Bibat Final Chapter

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Chapter 1


Disasters are unexpected; they can be human-made or natural calamities

that affect the community and lead to death and damage to infrastructure

and agricultural properties. IOM-UNICEF (2016) has stated that the Philippines is

one of the world's most disaster-prone countries. Because of the location of the

Philippines, along the Pacific Ring of Fire and the Typhoon Belt, the Philippines

experiences daily earthquakes and, on average, 20 typhoons a year, becoming

more frequent and extreme.

The Philippine government enacted the Republic Act (RA) 10121 or the

Philippine Disaster Risk Reduction and Management Act of 2010, promoting a

more proactive system of preparing for disasters than a reactive response-based

system. This approach was institutionalized through the National Disaster Risk

Reduction and Management Framework and Plan. This Framework and Plan

serves as a guide for government agencies and units, humanitarian

organizations, and other actors in implementing programs and projects on four

thematic areas of DRRM, namely: 1) prevention and mitigation, 2) preparedness,

3) response, and 4) rehabilitation and recovery, with the goal of "safer,

productive and disaster-resilient Filipino communities towards sustainable

development" (IOM-UNICEF, 2016).

1.1 Background of the study

According to Monreal, R. (2017), catastrophic events do not only directly

affect the impact area. The extraordinary levels of damage, a large number of

casualties, extensive population displacement and relocation, and prolonged

“Disaster-Resilient Bambootecture: A Multi-functional Disaster Relief Shelter in Tayug, Pangasinan” 1|P age
disruption to critical infrastructure and economy have nationwide


These concurrent events emphasized the need for better local

preparedness planning to include the establishment of robust evacuation

centers to mitigate risk and lessen human life threats (IOM-UNICEF, 2016).

Furthermore, as the Global Cluster Lead Agency of Camp Coordination and

Camp Management (CCCM), IOM supports and strengthens the government's

and communities' capacity to plan and implement mass evacuations during

natural and human-induced disasters. It acknowledges that building resilient

community evacuation centers is an important component of community-

based DRRM and an avenue for improving community awareness on DRRM.

Senate President pro-tempore Ralph Recto (2019) proposes a "one town,

one evacuation center program," the centers would be sturdy enough to

withstand earthquakes of up to intensity eight and typhoon winds of up to 300

kilometers per hour, the usual weather resiliency measurement. When not in use,

the centers can serve as a multi-purpose hall, housing libraries or used for sports

and other community events. Constructing such centers will require significant

funding, but saving lives will be an investment (The Philippine Star, 2019).

Furthermore, the impact of some emergencies may be of a scale and

complexity that exceeds the capability of existing evacuation center

arrangements, placing additional demands on Government services beyond

those that have been experienced to date, like additional needs for prolonged

displacement. Such situations may require the establishment of a Mass

Evacuation Center (MEC) under the control of the State Emergency Operations

Controller (SEACON) (Moneral, R. (2017).

“Disaster-Resilient Bambootecture: A Multi-functional Disaster Relief Shelter in Tayug, Pangasinan” 2|P age
Thus, the proposed study of a Disaster Relief Shelter can host day or night

community events, but when calamity strikes, it can take evacuees. Besides, the

secondary function of the proposal is to cater to a community center to be the

focal point of the municipality by integrating the Bamboo architecture concept.

The study will be located at one of the provinces of Pangasinan, the

Municipality of Tayug, one of the potential locations for the proposed Disaster

Relief Shelter.

Map 1. The Default Map of Tayug, Province of Pangasinan. From Google Map, Google 2019,
Retrieved from

Tayug is a landlocked municipality in the coastal province of Pangasinan,

as shown by Map 1. The municipality of Tayug has a land area of 51.24 square

kilometers or 19.78 square miles, constituting 0.94% of Pangasinan's total area.

From its population, as determined by the 2015 Census was 43,149. This data

represented 1.46% of the total population of Pangasinan province or 0.86% of

the population of the Ilocos Region. Based on these figures, the population

density is computed at 842 inhabitants per square kilometer or 2,181 inhabitants

per square mile (PSA, 2015 Census).

“Disaster-Resilient Bambootecture: A Multi-functional Disaster Relief Shelter in Tayug, Pangasinan” 3|P age
San Roque Dam

Map 2. Flood Hazard Map of Pangasinan. From LiPAD, LiDAR Portal for Achieving and
Distribution (2019), Retrieved from

Map 2 shows the flood hazard map of Pangasinan, indicating that the

municipality of Tayug was considered as not vulnerable to flooding due to the

topography level. But as seen in the map, Tayug is surrounded by mildly

vulnerable. It is because the San Roque Dam is only 25 kilometers away from the

municipality of Tayug, see Map 3. And due to the release of water from the San

Roque Dam, connected municipalities suffer from flooding since water runs

through the Agno River that also part of the municipality of Tayug (see Image 1).

Image 1. San Roque Dam in Pangasinan (left); Agno River during Southwest Monsoon
monitoring (right). From LGU Tayug, (2019), Retrieved from

“Disaster-Resilient Bambootecture: A Multi-functional Disaster Relief Shelter in Tayug, Pangasinan” 4|P age

Viray River

Agno River

Map 3. Distance of the Municipality of Tayug to San Roque Dam. From Google Map, Google
2019, Retrieved from

In the maps and images (Map 1, Map 2, Map 3, and Image 1) provided

by the municipality, some evidence proved that Tayug, Pangasinan is one of

the least vulnerable to flooding yet can sustain a major evacuation center and

is suitable to have a disaster-resilient development. By incorporating this kind of

development, it would gradually address the issue of the town and neighboring

town's casualties during calamities including structural and non-structural

measures to strengthen the resilience of persons, communities, and their

assets, see Table 1 & 2 for the data of distances of other possible municipalities

to cater on the project.

“Disaster-Resilient Bambootecture: A Multi-functional Disaster Relief Shelter in Tayug, Pangasinan” 5|P age
Table 1.1. Distances of most possible municipalities from Tayug, Pangasinan (data from


San Nicolas, Pangasinan 5.19 km

Sta. Maria, Pangasinan 7.06 km

Table 1.2. Distances of least possible municipalities from Tayug, Pangasinan (data from


Natividad, Pangasinan 8.25 km

San Quintin, Pangasinan 8.87 km

Furthermore, according to Romero (2019), interviewed from Recto, "one

of the reasons we should put them up (evacuation center) is that they will

prevent schools from becoming default evacuation sites during calamities

practice, which turns students into displaced persons when their learning is

disrupted." Also, from The Philippine Star (2019), "Schools are not designed for

mass housing. There have been numerous cases of diseases spreading in

crowded evacuation centers, where there is often an inadequate supply of

water and basic sanitation facilities. Children and the elderly are the most

vulnerable to health risks in such cramped evacuation site."

The study aims to present an architectural solution and plan and design a

Disaster Relief Shelter that will showcase Bamboo architecture solutions as part

of the development that will serve as a community center during normal days.

The building has the following components such as (a) park and recreational

“Disaster-Resilient Bambootecture: A Multi-functional Disaster Relief Shelter in Tayug, Pangasinan” 6|P age
venue; (b) learning and training center; (c) DRRM offices; (d) evacuation center;

(e) medical and relief preparation center. Furthermore, this project will

eventually become a reference to the future development of a disaster relief

center or evacuation centers to other parts of the country.

1.2 Objectives of the Study

The proposed Disaster-Resilient Bambootecture: A Multi-Functional Disaster

Relief Shelter established a set of goals and objectives to guide the flow of this

thesis paper.

1.2.a. Goal:

The goal of the study is to develop a bamboo architecture inspired

concept as an architectural solution for the identified needs and enhance the

disaster-resilient community of the said municipality. Thus, the proposed study is

to design a Disaster-Resilient Bambootecture: A Multi-functional Disaster Relief

Shelter in Tayug, Pangasinan.

1.2.b. Objectives:

The content of the objective would focus on the solutions for the design

development of the Disaster Relief Shelter in Tayug, Pangasinan that incorporate

disaster-resilient bambootecture inspired concept. The objective of the study

categorized into three aspects, as follows:

A. To identify the need for the study of a Disaster Relief Shelter

A1. Present situation

a. Site situation

b. Climatic Condition

“Disaster-Resilient Bambootecture: A Multi-functional Disaster Relief Shelter in Tayug, Pangasinan” 7|P age
c. Environmental Hazard

d. Previous disaster data

A2. Site Accessibility

a. Location/Road Networks

B. To determine the functionality and receptiveness of existing designs of a

Disaster Relief Shelter.

B1. Adequacy of present facilities

B2. Materials used

C. To design a Disaster-Resilient Bamboo architecture inspired concept for a

Multi-functional Disaster Relief Shelter.

C1. Bambootecture

a. Availability of Materials

b. Criteria/ Analysis

C2. Disaster-Resilience

a. Community/users

b. Building Character

c. Structural Stability

1.3 Significance of the Study

The significance of the proposed Multi-functional Disaster Relief Shelter in

Tayug, Pangasinan varies from different related aspects as follows:

1.3.a. Safety Significance

“Disaster-Resilient Bambootecture: A Multi-functional Disaster Relief Shelter in Tayug, Pangasinan” 8|P age
The study will benefit the locals of Tayug, Pangasinan by enhancing and

ensuring the safety and security during and after disasters. Other neighboring

locals will also benefit from the study.

1.3.b. Educational Significance

The study will benefit the young generation by having the Disaster Relief

Center a temporary educational hub. These facilities will allow them to enhance

their knowledge and interest outside their schools.

It also helps to improve and remove the custom of having schools as an

evacuation center, which is not ideal since using schools as default evacuation

centers displaces students.

1.3.c. Social Significance

The study will benefit the social relations between government authorities

by providing a safe and secure community.

It also enhances community involvement to socialize and have a

healthier life.

1.3.d. Architectural Significance

The study will prove and empower the thinking of many people in

architecture, that it is important to integrate architectural solutions and

approaches in designing and planning facilities, in this case, a Disaster Relief

Shelter since the goal of this study is to provide temporary housing for the

evacuees during disasters.

1.3.e. Researcher Significance

As for the researcher, this study will improve and help her community to

implement disaster risk reduction and resilience strongly. Not only to her

“Disaster-Resilient Bambootecture: A Multi-functional Disaster Relief Shelter in Tayug, Pangasinan” 9|P age
municipality but including the neighboring municipalities and the whole country.

The researcher also takes it as a way of saving lives.

1.4 Scope and Limitation

1.4.a. Scope

The scope of this study is to provide architectural solutions that would

benefit the municipality of Tayug, Pangasinan. The total area of the proposed

site is almost 3.8 hectares catering to the Multi-functional Disaster Relief Shelter.

The researcher will only focus on developing the conceptual form of the

building, planning of the areas, spaces, zoning, and circulation, physical

character, and orientation. To present this scope, the researcher will provide

architectural drawings, documents, standard guidelines, laws and codes, and

digital and scale model presentations regarding the proposed Disaster Relief


1.4.b. Limitations

The researcher will only focus on the topics mentioned in the study's scope

and exclude the following:

The researcher will only provide architectural design, floor plans, scale

models, and animations as a method for presentation, excluding the structural,

electrical, and plumbing documents unless required as supporting data.

Also, due to lack of time, the researcher will not integrate political issues,

the budget of the construction, and other aspects that will not be part of the

scope of architectural solutions, unless required as supporting data.

“Disaster-Resilient Bambootecture: A Multi-functional Disaster Relief Shelter in Tayug, Pangasinan” 10 | P a g e

And for the site observation and development, the researcher will only

conduct during the scope of the construction of the study and will not consume

the whole year to observe and only focus on the designated site for the

development of the proposed multi-functional disaster relief shelter.

