Pipe Sizing Tables
Pipe Sizing Tables
Pipe Sizing Tables
Fig 26 Enlarged area of Modified Hunter Curve for Calculating Hot-Water Flow Rate
SI System
Pipe Sizing
Fig. 1 Friction Loss for Water in Commercial Steel Pipe (Schedule 40)
Fig. 3
Table 6
Velocity, m/s 0.33 0.67 1.00 1.33 1.67 2.00 2.35 2.67 3.00 3.33 15 0.4 0.4 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 20 0.5 0.6 0.6 0.6 0.7 0.7 0.7 0.7 0.7 0.8 25 0.7 0.8 0.8 0.8 0.9 0.9 0.9 0.9 0.9 0.9 32 0.9 1.0 1.1 1.1 1.2 1.2 1.2 1.3 1.3 1.3
Table 7
Elbow, 90 Elbow, 45 Elbow, 90 long turn Elbow, welded, 90 Reduced coupling Open return bend Angle radiator valve Radiator or convector Boiler or heater Open gate valve Open globe valve
Source: Giesecke (1926) and Giesecke and Badgett (1931, 1932a). aSee Table 6 for equivalent length of one elbow.
Tee Fitting Pressure Drop. Pressure drop through pipe tees varies with flow through the branch. Figure 4 illustrates pressure drops for nominal 25 mm tees of equal inlet and outlet sizes and for the flow patterns illustrated. Idelchik (1986) also presents data for threaded tees. Different investigators present tee loss data in different forms, and it is sometimes difficult to reconcile results from several sources. As an estimate of the upper limit to tee losses, a pressure or head loss coefficient of 1.0 may be assumed for entering and leaving 2 2 flows (i.e., p = 1.0Vin /2 + 1.0Vout /2).
Example 6. Determine the pressure or energy losses for a 25 mm (all openings) threaded pipe tee flowing 25% to the side branch, 75% through. The entering flow is 1 L/s (1.79 m/s). Solution: From Figure 4, bottom curve, the number of equivalent elbows for the through-flow is 0.15 elbows; the through-flow is 0.75 L/s (1.34 m/s); and the pressure loss is based on the exit flow rate. Table 6 gives the equivalent length of a 25 mm elbow at 1.33 m/s as 0.8 m. Using Equations (1) and (2) with friction factor f = 0.0263 and diameter D = 26.6 mm, p = (0.15)(0.0263)(0.8/0.0266)(1000)(1.342)/2 = 0.107 kPa pressure drop, or h = (0.15)(0.0263)(0.8/0.0266)(1.342)/[(2)(9.8)] = 0.0109 m loss From Figure 4, top curve, the number of equivalent elbows for the branch flow of 25% is 13 elbows; the branch flow is 0.25 L/s (0.45 m/s); and the pressure loss is based on the exit flow rate. Interpolating from Table 6 gives the equivalent of a 25 mm elbow at 0.45 m/s as 0.75 m. Using Equations (1) and (2) with friction factor f = 0.0334 and diameter = 26.6 mm, p = = 1.24 kPa pressure drop, or h = (13)(0.0334)(0.75/0.0266)(0.452)/[(2)(9.8)] = 0.126 m loss (13)(0.0334)(0.75/0.0266)(1000)(0.452)/(2)
Notes: 1. Chart is based on straight tees (i.e., branches A, B, and C are the same size). 2. Pressure loss in desired circuit is obtained by selecting the proper curve according to illustrations, determining the flow at the circled branch, and multiplying the pressure loss for the same size elbow at the flow rate in the circled branch by the equivalent elbows indicated. 3. When the size of an outlet is reduced, the equivalent elbows shown in the chart do not apply. Therefore, the maximum loss for any circuit for any flow will not exceed 2 elbow equivalents at the maximum flow occurring in any branch of the tee. 4. Top curve is average of 4 curves, one for each circuit shown.
Fig. 4
Pipe Sizing
all load devices simultaneously would be seriously oversized. Thus, a major issue in sizing service water piping is to determine the diversity of the loads. The procedure shown in this chapter uses the work of R.B. Hunter for estimating diversity (Hunter 1940, 1941). The presentday plumbing designer is usually constrained by building or plumbing codes, which specify the individual and collective loads to be used for pipe sizing. Frequently used codes (including the BOCA National Plumbing Code, Standard Plumbing Code, Uniform Plumbing Code, and National Standard Plumbing Code) Table 8 Proper Flow and Pressure Required During Flow for Different Fixtures
Fixture Ordinary basin faucet Self-closing basin faucet Sink faucet10 mm Sink faucet15 mm Dishwasher Bathtub faucet Laundry tube cock8 mm Shower Ball cock for closet Flush valve for closet Flush valve for urinal Garden hose, 15 m, and sill cock
a Flow
contain procedures quite similar to those shown here. The designer must be aware of the applicable code for the location being considered. Federal mandates are forcing plumbing fixture manufacturers to reduce design flows to many types of fixtures, but these may not yet be included in locally adopted codes. Also, the designer must be aware of special considerations; for example, toilet usage at sports arenas will probably have much less diversity than the codes allow and thus may require larger supply piping than the minimum specified by the codes. Table 8 gives the rate of flow desirable for many common fixtures and the average pressure necessary to give this rate of flow. The pressure varies with fixture design. In estimating the load, the rate of flow is frequently computed in fixture units, which are relative indicators of flow. Table 9 gives the demand weights in terms of fixture units for different plumbing fixtures under several conditions of service, and Figure 5 gives the estimated demand in litres per second corresponding to any total number of fixture units. Figures 6 and 7 provide more accurate estimates at the lower end of the scale. The estimated demand load for fixtures used intermittently on any supply pipe can be obtained by multiplying the number of each kind of fixture supplied through that pipe by its weight from Table 9, adding the products, and then referring to the appropriate curve of Figure 5, 6, or 7 to find the demand corresponding to the total fixture units. In using this method, note that the demand for fixture or supply outlets other than those listed in the table of fixture units is not yet included in the estimate. The demands for outlets (e.g., hose connections and air-conditioning apparatus) that are likely to impose continuous demand during heavy use of the weighted fixtures should be estimated separately and added to demand for fixtures used intermittently to estimate total demand. The Hunter curves in Figures 5, 6, and 7 are based on use patterns in residential buildings and can be erroneous for other usages such as sports arenas. Williams (1976) discusses the Hunter assumptions and presents an analysis using alternative assumptions.
