Year 8 Assessment Support Sample Unit 8hb
Year 8 Assessment Support Sample Unit 8hb
Year 8 Assessment Support Sample Unit 8hb
Level 4 habitats.
Level 4 Students state some uses of Students describe how physical Students explain why some rocks Students describe some of
cement and other products and biological weathering affects are porous and/or more easily worn the environmental effects of
from limestone. rocks. away by referring to their texture. quarrying and mining.
Students name some rocks Students describe how igneous Exemplar: students state that rocks Exemplar: students state
with interlocking grains and and sedimentary rocks are formed. with interlocking grains are that mining and quarrying
some with rounded grains. Exemplar: students state that generally more resistant than rocks can cause pollution.
Students state that rocks such igneous rocks are formed when formed from rounded grains
as limestone contain calcium molten rock cools down, and that cemented together.
carbonate. sedimentary rocks are formed Students link the properties of some
when small pieces of rock rocks to their uses.
become cemented together.
Level 5 Students describe how Students explain why certain Students use knowledge of the Students recall that some
metamorphic rocks are rocks are used for certain grain structures of different types of metals are found in their
formed. applications. rock to explain how to classify a native states so that no
Students describe how Students explain the factors that rock as igneous, sedimentary or chemical changes are
chemical weathering affects affect the cooling rate of lava and metamorphic. needed to extract them.
rocks. how this affects crystal size. Exemplar: students state that rocks Exemplar: students state
Assessment Task
Students describe some Exemplar: students state that made from interlocking grains are that gold can be found in its
different ways in which rocks lava and magma forced into igneous or metamorphic, and that native state.
can be eroded narrow gaps cool quickly and grains in metamorphic rocks are Students explain some
form rocks with small crystals. often lined up or in layers. advantages of recycling
Exemplar: students state that
rock fragments can be Students explain the link Students use their knowledge of metals.
transported in rivers and between water/wind speed and grain structure to explain why Exemplar: students state
streams, by the wind, by the size of fragments carried. sedimentary rocks are more that recycling can make our
gravity or by glaciers/ice. susceptible to weathering and supplies of metals last
erosion than igneous and longer and/or reduce the
metamorphic rocks. costs and energy needed
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for extraction.
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that granites/
gabbros are
formed when
magma cools
underground, or
that basalt is
formed when
lava cools on
the surface or
magma cools in
dykes or sills.
Level 7 Students explain how formulae Students explain the difference in Students use
are used to show the ratios of crystal size within an intrusion in density
the different elements in a terms of cooling rate and particles. measurements
mineral. They explain why the method used to show that the
to extract a metal, and the cost of density of
this, is related to its position in the igneous rocks
reactivity series. depends on the
minerals they
Assessment Task
Exemplar: students explain that
aluminium is more expensive to
extract than iron because it is more
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8 H
Assess Yourself!
Now that you have completed the activity, circle the number of stars next to each of these
sentences to describe how well you did.
I have…
stated some uses for rocks. * * * * *
stated some effects of quarrying.
* * * * *
stated some uses of cement and other products made using limestone. * * * * *
described how igneous and sedimentary rocks are formed. * * * * *
described how physical and biological weathering affect rocks.
* * * * *
explained why some rocks are porous and more easily worn away. * * * * *
described at least two environmental effects of quarrying and mining. * * * * *
described how metamorphic rocks are formed. * * * * *
described how chemical weathering affects rocks. * * * * *
described at least two ways in which rocks can be eroded, and how the * * * * *
fragment sizes carried depends on the speed of a fluid.
explained how magma or lava can cool at different rates and how this affects * * * * *
crystal size.
explained how to use the texture of a rock to classify it as igneous, * * * * *
sedimentary or metamorphic.
explained why sedimentary rocks are more easily weathered by referring to * * * * *
the texture.
explained some advantages of recycling metals. * * * * *
explained at least one type of physical weathering in terms of the effects of * * * * *
expansion and contraction on the rock.
explained how the sizes of crystals in igneous rocks can show where the rock * * * * *
was formed.
explained the differences in crystal sizes within an intrusion in terms of cooling * * * * *
rate and particles.
explained why the method and cost of extracting a metal depends on the * * * * *
position of the metal in the reactivity series.
used density measurements to show that the density of igneous rocks depends * * * * *
on the minerals they contain.
