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Lowest Life Cycle Cost Assessment for Fluid

Flow System
S.Y. B. Tech. Minor Project Report


Sr.No Name Exam Seat No.

1 Mohit Soni S213041
2 Bira Narbat S213019
3 Shreyas Kale S213007
4 Krushna Dawale S213011

GUIDED BY – Dr. Shyam Shukla Sir



2020 -2021
Lowest Life Cycle Cost Assessment for Fluid
Flow System

S.Y. B. Tech. Minor Project Report

Submitted in partial fulfillment of the
Requirements for the award of the degree


Bachelor of Technology




Mohit Soni, Bira Narbat, Shreyas Kale, Krushna Dawale



ALANDI(D), PUNE-412105

2020 -2021

It is here by certified that the work which is being presented in the S Y B. Tech. Minor Project
Report entitled “ Lowest life cycle cost assessment for fluid flow system ”, in partial fulfillment
of the requirements for the award of the Bachelor of Technology in Civil Engineering and
submitted to the School of Mechanical and Civil Engineering of MIT Academy of Engineering,
Alandi (D), Pune, Affiliated to Savitribai Phule, Pune University (SPPU), Pune is an authentic
record of work carried out during an Academic Year 2020-2021, under the supervision of Prof.
Dr Shyam Shukla Sir , School of Mechanical and Civil Engineering.

Sr.No Name Exam Seat No.

1 Mohit Soni S213041
2 Bira Narbat S213019
3 Shreyas Kale S213007
4 Krushna Dawale S213011

Signature of Project Advisor Signature of Dean
Project Adviser Dean
School of Mechanical & Civil School of Mechanical &Civil
Engineering, Engineering,
MIT Academy of Engineering, MIT Academy of
Alandi(D),Pune Engineering, Alandi(D),Pune

Signature of Internal examiner/s Signature of External examiner/s

Prof. PQR Name………………………………
Affiliation Affiliation…………………………

Thank all them who have helped in our project…..

We want to express our gratitude towards our respected project guide Dr. Shyam
Shukla for his constant encouragement and valuable guidance during the
completion of this project work. We also want to express our gratitude towards
respected School Dean Prof. Shyam Shukla for his continuous encouragement.
We would be failing in our duty if we do not thank all the other staff and faculty
members for their experienced advice and evergreen co-operation.

1. Mohit Soni
2. Bira Narbat
3. Shreyas Kale
4. Krushna Dawale


Life Cycle Cost (LCC) analysis is a tool that can help companies minimize costs and maximize
energy efficiency for many types of systems, including pumping systems. Increasing industry
awareness of the total cost of pumping system ownership through lifecycle cost analysis is a goal of
the US Department of Energy (DOE). This paper will discuss what DOE and its industry partners
are doing to create this awareness. A guide book, Pump Life Cycle Costs: A Guide to LCC Analysis
for Pumping Systems, developed by the Hydraulic Institute (HI) and Euro pump (two pump
manufacturer trade associations) with DOE involvement, will be overviewed. This guide book is the
result of the diligent efforts of many members of both associations, and has been reviewed by a
group of industrial end-users. The HI/Euro pump Guide provides detailed guidance on the design
and maintenance of pumping systems to minimize the cost of ownership, as well as LCC analysis.
DOE, Hydraulic Institute, and other organizations' efforts to promote LCC analysis, such as pump
manufacturers adopting LCC analysis as a marketing strategy, will be highlighted and a relevant
case study provided.


Table. No. Table. Name Page No.

3.1 Schedule of project 13


Fig. No. Fig. Name Page No.

1.1 Life Cycle Cost Analysis 2

3.1 Water supply System 15

Pumping System
3.2 16


Sr. Page
No. No.
Acknowledgements i

2 Abstract ii
3 List of Figures iii
4 List of Tables iii
5 1.Introduction 1
6 1.1Motivation for the project 3
7 1.2Problem Statement 3
8 1.3Objectives and Scope 3
9 2.LiteratureSurvey 4
10 3.Project Planning 14
11 3.1Methodology 15
12 3.2 Implementation 16
13 3.3Suggestions 17
14 4.Conclusion 18
15 Future Scope 19
16 References 20



Life Cycle Cost

Life Cycle Cost Analysis (LCCA) is a tool to determine the most cost-effective option among
different competing alternatives to purchase, own, operate, maintain and, finally, dispose of an
object or process, when each is equally appropriate to be implemented on technical grounds.

