Full Listening Practice Test 3

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The listening section has 42 questions. Follow along as you listen to the directions to the
.istening section.

In this section of the test, you will hear talks and conversations. Each talk or con-
versation is followeal by one question. Choose the best answer to each question'and
mark the letter ofthe correct answer on vour answer sheet. You will hear each talk or
conversation onlv one time,

Here is an exampler jp
What does the girl mean?
(A) She \\,i11 meet rhe boy ar b.ind practice soon.
(B) She is nor going to be a mcnbcf oirhe baDd-
iC) she thinks rhar the band b no Jorger fun.
(D) She has becn r mcmbef olthe band for a \,ear.

The conect ansu'er is (B), "She is not going to be a member ofthe band."

Here is another exampl", lp

!\rhat arc the speakers talking about?
(A) TheiI cl;rsses
(B) Going on a trip
(C) Spring breik
(D) An upcoming rest

The correct answer is (C), "Spring break."

co on to the nert page, and the test will begin with question number one.

,,,'wI\/.nhantf v et.aom Perfect TOEFL Junior P o.il.-. T.n Bo.k I 81

L Which picture set does the girl say she 6. Why is the boy talking about the school
will purchase ? picnic?
(A) The simple ser 4\ To \\Jfn rhe gil .o be nrr, nor lo rri,.
(B) The stendard set
(C) The deluxe ser /B 1o rell lhe !.irl u rnr .lre rni..c.l rre d.r)
(D) 'l he all-inclusjve set before
(C) To rcrnind rhe gifl rllar it will happen

2. What will the teacher probably do next?

{D) To ask the girl \\'har she waDrs to clo
(A) Cha.ge the girl's grade rhen
18) Cive rhe girl back her homework
(C) Punish rhe girl
7 What is the purpose of the
lD) Read the studenfs paper
(A) To insruct thc stLrdents on how to do
l. What are tle speakers mainly discussing? their work
(A) Rock music 'B' To.nnplatuldle rhc 'r(denl. on thri,
(B) Their school lives achrevement
(C) Volleybau (C) To advise rhe students on which classcs
(D) The ne\l studcnr ro take
(D) To cornpliment the studci$ on rheir
choice of lchools
4. How does the principal punish rhe boy?

(A) By giving lim dcrenrioD

8. \44rat does the man suggest about a
(B) By suspendir,g hirn from schooL
(C) By makin€ihim pay a fine
(D) B,r' haling him clean offthe rvall
(A) It does not la* as long as I depression.
(ll) 11 is a pe od of economic hardship.
(C) Ii can result in decreasjng
), WIy does the teacher mention that it is unemplovment.
the first week of school? (D) it affects the middle class ihe mosr.
(A) fo encourage rhe stlrdena
(B) To ger rhe stud€nr ro changr classes
9. What will the teacher probably do next?
(C) To advise dre studenr not to fall behind
(A) Ask tlre students a quesiion
(D) To praise the student for her worll
B aor'ri. ue C... ril_ Ig lle per:odi. rlb.(
(C) Tell thc studen$ \\'hat an elemenr is
(D) Civc rn explanation of hydrogcn

82 - Perfect TOEF| .iunior P ocrice Test Book I \r/ww. n h a ntriviet.con

the school

not to ntis!

\sed rhe da!

