Alpha Spectrometry
Alpha Spectrometry
Alpha Spectrometry
Alpha Spectrometry
Nora Vajda
Radiochemical Laboratory, RadAnal Ltd., 1121 Budapest, Hungary
Paul Martin
Australian Radiation Protection and Nuclear Safety Agency, Yallambie VIC 3085, Australia
Chang-Kyu Kim
Korea Institute of Nuclear Safety, Daejeon 305-338, Republic of Korea, Current: Health Physics Unit, Queensland Health Forensic and Scientific
Services, 39 Kessels Road, Coopers Plains, Queensland 4108, Australia
Chapter Outline
I. Introduction 364 1. Preparation of Solid Samples 394
II. Alpha Decay and Alpha-Emitting Nuclides 365 2. Preconcentration of Liquid Samples
III. Detection Systems 368 and Sample Solutions 394
A. Detectors 369 B. Chemical Separation 396
1. Interaction of Alpha Radiation with Detector 1. Separations by Liquideliquid Extraction (LLE) 396
Materials 369 2. Separations by Ion Exchange 399
2. Characterization of Spectroscopic Detectors 371 3. Separations by Extraction Chromatography (EC) 401
3. Gas Ionization Detectors 372 C. Alpha Source Preparation 409
4. Semiconductor Silicon Detectors 373 VI. Determination of Alpha Activity and Recovery 409
5. Scintillation Detectors 375 A. Calibration 410
6. Cryogenic Detectors 379 B. Measurement Procedure 410
B. Electronic Units 379 C. Alpha Spectrum Evaluation 411
IV. Characteristics of the Alpha Spectrum 380 1. Principle of Evaluation 411
A. Peak Shape and Spectrum Analysis 380 2. Nuclide Identification 411
1. Peak Shape and Spectrum Analysis with 3. Peak Area Determination for Nonoverlapping
Si Detectors 380 Peaks 411
2. Peak Shape and Spectrum Analysis 4. Peak Area Determination with Correction for
with Gas Ionization Detectors 386 Overlapping Peaks 411
3. Peak Shape and Spectrum Analysis 5. Calculation of Results 412
with Liquid Scintillation Detectors 387 6. Calculation of the Combined Standard Uncertainty 413
4. Peak Shape with Cryogenic Detectors 387 7. Calculation of the Decision Threshold
B. Counting Efficiency 388 and the Detection Limit 414
C. Background and Contamination in Alpha VII. Quality Control 415
Spectrometry 389 A. Quality Control for Alpha Spectrometers 415
D. Stability of the Alpha Spectrometer 390 B. Validation of the Procedure 415
V. Radiochemical Processing 390 VIII. Conclusions 416
A. Sample Preparation and Pretreatment 394 References 416
Alpha particle spectrometry has found application in where Q is the disintegration energy, mY is the mass of the
a number of widely diverse fields, from the analysis of alpha- daughter nuclide Y (also called the recoil atom), and ma is the
emitting radionuclides in nuclear materials of high activity to mass of the alpha particle (a).
environmental samples of low and ultralow activity. An example Since the masses of the decay products are significantly
of its widespread use in environmental studies is the measure- different, the kinetic energy of the alpha particle is almost equal
ment of 210Po in soil and sediment samples, as an indirect to the total decay energy Q. The decay energy Q and therefore
measure of 210Pb for erosion and sedimentation investigations the energy of the alpha particle Ea is in the range of 2e8 MeV.
(Robbins, 1978). Other examples include measurement of U and (A more detailed description of alpha decay is given in Chapter I.
Ra radionuclides to investigate groundwater, surface water, and section VIII.A.)
seawater processes (Hancock et al., 2000; Porcelli, 2008), and of Alpha decay is the major decay mode of proton-rich and
Po as an atmospheric tracer (Baskaran, 2011). high-atomic-number nuclides because in heavy nuclides the
Alpha spectrometry is commonly used for monitoring of electrostatic repulsive forces increase more rapidly with atomic
environmental samples for the impact of nuclear activities. number than do the cohesive nuclear forces. Hence, alpha decay
Examples include actinide determinations on soil samples, and is characteristic for heavy nuclides, predominantly for those
analysis of water samples downstream of uranium mining with atomic numbers greater than 83 (i.e., beyond Bi). The
operations for uranium-series radionuclides. The technique is radionuclide of lowest atomic number that emits alpha particles
also used for internal dosimetry for workers, by means of is 144
60 Nd. There are in total 815 alpha emitters in the
analysis of biological samples such as urine (Kehagia et al., database (NUDAT 2, 2009) (see in Fig. 6.1).
2007; Manickam et al., 2010). There are relatively few long-lived alpha-emitting radionu-
As a result of developments in detector fabrication and clides of relevance in the measurement of environmental and
source preparation procedures, as well as progress in the tech- nuclear samples. A list of the important long-lived alpha-
nology of multichannel analyzers and spectrum evaluation emitting nuclides and their short-lived progeny is presented in
codes, high-resolution alpha spectrometry became available Table 6.1, together with the basic nuclear properties of half-life,
from the 1980s. Thus, a precise and sensitive technique was branching ratio (a emission %), alpha particle energy (Ea), and
developed that is suitable for measurement of nuclear data such emission probability (also called abundance Ia) of the most
as half-life, cross section (Wiltshire, 1984), and emission intensive alpha lines.
probabilities (Bortels and Collaers, 1987). More recently, A unique feature of the alpha decay process is the strong
cryogenic detectors have dramatically improved the achievable correlation between alpha particle energy and the half-life of the
peak resolution. parent nuclide. It can be clearly seen from Table 6.1 that
Recently, some mass spectrometry techniques, which detect isotopes of the highest alpha particle energies have the shortest
the radioactive atom itself rather than the emitted radiation, half-lives (and therefore highest decay constants). For example,
have shown significant advances in sensitivity for the determi- within the series of 232Th, 230Th, and 228Th, the half-life is
nation of long-lived alpha-emitting radionuclides. These reduced from 1010 years to about 2 years while the alpha
developments have made these techniques rivals to, and in some particle energy is increased from 4 MeV to 5.4 MeV. This
applications superior to, alpha spectrometry in terms of sensi- illustrates the validity of the law recognized by GeigereNuttall
tivity and/or sample throughput. Nevertheless, the advantages of in 1911, which can be expressed by the following empirical
alpha spectrometry, especially for shorter-lived radionuclides, equation (see Fig. 6.2):
mean that it will remain an important, standard technique for the
foreseeable future. lg l ¼ A þ B lg Ea (6.3)
where l is the decay constant, Ea is the energy of the alpha
particle, and A, B are constants.
NUCLIDES Later this process was explained by the quantum mechanical
barrier penetration theory of Gamow (see Chapter 1, Section
Alpha decay occurs when a nucleus of helium 42 He2þ called an VIII.A). Typically, alpha particles have energies in a narrow
“alpha particle” is emitted from a heavy nucleus. After the range, between 4 MeV and 8 MeV. If the alpha energy is beyond
decay, the mass number (A) and the atomic number (Z) of the these values, the half-lives of the nuclides become either too
new nucleus are lower by four and two, respectively: short for the radionuclides to be easily detected or so long that
they can be regarded as practically stable. Both cases require
zX / A4
z2 Y þ 42 He þ Q (6.1) special skills and highly sophisticated analytical techniques for
successful measurement.
