010 A

The straightness tolerance can be
used whenever a straight line ele-
ment, axis, or center plane can be
identified on a part. The tolerance Front 0.470±0.005 Front
zones used for straightness can be
either a pair of parallel lines or a
cylinder. Each line element, axis, or
center plane is compared to the tol-
erance zone. The tolerance for line
elements is shown on the drawing in
a view where the elements to be con-
trolled are shown as straight lines.


Aluminum Extrusion Manual 8-39

SURFACE M , S or L not allowed
surface, cylinder, or cone) 0.004
Other tolerances that provide flatness
control include: Never a datum reference

• Any size tolerance on a feature

comprised of two internal or
external parallel opposed planes.

The straightness in this case would be 0.020.

• Any flat surface being controlled by: Perpendicularity

0.008 A
0.008 A
0.008 A
Profile of a Surface 0.010 A B
Total Runout 0.010 A
Flatness 0.006
Cylindricity 0.006

Section 8 Tolerances 8-40

M , S or L not allowed
Circularity is the condition on a
surface of revolution (cylinder, cone, 0.006
sphere) where all points of the
surface intersected by any plane (1) Never a datum reference
perpendicular to a common axis
(cylinder, cone) or (2) passing
through a common center (sphere)

are equidistant from the center.

Other tolerances that provide

circularity control include:

• Any size tolerance on a cylindrical
feature or sphere.

• Any feature containing circular

elements and being controlled by:

Circular Runout 0.006 A

Total Runout 0.010 A

Rule of thumb:
Runout tolerances are usually less
expensive to verify and should be
considered when circularity is
Every circular element These two diameters can be of any
The tolerance will be on a leader must be within the diameters within the size limits of the
line, which points to the feature tolerance zone. feature, provided they remain con-
containing the circular element(s). centric and their radial difference
equals the circularity tolerance.
Circularity is similar to straightness
except that the tolerance zone is
perfectly circular rather than
perfectly straight.

Although the circularity tolerance 0.006

floats within the limits of size, it is
independent of size and should not
be placed next to the size dimension. 0.750±0.005

Aluminum Extrusion Manual 8-41

CYLINDRICITY M , S or L not allowed
Cylindricity is a condition of a surface
of revolution in which all points of
the surface are equidistant from a 0.006
common axis.
Never a datum reference
Other tolerances that provide the
control of cylindricity include:

• Any size tolerance on a cylindrical


• Any feature containing cylindrical 0.006

features being controlled by:

Total Runout 0.010 A 0.820±0.005

Rule of thumb:
Total runout is usually more cost
effective to verify and should be con-
sidered when cylindricity is desired.

- No datum reference
- Independent of size
- May not be modified
- Does not locate or orient.

Width of Cylindricity
Tolerance Zone
Tolerance Zone is created by
two concentric cylinders

Section 8 Tolerances 8-42

ORIENTATION For that reason, the tolerance will
TOLERANCES always include at least one datum
Orientation tolerances are applicable reference. Orientation tolerances are
to related features, where one feature considered on a “regardless of feature
is selected as a datum feature and the size” basis unless the maximum
other related to it. Orientation material condition modifier is added.
tolerances are perpendicularity, The important thing to remember
angularity, and parallelism. about orientation tolerances is that they
do not locate features. Because of that,
Orientation tolerances control the with the exception of perpendicularity
orientation of a feature with respect on a secondary datum feature or a
to a datum that is established by a plane surface, orientation tolerances
different part feature (the datum should not be the only geometric
feature). control on a feature. They should,
instead, be used as a refinement of a
tolerance that locates the feature.