1.5 Conceptual Paradigm


A. Need for the study B. Functionality and C. Architectural inspired

Receptiveness of concept applying
a. Present Situations existing designs. Disaster-Resilient
- Site situation Bambootecture
- Climatic Condition a. Adequacy of
- Environmental Hazard present facilities a. Bambootecture
- Previous disaster data - Availability of
b. Material used Materials
b. Site Accessibility - Criteria/Analysis
- Location
- Road Networks b. Disaster-Resilient
- Community/users
- Building Character
- Structural Stability


Application of site analysis, Gathering data Gathering data and

site data gathering, regarding existing information regarding
observations and gathering designs and facilities bamboo construction
of previous data that can through the and being a disaster-
help to identify the needs mentioned resilient material through
of the study. municipalities and by journals, articles, thesis,
article through the etc.
web will improve and
give an adequate


“Disaster-Resilient Bambootecture: A Multi-functional Disaster Relief Shelter in Tayug, Pangasinan” 11 | P a g e

“A proposed Disaster-Resilient Bambootecture: A Multi-Functional Disaster Relief

Shelter in Tayug, Pangasinan”

1.6 Review of Related Literature

The following related literature will compose foreign and local studies and

actual experiential learning with regards to the Disaster Relief Shelter.

1.6.1. Needs for the study

According to Estember, R., and Abiog, M. (2018), the Philippines is

among top five high-risk countries which experienced natural disasters such as

earthquake, flash floods, mudslides, typhoon, and volcanic eruptions. The

Philippines had experienced five floods, eight storms in the form of tropical

cyclones and earthquakes in 2013. The landslides occurred in the areas

surrounded by the mountains and coastlines. Based on the Department of

Environment and Natural Resources, Mines and Geo-Science Bureau

(DENR0MGB) had listed the top 10 provinces prone to landslides such as

Benguet, Mountain Province, Nueva Vizcaya, Kalinga Apayao, Southern Leyte,

Abra, Marinduque, Cebu, Catanduanes, and Ifugao. Meanwhile, top flood-

prone provinces were Pampanga, Nueva Ecija, Pangasinan, Tarlac,

Maguindanao, Bulacan, Metro Manila, North Cotabato, Oriental Mindoro, and

Ilocos Norte.

Also from previous calamities like Typhoon Yolanda (International

name: Haiyan) made its first landfall in November 2013 in the Philippines, in

Eastern Samar, with the eye of the storm passing directly over the municipality of

Tacloban. "Peak winds reached 380 km per hour (235 mph) with sustained wind

speeds of 315 km per hour (195 mph). The town suffered heavy damage to
“Disaster-Resilient Bambootecture: A Multi-functional Disaster Relief Shelter in Tayug, Pangasinan” 12 | P a g e
property, 110 people were killed, and 3,625 were injured" as recorded. As for the

province of Eastern Samar, as is common in most areas frequently affected by

tropical cyclones, populations living in high-risk areas evacuate to safe shelters

(commonly public buildings such as schools and churches) in advance of the

storm's arrival. The Philippines is no exception. However, Yolanda wrought

catastrophic damage not only to habitat but to buildings previously used as

evacuation centers (IOM.OIM, 2014).

Besides, Pangasinan province, also listed as flood and typhoon-

prone province located in the west-central area of Luzon, proved to be

vulnerable to those disasters. Pangasinan is the third biggest province in the

Philippines, which constituted almost 42% of the region and 2% of the total

Philippine area. There are 28% or 49 out of 175 typhoons that entered the

Philippine area of responsibility directly affected the province. The Pangasinan's

Provincial Disaster Risk Reduction and Management Council (PDRRMC) reported

a total of 405 casualties due to typhoons where 188 were reported died, 183

people were injured, and 34 people were missing (Estember, R. and Abiog, M.,


There are some considerations in taking a suitable site or evacuation area,

such as: (IOM.OIM, 2014)

a. Many displaced persons prefer to remain as close to the home site as


b. Some individuals will have evacuated themselves and made their

arrangements, therefore, it may not be necessary to shelter the entire

evacuated population;

c. Disruption to work, school and social arrangements should be


“Disaster-Resilient Bambootecture: A Multi-functional Disaster Relief Shelter in Tayug, Pangasinan” 13 | P a g e

d. The accommodation should be located away from potential hazards

or secondary hazards; structurally sound; follow existing building codes

e. Use of smaller evacuation centers where possible, as self-regulation

within smaller groups, is more likely and solidarity may be fostered;

f. Special shelter arrangements may be necessary for more vulnerable

individuals in cases where basic shelter may not meet their needs.

Suppose animals, livestock, and pets have been transported out of the

evacuation zone. In that case, they will also need to be considered within plans

to provide shelter, and suitable facilities for the sheltering or accommodation of

animals must also be pre-identified (IOM.OIM, 2014).

Another thing to consider, according to Parmar, R. (2019), "a good site

location is a matter of balancing all aspects of the site, by prioritizing

requirements and considering how both site and building will impact on each

other. A good building location can also enhance the sustainability, energy

efficiency, and passive design features of a home, resulting in cost savings and

greater comfort for the inhabitants".

In conclusion, site analysis will determine the criteria for site planning of a

Multi-functional Disaster Relief Shelter. Thus, this section will be the researcher's

base in achieving one of the study's objectives, which is the site viability and the

need for the Disaster-Resilient Relief Shelter study.

1.6.2. Functionality and Receptiveness of existing designs.

The data provided the general information on the evacuation system

being implemented in the study area; to include the following: regulatory

background of evacuation, institutional set-up, evacuation procedures, and

“Disaster-Resilient Bambootecture: A Multi-functional Disaster Relief Shelter in Tayug, Pangasinan” 14 | P a g e

standard criteria in identifying the present evacuation sites and the problems

concerning the evacuation system.

Figure 1.1. Samar Types of Evacuation Center Buildings (Post-Yolanda situation). From
IOM.OIM, 2014, Retrieved from 20140924-EC_BuildingDesignDevelopment.pdf

Figure 1 shows data like status and types of evacuation centers during the

post-Yolanda incident. The most vulnerable type of structures, as seen in the

figure, is the Daycare centers and schools followed by Municipal Hall, Barangay

Halls, and Multi-purpose halls, which should be the least to be destroyed during


Besides, those used as evacuation centers during typhoons must be

located in areas safe from floods and must have strong roofing to protect the

evacuees. The duration of the stay of the affected residents in the evacuation

centers will depend on the nature of the hazards. The stay in the evacuation

centers during typhoons and floods usually ranges from a few hours to one day.

The evacuees usually return to their residences once the warning signal has

been lowered or the flood has already subsided (Jica, ND).

“Disaster-Resilient Bambootecture: A Multi-functional Disaster Relief Shelter in Tayug, Pangasinan” 15 | P a g e

In the study area covering 21 barangays, there are an estimated

population at risk of 8,200 out of 43,149 population in the municipality that is

usually evacuated at times of disasters to 1 identified evacuation center, the

town plaza covered court (basketball court) with an estimated area of 800sqm

that also serves as a small office and equipment storage for the MDRRMC shown

in Image 2.

Image 1.2. Tayug, Pangasinan Covered Court as Evacuation Center. From Author, (2020)

According to the Disaster Report in Pangasinan, the province strike by

major typhoons named Pepeng (2009), with estimated casualties is about 465

dead, 207 injured, 47 missing and also with the same year typhoon Ondoy (2009),

464 dead, 529 injured, 37 missing estimated casualties. The most severe typhoon

in Pangasinan is the Typhoon Ompong (2018), with at least 2,335 families in 26

areas in Pangasinan who were evacuated. According to a Provincial Disaster

Risk Reduction Office (PDRMMO, 2018) report, these families, which total to

“Disaster-Resilient Bambootecture: A Multi-functional Disaster Relief Shelter in Tayug, Pangasinan” 16 | P a g e

about 9,507 individuals, are temporarily seeking refuge from strong winds, harsh

rain, and flooding due to the typhoon Ompong (Gavilan, 2018).

Furthermore, according to Ibon (2015), a report from the CCCM

Philippines also attested to the substandard construction of the bunkhouses. The

CCCM Bunkhouse Assessment Report raised concerns over bunkhouse

conditions ranging from lack of drainage systems and toilets. Some bunkhouse

sites were flood-prone due to construction deficiencies such as outward

swinging doors and gaps in the wall partitions between units. The report also

noted that the space of the bunkhouse unit allotted to one family of five was 50%

below sphere standards, as set by The Sphere Project. The Sphere Project is a

voluntary initiative that brings humanitarian agencies together to ensure

people's standards and rights affected by disasters.

International architect Jun Palafox (2015), who has worked with 38

countries in rebuilding disaster-hit areas, also confirmed that the various

international organizations found the bunkhouses to be substandard and

undersized. He stated that bunkhouses in Leyte, for example, violated building

code with living spaces being too cramped and lacking privacy and that the

materials used such as plywood were fire hazards. Palafox also noted that the

same materials blown away by Typhoon Yolanda were being used again in

building the bunkhouses.

Therefore, coming up with a unique and viable idea that will serve as a

solution for disaster situations will be identified in the Disaster Relief Shelter

proposal. This solution will help to attain the common principles and rights of an

individual during a disaster, the right to life with dignity, the right to receive

humanitarian assistance, and the right to protection and security. This principle

concludes that the present concept of evacuation in the Philippines is not

“Disaster-Resilient Bambootecture: A Multi-functional Disaster Relief Shelter in Tayug, Pangasinan” 17 | P a g e

viable to attain those rights of every individual, so, therefore, the integration of

new solutions that will be the Biotecture inspired concept for disaster resiliency

will be integrated to the proposal.

1.6.3. Architectural inspired concept applying Disaster-Resilient Biotecture

1.6.3a. Bambootecture

According to the article by RSG (2009), a growing awareness of the

importance of the natural environment led to the recognition that even a

human-made environment could never be a wholly man-controlled

environment. It could not disconnect itself totally from the natural world around


Concern over the pollution and depletion of natural resources led to a greater

appreciation of nature expressed in "Natural Wood Walls, Bamboo Furniture,

Greenhouses, and Indoor Gardens." Biotecture seeks to take advantage of

nature's workings to produce the desired conditions without unwarranted side

effects, instead of expending great quantities of energy and material resources

to create and maintain an artificial environment. The goal of biological

architecture is to produce a human habitat compatible with the habitats of the

other life forms on this planet and wholly integrated into the natural cycles of

water and air circulation, using clean energy and reusable materials, and

capable of changing in response to changing conditions.

The data in section as part of the architectural concept of

bambootecture, the Bamboo structure, will be integrated. And according to

the article of Jain (2015), entitled "Bamboo as a Building Material," states that

"bamboo, as a building material has high compressive strength and low weight,

has been one of the most used building material as support for concrete,

“Disaster-Resilient Bambootecture: A Multi-functional Disaster Relief Shelter in Tayug, Pangasinan” 18 | P a g e

especially in those locations where it is found in abundance. Due to a distinctive

rhizome-dependent system, bamboos are one of the fastest-growing plants in

the world, and their growth is three times faster than most other species of plants.

They are a renewable and extremely versatile resource with multi-purpose

usage. Among many uses of Bamboo, housing is one of the major areas

applications, especially in the wake of residential shortages around the globe."

Furthermore, from the article of Mahdavi, Clouston & Arwade (2011),

entitled "Development of Laminated Bamboo Lumber: Review of Processing,

Performance, and Economical Considerations," stated that as the focus is drawn

toward more sustainable construction practices, use of Bamboo as a structural

building material is growing as a topic of interest. It is highly renewable, has low

embodied energy, and has the highest strength-to-weight ratio of steel,

concrete, and timber. Composite lumber made from Bamboo, termed

laminated bamboo lumber (LBL), has gained the particular interest of

researchers and practitioners of late since it has Bamboo's mechanical

properties manufactured in well-defined dimensions, similar to commercially

available wood products. Its primary drawbacks are that it is difficult to connect

and is more costly than competing, locally available materials.

