Math Stem Lesson Ecs 585

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Section 1: Lesson Preparation

Teacher Candidate Jacqueline Medina


Grade Level: First grade

Date: February 4, 2022

Unit/Subject: Time

Instructional Plan Title: Exploring the Analog Clock

Lesson Summary and In 2-3 sentences, summarize the lesson, identifying the central focus
Focus: based on the content and skills you are teaching.

The focus of this lesson to create a basic understanding of the way the analog
clock works so they can learn how to tell time. This lesson will train the students
to think critically for when they eventually have to problem solve for telling more
complex time. And guide them on how to discover the concept of time on their
own so they can build the criterion needed to become fluent in knowing the parts
of the clock and telling time.

Classroom and Student My classroom is composed of twenty-nine students that ranged from age six to
Factors/Grouping: seven years of age with a mixture of fifteen girls and fourteen boys. Of those
twenty-nine students six of them are special needs and four of them have IFSPs
who receive related services. My class also has three ELL students. My class
has one student who would be classified as gifted and will need differentiated
work to challenge them a little bit more and think outside the box. I will have
Bethany work on writing the time on the analog clocks.

National/State Learning NY-1.MD.3a: Tell and write time in hours and half-hours using analog and
Standards: digital clocks. Develop an understanding of common terms, such as, but not
limited to, o’clock and half past.

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Specific Learning Learning objectives are designed to identify what the teacher intends to
Target(s)/Objectives: measure in learning. These must be aligned with the standards. When
creating objectives, a learner must consider the following:

 Who is the audience

 What action verb will be measured during instruction/assessment

 What tools or conditions are being used to meet the learning

Students will be able to identify the following parts of an analog clock such as
the minute hand, hour hand, second hand, numbers, minute markers.

Academic Language In this section, include a bulleted list of the general academic vocabulary
and content-specific vocabulary you need to teach. In a few sentences,
describe how you will teach students those terms in the lesson.

 Analog clock
 Hand
 Minute
 Hour
 Second
 Minute marker
I will teach these terms using my model clock and we will watch a video
discussing the parts of a clock by Jack Hartmann.

Resources, Materials, List all resources, materials, equipment, and technology you and the
Equipment, and students will use during the lesson. As required by your instructor, add or

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Technology: attach copies of ALL printed and online materials at the end of this
template. Include links needed for online resources.

 Students’ mini clocks in paper bags

 Paper circles prepped with big and small hands held by a paper fastener
 Guided number writing sheets
 Scissors
 Glue
 Markers
 Smartboard with labeled large analog clock
 Guided clock puzzle template
 Scissors
 Mini Ziploc bags
 Pencils

Section 2: Instructional Planning

Anticipatory Set Time

Your goal in this section is to open the lesson by activating students’ prior knowledge, linking
15 min
previous learning with what they will be learning in this lesson and gaining student interest for the
lesson. Consider various learning preferences (movement, music, visuals) as a tool to engage
interest and motivate learners for the lesson.
In a bulleted list, describe the materials and activities you will use to open the lesson. Bold any
materials you will need to prepare for the lesson.

 Each student will receive a closed paper bag with a small student analog clock inside
Teacher: “Class, does anyone notice that you have something in front of you? Yes, a paper bag!
Now, are you reading to play a guessing game? Here are the rules (model by sitting at a chair
with a bag in front of me, in a location where all students can see). You are not allowed to look

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inside the bag, and you are not allowed to speak out loud during this game. You must guess
what I put inside your bag, by feeling it with your hand! Watch me. *Model feeling inside the
bag, looking like I’m thinking, and looking excited when I realize what might be inside* Did I
look inside the bag? Did I call out when I had an idea of what it was? Great! You will have 3
minutes. Now who can repeat for the class what we do when I say start? And what are the 2 big
rules? Great! Thumbs up when you’re ready!”

*Put a timer for 3 minutes on the board*

Teacher: “Raise your hand if you think you have a guess!” *Call on a few students, ask them
why they guessed that*

Let students open the bag all together. Give them a moment to look at the clock and process
the discovery. Confirm that they know all know what the object is called – a clock .

Mini Lesson

Begin with a class discussion, call on students to share. Make sure to use wait time.
 “Where have you seen a clock? - in the classroom, at home, on your phone, etc.
 “Why do we use a clock?”- to tell time!
 “Why is it important to tell time?” – To know when to wake up, when to go to school,
when to go to bed, when to eat lunch, when to go to gym, etc.

 Pull up picture of a big analog clock on the smartboard.