Quick Quiz
Answers Marks
Topic Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4
8Ha B D C B
8Hb B C A B
8Hc B D A D
8Hd A D C A
8He C A B A
1 Val found the mass of some rock samples and then put them in a bowl of water for half an
hour. She took them out and dried them with a paper towel, and found their masses again.
The table shows her results.
Rock sample A B C
a Explain how this information shows that rock B is a metamorphic or igneous rock.
[2 marks]
b Which rock had the biggest gaps between the grains?
Explain your answer.
[1 mark]
c Explain why Val needed to find the difference in mass ÷ mass at start for each rock.
[1 mark]
2 The bottom of this river is covered in rocks
and stones.
a Draw a sketch of a piece of rock you might
find at D and one you might find at F.
There should be two differences between
your two drawings.
[1 mark]
3 We obtain some metals from the Earth by mining ores. Metals can also be recycled.
Describe two advantages of recycling metals.
[2 marks]
4 The rocks at G and I were formed when molten rock (liquid rock) cooled down.
The magma at I cooled down more slowly than the lava at G.
a Explain why the rocks at I have larger crystals than the rocks at G, using ideas about
[3 marks]
[1 mark]
c How will the texture of the rocks differ at I and J? Explain your answer.
[2 marks]
5 This diagram shows four places – L, M, N, and O. Each has different weather conditions.
[2 marks]
[1 mark]
[1 mark]
Describe the differences in the conditions in which the two rocks were formed. Explain how you
worked out your answer.
[2 marks]
7 The drawing shows the sketch that a geologist made of the grains in part of a cliff face.
This is how she thinks the grains that made the rocks were deposited.
The grains were deposited over a number of years by a river that got most of its water
every spring from melting snow. The sediments were deposited fairly close to the
mountains from which they were eroded.
Explain how the evidence supports the geologist’s explanation. One mark is for writing your
answer in a sensible order using correct spelling and grammar.
[4 marks]
1 Rocks have different properties. Write down two ways in which the properties of two rocks may
be different.
[2 marks]
[2 marks]
[2 marks]
4 Val found the mass of some rock samples. She then put them in a bowl of water for half an
hour. She took them out and dried them with a paper towel, and found their masses again.
The table shows her results.
Rock sample G H I
a Work out the difference in mass ÷ mass at the start, and write your answers in the table.
[1 mark]
[1 mark]
[1 mark]
d Explain why you needed to find the difference in mass ÷ mass at start for each rock.
[1 mark]
[1 mark]
b Other metals are extracted from rocks. What is the name for a rock that is mined so that the
metal can be extracted?
[1 mark]
[1 mark]
6 This gravestone has been standing for over 100 years. It is made from limestone.
Rain has fallen on it, and chemical weathering has worn parts of it away.
a What makes all rain water acidic?
[1 mark]
b What happens when rainwater weathers the gravestone?
[1 mark]
[2 marks]
b Explain what caused the changes in the rocks.
[1 mark]
[1 mark]
[2 marks]
[1 mark]
9 This diagram shows four places – Q, R, S and T. Each has different weather conditions.
[2 marks]
[1 mark]
[1 mark]
They identify at least one appropriate each jelly mixture
control variable from a list of choices. moves).
