LYCAR - Part GSP 23aug17

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STATE OF LIBYA ‫دولة لـيـبـيـا‬

GOVERNMENT OF LIBYA ‫الحكومة الليبية‬

MINISTRY OF TRANSPORT ‫وزارة المواصالت‬
‫مصلحة الطيران المدني‬

Libyan Civil Aviation Regulations

Ground Services Provider


Initial Issue – August 2017

Libyan Civil Aviation Regulation – Ground Services Provider (LYCAR-Part GSP) Initial Issue


ii August 2017
Libyan Civil Aviation Regulation – Ground Services Provider (LYCAR-Part GSP) Initial Issue

Table of Content
SUBPART A – GENERAL ............................................................................................................. 1
GSP.GEN.005 - Applicability.................................................................................................... 1
GSP.GEN.010 - Requirement for Certificate. ........................................................................... 3
GSP.GEN.015 - Technical and Operational Standards for Ground Services. .......................... 3
GSP.GEN.020 - Marshalling Signals........................................................................................ 4
GSP.GEN.025 - Ownership, Business Office and Operations Base. ....................................... 4
GSP.GEN.030 - Subcontracted Activities. ............................................................................... 4
GSP.GEN.035 - Inspections. ................................................................................................... 5
SUBPART B – CERTIFICATION .................................................................................................... 6
GSP.CERT.005 - Applicability.................................................................................................. 6
GSP.CERT.010 - Application for Certificate............................................................................. 6
GSP.CERT.015 - Issue of Certificate....................................................................................... 6
GSP.CERT.020 - Contents of Operations Specifications. ........................................................ 6
GSP.CERT.025 - Certificate Holders Duty to Maintain Operations Specification. ..................... 7
GSP.CERT.030 - Validity of Certificate and Operations Specifications. .................................. 7
GSP.CERT.035 - Amending a Certificate or Operations Specifications................................... 7
GSP.CERT.040 - Renewal of Certificate. ................................................................................ 7
GSP.CERT.045 - Display of Certificate. .................................................................................. 8
SUBPART C – PERSONNEL REQUIREMENTS ......................................................................... 9
GSP.PER.005 - Personnel Requirements: General. ................................................................ 9
GSP.PER.010 - Management Personnel Requirements. ......................................................... 9
GSP.PER.015 - Management Personnel Responsibilities. ...................................................... 9
GSP.PER.020 - Supervisory Personnel Requirements. ......................................................... 10
GSP.PER.025 - Audit and Inspection Personnel Requirements. ........................................... 10
GSP.PER.030 - Instructor Personnel Requirements. ............................................................. 10
GSP.PER.035 - Instructor Personnel Responsibilities. .......................................................... 10
GSP.PER.040 - Recruitment.................................................................................................. 11
SUBPART D – GROUND OPERATIONS MANUAL REQUIREMENTS ..................................... 12
GSP.MAN.005 - General. ...................................................................................................... 12
GSP.MAN.010 - Ground Operations Manual Contents. ......................................................... 12
GSP.MAN.015 - Distribution and Availability.......................................................................... 13
SUBPART E – TRAINING REQUIREMENTS ............................................................................... 14
GSP.TRNG.005 - Training: General. ..................................................................................... 14
GSP.TRNG.010 - Training Manual Contents. ........................................................................ 14
GSP.TRNG.015 - Dangerous Goods Training. ...................................................................... 15
GSP.TRNG.020 - Recency. ................................................................................................... 15
GSP.TRNG.025 - Training Facilities. ..................................................................................... 15
SUBPART F – GROUND SUPPORT EQUIPMENT AND FACILITIES .......................................... 16

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Libyan Civil Aviation Regulation – Ground Services Provider (LYCAR-Part GSP) Initial Issue

GSP.EQP.005 - Facilities. ...................................................................................................... 16

GSP.EQP.010 - Motorized and Non-Motorized Ground Support Equipment.......................... 16
GSP.EQP.015 - Maintaining Ground Support Equipment. ..................................................... 16
GSP.EQP.020 - Personal Protective Equipment (PPE). ........................................................ 16
SUBPART G – FATIGUE MANAGEMENT.................................................................................... 18
GSP.FAT.005 - Fatigue Management: General. .................................................................... 18
GSP.FAT.010 - Personnel Duty Period Limitations and Rest Requirements. ........................ 18
SUBPART H – QUALITY ASSURANCE ....................................................................................... 19
GSP.QA.005 - Quality Assurance System. ............................................................................ 19
SUBPART I – RECORDS AND REPORTS ................................................................................... 21
GSP.REC.005 - Records: General......................................................................................... 21
GSP.REC.010 - Retention Period. ......................................................................................... 21
GSP.REC.015 - Personnel Records. ..................................................................................... 21
GSP.REC.020 - Training Records. ........................................................................................ 21
GSP.REC.025 - Occurrence Reporting. ................................................................................. 22
Appendix 1- Personnel Training and certification .......................................................................... 23
APPENDIX 2 TO LYCAR PART GSP – MARSHALING SIGNALS ......................................... 26

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Libyan Civil Aviation Regulation – Ground Services Provider (LYCAR-Part GSP) Initial Issue

Amendments Records
No/Year Publication Date Inserted Date Entered by

vi August 2017

GSP.GEN.005 - Applicability.
(a) This part prescribes the rules and technical requirements governing organizations who
provide ground services at an aerodrome within the State of Libya within the applicability
of LYCAR Part 139. For the purposes of this part, a ground service includes any of the
(1) Ramp handling.
(2) Passenger handling.
(3) Baggage handling.
(4) Freight and mail handling.
(5) Load control and dispatch.
(6) Unit load device control.
(7) Aircraft servicing.
(8) Into-plane fuel services.
(9) Representation and supervision.
(10) Surface transport.
(11) In-flight catering services.
(12) Any other ground service accepted by the LYCAA.
(b) As used in this part—
(1) Ramp handling includes:
(i) Marshaling the aircraft on the ground at arrival and departure, assistance to
aircraft parking and securing including the provision of suitable devices;
(ii) The loading and unloading of the aircraft including the provision and
operation of suitable means;
(iii) The boarding and deplaning of passengers and crew including the
provision of suitable means or the operation of boarding bridges, where
(iv) The transport of crew, passengers and baggage between the aircraft and
the terminal, including the provision of suitable means;
(v) The provision and operation of appropriate units for aircraft engine
(vi) The provision and operation of appropriate units for the supply of
electrical power to aircraft; or
(vii) The moving of the aircraft at arrival and departure or between positions /
stands, communication with the flight crew and the provision of suitable
(2) Passenger handling includes:
(i) Any kind of assistance to arriving, departing, transfer or transit passengers,
including the operation of a departure control system, checking tickets and
travel documents, registering baggage and carrying it to the designated
area(s), escorting passengers for operational reasons.
(3) Baggage handling includes:
Libyan Civil Aviation Regulation – Ground Services Provider (LYCAR-Part GSP) Initial Issue