0.20 A

0.20 A

0.20 A

Aluminum Extrusion Manual 8-43

Perpendicularity is the condition of a
surface, axis, or line which is 90 Datum reference required
degrees from a datum plane or a (minimum of one)
datum axis.
0.008 A 0.008 A
Perpendicularity is used on a
secondary datum feature, relative to
the primary datum.
M or L is permitted
It may be used to a tertiary datum
feature not requiring location. S is implied per Rule #2
(since 1994)
Other tolerances that may provide
perpendicularity include:

Position The perpendicularity tolerance is specified by being

0.020 M A B M
placed on an extension line. The tolerance zone is
Profile of 0.010 A B defined by a pair of parallel planes 0.2 mm apart. The
a Surface
tolerance zone is perfectly perpendicular to the datum
Total Runout 0.010 A plane -A-. The tolerance zone may be thought of as a flat-
ness tolerance zone that is oriented at exactly 90 degrees
to the datum.
Therefore, perpendicularity 0.20 A
should usually be used as a

0.020 M A B M
0.008 A A

The perpendicularity of features of size may also be con-

trolled. The tolerance will be associated with the size
dimension. When the size dimension applies to a pair of
parallel planes (a slot or tab), the median or center plane
is controlled by the tolerance.

0.20 A

Could be modified M or L

RFS is implied

Section 8 Tolerances 8-44

Datum reference required
PARALLELISM (minimum of one)
When parallelism is applied to a flat
surface, parallelism automatically
0.008 A 0.008 A
provides flatness control and is
usually easier to measure. M or L is permitted
Required when the feature
and the datum feature are S is implied per Rule #2 (since 1994)
both cylindrical

Other tolerances that may provide

parallelism include:

Any size tolerance on a feature

composed of two internal or external
parallel planes. Position 0.020 M A B M

Profile of 0.010 A B
a Surface
Features are considered parallel
Total Runout 0.010 A B If the primary
when the distance between them datum is a plane
remains constant. Two lines, two
surfaces, or a surface and a line may Therefore, parallelism should easily be used as a
be parallel. The parallelism of refinement of Position Profile of a Surface.
features on a part is controlled by
making one a datum feature and
specifying a parallelism tolerance
with respect to it.
0.1 A
When parallelism is applied to a 20.0±0.4
plane that is part of a feature of size
and the other plane of that feature is
the referenced datum feature, the
parallelism tolerance cannot be
greater than or equal to the total size A
tolerance or it would be meaningless
since the plane's parallelism is auto- o4.5±0.1
matically controlled by the size
0.4 M A
0.1 M A
Parallelism can also be specified on
an MMC basis. The MMC modifier
can be on the feature tolerance, the
datum feature, or both. As the fea-
ture deviates from its maximum
material condition, the parallelism
tolerance is increased.

Aluminum Extrusion Manual 8-45

ANGULARITY Datum reference required
Angularity is the condition of a sur- (minimum of one)
face, axis, or center plane which is at
a specified angle (other than 90
degrees) from a datum plane or axis. 0.008 A

Angularity, as a tolerance, always M

requires a BASIC angle. o not allowed or L

S is implied per
Other tolerances that may provide Rule #2
angular control of features include:

• A tolerance in degrees applied to

an angular dimension (not BASIC),
provided there is a general note on
the drawing relating toleranced
dimensions to a datum reference

0.020 M A B M
Profile of
a Surface 0.010 A B

Therefore, angularity should usually

be used as a refinement of one of the
above: 0.20 A
0.020 M A B M 37°
0.008 A
Angularity is used to control the ori-
entation of features to a datum axis
or datum plane when they are at
some angle other than 0 or 90
degrees. Since angularity does not
locate features, it should only be con-
sidered after the feature is located.
Usually a locating tolerance such as A
position or profile will do an ade-
quate job of controlling the angulari-
ty and further refinement will not be ANGULARITY
necessary. A Basic Angle must always • Must always have a datum reference
be applied to the feature from the • May be modified when controlling a feature of size
referenced datum. • Does not locate features
• Requires a basic angle.

Section 8 Tolerances 8-46

PROFILE Profile of a Line
Profile is one of the least used--and
yet most useful--geometric tolerances Profile of a Surface
available. There are two types of pro-
file tolerance: profile of a line and
profile of a surface. The profile tol-
erances are the only geometric toler-
ances that may have a datum refer-
ence or may not. Without a datum
reference in the feature control
frame, the profile tolerance is con- 0.020 A
trolling form. Profile of a line is very Bilateral Tolerance Zone
similar to the control seen with
straightness or circularity. Profile of
a surface is similar to the flatness or
cylindricity tolerance. Care should
0.020 A
be exercised in using profile without
Unilateral Tolerance Zone
a datum. It usually makes the inspec- (Outside)
tion of the part more difficult.

