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Ramesh Babu N Kiran Aithal S Kifayath Ulla Shariff
Department of Mechanical Engineering, Department of Mechanical Engineering, Department of Mechanical Engineering,
Nitte Meenakshi Institute of Technology, Nitte Meenakshi Institute of Technology, Nitte Meenakshi Institute of Technology,
Bengaluru, India Bengaluru, India Bengaluru, India
rameshbabu.n@nmit.ac.in kiranaithal.s@nmit.ac.in kifayath.shariff.777@gmail.com

Omair Iqbal Sadat Ahmed Shakib Babu B J

Department of Mechanical Engineering, Department of Mechanical Engineering, Department of Mechanical Engineering,
Nitte Meenakshi Institute of Technology, Nitte Meenakshi Institute of Technology, Nitte Meenakshi Institute of Technology,
Bengaluru, India Bengaluru, India Bengaluru, India
omairiqbal123@gmail.com sadatshakeeb@gmail.com babubammu1998@gmail.com

Manjunath HN Chethan KS
Department of Mechanical Engineering, Department of Mechanical Engineering,
Nitte Meenakshi Institute of Technology, Nitte Meenakshi Institute of Technology,
Bengaluru, India Bengaluru, India
manjunath.hn@nmit.ac.in chethan.ks@nmit.ac.in

Abstract—In this study, the objective was to produce a rein- metallic materials. This property in blend with their superb
forced composite of desmostachya bipinnata(Halfa grass) fibre mechanical properties are gainful, where more grounded and
with the adequate epoxy resin and Hardener of 10:1 ratio for lighter materials are required. These constituent materials have
an acoustic application. The use of acoustic panels is one of
the most important methods for sound insulation in buildings. very dissimilar compound or real properties and are joined
The composites were developed using vacuum bag technique with to make a material with properties not by any stretch of
different fibre diameter ranging from 53 microns to 1700 microns. the imagination like the particular parts. Inside the finished
In the present study developed composites were examined for plan, the solitary parts stay segregated and specific, perceiving
sound absorption coefficient (SAC). It has been found that by composites from blends major areas of strength.
increasing the fiber content, the sound absorption coefficient
(SAC) also increases. The natural fiber-based composites can be
used in building interiors, automotive body parts and house-
hold furniture. Such composite development is an ecofriendly
approach to the acoustic world.
Index Terms—Desmostachya Bipinnata, acoustic, composite,
fibre, noise