During the spontaneous decay, the decay energy Q is In alpha spectrometry, alpha particles of different kinetic
liberated and shared between the reaction products A4 z2 Y and energies are “detected” using various types of nuclear detec-
4 He2þ according to the law of conservation of momentum. The
2 tors, the most common being gas ionization, semiconductor,
kinetic energy of the alpha particle (Ea) can be calculated from and scintillation detectors. When an alpha particle enters the
detector, it produces (directly or indirectly) charge carriers,
Ea ¼ Q 1 (6.2) electronecation pairs, electronehole pairs, or electrons,
1 þ mY =ma respectively. The collection of these charge carriers at the
366 Handbook of Radioactivity Analysis
FIGURE 6.1 Alpha emitters in the upper right region of the concise chart of the nuclides indicated by gray color. Nuclides are presented by their atomic numbers Z as
a function of neutron number N. (From Magill and Galy, 2005; reprinted by permission of Springer-Verlag Ó 2005)
electrodes gives a current which flows through a resistor Alpha decay is characterized by the similarity of the decay
producing a voltage pulse. Those interactions between the schemes of various radionuclides, which is revealed in the
alpha particle and the detector can be utilized in alpha spec- similarity of the fine structure of the alpha spectra. In the
trometry where the height of the generated pulse is propor- typical alpha decay process, there are a few possible alpha
tional to the kinetic energy of the alpha particle and the pulse particle transitions involving different alpha particle energies
frequency or count rate is proportional to the activity of the and emission probabilities (see Table 6.1). In the case of
alpha source. Alpha spectra are commonly depicted as the Am, four alpha decay processes, and consequently four
number of counts collected during a given counting time types of alpha particles of different energies, can be distin-
against the channel number, where channel number is a linear guished, although in all processes 237Np is produced. If 237Np
function of the pulse height and thus of the energy of the alpha is obtained in an excited state, it will transform spontaneously
particle. to the ground state by the emission of gamma radiation or
A typical alpha decay scheme and the expected energy conversion electrons.
spectrum of the alpha particles are shown in Fig. 6.3 and Direct transformation to the ground state of the daughter
Fig. 6.4, respectively. results in the emission of alpha particles of the highest
energy. For almost all even-mass number and for many odd-
mass number alpha-emitting radionuclides, this is the emis-
sion with the highest intensity (with 241Am being an
exception). Thus, a series of alpha particles of slightly
different energies and of increasing abundance with
increasing energy can be usually assigned to a single
Each alpha particle energy results in an alpha peak in the
spectrum; however, due to the relatively small energy
difference between the peaks they are more or less over-
lapping, resulting in a typical alpha spectrum similar to the
one shown in Fig. 6.4. It is a challenging job to separate the
individual peaks, requiring high-resolution alpha spectrom-
etry (HRAS).
For normal analytical purposes, if the group of alpha peaks
FIGURE 6.2 GeigereNuttall plot: Half-life as a function of atomic number Z
belonging to a single radionuclide is well separated from the
(Loveland et al., 2006). (Reprinted by permission of John Wiley and Sons Ó other alpha peak groups in the spectrum, then there is no need to
2006) analyze the individual peaks for nuclide identification and
Chapter | 6 Alpha Spectrometry 367
TABLE 6.1 Basic Decay Data for Alpha-Emitting Radionuclides of Interest (NUDAT 2, 2009)
368 Handbook of Radioactivity Analysis
TABLE 6.1 Basic Decay Data for Alpha-Emitting Radionuclides of Interest (NUDAT 2, 2009)dCont’d
Nuclide Half-life Ea (keV) Ia (%) Nuclide Half-life Ea (keV) Ia (%)
5792.5 18.1 4817.3 2.5
5830 50.7 U 4.468E9 a 4151 20.9
Ra 1600 a 4601 5.55 4198 79.0
4784.34 94.45 Pu 87.7 a 5456.3 28.98
Ac 29.37 h 5399 100 5499.03 70.91
227 239
Th 18.72 d 5668.0 2.06 Pu 24110 a 5105.5 11.5
5693.0 1.50 5144.3 15.1
5700.8 3.63 5156.59 73.3
5708.8 8.3 Pu 6563 a 5123.68 27.1
5804.82 76.4
FIGURE 6.3 Decay scheme for 241Am (from Chapter 1, Part VIII.A). The relative abundances of alpha particles and the relevant gamma-ray emissions are
expressed in % (in parenthesis) beside the radiation energy values in MeV. Energy levels of the nuclides are shown as plateaus along the ordinate, and are distributed
along the abscissa, representing the atomic number.
A. Detectors
place. The energy of the alpha particle is transformed to 1. Interaction of Alpha Radiation with Detector
a measurable physical quantity, e.g. electric charge, current, or
voltage. In the process of detection, the charge carriers are
collected and converted to electric pulses. Only a few radiation detector types are suitable for the accurate
In spectrometry, pulses are processed in the so-called ‘pulse determination of the energy distribution of alpha particles. Of
mode’ where each interacting particle is detected indepen- these, silicon semiconductor detectors are the most frequently
dently. Electric pulse processing units such as preamplifiers used at present. Due to instrumental improvements and devel-
and amplifiers attached to the detector output both amplify and opments in spectrum evaluation software, high-resolution alpha
form (shape) the pulses. Pulses are then digitalized by an spectrometry using Si detectors became available from the end
analog-to-digital converter (ADC). From a series of digitalized of the 1980s.
370 Handbook of Radioactivity Analysis
FIGURE 6.5 Transformation of digital pulse data into pulse-height spectrum using a multichannel analyzer (MCA). The left side of the figure shows the pulses
appearing at the detector as a function of time. The right side shows the generated spectrum with the number of pulses as a function of the pulse height.
E [MeV]
the case of liquid scintillation counting (LSC). In the case of a few nanoseconds (109 s) in gases resulting in the possibility
silicon detectors, absorption can be reduced by the use of of very fast detector response.
vacuum in the chamber surrounding the detector and the alpha The operation principles of gas ionization and scintillation
source. In addition, considerable efforts have been made to detectors are described in Chapters 3, 7, and 16, and those of
develop radiochemical procedures for the preparation of “infi- semiconductor detectors are discussed in Chapter 5. The
nitely thin” alpha sources that are almost free of self-absorption following sections focus on particular properties of the detectors
(see Section V). used in alpha spectrometry.
The interaction of alpha radiation with matter is a statistical
process. When monoenergetic alpha particles pass through 2. Characterization of Spectroscopic Detectors
matter there is a spread of energies at distances along the beam
path which is called energy straggling. The energy distribution In order to compare various types of detectors the following
of an originally monoenergetic beam becomes wider with parameters are determined:
penetration depth; however, near the end of the range, the l energy resolution,
distribution becomes narrower again due to the reduction of the l detection efficiency,
beam energy (see Fig. 6.8). l response time, and
Analogously to energy straggling, the fluctuation in the path l dead time.
length of the alpha particles due to the statistical nature of the
interactions is known as range straggling. Detector characteristics are not the only important factors that
Energy and range straggling are the basic processes influence the performance of alpha spectrometers. Other major
which are responsible for peak broadening in conventional contributors to the overall quality of alpha spectra are other
alpha spectrometry (see the peaks of 241Am in Fig. 6.4). The electronic units and the type and quality of the alpha source.
peak shape in alpha spectrometry is affected by many Energy resolution in nuclear spectroscopy is expressed as
parameters, including the characteristics of the detector, the the full width at half maximum of the peak (FWHM). In alpha
absorbers between the detector, and the source and those of spectrometry, the energy resolution performance of the detector
the source. is expressed traditionally as the FWHM in keV at the 5486 keV
The time required to stop alpha particles in the detector is peak of 241Am.
calculated from its range and average velocity where velocity In alpha spectrometry, peaks are usually not symmetric (not
(v) is a function of the energy (Ea) and the atomic mass of the Gaussian shaped). The asymmetry appears as a low-energy side
particle (ma): tailing that can be better characterized by the full width at one
rffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi tenth of the peak maximum (FWTM).