One of the material integration on the planning is the laminated bamboo

lumber. Laminated bamboo lumber is a relatively new concept that involves

gluing bamboo material in various forms (e.g., strands or mats) to form

rectangular boards, similar to lumber. Despite its commercial potential, only a

small body of research on LBL exists in the literature. Two patents exist—the first

patent, by Chu, entitled "Bamboo board" [U.S. Patent No. 4,810,551 (1989)],

describes a product that is similar in a layup to plywood. The second, "Parallel

randomly stacked, stranded, laminated bamboo boards and beams" (1996), is

“Disaster-Resilient Bambootecture: A Multi-functional Disaster Relief Shelter in Tayug, Pangasinan” 19 | P a g e

similar in a layup to parallel strand lumber (PSL). The second patent describes

the composition of the beam as bonded bamboo segments—specifically,

"bamboo stalks that are split open and dried in segments ranging from 1=4 to

3=4. in width to approximately 5–20 ft in length. The core may contain gaps as a

result of the cross-sectional shape of the bamboo segments and the

randomness of the stacking of the segments" (Mahdavi, Clouston & Arwade,

2011), see Figure 2 for the process of laminated bamboo lumber.

Figure 1.2. Laminated Bamboo Lumber. From Designing Buildings Wiki, Retrieved from

Moreover, Akwada (2017) from his article entitled "Bamboo Use in

Construction Industry: How Sustainable is it?", states that, regarding how

sustainable Bamboo is used as construction material, one can state that

Bamboo is a functional graded composite plant with a short regenerative

growth lifecycle making it sustainable material for construction (Gratani et al.

2008 and Van der Lugt et al. 2009). It can be harvested in three to five years, as

“Disaster-Resilient Bambootecture: A Multi-functional Disaster Relief Shelter in Tayug, Pangasinan” 20 | P a g e

opposed to ten to fifty years for most softwoods and hardwoods. It grows in

almost any climate, and it replaces itself very quickly (Gratani et al. 2008).

Bamboo has been in existence for thousands of years with multiple

applications in all fields of structural engineering but has not suffered any

destruction across the globe (Van der Lugt et al. 2009). A sample of history for

the durability of bamboo construction during disasters, like the "7.5 earthquakes

in Limón, Costa Rica, in April 1991 destroyed homes built with concrete and

rebar, but all 20 of the more-flexible bamboo houses at the earthquake's

epicenter remained standing. When three typhoons swept into the Cook Islands

in 2005, producing winds of 173 mph, they devoured everything in their path

everything, that is, except a group of bamboo houses on the beach" (Best,

2017). It is a far more environmentally safe and sustainable option than other

modern construction materials like corrugated metal, artificial plaster, and

chemically treated wood and brick (Van der Lugt et al. 2009). It requires minimal

energy for processing before use; it leaves no environmental footprint. Afterward,

it is affordable and readily available (Yu et al. 2011 and Van der Lugt et al.


According to Schröder (2010), most countries have no standard building

codes for Bamboo, making it difficult for those who wish to use the material in

construction. There is a kind of legal uncertainty surrounding the determination

of certain bamboo properties such as fire resistance, strength properties,

durability, and so on, which implies that there is an urgent need for regulations

and standards. Strength properties for Bamboo have already been tested by

universities around the world and present outstanding results, which are, in many

cases, much superior to conventional building materials. However, building

code standards require more than the strength properties of material alone,

other properties to consider are Durability, Fire Safety, Environmental Impact,

“Disaster-Resilient Bambootecture: A Multi-functional Disaster Relief Shelter in Tayug, Pangasinan” 21 | P a g e

user Safety & Energy Efficiency. Fire resistance and durability are areas that still

need further research before a standard building code can be appointed to


Nevertheless, important progress has been made by introducing an

international ISO 22157 standard for Bamboo's mechanical properties. Thus, the

International Organization for Standardization, known as ISO, has drawn up its

standard for determining the mechanical properties of Bamboo in 2004. It is a

first and very important step to get bamboo poles approved as a building

material worldwide. The ISO 22157 standard describes how bending strength,

compression, tension, shear, and durability must be determined.

Figure 1.3. Strength and stiffness comparison of Bamboo. From Designing and Building with
Bamboo, Retrieved from

Another comparison between the materials is shown in Figure 3. Two

questions are dealt with here – how much strength and how much stiffness

(resistance against deformation) do concrete, steel, timber, or Bamboo give.

The diagram shows that, as far as strength is concerned, concrete is the worst,

followed by timber (the green bars in the diagram are calculated as the

strength divided by the mass per volume or the density). Steel is the best and

“Disaster-Resilient Bambootecture: A Multi-functional Disaster Relief Shelter in Tayug, Pangasinan” 22 | P a g e

Bamboo the second best. In terms of stiffness, the fourth place is for concrete,

third for timber, second for steel, and the first place is for Bamboo (the brown

bars in this diagram are calculated as the E-modulus divided by the mass per

volume or the density)(Janssen, 1981).

Also, ISO 22156: Bamboo – structural design (ISO, 2004a) provides basic

design guidance for full culm construction. The standard is supported by ISO

22157-1 Bamboo – determination of physical and mechanical properties – part 1:

requirements (ISO, 2004b), which specifies test methods, and ISO 22157-2 (ISO,

2004c), a laboratory manual for determining material properties. An emerging

field is the study of laminated bamboo products for construction. ISO 22156 (ISO,

2004a) addresses the structural application of full culm bamboo and ply

Bamboo, which is composed of woven bamboo mats glued together or layers

of split bamboo strips laid across each other and glued together. The standard

indicates that the material's characterization should be conducted based on

national standards for plywood (Sharma, 2014).

Basically, at present, there are 62 species of bamboos recorded in the

country. Previous records (1991) showed only 47 bamboo species. The increase

in the number of species was due to the introduction of some bamboos due to

the efforts of the Ecosystems Research and Development Bureau (ERDB) to

establish bambuseta in several places in the country, ie. Baguio City; Los Baños,

Laguna; Nabunturan, Davao del Norte; Malaybalay and Bukidnon. There may

have been other new introductions of bamboos in the country, but these have

not been reported, seen or identified. Most likely, these are bamboos

introduced and planted by garden enthusiasts and are kept as private

collections. Of the 62 bamboo species are endemic or native Philippine

bamboos. Thirteen are climbers, and eight are erect. The rest are introduced,

and a few of them, introduced in prehistoric times. The commercially important

“Disaster-Resilient Bambootecture: A Multi-functional Disaster Relief Shelter in Tayug, Pangasinan” 23 | P a g e

bamboos are usually used in construction, furniture, basketry, and decorative

articles. The current commercial bamboos can be increased to 15 species,

especially those with thick culm walls and big-diameter culms,

including Bambusa bamboos (L) Voss, B. oldhamii Munro, B

utilis Lin, Dendrocalamus latiflorus Munro D., giganteus Munro, and Guadua

angustifolia Kunth (Roxas, BRP).

Economically important bamboos (FAO/ERDB/DENR 1991)

1. Bambusa blumeana - J. A. & J. H. Schultes

2. B. vulgaris Schrader ex Wendland

3. Bambusa sp. 1

4. Bambusa sp. 2

5. Dendrocalamus asper (Shultes f.) Backer ex Heyne

6. Gigantochloa atter (Hassk) Kurz.

7. G. levis (Blanco) Merr.

8. Schizostachyum lumampao (Blanco) Merr.

In conclusion, Bamboo's perspectives are more impervious to water harm

than the normal hardwood. And the realization that Bamboo is the most

potentially important non-timber resource and fast-growing woody biomass has

evoked keen interest in the processing, preservation, utilization, and the

promotion of Bamboo as an alternative to wood. Its high valued utilization not

only promotes economic development but also saves forest resources to

protect our ecological environment as a wood substitute. By integrating this

Bambootecture concept in designing the disaster relief shelter, it will be

introduced as a disaster resilient structure not only in the physical planning and

design but also in considering every individual resiliency in the community.

“Disaster-Resilient Bambootecture: A Multi-functional Disaster Relief Shelter in Tayug, Pangasinan” 24 | P a g e

1.6.3b. Disaster Resilient

In the context of disaster risk, the ability of a system, community or society

exposed to hazards to resist, absorb, accommodate, adapt to, transform and

recover from the effects of a hazard in a timely and efficient manner, including

the preservation and restoration of its essential basic structures and functions

through risk management (UNISDR Terminology, 2017).

In addition, to design a building with resiliency means to start the design

process by thinking carefully about the typical use of scenarios of the building,

common points of stress due to normal use, as well as the most likely disaster

situations in the environment that could challenge the integrity of the building

and or endanger its occupants. The local environment always plays a critical

role in determining the factors that make a building resilient or not, and so

resilient design is always locally specific (Tuazon, 2015).

Following natural disasters or conflict, architecture plays a critical role in

reconstructing lost infrastructure and responding to the need for comfort and

safety for those affected. Successful post-disaster architecture must meet both

the short-term need for immediate shelter and long-term needs for

reconstruction and stability. Eight years after the 2010 Haiti earthquake, those

displaced continue to reside in temporary shelters without adequate access to

plumbing and electricity, revealing the critical importance of addressing long-

term needs after disaster and conflict (Shen, 2018). Publicly-funded infrastructure

must be designed resiliently. When transport, health care, drinking water,

sanitation, telecommunications, and electricity are resilient, basic services are

maintained during a disaster, and infrastructure users are not put at risk by sub-

standard structures. Furthermore, since infrastructure development attracts

“Disaster-Resilient Bambootecture: A Multi-functional Disaster Relief Shelter in Tayug, Pangasinan” 25 | P a g e

population and investment, planning and locating it, thoughtfully can steer

development toward safer areas (GFDRR, 2020).

According to the Department of Public Works and Highways (DPWH),

released the latest design standards intended for resilient design of public

buildings like hospitals thru a memorandum dated Feb. 26, 2014, signed by Sec.

Rogelio L. Singson. The guidelines consider a wind load of 250 kph for Zone 1 and

Zone II areas while 150 - 200 kph for zone 3 areas in the Philippines (refer to Figure

4). For the Philippine seismic zones, only the province of Palawan, Sulu, and Tawi-

Tawi are under Zone 2 while the rest of the Philippines are Zone 4. The Philippines'

public buildings/structures shall be designed to withstand earthquakes with a

corresponding seismic zone factor of 0.20 for Zone 2 and 0.40 for Zone 4 (NSCP,


Figure 1.4. Alternative Wind Zone Map (De Leoz et al, 2014). Retrieved from

In conclusion, the study location (Pangasinan) will be part of the wind

map zone 3 with a wind load of 150 – 200 kph, while the seismic load will be

“Disaster-Resilient Bambootecture: A Multi-functional Disaster Relief Shelter in Tayug, Pangasinan” 26 | P a g e

under zone 4 0.40 resistance. This standard and guidelines mentioned will be the

reference of the researcher for designing disaster-resilient infrastructure while

integrating the bamboo architecture concept as the main material of the


Case Study

To enable the researcher to be familiarized with the idea, function, and

operation of a Bambootecture inspired concept for Disaster Relief Shelter, the

following case studies are analyzed:

a. Bamboo shelter retracts like a turtle to combat extreme weather in the


Image 1.3. Resilient bamboo shelter by EEMY architecture studio and design. From
“Disaster-Resilient Bambootecture: A Multi-functional Disaster Relief Shelter in Tayug, Pangasinan” 27 | P a g e
Using the Philippines as an example of areas prone to natural disasters,

EEMY was inspired by the strength of traditional Filipino Bahay-Kubo houses.

Delta's pyramidal shape enhances earthquake resilience while the base is

elevated off the ground to withstand high waters. In extreme weather conditions,

the shelter can contract half its size, transforming into a 'super resilient' compact

pyramid. The shelter does so through a series of foldable 'bamboo tents' that

can be expanded or folder back onto the main structure (430 square feet).

When expanded to its full size (861 square feet), the triangular windows and

'wings' can be used as shade, drying racks, market stalls, and connecting to

create covered community courtyards (EEMY, 2019).