A Composite material are favored over a few customary
materials for their solid, lightweight, and more modest prop- Fig. 1. Composition of Composites.
erties. A composite material is a material designed with at
least two constituent materials which display exceptionally The acoustic design is included in the plans in many
unique physical and substance properties. When joined, they cases at the expense of architectural vision. Traditionally,
convey attributes that are divergent from every particular part. acoustic structures are suspended ceiling systems or glued
Fig. 1 shows two component materials can be separated into sound absorbing panels which might not be visually the most
two classes: the network (folio) and the support. A composite preferred solution. Using panels or suspended structures are
material requires both a framework and a support. The greater often impossible to use in historically significant or otherwise
part of the regular filaments are lighter because of their ideal architecturally protected buildings. Acoustic coatings offer a
thickness in correlation with other manufactured strands and solution to improve acoustic comfort, while maintaining the
aesthetics of surfaces, and even be difficult to be visually holding. The strip employ is a woven texture, glass, nylon
perceived as acoustical material. The main constraint of acous- or other manufactured material. During the fix pattern of the
tic coatings is the limitation of their acoustic properties due manufacture interaction of the composite, the strip handle
to their relatively small thickness. Despite this fact, acoustic texture retains a portion of the lattice gum and turns into a
coatings can benefit from underlying surfaces so that they basic piece of the cover. While the holding is to be finished,
can be applied on top of other acoustic materials to improve the strip handle is eliminated, cracking the gum among it and
the acoustic properties of the whole structure and, at the the principal layer of support. This leaves a new, perfect,
same time, enhance their visual aspects. Eco waste fiber roughened surface of lattice gum to which the cement is
(extra in the wake of collecting)- based sound shield were applied. Bleeder Cloth: Breather material is a 100 percent non-
explored for sound maintenance. The ecowaste strands are woven polyester texture that is intended to permit wind current
assembled by the social affair framework, i.e., the strategy all through cycle as well as drain out an overabundance sap
engaged with get-together additional items from fields[1]. The in a composite part. It permits incredible congruity around
sound digestion capacities of three typical fibers removed a composite part while under pressure.it likewise helps in
from Eleusine coracana (Finger millet) straw, Desmostachya retaining the additional pitch present and subsequently work
bipinnata (Darbha), and Typha domingensis (Ripe bulrush) with even combination all around the surface. Initially, the mat
plants are explored . The sound assimilation property basi- finishes of the halfa grass fibres are done in the 90o orientation.
cally depends upon factors like porosity, stream resistivity, Some of the samples which we have done are given here. The
thickness, thickness, and convolution[1-4]. Mechanical and next step involves adding the required amount of epoxy resin
morphological effects of the demostachya bipinnata and were that is 2/3rd of the composite material. The addition of the
analyzed for its feasibility, fiber demostachya bipinnata with resin and the formation of the composite is done through the
the help of polyester composites were assessed[5]. The com- hand lay-up method or the vacuum bagging method.
posites were made by using hand layup technique[6-7]. The
A. Methodology
different weight rates, for instance, 5 wt%, 10 wt% and 15 rate
were examined. The Physical and mechanical properties of the Initially, the mat finishes of the halfa grass fibres are
made composites were investigated. The various properties, for prepared in the 90o orientation. Fig. 2 shows the halfa grass
instance, thickness, unbending nature, compressive strength, extracted using water retting for 28 days and drying at ambient
young’s modulus was examined. temperature for 7 days. Fig. 3 shows the mold cavity on which
It was revealed in the investigation that the Darbha, holy
grass has been used to avoid decay of fermentable food
in solar and lunar eclipses[3-6]. It also decreases microbial
gathering in fermentable food things when the bactericidal
ultraviolet and blue radiations are not available to the earth
surface during eclipse. Based on comparison tests with these
grass, the hierarchical micro/nano features seen on the surface
of the grass are primarily responsible for Darbha’s ability
to cleanse surfaces. The nuances of various components im-
pacting the acoustic approach to acting of normal fiber-based
materials and their composites. Normal strands have tolerably
extraordinary sound maintenance capacity due to their porous
plan. Fiber-based composites are comprehensively used in
designs and advancements on account of their extraordinary
mechanical and acoustic security properties[7-10].
Resin (Lapox L12): Lapox L12 is a fluid unmodified
epoxy pitch of medium thickness which can be involved
with different hardeners for making normal fiber built up
composites. Hardener: K6 Hardener: Hardener K6 is a low Fig. 2. Fibre mat preparation.
thickness room temperature solidifying fluid hardener which
help for the quick restoring at typical surrounding temperature grease is applied and OHP sheet is placed on the surface of
a few combinations a hardener is utilized just to build the the mould to facilitate the easy removal of the mould from the
versatility of the blend once it sets. In different blends a surface of the die which will also increase the surface finish
hardener is utilized as a relieving part. Peel Ply: Strip handle of the composite with significant reduction in porosity.
is an additional layer of texture material which is laid upon The next step involves adding the required amount of epoxy
the external surface of the composite during creation. This resin that is 2/3rd of the composite material. The addition of
layer is expected to be stripped off at a future time preceding the resin and the formation of the composite is done through

Sl No Sensor/Instrument Description Make Model No

1 Multi-channel Data Acquisition System LMS SC-XS12-A
2 Microphone PCB 378B02
3 Data Processing/ Analysis suite Siemens Simcenter Test lab

Microphones are mounted perpendicular to the axis of the

Impedance Tube at regular intervals of 30mm. The specimen is
fixed firmly at the center of the Impedance Tube and ensured
there is no Noise leakage from the setup. Speaker is fixed
at one end and connected to the appropriate noise producing
system. The transducers are connected to Multi-channel Data
Acquisition Systems and were configured to record Sound
Pressure data throughout the task. The specimens considered

Fig. 3. Mould cavity.

the hand lay-up method or the vacuum bagging method After

mixing the resin and Hardener in 10:1 ratio it is immediately
poured into the mould and spread uniformly in the mould
cavity. Later peel ply and breather material are placed on top
of the mixture as shown in Fig.4 and the die is closed and
weights are placed on top of it allowed for 24 hours. After

Fig. 5. Acoustic testing setup.

for acoustic testing is as follows.

• 150 gm-K1
• 200 gm-K2
• 250 gm-K3

A. Data processing
The processing of the recorded Noise and Vibration data is
made as per the following steps
• Pre-processing and cleaning of the data is carried-out to
minimize the influence of extraneous Noise and Vibration
inputs and any other one-off events that are not a part of
the considered Vibration source for the present task.
Fig. 4. Composite fabrication. • The Vibration Acceleration data is converted to Vibration
Velocity (mm/s) using Numerical Integration method.
24 hours the mould is opened and the composite material • The Vibration Velocity and Sound Pressure data is pro-
is obtained and is cut according to ASTM standards and is cessed with Peak Hold averaging to obtain Frequency
used for Acoustic testing. The prepared composite is tested Spectrum from 0 to 1000 Hz.
for acoustic properties.
III. ACOUSTIC TESTING The simulation generated exhibits the trajectory of different
Acoustic testing mainly consists of Impedance tube which is frequency of sound and shows the transmission loss of the
commonly used to measure the sound absorption co-efficient. composite. It is revealed from Fig.6 that different frequency of
Acoustic testing setup consists of COCO, Microphone, Multi- sound propagates through Impedance tube released by speaker
channel Data Acquisition System, LMS, amplifier, computer in the form of vibration and provides a visual analysis of the
and speakers. Fig.5 shows the Acoustic testing set up in which trajectory.
Fig. 6. Noise Levels at different Frequencies for K1.
Fig. 7. Noise Levels at different Frequencies for K2.