➢ Life cycle costing or LCC is an important factor for comparing the alternatives and deciding
on a particular process for completing a project.
➢ The different components taken into account for calculating LCC are:
➢ LCC = Capital + Replacement cost + Maintenance cost + Energy cost- Salvage Value
➢ Here, Capital is the present worth Replacement cost that may occur at a later years need to
converted to present worth.
➢ Maintenance cost is annual maintenance cost and needs to be converted to present worth and
so is the energy cost.

Fluid Flow System

• A typical fluid flow system consists of a mechanical system and a process system.
• A Process Flow Diagram (PFD) defines the heat and material balance for that fluid flow
system, and a Piping and Instrumentation Diagram (P&ID) defines the mechanical and
design configuration of the same system.
• For example, a mechanical system of a compressed air system may consist of various end-
users of compressed air, delivery or distribution system (piping, valves, fittings, controls,
etc.), compressor (centrifugal or positive displacement) its associated equipment (aftercooler,
receiver, dryer, filter, etc.), and a driver (electric motor).

A careful life cycle cost and economic evaluation must be undertaken to ensure that the process
audit, reengineering and equipment selections are not impacting the industrial process goals, but
result in a least optimal cost over the life of Fluid Flow System.

Fig 1.1

1.1 Motivations

For this project first off all we go to our guide Dr. Shyam Shukla sir and then discuss with sir and
sir has explained in brief about water fluid flow system .and after that we all group member discuss
about our topic and we refer google and you tube also for collect information about water fluid flow
system in lowest cost assessment. And sir has told us to collect research paper related to our topic
i.e. lowest life cycle cost assessment for fluid flow system .and from that we get lot of knowledge
about lowest life cycle for fluid flow system. And finally we decided to do a work on this topic.

1.2 Problem Statement

To evaluate the environmental impact of a product through its life cycle encompassing extraction
and processing of the raw materials, manufacturing, distribution, use, recycling, and final disposal.

1.3 Objectives and Scope

✓ Identify the attributes of the asset which significantly influence the life cycle cost drivers so
that the assets can be effectively managed.
✓ Identify the cash flow requirements for fluid flow system.
✓ Identify the factors affecting the Life Cycle Cost of product.
✓ Minimize the total cost of ownership of the Utility’s infrastructure to its customers and giving
a desired level of sustained performance.
✓ Support management considerations affecting decisions during any life-cycle phase.
✓ To minimize life cycle cost by optimizing reliability, maintainability and supportability.



(1) Life cycle cost anlysis for wastewater treatment: A systematic

review of literature

Author: Muhammad Ilya’s

The last two decades have witnessed a substantial increase in literature on the life cycle
costing of Wastewater treatment. Lack of commonly agreed methodology of life cycle
costing resulted in the use of different frameworks and methodologies. Methods and
approaches in conducting life cycle cost analysis are also evolving, and a gradual shift from
conventional to environmental and societal life cycle costing is witnessed in the last
decade. However, a detailed systematic review of methods and approaches of life cycle
costing in Wastewater treatment is still lacking.

Literature Review:
The paper systematically reviewed empirical, peer-reviewed case studies on LCCA of
WWTPs and provided an in-depth analysis of various aspects and practices of LCCA,
ranging from the purpose of analysis to dealing with uncertainties. Overall, we observed
that the case studies in LCCA of WWTPs are progressing well in the last two decades,
evidenced by the growing number of case studies published in the last five years

(2) A Literature Review of Life Cycle Costing in the Product-Service
System Context