This study will define that bamboo structures can also be resilient in terms

of construction time and specify that this kind of structure can be useful even

though without disaster or in normal days as a community center.

b. Folding Bamboo Houses

Image 1.4. Folding Bamboo Houses by Ming Tang. From

“Disaster-Resilient Bambootecture: A Multi-functional Disaster Relief Shelter in Tayug, Pangasinan” 28 | P a g e

Ming Tang's temporary shelters "origami-inspired," according to the designer,

after a magnitude 7.9 earthquake struck central China last May, killing 69,000

people, injuring hundreds of thousands and leaving millions homeless, the

government is planning an extensive reconstruction project that includes

building more than 1.5 million temporary homes, which are expected to last two

or three years. The central feature of our project is the development of a

temporary shelter for homeless people. This kinetic structure exhibited umbrella

and folded fans' characteristics, with the potential of arranging themselves into

various contexts and dwelling requirements. We named it Bamboo + paper

House, a self-reconstructive structure for instant installations, which, according to

the changing internal requirements and site topography, can produce

potentially infinite scenarios. The composed of paper fibers, water, and cement

can be used for various construction applications. The lightweight paper house

can be pre-assembled in the factory, folded into a small package, and loaded

into a truck for transportation (Alter, 2008).

c. Design Against the Elements Green Design Award Winner / Nikola Enchev and

Stefan Vankov Case Study

Image 1.5. Design Against the Elements Green Design Award Winner / Nikola Enchev and
Stefan Vankov: Bamboo Structure. From Vinnitskaya,(2011)

“Disaster-Resilient Bambootecture: A Multi-functional Disaster Relief Shelter in Tayug, Pangasinan” 29 | P a g e

Nikola Enchev and Stefan Vankov (2011), shared their winning design in

the student Green Design Award category for the Design Against the Elements

Competition. Set in Manila, Philippines, the design addresses the disastrous

consequences of climate change around the world and proposes an

architecture that would end the cycle of destruction and rebuilding that

occupies so much time and so many resources in countries most affected by

extreme storms.

Furthermore, the proposal is to integrate technologies that produce a low

cost, easy to assemble the building. The design combines two main building

materials: Bamboo, a natural, sustainable resource abundant in Asia, and

concrete, as presented in Image 6. The type of building to develop has the

following properties: constructed with geometrical modules that can fit any

program, any site, any landscape and any environment - distinctly modern

functionally, yet has a vernacular look - stands firmly in the ground yet can never

be flooded - welcomes wind but shuts out typhoons - easy and cheap to build

yet can last decades - stores food, water and medicine when disaster strike -

universal, that it can be built in any tropical community and still conform to the

local needs by changing its size, shape, and function (Vinnitskaya, 2011).

In conclusion, the idea of promoting a disaster-resilient community will be

a big help to prevent the loss of lives in the community while promoting eco-

friendly resources in planning and design. And as mentioned in the study, the

researcher's idea is the design focuses on affordable and resilient communities

that use modern technologies to thwart the effects of such storms.

“Disaster-Resilient Bambootecture: A Multi-functional Disaster Relief Shelter in Tayug, Pangasinan” 30 | P a g e

d. Disaster-Proof Bamboo Housing

Image 1.6. Disaster-Proof Bamboo Housing by an Indian group of architects (Vasanth

Packirisamy, Monish Kumar, Vikas Sharma, Sakshi Kumar, and Komal Gupta) . From

According to Zipmatch (2014), this bamboo-made housing community

comprises cluster housing units, two community centers, prayer and meditation

space, a library, and plenty of open green space. It is a master-planned eco-

community built for sustainability, with features bioswales, rainwater collection,

greywater recycling, and plantations intended for community food supply.

Furthermore, the housing units and community halls are built on stilts with

side elevation designed to avoid flooding and withstand storms. Moreover, the

landscape is designed to direct the water from the cluster housing units toward

the lower elevation and to absorb stormwater as much as it can. The housing

concept for this design is that each apartment unit is built around a core that

holds the kitchen and the bathroom, along with necessities such as water lines,

power, and staircases. Plugin units made of large bamboo decks radiate from

the core and function as a living room and bedroom/s (Zipmatch, 2014).

The idea is that in the event of a dreadful typhoon when plugin units are

destroyed, the core refuge areas remain intact. As they are made of Bamboo,

plugin units can be easily and inexpensively rebuilt and plugged into the existing

“Disaster-Resilient Bambootecture: A Multi-functional Disaster Relief Shelter in Tayug, Pangasinan” 31 | P a g e

core. So as part of the solution, bamboo construction is also incorporated in this

study. It provides a sufficient study that proves bamboo material will be good

enough to sustain a disaster-resilient home or structure.

e. Flood Evacuation Centers in Temerloh, Pahang

Image 1.7. Transdisciplinary Research Grant Scheme by Hoo Zhi Xin, Feiven Chee & Haziq
Ariffin. From

Ideally, the design of a conventional building is contextualized according

to its function and its occupants' behavior. However, evacuation centers are not

built for that particular purpose. Instead, they rely on available public buildings

that normally function as schools or community halls for the majority of its

lifespan. The design of such buildings' spatial layout and its ability to be

transformed for a multiplicity of functions should be a key strategy in developing

buildings that can function normally in itself but be effective as a shelter for

displaced flood victims (UKM, 2015).

Furthermore, UKM (2015) states that traditional disaster mitigation

measures mostly found ineffective and failed to serve in the long run. Therefore,

it is important to design innovative structures or to plan to mitigate disasters like

“Disaster-Resilient Bambootecture: A Multi-functional Disaster Relief Shelter in Tayug, Pangasinan” 32 | P a g e

floods for long-lasting periods. In rural areas, the culture of farming and slope

protection management by planting indigenous crops and plants that is a part

of flood resilience has since eroded. The local communities within peninsular

Malaysia, including Pekan, have very few skills to exploit the vast benefits of

bamboos, which are now known to be useful in flood mitigation and adaptation.

There is also a lack of understanding about the usefulness of Bamboo among

government bodies and local voluntary organizations for disaster preparedness

and prevention. Therefore Bamboo has not been incorporated in regulations

and policies about flood disaster management.

Therefore, in developing flood preparedness, a holistic and integrated

approach should be stressed upon it. Evacuation centers are essential in

reducing the risk of fatalities or harm to human lives. However, not much

development is needed in terms of structural strength but rather on the design,

management strategies, and logistics involved in using evacuation centers. It

includes input from and action by all parties, including the local community, city

council, academicians, and the private sector.

1.7 Definition of Terms

1.7.a. Disaster-Resilient is the ability of the individuals, communities, organizations,

and states to adapt to and recover from hazards, shocks, or stresses without

compromising long-term prospects for development.

1.7.b Bambootecture is the combination (Bamboo + Architecture) and the use

of Bamboo in Architecture that is once thought of as the building material of the

poor. Bamboo is now being used more prominently in all types of architecture.

From houses to business buildings, there are more and more places built with

“Disaster-Resilient Bambootecture: A Multi-functional Disaster Relief Shelter in Tayug, Pangasinan” 33 | P a g e

Bamboo as the main material or at least an accenting material of the


1.7.c. Disaster Relief means fast aid provided for alleviating the suffering of

domestic disaster victims. Hence it aims to meet the immediate needs of the

victims of a disastrous event. Usually, it includes humanitarian services and

transportation, food, clothing, medicine, beds and bedding, temporary shelter

and housing, medical equipment, medical and technical personnel, and repairs

to essential services.

1.7.d. Shelter a place giving temporary protection from bad weather or danger.

1.7.e. Bamboo is a woody grass that is known to be the fastest-growing plant in

the world. It has become a popular material choice in architecture and design

projects because of its sustainable qualities and hardwearing characteristics. It

has a higher compressive strength than concrete or wood, and rivals the tensility

of steel.

1.7.f. Vulnerable is capable of being physically or emotionally wounded and

open to attack or damage.

1.7.g. Recovery. The coordinated process of supporting emergency-affected

communities in reconstructing the physical infrastructure and restoration of

emotional, social, economic and physical well-being

1.7.h. Risk. The likelihood of harmful consequences arising from the interaction of

hazards, communities, and the environment; the chance of something

happening that will have an impact upon objectives. It is measured in terms of

consequences and likelihood, a measure of harm, taking into account the

consequences of an event and its likelihood.

“Disaster-Resilient Bambootecture: A Multi-functional Disaster Relief Shelter in Tayug, Pangasinan” 34 | P a g e

Chapter II


2.1 Research Design and Methodology

In this chapter, the researcher presents her methodologies to supply the

study needing a considerable amount of data necessary to obtain established

objectives. In this study, the methods applied are Descriptive research,

observation method, data analysis, and interviews.

According to Bhat (2019), descriptive research defines as a research

method that describes the characteristics of the population or phenomenon

that is being studied. Moreover, the researcher uses the observation method to

immerse herself in the setting where her respondents are while taking notes and

recording data. The researcher applies this method before analyzing the existing

site features and areas of the disaster relief shelter.

Another method the researcher used is the data analysis defined by

Dudovskiy (2019), data analysis is the methodology chapter of the dissertation

should include discussion about the methods of data analysis. It should be

explained briefly on how you will analyze the primary data you will collect

employing the methods.

And also, interviews and surveys are part of the data gathering from the

concerned government agencies. The method includes personal interviews or

through provided documents of qualified respondents that can supply the data

for the study about the Disaster Relief Shelter.

2.2 Locale and Population of the Study

According to Philippine Statistics Authority (2015), Tayug is a 3rd class

municipality of the province of Pangasinan, Philippines, and located 160 km

“Disaster-Resilient Bambootecture: A Multi-functional Disaster Relief Shelter in Tayug, Pangasinan” 35 | P a g e

Southeast of Manila, 46.38 Northwest of Baguio City, 111.01 km Southwest of

Pampanga, and 70.21 km Northeast of Isabela.


Map 4. The Site location in Tayug, Pangasinan. From Google Map, Google 2019, Retrieved

Based on the CLUP of Tayug (2016). The municipality's vision is "by the

year 2020, Tayug shall have been leading growth center in Pangasinan in an

ecologically-balanced and safe environment sustained by God-centered and

self-reliant Tayugenians under competent, transparent and accountable local

leadership." It can be accessed through national key arterial road and

expressway systems such as Tarlac-Pangasinan-La Union Expressway,

Pangasinan- Nueva Vizcaya Road, Subic- Clark- Tarlac Expressway (SCTEX) and

North Luzon Expressway (NLEX).

From the data given, the national roads of TPLEX, NLEX, SCTEX, and

Pangasinan-Nueva Vizcaya road are all accessible to Tayug, Pangasinan and

that favors conditions for access and circulation that made Tayug as a suitable

location of a major disaster relief shelter.

“Disaster-Resilient Bambootecture: A Multi-functional Disaster Relief Shelter in Tayug, Pangasinan” 36 | P a g e

Map 5. Satellite map of the Project Site, Poblacion B, Tayug, Pangasinan. From Google Map,
Google 2019, Retrieved from

The municipality of Tayug, which the project site (Map 5) is located. Tayug

is the central access of many municipalities of Pangasinan, including San

Nicolas, Sta Maria, Natividad, and San Quintin, making it strategic for the major

location of a Disaster Relief Shelter. The project site is in the middle of

government offices and residential houses, under classified as per the Tax

Declaration as National Government Property.

2.3 Data Gathering Techniques

The proposed research technique was utilized in collecting data and

information for the development of the Disaster Relief Shelter in Tayug,

Pangasinan. The instruments that will be used to collect data include interviews,

journals, and documents related to the study. Data gathering tools include site

documentation, analysis, and bubble diagram.

2.3.1 Objective 1: To identify the need for the study of a Disaster Relief Shelter.

1. Present Situation

“Disaster-Resilient Bambootecture: A Multi-functional Disaster Relief Shelter in Tayug, Pangasinan” 37 | P a g e

a. Sources of Data

i. Observation

This method includes site visitation, in which the researcher will

conduct a physical survey on the existing conditions of the site. This

activity also includes sketch and photographic documentation for proof

of visitation.

ii. Gather Documents

The researcher would gather legal restrictions, recorded data about

previous disasters, climatic conditions, accessibility, and existing

environmental hazards

iii. Interviews

The researcher would conduct interviews with the residents and

government agencies who are related to the study.

iv. Treatment of Data

The information observed and gathered would be translated into

various analysis maps like thematic maps and sensory maps. Then it would

be analyzed, and the researcher would give recommendations about

designing the relief shelter.

