18lilliput Rulebook ENG
18lilliput Rulebook ENG
18lilliput Rulebook ENG
In 18Lilliput, players try to build the best railroad network by using action cards.
10 Action Cards 5 Character Cards Scraped Trains, Train Pool, 1st Player, Copy Cards
Share Price Index Cards, Help Cards, Turn Card 114 Track Tile Cards
Scoring Notepad
£ £ £
These rules present the game as it is played with 4 players. Some rules are altered with lower player counts
and the rule changes employed for 1, 2 and 3 player games are found at the conclusion.
Game Set-up
1. The red starting track tile (named “Mildendo”) is placed in the middle of the table.
2. The train cards are sorted by range: The 4D train cards are placed at the bottom, followed by the 3D,
then 5 thru 2 descending, finishing with the 2-train-cards on the top of the stack. Place this prepared
stack of train cards near the bank.
3. Sort the track tiles by type and display them somewhere out of the way so that all players can see them.
Only the yellow tiles are needed at first, but the others are relevant to planning for the later stages of the
4. Shares, company charters, tokens, and money are also laid out near the bank.
5. The action cards are put face up, side by side on the table.
6. The “Share price index” board (or the share price index cards – whatever you prefer) is laid on the table.
The turn counter marker is placed on space 1 of the turn counter table.
7. The five Character cards are put face up on the table.
8. Each player gets a “Dimen’s Land Copy” Card and £30 as starting capital.
9. A starting player is determined by whatever means deemed fair by the group. This player is given the
starting player card.
10. In clockwise order each player chooses one of the four starting companies (red, blue, green, and yellow)
or one of the five character cards. Then in reverse order each player makes his second choice (of the type
of card he hasn’t chosen before). The remaining character card is out of the game.
11. Each of the four starting companies start with an advantage:
Slamecksan Railway (blue): Lilliput National Railway (yellow):
starts on a Y-city (value 30). starts with two 2-trains.
12. Each player puts the 50% director share and the company charter in front of him. The starting capital of
each company is £500, (£550 for Mildendo Railway) put this on the right side of the company charter
along with one 2-train (two 2-trains for Lilliput National Railway) below of it. He takes the 4 markers of
the corresponding colour. One is put on space 50 of the share price index (top left space; for Mildendo
Railway it is put on space 55, second left space in the top row). The other three are put on the company
13. Immediately – when a player chooses a starting company – he lays a yellow track tile with a city (value
20) alongside of the red starting track tile “Mildendo” and puts his home station marker on it. The owner
of Slamecksan Railway lays a yellow Y-tile (value 30) instead of a normal city tile for free.
14. Each company starts on a different side of the red starting track tile “Mildendo”.
15. Caution: You are not allowed to lay a Y-track-tile (even if you pay £50). Exception: Slamecksan
Railway, which lays a Y-tile as home city for free.
16. When laying a track tile, you may lay it in any orientation.
17. The treasury of a company must be kept strictly separate from that of a player or another company!
Example of Game Set-up
13 13 8
10 1
13 10
The game has 8 rounds.
A round consists of the following steps:
1. Actions
Each player chooses an action card and performs one of the two possible actions. In a second turn each player
chooses a second action card. The first turn goes in clockwise direction, the second turn counter-clockwise.
The player who was last in the first turn is first in the second turn. Therefore he performs two action succes-
2. Run Trains
All companies run their trains.
3. Bureaucracy
1. Actions
With 4 players you have 10 action cards to choose from. (With 3 players 8, with 2 players 6, with 1 player 4)
Table 1. Action Cards
Number of Players
Card Action Alternative Action
4 3 2 1
Place 1 track tile of any colour Add £5 to private property
Place 1 yellow and/or 1 green track Place 1 track tile of any colour
X X X X tile in any order
First sell as many shares you want and Add £10 to private property
X X X then /or buy 1 share
First sell as many shares you want and Add £5to private property
X then /or buy 1 share
Each player begins the game with one Dimen’s Land Copy Card. A player may exchange
this card for the ability to use an action card previously selected this round. An unused
Dimen’s Land Copy Card is worth £20 at the end of the game.
Normal Trains can be never rust or return voluntarily, but obsolete trains (= the train card was turned over
and shows the grey side) may be be returned to train pool voluntarily.
Train limit
Train Pool
Each company may possess a certain number of trains (depending on game phase). A company
that already owns its maximum number of trains may not buy a new train even if by this purchase
some of its own trains will rust and the company will be within the permitted train limit. A compa-
ny may voluntarily return an obsolete train (grey train card) before a train purchase. This voluntari-
ly returned train card is placed on the “Train Pool” card where old trains are stored.
If a company has to return a train because the train limit was reduced due to a phase change puts Rusted Trains
these train on the card “Train Pool”. Out of the Game
If due to a phase change trains are rusted they are out of the game – you can store these trains on
“Rusted Trains Card”. This is also valid for trains in the Train Pool.
Foundation of new company
• The player chooses an available 50% share of a company.
• He chooses a starting share price (any available price on the share price chart), puts one of the compa-
ny’s marker on this share price chart space and pays five times the share price to the bank.
