Visacro - A Comprehensive Approach To The Grounding
Visacro - A Comprehensive Approach To The Grounding
Visacro - A Comprehensive Approach To The Grounding
A. Introduction
In order to describe the grounding behavior, two main as-
pects should be taken into account, namely: 1) the soil behavior
in the conditions determined by the imposing electromagnetic
phenomenon and 2) the electromagnetic coupling between the
whole grounding components, including propagation effects.
The first aspect depends only on soil properties, but the
Fig. 3. Effect of current front time on the impulsive grounding impedance.
second one is very influenced by the geometric configuration
of electrodes. The computation of both aspects is a very com-
plex task. In the following sections, the fundamental concepts
Nevertheless, in general, grounding should be represented as regarding both aspects are discussed.
an impedance. In the frequency domain, for each specific fre-
quency, a complex grounding impedance may be accurately de- B. Current Composition and Frequency Dependence of Soil
termined, as the solution of the grounding equivalent circuit Parameters
. Fig. 2 illustrates such an aspect for a Most works assume the soil as a predominantly conductive
50-m-long electrode buried in 2500- m soil. Details of this medium. As a consequence, displacement currents (capacitive)
figure are commented on later, in Section III-B. are disregarded. This assumption is reasonable only for slow oc-
In time domain, for impulsive waves such as lightning-re- currences (e.g., short circuits). For fast phenomena, capacitive
lated currents, it is very usual to employ the impulsive grounding currents may reach the same magnitude of resistive currents,
impedance to represent the grounding behavior. This param- mainly in high resistivity soils. Experimental data show that
eter is the ratio between the voltage and current peaks developed the ratio between conductive and capacitive currents in the soil
at the current injection point varies widely in the frequency range that is representative for
lightning currents [5], [6]. Fig. 4 shows
(2) the voltage–current characteristic measured for a soil sample
subjected to an impulsive current (1.2/50- s double exponen-
Despite the usual nonsimultaneous occurrence of such peaks, tial). The voltage wave was applied over two coaxial cylin-
this representation has a very attractive aspect: the maximum ders spaced by a compact soil sample, determining the flow of
developed voltage may be obtained by simply multiplying the low-amplitude current between them.
current peak value by . This is very appropriate for sensitivity The curve was built from registered current and voltage waves
analyses. such as those of Fig. 3. For each instant of time , the si-
The impulsive grounding impedance is dependent on the cur- multaneous values of voltage and current were taken from those
rent waveform and on front-time parameters. This aspect is il- waves and were placed together in the curve. The resulting
lustrated by Fig. 3 that shows the grounding response of a given curve is similar to the response of a parallel RC circuit to an
electrode configuration to two different current waves. impulsive current. The derivative (in the curve) allows
The ratio of voltage and current peaks is larger for the fast a rough approximation of the soil impedance, as it is obtained
wave (1.57 ) compared to the slow wave (1.43 ). Despite the from a voltage-to-current ratio . A double exponen-
variance of the impulsive impedance as a function of the front tial current presents its maximum derivative near , and
time, the instantaneous ratio between the voltage and current this derivative decreases to zero when the curve reaches its crest.
values is practically constant along the wave tail for Thus, at the first instants, as the rising current has its maximum
both waves. In this time range, such a ratio approaches the low- derivative, the capacitive branch is responsible for decreasing
frequency grounding resistance. This impedance variation is il- the total impedance of the equivalent circuit. This explains the
lustrative and valid only for a specific grounding configuration. minimum derivative of the curve in this region. While the