Deborahpaulcv 08
Deborahpaulcv 08
Deborahpaulcv 08
7-1-1402 +86 156 1831 4651 Mobile
Mansion in the Park deborahannepaul Skype
Hexi District, Tianjin, China [email protected] Email Website
Summary Art Educator with 13+ years of teaching experience in 5 countries, including International Bac-
calaureate and American curriculum. Unique skills and experiences include Art History Educator
at The Metropolitan Museum of Art, internationally exhibited Artist, workshop leader in Positive
Education, Google Certi ed Educator, Apple-trained workshop leader, and Third Culture Kid.
Education Masters of Art in Art & Art Education. Teachers College, Columbia University, USA. 2005
Bachelor of Fine Arts in Photography. State University of New York at New Paltz, USA. 1995
Certi cation State of New York Teacher Certi cation, Visual Arts: K-12, Professional level
Teaching PYP Art Teacher, International School of Tianjin; China— Aug 2020 - present
Experience Teach art to K-Grade 5 students, incorporating 21st century skills, visible thinking strategies, col-
laborations between elementary and secondary students, and translanguaging curriculum specif-
ic vocabulary. Introduce Art History through age-appropriate books, Kahoot quizzes, and student-
maintained Art History Time Line. Ascertain prior knowledge and student growth through use of
Pre- and Post- Art Assessments. Guide 30+ Grade 5 students in creation of conceptually-based
artwork for annual PYP Exhibition. Communicate with parents and share student Re ections
through SeeSaw. Member biennial school-wide Speaking Committee, promoting the use of Eng-
lish on campus. Create and maintain school displayed student Art inventory and oversee annual
change of Art installations throughout building. Run China-wide ACAMIS New Year student art-
work competition. Curate student artwork for annual publication in local expat magazine.
PYP Art & EAL Teacher, Western International School Shanghai; China— Aug 2017 - June 2020
Teach art and EAL to Pre-Nursery-Kindergarten students using play-based learning techniques.
As G.A.I.L. Champion, co-plan 7 day Conference for 120 High School attendees from 8 countries,
including promote conference to WISS sta , students, and parents; recruit workshop leaders and
chaperones; plan workshops and fun activities; oversee visa, hotel, and ight arrangements.
Art Teacher, Marymount International School; Italy— Aug 2016 - July 2017
Teach art techniques and history to Pre-K-Grade 5 students with Responsive Classroom approach
for duration of one year contract. Di erentiate instruction for students with di erent abilities and
special needs. Use Google Apps for Education, including Google Classroom, as method of com-
munication with school community. Collaborate with Grade 11 CAS students and Grade 4 Art stu-
dents in arranging student Art Exhibition. Host twice weekly Ceramics After School Workshop.
PYP Art Teacher, International School Ho Chi Minh City; Vietnam – Aug 2013 - July 2016
Design di erentiated lessons for Pre-K- Grade 3 students, including Art History, techniques, skills,
and self-re ection structured around AERO standards. Use technology to enhance learning:
iPads, Promethean Boards, VLE’s, class blogs, student online portfolios, and student video re ec-
tions linked to QR codes. Assume Head of Department duties for Primary Arts; assist Vice Princi-
pal in writing Visual Arts Curriculum. Initiate student collaborations between Upper/Lower Primary
students and Secondary/Primary students.
PYP & MYP Art Teacher, Kodaikanal International School; India – Sept 2012 - June 2013
Teach visual arts program using 21st Century Skills for Grade 3-9 and Grade 11 & 12 Advanced
Art students for duration of one year contract. Homeroom/Advisory teacher for Grade 7 students.
Mentor high school students on development of Portfolio & University applications, including
Grade 12 student accepted at UK Arts university.
Workshop Teacher & Camp Specialist, Apple, Inc; Charleston, SC, USA – Aug 2011-Aug 2012
Develop and teach arts/technology workshops for Grade 6-8 Camp students, including iMovie
and GarageBand. Teach numerous, drop-in iPad, iMac and MacBook workshops to young people.
Art Teacher, PEARLS Hawthorne School; Yonkers, NY, USA – Aug 2007 - July 2010
Create and teach Constructivist art lessons for Pre-K- Grade 8 Gifted and Talented public school
students. Introduce Authentic learning experiences, including student-designed assessments,
resulting in hip hop song written and performed about Renaissance sculptor Donatello and a play
written and performed about Jackson Pollock, among others.
Contractual Educator, The Metropolitan Museum of Art; NY, USA – Jan 2004-June 2009
Design, present, and evaluate gallery-held, drop-in Art History tours for K-Grade 8 students on per
diem basis. Teach using the Learning to Look methodology, an observation and discussion-based
method of art analysis.
Weekend Manager for Education & Education Assistant, The Metropolitan Museum of Art; NY,
USA – Nov 2000 - Jan 2004
Oversee children and community art programs, coordinate 20+ events weekly. Supervise weekend
programs including family programs, teacher workshops, lms, lectures, and school tours. Design
Family Festival art projects for 300 children.
Education Assistant, International Center of Photography; NY, USA – Sept 1998-Oct 2000
Coordinate two full time, certi cate programs for international post-graduates in Photography and
joint Masters program with New York University. Manage student activities, including End of Year
Exhibition, overseeing budgeting, venue, catering, and invitations for 300+ attendees.
Studio Manager & First Assistant, Will Faller Photography; NY, USA – Aug 1995-Aug 1998
Run free-lance commercial photography studio. Use all camera formats, including 35 mm, medi-
um and large format, and digital cameras and their lenses. Develop lms and print, tone, spot,
edit, mat, and frame exhibition quality, silver-gelatin and resin coated prints.
Selected Workshops EDI: Explicit Direct Instruction, with John Hollingworth, 2022; The Role of Arts in the PYP, Category
3, with Kirsten Durward, 2021; Lifelong Literacy, with Lyn Stone, 2021; Child Protection in School
NSPCC, 2018, 2019; Co-Present 2 day Positive Education workshop for 120 people, 2016.
Extra-Curricular MIST (Media @ IST); Ceramics; Art Club; Stage Productions, Green Team; Animals Asia; Yearbook;
Social Committee, GAIL (Global Alliance for Innovative Learning), Hatha Yoga, Gardening Club.
Technology Skills Google Certi ed Educator-Level 1; ManageBac; SeeSaw; ScreenCloud; PowerSchool; Atlas; Fire-
Fly; StoryPark; Apple/PC; VLE’s; Blogs; Web Design; SmartBoard; Seewo Computer/Display
Publications/ “Freedom To Explore Key To Teaching Art,” Asia Life Magazine, March 10, 2015
Media Interview about GAIL Conference by Chinese News Channel, July 2019:
Selected Art Exhibitions Lessons Learned, Ho Chi Minh Fine Arts Museum, HCMC, Vietnam, 2015, 2014
Sta Show, The Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York City, USA, 2001