Author: Kambanou, Marianna Lena

A transition from a product-selling to a Product-Service Systems (PSS) business model
incurs a transition in costs from customer to provider. Due to this shift in cost
ownership, Life Cycle Costing (LCC) is used by providers and customers to better
understand the PSS costs spanning from design to end-of-life. Through a literature
review the paper determines that there are similarities in the approach to LCC for
specific types of PSS e.g. availability type, but further research needs to be undertaken
to identify commonalities between different types of PSS. The review also discerned
that the terminology for LCC is not consistent and sometimes it is used to identify only
the costs incurred by a specific actor. Furthermore, the end-of-life stage and the
implications of a second life for a remanufactured PSS in LCC are also yet to be fully
understood. A number of challenges associated with obtaining quality data for costing
within PSS were identified. These include the lack of availability, the relevancy due
to use of pre-PSS data that does not reflect the redesign of products and services to fit
in PSS and challenges associated with the design paradox. Finally, a lack of empirical
studies is noted.
Literature Review:
This research highlighted the importance and widespread use of LCC costing in PSS
as a tool to provide decision makers, designers and stakeholders with relevant financial
information. Researchers, either explicitly or inexplicitly, classify their approaches
to LCC based on PSS type, e.g. product- or use- or result- oriented and there are
similarities between these approaches. Further research, is needed to see if there
are similarities between different types that is to say overarching common
Based on the original research questions, the main findings and opportunities for future
research are summarized here. The authors would like to acknowledge Toyota
Material Handling Europe for funding this research and for its continued support
towards the development of the research field.

(3) Life cycle cost analysis of three types of power lines in 10 kV
distribution network
Author: Zhu, Zhenyu Lu, Siyao Gao, Bingtuan Yi

There are three types of power lines in the 10 kV distribution network in China, i.e., copper
power cables, overhead power conductors and aluminum alloy power cables. It is necessary
to give a comprehensive evaluation to choose the type of power line in some delicate
practical engineering. This paper presents a life cycle cost (LCC)-based analysis method for
the three types of power lines. An LCC model of the power line in the 10 kV distribution
network is established, which considers four parts: investment cost, operation and
maintenance cost, failure cost and discard cost. A detailed calculation model for the four
parts is presented, and to calculate the failure cost, the Monte Carlo algorithm is employed to
simulate the values of expected energy not supplied (EENS). Two practical 10 kV power line
projects in Fujian Province in China were analyzed based on the proposed LLC model and
corresponding developed software, which has helped the power company select the
appropriate power line successfully.

Literature Review:
In this paper, the LCC of the 10 kV power line is studied. The power lines’ LCC model
is established by analyzing each period of its life cycle, which include the investment
period, operation and maintenance period, failure period and discard period. Besides,
the economic differences among the aluminum alloy cable, copper cable and overhead
conductor are compared through two practical engineering projects in Fujian province
in China by an LCC evaluation software we developed. In these two cases, the LCC
of a distribution power line is closely related to its working condition. The analysis
results can be summarized as follows.

(4) Life Cycle Assessment and Life Cycle Cost Analysis in Infra-
structure Projects: A Systematic Review

Author : Salah Alaloul, Wesam Altaf, Muhammad Ali Musarat

The comfort of human life depends on the quality, size, and reliability of the infrastructure
projects. In the infrastructure systems, rapid growth is found, where the economic and
sustainable impact has become a topic of significant concern for policies and government
officials. To achieve constraints of sustainable development, all the policies and actions over
the infrastructure project's life cycle must be assessed. Decision-makers have adopted
approaches for economic, social, and environmental initiatives through Life Cycle
Assessment (LCA) and Life Cycle Cost Analyses (LCCA) of infrastructure projects. The
purpose of this review is to highlight the impact of performing LCA and LCCA in
infrastructure projects. To achieve this goal, a systematic literature review methodology is
adopted in which renowned databases, i.e., Web of Science, Science Direct, Emerald and
Scopus were selected to extract the relevant literature. Using the PRISMA approach, 1251
publications were identified which were then filtered and 55 documents were included in the
final review. In the extracted publications most, researchers were biased toward LCA and
LCA individually , whereas few focused on integrated LCA and LCCA.