2Ea The absolute counting efficiency (εabs) in nuclear spec-
n ¼ (6.5) troscopy is defined as the number of pulses recorded over the
number of alpha particles emitted by the source and it equals
Using typical range values, stopping times of alpha parti- U
εabs ¼ 3int (6.6)
cles are a few picoseconds (1012 s) in solids and liquids and 4p
372 Handbook of Radioactivity Analysis
where εint is the intrinsic efficiency of the detector that is defined gas ions and free electrons are created. The average energy
as the number of pulses recorded over the number of quanta needed to form an ion pair is 30e40 eV depending on the type of
incident on detector, U is the solid angle of the detector seen gas. Therefore, an incident 5 MeV alpha particle creates about
from the actual source position, and U/4p is the geometry 150,000 ion pairs. In an external electric field, electrostatic forces
factor. will move the charges to the electrodes of opposite charge. The
A feature of alpha detectors is that the intrinsic efficiency is mobility of the free electrons is about 1000 times higher than that
usually 100%. This means that all alpha particles that reach the of the positive gas cations. Therefore, typical collection times for
active volume of the detector are counted unless the detector electrons are much shorter (in the range of microseconds)
thickness is smaller than the range of alpha radiation in the compared to the millisecond characteristic of cations.
detector material. In alpha spectrometry, the determination of Ionization chambers are operated at low voltage
the absolute counting efficiency can be limited to the determi- (100e250 V) while a somewhat higher voltage (300e600 V) is
nation of the geometry factor, which can be calculated if the applied in proportional counters where the accelerated elec-
geometry parameters such as source and detector area and trons generate new charge carriers in collisions with gas
source-to-detector distance in coaxial arrangement are known molecules. This process is called gas multiplication. In
exactly (see Section IV.B for more details). proportional counters, the total number of charge carriers is
Response time is the time interval between the arrival of the proportional to the primary charge carriers generated by the
alpha particle into the detector and the appearance of the alpha particle, therefore the pulse height is also proportional to
response signal at the detector output. New particles entering the particle energy. As a result of gas multiplication (which can
the detector during the response time period are either not be as high as 106 times), the output pulse is much higher than in
detected or detected together with another pulse causing the case of ionization chambers.
a deviating pulse height, i.e., a pileup peak. Dead time is the For alpha spectrometry, gas ionization detectors are used in
minimum length of time that must separate two events in order pulse mode. Because of the slow migration of the ions these
that they are recorded as two separate pulses. detectors are often operated in electron-sensitive mode. By
In semiconductor alpha spectrometry, response times and changing the time constant of the electric circuit the amplitude
dead times are very short, and so high count rates may be of the detected pulse reflects only the drift of the electrons.
tolerated without pileup and dead-time corrections. Using gas However, the amplitude of the pulse becomes sensitive to the
ionization detectors, dead times are longer and corrections are position in the chamber where the alpha particle interaction
more likely to be necessary. The dead-time (s) corrected count takes place. This drawback can be overcome by the use of
rate (icor) is calculated from the measured count rate (imeas) gridded ionization chambers.
according to the following equation: In the Frisch-grid detector (Fig. 6.9), the ionization
imeas chamber is divided into two parts by the grid, which is main-
icor ¼ (6.7) tained at an intermediate potential between the original elec-
1 imeas s
trodes. Alpha particles enter only the gridecathode
compartment through the use of a collimator. Only the upward
3. Gas Ionization Detectors movement of the electrons in the grideanode compartment is
registered by placing the load resistor in the anodeegrid circuit.
Gas ionization detectors are described in detail in Chapter 3. For When the electrons move from the grid to the anode, the gride
alpha-spectrometric purposes, ionization chambers and anode voltage begins to drop and the signal voltage begins to
proportional counters can be applied. GeigereMüller counters develop across the resistor. The maximum signal voltage (V ¼
are not suitable for measuring the radiation energy because the n e/C) is reached when the electrons reach the anode.
electron discharge due to the high gas multiplication envelops The grid is maintained at an intermediate voltage between
the entire anode wire independently of the original number of the cathode and anode, and therefore the grid becomes almost
primary electrons produced by the ionizing radiation. Semi- transparent for the electrons. Increasing the grid voltage will
conductor detectors have replaced gas detectors in many cause losses of electrons and the detected count rate will be
application fields because they are superior in terms of energy reduced (Fig. 6.10).
resolution, response time, ease of operation, and cost. Gas In the Frisch-grid chamber, a fast and position-independent
ionization detectors offer the attractive feature that large alpha pulse is generated by detecting the electron drift separated from
sources can be detected, which is often important in the direct the drift of positive ions.
analysis of some environmental samples without sample Gridded ionization chambers have been successfully used
dissolution and chemical separation, such as air samples for alpha-spectrometric analysis of large area sources up to 80-
(Röttger et al., 2001) or the surface of plate glass (Samuelsson, mm radius by Roos and Roos (1999). An absolute counting
2011). efficiency close to 40% was achieved while the energy resolu-
tion was acceptably high (FWHM was about 30 keV).
a. Principle of Detection of Alpha Particles Major characteristics of gas ionization detectors are as
Gas ionization detectors usually consist of a gas-filled cylinder follows:
that serves as a cathode, and an anode wire. The filling gas is
usually a noble gas (Ar or He) or a mixture of gases. Alpha l Ionization chambers, preferably gridded chambers, operated
particles excite and ionize the gas. In the latter process, positive as pulse chambers have been used to obtain alpha spectra.
Chapter | 6 Alpha Spectrometry 373
FIGURE 6.9 Operational principle of the gridded ionization chamber according to Knoll (2010). Reprinted by permission of John Wiley and Sons Ó 2010. The rise
of the pulse results from the drift of the electrons across the grideanode region d. No signal voltage is generated when electrons move across region y. d and y are the
distances between the grideanode and the interaction positionegrid.
FIGURE 6.10 Change in count rate at different grid to anode and anode to cathode voltages (Roos and Roos, 1999).
l Pulse amplitudes are usually very small because of the lack a 100% intrinsic efficiency can be reached with a Si detector of
of gas amplification; consequently, low-noise preamplifiers 100-mm thickness. A major advantage of semiconductors is
have to be attached to the ionization chambers. their high-energy resolution (only the special-application
l Energy resolution of the detector is limited by the relatively cryogenic detectors described below have a higher-energy
high ionization potential (energy needed to create an elec- resolution). Their drawbacks include the limitations on size and
tron-ion pair) of the gases. Typical resolutions of 35e40 keV their high susceptibility to radiation-induced damage resulting
have been reported. in spectrum degradation.
l Response times are relatively slow, electron collection times There are some differences in the pulse generation processes
are in the range of ms, and ion collection times are in the between gas ionization and semiconductor detectors, which are
range of ms. In gridded ionization chambers, only the drift of as follows:
electrons is detected.
l The mobilities of the charge carriers are different. In gas
l Absolute counting efficiencies are close to 50% if sources
ionization detectors, the mobilities of the electrons are about
are placed inside the chamber.