Teacher Language:
“Today we are going to learn about all the parts of this clock. By the end of today, you will be
able to tell me all the different parts of this clock.

This is called an analog clock. Now everybody says it! It’s a type of clock that uses hands that
spin around to tell time. Now look at your analog clock. We are going to become clock
detectives today. Everybody, take out your magnifying glasses!

I want you to turn and talk to your partners about what you notice about your clock. I will give
you 2 minutes to investigate your clock and talk to your neighbor about what you see on your

Ring the class chime to call students attention. Give them 5 seconds to become silent. Pick on
students to share what they notice. Begin labeling the clock on the anchor chart when students
share. (“You noticed a long hand? That’s called a minute hand! It tells us the minutes!”) Make
sure the following are called out, labeled, and explained:
- Hour hand: the shorthand tells us the hour
- Minute hand: the long hand tells us the minute

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- Second hand: the longest skinny hand tells us the second

- Numbers: the big numbers tell us the hour when the little hand is pointing at it
- Minute marks: the lines around the clock all represent a different minute, depending
on where the long hand is pointing. How many marks do you think there are? Let’s
count! 1-60. SO, there are 60 minutes in an hour!

Transition: Now that we have labeled and identified all these parts of the clock, let’s take a
brain break and dance to a song about the analog clock! Think about any new things that you
notice about the clock while dancing to this video! When the video is over, go back to your seat
quietly and get ready for our next activity.

Video: “Let’s Learn About the Clock!”

Video: “ Parts of a Clock”

Multiple Means of Representation Time
Learners perceive and comprehend information differently. Your goal in this section is to explain
15 min
how you would present content in various ways to meet the needs of different learners. For
example, you may present the material using guided notes, graphic organizers, video or other
visual media, annotation tools, anchor charts, hands-on manipulatives, adaptive technologies,
In a bulleted list, describe the materials you will use to differentiate instruction and how you will
use these materials throughout the lesson to support learning. Bold any materials you will need
to prepare for the lesson.

I will provide my ELL students videos in their language where applicable and provide one-on one
support as needed for my special needs students to ensure they are on task and learning the
lesson at hand. The tools I will use are an FM speaker mic for De’Jenae, and videos to
demonstrate the parts of a clock.

Explain how you will differentiate materials for each of the following groups:

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 English language learners (ELL): for my ELL students ( Antonio, Diana, Eduardo, and
Fatima) I will try to find the video in their native language if applicable and provide them
one-on-one support as we explore the clock. For Diana I will also allow her more
proximity since she is visually impaired so I will allow her own tools so she can have
them close enough to see.

 Students with special needs: for my students with special needs I will provide teacher
support as needed. De ‘Jenae I will provide an FM speaker mic so he can hear the video
and my instructions on what we will be exploring with the clock. For Frankie, Kenny and
William I will provide frequent check ins to ensure they are ok especially for Frankie
ensuring he is calm and collected.

 Students with gifted abilities: For Bethany, while the class is working on exploring the
analog clock, I will have her explore both an analog and digital clock and fill in the time
for both clocks. Using her image of a digital clock to create an analog clock of her own
with that time.

 Early finishers (those students who finish early and may need additional
resources/support): will complete an analog worksheet where they must label the parts
of the clock. If they finish that they will hop on IXL to complete the time assignment.

Multiple Means of Engagement Time

Your goal for this section is to outline how you will engage students in interacting with the content
25 min
and academic language. How will students explore, practice, and apply the content? For
example, you may engage students through collaborative group work, Kagan cooperative
learning structures, hands-on activities, structured discussions, reading and writing activities,
experiments, problem solving, etc.
In a bulleted list, describe the activities you will engage students in to allow them to explore,
practice, and apply the content and academic language. Bold any activities you will use in the
lesson. Also, include formative questioning strategies and higher order thinking questions you
might pose.

iSPY Parts of a Clock game: We are going to practice finding and naming the parts of our analog

Model the game: I am going to ask you to find the part of your clock that I name.
So, if the teacher says, “iSPY the shortest hand on my clock!” I would quietly touch that part on
my clock and give a thumbs up with your other hand when you think you found it! Just like I am
doing right now. Remember, if you get stuck remembering the parts, you can look at our

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labeled picture on the board!

*Each round, I will pick a student to come up to the board and point to that part of the clock.
Then, I will have the students repeat the name of that part* I will walk around the room
checking what the students are pointing to, checking for understanding.

iSpy prompts:
 The minute hand, The hour hand, The second hand
 The number at the top of the clock
 The number on the bottom of the clock
 The 5th minute mark on the clock
 The 30th minute mark on the clock

*I will review the function of each of these parts or numbers every time a student comes up to
the board*

 Thumbs up if you feel like you know a lot about the analog clock!
 Now, you are going to make your own analog clock using all the new knowledge in your
brain about the parts of the clock – are you ready for the challenge?