2. Site Accessibility

a. Source of Data

i. Gather Documents

The researcher would map existing road networks about access to

the site. Plus, its location would be discussed for its suitability based on the

guidelines and standards given by the disaster management agencies.

“Disaster-Resilient Bambootecture: A Multi-functional Disaster Relief Shelter in Tayug, Pangasinan” 38 | P a g e

ii. Treatment of data

The data would be translated into maps showing the existing road

networks and possible routes during emergency response operations.

2.3.2. Objective 2: To determine the functionality and receptiveness of present

designs of a Disaster Relief Shelter.

1. Adequacy of present facilities

a. Sources of Data

i. Observation

The researcher would gather information to present evacuation

centers, MDRRRMC offices, and Fire and Police Department, and observe

the facilities and areas. The observation would be documented through


ii. Gather Documents

The researcher would find guidelines and criteria for designing the

spaces of a Disaster Relief Shelter.

iii. Treatment of Data

The observed and gathered data would be formulated into an

area analysis, and an interrelationship diagram would be created.

2. Materials Used

a. Source of Data

i. Gather Documents

“Disaster-Resilient Bambootecture: A Multi-functional Disaster Relief Shelter in Tayug, Pangasinan” 39 | P a g e

The researcher would gather information about materials used in

present design ideas of a Disaster Relief Shelter and then analyze if the

presented materials are receptive enough in the construction.

ii Treatment of Data

The data would be translated into a flow chart representing the

material used in the present situation.

2.3.3. Objective 3: To design a Disaster-Resilient Bamboo Architecture inspired

concept for a Disaster Relief Shelter.

1. Bambootecture

a. Sources of Data

i. Gather documents

Research on how the concept of bamboo architecture will be

integrated as part of a solution for disaster resilience. Also identifying

criteria, structural analysis, codes, standardization, and properties of

bamboo for construction.

ii. Treatment of Data

The data will be analyzed and translated into area analysis that

shows the material's availability and structural analysis.

2. Disaster Resilient

a. Sources of Data

i. Observation

“Disaster-Resilient Bambootecture: A Multi-functional Disaster Relief Shelter in Tayug, Pangasinan” 40 | P a g e

This method includes gathering information from the community

and related offices for the previous happenings in the area to measure

the place's vulnerability.

ii. Gather documents

The researcher will gather research on the concept and provision of

having a disaster resilient building, the resiliency of the said community,

and the comfortability of the users.

iii. Treatment of Data

The data gathered would be presented trough area analysis that

shows disaster resiliency of the location.

2.4 Final Output

All outputs for this study are completed and presented through the

following different media:

2.4.1 Architectural Plans

The architectural plans will include the Site Development Plan, Floor Plans,

Elevations, Section, Perspective, Scale Model, and the Animation that will serve

as the visual interpretation of the proposal. The said architectural plan will be

provided with a printout and soft copies.

2.4.2 Manuscript

The manuscript would be the compilation of the research that includes,

Title page, certificate of originality, acknowledgment, dedication, legal

documents, list of maps, list of figures, list of images, bibliography, and the table

“Disaster-Resilient Bambootecture: A Multi-functional Disaster Relief Shelter in Tayug, Pangasinan” 41 | P a g e

of contains that can be seen in the manuscript. It contains four (4) chapters;

Chapter 1 – Introduction, Chapter 2 – Design and Methodology, Chapter 3 –

Results and Discussion, and Chapter 4 – Recommendations and Conclusions.

These documents are presented in APA format. The final manuscript will be

reproduced into four copies and distributed to the panel of juries and the thesis


“Disaster-Resilient Bambootecture: A Multi-functional Disaster Relief Shelter in Tayug, Pangasinan” 42 | P a g e

Chapter III


This chapter contains the presentation analysis and interpretation of data

gathered by the researcher. This chapter will give an overview of the results that

have been gathered through the use of actual site investigation, readings and

observation, and to understand and analyze the data to support the study

about the planning and designing of Disaster Relief Shelter.

Extensive study about site analysis assessing whether development is possible by

establishing parameters for the design in the site and its environment. Site

analysis includes site boundary, site restrictions, site suitability to the project,

neighboring buildings, legal restriction, land use, adjacent access, typography,

views, microclimate, and hazards. Application of resilient design features are

guided by-laws, standards, other design solutions, thesis books, journals,

researches, and guidelines taken from books, works of literature, studies, laws,

and guiding standards in design.

In this chapter, the researcher will develop Architectural Solutions that

would be applied through different aspects, namely Site Planning and

Architectural Planning and Design. By evaluating alternative solutions, the

researcher will be able to introduce a new concept on Disaster Relief Shelter.

Through various mapping exercises, this study emphasizes the disaster resiliency

of bamboo as the main material in designing Disaster Relief Shelter that could

be adopted in different regions in our country.

3.1 The role of Architecture in Disaster Relief Shelter

Relief shelter usually provides major accommodation or accommodates

longer and provides humanitarian approaches. An evacuation center is

“Disaster-Resilient Bambootecture: A Multi-functional Disaster Relief Shelter in Tayug, Pangasinan” 43 | P a g e

commonly used only for first reception or as an immediate assembly area

before going to a relief shelter.

By integrating a more safe, secure, provides privacy and with a

therapeutic ambiance will help the evacuees not only by providing them

necessities but most importantly helping them mentally to recover from

disastrous events. Suppose we were to present the evidence of the effect of

architecture in planning and designing relief shelter. In that case, it is focused on

creating opportunities for appropriate design solutions and long-term capacity

building. Also, the process of architectural approach can be a primary

contributor to a disaster and can provide meaningful solutions and significantly

impact the overall effectiveness of relief shelter.

"The best way to achieve long term resilience is through development

phases that create needed resources and establish sustainable construction

techniques in disaster areas" - Nolte, K.

In some areas and municipalities, their direct adoption or temporary

techniques to mitigate flooding situations is by building dikes. It is possible to

reduce the risk, but temporarily and not provide a 100% safety during the event.

It can also overflow. But providing more long-term solutions like Relief Shelter will

cater to the needs of the evacuees physically and mentally. But of course, it is

the best way to provide both immediately needed resources and generate

long-term resilience by establishing architectural interventions.

3.2 Presentation of Collected Data

The researcher conducted a survey using questionnaires as a tool to

determine the needs of the study. This study was centered and conducted in

the following municipalities of Pangasinan: Tayug, San Nicolas, Sta Maria,

Natividad, and San Quintin. The researcher considered one hundred sixty-four

“Disaster-Resilient Bambootecture: A Multi-functional Disaster Relief Shelter in Tayug, Pangasinan” 44 | P a g e

(164) respondents for this study. They were categorized as residences that are

vulnerable to flooding in the following municipalities. Table 3.1 shows the

distribution of the respondents according to municipalities.

Table 3.1. Respondents Percentage Every Municipality


Tayug 87 52.8 %

San Nicolas 28 17%

Sta Maria 22 13.2%

Natividad 18 11.3%

San Quintin 9 5.7%

TOTAL 164 100%

Table 3.1 shows that most of the respondents were coming from the

municipality of Tayug, since it is the project location and will carry priority on the

evacuees from Tayug, while the 17% and 13.2% where coming from the

municipality of San Nicolas and Sta Maria where according to Vulnerability map

of Pangasinan(Map 2. p4) are labeled as mildly vulnerable rather than with the

municipality of Natividad and San Quintin which is considered as not vulnerable

to flooding.

The number of respondents is determined by the recorded poverty

incidents of every municipality shown in Table 3.2. It was considered the basis of

the respondents' percentage since if a disaster happens, less privileged families

fall into greater risk categories. Figure 5 shows the computation of the number of


“Disaster-Resilient Bambootecture: A Multi-functional Disaster Relief Shelter in Tayug, Pangasinan” 45 | P a g e

Table 3.2. Population at Risk


Tayug 43,149 11.31% 2015

San Nicolas 35,574 13.05% 2015

Sta Maria 33,038 11.77% 2015

Natividad 24,299 11.72% 2015

San Quintin 32,945 12.64% 2015


Number of Respondents Computation

Population (N): 20,421

Confidence Level (z): 80%

Margin of Error (e): 5%

Percentage Value (p): 0.5

Formula: Slovin’s Formula

{Z² x p (1-p)/e²}/ {1+ [z² x p (1-p)/ e²N]}

= {1.28² x 0.5 (1-0.5)/ 0.05²} / {1+[1.28² x 0.5 (1-0.5)/ 0.05² x 20,421]}

= {0.4096/ 0.05²}/ {1+ [0.4096/ 0.05² x 20421]}

= 163.89/ 1+(0.0080)

= 163. 898 or 164 Respondents

3.3 Statistical Treatment of Data

One of the major concerns of this study was determining the needs of

the study and the suitability of the project to its community. In the process, the

“Disaster-Resilient Bambootecture: A Multi-functional Disaster Relief Shelter in Tayug, Pangasinan” 46 | P a g e

respondents presented seven (7) questions that determine the receptiveness of

accustomed disaster relief shelters.

Question 1:

On what level of vulnerability (flooding, wind, etc.) you experienced on

past disaster (typhoon).

This question's result is 30% - 50% are experiencing a mild to moderate

vulnerability to typhoons. This data will help the researcher determine if up to

what level of vulnerability experienced by the respondents. This data will be a

guide on the resistance of the building character.

Question 2:

Where do you usually go to evacuate?

The go-to evacuation area during typhoons is more likely in the main

evacuation center or the integrated covered court of the municipality.

“Disaster-Resilient Bambootecture: A Multi-functional Disaster Relief Shelter in Tayug, Pangasinan” 47 | P a g e

Followed by schools and then barangay halls, these two evacuation centers are

usually used per barangay, not for the whole town. In this data gathered, the

researcher will determine if these structures are receptive to every evacuee's

needs and necessity.

Question 3:

Level of comfortability at the evacuation center.

Not comfortable Highly Comfortable

Most of the respondents were not comfortable with their existing

evacuation centers. The following reasons will be presented in the next question.

From this data, the researcher will know the comfortability level of the existing

relief shelter or evacuation centers and identify the problems and concerns

regarding the center's existing plan and design.

“Disaster-Resilient Bambootecture: A Multi-functional Disaster Relief Shelter in Tayug, Pangasinan” 48 | P a g e

Question 4:

If not comfortable, what are the possible reasons?

This data is the concern of the respondents from the comfortability level of

existing evacuation centers. From the data collected, the usual reason for not

having comfortability is the lack of facilities like comfort rooms, health centers,

and emergency offices. Also, it includes a lack of privacy or too crowded and

unorganized sleeping quarters. From this, the researcher will now be able to

identify some of the necessary areas to be included in the Disaster Relief

Shelter's planning and design.

Question 5:

How long do you usually stay in the evacuation center?

In this data collected, it shows the length of stay of the evacuees in an

evacuation center, and it's ranging from 1-5 days and not exceeding to a week

and above. From this, the researcher will now be able to determine some of the

“Disaster-Resilient Bambootecture: A Multi-functional Disaster Relief Shelter in Tayug, Pangasinan” 49 | P a g e

computation of the facilities' total area be integrated into the planning and

designing of the Disaster Relief Shelter.

Question 6:

Do you feel safe and secure from the existing evacuation area?

Safety and security are one to be considered in designing such structures.

Most of the respondents did not feel safe and secure in the existing evacuation

areas from this data. Hence, the researcher will now identify the importance of

the safety and security of the planning and designing Disaster Relief Shelter.

Question 7:

If you were to choose, do you want an integrated structure/building for

an evacuation center (relief shelter) rather than using the mentioned existing

evacuation areas?