1000 times higher than those of the cations, while in semi-
l Gridded ionization chambers are superior to Si detectors
conductor detectors, the mobilities of the electrons are 2e3
regarding efficiency when large samples (larger than the size
times higher than those of the holes.
of the Si detector) are measured.
l The charge collection times are different. The time needed to
collect electronecation pairs is in the range of ms, whereas
4. Semiconductor Silicon Detectors that for electronehole pairs is in the range of ms.
l The size of the sensitive volume is dependent on the applied
Silicon semiconductor detectors are regarded as analogous to
voltage in semiconductor detectors, while it is constant in
gas ionization as solid-state ionization detectors. The use of
gas ionization detectors.
a solid medium has the advantage that the dimensions of the
detector can be kept small while the counting efficiency is as The properties of semiconductor materials including the
high as in case of gases. In alpha spectrometry, this means that description of the band structure have been discussed in detail in
374 Handbook of Radioactivity Analysis
many good monographs (Knoll, 2010; Gilmore, 2008) and are radiation must pass this “dead layer” before reaching the
also described in Chapter 5. Here we focus our discussion on Si sensitive volume. The dead layer causes losses in production of
detectors, which are the most frequently used detectors in charge carriers and a reduction in energy resolution.
routine and also in high-resolution alpha spectrometry. Surface Barrier Detectors. By etching the surface of an
In Si semiconductor detectors, p-type and n-type Si are n-type Si crystal, a p-type layer (oxide) is formed that is coated
brought together in good contact, and a reverse bias (positive by a thin gold layer using vacuum evaporation. SBDs can be
voltage to the n-type Si) is applied. At the junction of the two Si produced starting from a p-type Si that is evaporated by
layers, an intrinsic layer depleted in any charge carriers is aluminum to form an n-type contact. Gold or Al serve as electric
formed. The reverse-biased pen junction, the so-called pen contacts and entrance window for the radiation. These detectors
diode, is used as an alpha particle detector. are characterized by a very thin dead layer, resulting in high-
The basic interaction between the ionizing particle and the energy resolution and small losses in charge collection. Due to
detector takes place in the depleted/intrinsic region. When the the very thin entrance window, these detectors are sensitive to
alpha particle passes through a semiconductor, electronehole mechanical or chemical impacts and are permeable also for
pairs are created along the track. These charge carriers are photons. They can be operated in light-tight chambers that
collected by the electric field, with changes in the electric field usually also serve as vacuum chambers.
being registered as pulses. Pulse amplitudes are small, being in Passivated Ion-implanted Planar Si (PIPSi) Detectors. At
the range of mA. Since the height of the pulse is proportional to present, these are the detectors most frequently used for alpha
the energy deposited by the interacting particle, the detector is spectrometry. N-type Si is used as the starting material for
suitable for spectrometric measurements. production of PIPSi detectors (PIPS and ULTRA are the
The average energy expended by the ionizing radiation to registered trade names of the PIPSi detectors of Canberra and
produce one electronehole pair in Si is about 3.6 eV (slightly Ortec). Accelerators of about 10 kV are used to implant B or P
higher than the 3.0 eV in Ge). This value is also somewhat ions as p-type impurities and As as an n-type blocking contact.
higher than the width of the bandgap in Si (1.12 eV) or the PIPSi detectors have the following advantages:
ionization energy, because the energy imparted by the alpha
l The implanted Al entrance window is thin and even,
particle is not 100% utilized in electronehole pair production.
allowing high-energy resolution and small losses in charge
This value is about an order of magnitude lower than the 30 eV
required to create an electronecation pair in gas ionization
l The implanted Al window is resistant to mechanical effects;
detectors. Therefore, the number of charge carriers is increased
it can be cleaned.
by about 10 times and the statistical fluctuation in number is
l The leakage current is small.
reduced, resulting in a better energy resolution as well as in
a better signal-to-noise ratio. The ionization energy depends The flow chart of production of PIPSi detectors is shown in
slightly on temperature; in Si, it is 3% greater at liquid nitrogen Fig. 6.11.
temperature compared with room temperature. Silicon detectors, and especially PIPSi detectors, find
The electrical resistance of pure Si is high, and therefore the widespread application in standard alpha spectrometry. Since
leakage current across the junction is small. In spectrometric the 1980s considerable efforts have gone into improving the
application, this must not exceed a few nA. This low current is detection systems and developing high-resolution alpha spec-
a major requirement if electric pulses that generate ~mA current trometry which allows the determination of nuclides that emit
are to be analyzed. alpha particles of similar energies.
Electrical charges are collected by two ohmic contacts fitted High-resolution alpha spectrometry (HRAS) is not based
to the opposite faces of the semiconductor material. The ohmic on a new detection principle, and does not require a new type of
contacts are connected to a detection circuit, and an electric instrumentation, but all possible efforts are expended to
field is applied to collect the charge carriers. Special blocking improve the energy resolution. PIPSi detectors of thin window
electrodes are used where the number of charge carriers is and small size (20e50 mm2) are used. The alpha sources are
reduced during application of the electric field in order to reduce prepared with special care, typically with vacuum sublimation
the leakage current of the detector. or electrodeposition to obtain an almost infinitely thin and even
According to fabrication technology, silicon semiconductor sample layer after radiochemical processing. The source-to-
detectors are of three different types: the diffused junction detector detector distance is kept high (several times the diameter of the
(DJD), the surface barrier detector (SBD), and the passivated ion- detector) to have a small solid angle of measurement (<1% of
implanted detector (PIPSi). Each detector can be regarded as 4p sr), and so absolute counting efficiencies are typically less
a reverse-biased compensated detector where n- and p-type Si than 1% (typically 0.1 to 0.2%). Because of the low counting
crystals are brought into contact and a depleted/intrinsic (i) layer is efficiency, a source strength of a few tens of Bq or more are
formed as the sensitive volume of the detector. a requisite. A high vacuum and high stability of the electronic
Diffused Junction Detectors. These detectors, belonging to equipment are assured by special technical tools. Temperature
the first generation of Si diode detectors, are prepared by control and source collimation might be necessary. Conversion
diffusion from p-type Si. An n-type impurity, usually P, is electrons are sometimes deflected by magnetic deflectors to
evaporated on one surface of the crystal and is diffused into the avoid alpha-electron coincidences. The typical energy resolu-
Si crystal to a depth of 0.1e2 mm. A depleted layer is formed tion of such a system is less than 10 keV, significantly less than
under the surface layer that is relatively thick. The incident the typical values of 30e80 keV for standard alpha
Chapter | 6 Alpha Spectrometry 375
n - Si n-type Si crystal
ion implantation using accelerator,
doping with B p-type impurity,
doping with As n-type impurity at
As rear side to form blocking contact
heat treatment at 600oC,
fast cooling, removal of the
non adhering layer
evaporation of Al
spectrometry. Due to the low counting efficiency, HRAS cannot l Absolute counting efficiencies are close to 50% if sources
be used for the analysis of low-activity samples such as envi- are placed close to the detector inside the chamber.
ronmental samples, but it can be applied in combination with l Si detectors usually have low background resulting in a high
a spectrum deconvolution code for the analysis of high-activity counting sensitivity.
samples. HRAS is especially suitable for the analysis of isotope
Semiconductor Si detectors have proved to have more advan-
pairs of similar energies such as 239Pu and 240Pu, or 243Cm and
244 tages than gas ionization detectors and have replaced them in
Cm, which are spectroscopically separated.
most applications.