Level 4 Students make a prediction with a Students use simple Students plot simple Students draw a Students suggest
reason. apparatus bar charts where straightforward conclusion and improvements in
They select appropriate apparatus appropriately and possible (bar charts identify the evidence that they their work, giving
(e.g. ramp, different jelly mixtures, follow instructions may have small have used. simple reasons
stopclock). carefully. errors, such as They identify simple patterns in (e.g. ‘I should
They decide on an appropriate In fair tests, they vary missing units, axes their data and relate their repeat experiment
approach including using a fair test to one factor while labels and slightly conclusions to those patterns 1 because I spilt
answer a question. keeping others the inappropriate scales. (e.g. ‘thicker chemicals are some of the jelly;
same (which may However, the bars more ‘sticky’ and don’t move I should use the
They plan to change one variable and
require some should be plotted as easily, so they will not run same amount of
measure another.
assistance) (e.g. they accurately, e.g. as fast’). jelly for each test to
They write a method as a series of number of cubes of make this a fair
use different jelly They communicate their
steps, including what they will look for jelly vs. time taken to test’).
mixtures and keep conclusions using appropriate
(e.g. decide to measure time it takes reach 15 cm down the
other factors the same). scientific language (e.g. use
each jelly to run a certain distance on a slope).
WS Investigations
ramp with a fixed slope). If questioned, they are the word ‘speed’ correctly).
able to state clearly
They state one way in which they
the intervals between
and/or others will remain safe.
measurements and the
range of
Following instructions,
they take action to
control obvious risks to
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cubes of jelly used to make a mixture risks to others as well Or a scatter graph longer to run a certain to the temperature
and the distance it travels down a ramp as themselves may be attempted, distance’). of the jelly to
in a set time). (e.g. identify the need e.g. with jelly mass They point out inconsistencies reduce any effects
to mop up any spilled on the x-axis and and anomalies in their data. due to cooling of
They plan a systematic approach,
water). time taken to travel the jelly while it is
which includes the number and the They communicate these
15 cm on the y-axis). still flowing).
overall range of measurements. using scientific and
(e.g. they plan their own investigation, mathematical language and
possibly with the help of Worksheet conventions (e.g. use terms
8Hb-3; they plan to test at least five such as ‘volume’ and
WS Investigations
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suitable spread of results, or to find an well as the time). concentration in units much water in it and this is every second to
appropriate range of concentrations). They identify the need such as grams of what caused it to travel faster see if the speed
to repeat jelly/volume of water, than I would have expected’). changed during the
They explain how their chosen
measurements and and draw an They manipulate numerical experiment’).
apparatus will allow them to collect
observations accurately plotted data to make valid They discuss the
data to appropriate degrees of
(e.g. repeat results or scatter graph). comparisons and draw valid usefulness of the
accuracy and precision.
compare results with They decide whether conclusions (e.g. calculate jelly as a model for
They take account of some less
those from other to include or ignore concentrations in g/cm3 and lava.
obvious variables that need to be
groups). inconsistencies and use the measured distance
WS Investigations
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difficulty in keeping the jellies at repeat the experiment slowly’). differences
constant temperature, and explain how with a different slope They use scientific knowledge between jelly and
cooling jelly might become more to check that the jelly and understanding to explain lava, for instance
viscous). concentration has the these conclusions (e.g. ‘the that lava’s viscosity
They explain how their methods will same effect at different more viscous jellies take is determined by its
allow them to account for potential angles). longer to flow, so they have chemical
sources of error that they have They recognise the more time to cool down during composition, not on
identified, so that they can collect good need for, and carry the experiment, which will the concentration of
quality evidence. out, a simple risk make them even more viscous a solution).
WS Investigations
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8 H
Progression Check
Draw a ring around a number of stars for each statement. If you are very confident about a
statement, draw your ring around all the stars. If you do not know anything about a statement do
not draw a ring.
Copy these sentences and complete them using one of the linking Copy these sentences and complete them using one of the linking
words or phrases in the box. words or phrases in the box.
