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Supplement to ISOfocus
July 2016
International Standards in process
ISO/CD 6469-3 Electrically propelled road vehicles — Safety
specifications — Part 3: Protection of persons
against electric shock
An International Standard is the result of an agreement between
the member bodies of ISO. A first important step towards an Interna- ISO/DPAS Electrically propelled road vehicles — Magnetic
tional Standard takes the form of a committee draft (CD) - this is cir- 19363 field wireless power transfer — Safety and
culated for study within an ISO technical committee. When consensus interoperability requirements
has been reached within the technical committee, the document is
ISO/CD TS Electrically propelled mopeds and motorcy-
sent to the Central Secretariat for processing as a draft International
19466 cles Test conditions & method of regeneration
Standard (DIS). The DIS requires approval by at least 75 % of the
energy system for performance evaluation of
member bodies casting a vote. A confirmation vote is subsequently
motor and inverter
carried out on a final draft International Standard (FDIS), the approval
criteria remaining the same. TC 23 Tractors and machinery for agriculture
and forestry
ISO 5395- Garden equipment — Safety requirements for
1:2013/CD combustion-engine-powered lawnmowers
Amd 1 — Part 1: Terminology and common tests —
Amendment 1
ISO/DTR Test methods to evaluate the sensitivity of
21540 irrigation emitters to clogging related to water
ISO/CD Intelligent transport systems — Vehicle ISO/IEC/IEEE Systems and software engineering - Manage-
13185-3 interface for provisioning and support of ITS CD 26511 ment of information for users of systems,
Services — Part 3: Unified gateway protocol software, and services
(UGP) server and client API specification ISO/IEC CD Information technology — Home Electronic
TC 206 Fine ceramics 15067-3-3 System (HES) application model — Part 3-3:
Model of distributed energy management
ISO/CD 20407 Fine ceramics (advanced ceramics, advanced agent (EMA) for demand response energy
technical ceramics) — Test method for inter- management
facial tensile and shear fatigue properties of
ceramic joining at constant amplitude ISO/IEC CD Information technology — Security techniques
9798-3 — Entity authentication — Part 3: Mechanisms
TC 210 Quality management and correspond- using digital signature techniques
ing general aspects for medical
ISO/IEC Information technology — Coding of audio-
devices 14496- visual objects — Part 12: ISO base media file
ISO/CD Connectors for reservoir delivery systems for 12:2015/PDAM format — Amendment 2
18250-1 healthcare applications — Part 1: General 2
requirements and common test methods ISO/IEC CD Information technology — Conformance test
ISO/CD Connectors for reservoir delivery systems 19823-13 methods for security service crypto suites —
18250-6 for healthcare applications — Part 6: Neural Part 13: Crypto suite Grain-128A
applications ISO/IEC CD Information technology — Radio frequency
TC 211 Geographic information/Geomatics 21277 identification device performance test methods
— Crypto suite
ISO/CD 19142 Geographic information — Web Feature
Service ISO/IEC CD Information technology — Real Time Locating
24770-5 System (RTLS) device performance test meth-
ISO/CD 19143 Geographic information — Filter encoding
ods — Part 5: Chirp spread spectrum (CSS) at
TC 215 Health informatics 2,4 GHz air interface
ISO/DTS Health Informatics — Categorial structures ISO/IEC CD Information technology — Learning, education
16843-3 for representation of acupuncture — Part 3: 40183 and training — Quality management, assur-
Moxibustion ance and metrics
ISO/CD Health Informatics — Categorial structures for
16843-4 representation of acupuncture — Part 4: Merid-
ian and collateral channels
ISO/DTR Health infomatics — Medication management
20831 concepts and definitions
DIS circulated
They have been submitted to the ISO member bodies for voting by (Revision of ISO 14180:1998)
the date shown.