Major characteristics of Si semiconductor detectors are as
5. Scintillation Detectors
l Surface barrier and preferably passivated implanted planar
Si detectors are used to obtain alpha spectra. Detection of ionizing radiation by scintillation detectors is based
l Pulse amplitudes are usually very small (in the range of on the emission of light as a result of the interaction of the
a few mA) but well detectable after amplification. radiation with the detector material (called a scintillator) fol-
l The typical leakage current of a PIPSi detector is in the range lowed by collection of light and its conversion into electrical
of nA. pulses using photomultiplier tubes or photodiodes. Scintillation
l Energy resolution of the detector is high due to the low detection is one of the oldest techniques in the measurement of
ionization energy needed to create an electronehole pair. radioactivity having had widespread application for the detection
Typical resolution of the detector is 10e20 keV depending of alpha, beta, and gamma radiation in the past. At present, most
on detector performance and size. of the applications are related to gross counting of alpha, beta,
l Charge collection times for electronehole pairs are fast, in and gamma radiation due to the typically high counting effi-
the range of ms. There is a relatively small difference ciency and the low cost of the instrumentation while radiation
between the collection times of electrons and holes (a factor spectroscopy is limited by the insufficient energy resolution of
of 2e3). the scintillators to allow the identification of the radionuclides in
376 Handbook of Radioactivity Analysis
an isotope mixture. Scintillation gamma spectrometry was a particle of 1 MeV energy is about 15000e60000. The effi-
a basic tool until about the 1980s, but it was gradually replaced ciency of the photocathode to convert photons into electrons is
by semiconductor spectrometry of much better energy resolution. typically 10%. Therefore, the expected number of electrons at
The operation mechanisms and application fields of liquid the output of the photocathode is 1500e6000. Altogether, about
scintillation detectors are described in Chapters 7 and 9 and 200e700 eV energy is required to produce a photoelectron. The
those of solid scintillators are summarized in Chapter 16. corresponding “ionization energy” of gas ionization and semi-
Here, we are summarizing the principles of operation and conductor detectors is one and two orders of magnitude lower,
showing only the alpha-spectrometric application, the so- respectively. This difference is the basic reason for the poor
called high-resolution alpha-liquid-scintillation spectrometry energy resolution of scintillators compared to gas ionization and
(a-LSC). especially to semiconductor detectors.
Scintillation detectors include solid and liquid scintillators The mechanism of scintillation in inorganic and organic
as well as inorganic and organic scintillators. For all these scintillators is different.
different types, the basic process used for detection is fluores- Mechanism of scintillation in inorganic crystals with
cence which is the prompt emission of visible radiation (light). activators. Inorganic scintillators are insulators characterized by
Good scintillator materials are characterized by the following: a band structure where the lower band (the valence band)
represents the electrons that are bound to lattice sites of the
1. high scintillation efficiency in converting the kinetic energy crystals and the upper band (the conduction band) represents the
of the particle to light; electrons that can migrate throughout the crystal. The gap (the
2. linearity of conversion which means that the light yield is forbidden band) between the two bands is wide (above 5 eV). If
proportional to the deposited energy, thus allowing spec- energy is deposited in the crystal by radiation, electrons in the
trometric analysis; valence band can be elevated to the conduction band leaving
3. good optical properties including transparency to the a hole behind. The addition of small amounts of impurity, called
emitted light to allow efficient light collection; an activator, to the pure crystal will create an intermediate energy
4. fast response time with prompt light emission; and level within the gap (a luminescence center) through which the
5. high density or high atomic number e this is required only excited electron can de-excite back to the valence band while
for the detection of gamma radiation. emitting a visible photon with a reduced energy. This photon will
serve as the basis of scintillation detection. De-excitation
Inorganic alkali halide crystals, such as NaI(Tl) and CsI(Tl), processes are typically fast with a half-life of about 100 ns.
usually meet the requirements of (1), (2), (3), and (5), but are Besides the luminescence centers, impurities in the crystal
usually slow in response time. Organic scintillators such as solid can create electron traps. De-excitation of the electrons from the
plastics and liquid scintillators are usually faster but the light electron traps does not result in visible light emission or the
yield is lower and the requirements of high density and atomic light emission is delayed causing an “afterglow” appearing in an
number are not fulfilled. increased background during the measurement.
The main parts of a scintillation detector are the scintillator, Detection of alpha particles by solid scintillators. Among
which converts the radiation energy to visible light photons, and the great variety of inorganic scintillators (e.g., NaI(Tl), Cs(Tl),
the photoelectron-multiplier (PM) tube containing the photo- CsI(Na), CaF2(Eu), LiI(Eu), and bismuth germinate), ZnS(Ag)
cathode, the multistage electron-multiplying section made of is the one that has been exclusively used for the detection of
a series of electron-multiplying dinodes and an anode for alpha particles. It has a high radiation conversion efficiency of
collection of the amplified charge situated in a glass vacuum about 20%. The maximum wavelength of the emitted photons is
envelope. Photocathodes are responsible for converting the 450 nm, close to the maximum sensitivity of the photocathode.
energy of the photons into electrons. If the light appears as The principal decay constant is 0.2 ms. Its major drawback is
a pulse, the photoelectrons produced will also form a pulse of that it is crystallized as polycrystalline powder, which is not
similar time duration. The number of electrons emitted by the adequate for spectrometric measurements. Usually a thin layer
cathode is multiplied on the dinodes where the multiplication of 20‒30 mg/cm2 thickness is mounted on a glass surface.
factor can be as high as 106e108 depending on the applied A thicker layer of ZnS loses transparency.
voltage. The electric pulse at the anode of the PM tube can be Mechanism of scintillation in organic crystals, liquids,
directly counted without further amplification by a simple and gases. In organic scintillators, excitation and de-excitation
counter, a single or a multichannel analyzer. Typical tubes have processes take place in single molecules independent of their
fast response times. When they are illuminated by a short light physical state, i.e., solid, liquid, or gaseous state, in marked
pulse, an electron pulse will be produced at the anode with a time contrast to inorganic scintillators. Scintillation arises from
width of a few nanoseconds after a delay time of 20e50 ns. transitions of electrons between the energy levels of the organic
The sensitivity of the scintillation detector consisting of molecule.
a scintillator and a PM tube to radiation can be calculated by the The energy spacing between the ground and the excited
following assumptions: The blue light emitted by the scintillator levels is 3e4 eV for many organic scintillators. In both states,
has a wavelength (l) of about 400 nm. According to Planck’s there are several vibrational energy levels where the energy
equation, the energy of the photon is therefore about 3 eV. spacing is much smaller (about 0.15 eV) that these levels can
Taking into account that the conversion efficiency of the scin- also be occupied. The molecules at room temperature and in the
tillator is 5e20%, then the number of photons generated by absence of radiation occupy the ground state. When radiation
Chapter | 6 Alpha Spectrometry 377
passes the scintillator the deposited energy excites the molecule, where kB is treated as an adjustable parameter to fit experi-
and this is followed by fast (ps) de-excitation. De-excitation to mental data for a given organic scintillator.
the ground level does not result in light emission. Fluorescent The reduced scintillation efficiency is a special feature of
light is emitted in those de-excitation processes where the the interaction of heavy charged particles with organic scintil-
excited molecule goes back to one of the vibrational levels of lators, and makes alpha spectrometry using commercial LSC
the ground state. In organic scintillators, delayed light emission very difficult.