(i) Handling and sorting baggage in the designated area(s), loading it on to

and unloading it from the relevant devices with the purpose of moving it from
the aircraft to the designated area(s) and vice versa, as well as the transfer
of baggage from the designated area(s) to the reclaim area, including the
provision and operation of suitable means; or
(ii) The operation/handling of the baggage reconciliation system.
(4) Freight and mail handling includes:
(i) For freight: physical handling of export, transfer and import cargo, handling
of related documents, customs procedures and implementation of any
security procedures required by regulations and agreed between the
(ii) For mail: physical handling of incoming and outgoing mail, handling of
related documents and implementation of any security procedures
required by regulations and agreed between the parties; or
(iii) The physical handling of freight and mail, whether incoming, outgoing or
being transferred, between the on-aerodrome cargo warehouses and the
aircraft, as well as the freight and mail handling at the on-aerodrome
cargo warehouses, including the provision and operation of suitable
(5) Load control and dispatch includes:
(i) Load planning;
(ii) Aircraft weight & balance calculations;
(iii) Issuing loading instruction reports, notification to captain and load
(iv) Loading supervision or/and aircraft turnaround coordination;
(v) Preparation of the flight at the departure airport or at any other point;
(vi) Messaging and telecommunications; or
(vii) Crew administration.
(6) Unit load device control includes:
(i) The serviceability of unit load devices;
(ii) Unit load device handling and storage; or
(iii) The provision of adequate and sufficient infrastructure for proper storing,
transporting, moving, transferring, build-up and break down of unit load
(7) Aircraft servicing includes:
(i) The external and internal cleaning of the aircraft including the provision and
operation of appropriate units or equipment;
(ii) The waste and potable water servicing, including the control of the quality
of potable water and the provision and operation of appropriate units and
(iii) The cooling and heating of the cabin including the provision and
operation of appropriate units or equipment; or
(iv) The removal of snow and ice, the de-icing or anti-icing of the aircraft
including the provision and operation of appropriate units or equipment.
(8) Into-plane fuel services includes:
(i) Fueling and defueling operations including the control of the quality and
quantity of fuel deliveries and the provision and operation of suitable
means and equipment.
(9) Representation and supervision includes:

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(i) Representation and liaison services with local authorities or any other entity,
disbursements on behalf of the aerodrome user and provision of office
space for its representatives;
(ii) Any other supervision service before, during or after the flight and any
other administrative service requested by the aerodrome user.
(10) Surface transport includes:
(i) The transport of crew, passenger, baggage, cargo and mail between
different terminals of the same aerodrome, but excluding the same transport
between the aircraft and any other point within the perimeter of the same
aerodrome; or
(ii) Any special transport requested by the aerodrome user.
(11) In-flight catering services includes:
(i) The transport, loading on to and unloading from the aircraft of catering
supplies (food, beverage or other relevant supplies) including the provision
and operation of suitable means.
GSP.GEN.010 - Requirement for Certificate.
(a) Except as provided in paragraph (b) or (c) below, no ground service provider may be
established and operated in the State of Libya except in accordance with the
provisions of the certificate and operations specifications issued under this part for each
aerodrome at which the ground service provider is operating.
(b) Commercial air operators operating under LYCAR Part Air Operations who provide
ground services for their own operations only, hereinafter referred to as "self-
handlers", do not require a certificate and operations specification issued under this
part provided their ground services comply with the technical requirements in
GSP.GEN.015 and their systems, procedures, programs, personnel, manuals,
equipment and facilities are equivalent to those prescribed in Subparts C, D, E, F, G,
H and I of this part. If LYCAA determines that the ground services provided by the air
operator do not provide an acceptable level of safety, LYCAA may prohibit the air
operator from providing its own ground services.
(c) Organizations providing ground services as a subcontracted entity to a ground
service provider certificated under this part must comply with GSP.A.025.
GSP.GEN.015 - Technical and Operational Standards for Ground Services.
(a) Ground services must be carried out:
(1) In accordance with the procedures, standards, recommended practices and
training guidelines contained in the current edition of the International Air
Transport Association (IATA) Ground Operations Manual (GOM), IATA Airport
Handling Manual (AHM), and IATA Safety Audit for Ground Operations (ISAGO)
Standards Manual;
(2) In accordance with the IATA AHM basic technical safety requirements and
standards for motorized and non-motorized ground support equipment;
(3) In conformity with the requirements of the applicable aerodrome operator; and
(4) In conformity with their customer airlines specific operating procedures and
requirements, where applicable.
(b) In cases where the procedures, standards and recommended practices contained in the
documents referenced in paragraph (a) of this section contradict any requirements
prescribed in this part, this part must prevail.
(c) In addition to the requirements prescribed in paragraph (a) of this section and the rest
of this part, ground services must be carried out in compliance with:
(1) GSP.A.020 for the marshaling of aircraft;
(2) LYCAR Part 92 for the safe transportation of dangerous goods by air;

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(3) LYCAR Part 139 for the driving of vehicles on the airside of aerodromes;
(4) LYCAR Part 19 for the Safety Management System; and
GSP.GEN.020 - Marshalling Signals.
(a) Upon observing any of the signals given in Appendix 2 to this part by a signalman, a
person operating an aircraft must respond appropriately to the signal as provided for in
that appendix.
(b) No person will use a signalman to guide an aircraft unless he is trained, qualified, and
authorized to act as a signalman.
(c) A signalman must—
(1) Provide marshaling signals to aircraft as provided for in Appendix 2 to this part.
(2) Ensure the area within which an aircraft is to be guided is clear of objects which
the aircraft might strike.
(3) Wear a distinctive fluorescent identification vest to allow the person operating the
aircraft to identify that signalman is the person responsible for marshaling that
(4) For all signaling—
(i) During daylight hours, use daylight fluorescent wands, or other signal
equipment or hands, as appropriate and
(ii) At night or in low visibility, use illuminated wands.
GSP.GEN.025 - Ownership, Business Office and Operations Base.
(a) Each ground service provider must maintain a principal business office in the State of
Libya and an operations base at the aerodrome at which services are provided.
(b) Each ground service provider must provide written notification to LYCAA at least 30
working days before a change in the location of its principal business office or its
operations base at the aerodrome.
(c) Each ground service provider must provide written notification to LYCAA upon any
change in the ownership structure of its business.
GSP.GEN.030 - Subcontracted Activities.
(a) Subcontracted activities include all activities within the ground service provider’s
authorized activities prescribed in its operations specifications that can be performed
by another organization either certificated under this part to carry out such activity or if
not certificated, working under the ground service provider’s certificate.
(b) When the ground service provider subcontracts any part of its activity to an
organization that is not itself certificated in accordance with this part to carry out such
activity, the subcontracted organization must work under the approval and responsibility
of the certificated ground service provider.
(c) Subcontracting to a non-certificated entity is permitted only by an organization
certificated under this Part.
(d) A non-certificated subcontractor may provide their ground services to only one
certificated organization under this part, unless otherwise authorized by the LYCAA.
(e) Non-certificated subcontractors are required to display on their ground support
equipment the commercial logo of the certificated organization for which they are
providing their services.
(f) No certificated ground service provider may subcontract more than half of its
authorized activities at a specific aerodrome to a non-certificated entity, unless
otherwise authorized by the LYCAA.