With a datum reference, the profile

tolerance may control form, orienta-
tion, and location. Under certain 0.020 A
conditions, profile may also control Unilateral Tolerance Zone
size. When a profile tolerance is used (Inside)
on the drawing, the tolerance is
implied to be centered on the sur-
face of the feature that has been
defined by basic dimensions. If it is
desired that the profile tolerance
apply only in one direction, this can The tolerance zone is implied to be
be illustrated on the drawing using a centered on the basic surface unless
phantom line to indicate the side of shown otherwise on the drawing
the surface to which the tolerance
should apply. This method of specify-
ing the tolerance in only one direc-
tion is extremely useful for applica-
tions such as a punch and die in tool-
ing or a cover on a housing where
the internal and external features
have an irregular shape. The basic
shape of the object being controlled
with profile must be dimensioned or
defined using basic dimensions.

Aluminum Extrusion Manual 8-47

Profile of a surface is the condition
permitting a uniform amount of a
0.004 A
profile variation, either unilaterally or Without a datum reference, profile of a surface
bilaterally, on a surface. controls the form of the surface (similar to
(Profile tolerances are the only straightness or circularity).
geometric tolerances where datum
referencing is optional.)

Form, orientation, and location may

be controlled through datum
referencing. 0.010 A B
If a size dimension is made basic, M or L
profile of a surface may also control
size. S M is permitted
, or L
(not recommended)
The shape of the feature must be is not permitted
described using basic dimensions. S is implied

The best application of profile of a

surface is to locate plane and con-
toured surfaces.

When irregular parts must fit

together, the use of unilateral profile All around symbol
tolerancing makes tolerance analysis
easy for the designer. This approach
may make manufacturing and inspec-
tion more difficult since many com-
puter numerically controlled (CNC)
machine tools and inspection
machines now use the CAD file,
which should usually be created at
the goal or middle values.
0.008 0.008

Section 8 Tolerances 8-48

Profile of a line is the condition
permitting a uniform amount of Without a datum reference, profile of a line controls the form of lines
independently within a surface (similar to straightness or circularity).
profile variation, either unilaterally
or bilaterally, along a line element of
a feature. (Profile tolerances are the
only geometric tolerances where
datum referencing is optional.) 0.010 A B
Both form and orientation are
controlled through datum
M or L
S , M or L is permitted
(not recommended)
Unless dealing with thin parts, pro- is not permitted
S is implied
file of a surface is a better choice for

The shape of the feature must be

described using basic dimensions.
0.010 A B
Since profile of a surface also con-
trols the lines within the surface, pro-
Since profile of a surface also controls the lines within the surface,
file of a line is often used to refine profile of a line is often used to refine profile of a surface.
profile of a surface.

0.1 T A

Tangent plane is a new concept/sym- 20.0±0.4
bol, introduced in the 1994
Standard. Normally when a surface
is inspected for Perpendicularity, A
Parallelism, Angularity, Profile of a
Surface, or Total Runout, the flatness
must also fall within the aforemen- Gauge Block Ignore the out-of-flat
tioned geometric tolerance or the condition when
part would fail. Tangent Plane checking parallelism.
exempts the flatness requirement.
The gauge block is intended to
simulate the mating part.

Aluminum Extrusion Manual 8-49

Concentricity is a condition in which S is implied per Rule #2
two or more features (cylinders, (since 1994)
cones, spheres, hexagons, etc.) in any 0.010 A
combination have a common axis. M & L are not allowed

The datum(s) referenced must Required

establish an axis.

Consider circular runout instead of


• Runout is easier to verify

• Runout also controls the form of
the feature.

Concentricity is a static attempt to

control dynamic balance.