(phosphorescence) is also often observed. To avoid the interference of alpha and beta LS spectra, a new
In mixtures of organic molecules, the excitation energy technique of pulse-shape discrimination (PSD) has been
undergoes substantial transfer from one molecule to another. introduced. In organic scintillators, fluorescent light is produced
This energy transfer plays an important role in liquid scintilla- in a very rapid “prompt” process as well as in a slower process
tors where often a high concentration of nonscintillating solvent corresponding to delayed fluorescence. The response times of
is mixed with a small concentration of an efficient scintillator. the processes are in ns and 100-ns ranges, respectively, as shown
The primary energy transfer takes place in the solvent and the by the shape of the pulses depicted as pulse intensity versus time
excitation energy is finally emitted as photons by the scintillator in Fig. 6.12. The slow scintillation component is higher for
molecule. Scintillation cocktails often contain a third organic particles of high specific energy loss (dE/dx) such as alpha
molecule called a wavelength shifter that can change the particles and heavy charged particles. Based on the differences
wavelength of the emission spectrum so that it is better fitted to in the pulse shapes it is possible to separate pulses due to alpha
the absorption maximum of the photocathode. Scintillator particles from those originating from beta or gamma radiations.
molecules usually contain aromatic rings of carbohydrates, but Using special electronic circuits for PSD, alpha and beta spectra
oxygen and nitrogen atoms can be included in the aromatic ring are constructed from a single LS spectrum. Using this tech-
structure. nique, which is available in modern LS counters, the problems
Detection of alpha particles by LSC. Liquid scintillators are of overlapping alpha and beta spectra due to reduced scintilla-
frequently used for the detection of alpha particles. Commercial tion efficiency can be eliminated.
liquid scintillation counters (LSCs) developed for the detection Alpha spectrometry by high-resolution a-LSC. A so-called
of low-energy beta particles can be used to measure alpha high-resolution alpha-LSC characterized by an FWHM of
particles without self-absorption losses, giving 100% absolute 200e400 keV for alpha particles in the energy range of 4e7
counting efficiency. This advantage is counterbalanced by the MeV has been developed for the measurement of alpha spectra
limited resolution of the scintillators. A typical energy resolution of separated radioelements such as uranium and thorium.
using commercial LS system is about 20e25%; so alpha spec- A small volume of extracted sample mixed with an organic
trometry is difficult or almost impossible to achieve. scintillator is detected by a single PM tube in a special geometry
Detection of low-level alpha radiation by a commercial LSC shown in Fig. 6.13.
is difficult because the scintillation yield of the alpha particles is The differences in fluorescent yields of alpha and beta
lower by about a factor of 10 than that of beta particles. There- particles cause troublesome background interference from beta
fore, the spectra of the alpha radiation of 4e6 MeV appear in the and gamma radiations in the alpha counting. With the selection
same region as the spectra of beta particles of 400e600 keV. of an appropriate scintillator, alpha-produced pulses are about
Furthermore, the response of organic scintillators to alpha or 30 ns longer than beta-produced pulses. Based on this
beta radiation is not completely linear; deviation from linearity
is found at low energies. The explanation of this behavior was
given by Birks (1964). In organic scintillators such as LSC, only
a small fraction of the kinetic energy of the alpha particles is
converted to light and the remainder is dissipated in the matter
as heat and lattice vibrations. The high ionization density along
the track of the alpha particle causes damages to the organic
molecules that leads to quenching (absorption) of the fluores-
cence light created in the interaction. It is expected that the light
output (dL/dx) is proportional to the specific energy loss of the
particle (dE/dx) if there is no quenching:
dL dE
¼ S (6.8)
dx dx
where S is the normal scintillation efficiency.
The Birks’ formula expresses the deviation from the normal
scintillation due to quenching:
dL S
¼ dx (6.9) FIGURE 6.12 Typical pulse shapes in LS spectrometry. Tailing refers to
dx dE
1 þ kB delayed fluorescence. The contribution of the slow component to the pulse is
dx higher for alpha particles than beta particles.
378 Handbook of Radioactivity Analysis
0.90 mg/cm2
0.38 mg/cm2 235
U a d
vacuum or air
6.8 μg/cm2
1 2 3 4 5
Energy (MeV)
FIGURE 6.17 Simulated alpha spectra of a mixed source containing equal activities of 238U and 234U when absorber thickness (0 mm, 5 mm, and 20 mm) is changed
(absorber is a plastic foil of 0.5 g cm3 density). Detector FWHM and source thickness, assumed to be 14 keV and 0.4 mm (6.8 mg/cm2), not influencing the spectrum
shape significantly. Spectra were generated by the AASI simulation software (Siiskonen and Pöllänen, 2004).
The effect of the geometric arrangement on the energy detector. Variation in these individual energy depositions results
resolution is illustrated in Fig. 6.16. in peak broadening.
Alpha particles emitted by the radionuclides embedded in Absorption and self-absorption have different effects on the
the source material can have different paths before entering the alpha spectrum. If only absorption has a significant contribution
Si detector. They can deposit energy in the source (such as to energy losses (thin source but thick absorber), then the
particles b and c). All particles (aee) will deposit energy in the spectrum is shifted to lower energies because all alpha particles
air gap between the source and the detector and in the detector lose part of their energy in interactions outside the detector. It
window. The first process represents self-absorption and the also causes peak broadening due to the variation in energy loss
latter ones represent absorption. The role of air absorption can outside of the detector due to varied angles of incidence, and to
be neglectable if high vacuum is present in the detector the reduction in number of charge carriers produced in the
chamber, but very often it is desirable to attain a limited air detector. If only self-absorption has a significant contribution to
pressure to protect the detector from recoil particles (see below). energy losses (as in the case of thick sources), then the peak is
Altogether, the contributions of absorption in the source (“self- broadened but the spectrum is not shifted. This is because
absorption”), in the detector window, and in any other absorbent particles originating from the surface layer of the source can
to the total absorption are different. Each process causes reach the detector without loss of energy due to self-absorption.
reduction of the total energy deposited in the Si detector and The effect of absorption and self-absorption on the alpha spectra
each process results in a range and energy straggling of the is shown in Figs 6.17 and 6.18, respectively.
monoenergetic alpha particles. The lengths of the arrows in Absorption and self-absorption depend on the composition,
the Si material represent the paths of the alpha particles and the density, homogeneity, and surface roughness of the absorber
energy deposited by each particle in the active volume of the and source. In the AASI (advanced alpha-spectrometric
FIGURE 6.18 Simulated alpha spectra of a mixed source containing equal activities of 238U and 234U with varying source thickness (0.4 mm, 20 mm, and 40 mm
with relevant source surface densities of 6.4; 320; and 640 mg/cm2). Detector FWHM and absorber thickness assumed to be 14 keV and 0 mm (0 mg/cm2), not
influencing the spectrum shape significantly. Spectra were generated by the AASI simulation software (Siiskonen and Pöllänen, 2004).