Flow Pressure, kPa (gage)a 55 85 70 35 105 to 175 35 35 85 105 70 to 140 105 210
Flow, L/s 0.2 0.2 0.3 0.3 b 0.4 0.3 0.2 to 0.6 0.2 1.0 to 2.5c 1.0 0.3
pressure is the pressure in the pipe at the entrance to the particular fixture considered. b Varies; see manufacturers data. c Wide range due to variation in design and type of flush valve closets.
Fixture or Groupb Occupancy Water closet Water closet Pedestal urinal Stall or wall urinal Stall or wall urinal Lavatory Bathtub Shower head Service sink Kitchen sink Water closet Water closet Lavatory Bathtub Shower head Bathroom group Public Public Public Public Public Public Public Public Office, etc. Hotel or restaurant Private Private Private Private Private Private
Bathroom group Private Separate shower Private Kitchen sink Private Laundry trays (1 to 3) Private Combination fixture Private
Source: Hunter (1941). a For supply outlets likely to impose continuous demands, estimate continuous supply separately, and add to total demand for fixtures. b For fixtures not listed, weights may be assumed by comparing the fixture to a listed one using water in similar quantities and at similar rates. c The given weights are for total demand. For fixtures with both hot and cold water supplies, the weights for maximum separate demands can be assumed to be 75% of the listed demand for the supply.
Fig. 5
Fig. 7
So far, the information presented shows the design rate of flow to be determined in any particular section of piping. The next step is to determine the size of piping. As water flows through a pipe, the pressure continually decreases along the pipe due to loss of energy from friction. The problem is then to ascertain the minimum pressure in the street main and the minimum pressure required to operate the topmost fixture. (A pressure of 100 kPa may be ample for most flush valves, but reference should be made to the manufacturers requirements. Some fixtures require a pressure up to 175 kPa. A minimum of 55 kPa should be allowed for other fixtures.) The pressure differential overcomes pressure losses in the distributing system and the difference in elevation between the water main and the highest fixture. The pressure loss (in kPa) resulting from the difference in elevation between the street main and the highest fixture can be obtained by multiplying the difference in elevation in metres by the conversion factor 9.8. Pressure losses in the distributing system consist of pressure losses in the piping itself, plus the pressure losses in the pipe fittings, valves, and the water meter, if any. Approximate design pressure losses and flow limits for disk-type meters for various rates of flow are given in Figure 8. Water authorities in many localities require compound meters for greater accuracy with varying flow; consult the local utility. Design data for compound meters differ from the data in Figure 8. Manufacturers give data on exact pressure losses and capacities. Figure 9 shows the variation of pressure loss with rate of flow for various faucets and cocks. The water demand for hose bibbs or other large-demand fixtures taken off the building main frequently results in inadequate water supply to the upper floor of a building.
A. 1/2 in. laundry bibb (old style) B. Laundry compression faucet C-1. 1/2 in. compression sink faucet (mfr. 1) C-2. 1/2 in. compression sink faucet (mfr. 2) D. Combination compression bathtub faucets (both open) E. Combination compression sink faucet F. Basin faucet G. Spring self-closing faucet H. Slow self-closing faucet (Dashed lines indicate recommended extrapolation)
Fig. 9 Variation of Pressure Loss with Flow Rate for Various Faucets and Cocks This condition can be prevented by sizing the distribution system so that the pressure drops from the street main to all fixtures are the same. An ample building main (not less than 25 mm where possible) should be maintained until all branches to hose bibbs have been connected. Where the street main pressure is excessive and a pressure reducing valve is used to prevent water hammer or excessive pressure at the fixtures, the hose bibbs should be connected ahead of the reducing valve. The principles involved in sizing upfeed and downfeed systems are the same. In the downfeed system, however, the difference in elevation between the overhead supply mains and the fixtures provides the pressure required to overcome pipe friction. Because friction pressure loss and height pressure loss are not additive, as in an upfeed system, smaller pipes may be used with a downfeed system.