Section 8 Tolerances 8-50

APPENDIX to Section 8 coaxiality —- Coaxiality of features exists when two or more
Basic Terminology for Geometric features have coincident axes, i.e., a feature axis and a datum
Tolerancing feature axis.

actual size —- An actual size is the mea- concentricity —- Concentricity is a condition in which two or
sured size of the feature. more features (cylinders, cones, spheres, hexagons, etc.) in any
combination have a common axis.
angularity —- Angularity is the condition
of a surface, axis, or center plane, which contour tolerancing —- See profile of a line or profile of a
is at a specified angle (other than 90 surface.
degrees) from a datum plane or axis.
cylindricity —- Cylindricity is a condition of a surface of revolu-
basic dimension —- A dimension speci- tion in which all points of the surface are equidistant from a
fied on a drawing as Basic (or abbreviated common axis.
BSC) is a theoretical value used to
describe the exact size, shape, or location datum —- A datum is a theoretically exact point, axis, or plane
of a feature. It is used as the basis from derived from the true geometric counterpart of a specified
which permissible variations are estab- datum feature. A datum is the origin from which the location or
lished by tolerances on other dimensions geometric characteristics of features of a part are established.
or notes.
datum axis —- The datum axis is the theoretically exact center
basic size —- The basic size is that size line of the datum cylinder as established by the extremities or
from which limits of size are derived by contacting points of the actual datum feature cylindrical surface,
the application of allowances and toler- or the axis formed at the intersection of two datum planes.
datum feature —- A datum feature is an actual feature of a part
bilateral tolerancing —- A bilateral toler- which is used to establish a datum.
ance is a tolerance in which variation is
permitted in both directions from the datum feature symbol —- The datum feature symbol contains
specified dimension. the datum reference letter in a rectangular box.

center plane —- Center plane is the mid- datum line —- A datum line is that which has length but no
dle or median plane of a feature. breadth or depth such as the intersection line of two planes,
center line or axis of holes or cylinders, reference line for func-
circular runout —- Circular runout is the tional, tooling, or gauging purposes. A datum line is derived
composite control of circular elements of from the true geometric counterpart of a specified datum fea-
a surface independently at any circular ture when applied in geometric tolerancing.
measuring position as the part is rotated
through 360 degrees. datum plane —- A datum plane is a theoretically exact plane
established by the extremities or contacting points of the datum
circularity —- Circularity is the condition feature (surface) with a simulated datum plane (surface plate or
on a surface of revolution (cylinder, cone, other checking device). A datum plane is derived from the true
sphere) where all points of the surface geometric counterpart of a specified datum feature when
intersected by any plane (1) perpendicu- applied in geometric tolerancing.
lar to a common axis (cylinder, cone) or
(2) passing through a common center datum point —- A datum point is that which has position but no
(sphere) are equidistant from the center. extent such as the apex of a pyramid or cone, center point of a
sphere, or reference point on a surface for functional, tooling,
clearance fit —- A clearance fit is one or gauging purposes. A datum point is derived from a specified
having limits of size so prescribed that a datum target on a part feature when applied in geometric
clearance always results when mating tolerancing.
parts are assembled.