Model the process of making the clock step by step, check for understanding throughout the
process and have students retell the process

1. Write the numbers 1-12 in each box on the paper

2. Cut out the 12 numbers and put them in order on your table
3. Glue the 12 numbers in order on your circle, using your small clock for help
4. If you finish, you can decorate your clock with eyes!

Reminder: Which number goes on the top? Which number goes on the bottom?

During this independent work, the teacher will go group to group to check for understanding,
asking questions about the parts of the clock.

Explain how you will differentiate activities for each of the following groups:
 English language learners (ELL): I will provide support and show them where to glue the
numbers and draw boxes to put the numbers in. And will explain the iSpy rules in. their

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language if applicable.

 Students with special needs: I will provide one on one support to guide them as they glue
the numbers on the boxes and have my teacher’s assistant will visit students who need
extra support during the iSpy activity and the clock making activity.

 Students with gifted abilities: Bethany will complete these activities and I will challenge
her to create a schedule of her day-to-day activities.

 Early finishers (those students who finish early and may need additional
resources/support): Will go on IXL or icountbetter to practice their math skills.

Multiple Means of Expression Time

Learners differ in the ways they navigate a learning environment and express what they know.
15 min.
Your goal in this section is to explain the various ways in which your students will demonstrate
what they have learned. Explain how you will provide alternative means for response, selection,
and composition to accommodate all learners. Will you tier any of these products? Will you offer
students choices to demonstrate mastery? This section is essentially differentiated assessment.
In a bulleted list, explain the options you will provide for your students to express their knowledge
about the topic. For example, students may demonstrate their knowledge in more summative
ways through a short answer or multiple-choice test, multimedia presentation, video, speech to
text, website, written sentence, paragraph, essay, poster, portfolio, hands-on project, experiment,
reflection, blog post, or skit. Bold the names of any summative assessments.
Students may also demonstrate their knowledge in ways that are more formative. For example,
students may take part in thumbs up-thumbs middle-thumbs down, a short essay or drawing, an
entrance slip or exit ticket, mini-whiteboard answers, fist to five, electronic quiz games, running
records, four corners, or hand raising. Underline the names of any formative assessments.

Call on a few students to share one new thing they learned today.

Closing questions:
 Why do you think it was important to learn about the clock today?
 What do you think we will start learning about tomorrow?

Homework: “When you go home, see if you can find all the clocks in your house! Share all of
the different parts of the analog clock that you learned with your families.”

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 During the activity, I will walk around with a checklist with student names. I will ask
them to point to the following part of their mini clock: minute hand, hour hand, second
hand, number, and a minute mark to assess their understanding.

 I will also use the completed clocks as a supplement to my assessment – I will star any
students that did not place the numbers in order or started with a 1 at the top.

Explain how you will differentiate assessments for each of the following groups:
 English language learners (ELL): I will use a translator app to say the directions and
questions in their native language where applicable so that way they will understand the
task and be able to complete the assessment and show me where they may or may not
need more support in.

 Students with special needs: I will provide one on one support as I walk around d and
ask them questions on the parts of the clock. For De’Jenae I will use the FM mic speaker
to help him hear the questions and prompts.

 Students with gifted abilities: Bethany I will allow her to answer these prompts and also
challenge her to answer questions such as what time is shown here and how do you
know. And complete our KWL chart and what she knows, wants to know and learned
about clocks and time.

 Early finishers (those students who finish early and may need additional
resources/support): Early finishers will complete the ixl activity which is linked below

Extension Activity and/or Homework Time

Identify and describe any extension activities or homework tasks as appropriate. Explain how the
10 MIN.
extension activity or homework assignment supports the learning targets/objectives. As required
by your instructor, attach any copies of homework at the end of this template.

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For at home practice:

 I will students will continue to practice on IXL
 They will create a schedule that shows their daily activities and the time they perform
these activities
 They can model what they learned about time and the analog clock to their grown ups


BrainPOP. (n.d.). Parts of a clock activities for Kids. BrainPOP Educators. Retrieved February 9,
2022, from

IXL: Match Analog and Digital Clocks: 1st grade math. IXL Learning. (n.d.). Retrieved
February 9, 2022, from

Parts of a clock. Parts of a clock - brainpop jr.. (n.d.). Retrieved February 9, 2022, from

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