From all of the questions above, the respondents' results were to introduce

a separate or a new approach to the system of an evacuation area. Hence,

“Disaster-Resilient Bambootecture: A Multi-functional Disaster Relief Shelter in Tayug, Pangasinan” 50 | P a g e

the researcher has now proved that the need to study a new approach to the

system of existing evacuation areas is highly needed.

3.4 The Site

The site's location is at the Poblacion of the municipality of Tayug,

Pangasinan, and it is bounded by institutional, residential, and open areas. It has

two (2) major road access with a total of 37, 800 square meters excluding

access roads per TD No.: 41-0004-00649. The lot was classified as government


3.4.1 Vicinity Map

In this section, the actual photos of the areas around the site were

presented through mapping. The visual analysis will guide the researcher in

identifying site concerns.

“Disaster-Resilient Bambootecture: A Multi-functional Disaster Relief Shelter in Tayug, Pangasinan” 51 | P a g e

Figure 3.1. Vicinity Map. Retrieved from Google Earth Images and the Author.

“Disaster-Resilient Bambootecture: A Multi-functional Disaster Relief Shelter in Tayug, Pangasinan” 52 | P a g e

3.4.2 Site Analysis

For the development of the proposed Disaster Relief Shelter, the

researcher visited the site and analyzed the present situation and conditions.

From these findings, the researcher answers the key issues considering the site

analysis in Tables 3.3, 3.4, and Table 3.5 below:

Table 3.3. Physical/ Site Condition

Category Element Key Issues Results

Zoning 1. What is the 1. General Institutional Zone

classified 2. Yes, according to CLUP of
zone of the the municipality of Tayug,
site? it is an area intended for
2. Is it
a general type of
with your
proposal? establishments

Size and 1. What is the 1. 37,800 sqm

Boundaries Total lot area 2. Yes, based on
of the site? computation the facility
2. Is the TLA of can fit on the site.
Physical the site can 3. Residential lots,
Conditions carry the Institutional lots, Barangay
capacity of roads and other structure-
the free government lots.
3. What are the
areas existing
in the vicinity
of the site?

Topography 1. Are there 1. None.

any water 2. Yes, because the location
bodies of the site has the highest
present or level of the topography
near on the around the municipality.
site? 3. According to the
2. Is the level of Vulnerability Map of
the site Tayug, it is considered as
considered not vulnerable.
safe for the
3. What level of

“Disaster-Resilient Bambootecture: A Multi-functional Disaster Relief Shelter in Tayug, Pangasinan” 53 | P a g e

on flooding is
with the site?

Lot Texture 1. What are the 1. The site is free on any

existing structure and mostly a
objects, and grassland.
elements on
the site?

Vista 1. Are there 1. On the eastern part of

any vistas or the site, it has the view of
views around the Caraballo mountain of
the site? the municipality of Natividad
and from the southern part
of the site is an open field.

Vegetation 1. What are the 1. Most of the vegetation

existing types present on the site are
of bamboos within the
vegetation southern part of the site,
present in while the other trees are,
the site? Mango tree, Cotton fruit
2. Is the existing tree, Kapok tree and
vegetation other fruit bearing trees.
can retain on 2. Yes.
the planning 3. Bamboo is considered as
of the site? one of the concepts on
3. What are the the site, while other trees
purposes of will be part of the
it, landscape.
having it on
the site?

Noise 1. What are the 1. Mostly a vehicular and

type of noise pedestrian noise, but
present in minimal.
the site 2. Not much, but need to
2. Is it be buffed naturally.
destructive 3. Northern and Eastern part
to the of the site, because of
proposed the presence of
facility? Residential areas and
3. What area of barangay roads.
the site is
affected by

Smell 1. What are the 1. Car smokes but mostly

types of smell grass dew.

“Disaster-Resilient Bambootecture: A Multi-functional Disaster Relief Shelter in Tayug, Pangasinan” 54 | P a g e

present to 2. No.
the site?
2. Is it

Table 3.4 Climatic Conditions

Category Element Key Issues Results

Sun Location 1. Where are 1. Sunrise is located on the

the sunrise southeastern part of the
and sunset site going to the
located on northwestern part for
the site? sunset
2. Where is the 2. Generally, the hottest
hottest and part of the site is from the
coldest part north, east and southern
on the site? part of the site, while the
Climatic coldest part is from the
Conditions eastern part, because of
natural shades.

Wind 1. What are 1. Northeast monsoon,

Direction the existing Southwest monsoon,
wind typhoon wind, and
elements in prevailing winds
the site 2. From the Southeastern
location? going to Northwestern
2. Where are part of the site.
coming from
and going

Hydrological 1. What is the 1. The most rain falls during

Direction average the 31 days centered
monthly around August 6, with an
rainfall average total
accumulatio accumulation of 17.9
n on the inches. The least rain falls
project around January 28, with
location? an average total
2. What accumulation of 0.8
direction is inches.
the water 2. From the northeastern
run-off of part going to
the site? southwestern part of the

“Disaster-Resilient Bambootecture: A Multi-functional Disaster Relief Shelter in Tayug, Pangasinan” 55 | P a g e

Table 3.5 Environmental Hazards

Category Elements Key Issues Results

Physical 1. What type of 1. Earthquakes and

Hazard physical floods.
hazard is 2. Yes, because the
experienced recorded highest
Environmental on the site? level of flood within
Hazard 2. Is the site still the site is not more
considered a than 1-2 ft high and
safe location subsided within a
for the day or less than.

Psychological 1. Is there a 1. None, the site is

Hazard presence of considered as stress-
psychologica free location
l hazards at
the project

Table 3.6 Previous Disaster Reports

Category Elements Key Issues Results

Flooding 1. Is there a reported 1. Yes, from the highest

flooding recorded incident of
incidence on the flooding about 1-2 ft
project site? high
2. How long did it 2. Usually the flood
take to subside? subsides within a day
3. Is it tolerable? or not more than 2
3. Yes, because of its low
level of flooding and
Disaster the fast drawing of
Report water on the site

Casualties 1. Are there any 1. None

casualties during
typhoons on the

Damages 1. What types of 1. Fallen some branches

damages happen of trees
on the site during

“Disaster-Resilient Bambootecture: A Multi-functional Disaster Relief Shelter in Tayug, Pangasinan” 56 | P a g e

Table 3.7 Accessibility

Category Element Key Issues Results

Location 1. Where is the site 1. Tayug, Pangasinan

located? 2. Yes, because it is
2. Is the location of located in a safer
Accessibility the site place (not prone to
considered as a flooding) and easily
strategic location accessible.
for the project?

Road 1. What are the 1. Barangay roads and

Networks connecting roads donated private
on the site? roads.
2. Is the road access 2. Yes, it ranges from 8-
suitable for some 10 meters wide.
type of

The tables above are used to formulate the S.W.O.T Analysis of the site for

the development of the Disaster-Resilient Relief Shelter.

3. 4.3 S.W.O.T Analysis

This section concludes the site analysis part of the study, which presents

the macro planning of the development.

Table 3.8 S.W.O.T Analysis

Areas Strength Weaknesses Opportunity Threats

Zoning Compatible Lack of An income Secondary

with the budget generating purposes will
proposal facility could overcome the
be integrate main purpose
of the facility

Size and Large enough None Future Existence of

Boundaries to cater the Development illegal settlers
project is possible

Topography Highest One Slopes are Current from

elevation direction of directed to the run-off
water run-off barangay could affect

“Disaster-Resilient Bambootecture: A Multi-functional Disaster Relief Shelter in Tayug, Pangasinan” 57 | P a g e

drainage neighboring

Lot Texture Can utilized Some area Probable on Lack of

paved ways of the site is making it a management
to soft bamboo can very
plantation destructive
because of
the fast
growing of

Vista Vistas are It features Can be Future

present only green utilized for development
fields. parks and can remove
gardens vista

Vegetation The land is Thick grass It can be used Lack of

susceptible to area could as a main organization
bamboo be source of to handle the
planting developed material in the facility.

Noise Most of the Two side of Quiet area, Noisy area

areas are the site were can be used can disrupt
quiet prone to for parks and the operations
noise garden
because of
the existence
of road and

Smell Most of the Some area The fresh Neighboring

site has a fresh has breeze residential
grass breeze unpleasant circulation to area can add
smell the built-up up to the
facilities will be unpleasant
an advantage smell

Sun Location Eastern and Afternoon Afternoon sun Unwanted sun

western part sun could be can sterilize ray can
of the site has very harmful spaces produce glare
a gentle sun to the users naturally
heat and on the
material of
the facilities

Wind Have mild Lack of Trees and Strong wind

Direction flow of buffer for bamboos can can disrupt
prevailing typhoon reduce the the operations
winds winds strength of the

Hydrological Free flow of Only one Integration of None

“Disaster-Resilient Bambootecture: A Multi-functional Disaster Relief Shelter in Tayug, Pangasinan” 58 | P a g e

Direction water-runoff direction of vegetation to
the water minimize the
run-off current

Physical Not prone to Strong Elevating Destruction of

Hazard physical disasters can structure from materials or
hazards also affect the grade line facilities
the site and making
sure that the
materials used
are resilient

Psychological Free on Mentally Using None

Hazard psychological unstable therapeutic
hazard users during elements like
disaster gardens to
ease their
shocks from

Flooding Not prone to Strong Elevated Unpredicted

flooding typhoon can structures and situations
also affect considering a
the site circular base
shape of the

Casualties None none Providing both Un-tolerable

temporary noise could
shelter for happen
people and

Damages none Fallen Providing safe Limitation on

branches of distances from planning
trees or trees the built-up
can be areas

Location Located at Surrounded Easily Not bounded

the Poblacion by residential accessible by highways
of the units during disaster

Road Directly Some are Have many Illegal parking

Networks connected one-way road options
with road

“Disaster-Resilient Bambootecture: A Multi-functional Disaster Relief Shelter in Tayug, Pangasinan” 59 | P a g e

3.4.5 Factors and Issues Relevant to the Site

This section provides factors and considerations regarding the site

relevant to the study. It will be presented through Code Survey or the Checklist

of Site Data from Site Planning by Kevin Lynch (1971)

A. Physical Data

Collation of existing data such as the geology of soil, water, topography,

climate, ecology, human-made structures, and sensual qualities.

Figure 3.2. Contour Map

Contour presentation is used to determine the highest and lowest point of

a given site. Contour mapping also helps determine floor leveling, soil cut and fill,

and soil protection and erosion mitigation.

“Disaster-Resilient Bambootecture: A Multi-functional Disaster Relief Shelter in Tayug, Pangasinan” 60 | P a g e

Figure 3.3. Sun Path

Sun path helps determine the location of areas needing natural light

ventilation and full protection under the noon sun.

Figure 3.4. Vegetation Map

The vegetation map is analyzed through site visitation. Trees present on

the site are Mango trees, Cotton fruit tree, Kapok tree, and other fruit-bearing

“Disaster-Resilient Bambootecture: A Multi-functional Disaster Relief Shelter in Tayug, Pangasinan” 61 | P a g e

trees. It also has bamboo on the southern part of the site. The majority of these

plants are located in the western and southern part of the site.

Figure 3.5. Wind Path

The average hourly wind speed in Tayug experiences mild seasonal

variation over the year. The wind is most often from the west for 2.6 weeks, from

May 16 to June 3 and for 2.7 months, from July 8 to September 28, with a peak

of 53% on August 18. The wind is most often from the south for 1.2 months, from

June 3 to July 8, with a peak of 41% on June 21. The wind is most often from the

east for 7.6 months, from September 28 to May 16, with a peak percentage of

81% on January 1(Weather Spark, 2019).

“Disaster-Resilient Bambootecture: A Multi-functional Disaster Relief Shelter in Tayug, Pangasinan” 62 | P a g e

Figure 3.6. Hydrological Map

As seen in this map, the water flows from the northeast to the southwest

part of the site. The recorded data of the most rain falls during the 31 days

centered around August 6, with an average total accumulation of water about

17.9 inches high. The least rain falls around January 28, with an average total

accumulation of 0.8 inches.

