JFK's Visit To White Sands - MEWS Later Agenda

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.-, .I ' '
.. ,. . . . . .
rrt m!IWIY
\ 'ed.r.eBda.y 5 J une 1963
Arr 1 ve: HollOIIICl.n A 1 r Por ce B-ase )
rr e-w Kcxi co

1 J\lne 1963
TnLuaport.a\LOD 1're.nater Cb&Dp tra.neport..at. Loo rrc. Pr .. l4tnt.1&1 alrcratt. to

Travel t o WSMn Kq &rea
fram llAFB
By htltcopter
ProJect MRWS
Trave.l l'l"'a W!IKR \.0 Rl Pato
InUrnationa.l. Atrpon.
. . .. '*' ' f' 'l'
. . 'v.' ..
' .
111:25-lt.l>S !ra..,l to 11!M1 11q U"O& troa P>-uident an4 hio U...1114t.6 part1 11111 trovel 1D t!n-<e
Pretldentia1 Addreoo
1455- 1505 l'rAvol to L<wncb Site ill
by OOd(UI ,
1,05-1508 Intoduct1on
Soc""t""Y of the Arey
t-.eUc::optere to the Dea4quartere area. AU other peraonnel
vtll be helicopter transported t o t o
lAunch Site #l.
1..'he P:-eata..nt vUl. addreee Post pe:ncMel 1n the vicinit7
ot 8e61Squarter .
!nle imrr.t:diato Ptetidentio.l put-t)' vill be t ronaported 1n tod.u.na.
In a.dditionJ one bue carrying other 41Sn1tar1"a and preat
pool Y1l.l touov.
Secretazy V.noo vlU wle""" tb4 Pruldont an4 411tlnphlw4
Viaitora t o White Sanda.
1508-1510 l!orcat Jdln P1r1ne

( 3)
SergetUlt tntrcd.uctlon
An Hoout JCibn lau.ncher
v1th IIOU.nted rocket, vUl be
in trc.tt or thO at&ncla. A brS.t't1" v1U coocW'ftntl7 4eecr1bo
tho action ana oyote111 CQ,pabilHStl. AttentS.Otl Will be dro-.m
to two RJ lau.nohetrLI nt tl greAtor dUtanoe from the
eta.nda and to a 11:1J)oct vee.. A vl'.Jt.e pbOiphoroul
a hi1b1de 10
Sergeant launcher and vehicles vill be located
to the r ight troat ot the ete:m vi tb rocket aotor oo boca
on4 a ldutl.e ueu1bly cperaticlc vUl. c:anti:.ue. A br1eter
vill outl1M th action \lhieh v1ll occur as a er cv eontJnues
1 ta loading Ope! ration,
A L1tloJolm l&w>c:bine oeetion vUl t.. londed b:r boUcoptor
in & r1rlns aroa about l;oo )'li1'4Ao in l'ront ot otando M4
Cllt)lncod. Attot tho hol1c:optor doploytl\Ont., o.nothor L1ttloJohn
I.Aunc:hlqo ... t1on vUl be brouaJlt 1-at .. to} berore the
vtovtns ot&D41 b:r Joop. A brlor.r vlll the ""tlon
'il'ft:tleJolu>rui ''6