Literature Review:
A systematic literature review was performed on 55 articles consist of research papers,
conference papers and review papers. PRISMA methodology was adopted for the
evaluation of the extracted data from five databases namely: Scopus, Web of science,
Emerald, and Science Direct. The study focuses on the influence of integrated LCA and
LCCA in the enhancement of infrastructure designing and management strategies.v1
environmental and economic developing strategies have been highlighted for infrastructure
projects, with significant interconnections in infrastructure planning and maintenance,
including well-designed and well-maintained strategies that reduce costs and impact for the
entire life cycle of the project. In the extracted publication it was noticed that majority of the
publication were centred to LCCA and LCA approach individually, while some of the
publications were focused on the integrated LCA and LCCA. In the integrated approach, all
the costs associated with a project and the impact were evaluated while the environmental
cost has been ignored. It has been recommended that the cost of the impact associated with
the life cycle of pavements to be included throughout the life of the project which should be
used to overcome the negative consequences. To incorporate the environmental cost in the
integrated LCA and LCCA approach a case study was conducted to evaluate the impact of
the overall project. The results of the case study indicated that the different phases of the life
cycle of a project affect the economy, social life, and environment at a different level. The
user phase is the most critical phase which has high cost and impact compared to other
phases followed by the M&R phase.
(5) Life Cycle Costing: Understanding How It Is Practiced and Its
Relationship to Life Cycle Management—A Case Study

Author: Marianna Lena Kambanou

A transition from a product-selling to a Product-Service Systems (PSS) business model
incurs a transition in costs from customer to provider. Due to this shift in cost
ownership, Life Cycle Costing (LCC) is used by providers and customers to better
understand the PSS costs spanning from design to end-of-life. Through a literature
review the paper determines that there are similarities in the approach to LCC for
specific types of PSS e.g. availability type, but further research needs to be undertaken
to identify commonalities between different types of PSS. The review also discerned
that the terminology for LCC is not consistent and sometimes it is used to identify only
the costs incurred by a specific actor. Furthermore, the end-of-life stage and the
implications of a second life for a remanufactured PSS in LCC are also yet to be fully
understood. A number of challenges associated with obtaining quality data for costing
within PSS were identified. These include the lack of availability, the relevancy due
to use of pre-PSS data that does not reflect the redesign of products and services to fit
in PSS and challenges associated with the design paradox. Finally, a lack of empirical
studies is noted.

Literature Review:
Based on a case study where LCC was introduced as part of an ongoing LCM effort,
this research describes different instances where LCC contested and conformed to
extant practices and the outcome of this contestation and conformity defined how LCC
was practiced e.g., scoping, goal setting, cost inventory creation, cost estimation
technique selection and interpretation.

(6) Life Cycle Assessment and Cost Analysis of Distributed Mixed
Wastewater & Graywater Treatment for Water Recycling in the
Context of an Urban Case Study
Author: Muhammad Ilya’s, Freselam Mulubrhan Kassa, Mohd Ridzuan Darun
Abstract :
The last two decades have witnessed a substantial increase in literature on the life cycle
costing of Wastewater treatment. Lack of commonly agreed methodology of life cycle
costing resulted in the use of different frameworks and methodologies. Methods and
approaches in conducting life cycle cost analysis are also evolving, and a gradual shift
from conventional to environmental and societal life cycle costing is witnessed in the
last decade. However, a detailed systematic review of methods and approaches of life
cycle costing in Wastewater treatment is still lacking. A comprehensive and systematic
review provides an opportunity to record existing development in the field and identify
areas where more research is needed. For this purpose, this paper systematically
reviews the literature on the life cycle cost analysis of wastewater treatment, focusing
on purpose, approach, methodology, integration with life cycle assessment, cost
estimation, and dealing with uncertainty. The analysis of 83 identified case studies
indicated that most of the studies are conducting for affordability and comparative
analysis. A gradual shift from conventional to environmental life cycle cost analysis
is also observed. 44% of the studies are integrated with Life cycle assessment through
different methods. However, in these integrated studies, life cycle cost analysis is used
as a secondary tool to supplement the life cycle assessment. Analytical and statistical
methods are generally used for cost estimation. Deterministic methods are most
common to deal with uncertainties.
Literature Review:
The purpose of this study is to develop environmental life cycle assessments (LCAs)
and life cycle cost analyses (LCCA) associated with decentralized (also referred to as
distributed) water treatment and reuse systems. LCA and LCCA are tools used to
quantify sustainability-related metrics from a systems perspective.For this purpose,
this paper systematically reviews the literature on the life cycle cost analysis of
wastewater treatment, focusing on purpose, approach, methodology, integration with
life cycle assessment, cost estimation, and dealing with uncertainty. The analysis of
83 identified case studies indicated that most of the studies are conducting for
affordability and comparative analysis. A gradual shift from conventional to
environmental life cycle cost analysis is also observed. 44% of the studies are
integrated with Life cycle assessment through different methods. However, in these
integrated studies, life cycle cost analysis is used as a secondary tool to supplement
the life cycle assessment. Analytical and statistical methods are generally used for cost