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(g) The ground service provider must ensure that when subcontracting or purchasing any
part of its activity, the subcontracted or purchased service or product conforms to this
part and applicable requirements and a service level agreement between the two
parties exists.
(h) All subcontracting arrangements under this section must be authorized by LYCAA
in the certificate holder’s operations specifications.
(i) The certificated ground service provider must conduct a full audit of the subcontracted
organization to the satisfaction of LYCAA at least once every 24 months.
(j) Each independent organization subcontracted by a ground service provider or an
aerodrome operator to conduct audits or inspections relevant to the serviceability
of ground support equipment and facilities must be acceptable to the LYCAA.
(k) A subcontracted organization is not permitted to subcontract any of its services to a
third party or organization.
GSP.GEN.035 - Inspections.
(a) Each ground service provider must allow LYCAA to inspect its operation, personnel,
facilities, equipment, manuals, records and documents at any time to determine the
ground service provider’s compliance with this part.
(b) A ground service provider may not subcontract the performance of an activity or
function to an entity unless it provides in its contract with that entity that LYCAA is
given unlimited access to the subcontracted organization to determine compliance
with the applicable requirements of this part and perform any inspections of the
subcontracted activities as in paragraph (a).

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Libyan Civil Aviation Regulation – Ground Services Provider (LYCAR-Part GSP) Initial Issue

GSP.CERT.005 - Applicability.
This subpart sets out the requirements for obtaining a ground service provider certificate and
operations specifications.
GSP.CERT.010 - Application for Certificate.
Each applicant for a ground service provider certificate must apply in a manner prescribed by
LYCAA and include with the application—
(a) The following manuals for the acceptance of the LYCAA:
(1) The ground operations manual, in accordance with GSP.MAN.010;
(2) The training manual, in accordance with GSP.TRNG.010;
(3) The quality assurance manual, in accordance with GSP.QA.005;
(4) The Safety Management System manual in accordance with LYCAR Part 19.
(5) The emergency response plan in accordance with LYCAR Part 19 and consistent
with the aerodrome emergency plan.
(b) The ownership structure and organizational chart of the ground service provider with
the names and titles of management and supervisory personnel.
(c) A compliance report showing that the ground service provider meets each applicable
requirement of this part.
(d) The names, knowledge and experience of the key management personnel prescribed
in GSP.PER.010 for the acceptance of the LYCAA.
(e) A copy of the service level agreement between the ground service provider and the
aerodrome operator.
(f) A copy of the economic license issued by LYCAA.
GSP.CERT.015 - Issue of Certificate.
LYCAA may issue a ground service provider a certificate and operations specifications if he is
satisfied that—
(a) The applicant meets the requirements of this part; and
(b) The issue of the certificate and operations specifications is in the interests of aviation
safety and the quality of the ground services provided.
(c) The capabilities and the number of ground service providers operating at an
aerodrome is sufficient to handle the anticipated yearly volume of passengers and
aircraft movements without raising operational concerns or congestion on the airside
or exceeding the capacity of the aerodrome’s infrastructure.
GSP.CERT.020 - Contents of Operations Specifications.
Each certificate holder must obtain operations specifications containing all of the following:
(a) The specific location of the certificate holder’s operations base and, if different, the
address that will serve as the primary point of contact for correspondence between
LYCAA and the certificate holder.
(b) The type(s) of ground service provided.
(c) The aerodrome where the ground services are to be provided.
(d) A listing of the certificate holder’s key management personnel as defined in
(e) A listing of any authorized subcontracted activities.
(f) The conditions and limitations under which each ground service is to be conducted,
where applicable.
(g) Any exemption granted from any requirement, where applicable.
(h) Any other item LYCAA determines is necessary.

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GSP.CERT.025 - Certificate Holders Duty to Maintain Operations Specification.

(a) Each certificate holder must maintain a complete set of its operations specifications at
its business office.
(b) Each certificate holder must insert pertinent excerpts of, or references to, its
operations specifications into its manuals and must—
(1) Clearly identify each such excerpt as a part of its operations specifications; and
(2) State that compliance with the operations specifications is mandatory.
(c) Each certificate holder must keep each of its personnel and other persons used in
its operations informed of the provisions of its operations specifications that apply to
that person’s duties and responsibilities.
GSP.CERT.030 - Validity of Certificate and Operations Specifications.
(a) The validity period of a certificate issued under this part is 1 year unless LYCAA
prescribes a longer period.
(b) A certificate issued under this part is effective until—
(1) The certificate expires;
(2) The certificate holder surrenders it to the LYCAA; or
(3) LYCAA suspends, revokes, or otherwise terminates the certificate.
(c) The operations specifications issued under this part are effective unless—
(1) The certificate issued under this part expires;
(2) LYCAA suspends, revokes, or otherwise terminates the certificate;
(3) The operations specifications are amended; or
(4) LYCAA suspends or revokes the operations specification.
(d) Within 30 working days after a certificate holder terminates its operations, the certificate
and operations specifications must be surrendered by the certificate holder to the
GSP.CERT.035 - Amending a Certificate or Operations Specifications.
(a) LYCAA may amend any certificate or operations specifications issued under this part
(1) LYCAA determines that aviation safety and the public interest require the
amendment, or
(2) The certificate holder applies for the amendment and LYCAA determines that
the criteria of GSP.CERT.015 have been met.
(b) When the certificate holder applies for an amendment of its certificate or operations
specifications, the following procedure applies:
(1) The certificate holder must file an application to amend its certificate or operations
specifications with LYCAA at least 30 working days before the date proposed
by the applicant for the amendment to become effective, unless LYCAA approves
filing within a shorter period.
(2) The application must be submitted in the form and manner prescribed by the
GSP.CERT.040 - Renewal of Certificate.
(a) A person applying to LYCAA for the renewal of a certificate issued under this part must
submit an application in a form and manner prescribed by the LYCAA.
(b) Each applicant must submit the application for renewal to LYCAA not less than 60
calendar days before the certificate expires.

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GSP.CERT.045 - Display of Certificate.

(a) Each certificate holder must display the certificate at its operations base and in a place
that is visible and normally accessible to the public.
(b) The certificate must be made available for inspection upon request by the LYCAA.

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GSP.PER.005 - Personnel Requirements: General.
(a) Each ground service provider must appoint an accountable executive who has
corporate authority for ensuring that all services required by airline customers can be
financed and carried out to the standard required by this part.
(b) Each ground service provider must have sufficient number of appropriately qualified
staff to ensure that all of the requirements of this part are met given the ground service
provider's scope of operations and the expected work.
(c) In addition to the key management personnel prescribed by GSP.PER.010, each
ground service provider must provide enough qualified personnel to plan, supervise and
perform the ground services authorized by LYCAA in the operations specifications.
(d) Any personnel performing any of the ground service functions listed in Appendix 1 (2)
must hold a valid and appropriate ground services personnel work permit issued
under Appendix 1.
(e) Each ground service provider must ensure that staff at all levels have been given
appropriate authority to be able to discharge their allocated responsibilities.
GSP.PER.010 - Management Personnel Requirements.
(a) In addition to the management personnel prescribed by LYCAR Part 19 the
accountable executive of each ground service provider must nominate the following
key management personnel, hereinafter referred to as nominated "post-holders", for
the acceptance of the LYCAA:
(1) A station manager for each aerodrome in Libya that the ground service provider
operates. This person must possess sufficient knowledge, skills and
experience enabling them to perform the duties to which they are assigned.
(2) A quality manager at the corporate level, who possess sufficient knowledge,
skills and experience enabling them to perform the duties to which they are
(3) A training manager at the corporate level, who possess sufficient knowledge,
skills and experience enabling them to perform the duties to which they are
(b) Each ground service provider must ensure its nominated post-holders:
(1) Are directly employed by the ground service provider on a full time basis to
exercise the duties and responsibilities relevant to their post;
(2) Do not hold any other post within the organization or work for any other
organization or third party unless authorized by the LYCAA; and
(3) Are able to understand, read, speak, and write in the English language.
(c) The certificate holder must obtain the prior written acceptance of LYCAA for the change
of any post-holder prior to that change coming into effect.
GSP.PER.015 - Management Personnel Responsibilities.
(a) The responsibilities of the station manager must include, but not be limited to —
(1) Ensure that all requirements of this part are met by the ground service provider at
the aerodrome to which they are assigned.
(2) Provide adequate recruitment, personnel training, efficient procedures,
maintenance and safe operation of applicable ground service equipment,
compliance with applicable aerodrome safety regulations and procedures,
compliance with ground service provider and customer airline manuals,
compliance with service level agreements.
(b) The responsibilities of the quality manager are to ensure the quality assurance function
as prescribed by GSP.QA.005 (g) is carried out effectively.