Sc:rsaant C-let.d
Ded:lon:st.rotion Md
llawk Pirirc
de.oD.;tratecS by troops . A br1ete r viU do1oribo the
actlono 0114 tM cl\l)abUitiea of' thllt t .Ytoa. li!l'lon the
helicopter eanp.Lt.ecmont 1o oorr.plcto4, a torcot sreeto vill 'bo
pointed out Gntl tM miaeile riNd.. W' ilil.a &;ac;lotrnt1on a1n1lo
to mr<:h ord4N<I, i!ttcr.ucc, v.IU ".a"J u bo clro.vn to tM
SL<roant 4caonltraUcn.
A brietcr v1U the tinol eroetlon proco Bo
rill thon 41rect tbe attention t o tvo 111u1loa
eJllPlo.oed to tho l ett front of otMdl W"'d briofl.y deocr1be
t he f1 r1 na DO(I.Ubr.ce.
A a.uxillaey tire control unit v1ll be to the
lett tront or tbe a'tAnds. Briefer v1ll 4eec.ribe the e.etlon
an4 tJ:'e ca.pel)Utttea ot the syats. 1bt viever's .e.ttentioo
vU.l then bo directed tn Bn..,.k lo.unohcra e:apl.eeed to the
rJ.sht l'ront And to 11 t<F-Bo drone movtnc 1nto tbe t:Lru>J. en-
gqement otea. Havk. missile v:lll bo 1.8\.U'Ichod c.gain.st a
QF- Bo, 1715 X yar41, 2,000 teot al titu4e.
tr"" lAunch Site ll
to lAunch Slto {/2 aci!M
ltike Rereul.es .Pirl.llg
l(i:)3l6o8 Pershing (NOD-.P'1r1ng
( 5)
PrctD1do.nt1Al. po.rty wil.l proceed 1n eodru1s t o Ln\UlOh Stto
fe a:tr1v1na 5 minutoa bet o:ro the ba.l.Mco Of
tho })CU'ty. lll.l. othar pen onnel Y1U bo bua to
that lo.unoh o.reo..
A Hercules missile on a lo.unehing r ail vill be uncovered in
tront of the stands o.nd er ected. to a firing JIOsitt on. A
brietervill deser1be the Improved Hercules
eapo.bU!tlea . He ... 'ill t hen describe tho vbJ.cb
i s &lout to occur :md the .ocquencc of events e.s the
Hercules target r.:d.se1le i c leunched :from. the .. range
tacility . Attention vill t hen be directed b tbe launch
area., 1200 yards to the trent, and t he killer m:l.esUe vill
be fired.
A ndos1le l4unching section con!Siatins or tvo tracked vchicl e a
vil.l be in poe!U on 1n :rront ot the viewing atande. The
l!d.estlc Vill be orect4d to i te 90 degree lAunch llllgle . '1\le
briefer v::lll describe t he action Md point O'l.lt the
103 5 ee.pab!Ut1eo of' the sys tem.
.. 16131616
( 3)
. ' 1616-1626
( 10)
Talos 11r 1n&
Nlkg z-eue rtrlns
PnMnt.Uon ot Prttdpa'tina
Troops t o the Pres idmt.
A Taloa atsetle mounted on & mill ile trailer will be
brought int o the de-monstration area in tront. of tbe
st.ends. Tbe llavy briefer vlli deaer1be tbe m.uue
system and pOl.nt O".lt the capebWUea or the syat..m.
1'be a tullie v1U be l.eWlebe4. in a Nlvo at a QF-8o
drone , nt. 20 K ya.rds , 20 K t eet. ltt. t ude .
A K1.ke Zoua al u lle v1U l><t hCM\ 1n t.be 41l110netr at1oo-
area 1n f'roat. or the at.a.Dd. e . A brt orer v111 upla.1c Jl
t.be purpoue or the test aDd. explai-n t.he Met e t naJec
tory t.be mt aalle vill follow. A crou aeettoo or the
le:uncher vUl t hen be r'own, and a Zeus missile
f i red.
Reprcaent.t.Uv ll'Qupl ot J!CI"IOnnd fn. llOMit. JOhn,
t.U.tb Jabn, &ergeMt, HAvt and Perlhlna c.nwa vill 'be
as&embl.ed. 1n f'ront ot t he eta.nda. A non--
Commlas1one4 Ott1oer t ram t ho Strgeant crew will present
t he Preeident with a model ot t he Sergeant misaile, and
a plaque v lll 'btl preu.cnted to the Vice Preal
dent .

J.o :lb-1.6 56
Pres14ent trGvel t to Zeus Complex
tram LaWI<h Glto by oedan
othc<ra t ravel t.o Ze\la Coa,pl e::x.
by bua.
2.eua Claaal rt.ed Brlettng
f'or Pret14tmt
Preddcntial ps. rty a s de&1gnated .
Other: zeua tac111t1ot be polnted out and
deterlbed by eacorta eoroute.
Doolpud (PMildent1o.l Party {) :!',
'!'be vtU travel t.o f'eC41hlna ndar anterme
bu1lclln& ThY will be &ivtn brtor l\&lllr!llry of tho p,
prosrrun to dat.o . A dt&Jil &y board vill O:Xpl a.in tho
Nlkc "X .. planned fac111tltta a.nd the Sp'r1nt mi&sUc .
A tour or the building will 1nolude of &
tlmuJ.at<l lll.ke zeus en.pgcoe.nt ot At'l 1ncO!!l!ng ICBM end
what. t.hl ncdrtng radaa. VOU.l4 Me . COIIPUted lntorme-
Llon vUl bG portrayed a.t l t. be Knt. to the
1ntereep-t1nc alNUe. t.o\lr in t.bh b\LU41na vW
e.Dd. by the pa.rty visiting tbe antenna roaa where t.t.ey
v1ll the huge a.oteona rot.atlnc e.a ittJ operation
vill be expl ained .

: 1656-1659

( 5)
1659 17011
( 5)
( 25)
Meet Hercules, Talos and
Zeuo t1rlns per aonnel
President tro.vels to Zeus
Complex Aitstrip
depart \ISMR
Prelldent tN.vola to El Pa.oo
Int erna.tional Airport from
The President will meet and greet these t1r1ng
personnel represente.ti"'es upon exit from the radar
building, Press coverase will be accommodated.
( Deaign.ated Presidential Party)
During thls time the other fac111ttes 1n Zeus
a.-rea \1111 be pOinted out (i.e., B9.ttecy Control build
1ng, la\Ulch a.:rea, acqtli&it1on radar sending tmit
Remainder or Preeiduntial perty and 'Pt'()GO
proceed by bu.s t o ZettS Complox A 1 r:strip. Other a
proceed to Ft Bliss or El Paso by bus.
By helieoptor .

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