Aluminum Extrusion Manual 8-51

datum reference —- A datum reference is fit —- Fit is the general term used to signify the range of tight-
a datum feature as specified on a ness or looseness which may result from the application of a spe-
drawing. cific combination of allowances and tolerance on the design of
mating part features. Fits are of four general types: clearance,
datum reference frame —- A datum refer- interference, transition, and line.
ence frame is a system of three mutually
perpendicular datum planes or axes flatness —- Flatness is the condition of a surface having all ele-
established from datum features as a basis ments in one plane.
for dimensions for design, manufacture,
and verification. It provides complete form tolerance —- A form tolerance states how far an actual sur-
orientation for the feature involved. face or feature is permitted to vary from the desired form
implied by the drawing. Expressions of these tolerances refer to
datum surface —- A datum surface or fea- flatness, straightness, circularity, and cylindricity.
ture (hole, slot, diameter, etc.) refers to
the actual part surface or feature coinci- full indicator movement (FIM) (see also FIR and TIR) —- Full
dental with, relative to, and/or used to indicator movement is the total movement observed with the
establish a datum. dial indicator (or comparable measuring device) in contact with
the part feature surface during one full revolution of the part
datum target —- A datum target is a spec- about its datum axis. Full indicator movement (FIM) is the term
ified datum point, line, or area (identi- used internationally. United States terms FIR, and TIR, used in
fied on the drawing with a datum target the past, have the same meaning as FIM.
symbol) used to establish datum points,
lines, planes, or areas for special func- Full indicator movement also refers to the total indicator move-
tion, or manufacturing and inspection ment observed while in traverse over a fixed noncircular shape.
full indicator reading (FIR) —- Full indicator reading is the total
dimension —- A dimension is a numerical indicator movement reading observed with the dial indicator in
value expressed in appropriate units of contact with the part feature surface during one full revolution
measure and indicated on a drawing. of the part about its datum axis. Use of the international term,
FIM (which, see), is recommended.
feature —- Feature is the general term
applied to a physical portion of a part, Full indicator reading also refers to the full indicator reading
such as a surface, hole, pin, slot, tab, etc. observed while in traverse over a fixed noncircular shape.

feature of size —- A feature of size may be geometric characteristics —- Geometric characteristics refer to
one cylindrical or spherical surface, or a the basic elements or building blocks which form the language
set of two plane parallel surfaces, each of of geometric dimensioning and tolerancing. Generally, the term
which is associated with a dimension; it refers to all the symbols used in form, orientation, profile,
may be a feature such as hole, shaft, pin, runout, and location tolerancing.
slot, etc. which has an axis, centerline, or
centerplane when related to geometric implied datum —- An implied datum is an unspecified datum
tolerances. whose influence on the application is implied by the
dimensional arrangement on the drawing—e.g., the primary
feature control frame —- The feature dimensions are tied to an edge surface; this edge is implied as a
control frame is a rectangular box con- datum surface and plane.
taining the geometric characteristic sym-
bol and the form, orientation, profile, interference fit —- An interference fit is one having limits of size
runout, or location tolerance. If neces- so prescribed that an interference always results when mating
sary, datum references and modifiers parts are assembled.
applicable to the feature of the datums
are also contained in the frame.

Section 8 Tolerances 8-52

interrelated datum reference frame —- maximum dimension —- A maximum dimension represents the
An interrelated datum reference frame is acceptable upper limit. The lower limit may be considered any
one which has one or more common value less than the maximum specified.
datums with another datum reference
frame. minimum material condition —- See least material condition.

least material condition (LMC) —- modifier (material condition symbol) —- A modifier is the term
This term implies that condition of a part sometimes used to describe the application of the “maximum
feature wherein it contains the least material condition,” “regardless of feature size,” or “least
(minimum) amount of material, e.g., material condition” principles. The modifiers are maximum
maximum hole diameter and minimum material condition (MMC), regardless of feature size (RFS),
shaft diameter. It is opposite to maxi- and least material condition (LMC).
mum material condition (MMC).
multiple datum reference frames —- Multiple datum reference
limits of size —- The limits of size are the frames are more than one datum reference frame on one part.
specified maximum and minimum sizes
of a feature. nominal size —- The nominal size is the stated designation
which is used for the purpose of general identification, e.g.,
limit dimensions (tolerancing) —- In 1.400, .060, etc.
limit dimensioning only the maximum
and minimum dimensions are specified. normality —- See perpendicularity.
When used with dimension lines, the
maximum value is placed above the orientation tolerance —- Orientation tolerances are applicable
minimum value, e.g., .300 - .295. When to related features, where one feature is selected as a datum
used with leader or note on a single line, feature and the other related to it. Orientation tolerances are
the minimum limit is placed first, e.g., perpendicularity, angularity, and parallelism.
.295 - .300.
parallelepiped —- This refers to the shape of the tolerance zone.
line fit —- The limits of size are the speci- The term is used where total width is required and to describe
fied maximum and minimum sizes of a geometrically a square or rectangular prism, or a solid with six
feature. faces, each of which is a parallelogram.