382 Handbook of Radioactivity Analysis
simulation, 2011), a Monte Carlo simulation code, all these The origin of peak broadening and low-energy tailing is
parameters can be adjusted. a complex process which can be observed in all types of alpha
The resolution of alpha detectors is dependent on the spectra produced by Si detectors including low- and high-
detector size. The reason is that large detectors cannot be resolution spectra and spectra of isotopes emitting either
prepared with a completely even thickness of the window and a single alpha particle or different alpha particles with or
without surface inhomogeneity. Inhomogeneity and surface without the emission of gamma photons.
roughness in the source, the detector, or even the absorber will Alpha peaks have an asymmetric shape with low-energy
result in increased FWHM values. tailing in both high- and low-resolution alpha spectrometry, but
The peak resolution in alpha spectrometry depends on the the physical phenomena responsible for this shape are different.
measuring geometry, i.e., in the relative positions of the source In HRAS where absorption and self-absorption are reduced to
and the detector. When the source is placed parallel to and in a minimum, the physical processes have been studied in detail by
line with the detector, peak broadening is observed when the several authors (Steinbauer et al. 1994; L’Hoir, 1984). Peak
source is moved toward the detector. This phenomenon can be broadening originates from energy-straggling processes that
easily interpreted by the increased angle under which the alpha include absorption of alpha particles (e.g., in the dead layer/the
particles can reach the detector, resulting in an increased path in window of the Si detector) and the electronic noise (e.g., in the
the detector window and a reduction of energy deposited in the detector and the amplifier) which cannot be eliminated. This
effective volume of the detector (see Fig. 6.16). This effect of peak broadening can be described by a Gaussian function. The
source-to-detector distance on FWHM is especially significant low-energy tailing arises from the processes where the deposited
in case of thick detector windows (e.g., in the case of diffused energy of the alpha particles in the Si detector does not result in
junction detectors). the production of electronehole pairs. Such processes are
Alpha spectra measured with Si detectors are characterized collisions of the alpha particles with the Si nuclei and further
not only by the FWHM values but also by the asymmetric peak interactions of the knocked-on Si ions in the crystal. Stopping of
shape. Peaks usually have a Gaussian shape on the high-energy these ions (such as by recoil, heat, and phonon generation) results
side and a low-energy tailing as shown in the Figs 6.15, 6.17 and in pulse-height defect (PHD) that can appear as tailing in the
6.18. Some isotopes (e.g., 241Am and 243Am) have a small high- spectrum. Low-energy tailing can be described by exponential
energy tailing as illustrated in Fig. 6.4. functions.
Individual alpha lines of a single radionuclide referring to In low-resolution alpha spectrometry, these fundamental
the fine structure of the alpha decay usually have slightly processes are overshadowed by other types of interaction of
different energies; therefore, they are not separated as individual alpha particles usually taking place outside the detector. Low-
alpha peaks even in high-resolution alpha spectrum but are more energy tailing and peak broadening are explained by absorp-
or less overlapping with each other (see Fig. 6.4). If the reso- tion and self-absorption of the alpha particles, such as
lution is poor, the lines apparently appear in a single wide
l absorption in gases in the vacuum chamber,
asymmetric peak of poor resolution or a peak with inflection
l absorption in the detector window, and
points at the positions of the nonresolved smaller peaks.
l self-absorption in thick sources.
Due to the complexity of the processes resulting in peak
tailing, the FWHM parameter is not enough to describe the peak Absorption results in peak shifting, peak broadening, and peak
shape, unlike other spectrometries such as gamma spectrometry tailing. In the case of self-absorption, there is no peak shifting
and LSC. In a simplified case, the full width at tenth maximum (as measured at the upper limit of the peak), but there is peak
(FWTM) parameter is used together with FWHM but in more broadening and increased tailing, as discussed above (see Figs
detailed studies the whole peak shape has to be described by 6.17 and 6.18). Ideally, sources should be infinitely thin to avoid
peak fitting algorithms. Systematic studies have in recent years self-absorption. Significant peak deterioration for uranium
revealed the physical processes responsible for the asymmetric sources was observed above a source density of 100 mg/cm2 by
shape of alpha peaks. Martin and Hancock (2004a), although the significance will
High-energy tailing originates from pulses that are detected depend upon the homogeneity of the sources and on the energy
as the sum (coincidence) of the alpha pulses and the pulses due difference for the lines of interest.
to conversion electrons (or to a lesser extent to low-energy The processes influencing alpha peak shape in the case of
gamma radiation) emitted by the same radionuclide if the pulses thick sources have been investigated by Monte Carlo simula-
are detected within the resolution time of the detector. For tion (Ziegler et al. 1996; Pöllänen et al., 2007). Pöllänen found,
example, 241Am emits alpha particles of 4 different energies and that in thick sources, the peak-shape distortion is influenced by
gamma radiation of 4 different energies. Instead of gamma source thickness, source density, source shape inhomogenei-
emission, the nuclide can be stabilized by the emission of ties, and by the elemental composition of the source (see Figs
conversion electrons of discrete energies. These electrons of 6.15, 6.17 and 6.18). The AASI software uses Monte Carlo
low energy are detected with high efficiency by the Si detector. simulations to generate alpha spectra of thick alpha sources. It
Thus, pulses on the high-energy side of the alpha particle was shown by Pöllänen et al. (2005) how the properties of the
originate basically from the true coincidences of alpha particles alpha source (such as inhomogeneities) affect the peak shape,
and conversion electrons. Alpha-electron and alpha-photon especially the tailing. Simulated and measured spectra agreed
coincidences in high-resolution alpha spectrometry have been well when source inhomogeneities were also taken into
studied in detail by Siiskonen and Pöllänen (2006). account.
Chapter | 6 Alpha Spectrometry 383
b. Peak Fitting Functions A u m s2 1 u s
f ðuÞ ¼ A,pu ðuÞ ¼ exp þ 2 erfc pffiffiffi þ
Various mathematical models have been proposed to describe 2s s 2s 2 s s
the shape of monoenergetic alpha peaks, and are used for fitting (6.15)
the alpha peaks in spectrum evaluation codes. The fitting
procedure involves This fitting function obtained from a Gaussian and one expo-
nential function can describe the asymmetric peak shape rela-
l the selection of the peak-shape model which depends on tively well. It has two shape parameters s and s and two
a number of parameters, parameters characterizing the peak area A and the peak position
l selection of the optimization criteria for fitting the model to m. For a measured spectrum composed of several peaks, the sum
the measured data, and of fitting functions F(u) is calculated by the addition of the
l the choice of the numerical optimization procedure. individual f(u) functions.
As a result of fitting, measured data are compared with calcu- However, it was found that the fitting function (6.15) does
lated values, the goodness of fit is described and usually peak not describe well the tailing (especially long tailing). There-
areas and peak positions are calculated together with their fore, instead of one exponential, two or three exponential
uncertainties. functions or occasionally two exponentials and a constant were
To describe the asymmetry of the alpha peaks, modified included in the fitting functions. It was found useful first to
Gaussian functions were used from the end of the 1960s, but subtract the constant, then use the following fitting function
these functions failed to describe the peak tailing (Garcı́a- F(u) that comprises a Gaussian function to describe the peak
Toraño et al. 1999). Later, the use of a combination of Gaussian region and two exponential functions to describe the tailing as
and exponential functions was proposed. The analytical convolution of two exponential of a steeper and a less steep
function consisting of a Gaussian and a one-sided exponential functions. The explicit form of the fitting function is as
function was first proposed by L’Hoir (1975) and it has been follows:
used for the analysis of alpha peaks in HRAS by several authors " !
Ai 1 h u mi s2
(Watzig and Westmeier, 1978; Bortels and Collaers, 1987; FðuÞ ¼ exp þ 2
Bortels et al., 1995; Martin-Sanchez et al., 1996). i¼1
2 s1 s1 2s1
Bortels and Collaers (1987) used a Gaussian and one or two !