(7) Public infrastructural development and economic performance
in Africa: A new evidence from panel data analysis

Author: Davidmac O. Ekeocha, · Jonathan E. Ogbuabor

Abstract :
This study examined the effects of both aggregate and disaggregated infrastructural
development indices (such as transport, electricity, ICT, and water and sanitation
infrastructure indices) on economic performance in Africa. The study used the dynamic
system GMM framework and found that both aggregate and disaggregated infrastructural
development indices impact positively on GDP per capita growth in Africa. These impacts
were shown to be significant in all cases, except for the transportation infrastructure index.
The results overwhelmingly confirmed the prevalence of the symmetric hypothesis in the
infrastructure–growth relationship in Africa. The study also found some evidence in support
of the significant roles of capital, labour and initial GDP per capita in Africa’s economic
performance, while the role of trade remained negative and muted. The study concluded that
through effective public administration, African leaders and policymakers can promote
economic performance on the continent by evolving policies that favour increased
infrastructural development, human capital development and capital accumulation.

Literature Review:
One main feature of the extant literature is that most studies have hardly focussed on the
disaggregated indices of infrastructural development, such as transportation and ICT
infrastructure indices. Some of the existing studies (such as Hussain et al. 2019, which
studied Asian countries; Bottasso et al. 2018, which studied Brazil; and Baita 2020, which
studied Economic Community of West African States, ECOWAS; Pereira and Pereira 2020,
which studied Portugal) centred on the role that aggregate infrastructure plays in delivering
improved trade.
This empirical analysis began by testing for cross-sectional dependence in the panel. This is
because ignoring cross-sectional dependence in a dynamic panel model will lead to ineffcient
estimates in a panel of large cross-sectional units (N) and small time period (T) (Sarafdis and
Robertson 2009). The tests for cross-sectional dependence in this study mainly followed
Pesaran (2004), which is asymptotically efficient in panels with large cross-sectional units
and small time periods. However, other tests for cross-sectional dependence employed as
robustness checks on the results from Pesaran (2004) approach include Friedman (1937) and
Frees (1995). Table 2 reports the results of these tests for cross-sectional dependence. The
results overwhelmingly revealed the predominance of cross-sectional independence in the
panel for this study.

(8) Life cycle assessment of roads: Exploring research trends and
harmonization challenges

Author: Hoxha, E., Vignisdottir, H. R., Barbieri, D. M.

The transparency, heterogeneity and hypotheses considered in the calculation of the
environmental impacts of roads are still barriers to the identification of low-carbon solutions.
To overcome this problem, this study presents an analysis of 94 papers obtained in a
systematic literature review of the Scopus, Science Direct, Mendeley, Springer Link, and
Web of Science databases. From a total of 417 road case studies, only 18% were found to be
fully transparent, reproducible, and likely to present reliable results. The road design
parameters of the speed limit were provided in 11% of the cases, and the average annual daily
traffic data were provided in 42%. Limited data were found for the dimensions of road
elements such as the number (77%) and width of lanes (33%), shoulders (15%), footpaths
(5%), berms (1%) and foreslope (4%). The source of the life cycle inventory was presented in
57% of the case studies, impact assessment method was indicated in 22%, and the software
utilized was listed in 50%. A lack of information was noted in the description of the types of
materials employed in road projects. In addition, the large heterogeneity in the definitions of
the functional unit, system boundary and in the reference study period of repair, replacement,
rehabilitation or end-of-life for both flexible and rigid pavement does not support the
identification of the most environmentally friendly solutions. Based on the results of the
analysis, several recommendations for design parameters and life cycle assessment aspects
are proposed to support a harmonized calculation of the environmental impacts of road