, i1l happen

- -t. What are the speakers maidy discussing? 14. \Alhat did the boy stop doing this year?
A) fhe girl's faiLure to conuibute 1(r Lhe (A) All oi his extrircurricular acti!'itier
class (B) Parricipating in the soccer reanl
R lhe -'.1, rr'r -\. .i-l i..,r.e '1. (C) His pan-iiftc joh
Sctting (D) All of his club nl.nlbcrships
iC) The girLs inabilit-v to lcrncrnbcr an,v I
D) Thc lict that the girl speaks too nu.h 15. Ho\{i does lhe teacher probably teel wnen I
she says this: "Focus on your grades?"
i on lnetf
(A) Shc is surpriscd.
hi.h clNse: (B) She is rlisappoinred.
-1. \44rat can be inferred about the gid?
(C) she is irnpressed.
! on thelr iA) She is one oftire top sludents r! the
1D) she is conccnrcd.
(Bl Shc cnjoys spcaki.g \firh hcr icachcrs.
1C) She is cpriet in all of her classes. 16, What is probably true about the boy?
11 ,. '.
oul a ). .1 e .' l.per. .r :r' , r. 11 dret\. (A) lle is a stnr athlci..
(B) FIe works hardcr than most students.
dcplesslon, iC) Hc is an outsralrdins srudcnt.
i3, \{hat does the girl say about herself?
ardshlp. (Dl He rvor--ks pan time on \reekends.
(A) She car gea neNous in class at rime(.
(B) She mrely kno$a the aDs\\'ers in the
teacher's clNs, t7. Why does the te.r(her t.rll( .rboul Lhe besr
(C) She wiil stLrdy hardef in the tuture. colleges in the country?
(D) She tlinks she understands the material (A) To enJourage the boy ro applv ro
, do next? well several of thcnr
(B) To sa) thal rhev ofler.cholafships
iodic tabie
13. What is the teacher going to do in their r l, r.'. $h rr_.r o.'k rrlIr..'
imenr is deDrs appl]' to rh.nr
next class?
ogen lD) To s|ate rhat npplvins ro rhc]n r\ .1
(A) cile the stLrdcnts :r tcst
!\,irste of rhc bo\'s rinra
(B) Ask rhe girl a direcl luestion
/a\ HtrrF rlie.;n qi,P tr nr-!Pfrrri,nr

(D) ,,\sk the students to speak more often

r r,/ r,^r. n h a rir v iet com Pellect TCEFL Ju ior Prc.tce Te5t 3oo I - 83
18, What will the student probably do next? 23, What are the speakers talking about?
(A) Continue studying in rhe library (A) Why the boy's gracle on his paper is los
(B) Meet with Coach Patrerson (B) How the boy can inprove his writing
(C) Complete his college application (C) When the boy needs to submh hjs
(D) Inquire about some club membe$hips paper
(D) How the boy can get a higher grade

19, What does the girl mean when she says

this: "Spill it"? 24. According to the teacher, what did the
(A) The bo)-. needs ro be morc carelitl in boy do wrong on his book report?
the fuurrc. (A) He wrote about the rvlong book.
(B) She wints the bo] to tell hef $,hat (B) He did not follorr rhe proper.format.
nappeneo, (C) He had many $'fiting rnisrakes.
(C) Shc rhinks that the boy is rrying ro (D) He wrote a paper rhar wa5 tod shoft.
avoid her.
(D) The boy needs to apologize to Ms.
Hooper, 25. \44rat is the boy going to do after school
(A) Rewrile hjs paper
20, Wtrat traffic violation does the boy say
(B) Do some research
that he committed?
(C) Meet with the teacher
{A) He drove above the speed lirr,ir. (D) Study granmar
(B) He ran a red light.
(C) He ignorcd a srop sign.
(D) FIe did not tum his headliglrrs on. 26. What is the main topic of the discussion?

(A) llenewable rcsources

(B) How to sevc energy
21. According to the boy, why did Ms.
(C) Altcrnntive ener€Xi source!
Hooper drive back to school?
(D) How ro plcseNe the environment
(A) The wearher was too bad lor rhe boy
to drive in.
(B) She wanted ro show rhe boy ho$.to 2Z Wlat does the girl prqpose that people
drivc ploperly. oo!
la\ | he bo\ s-, r,.., frigl re r(d r.' dri\. (A) Walk or rjde bikes more often
anylror--e. (B) Stop using fossil fue1s entircly
(D) She disliked how thc bo!, drove. (C) Avoid using eny sources of enerfy
(D) Makc more use ofsolar po$'cr
22. I{hat can be infered about the boy?
(A) He lacks experjence driving a car
(B) He is going ro graduare rhis ycar.
(C) He is close fiiends lvith the girl.
'D H. .'.ft.,id o.dlL ro M.. H,'up(r.e-in.