Figure 3.7. Visual Map

“Disaster-Resilient Bambootecture: A Multi-functional Disaster Relief Shelter in Tayug, Pangasinan” 63 | P a g e

The visual map presents the neighboring vistas that could affect the

planning and design of the project. As seen in the map, the only unpleasant

views are from residential areas that could be buffed by natural elements.

B. Cultural Data

The site is located in the heart of the municipality of Tayug in Pangasinan,

which has a total population of 43,149 as of 2015 census. The town of Tayug got

its unique name not from influential people or the name of saints but from a very

tall tree that once grew in the heart of the town; the bacayao tree was so tall

that in Ilocano they call it "Layug." Given the difficulty of the people

pronouncing the letter "L," they change it to letter "T" by common usage. Hence,

the name Tayug came about (Province of Pangasinan, 2020)

The municipality also classified as a 3rd class municipality but aiming to be

a leading growth center in Pangasinan in an ecologically-balanced and safe


Site History

According to the municipal LGU's, the site never had a structure on it. It is

still mostly used on some occasions that will need a large open space like the

Municipal fiesta's carnival and once used by military training area for three

months when the PPPSC in the municipality holds the police recruits training. The

site also has some private intentions for the future development of subdivision

almost 30 years ago but never developed due to a lack of legal compliance.

The legal site documents are now in the property of the Pangasinan

Provincial Public Safety Company (PPPSC). Still, the order to transfer the

ownership of the site to the municipality is ongoing, according to municipal LGU.

“Disaster-Resilient Bambootecture: A Multi-functional Disaster Relief Shelter in Tayug, Pangasinan” 64 | P a g e

3.5 Behavioral Analysis

This section will determine the behavioral flow of the user's patterns of

activities as these would help for the planning and designing of spaces.

3.5.1 Activity Flow Diagram

Figure 3.8. Activity Flow Diagram (from author)

The residents who are at-risk usually waiting for early warnings before

going to evacuate their place. After that, the residents who will now evacuees

will go first to designated evacuation sites on their respective barangays for

moderate-mild situations, but for extreme situations, the evacuees will be

directed or relocate to the municipal evacuation site. The evacuation facility

should be ready to cater to the evacuee's needs for prolonged displacement.

“Disaster-Resilient Bambootecture: A Multi-functional Disaster Relief Shelter in Tayug, Pangasinan” 65 | P a g e

3.5.2 Interrelationship Analysis

This section is the result of the analysis of the physical site with the

integration of the users' flow of activity.

Figure 3.9. Site Bubble Diagram

The proposed Site Bubble Diagram is considered from the analysis of the

site. The main structures, including the administration building and the temporary

housing blocks, are located at the center of the site, labeled as the highest

elevation and near access roads. Its purpose is for easy access. And for the

development of the Bamboo Treatment and Training Facility, which will be

located on the western part of the site. Also, the landscape location is for

maximizing the use of vistas and serving as buffer zones from elements affecting

the site.

“Disaster-Resilient Bambootecture: A Multi-functional Disaster Relief Shelter in Tayug, Pangasinan” 66 | P a g e

3.6. Viability Study

Viability studies are undertaken to ascertain the possibility of the project

getting implemented. This section has three functional areas of analysis:

Technical Viability, Legal Viability, and Socio-Economic and Cultural Viability.

From these analyses, it aims to determine the project's probable impediments or

identify measures by which these impediments may be minimized or eliminated.

3.6.1 Technical Viability

The purpose of the technical viability study is to provide sufficient

technical support for the study. Hence, the study is a disaster-resilient

Bambootecture that will be served as technical consideration.

A. Facilities and Equipment

The proposed project's facilities will be the integration of the combination

of traditional and contemporary practice in construction. Cement-Bamboo

Frame (CBF) Technology will be applied to the construction of the project. CBF

Technology is based on Bahareque design originating from Latin America. It is

used to fortify structures against yearly earthquakes that are later developed by

an organization based here in the Philippines, the BASE Builds. They used CBF

Technology to withstand typhoons, without compromising the bamboo's ability

to dispel the tropical heat. As a result, the houses are cool and comfortable to

last well beyond 20 years (BASE Build, 2017).

B. Labor and Management

For labor and management, is one of the projects assessed problem since

the construction is not merely the usual technology used in today's construction.

Hence, the training of laborers needs to be implemented before construction.

“Disaster-Resilient Bambootecture: A Multi-functional Disaster Relief Shelter in Tayug, Pangasinan” 67 | P a g e

C. Inputs

The inputs will be the materials to be used in construction. Since other

materials excluding bamboo are widely available in the market, Bamboo

purchasing is also considered a critical part of the construction, because of its

availability on the market. But fortunately, here in the Philippines, we have

enough sources of bamboos and even the 6th largest exporter of bamboo

worldwide, according to Forest Products Research and Development Institute


3.6.2 Legal Viability

In this section, the provisions of laws, codes, standards, and guidelines will

be presented, including concerned agencies.

A. Site Zoning Classification

Under the municipality's Comprehensive Land Use Plan (2016-2025), The

site was classified under General Institutional Zone, that according to the Zone

Regulations of the municipality an area intended principally for general types of

institutional establishments, e.g., government offices, hospitals/ clinics,

academics/ research, and convention centers, therefore, the integration the

Disaster Relief Shelter is viable.

B. Occupancy Classification

The proposal Disaster Relief Shelter, under the National Building Code of

the Philippines, was classified under Group I-1, a Recreational, Assembly

Buildings with stage and an occupant load of 1,000 or more in the building that

shows on Table 3.9 below:

“Disaster-Resilient Bambootecture: A Multi-functional Disaster Relief Shelter in Tayug, Pangasinan” 68 | P a g e

3.8 Site Development Plan

Table 3.9. Group I-1 Occupancy Classification. From The National Building Code of the
Philippines: PD 1096

C. Guidelines for Evacuation Systems

From the Department of the Interior and Local Government (2018)

implemented guidelines for local government units on the strengthening of

evacuation systems.

Establishment of Resilient Evacuation Centers

1. Selection of Construction Sites

1. The evacuation facility must be established on stable and safe areas not

susceptible to landslides, flooding, storm surges, and other hydrological and

meteorological hazards.

2. Shall not be constructed within or very close to the premises of sites and

structures such as military bases, camps of insurgent groups, power plants,

factories, and others, where the likelihood of the occurrence of human-induced

disasters id high.

“Disaster-Resilient Bambootecture: A Multi-functional Disaster Relief Shelter in Tayug, Pangasinan” 69 | P a g e

3. Shall not be constructed within or very close to the areas categorized as "no-

build zones" or easements areas defined in Water Code, Civil Code and Revised

Forestry Code of the Philippines, excluding areas for critical government

infrastructure of economic development.

4. Shall not be constructed within hazard zones, unless otherwise permitted

5. Centers for evacuation must be strategically located to enable immediate

access to basic goods, services, and utilities (e.g., healthcare facilities, markets,

water, electricity, communication)

6. Sites to be selected for this purpose must allow for year-round access to and

from the evacuation facility through vehicular transportation, especially before,

during, and after a hazard event.

Table 3.10. Policy Content of Emergency Systems. From DILG Memorandum Circular No. 122
series of 2018

Thus, the guidelines on evacuation systems provided by the

memorandum will be considered by the researcher on the Disaster Relief

Shelter's planning and design.

3.6.3 Economic Viability

A. Source of Fund

The source of fund for the construction of Disaster Relief Shelter will be

from the following stakeholders:

 National and Regional government agencies (e.g. DILG, DSWD, Office of

Civil Defense, Disaster Risk Reduction and Management Council)

 Local Government (e.g. provincial, municipal)

“Disaster-Resilient Bambootecture: A Multi-functional Disaster Relief Shelter in Tayug, Pangasinan” 70 | P a g e

 Private Sector

 Humanitarian and development organizations

 Donors/ Non-Governmental Organizations

 UN agencies

These stakeholders are the possible source of funds for construction.

B. Return of Investment

The proposed project is also an income-generating facility, as part of its

multi-functional system. Institutionalizing the operation and maintenance of the

project, including the allocation of the annual budget, is crucial to the building's

sustainable upkeep. So, it is possible to generate income from rents on spaces,

tourism, and the future used of bamboo plantation. The income will be used to

cover the utilities and caretaker's salaries. And also to promote economic

growth in the municipality.

C. Project Cost Estimate

The initial estimate of the total project cost is provided by applying the

Plinth Area Cost Estimate, which is obtained by multiplying the plinth area of

building with a plinth area rate.

Figure 3.11. Average Cost per Square Meter by Type of Construction, Philippines: 1st Quarter
2020. From PSA: Construction Statistics, 2020

“Disaster-Resilient Bambootecture: A Multi-functional Disaster Relief Shelter in Tayug, Pangasinan” 71 | P a g e

Figure 3.12. General Assumption based on BCA (Benefit-cost analysis). From Benefit-Cost
Analysis of With and Without Certificate of Verification Requirement for Harvesting in Private
Bamboo Plantations in the Philippines, 2019.

From the given data, the construction cost of the Institutional Building

under Non-Residential Construction has reported the highest average cost of

PhP 11,290 per square meter.

For additional data in the treated bamboo price stated in Figure 15, under

Region I, the average treated bamboo pole price is 120 pesos/pieces without

transportation fees from the plantation to the site.

 Site Development Estimate

Plinth Area Rate: 5,000/sqm

 Building Cost

Plinth Area Rate: 15,000/sqm

More or less, the initial cost estimate of the project cost will be ranging

from 20,000 – 25,000 pesos per square meter.

“Disaster-Resilient Bambootecture: A Multi-functional Disaster Relief Shelter in Tayug, Pangasinan” 72 | P a g e

3.7 Synthesis

3.7.1 Design Goals and Objective

A. Goals

The proposed "Disaster-Resilient Bambootecture: A Multi-functional

Disaster Relief Shelter in Tayug, Pangasinan" goals are the following:

 Provide an emotional help for the evacuees

 Maximize opportunity on the local community

 Provide a safe and secure Relief Shelter for the evacuees

B. Objectives

The design objectives will support the identified design goals of the


1. To determine the relationship between human and nature to support

emotional stability through site planning

2. To determine what are the possible aid to local community livelihoods.

3. To analyze the mitigation on the design features of the Disaster Relief


3.7.2. Design Concept

The design concept is the sequence of verbal to visual identification. The

verbal part of the concepts initiates the what's, how's, and whys of the proposed

project and then translated into visual concepts.

The design concept is from the combination of the municipality's

characteristics, resilience, and end-user. From this idea, the researcher will be

able to develop the massing of the structures and its aesthetics.

“Disaster-Resilient Bambootecture: A Multi-functional Disaster Relief Shelter in Tayug, Pangasinan” 73 | P a g e

Figure 3.10. Design Concept

A. Sunflower

Sunflower is considered one of the icons of the municipality of Tayug in

tourism. As of 2017, the tourism rate on the municipality grows with an estimated

1,500 visitors on weekdays and some 5,000 on weekends from February to April

because of the opening of the Botanical Garden Destination on the area.

B. Circular Base

Flood resilient structure is not only presented on its materials but also with

the consideration of its massing. Circular base or shape structures are

considered resilience on flooding since the flow of the water would be

unobstructed rather than using shapes with corners. Also, wind moves naturally

around a round building rather than getting caught at corners. A rounded roof

avoids 'air-planing'- a situation where a strong wind lifts the roof structure up and

off the building.

“Disaster-Resilient Bambootecture: A Multi-functional Disaster Relief Shelter in Tayug, Pangasinan” 74 | P a g e

C. Unity

The involvement of the community on the design is also considered to

meet the needs of the end-user. Also, integrating the unification on the design

through planning systems can provide the feeling of bonhomie.

3.7.3 Design Consideration

A. Minimum Design Requirements

This section presents design requirements in an evacuation area by the

Department of the Interior and Local Government (2018).