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(c) The responsibilities of the training manager must include, but not be limited to —
(1) Select and develop sufficient number of staff with appropriate qualifications to
plan, supervise, perform training, examine and assess personnel as required.
(2) Ensure that personnel pass an initial or recurrent proficiency check prior to
being assigned duties and their competence conforms to IATA requirements.
(3) Ensure the competence of sub-contracted staff, including any part time staff,
conforms at all times to IATA requirements.
(4) Maintain accurate and up to date training records and to ensure all trainees and
staff records are stored in secure conditions.
(5) Ensure office accommodation and facilities are available and appropriate for the
planned training and for the use of training staff.
GSP.PER.020 - Supervisory Personnel Requirements.
(a) Each ground service provider must ensure it has an adequate number of experienced,
skilled and knowledgeable supervisory personnel to ensure the ground services
performed under its certificate and operations specification are adequately
supervised and controlled.
(b) Each supervisor must—
(1) Have a minimum of 3 years practical experience in the area of work being
performed and be trained in and thoroughly familiar with the methods, techniques,
practices, policies, procedures and equipment used to perform their duties.
(2) Understand, read, speak and write in the English language.
GSP.PER.025 - Audit and Inspection Personnel Requirements.
(a) Each ground service provider must ensure that personnel performing audits and
inspections under the ground service provider’s quality assurance system be trained
in and are thoroughly familiar with applicable regulations, with audit and inspection
procedures and with applicable methods, techniques, practices, policies, procedures
and equipment used in the provision of ground services.
(b) Each ground service provider must ensure its inspectors understand, read, speak
and write in the English language.
GSP.PER.030 - Instructor Personnel Requirements.
(a) Each ground service provider must maintain an adequate number of ground service
instructors who are qualified to conduct duties in accordance with GSP.PER.025.
(b) Each ground service provider must ensure its instructors understand, read, speak
and write in the English language.
(c) No person may serve as a ground service provider instructor unless that person —
(1) Has at least 3 years experience in an aerodrome ground handling environment
and possesses practical and theoretical knowledge required on the subject
(2) Has received a formal instructor’s training and demonstrates proficiency on
instructional skills and teaching methods with the ability to train personnel on
ground service functions appropriate to their duties.
(3) Fulfills the currency requirements on the course training material delivered.
(d) Each dangerous goods instructor must meet the instructor requirements prescribed by
LYCAR Part Air operations, Subpart SPO, CAT and SPA.
GSP.PER.035 - Instructor Personnel Responsibilities.
Each ground service instructor must be responsible for —
(a) Certifying personnel test reports and training records.

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(b) Ensuring that trainees accomplish the stage and end of course tests in accordance with
ground service provider’s approved training course.
(c) Ensuring training course material is current and incorporates any applicable
changes to regulatory and ground service policies and procedures.
(d) Acting as a mentor to personnel.
(e) Maintaining training techniques, procedures and standards for the ground service
provider in accordance with GSP.TRNG.005.
GSP.PER.040 - Recruitment.
Each ground service provider must ensure recruitment is conducted in a manner that it
consistently maintains the required number of trained and qualified personnel required for the
safe provision of ground services performed under its certificate and operations specification.

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GSP.MAN.005 - General.
(a) Each ground service provider must develop and maintain a ground operations manual
(1) Is in a form easy to revise and organised in a manner helpful to the preparation,
review and acceptance processes;
(2) Is in the English language and signed by the certificate holder's accountable
executive; and
(3) Revisions submitted are traceable and identifiable in the text.
(b) The manual, including any revision, is accepted by the LYCAA.
(c) Each ground service provider must keep its Ground Operations Manual current at all
times and must provide LYCAA with a complete and most current copy of its accepted
Ground Operations Manual.
GSP.MAN.010 - Ground Operations Manual Contents.
The ground operations manual must include but not limited to–
(a) A statement signed by the accountable executive confirming that the ground
operations manual and any referenced associated manuals define the organization’s
compliance with this part and will be complied with at all times.
(b) The ground service provider’s scope of work at the aerodrome where services are
provided, as authorized by the LYCAA.
(c) The organization’s safety and quality policy.
(d) The manual administration and control procedures.
(e) The organizational chart showing associated chains of responsibility and reporting
(f) The duties and responsibilities of the nominated post holders under GSP.PER.010.
(g) The assignment of duties and responsibilities of the management and supervisory
(h) A general description of manpower resources.
(i) A description of facilities and equipment.
(j) A description of the ground support equipment maintenance program.
(k) The standard operating and contingency procedures, relevant to all services defined
in the certificate holder's operations specifications including weather related
phenomena, such as extreme temperature, strong winds and low visibility procedures
and threatened or actual disruption of services.
(l) The Security Management Program.
(m) The Health & Safety program.
(n) A description of the Environmental Plan and policies.
(o) Incident notification and reporting procedures as prescribed by LYCAA-OPS-003-
(p) Education and prevention programs for the problematic use of psychoactive
(q) A procedure for the evaluation and subcontracting of ground services and a list of
subcontracted organizations.
(r) Notification procedures for organizational changes, including the notification of
LYCAA for acceptance of the nominated post-holders.
(s) Manual amendment procedure, including the notification of LYCAA for acceptance of

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Libyan Civil Aviation Regulation – Ground Services Provider (LYCAR-Part GSP) Initial Issue

(t) A description of the record keeping and document control system.

(u) Any other applicable information required by the LYCAA.
GSP.MAN.015 - Distribution and Availability.
(a) Each ground service provider must maintain at least one complete and current copy
of its accepted Ground Operations Manual at each aerodrome it provides ground
services and one copy at the operator’s principal place of business if other than the
aerodrome. The manual must be available for inspection by the LYCAA.
(b) Each ground service provider must ensure that the accepted ground operations manual
is readily accessible by all personnel responsible for its implementation.

