Testicular Examination OSCE Guide
Testicular Examination OSCE Guide
Testicular Examination OSCE Guide
Dr Lewis Potter
Download the testicular examination PDF OSCE checklist, or use our interactive OSCE
Wash your hands and don PPE if appropriate.
Briefly explain what the examination will involve using patient-friendly language:
“Today I need to carry out an examination of your genitals, this will involve me examining
your penis, testicles and the surrounding region.”
Explain the need for a chaperone: “One of the ward staff members will be present
throughout the examination, acting as a chaperone, would that be ok?”
Gain consent to proceed with the examination: “Do you understand everything I’ve said?
Do you have any questions? Are you happy for me to carry out the examination?”
Explain to the patient that they’ll need to remove their underwear and lie on the clinical
examination couch, covering themselves with the sheet provided. Provide the patient
with privacy to undress and check it is ok to re-enter the room before doing so.
Ask the patient if they have any pain before proceeding with the clinical examination.
Penis, groin and abdomen
Inspect the patient’s penis, groin and abdomen for relevant clinical signs:
Paraphimosis 1
Chancre 2
Varicocele 3
Fournier's gangrene
Examine the penis for relevant clinical signs:
Retract the foreskin (if the patient is not circumcised) and check for phimosis
(narrowing of the foreskin). If you are unable to retract the foreskin, ask the patient
to try and do this themselves.
Open the urethral meatus to assess patency.
Inspect the glans for abnormalities (e.g. ulcers, warts, discharge, scarring).
Replace the foreskin once examined to prevent paraphimosis (a condition in which
the retracted foreskin obstructs venous return from the glans, resulting in painful
swelling of the glans).
If abnormalities have been identified during the process of inspection or the patient is
concerned about a particular testicle, perform an examination of the ‘normal’ testicle first.
Ask the patient to report any pain or discomfort they experience during the examination.
Testicular palpation
Use both of your thumbs and index fingers to gently palpate the whole testicle, whilst
your remaining fingers remain placed behind the testicle to immobilise it.
Palpation of the testicle involves a gentle rubbing motion between your thumb and
index finger to methodically examine the whole body of the testicle.
If you are unable to locate a testicle, palpate along the path of the inguinal ligament
for an undescended testicle (if the patient also has a scar in their inguinal region this
would suggest a previous orchidectomy or orchidopexy).
Cough impulse: the presence of a cough impulse is suggestive of an underlying
inguinal hernia or varicocele.
Ability to get above the lump: the inability to get above the mass during palpation
is suggestive of an inguinal hernia (you should be able to get above a scrotal mass).
Palpate the epididymis which is located at the posterior aspect of the testicle:
tenderness is indicative of epididymitis (e.g. chlamydia).
Spermatic cord
The spermatic cord is the cord-like structure in males formed by the vas deferens and
surrounding tissue that runs from the deep inguinal ring down to each testicle.
Begin palpation of the spermatic cord from the superior aspect of the testicle using
your thumb and index finger. The spermatic cord should be palpable connecting to the
testicle at this region. Palpate along the cord assessing for masses (e.g. spermatocele)
and tenderness.
Phren’s test
Phren’s test is used to differentiate testicular pain caused by acute epididymitis and
testicular torsion.
The test involves elevating the testes to assess the impact on the testicular pain. A
reduction in testicular pain is associated with epididymitis.
Although this test can provide some clinical value it is inferior to Doppler ultrasound
when trying to rule out testicular torsion.
Cremasteric reflex
The cremasteric reflex is a superficial reflex which is elicited when the inner part of the
thigh is stroked. Stroking of the skin causes the cremaster muscle to contract and pull up
the ipsilateral testicle toward the inguinal canal. Loss of the cremasteric reflex is
associated with testicular torsion, but it should not be relied upon up in isolation for
ruling the condition in or out (a Doppler ultrasound should always be performed).
Inspect and palpate the posterior scrotum for evidence of varicocele (a palpable mass
that feels like ‘a bag of worms’) or a hernia (a mass which you cannot get above).
To complete the examination…
Explain to the patient that the examination is now finished and provide them with privacy
to get dressed.
Example summary
“Today I examined Mr Smith, a 64-year-old male. On general inspection, the patient
appeared comfortable at rest and there were no objects or medical equipment around the
bed of relevance.”
“On inspection, there were no abnormalities identified, however, on palpation, there was a
1cm smooth solid mass noted in the left side of the scrotum, separate from the
testicle. The mass was fluctuant, non-tender and transilluminated. I was able to get
above the mass and there was no cough impulse.”
“In summary, these findings are consistent with an epididymal cyst or a spermatocele.”
“For completeness, I would like to perform the following further assessments and
Key points:
Epididymal cyst
Key points:
An epididymal cyst is a benign, smooth, extra-testicular, spherical cyst in the head
of the epididymis.
Typical clinical findings include a fluctuant mass, separate from the testicle that
Key points:
Key points:
Key points:
Epididymitis involves the progressive painful swelling of the epididymis +/- testicle
If the patient is aged under 35, it is likely due to a sexually transmitted infection (e.g.
If the patient is aged over 35, urinary pathogens such as E. Coli are the most
common cause.
Testicular torsion
Key points:
Testicular torsion involves the twisting of the spermatic cord resulting in the sudden
loss of testicular blood supply.
Typical clinical features include sudden onset severe testicular pain, scrotal
erythema and a swollen retracted testicle.
If there is suspicion of testicular torsion a scrotal ultrasound should be performed
immediately and surgical exploration is warranted.
Testicular malignancy
Key points:
Testicular malignancy most commonly affects males aged between 20-40 years old.
In the early phase of the disease, there are few, if any, systemic symptoms with the
only clinical feature being a solitary solid testicular mass.
If there is suspicion of testicular malignancy patients should have an urgent
ultrasound scan of the testicles, chest x-ray and tumour markers checked (Beta-
HCG, Alpha-fetoprotein and Lactate Dehydrogenase [LDH]).
Treatment is most commonly inguinal orchidectomy.
Key points:
Unilateral testicular atrophy involves the shrinkage of one testicle which may occur
following mumps, vascular compromise (e.g. missed testicular torsion) or surgery
(e.g. orchidopexy or inguinal hernia repair).
Key points:
Key points:
Mr Kenneth Mackenzie
Urology Registrar
1. Drvgaikwad. Adapted by Geeky Medics. Paraphimosis. Licence: CC BY.
2. Pygmalion. Adapted by Geeky Medics. Chancre. Licence: CC BY.
3. Fisch12. Adapted by Geeky Medics. Varicocele. Licence: CC BY.