Write more than one ending for each sentence if you can. Write more than one ending for each sentence if you can.
and because but however so such as and because but however so such as
therefore to when which therefore to when which
1 Rocks in the Earth can get hot enough to melt … 1 Rocks in the Earth can get hot enough to melt …
4 Movements within the Earth can squeeze rocks … 4 Movements within the Earth can squeeze rocks …
5 Igneous rocks do not have layers … 5 Igneous rocks do not have layers …
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8 Hb
Quick Check Literacy
Washington News
Are you prepared??
You think that only developing countries suffer from devastating landslides and flooding?
Think again!
Imagine being caught in a flood, but this flood rushes along at over 70 kilometres per hour and
is a lethal mix of suffocating mud and death-dealing rocks. It would be like being buried in
speeding concrete – if you didn’t drown in the mud or get battered to death by the rocks, you
would be buried alive.
This concrete-like monster is what geologists call a lahar, and one could be unleashed at any
time by Mount Rainier. The weakened slopes of this volcano are a disaster waiting to pounce on
the residents of thousands of unwary residents of Washington State. Spring is a lovely season
with melting snow and flowers beginning to bloom, but the season is more sinister on this
threatening mountain. Melting water from the snow cover oozes through the volcano and further
weakens the already fragile rocks. It would only take a small tremor to set off an annihilating
landslide that would engulf towns and destroy or entomb buildings, animals and people.
3 Rewrite the article in three sentences using unemotive language and to achieve a plain,
factual style.
4 Write down two more things that would be needed to make this into a trustworthy report.
On your answer sheet, write in or circle the correct letter for each question.
C The slower water is moving, the larger A a mineral that contains a metal.
the particles it can carry. B a rock that contains minerals.
D Water can transport larger particles C a rock that contains enough of a
than wind. valuable mineral to make it worth
D a mineral that contains iron.
1 Which is the best statement to complete
this sentence? 2 How do we obtain metals such as iron?
Sedimentary rocks are formed when: A They are extracted from their ores
using chemical reactions.
A sediments are compacted and then
cemented. B They are extracted from their ores
using physical methods.
B sediments are cemented and then
compacted. C They are found in rocks in their
native state.
C sediments are buried and compacted.
D They are made from other metals.
D rocks are weathered and eroded.
3 Which statement about mining is not true?
2 Fossils are usually:
A skeletons of animals. A Mines can cause pollution to water
B different layers of sediment.
B Mining is cheaper if steps are taken to
C very old animals. control pollution.
D the shapes of dead animals or plants C Digging a mine leads to destroying
that were buried in sediments. habitats.
3 Which statement describes some of the D Mines can cause noise and dust.
ways in which metamorphic rocks are
different from sedimentary rocks? 4 Which statement describes an advantage
of recycling metals?
A Metamorphic rocks do not contain
crystals and are very porous. A It will make our supplies of metal ores
last longer.
B Metamorphic rocks are softer, more
porous and have large grains. B It increases the energy needed to
C Metamorphic rocks may be harder, less produce metals.
porous and have crystals that may be C It increases the amount of material sent
lined up. to landfill sites.
D Metamorphic rocks are softer, less D It costs money to collect and sort scrap
porous and may contain clear fossils. metals.
The Quick Quiz is to see how much you already know about a subject. It also gives you some idea
of the things you will soon be learning about. Record your answers in the answers column. Shade
in or tick the ones you get right.
Rock textures
Rocks are made of grains. Each grain is made of a naturally occurring compound called a
mineral. The texture of a rock is a description of the size and shape of the grains.
Example of texture
Fossils can form when dead plants or animals fall to the bottom of the sea. If their remains get
covered by other sediments they do not rot. As the sediments turn into sedimentary rock, the
shape of the organism is preserved in the rock. When a dead organism forms a fossil, its form
can still be seen because its hard parts have been turned into stone.
8Ha – Disaster!
Word Pronunciation Meaning
eruption When lava or ash comes out of a volcano.
volcano A mountain that shoots out molten rock.