84 Petfect TOEFL Junior Pracilce Tesi Bool l wuJw. n h an triviet,com

rg about? i!. ffiy does the boy mention using wood 32. Wlat does the teacher imply about the
LS paper rs lc'f to heat homes? Atacama Desert?
: his writing \ To,.rgge.r 'r d. J \{J) r,, :roid ua,ti_g (A) The weather rhere is hotter $an jn
lbnlir his energ)_ the Sahara De5ert.
B) To show how it would aciually halm (B) Mofi peoplc consider it to be a semi-
gher grade thc envlfonntent arid desen.
c) To 5ay rhat many people he knouB do (C) The desen is one ofthc dricn places
thar on the Eanh.
at did the
D) To sress ho$' little it would cost most (D) li is the onl,v desert located in South
people Ame ca.
. book.
per lolmaL
What does the teacher suggest about 31, Whar are the speakers mainly discussirg?
alternative energy sources? (A) How diamonds afc created
r too sholt. \
A l\e) $ill e\enL-r l\,rnl;cc fo.'il tue.. (B) Why dialnonds arc so valuabLe
Its) Thcy are both clean and cheap. (C) How people search fbr diamonds
Lfter school
iC) More research needs to be done on (D) what makes the region rich in
them. diamondt
(D) They each have good and bad points.

According to the woman, what two forces

i0. What is the main topic of the talk? combine to produce diamonds?
(A) Thc most wcll-known deserts (A) Prcsslrfe and time
(B) Hot and cold desens (B) Gravity ard heat
discussion? (C) The world\ largest deserts (C) Hear and pressure
(D) The classification of deserts (D) Iime aDd gravity

J1. According to the teacher, what kind of J), Why does the woman talk about
desert is the Gobi Desert? volcanoes?
(A) A hot dcseft A Ic Jc..r:h. rh. l",r \,,1-"nic e-lrprior.
at people (B) A cold deseft ln rhe area
(C) An extremely arid deselt (B) To claln that aliamonds can be lound
ren (D) An arid desen inside volcaDoeg

:lv (c) To say thai diamonds are often found

near them
(D) To suggest that a local volcano ma!
erupt soorl

'tr riet,co m ,t\'VW-nnanIrlV eLCOm Perfect TOEFL Junior P .. .: -:: ':',:. - 81

36. Why does the matr suggest that he can 40. rlVhy does the teacher talk aboutJohr
dig for diamonds in tJre local area? Wilkes Booth?
(A) The woman reccnily dug up a dianond. 1A) To givc a phv\ical descdptjon ofrhc
d ll-e r.!ion s., .'n.c \.rl..,ni.r.l\ .! \€
(C) Therc arc aone diatnond mincs ncafov. (Bl lo descdbe his rcle in President
(D) Ihe ar_ea i5 verv geolosically icti\',.. Lincoln\ dearh
f lo rtgtr. rlrrr he did .,o ,r.r d onc i_
killins l,resideltr Lincoln
37 What can be inferred about the woman? (D) To focus on the major everts in his Jlre
(A) She was thc m;rn s teacher in rhe past.
(B) She f-ound lhe largest diamond in rhe
41, What does the teacher imply about
President Lincoln?
(Cl Sh. takej studenls Lrn digs ir the locai
(A) Hc wa\ the grearest of all Amelican
iD) She has dug in many placcs in the presl.icnts-
re€iion. iB) He could have lived if he had goften
medical aitcrlrion.
lC) Hc hrd rnet John Wilkes Booth once
38. rvvhat is the teacher mainly discussing? in the past.
(A) Ihe life of John Wilkcs Booth D lle ,l C )c' Ji( In.r ,eci..l. r 'ncr'1..'_-
(B) The end of dre Civil Waf snot_
(C) assassination ofPresidena Lincoln
lD) Roben E. Lee and Ulysses S. Granr
42, What will the teacher probably do next?
(\) <l'.'$ . .hun I n- r,, .\<,Lud. L.
39, According to the teachet wherc was (B) Ask rhe sludents lor their opinions
President Lincoln when he was shot? (C) Conrinue givinfi his lcsson to the
(A) In $e Whire Holrsc students
(B) Or rhe srreet (D) Have a srudenr rcad a passage out loui
(C) In a rhearer
(D) On a batilclield

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