• He takes the company charter, the three station markers and ten times the share price as treasury. The home
token is laid in any available empty city or metropolis station slot. If there is no empty slot available, no
company may be founded.
• Immediately the company may choose any one train out of the train pool (it need not to be the topmost). It
pays the printed price to the bank.
• The Share Limit is 5. No player may own more than five shares. A Director’s certificate counts as one to-
wards this limit.
• A player may possess no more than 2 Director’s certificates.
• A player may possess all shares of a company.
• Note: Only 80% of shares of a company are available. This is on purpose. The other 20% have been lost on
their way to Lilliput.
Junction Crossover
e) Add £5/10/20 to private property
As it says add £5/10/20 to private cash.
Character Cards
Each character provides a player with a special ability (for all his companies) and one or two track tiles which
can be laid additionally to any action during his turn.
Table 2. Charakter Cards
Name Special Ability Special Track Tile(s) Note
Golbasto Mo- Free laying of Must be an upgrade of
marem Evlame yellow Y-tiles a yellow city tile (but not
Gurdilo Shefin (instead of paying the home city and no
Mully Ully Gue £50). Y-tile). The higher value
(The Emperor of count’s for a company with
Lilliput) a station marker in the
Skyresh Bolgolam The costs for each No track tile may run to an
(High Admiral) train which is empty side of an Harbour
bought from the tile. A Harbour is treated
bank are reduced like a town (it doesn’t count
by 10%. to a train’s range).
Table 3. Details for the Character Cards Track Tiles
Example 2 A
Brown Phase
Paying out Dividends
When companies pay a dividend, each : David 1Rd – Income of Red
player receives the share of the revenue company in 1st round
corresponding to the shares they own. £ 30 £ 500 SY –£Yellow share
Shares in the Bank pay out to the bank. 1Rd +25 55 TR2 -80 420 2Rd – Income of Red
If a company pays out a dividend, the share SY -55 0 TK -40 380 company in 2nd round
price rises. The marker on the share chart is 2Rd +70 70 2Y – Income of Yellow
moved to the right one space. If the marker is 2Y +6 76 company in 2nd round
at the end of a row, it moves up instead. TR2 – 2-Train purchase
A marker which moves onto an already oc-
TK – Token purchase
cupied space must be put under any markers
that are already there. Instead of using banknotes you can optionally use the scoring notepad.
Keeping dividends
The director may decide to put all of the revenue into that company’s treasury instead. If a company does not
pay out a dividend, the stock price falls. The marker on the share chart is moved to the left one space. If the
marker is at the end of a row it moves down instead.
A marker which is moved to an already occupied space must be put under any markers that are already there.
The company immediately may buy any train from the train pool.
3) Bureaucracy
a. The next available train (the train card on top of the train card pile) is put into the train pool.
b. The “Starting Player Card” goes to the next player clockwise.
c. The action cards are put back to the middle of the table.
d. The turn counter is moved one space forward.
Game end
The game ends after 8 rounds.
For the last round, all dividends are doubled. This means you count your revenue as in the previous rounds
(all routes included) and multiply it by 2. In the last round you must not keep the dividends in your company.
• The marker on the share chart moves two spaces to the right.
• All players now count their cash and determine the current value of their shares.
• Money in company treasuries does not count for the player.
• A non-used Dimen’s Land Copy Card gives the player £20 at the game end.
The player with the highest total value wins the game.
Additional material:
• 3 brown city tiles with named cities: Tottenham, Allenbeck, Plips instead of the
normal brown city tiles.
• If one train runs to three of the four named cities (Mildendo, Tottenham, Allen-
beck, Plips) it gets a bonus of +£20.
• If one train runs to all four named cities it gets a bonus of +£50.
• This bonus is not doubled with a D-train.
Additional material:
• 4 brown city track tiles with coloured track named “Laputa” instead
of the normal brown city tiles.
• Only companies with corresponding colour may lay the tracktile.
• Only companies with corresponding colour may use the tracks. It
functions as a normal track tile in all other ways, so it may be an upgrade of an existing track.
• With 3 or 2 players remove the cards with Laputa track tiles with the colors not in play.
Additional material:
• 30 tiles named “Brob”
• Use the Brob tiles instead of the normal tiles.
• In Brobdingnag the income of the trains is always paid 50% (rounded up to the nearest ten) to the share-
holders and 50% to the company. It is still possible to withhold all earnings.
Solo Variant Rules
In the solo variant, the player plays against one dummy player called Gulliver.
Hint: Sometimes you have to decide between two possibilities. You may roll a dice (even and odd numbers).
• First, randomly choose one of the four starting companies for Gulliver, but no character card.
• Gulliver gets his starting capital, the 50% director share of this company and the company charter. The
company receives no starting capital.
• Choose randomly one starting city track tile (there are two possibilities: city with straigt track or city with
curve) and lay it alongside of the red starting city track tile “Mildendo” and put the home station marker on
it. If it is a city tile with a curve choose randomly in which direction it is laid.