TC 30 Measurement of fluid flow
* Available in English only
in closed conduits
ISO/DIS 12764 * Measurement of fluid flow in
closed conduits — Flowrate
Vote measurement by means of vor- 2016-09-16
terminates tex shedding flowmeters inserted
in circular cross-section conduits
TC 2 Fasteners running full
(Revision of ISO/TR 12764:1997)
ISO/DIS 10683 * Fasteners — Non-electrolytically
applied zinc flake coatings TC 31 Tyres, rims and valves
2016-09-13 ISO/DIS 29802 * All terrain (AT) tyres and rims —
Symbol marked pneumatic tyres
(Revision of ISO 10683:2014) on 5 degree tapered rims — 2016-09-15
TC 4 Rolling bearings Designation, dimension, marking
and load ratings
ISO/DIS 1206 * Rolling bearings — Needle roller (Revision of ISO 29802:2009)
bearings with machined rings —
Boundary dimensions, geometri- 2016-09-20 TC 34 Food products
cal product specifications (GPS) ISO/DIS 19657 * Definitions and technical criteria
and tolerance valuess for food ingredients to be con-
(Revision of ISO 1206:2001, ISO sidered as natural 2016-09-11
1206:2001/Amd 1:2013)
TC 17 Steel TC 39 Machine tools
ISO/DIS * Calculation method of carbon ISO/DIS * Woodworking machines —
14404-3 dioxide emission intensity from 19085-10 Safety — Part 10: Building site
iron and steel production — Part 2016-09-19 saws (contractor saws) 2016-09-09
3: Steel plant with electric arc
furnace (EAF) and coal-based or
gas-based direct reduction iron TC 43 Acoustics
(DRI) facility ISO 16283- * Acoustics — Field measurement
ISO/DIS 3887 * Steels — Determination of the 1:2014/DAmd of sound insulation in buildings
depth of decarburization 1 and of building elements — Part 2016-08-30
2016-09-14 1: Airborne sound insulation —
Amendment 1
(Revision of ISO 3887:2003) TC 45 Rubber and rubber
TC 21 Equipment for fire protec- products
tion and fire fighting ISO/DIS 1825 * Rubber hoses and hose assem-
ISO/DIS * Fire detection and alarm systems blies for aircraft ground fuelling
7240-18 — Part 18: Input/output devices and defuelling — Specification 2016-09-14
(Revision of ISO 1825:2010)
(Revision of ISO 7240-18:2009) ISO/DIS 3949 * Plastics hoses and hose as-
ISO/DIS * Fire detection and alarm systems semblies — Textile-reinforced
7240-22 — Part 22: Smoke-detection types for hydraulic applications 2016-09-15
equipment for ducts 2016-09-15 — Specification
(Revision of ISO 3949:2009)
(Revision of ISO 7240-22:2007) ISO/DIS * Rubber and/or plastics hoses
ISO/DIS * Fire protection — Automatic 8028.2 and hose assemblies for airless
6182-14.2 nozzle systems — Part 14: Re- paint spraying — Specification 2016-08-16
quirements and test methods for 2016-08-14
water spray nozzles (Revision of ISO 8028:1999)
TC 76 Transfusion, infusion
and injection, and blood TC 96 Cranes
processing equipment for ISO/FDIS 4302 * Cranes — Wind load assessment
medical and pharmaceuti-
cal use 2016-08-05
ISO/FDIS * Metallic and other inorganic ISO/FDIS * Air filters for general ventila-
19477 coatings — Measurement of 16890-2 tion — Part 2: Measurement of
Young's modulus of thermal bar- 2016-08-18 fractional efficiency and air flow 2016-08-18
rier coatings by beam bending resistance
(Revision of ISO/TS 21220:2009)
TC 108 Mechanical vibration,
ISO/FDIS * Air filters for general ventilation
shock and condition 16890-3 — Part 3: Determination of the
monitoring gravimetric efficiency and the air 2016-08-18
ISO/FDIS * Mechanical vibration — Meas- flow resistance versus the mass
10815 urement of vibration generated of test dust captured
internally in railway tunnels by 2016-08-11 (Revision of ISO/TS 21220:2009)
the passage of trains ISO/FDIS * Air filters for general ventilation
ISO/FDIS * Mechanical vibration — Torsional 16890-4 — Part 4: Conditioning method
22266-1 vibration of rotating machinery to determine the minimum frac- 2016-08-18
— Part 1: Land-based steam 2016-08-04 tional test efficiency
and gas turbine generator sets in (Revision of ISO/TS 21220:2009)
excess of 50 MW TC 150 Implants for surgery
(Revision of ISO 22266-1:2009)
ISO/FDIS * Implants for surgery — Metal-
ISO/FDIS * Methods for the calibration of 5832-3 lic materials — Part 3: Wrought
16063-32 vibration and shock transduc- titanium 6-aluminium 4-vana- 2016-08-11
ers — Part 32: Resonance 2016-08-11 dium alloy
testing — Testing the frequency (Revision of ISO 5832-3:1996)
and the phase response of ac-
celerometers by means of shock ISO/FDIS * Implants for surgery — Partial
excitation 7206-12 and total hip joint prostheses
(Revision of ISO 5347-14:1993) — Part 12: Deformation test
method for acetabular shells
