Authentic Assessment Lesson Plan and Micro Teach

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This authentic assessment example is from an Education Unit called Approaches to
Teaching and Learning from the Master of Teaching degree.
The contributing Academic is Associate Professor Marcelle Cacciattolo.

Overview Length/Duration Weighting Due

Lesson plan Fill template with 60 30% Draft: Before
minutes’ worth of Session 6 of 11
activities Final: Day of
Session 7
Micro-teaching 10 minutes 5% In Session 6

The purpose of this assessment task is to demonstrate the three standards of effective
1. Knowing your students and how they learn
2. Working with the curriculum
3. Providing inclusive and safe learning environments
It aligns with the following learning outcomes:
LO1: Investigate educational teaching and learning practices that contribute to
positive student behaviour and learning
LO2: Articulate aspects of student development including their physical, social and
intellectual needs
LO3: Engage and communicate their knowledge, understanding, and application of
effective lesson plans and learning sequences

Assessment requirements
Prepare a lesson plan for a 60-minute lesson, then deliver a 10-minute segment of this
lesson (micro-teaching) to a group of peers. Peers will provide feedback on the micro-
This assessment consists of the following 4 components:

1. Lesson plan
Craft a lesson plan for a 60-minute lesson using the lesson plan template on your
specialisation (EMES) or key learning area (EMPE).
Your lesson plan must:

Marcelle Cacciattolo – Lesson plan & Micro-teaching demonstration

Victoria University - Connected Learning 1
Version 1.0 – 15/09/2021
• Address at least 2 learning outcomes provided by the Victorian Curriculum
• Include learning goals that provide challenges for all students
• Have detailed descriptions of the learning activities and include timing of the tasks
• Include consideration of how you will provide a positive, inclusive and safe learning
• Include consideration of feedback and/or assessment for the lesson
• Cite academic sources used to complete this task using Harvard style in a reference
• Incorporate peer feedback after presenting it to your group

2. Micro-teaching demonstration
In Session 6, you must give a 10-minute presentation of the lesson plan to a group of 4 or 5.
The presentation must:

• Clearly explain the learning goals and strategies employed

• Indicate where you should engage your learners (refer to the 5Es)
• Demonstrate a range of verbal and non-verbal communication strategies
• Include approaches that ensure equal access for all learners

3. Peer reviews
Provide feedback to each of the other members of your micro-teaching demonstration group
in FeedbackFruits.
Use the rubric to grade your peers and provide constructive feedback about:

• What worked well in the demonstration

• What was unclear or missed
• What 2 or 3 things your peer could do differently to improve their

4. Reflection
Once you have received feedback from your peers, include this in your reflection on your
teaching demonstration (there is a section at the end of the lesson plan for this).

1. Carefully read the assessment requirements, criteria and rubric for this task
2. Craft a 60-minute lesson plan using the lesson plan template, leaving the Reflection
section empty for now
3. Submit your lesson plan to FeedbackFruits before Session 6
4. In Session 6, present your lesson plan to your peer group
5. Also in Session 6, provide feedback to your peers in FeedbackFruits
6. Incorporate the feedback you received into the Reflection section of the lesson plan
7. Submit the final lesson plan to the dropbox on the day of Session 7

Marcelle Cacciattolo – Lesson plan & Micro-teaching demonstration

Victoria University - Connected Learning 2
Version 1.0 – 15/09/2021
Assessment criteria
Criterion 1: Planning of lesson
Criterion 2: Learning activities, including inquiry-based learning and metacognition
Criterion 3: Use of Victorian Curriculum
Criterion 4: Provision of a safe learning environment
Criterion 5: Assessment and feedback

Marcelle Cacciattolo – Lesson plan & Micro-teaching demonstration

Victoria University - Connected Learning 3
Version 1.0 – 15/09/2021
Rubric: EED7002 – Lesson plan
Criteria High Distinction (80-100%) Distinction (70-79%) Credit (60-69%) Pass (50-59%) N (0-49%)

Planning of lesson • The lesson plan document • The lesson plan document • The lesson plan document • The lesson plan document • The lesson plan document
is clear, concise and easy to is clear and easy to follow. is clear. is mostly clear. has elements that are
follow. • Lesson is 60 minutes in • Lesson is 60 minutes in • Lesson is approximately 60 unclear.
• Lesson is 60 minutes in duration with approximate duration. minutes in duration. • Lesson duration is too short
duration with approximate timings for each activity. • Lesson includes some • Lesson includes a few or exceeds 60 minutes.
timings for each activity and • Lesson integrates the range relevant activities. activities. • Activities included are of low
due consideration for of activities. relevance.
• Lesson engagingly and
seamlessly integrates the
wide range of activities.
Learning activities, including • Provides a detailed • Provides a detailed • Provides a detailed • Provides a basic description • Provides an incomplete
inquiry-based learning and description of a range of description of a range description of the learning of learning activities and description of learning
metacognition innovative learning learning activities, timing of activities and timing of timing of tasks. activities and/or timing of
activities, timing of tasks tasks and resources tasks. • Mostly uses an inquiry- tasks.
and resources required. required. • Uses an inquiry-based based learning approach • Uses inquiry-based learning
• Holistically integrates an • Applies an inquiry-based learning approach across across most of the lesson. approaches occasionally
inquiry-based learning learning approach across most of the lesson, working • Provides occasional and/or in a limited way.
approach across the whole the whole lesson, working through activities leading on opportunities for • Provides limited opportunity
lesson, working through through activities leading on to the assessment. metacognition and/or higher for metacognition or higher
activities leading on to the to the assessment. • Provides some opportunities order thinking skills. order thinking skills.
assessment. • Integrates opportunities for for metacognition and
• Purposefully integrates metacognition and higher higher order thinking skills
engaging opportunities for order thinking skills through through an inquiry-based
metacognition and higher an inquiry-based approach. approach.
order thinking skills through
an inquiry-based approach.

Use of Victorian Curriculum • Clearly and accurately • Uses the appropriate • Uses the appropriate • Mostly uses the appropriate • Use of the appropriate
applies the appropriate Victorian Curriculum with Victorian Curriculum. Victorian Curriculum. Victorian Curriculum
Victorian Curriculum with accuracy. unclear.

Marcelle Cacciattolo – Lesson plan & Micro-teaching demonstration

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Version 1.0 – 15/09/2021
Provision of a safe learning • Thoughtful, critical • Consideration of wide- • Consideration of learner • Broad consideration of a • Superficial consideration of
environment consideration of wide- ranging learner needs and needs and how a positive, positive, inclusive and safe a positive/inclusive and/or
ranging learner needs and how a positive, inclusive inclusive and safe learning learning environment has safe learning environment.
how a positive, inclusive and safe learning environment will be been considered.
and safe learning environment will be provided.
environment will be provided for all.
provided for all.
Assessment and feedback • Offers engaging/creative, • Offers focused assessments • Offers assessments • Offers assessments with • Offers superficial
focused assessments (formative and/or (formative and/or some feedback opportunity. assessments with
(formative and/or summative) with feedback summative) with feedback limited/minimum thought to
summative) with feedback opportunities. opportunities. feedback.

Marcelle Cacciattolo – Lesson plan & Micro-teaching demonstration

Victoria University - Connected Learning 5
Version 1.0 – 15/09/2021

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