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Libyan Civil Aviation Regulation – Ground Services Provider (LYCAR-Part GSP) Initial Issue


GSP.TRNG.005 - Training: General.
(a) Each ground service provider must—
(1) Establish and implement a training program that consists of initial and recurrent
(2) Ensure personnel employed or used by the ground service provider are
adequately trained to perform assigned duties.
(3) Provide adequate training facilities and properly qualified instructors for the
training required by this subpart.
(4) Ensure that the training manual keeps current with respect to the latest advances
in the applicable technical standards as listed in GSP.GEN.015.
(b) Each ground service provider must verify before any person is assigned to perform
ground service functions that all required training has been completed by the person
and that the person has successfully passed an operational assessment and was found
to be competent to exercise the responsibilities of the job function(s) authorized.
GSP.TRNG.010 - Training Manual Contents.
(a) Each ground service provider must submit a training manual for the acceptance of the
LYCAA, which must include but not limited to:
(1) A statement by the accountable executive confirming that the training manual and
any associated material define the compliance with this part and shall be complied
with at all times;
(2) The responsibilities and duties of the training manager, the training instructors
and the examiners or/and practical assessors;
(3) A list of the training instructors, examiners or/and assessors or any third parties
contracted to provide training;
(4) A list of the training program curriculums for all types of basic and recurrent
training provided by the organization;
(5) An annual training plan;
(6) A general description of the training facilities; and
(7) The training manual amendment procedure including the notification of LYCAA for
acceptance of revisions.
(b) As a minimum, the training program must ensure that personnel assigned to perform
ground service duties are capable of performing their assigned task and must cover—
(1) Theory, practical and on job training in the required duty.
(2) Airside safety awareness training including practical airside driving training
specific to the aerodrome at which an employee is based.
(3) Emergency response procedures and contingency training.
(4) Health and safety training including fire safety.
(5) Technical training on ground support equipment operation.
(6) Training related to transportation of dangerous goods.
(7) Security awareness training.
(8) Customer airline specified training.
(9) Be tailored to address the specific circumstances at each aerodrome served by
the ground service provider.
(10) English language and aviation terminology training.
(11) Human factors training.

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Libyan Civil Aviation Regulation – Ground Services Provider (LYCAR-Part GSP) Initial Issue

GSP.TRNG.015 - Dangerous Goods Training.

Each ground service provider involved in the handling and transportation of dangerous
goods by air must have a transportation of dangerous goods training program that meets the
applicable training requirements in accordance with LYCAR Part Air operations Subpart SPO,
CAT and SPA.
GSP.TRNG.020 - Recency.
Each ground service provider must ensure that all operational personnel who have not exercised
their privileges for the last 6 consecutive months, undertake a refresher training designed to
qualify the person for the job function(s) for which they are employed.
GSP.TRNG.025 - Training Facilities.
(a) Each ground service provider must provide an adequate training facility that is
temperature controlled, lighted and ventilated to conform to building, sanitation and
health codes and must be acceptable to the LYCAA.
(b) Training courses conducted through a computer or internet-based medium must be
acceptable to the LYCAA.

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GSP.EQP.005 - Facilities.
(a) Each ground service provider must provide -
(1) Housing for the equipment, materials and personnel consistent with its operation.
(2) Facilities for properly performing the ground services for which it is authorized in
its operations specifications.
(b) Facilities must include the following -
(1) Sufficient work space.
(2) Segregated work areas enabling environmentally hazardous or sensitive
operations to be done properly and in a manner that does not adversely affect
other activities.
(3) Ventilation, lighting, and control of temperature, humidity, and other climatic
conditions sufficient to ensure personnel perform duties to the standards
(4) Suitable space for the staging, storage, protection and maintenance of ground
support equipment.
(5) Serviceable ground support equipment must be segregated from unserviceable
GSP.EQP.010 - Motorized and Non-Motorized Ground Support Equipment.
(a) Each ground service provider must ensure that it has motorized and non-motorized
ground support equipment that is adequate and functional for all the services authorized
to provide in its operations specifications.
(b) Motorized and non-motorized ground support equipment must meet the basic
technical safety requirements prescribed in GSP.GEN.015 (a)(2).
(c) Ground support equipment must be operated in accordance with manufacturer’s
(d) Ground support equipment operating airside must be issued with a valid airside permit
by the corresponding aerodrome operator. This permit must be displayed on ground
support equipment at all times when operating airside.
(e) Unless authorized by LYCAA in the certificate holder's operations specifications,
ground support equipment must not be more than fifteen years old.
GSP.EQP.015 - Maintaining Ground Support Equipment.
(a) Each ground service provider must have a ground support equipment maintenance
program that follows manufacturer recommendations and includes, but is not limited to,
inspections, preventative, non-scheduled and corrective maintenance.
(b) Each ground service provider must ensure that ground support equipment is fully fit
for its intended use and its condition is such that it will not endanger vehicles,
ground support equipment, passengers, personnel, aircraft or property.
(c) Each ground service provider must have a maintenance contract with an appropriately
qualified ground support equipment maintenance organization, if such maintenance is
not performed by the ground service provider. The maintenance contract is subject
to review by the LYCAA.
(d) The maintenance contract must indicate that the subcontracted maintenance
organization is subject to inspection by the LYCAA.
GSP.EQP.020 - Personal Protective Equipment (PPE).
(a) Each ground service provider must ensure personnel whose duties involve working
airside are issued with and wear appropriate personal protective equipment (PPE)
when performing their duties.

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Libyan Civil Aviation Regulation – Ground Services Provider (LYCAR-Part GSP) Initial Issue

(b) Personal protective equipment (PPE) consists of, but is not limited to, high visibility
clothing, safety shoes, ear defenders, gloves, face mask and eye protection.

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GSP.FAT.005 - Fatigue Management: General.
(a) Each ground service provider and its subcontractors must ensure that the risks due to
fatigue of the ground service personnel are managed to an acceptable level.
(b) In managing the risks due to fatigue, the ground service provider must consider the
effects of the length and timing of the duty period and rest period.
GSP.FAT.010 - Personnel Duty Period Limitations and Rest Requirements.
(a) Except as provided in paragraph (b) of this section, each certificate holder or
subcontracted organization performing ground services for the certificate holder, must:
(1) Relieve each person performing ground services from duty for a period of at least
24 consecutive hours during any 7 consecutive days, or the equivalent thereof
within any 1 month; and
(2) Ensure no person is scheduled to perform ground services for more than 10
consecutive hours of duty.
(b) If, for exceptional operational reasons, a person performing ground services works a
duty period of more than 10 hours in 24 consecutive hours, the certificate holder or
the subcontracted organization performing ground services for the certificate holder,
must provide the person with a rest period of at least 8 hours before or at the end of
10 hours of duty.