1. The evacuation center must be designed and constructed in compliance

with the NBCP and should withstand wind speeds of 300kph and moderate

seismic activity of at least 8.0 magnitude on the Richter Scale

2. It shall be designed in such way that good fresh air ventilation and high levels

of natural light are ensured upon operation

3. It shall allow for the installation of temporary partitions within the facility as a

means of maintaining the privacy of evacuees

4. It shall have, at the minimum, the following basic features:

a. DRRM and/or Camp Management Desk or Office

b. Separate toilet and bathing facilities designated for males and females, with

a facility-to-user ratio of 1:20 persons

c. At least 1 toilet and bathing facilities designated for PWD

d. An average space allocation of 1.33 sqm per person for shelter and

“Disaster-Resilient Bambootecture: A Multi-functional Disaster Relief Shelter in Tayug, Pangasinan” 75 | P a g e

accommodation, based on the DSWD standard of 40 sqm per 6 families

considering the average family size of 5 persons per family

e. Physical provisions include, but not limited to access ramps, child-friendly

spaces, and healthcare facilities

f. Other standards and facilities prescribed in DSWD-DILG-DOH-DepEd Joint

Memorandum Circular No.1 series of 2013, entitled “Guidelines on Evacuation

Center Coordination and Management” (e.g. community kitchen, solid waste

disposal facilities, laundry spaces, etc.) should also be considered in the

building’s design, provided that the spatial (i.e. land area, floor area),

demographic (i.e. number and type of possible users/evacuees), and resource-

related factors are taken into account.

Table 3.13. Policy Content of Emergency Systems. From DILG Memorandum Circular No. 122
series of 2018

B. Minimum Design Standards

The minimum standards for shelter, settlement, and non-food items of the

Humanitarian Charter and Minimum Standards in Humanitarian Response (2011),

known as the Sphere Project, recognize the human right to live in security,

peace, and dignity, as a vital determinant of survival in the initial stages of a

disaster event.

a. Planning

1. Work with the affected population as well as national and local authorities to

assess the shelter and settlement needs and capacities (Sphere, 2011).

“Disaster-Resilient Bambootecture: A Multi-functional Disaster Relief Shelter in Tayug, Pangasinan” 76 | P a g e

• Assess changes from the pre-crisis context, identify immediate needs

and capacities for the displaced and non-displaced populations, and consider

any specific needs of at-risk groups.

• Identify the availability of habitable or occupiable land, buildings,

apartments and rooms within the local housing and land rental markets.

2. Work with stakeholders to identify the most effective and appropriate

assistance options and how to provide these (Sphere, 2011).

3. Develop a shelter and settlement plan in coordination with relevant

authorities and the affected communities (Sphere, 2011).

• Offer assistance tailored to the needs and preference of the affected

population and authorities.

• Optimize cost-efficiency, technical quality, speed and timing, scale of

implementation and replicability.

b. Location and Settlement Planning

1. Work within existing planning processes and regulations and agree terms with

host communities and relevant authorities (Sphere, 2011).

• Locate any new settlements a safe distance from actual or potential

threats and minimize risks from existing hazards.

• Consider the expected lifespan of the settlement to determine what

essential services may need to be expanded or developed.

2. Involve diverse stakeholders, including groups within the affected population,

in site selection and settlement planning (Sphere, 2011).

“Disaster-Resilient Bambootecture: A Multi-functional Disaster Relief Shelter in Tayug, Pangasinan” 77 | P a g e

• Identify factors that could affect the location or site layout, considering

sex, age, disability, ethnic or linguistic identity, and gender roles and


• In urban contexts, work through a geographically defined, area-based

approach to better understand community dynamics.

3. Ensure the affected population has access to essential services and facilities,

including livelihoods opportunities (Sphere, 2011).

• Work with other sectors to establish an acceptable distance and safe

travel (or transport) to essential services and facilities.

• Coordinate with service providers to prioritize and deliver essential

services and livelihoods opportunities where these do not already exist

4. Plan the use of land to provide sufficient space for all functions, accessibility to

all shelters and services, and adequate safety measures throughout the

settlement (Sphere, 2011).

• Include planning for shared resources like water and sanitation facilities,

communal cooking facilities, child-friendly spaces, gathering areas, religious

needs and food distribution points.

• Ensure that the placement of essential services within settlements follows

standards for safety, protection and dignity.

5. Include rainfall or floodwater drainage planning in site selection and

settlement development (Sphere, 2011).

• Provide appropriate drainage facilities so that all dwelling areas and

services are kept free of standing water and storm water drains are kept clear.

• Anticipate and manage breeding sites of disease vectors.

“Disaster-Resilient Bambootecture: A Multi-functional Disaster Relief Shelter in Tayug, Pangasinan” 78 | P a g e

c. Living Space

1. Ensure that each affected household has adequate living space to perform

basic domestic activities (Sphere, 2011).

• Provide living space that accommodates the diverse needs of members

of the household for sleeping, food preparation and eating, respecting local

culture and lifestyles.

• Provide a basic roof and walls for occupants and their household assets,

offering physical security, dignity, privacy and protection from weather.

• Provide optimal lighting conditions, ventilation and thermal comfort.

2. Ensure that the space immediately surrounding the living space supports safe

access to fundamental activities (Sphere, 2011).

• Include appropriate cooking, toilets, laundry, bathing, livelihoods

activities, socializing and play areas

3. Promote the use of shelter solutions, construction techniques and materials

that are culturally and socially acceptable and environmentally sustainable

(Sphere, 2011).

d. Environmental Sustainability

1. Integrate environmental impact assessment and management in all shelter

and settlement planning (Sphere, 2011).

“Disaster-Resilient Bambootecture: A Multi-functional Disaster Relief Shelter in Tayug, Pangasinan” 79 | P a g e

• Assess the environmental impacts of the crisis, and environmental risks

and vulnerabilities, to minimize negative effects of the shelter and settlement


• Incorporate an environmental management plan into operations and

monitoring procedures.

2. Select the most sustainable materials and techniques among the viable

options (Sphere, 2011).

• Prefer those that do not deplete local natural resources or contribute to

long-term environmental damage.

• Salvage and reuse, recycle or re-purpose available materials, including


3. Manage solid waste in a safe, timely, culturally sensitive and environmentally

sustainable way in all settlements (Sphere, 2011).

• Coordinate with WASH, health, public works and other authorities, the

private sector and other stakeholders to establish or re-establish sustainable

waste management practices.

4. Establish, restore and promote safe, reliable, affordable and environmentally

sustainable energy supply systems (Sphere, 2011).

• Determine whether existing energy supply systems have a negative

environmental impact on natural resources, pollution, health and safety.

• Ensure any new or revised energy supply options meet user needs, and

provide training and follow-up as needed.

“Disaster-Resilient Bambootecture: A Multi-functional Disaster Relief Shelter in Tayug, Pangasinan” 80 | P a g e

5. Protect, restore and improve the ecological value of operational sites (such as

temporary settlements) during and after use. (Sphere, 2011)

• Assess environmental baseline conditions and available local natural

resources for each site and identify environmental hazards, including those due

to previous commercial or industrial use.

• Remove immediate and obvious hazards from the area and repair any

serious environmental degradation, while keeping the removal of natural

vegetation and the disruption of natural drainage at a minimum.

• Leave the site in a state that will allow the local population to use it

immediately, where possible in better condition than before.

“Disaster-Resilient Bambootecture: A Multi-functional Disaster Relief Shelter in Tayug, Pangasinan” 81 | P a g e

3.8 Architectural Translations

3.8.1 Site Development Plan

“Disaster-Resilient Bambootecture: A Multi-functional Disaster Relief Shelter in Tayug, Pangasinan” 82 | P a g e

3.8.2 Administration Building

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“Disaster-Resilient Bambootecture: A Multi-functional Disaster Relief Shelter in Tayug, Pangasinan” 88 | P a g e
3.8.3 Temporary Housing Block

“Disaster-Resilient Bambootecture: A Multi-functional Disaster Relief Shelter in Tayug, Pangasinan” 89 | P a g e

“Disaster-Resilient Bambootecture: A Multi-functional Disaster Relief Shelter in Tayug, Pangasinan” 90 | P a g e
“Disaster-Resilient Bambootecture: A Multi-functional Disaster Relief Shelter in Tayug, Pangasinan” 91 | P a g e
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“Disaster-Resilient Bambootecture: A Multi-functional Disaster Relief Shelter in Tayug, Pangasinan” 93 | P a g e
3.8.4 Livestock Sanctuary

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“Disaster-Resilient Bambootecture: A Multi-functional Disaster Relief Shelter in Tayug, Pangasinan” 95 | P a g e
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“Disaster-Resilient Bambootecture: A Multi-functional Disaster Relief Shelter in Tayug, Pangasinan” 97 | P a g e
3.8.5 Bamboo Treatment & Training Facility

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“Disaster-Resilient Bambootecture: A Multi-functional Disaster Relief Shelter in Tayug, Pangasinan” 101 | P a g e
3.8.6 Exterior Perspective

A. Administration Building

“Disaster-Resilient Bambootecture: A Multi-functional Disaster Relief Shelter in Tayug, Pangasinan” 102 | P a g e

B. Temporary Housing Block

“Disaster-Resilient Bambootecture: A Multi-functional Disaster Relief Shelter in Tayug, Pangasinan” 103 | P a g e

C. Livestock Sanctuary

“Disaster-Resilient Bambootecture: A Multi-functional Disaster Relief Shelter in Tayug, Pangasinan” 104 | P a g e

D. Bamboo Treatment & Training Facility

“Disaster-Resilient Bambootecture: A Multi-functional Disaster Relief Shelter in Tayug, Pangasinan” 105 | P a g e

E. Aerial Perspective

“Disaster-Resilient Bambootecture: A Multi-functional Disaster Relief Shelter in Tayug, Pangasinan” 106 | P a g e



4.1 Conclusion

The proposed site for the development can be identified as a strategic

location for the Disaster Relief Shelter project. The challenging part of the study is

the funding and operational aspects of the construction if ever implemented.

The site's existing elements are classified as helpful elements, including the

topography, hydrological, and accessibility.

The primary function of the Disaster Relief Shelter is to provide temporary

accommodation for the victims of disaster, mainly from typhoons and flooding,

but also suitable as an evacuation area for the victims of fire, earthquake, and

another disaster that needs to have temporary accommodation. And for its

multi-functionality use, it can accommodate meetings and gatherings from the

community, temporary housing for educational tournaments that will require

longer days competitions if ever the municipality will be hosting the event, and

could be considered a tourist spot on the municipality because of its bamboo


The layout of the plans has less and smooth edges in consideration of

weather resiliency. The plan and designs are based on data gathered in the

preceding objectives. The design concept of the facilities, which is the

combinations of Sunflower (which serves as the icon of the municipality),

Circular base (which considered in weather resiliency), and the Unity symbol (for

the community involvement features), is determined through its relation to

“Disaster-Resilient Bambootecture: A Multi-functional Disaster Relief Shelter in Tayug, Pangasinan” 107 | P a g e

behavioral aspect. Thus, the design concept tackles the human-nature

relationship, community involvement, and building technologies.4.2

4.2 Recommendation

The researcher recommends that the given data on the site analysis,

including building orientations and the location, is to be maintained and

followed to fully utilize the elements presented on the site and building analysis.

Spaces provided in every facility or the building are recommended to be

followed during the design and planning phases of the project since it was

considered on the standard design requirements and comfortability of the users.

It also recommended that the additional spaces or areas be implemented are

advisable as long as it is appropriate to the type of operation.

The plans and designs are recommendable to be followed to meet the

disaster-resilient design approach of the building. And also recommended that

the choice of the design concept should be based on resiliency and behavioral

aspects of the end-users. Produced plans and designs represented in this study

could be the basis for further studies.

“Disaster-Resilient Bambootecture: A Multi-functional Disaster Relief Shelter in Tayug, Pangasinan” 108 | P a g e


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