Literature Review:
This paper aimed to present an analysis of the road design parameters and LCA features of
the available studies in the scientific literature. A critical overview of the studies in terms of
transparency, heterogeneity and the variability of inputs creates the basis for
recommendations for the future homogenization of LCA methodology. LCA has been used to
compare products or processes with the aim of supporting the decision making process to
reduce emissions without shifting the problem to other processes in the life cycle of the
product. For road projects, this has been difficult to accomplish without conducting an
extensive LCA. The process is time and resource consuming, and the sector would benefit
from the comparability of past and future assessments to support the general reduction of
emissions throughout the decision-making process.

(9) Environmental LCC A longitudinal literature review of life cycle costing
applied to urban agriculture

Author : Peña, Alexandra Rosa, Rovira-Val

Purpose The aim of this research is to carry out a literature review of the use of life cycle
costing (LCC) in the urban agriculture (UA) sector by analysing its evolution over a 22-year
period from its beginning in 1996 to July 2018. Methods A total of 442 references were
obtained from two principal databases, Scopus and Web of Science (WoS). After a long
refining process, 20 (4.5%) references containing the keywords LCC and UA were selected
for analysis. Then, we classified and organized the selected references in 4 groups.
Qualitative methods were used for analysis, and results on general characteristics of the 20
references and by each group were elaborated. Lastly, we discussed and concluded the most
significant findings. Limitations and future research were also included.

Literature Review:
Our major findings were as follows: (i) urban horticulture was the most studied urban
agriculture practice among studies that used LCC for UA; (ii) LCC plays a secondary role in
its integration with LCA; (iii) only 4 of the10 papers in group 1 used additional financial
tools; (iv) very few (3) papers appropriately applied the four main LCC stages; and on the
other side, essential costs like infrastructure, labour, maintenance, and end-of-life were
frequently not included.
Since we found that life cycle assessment (LCA) was the predominant methodology, we
suggest that future research apply both LCA and LCC analyses at the same level. The LCC
analysis was quite incomplete in terms of the costs included in each LCC stage. We
recommend that the costs at the initial or construction stage be considered a necessity in
future studies in order to implement these new systems on a large scale. Due to the limited
use of labour cost at the operation stage, we also suggest that labour be included as an
essential part of the urban production process. Finally, for more complete LCC analysis for
UA, we recommend (i) that all LCC stages be considered and (ii) that additional financial
tools, such as net present value (NPV), internal rate of return (IRR) and payback period
(PBP), be used to complement the LCC analysis.



Table 3.1


Life-cycle cost analyses are conducted within the context of the traditional design or problem-
solving process. The Lowest Life cycle cost assessment of fluid flow system includes following

1. Firstly, we have identify and define the objective of our project.

2. Finding the alternative ideas for our project which can reduce the overall life cycle cost of
fluid flow system.
3. Choosing the best alternative idea to make our project and estimating the various cost .
4. The various cost include in LCC process are:-
• Initial Costs—Purchase, Acquisition, Construction Costs
• Operation, Maintenance, and Repair Costs
• Replacement Costs
• Residual Values—Resale or Salvage Values or Disposal Costs
• Finance Charges—Loan Interest Payments
5. Finding the various factors which will reduce the life cycle cost of our project.
6. Finalizing and implementing the best idea which will give maximum project benefit at
lowest cost .


• Till now we have visited our college water supply system which was installed
newly to prevent the fire accident in the college.
• We also talk to the engineer who is supervising this system and he has told about
that how whole water supply system is working .
• Through this we have get some idea and knowledge that how LCCA is a
important thing in any project.
• We are going to identify and analyze the various factors and cost which will
reduce the overall life cycle cost of this project.
• At last we are going to implement all knowledge and idea to complete the Life
Cycle Cost Assessment of fluid flow system .