It is revealed from Table-2 that frequencies ranging from

125 Hz to 4000 Hz are emitted and the maximum difference
between frequency and noise is at 250Hz with the difference
of 26.7Db. TABLE III
N OISE L EVELS AT DIFFERENT F REQUENCIES FOR K1 Sl No Frequency I/P Noise O/P Noise Difference
1 125 110.6 90.23 20.37
Sl No Frequency I/P Noise O/P Noise Difference 2 160 109.9 84.67 25.23
1 125 114.49 103.77 10.72 3 200 112.8 80.21 32.59
2 160 110.25 101.21 9.04 4 250 111.5 79.86 31.64
3 200 114.57 94.34 20.23 5 315 98.5 87.25 11.25
4 250 115.35 88.65 26.7 6 400 102.6 90.69 11.91
5 315 100.82 88.65 12.17 7 500 94.3 81.24 13.06
6 400 100.43 92.57 7.86 8 630 91.25 72.13 19.12
7 500 93.25 84.16 9.09 9 800 90.85 67.15 23.7
8 630 91.2 75.85 15.35 10 1000 96.38 68.87 27.51
9 800 92.57 69.65 22.92 11 1250 99.71 72.3 27.41
10 1000 97.87 73.22 24.65 12 1600 90 66.98 23.02
11 1250 99.45 75 24.45 13 2000 93 65.95 27.05
12 1600 89.23 71.37 17.86 14 2500 89.14 63.54 25.6
13 2000 91.98 73 18.98 15 3150 89.83 62.68 27.15
14 2500 87.47 70 17.47 16 4000 77.51 50.14 27.37
15 3150 90.41 67.81 22.6
16 4000 77.06 55.77 21.29

It is revealed from Fig.7 that the input and output levels do

not overlap and are spaced out due the noise absorption levels. N OISE L EVELS AT DIFFERENT F REQUENCIES FOR K3
At 400Hz the difference level is measured to be 9.09dB (input
level at 100.43dB and output at 92.57dB). Sl No Frequency I/P Noise O/P Noise Difference
Similar to the test specimens of K1, the maximum difference 1 125 111 95.49 15.51
2 160 110.58 89.83 20.75
between noise and frequency occurs at 200Hz with an input 3 200 111.28 80.72 30.56
noise level reaching 112.8dB. The difference measured is 4 250 113.8 82.27 31.53
32.59dB. 5 315 99.51 83.64 15.87
6 400 100.81 93.09 7.72
With the final test specimen, the maximum difference be-
7 500 94.47 85.53 8.94
tween noise and frequency occurs at 250Hz which is sim- 8 630 88.63 72.82 15.81
ilar to specimen K1 and the input noise level measured is 9 800 92.26 67.66 24.6
113.8dB. The difference between input and output noise level 10 1000 98.5 70.93 27.57
11 1250 98.7 72.99 25.71
is 31.53dB. 12 1600 90.04 68.69 21.35
It observed from Fig.8 that the input and output levels do 13 2000 92.86 70.58 22.28
not overlap and are spaced out due the noise absorption 14 2500 90.55 63.02 27.53
levels. Similar to the results of specimen K1 and K2 at 15 3150 90.83 60.68 27.35
16 4000 77.21 51.24 27.37
400Hz and 500Hz the difference levels are 7.72dB and 8.94dB
The noise absorption coefficient of desmostachya bipinnata
have been studied and following conclusions were revealed.
Based on the results obtained it can be concluded that the
preferred specimen is K2. This is due to the output noise
levels for K2 are less that the other two specimens and the
halfa grass having less void than K1 and K3. At 400Hz, the
noise levels were constant for all specimens. This i,s due
to all the specimens have a standard noise absorption limit.
At lower frequencies, the noise absorption levels between the
three specimens are distinct. But as the frequencies increase,
the noise levels seem to be following the same path.
Fig. 8. Noise Levels at different Frequencies for K3.
The authors would like thank Nitte Meenakshi Institute
of Technology, Bangalore for providing the infrastructure to
fabricate the composite and NV DYNAMICS for providing the
facility to perform the acoustic test on the composite material.
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Fig. 10. Insertion Loss of all Specimen

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