Diaphragm Coupling - P-7491-Ac
Diaphragm Coupling - P-7491-Ac
Diaphragm Coupling - P-7491-Ac
Warner Electric
Boston Gear
TB Wood’s
High Performance
Formsprag Clutch Non-Lubricated Coupling
Wichita Clutch Service Life and
Marland Clutch Failure Modes
Industrial Clutch
Nuttall Gear
Warner Linear
Stieber Clutch
Svendborg Brakes
Ameridrives Couplings
Inertia Dynamics
Matrix International
Huco Dynatork
Bibby Turboflex
Twiflex Limited
Kilian Manufacturing
Lamiflex Couplings
Ameridrives Power
High Performance Non-Lubricated Coupling
Service Life and Failure Modes
James H. Paluh, Manager-Engineering High Performance Products
Ameridrives International, December 1997
diaphragm coupling affect the system differently. If a failure ultimate failure, the diaphragm inside diameter will
was to occur in a disc coupling either in fatigue by fretting shear from the spacer or spool preventing the transfer
corrosion or ultimate failure due to a peak torque overload, of power from the driving to driven equipment (Figure
the driving flange bolts will continue to load the driven 4).
flange bolts and drive the equipment. The flailing and high The instantaneous loss of load will result in standard
bending loads that occur in this condition may cause turbomachinery overspeed trip. After shear failure, the
significant damage to the adjoining equipment and high Ameriflex coupling's anti-flail guards contain the center
vibrations. Adequate vibration monitoring, plus typical section for safety and protect the adjoining equipment
overspeed trip devices are critical to prevent further damage (Figure 5).
to the connected equipment. In summary, a disc coupling's service life is finite
Conversely, if an Ameriflex diaphragm coupling was and significantly effected by the equipment's
subjected to excessive misalignment which was to initiate a misalignment, disc configuration, disc coatings, bolt
fatigue failure, the crack will propagate gradually due to the preload and environmental conditions. These factors
separation of the diaphragm flex areas. Eventually, as each should be considered in the coupling selection. If a
diaphragm fails, the remaining diaphragms will shear at failure was to occur in a disc coupling, more damage
their inside diameter due to excessive torque. Most may occur to the driven equipment since the bolts will
importantly, regardless of the cause of failure, by fatigue or continue to drive the equipment.
The Ameridrives Ameriflex diaphragm is a true
infinite life design where the high strength precipitation
hardened stainless steel, multiple, convoluted
diaphragm flex areas are separated to prevent corrosion
fatigue or fretting corrosion. No reduction or change in
life occurs up to the maximum ratings of the coupling.
The diaphragm material properties such as endurance
strength are not compromised by wear, fretting
corrosion or coatings. The Ameriflex diaphragms have
a built in fail-safe feature of redundancy with separated
US (Customer Service) diaphragms. If a failure occurs, power is no longer
814-480-5000 supplied to the driven equipment since the diaphragms
www.ameridrivescouplings.com will completely shear at their inner diameter. This
results in an overspeed trip. Finally, the anti-flail
Asia Pacific capability contains the center section which decreases
For a list of our AP sales offices: potential damage to adjoining equipment. These
www.AltraMotion.com/ContactUs Ameriflex features combined provide a level of
reliability and safety unique to other metallic
membrane couplings.
P-7491-AC 2/14 Printed in USA