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Libyan Civil Aviation Regulation – Ground Services Provider (LYCAR-Part GSP) Initial Issue


GSP.QA.005 - Quality Assurance System.
(a) Each ground service provider must establish a quality assurance system to ensure
compliance with, and the adequacy of, the procedures required under this part.
(b) The quality assurance system must be described in a quality assurance manual
acceptable to the LYCAA, which must include but not limited to;
(1) Procedures to ensure the monitoring and continuing compliance of the ground
service provider and its subcontracted organizations with this part and to ensure
the adequacy of operating procedures;
(2) A procedure to ensure quality indicators, including personnel and customer
feedback, are established and monitored in order to identify existing problems
within the organization;
(3) A procedure for identifying the root cause(s) and the corrective action(s) to
ensure existing problems that have been identified within the organization are
(4) A procedure for preventive action(s) to ensure that potential causes of problems
that have been identified within the organization are remedied;
(5) An internal audit plan for the organization and all subcontracted entities to ensure
conformity with the procedures in the manual and to achieve the goals set in
the safety policy established under LYCAA-AC- SMS; and
(6) Management review procedures, that should include the use of statistical
analysis where appropriate, to ensure the continuing suitability and
effectiveness of the quality assurance system in satisfying the requirements of
this part.
(7) Manual amendment procedure, including the notification of LYCAA for
acceptance of revisions.
(c) The procedure required under paragraph (b)(3) of this section for corrective action must
specify how—
(1) To conduct a root cause analysis for identified problems;
(2) To correct an existing quality problem;
(3) To follow up a corrective action to ensure the action is effective;
(4) To amend any procedure required under this part as a result of a corrective
action; and
(5) Management will measure the effectiveness of any corrective action taken.
(d) The procedure required under paragraph (b)(4) of this section for preventive action must
specify how—
(1) To correct a potential quality problem;
(2) To follow-up a preventive action to ensure the action is effective;
(3) To amend any procedure required under this part as a result of a preventive
action; and
(4) Management will measure the effectiveness of any preventive action taken.
(e) The internal audit program required under paragraph (b)(5) of this section must—
(1) Specify the frequency and location of the audits taking into account the nature of
the activity to be audited;
(2) Measure the effectiveness of any preventative or corrective action taken by the
personnel responsible for the activity being audited since the last audit; and
(3) Require preventative or corrective action to be taken by the personnel
responsible for the activity being audited if problems are identified by the audit.

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(f) The procedure for management review required under paragraph (b)(6) of this section
(1) Specify the frequency of management reviews of the quality assurance system
taking into account the need for the continuing effectiveness of the system; and
(2) Identify the senior person responsible for the management reviews referred to in
paragraph (f)(1) of this section.
(g) The quality manager appointed in accordance with GSP.PER.010 (b) must—
(1) Ensure that the safety policy and the relevant procedures are understood,
implemented, and maintained at all levels of the organization;
(2) Appoint at each aerodrome the ground service provider operates a person
responsible for audits and inspections meeting the requirements prescribed in
GSP.PER.025 and with a direct reporting line to the quality manager;
(3) Ensure that the audits are performed by trained auditing personnel as
prescribed by GSP.PER.025 and who are independent of those having direct
responsibility for the activity being audited;
(4) Ensure that the results of the audits are reported to the personnel responsible
for the activity being audited;
(5) Ensure that all corrective and preventative actions are followed up to review
the effectiveness of those actions;
(6) Ensure that the results of the management review are evaluated and recorded;
(7) Have direct access to the accountable executive and station manager(s) on
matters affecting the quality of ground services provided under this part.
(8) Ensure that the quality system is audited by an external independent auditor
at least once every 24 months.

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GSP.REC.005 - Records: General.
(a) Each ground service provider must establish procedures to create, store, maintain and
dispose of the records that are prescribed in this subpart.
(b) The procedures must ensure that —
(1) Personnel records are maintained as prescribed by GSP.REC.015;
(2) Training records are maintained as prescribed by GSP.REC.020;
(3) There is a record of each incident notified and reported to LYCAA under
(4) There is a record of each internal quality assurance review of the ground service
providser’s organization carried out under the procedures prescribed in
(5) All records are legible and of a permanent nature.
GSP.REC.010 - Retention Period.
(a) Personnel and training records must be retained for the entire period that a person is
employed by the ground service provider.
(b) Records for incident and accidents must be retained for at least 10 years after the
date of occurrence.
(c) Quality records must be retained for at least 5 years.
(d) All other records must be retained for at least 3 years unless a longer period is defined
by the LYCAA.
GSP.REC.015 - Personnel Records.
(a) Each ground service provider must maintain in a format acceptable to LYCAA the
following -
(1) A record with the names and qualifications of management personnel.
(2) A record with the names and qualifications of supervisory personnel.
(3) A record with the names and qualifications of audit and inspection personnel.
(4) A record with the names and qualifications of instructor personnel.
(5) A record with the names, qualifications and ground services personnel work
permit number of all personnel required to hold a ground services personnel
work permit under Appendix 1.
(b) Each ground service provider must make available upon request by LYCAA the
personnel records.
GSP.REC.020 - Training Records.
(a) Each ground service provider must document the details of personnel training.
(b) The record of training must include—
(1) The individual’s name.
(2) The training course name and ground service personnel work permit number,
where applicable.
(3) The most recent training completion date.
(4) A description of course profile content.
(5) The instructor's name.
(6) The name and address of the organization providing the training.
(7) Evidence that shows that a test/assessment has been completed satisfactorily.
(c) The training record must also provide details of applicable due dates for mandatory and
recurrent training.

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Libyan Civil Aviation Regulation – Ground Services Provider (LYCAR-Part GSP) Initial Issue

(d) Each ground service provider must make training records available upon request of the
employee or the LYCAA.
GSP.REC.025 - Occurrence Reporting.
(a) In addition to all incidents that must be notified and reported to LYCAA as prescribed
by LYCAA-AC-SMS each ground service provider must ensure that all occurrences in
which they are involved and which endanger, or which if not corrected would endanger,
the following entities are reported to the aerodrome operator and LYCAA within 24 hours
of their occurrence:
(1) An aircraft or its occupants.
(2) Ground service equipment.
(3) Ground service personnel.
(4) Crew members.
(5) Passengers.
(6) Any other person.
(7) Facilities.
(b) The reporting of occurrences under this section must be made in a form and manner
acceptable to the LYCAA.

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Libyan Civil Aviation Regulation – Ground Services Provider (LYCAR-Part GSP) Initial Issue

Appendix 1- Personnel Training and certification

1. Applicability.
This Part prescribes the requirements for ground services personnel and its associated job
2. This part applies to:
(1) Ground Service Providers certificated under this Part;
(2) Entities subcontracted by a ground service provider certificated under this Part;
(3) Commercial air operators certificated under LYCAR Part Air Operations that
provide ground services for their own operations, hereinafter referred to as "self-
(4) Aerodrome operators within the applicability of LYCAR Part 139 that their staff is
engaged in any of the ground service functions prescribed in Appendix 1 (2) in
support of their own operations;
(5) A repair station certificated under LYCAR Part 145 or an aircraft maintenance
provider certificated under equivalent foreign regulations that their staff is engaged
in any of the ground service functions prescribed in Appendix 1 (2) in support of
their own operations; and
(6) Ground services personnel working for the organizations identified above, who are
(7) employed on a full-time or on a part-time or on a seasonal basis.
(c) For the purposes of this part, the certificated organizations identified in paragraphs (b)(1)
b)(3), (b)(4) and (b)(5) of this section are hereinafter referred to as “sponsoring
3. Ground Service Personnel Certificate.
No person may perform any of the following job functions for an organization identified in 1., at
an aerodrome in Libya, unless that person has a valid ground services personnel Certificate
issued under this part that is properly endorsed for the applicable job function(s) being
(a) Ground support equipment operation.
(b) Aircraft marshalling.
(c) Dangerous goods handling.
(d) Load control / loading supervision.
(e) Passenger handling.
(f) Ramp supervision / aircraft turnaround coordination.
(g) Headset operation.
(h) Cargo handling.
(i) Into-plane catering.
(j) Into-plane fueling.
(k) Baggage handling.
(l) Passenger boarding bridge operation.
4. Eligibility Requirements.
To be eligible for a ground services personnel Certificate, a person must—
(a) Be at least 18 years of age;
(b) Be employed by:
(1) A ground service provider certificated under this Part;
(2) An organization that is not certificated under this Part but is subcontracted and
operates under the responsibility of a ground service provider certificated under
this Part;