location tolerance —- A location toler- perpendicularity —- Perpendicularity is the condition of a

ance states how far an actual feature may surface, axis, or line which is 90 degrees from a datum plane
vary from the perfect location implied by or a datum axis.
the drawing as related to datums or other
features. Expressions of these tolerances position tolerance —- A position tolerance (formerly called
refer to the category of geometric charac- true position tolerance) defines a zone within which the axis
teristics containing position and concen- or center plane of a feature is permitted to vary from true
tricity (formerly also symmetry). (theoretically exact) position.

maximum material condition (MMC) —- profile tolerance —- Profile tolerance controls the outline or
Maximum material condition is that con- shape of a part as a total surface or at planes through a part.
dition where a feature of size contains the
maximum amount of material within the profile of line —- Profile of line is the condition permitting a
stated limits of size, e.g., minimum hole uniform amount of profile variation, either unilaterally or bilat-
diameter and maximum shaft diameter. erally, along a line element of a feature.
It is opposite to least material condition.
profile of surface —- Profile of a surface is the condition permit-
ting a uniform amount of profile variation, either unilaterally or
bilaterally, on a surface.

Aluminum Extrusion Manual 8-53

projected tolerance zone —- A projected squareness —- See perpendicularity.
tolerance zone is a tolerance zone
applied to a hole in which a pin, stud, straightness —- Straightness is a condition where an element of
screw, or bolt, etc. is to be inserted. It a surface or an axis is a straight line.
controls the perpendicularity of the hole
to the extent of the projection from the symmetry —- Symmetry is a condition in which a feature (or
hole and as it relates to the mating part features) is (are) symmetrically disposed about the center plane
clearance. The projected tolerance zone of a datum feature.
extends above the surface of the part to
the functional length of the pin, screw, tolerance —- A tolerance is the total amount by which a specific
etc., relative to its assembly with the dimension may vary; thus, the tolerance is the difference
mating part. between limits.

regardless of feature size (RFS) —- This is transition fit —- A transition fit is one having limits of size so
the condition where the tolerance of prescribed that either a clearance or an interference may result
form, runout, or location must be met when mating parts are assembled.
irrespective of where the feature lies with-
in its size tolerance. true position —- True position is a term used to describe the
perfect (exact) location of a point, line, or plane of a feature in
roundness —- See circularity. relationship with a datum reference or other feature.

runout —- Runout is the composite total indicator reading (TIR) (see also FIR and FIM) —- Total
deviation from the desired form of a part indicator reading is the full indicator reading observed with the
surface of revolution during full rotation dial indicator in contact with the part feature surface during one
(360 degrees) of the part on a datum full revolution of the part about its datum axis. Total indicator
axis. Runout tolerance may be circular reading also refers to the total indicator reading observed while
or total. in traverse over a fixed noncircular shape. Use of the interna-
tional term, FIM (which, see), is recommended.
runout tolerance —- Runout tolerance
states how far an actual surface or feature total runout —- Total runout is the simultaneous composite
is permitted to deviate from the desired control of all elements of a surface at all circular and profile
form implied by the drawing during full measuring positions as the part is rotated through 360 degrees.
rotation of the part on a datum axis.
There are two types of runout: circular unilateral tolerance —- A unilateral tolerance is a tolerance in
runout and total runout. which variation is permitted only in one direction from the
specified dimension, e.g., 1.400 + .000 - .005.
size tolerance —- A size tolerance states
how far individual features may vary from virtual condition —- Virtual condition of a feature is the collec-
the desired size. Size tolerances are tive effect of size, form, and location error that must be consid-
specified with either unilateral, bilateral, ered in determining the fit or clearance between mating parts or
or limit tolerancing methods. features. It is a derived size generated from the profile variation
permitted by the specified tolerances. It represents the most
specified datum —- A specified datum is a extreme condition of assembly at MMC.
surface or feature identified with a datum
feature symbol.

Section 8 Tolerances 8-54

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