Fig 3.1 Fig 3.2

Fig 3.3 Fig 3.4


• We have found that there could be some routing which could be avoided or changed, that
means to reduce the flow usage so it is better to avoid he unnecessary flow usage.
• Some of the ideas could be changing the pump speed or trimming the impeller diameter.
• If impeller dies of higher size or if pump is of higher size.
• Install appropriate speed control devices to take care the need of fluctuating pumping
• If pump configuration found improper better consider alternative pump configuration.
• It is seen that there are many number of bends which actually unnecessary so by improving
pipe routing the losses could be minimize and it is recommended to improve piping



• From this project we have learn that Life Cycle Cost is very important thing to
conduct before going to start any new big project.
• It helps to reduce the overall Life Cycle Cost of project.
• Life cycle costing is a strategic decision making tool towards evaluating alternative
options for capital investment planning in health care environment is reiterated.
• After completing this analysis ,we are able to select best alternative ideas which
will give maximum output and benefit of fluid flow system at lowest at minimum

Today, even in developed countries, performing life-cycle assessment (LCA) is still a challenging
and complex process, mixed with the possibility of significant errors namely due to unreliable
input data derived from unrepresentative sampling. Some scientific texts illustrate the so-called
Sman World-where such errors are minimized via the exchange of information between
everything globally. This may sound contradictory to the fact that now almost half the world
population do not even have internet access. However, this chapter shows-by reasoning. review,
and synthesis of the literature, theories, and data-that the emergence of the Smart World is
plausible. Yet, it will not necessarily he sustainable, unless "smartness" is (re)defined in line with
the Sustainable Development Goals. Otherwise, also, LCA might become obsolete, or its goals
may transmute to non-sustainable ones. Focusing on examples from the construction industry and
their interactions with other sectors, some shortcuts are also suggested to facilitate innovations
and development of LCA and decision-making procedures.

 Rant Reddy, V., Jayakumar, N., Venkataswamy, M., Snehalatha, M., & Batchelor, C. (2012).
Life-cycle costs approach (LCCA) for sustainable water service delivery: a study in rural
Andhra Pradesh, India. Journal of Water, Sanitation and Hygiene for Development, 2(4), 279-
 Ilyas, M., Kassa, F. M., & Darun, M. R. (2021). Life cycle cost analysis of Wastewater
Treatment: A systematic review of literature. Journal of Cleaner Production, 127549.
 Kambanou, M. L. (2020). Life Cycle Costing: Understanding How It Is Practised and Its
Relationship to Life Cycle Management—A Case Study. Sustainability, 12(8), 3252.
 Barringer, H. P., Weber, D. P., & Westside, M. H. (1995). Life-cycle cost tutorials. In Fourth
International Conference on Process Plant Reliability, Gulf Publishing Company
 Peña, A., & Rovira-Val, M. R. (2020). A longitudinal literature review of life cycle costing
applied to urban agriculture. The International Journal of Life Cycle Assessment, 25, 1418-
 Hoxha, E., Vignisdottir, H. R., Barbieri, D. M., Wang, F., Bohne, R. A., Kristensen, T., &
Passer, A. (2021). Life cycle assessment of roads: Exploring research trends and harmonization
challenges. Science of the Total Environment, 759, 143506.
 Ekeocha, D. O., Ogbuabor, J. E., & Orji, A. (2021). Public infrastructural development and
economic performance in Africa: a new evidence from panel data analysis. Economic Change
and Restructuring, 1-20.
 Morelli, B., Cashman, S., Ma, C., Garland, J., Bless, D., & Jahne, M. (2019). Life cycle
assessment and cost analysis of distributed mixed wastewater and graywater treatment for
water recycling in the context of an urban case study (p. 162). EPA/600/R-18/280.
 Alaloul, W. S., Altaf, M., Musarat, M. A., Javed, M. F., & Mosavi, A. (2021). Life Cycle
Assessment and Life Cycle Cost Analysis in Infrastructure Projects: A Systematic

Thank You


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