Health 7 Activity Sheet (Q1)

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Republic of the Philippines

Eastern Visayas State University

Secondary Laboratory School
Tacloban City
1st Quarter Learning Activities in Physical Education 7

Name: ______________________________ Year & Section: __________________

EXERCISE 1.0 ( ___/15)

Directions: Classify the health dimension of the following habits. Copy the table shown
1. Studying Bible 9. Eating a balanced diet regularly
2. Telling the truth 10. Going out with family and friends
3. Listening to mood music 11. Having faith to Heavenly Creator
4. Jogging around the park 12. Joining support group discussions
5. Reading your favorite books 13. Sharing jokes with family members
6. Getting enough rest and sleep 14. Respecting your parents and elders
7. Finding friends in Social Media 15. Playing chess, checkers, and Math games
8. Playing strategic online games

Mental/ Moral-
Physical Emotional
Social Health Intellectual Spiritual
Health Health
Health Health
EXERCISE 2.0 ( ___/15)
Good vs. Poor Hygiene
Directions: Copy the table below and choose the health habits you think each boy is
doing. Boy A for good hygiene habits and Boy B for poor habits.


Brushes teeth every after meal

Doesn’t wash his hands at all
Uses deodorant/tawas
Wears dirty clothes
Take a bath once a week
Cuts his fingernails and toenails
Washes hands after using the comfort room
Picks his nose and wipes it on his shirt
Keeps his hair neat
Makes sure his socks and shoes don’t smell
Doesn’t cover his mouth when he coughs
Wears the same underwear many days in a row

EXERCISE 3.0 ( ___/15)

Check up!
There are changes that happen to boys and girls during puberty. Write TRUE if the
statement is correct and FALSE if it is wrong.
_______ 1. Girls are taller than boys.
_______ 2. Girls’ hips become broader.
_______ 3. Voice change occurs among boys.
_______ 4. Boys become more aggressive than girls.
_______ 5. Muscle growth is faster in girls than in boys.
_______ 6. Boys reach the age of puberty earlier than girls.
_______ 7. Girls and boys experience rapid mental growth.
_______ 8. Boys and girls like to be alone more than to be with friends.
_______ 9. Changes that happen to boys and girls occur in all dimensions.
_______ 10. Boys grow beard or mustache.
_______ 11. Menstruation and enlargement of breast occur at the same time.
_______ 12. There is no rapid increase of height during puberty.
_______ 13. Adolescents are already capable of thinking deeply.
_______ 14. Only boys get pimples.
_______ 15. Both boys and girls develop body odor.

EXERCISE 3.0 ( ___/20)

Managing Myself

Directions: Identify the issues and concerns you encountered physically, mentally,
socially, and spiritually and think on how you can manage it. Put your
answer on the table below.

My Issues and Concerns How can I manage it?

Body odor Apply deodorant after bathing


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