• Second the player chooses one of the three remaining starting companies and one character card.
• The other starting companies are out of the game.
• No Dimen’s Land Copy Cards are used in the solo variant.
• The following four action cards are laid on the table (see Table 1. Action Cards):
After the starting companies have received their 2-trains, build a train card deck with two trains of
each type (but still unlimited number of 4D-trains).
The game has 8 rounds.
1. Actions
First the player chooses two action cards and performs one of the two possible actions of each card.
Then it’s Gulliver’s turn. Gulliver performs his actions in the following order:
A. Track building
B. Station building
C. Additional plain track building
D. Share buying
E. Train buying
A. Track building:
Gulliver lays one track tile. Building rules (execute the first possible step):
1. Upgrade a green city tile to a brown city tile.
2. Upgrade a yellow city tile to a green city tile.
3. Build a yellow city tile.
4. Build a yellow plain track tile.
Additional track tile laying rules:
• Only tiles with a station token of Gulliver’s companies are upgraded. First the home station track tile. Then
one of the possibly two other tiles (choose randomly if necessary).
• Green city tiles: The new track segment should point to Mildendo.
• Yellow city tiles: If Gulliver has several choices to place a yellow city tile he chooses the one which is nearer
to Mildendo. If there is a tie, choose it randomly.
• Yellow curves (with or without city): Choose randomly which direction they are laid.
B. Laying a station marker
Gulliver lays a station marker in each yellow city he just built until all three station markers are laid. For
Gulliver, this action is free.
C. Additional plain track building
If a city with one of Gulliver‘s station markers has a track segment leading to nowhere a plain track tile is laid
to continue the track. Choose randomly if a straight or a curve is laid.
D. Share buying
• Gulliver never sells shares.
• If Gulliver can afford it, he buys one new 10%-share per round. Choose randomly if there is more than one
to choose.
• Gulliver buys no more than three new 10% shares.
• His fifth and last share to buy will be the 50% director share of a new company. He buys it as soon as he can
afford it (minimum £250). He buys it at the highest share price he can afford.
»»Place the home token of Gulliver’s new company on the home track tile of his first company if there is
a space available. If not place it on the nearest city tile. If there is more than one choose randomly.
»»Gulliver’s second company doesn’t place any other station marker.
E. Train buying
• Instead of putting the next available train card on the card “Train Pool” during bureacracy it is added to one
of Gulliver’s companies.
• If Gulliver has two companies the next train card is allocated to the company with fewer trains. If there is
a tie it is allocated to the company with the train card of the lowest number (3D is higher than a 5-train, 4D
is higher than a 3D). If there is still a tie the train card is allocated to Gulliver’s first company.
• If Gulliver’s company is at its train limit, the train card with the lowest number is rusted (out of the game)
to create space for the new train.
• If, due to a phase change, one or both of Gulliver’s companies have too many trains, then the train
card with the lowest number is eliminated (out of the game).
2. Running trains
Like in the basic game all companies run their trains. Gulliver’s companies always pay out dividends.
Both the player and Gulliver receive dividends for their shares.
3. Bureaucracy
a) The action cards are put back to the middle of the table.
b) The turn counter is moved one space forward.
Game end
The game ends after 8 rounds.
Like in the basic game the dividend of the last round is doubled. The player with the highest total value of cash
and stock wins the game.
Type Explanation Where to lay
May not be overbuilt except by Anywhere, but tunnel is treated as
the green edged tunnel tile which plain track.
may be built from the green phase
on for the cost of £50. Paid by the
company which is able to place
the tile. Replace one mountain tile
by the tunnel tile.
Must be the end of a route. Counts Anywhere. The checkerboard rule
£60 for a company with a token isn’t valid for Wiggywack (like
in it. Mildendo).
Some come with, some without Some are treated as plain track,
city. No upgrade. some as city tile (as marked).
Scenario 1: Let’s start
Scenario 2: The Mountains
Scenario 4: Separated
Game design: Leonhard Orgler
Layout: David Hanáček
Graphic design: Martin Málek
Illustration: Petr Štich
Ferdinand de Cassan dedicated his life to games. He was the founder and organizer of the “Wiener Spie-
lefest”, and he supported everything and anyone who had anything to do with games. For example, he
personally encouraged me to publish “1837” in the early nineties. I owe him much.
Table 5. Track tiles
Variant Tile Yellow Green Brown Red Misc
Basic Game Y-Cities 2 2 1
Cities 12 6 3
Plain Track 16 3 1
Starting Tiles 1
Character Tiles 7
Allenbeck Cities 3
Laputa Cities 4
Brobdingnag Y-Cities 2 2 1
Cities 12 6 3
Starting Tiles 1
Character Tiles 3
Scenario Misc 23
150 6 5 3 2
300 5 4 3 2 2 3
400 4 3 2 2 2 2
500 3 2 2 2 3
650 ∞ ∞ ∞ ∞ 4 3
Revenue of obsolete trains is divided in half
Five 2-trains come with the four starting companies. After they were chosen – no matter with how many
players you play – only two 2-trains remain on the train card pile.