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Libyan Civil Aviation Regulation – Ground Services Provider (LYCAR-Part GSP) Initial Issue

(3) A self-handling commercial air operator certificated under LYCAR Part Air
(4) An aerodrome certificated under LYCAR Part 139; or
(c) Be able to read, speak, write, and understand the Arabic or English language. Headset
operators must comply with the English language proficiency requirements prescribed in
4. (g).
5. Training Requirements.
An applicant for a ground services personnel Certificate must present documentary evidence
that the applicant has successfully completed formal training that is acceptable to the LYCAA
and is specifically designed to qualify the applicant for the job function(s) for which the applicant
is to be employed. This training must include:
(a) Training in the specific job function(s) according to the International Air Transport
Association (IATA) Airport Handing Manual (AHM) and IATA Safety Audit for Ground
Operations (ISAGO) guidelines;
(b) Training in the employer’s relevant manuals, technical policies, operating and
emergency response procedures;
(c) Familiarization training specific to the ground station/aerodrome the applicant will be
(d) Training in all relevant LYCAR requirements applicable to the employer's operation and
(e) job function(s) to be performed;
(f) Recurrent training designed to maintain the currency of the permit holder’s knowledge
and skills within the preceding 24 months;
(g) If applicable, dangerous goods awareness or acceptance training as prescribed in
LYCAR Air operations Subpart SPO, CAT and SPA.
(h) Ground services personnel involved in direct communication with pilots in the context of
their daily duties, such as headset operators or radio operators, must provide evidence
that they can read, speak, write and understand the English language and use aviation
terminology at least equivalent to Level 3 of ICAO English Language Proficiency
(i) Health and safety awareness training; and
(j) Security awareness training.
6. Recency of Experience
For ground services personnel who have not exercised the privileges of their Certificate for the
last 6 consecutive months, their employer must provide refresher training designed to qualify
the applicant for the job function(s) for which the applicant is employed.
7. Obligations, Privileges and Limitations.
(a) Obligations. Each person holding a work permit issued under this part must:
(1) Satisfy the requirements of this part at all times;
(2) Comply with the policies, procedures and instructions of their employer and their
sponsoring organization; and
(3) Exercise their duties with due regard to safe operations and best practices.
(b) Privileges. Subject to compliance with the requirements specified in this part, the
privileges of the holder of a ground services personnel Certificate are to provide ground
services for their sponsoring organization, in the job function(s) and at the aerodrome
endorsed on their work permit
(c) Limitations.
(1) No person may exercise the privileges of a permit issued under this part contrary
to any applicable LYCAR requirement or while under the influence of any
psychoactive substance, by reason of which human performance is impaired.

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(2) No person may drive on the airside without a valid airside driving permit issued by
the relevant aerodrome operator.
(3) No person may exercise the privileges of a certificate issued under this part without
a valid aerodrome security badge.
(4) No person employed by a subcontracted entity may exercise the privileges of their
certificate for an entity other than their sponsoring organization.
8. Inspection of certificate.
(a) Each person who holds a ground services personnel work permit must present it for
inspection upon request from the LYCAA designated official. If a person is found to
exercise job functions that are not endorsed in their certificate, or their certificate is not
valid, immediate actions must be taken by the LYCAA or the aerodrome operator to
remove this person from duty and to notify the sponsoring organization and the LYCAA.
(b) An aerodrome operator who detects any noncompliance with this part or identifies unsafe
operating practices by the holder of a ground services personnel certificate issued under
this part must immediately report relevant details to the sponsoring organization and to

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Libyan Civil Aviation Regulation – Ground Services Provider (LYCAR-Part GSP) Initial Issue

Appendix 2 to LYCAR Part GSP – Marshaling Signals

The marshalling signals referenced in GSP.GEN.020 must be conducted as follows:

(a) The following marshaling signals are designed for use by the signalman, also known
as the marshaller, with hands illuminated as necessary to facilitate observation by the
pilot, and facing the aircraft in a position—
(1) For fixed-wing aircraft. On left side of aircraft, where best seen by the pilot, and
(2) For rotorcraft. On the right side of aircraft where best seen by the pilot.
(b) The meaning of the relevant signal remains the same if the signalman holds bats,
illuminated wands, or flashlights.
(c) The aircraft engines are numbered, for the signalman facing the aircraft, from aircraft
right to aircraft left, that is, the No. 1 engine is the left outer engine.
(d) The signals below marked with an asterisk (*) apply to hovering rotorcraft.
(e) References to wands may also be read to refer to daylight-fluorescent bats or gloves
(daytime only).
(f) Technical/servicing communication signals
(1) Manual signals shall only be used when verbal communication is not possible with
respect to technical/servicing communication signals.
(2) Signalmen shall ensure that an acknowledgement is received from the flight crew
with respect to technical/servicing communication signals.

*1. Wing walker/guide

Raise right hand above head level with
wand pointing up; move left-hand wand
pointing down toward body.

* This signal provides an indication by a

person positioned at the aircraft wing tip, to
the pilot/marshaller/push-back operator,
that the aircraft movement on/off a parking
position would be unobstructed.

2. Identify gate
Raise fully extended arms straight above
head with wands pointing up.

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Libyan Civil Aviation Regulation – Ground Services Provider (LYCAR-Part GSP) Initial Issue

3. Proceed to next
signalman/marshaller or as directed by
tower/ground control
Point both arms upward; move and extend
arms outward to sides of body and point
with wands to direction of next
signalman/marshaller or taxi area.

4. Straight ahead
Bend extended arms at elbows and move
wands up and down from chest height to

5 a). Turn left

(from pilot’s point of view)

With right arm and wand extended at a 90-

degree angle to body, make “come ahead”
signal with left hand. The rate of signal
motion indicates to pilot the rate of aircraft

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5 b). Turn right

(from pilot’s point of view)

With left arm and wand extended at a 90-

degree angle to body, make “come ahead”
signal with right hand. The rate of signal
motion indicates to pilot the rate of aircraft

6 a). Normal stop

Fully extend arms and wands at a 90-degree
angle to sides and slowly move to above
head until wands cross.

6 b). Emergency stop

Abruptly extend arms and wands to top of
head, crossing wands.

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Libyan Civil Aviation Regulation – Ground Services Provider (LYCAR-Part GSP) Initial Issue

7 a). Set brakes

Raise hand just above shoulder height with
open palm. Ensuring eye contact with flight
crew, close hand into a fist. Do not move
until receipt of “thumbs up”
acknowledgement from flight crew.

7 b). Release brakes

Raise hand just above shoulder height with
hand closed in a fist. Ensuring eye contact
with flight crew, open palm. Do not move
until receipt of “thumbs up”
acknowledgement from flight crew.