TC 114 Horology
TC 170 Surgical instruments
IEC/FDIS Primary batteries — Part 3:
60086-3 Watch batteries ISO/FDIS * Surgical instruments — Materials
7153-1 — Part 1: Metals
(Revision of IEC 60086-3:2011) 2016-08-04
ISO * Heat-treatable steels, alloy steels and ISO Microbiology of the food chain —
683-2:2016 free-cutting steels — Part 2: Alloy 16140-2:2016 Method validation — Part 2: Protocol
steels for quenching and tempering F for the validation of alternative (pro- G
prietary) methods against a reference
TC 21 Equipment for fire protection
and fire fighting ISO Microbiology of the food chain —
17468:2016 Technical requirements and guidance
ISO * Fire protection — Foam fire extinguish- on establishment or revision of a A
7076-3:2016 ing systems — Part 3: Medium expan- standardized reference method
sion foam equipment B
ISO * Food safety management systems —
22004:2014 Guidance on the application of ISO
TC 22 Road vehicles 22000 E
ISO 3536:2016 * Road vehicles — Safety glazing materi-
als — Vocabulary TC 35 Paints and varnishes
ISO Binders for paints and varnishes —
4629-1:2016 Determination of hydroxyl value — Part
ISO * Road vehicles — Symbols for controls, 1: Titrimetric method without using a B
2575:2010/ indicators and tell-tales — Amend- catalyst
Amd 5:2016 ment 5 XZ
ISO Binders for paints and varnishes —
4629-2:2016 Determination of hydroxyl value — Part
TC 24 Particle characterization includ- 2: Titrimetric method using a catalyst A
ing sieving
ISO 9044:2016 * Industrial woven wire cloth — Technical TC 36 Cinematography
requirements and tests
ISO 7739:2016 * Cinematography — Two-track photo-
graphic analogue sound records on 16
mm motion-picture prints — Positions A
TC 27 Solid mineral fuels and width dimensions
ISO * Hard coal and coke — Mechani- TC 37 Terminology and other language
13909-1:2016 cal sampling — Part 1: General and content resources
introduction B
Standards withdrawn
ISO 23600:2007 (reconfirmed)
TC 184 Automation systems and integration
Period from 01 June to 30 June 2016
TC 188 Small craft
ISO 6185-1:2001 (reconfirmed)
TC 23 Tractors and machinery for agriculture
ISO 6185-2:2001 (reconfirmed) and forestry
ISO 8665:2006 (reconfirmed) ISO 11448:1997 (replaced by )
ISO 13342:1995 (reconfirmed) TC 34 Food products
ISO 13591:1997 (reconfirmed) ISO 16140:2003 (replaced by ISO 16140-1:2016, ISO
ISO 13592:1998 (reconfirmed) 16140-2:2016)
ISO 15584:2001 (reconfirmed) ISO 16140:2003/ (replaced by ISO 16140-1:2016, ISO
Amd 1:2011 16140-2:2016)
TC 195 Building construction machinery and
equipment TC 35 Paints and varnishes
ISO 16039:2004 (reconfirmed) ISO 4629:1996 (replaced by ISO 4629-1:2016)
21 Shanghai (China) TC 5 Ferrous metal pipes 31-4 Cheonan (Korea, TC 23/SC 6 Tractors and machin-
and metallic fittings Republic of) ery for agriculture and
22-23 Orlando (USA) TC 24/SC 4 Particle charac- for crop protection
terization includ-
ing sieving/Particle November 2016
characterization 1-4 Arlington (USA) ** TC 22/SC 36 Road vehicles/Safety
24 Tokyo (Japan) * TC 79/SC 9 Light metals and their and impact testing
alloys/Symbolization 4 Frankfurt * TC 291 Domestic gas cook-
24-26 Tokyo (Japan) ** TC 79/SC 11 Light metals and their (Germany) ing appliances
alloys/Titanium 7-8 Seoul (Korea, * TC 159/SC 4 Ergonomics/Ergo-
24-27 Osaka (Japan) * TC 126 Tobacco and tobacco Republic of) nomics of human-
products system interaction
24-28 Tokyo (Japan) ** TC 79 Light metals and their 7-8 London (United * TC 241 Road traffic safety
alloys Kingdom) management systems
24-28 Tokyo (Japan) ** TC 164 Mechanical testing of 7-11 Sydney * TC 98 Bases for design of
metals (Australia) structures
13-17 (Norway) ** TC 215 Health informatics 1-2 Sapporo (Japan) * TC 265 Carbon dioxide
capture, transporta-
14-15 Milton (Canada) TC 44/SC 8 Welding and allied tion, and geological
processes/Equip- storage
ment for gas welding,
cutting and allied 5-9 Sydney * TC 217 Cosmetics
processes (Australia)
14-15 Toronto (Canada) * TC 44/SC 10 Welding and allied 6-9 Dublin (Ireland) * TC 275 Sludge recovery,
processes/Quality recycling, treatment
management in the and disposal
field of welding 8-9 Petten TC 197 Hydrogen
14-18 Toronto (Canada) * TC 44 Welding and allied (Netherlands) technologies
processes 9 Berlin (Germany) * TC 44/SC 6 Welding and allied
15-16 Toronto (Canada) * TC 44/SC 7 Welding and allied processes/Resistance
processes/Represen- welding and allied
tation and terms mechanical joining
9-1 Tokyo (Japan) * PC 294 Guidance on unit 16-17 Geneva ** COUNCIL Council
pricing (Switzerland)