Full Listening Practice Test 3
Full Listening Practice Test 3
Full Listening Practice Test 3
The listening section has 42 questions. Follow along as you listen to the directions to the
.istening section.
In this section of the test, you will hear talks and conversations. Each talk or con-
versation is followeal by one question. Choose the best answer to each question'and
mark the letter ofthe correct answer on vour answer sheet. You will hear each talk or
conversation onlv one time,
Here is an exampler jp
What does the girl mean?
(A) She \\,i11 meet rhe boy ar b.ind practice soon.
(B) She is nor going to be a mcnbcf oirhe baDd-
iC) she thinks rhar the band b no Jorger fun.
(D) She has becn r mcmbef olthe band for a \,ear.
The conect ansu'er is (B), "She is not going to be a member ofthe band."
co on to the nert page, and the test will begin with question number one.
not to ntis!
, i1l happen
- -t. What are the speakers maidy discussing? 14. \Alhat did the boy stop doing this year?
A) fhe girl's faiLure to conuibute 1(r Lhe (A) All oi his extrircurricular acti!'itier
class (B) Parricipating in the soccer reanl
R lhe -'.1, rr'r -\. .i-l i..,r.e '1. (C) His pan-iiftc joh
Sctting (D) All of his club nl.nlbcrships
iC) The girLs inabilit-v to lcrncrnbcr an,v I
D) Thc lict that the girl speaks too nu.h 15. Ho\{i does lhe teacher probably teel wnen I
she says this: "Focus on your grades?"
i on lnetf
(A) Shc is surpriscd.
hi.h clNse: (B) She is rlisappoinred.
-1. \44rat can be inferred about the gid?
(C) she is irnpressed.
! on thelr iA) She is one oftire top sludents r! the
1D) she is conccnrcd.
(Bl Shc cnjoys spcaki.g \firh hcr icachcrs.
1C) She is cpriet in all of her classes. 16, What is probably true about the boy?
11 ,. '.
oul a ). .1 e .' l.per. .r :r' , r. 11 dret\. (A) lle is a stnr athlci..
(B) FIe works hardcr than most students.
dcplesslon, iC) Hc is an outsralrdins srudcnt.
i3, \{hat does the girl say about herself?
ardshlp. (Dl He rvor--ks pan time on \reekends.
(A) She car gea neNous in class at rime(.
(B) She mrely kno$a the aDs\\'ers in the
teacher's clNs, t7. Why does the te.r(her t.rll( .rboul Lhe besr
(C) She wiil stLrdy hardef in the tuture. colleges in the country?
(D) She tlinks she understands the material (A) To enJourage the boy ro applv ro
, do next? well several of thcnr
(B) To sa) thal rhev ofler.cholafships
iodic tabie
13. What is the teacher going to do in their r l, r.'. $h rr_.r o.'k rrlIr..'
imenr is deDrs appl]' to rh.nr
next class?
ogen lD) To s|ate rhat npplvins ro rhc]n r\ .1
(A) cile the stLrdcnts :r tcst
!\,irste of rhc bo\'s rinra
(B) Ask rhe girl a direcl luestion
/a\ HtrrF rlie.;n qi,P tr nr-!Pfrrri,nr
r r,/ r,^r. n h a rir v iet com Pellect TCEFL Ju ior Prc.tce Te5t 3oo I - 83
18, What will the student probably do next? 23, What are the speakers talking about?
(A) Continue studying in rhe library (A) Why the boy's gracle on his paper is los
(B) Meet with Coach Patrerson (B) How the boy can inprove his writing
(C) Complete his college application (C) When the boy needs to submh hjs
(D) Inquire about some club membe$hips paper
(D) How the boy can get a higher grade
J1. According to the teacher, what kind of J), Why does the woman talk about
desert is the Gobi Desert? volcanoes?
(A) A hot dcseft A Ic Jc..r:h. rh. l",r \,,1-"nic e-lrprior.
at people (B) A cold deseft ln rhe area
(C) An extremely arid deselt (B) To claln that aliamonds can be lound
ren (D) An arid desen inside volcaDoeg