8 a). Chocks inserted

With arms and wands fully extended above
head, move wands inward in a “jabbing”
motion until wands touch. Ensure
acknowledgement is received from flight

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Libyan Civil Aviation Regulation – Ground Services Provider (LYCAR-Part GSP) Initial Issue

8 b). Chocks removed

With arms and wands fully extended above
head, move wands outward in a “jabbing”
motion. Do not remove chocks until
authorised by flight crew.

9. Start engine(s)
Raise right arm to head level with wand
pointing up and start a circular motion with
hand; at the same time, with left arm raised
above head level, point to engine to be

10. Cut engines

Extend arm with wand forward of body at
shoulder level; move hand and wand to top
of left shoulder and draw wand to top of
right shoulder in a slicing motion across

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Libyan Civil Aviation Regulation – Ground Services Provider (LYCAR-Part GSP) Initial Issue

11. Slow down

Move extended arms downwards in a
“patting” gesture, moving wands up and
down from waist to knees.

12. Slow down engine(s) on indicated

With arms down and wands toward ground,
wave either right or left wand up and down
indicating engine(s) on left or right side
respectively should be slowed down.

13. Move back

With arms in front of body at waist height,
rotate arms in a forward motion. To stop
rearward movement, use signal 6 a) or 6

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Libyan Civil Aviation Regulation – Ground Services Provider (LYCAR-Part GSP) Initial Issue

14 a). Turns while backing

(for tail to starboard)
Point left arm with wand down and bring
right arm from overhead vertical position to
horizontal forward position, repeating right-
arm movement.

14 b). Turns while backing

(for tail to port)
Point right arm with wand down and bring
left arm from overhead vertical position to
horizontal forward position, repeating left-
arm movement.

*15. Affirmative/all clear

Raise right arm to head level with wand
pointing up or display hand with “thumbs
up”; left arm remains at side by knee.

* This signal is also used as a

technical/servicing communication signal.

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Libyan Civil Aviation Regulation – Ground Services Provider (LYCAR-Part GSP) Initial Issue

*16. Hover
Fully extend arms and wands at a 90-degree
angle to sides.
* for use to hovering helicopters

*17. Move upwards

Fully extend arms and wands at a 90-degree
angle to sides and, with palms turned up,
move hands upwards. Speed of movement
indicates rate of ascent.
* for use to hovering helicopters

*18. Move downwards

Fully extend arms and wands at a 90-
degree angle to sides and, with palms
turned down, move hands downwards.
Speed of movement indicates rate of
* for use to hovering helicopters

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Libyan Civil Aviation Regulation – Ground Services Provider (LYCAR-Part GSP) Initial Issue

*19 a). Move horizontally left

(from pilot’s point of view)
Extend arm horizontally at a 90-degree angle
to right side of body. Move other arm in same
direction in a sweeping motion.
* for use to hovering helicopters

*19 b). Move horizontally right

(from pilot’s point of view)
Extend arm horizontally at a 90-degree angle to left
side of body. Move other arm in same direction in a
sweeping motion.

*20. Land
Cross arms with wands downwards and in front of

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21. Hold position/stand by

Fully extend arms and wands downwards at a 45-
degree angle to sides. Hold position until aircraft is
clear for next manoeuvre.

22. Dispatch aircraft

Perform a standard salute with right hand and/or
wand to dispatch the aircraft. Maintain eye contact
with flight crew until aircraft has begun to taxi.

23. Do not touch controls

(technical/servicing communication signal)
Extend right arm fully above head and close fist or
hold wand in horizontal position; left arm remains
at side by knee.

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24. Connect ground power

(technical/servicing communication signal)
Hold arms fully extended above head; open left
hand horizontally and move finger tips of right hand
into and touch open palm of left hand (forming a
“T”). At night, illuminated wands can also be used
to form the “T” above head.

25. Disconnect power

(technical/servicing communication signal)
Hold arms fully extended above head with finger
tips of right hand touching open horizontal palm of
left hand (forming a “T”); then move right hand away
from the left. Do not disconnect power until
authorized by flight crew. At night, illuminated wands
can also be used to form the “T” above head.

26. Negative
(technical/servicing communication signal)
Hold right arm straight out at 90 degrees from
shoulder and point wand down to ground or
display hand with “thumbs down”; left hand remains
at side by knee.

36 August 2017
Libyan Civil Aviation Regulation – Ground Services Provider (LYCAR-Part GSP) Initial Issue

27. Establish communication

via interphone (technical/servicing
communication signal)
Extend both arms at 90 degrees from body and
move hands to cup both ears.

28. Open/close stairs

(technical/servicing communication signal)
With right arm at side and left arm raised above
head at a 45-degree angle, move right arm in a
sweeping motion towards top of left shoulder.
Note.— This signal is intended mainly for aircraft
with the set of integral stairs at the front.

(g) From the pilot of an aircraft to a signalman

Note 1.— These signals are designed for use by a pilot in the cockpit with hands plainly visible to
the signalman, and illuminated as necessary to facilitate observation by the signalman.
Note 2.— The aircraft engines are numbered in relation to the signalman facing the aircraft, from
right to left (i.e. No. 1 engine being the port outer engine).
(1) Brakes
Note.— The moment the fist is clenched or the fingers are extended indicates, respectively,
the moment of brake engagement or release.
(i) Brakes engaged: raise ar m and hand, with fingers extended, horizontally in
front of face, then clench fist.
(ii) Brakes released: raise arm, with fist clenched, horizon- tally in front of face,
then extend fingers.
(iii) Chocks
(iv) Insert chocks: arms extended, palms outwards, move hands inwards to
cross in front of face.
(v) Remove chocks: hands crossed in front of face, palms outwards, move arms
(2) Ready to start engine(s)
Raise the appropriate number of fingers on one hand indicating the number of the

37 August 2017
Libyan Civil Aviation Regulation – Ground Services Provider (LYCAR-Part GSP) Initial Issue

engine to be started.
The following hand signals are established as the minimum required for emergency
communication between the aircraft rescue and firefighting (ARFF) incident
commander/ARFF firefighters and the cockpit and/or cabin crews of the incident aircraft.
ARFF emergency hand signals should be given from the left front side of the aircraft
for the flight crew.
Note.— In order to communicate more effectively with the cabin crew, emergency hand signals may
be given by ARFF firefighters from other positions.
1. Recommend evacuation
Evacuation recommended based on ARFF and
incident commander’s assessment of external
Arm extended from body and held horizontal
with hand upraised at eye level. Execute
beckoning arm motion angled backward. Non-
beckoning arm held against body.
Night — same with wands.

2. Recommended stop
Recommend evacuation in progress be halted.
Stop aircraft movement or other activity in

Arms in front of head, crossed at wrists.

Night — same with wands.

3. Emergency contained
No outside evidence of dangerous conditions or
“all- clear.”

Arms extended outward and down at a 45-

degree angle. Arms moved inward below
waistline simultaneously until wrists crossed,
then extended outward to starting position
(umpire’s “safe” signal).
Night — same with wands.

4. Fire
Move right-hand in a “fanning” motion from
shoulder to knee, while at the same time
pointing with left hand to area of fire.
Night — same with wands.

38 August 2017

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