1 u mi s h u mi s2
exponential functions. In certain cases, a step function had to be erfc pffiffiffi þ þ exp þ 2
subtracted from the spectrum before data processing. In the 2 s s1 s2 s2 2s2
peak-shape model, two random variables (x, y) are considered #
1 u mi s
where x has a normalized Gaussian probability-density function erfc pffiffiffi þ
2 s s2
px(x) with s resolution,
1 x2
px ðxÞ ¼ pffiffiffiffiffiffi exp 2 (6.11) This fitting function consisting of one Gaussian and two expo-
s 2p 2s
nential functions has four shape parameters, i.e., s, s1, s2, and h,
which are the same for all peaks and two parameters, i.e., Ai
and y has a normalized left-sided exponential with parameter s: (peak area) and mi (peak position), that are specific for each
1 y peak.
py ðyÞ ¼ exp HðyÞ (6.12) The peak fitting model involved in a spectrum evaluation
s s
software was used successfully for the deconvolution of spectra
where H(y) is the left-sided unit-step function where H(x) ¼ 1 acquired by HRAS. The method allows even the identification
for N < x < 0, otherwise H(x) ¼ 0. of the strongly overlapping peaks of 239Pu and 240Pu, and it is
The random variable u ¼ x þ y (the energy variable) is adequate for the determination of exact emission probabilities
characterized by a joint probability-density function pu(u): of alpha-emitting nuclides. The major drawbacks of the method
are that
pu ðuÞ ¼ py ðyÞpx ðu yÞdy (6.13) l relatively high source activities (sometimes 10 Bq) are
required even with very long counting times to have
acceptable statistics while the energy resolution is kept also
The normalized function after integration is excellent (in alpha spectrometry, the requirement toward
high resolution are contradicting the requirements toward
1 u s2 1 u s high efficiency) and
pu ðuÞ ¼ exp þ 2 erfc pffiffiffi þ (6.14)
2s s 2s 2 s s l many fitting parameters are used, which makes the fitting
more accurate but the numerical optimization becomes more
in which erfc is the complementary error function. Taking into
account the actual peak area A that is different from unity and
the position of the peak center m in the Gaussian function, one Other models to fit the alpha spectra have been developed by
obtains the expression of the fitting function f(u) for a single Koskelo et al. (1996), Garcı́a-Toraño (1997, 2003), and Lozano
alpha peak: et al. (2000). As an example, the results of deconvolution of the
384 Handbook of Radioactivity Analysis
Iteration# 0 Chi-sq1.1
1028 1060 1092 1124 1156 1188
Channel Number
FIGURE 6.19 Graphical presentation of a deconvolution of the multiplet containing the alpha lines of 239Pu and 240Pu by HRAS. Fitting was by the ALPACA code.
Single lines represent the fitted peaks and the sum spectrum, the histogram represents the measured points. The goodness of the fit is shown by plotting the residuals in
the upper curve. (Garcı´a-Toraño, 2006, reprinted by permission of Elsevier Ltd. Ó 2006)
spectrum of 239Pu and 240Pu using the ALPACA code developed value was about 2% when equally large peaks having a separa-
at the Spanish institute CIEMAT (Garcı́a-Toraño, 2006) are tion of about one FWHM were analyzed (Fig. 6.20).
shown in Fig. 6.19. The spectrum consists of the five badly For relatively low-statistics alpha spectra from measure-
overlapping peaks at energies in the following order: 5105 keV ments at a relatively high solid angle, 239Pu/240Pu activity ratios
(239Pu line), 5124 keV (240Pu line), 5144 keV (239Pu line), 5157 in the range of 1.4 down to 0.1 could be determined in the above
keV (239Pu line), and 5168 keV (240Pu line). These isotopes are example.
known as the ones that cannot be determined by routine alpha In low-activity samples, several other functions have been
spectrometry, because the five lines lie within a very narrow used to describe the low-energy side peak tailing while the peak
energy range of 65 keV. (Routinely used alpha spectrometers
require about 200-keV peak-to-peak separation to avoid peak 239
overlapping.) Nonetheless, the determination can be done by
high-resolution alpha spectrometry (HRAS) using a spectrum
deconvolution software.
Bortels et al. (1995) extended the method for the analysis of
Counts per Channel
of 239Pu and 240Pu, as well as 243Cm and 244Cm peaks. The latter
issue is especially important, because the relatively short-lived
Cm isotopes cannot be analyzed by mass spectrometric tech-
niques. In order to perform spectrum deconvolution of these
nuclides in environmental samples, a relatively good energy
resolution is required. In the case of analysis of Cm nuclides, the
FWHM value was 13e15 keV, a PIPS detector of 100 mm2 was
used, the source-to-detector distance was 15 mm, and the
sources of about 10-mBq activity were counted for an extremely
long time (5 106 s).
The recently released WinALPHA code, which is freely
available from the Physics Section of the IAEA (Capote Noy
et al. 2004), uses the following analytical model (Garcı́a-
Toraño, 2003). To describe the peak, a pure Gaussian is used
above the peak center and a 2nd Gaussian with a wider resolu-
tion (s) is used below the peak maximum:
f ðxÞ ¼ A$e
l;r (6.19)
where f(x) is the value for the channel x, A is the peak amplitude,
c is the channel number at peak maximum, and sl,r is the
resolution on the left or right side of the peak describing the
FIGURE 6.21 Alpha peak fitting by a Gaussian and a modified Gaussian
function according to LaMont et al. (1998). (Reprinted by permission of asymmetry.
Springer-Verlag Ó 1998) The low-energy tailing is described by the following
center and the high-energy side of the peak have been usually x c 0:5
f ðxÞ ¼ B exp C (6.20)
described by Gaussian function. Fitting models developed by sd
LaMont et al. (1998), Vintro et al. (1996), and Mitchell et al.
where B and C are parameters that are obtained from the shape
(1998) are much simpler than the models developed for HRAS.
parameter n as follows:
LaMont et al. (1998) also used a modified Gaussian function
to model the tailing (see Fig. 6.21). The Gaussian portion of the expðn2 =2Þ
peak is fitted by eqn (6.17) when x > ct: B ¼ A (6.21)
expð2n2 Þ
f ðxÞ ¼ h$e w2 (6.17) C ¼ 2n3=2 (6.22)
The modified Gaussian portion of the peak tailing is fitted by Thus, the set of shape parameters (n, sl, and sr) are constant within
eqn (6.18) when x ct: one spectrum and a fitting function containing relatively few
parameters has been obtained. The accurate description of the
f ðxÞ ¼ h$e w2 (6.18) tailing outside the vicinity of the peak center is not possible.
convoluted spectrum is the simple sum of the individual 25 mm2 by HRAS. (The FWHM value was 15 keV in the latter
reconstructed spectra of the given nuclide. case.) Good agreement was found between measured and tar-
Computerized spectrum evaluation programs can be used geted activity ratios.
for the analysis of overlapping peaks of one or more nuclides or Examples of other alpha spectrum evaluation codes are
also for the analysis of complicated spectra containing several ALFAS by Babelovswsky and Bortels (1993), ALPACA by
radionuclides. At present, there are several software in use Garcı́a-Toraño (1994), FITBOR by Martin-Sanchez et al.
which allow the fitting of alpha spectra with different levels of (1996), and Sigma-Plot by Jandel Scientific Inc. (1998).
complexity, from simple peak integration to nonlinear fitting While many spectrum evaluation codes have been developed
algorithms. for the analysis of high and ultra-high-resolution alpha spectra
An intercomparison exercise of four commercially available of thin alpha sources, less attention has been paid to the analysis
alpha software programs was carried out under the auspices of of thick sources. As discussed above, peak resolution and the
the IAEA in 1997 (Blaauw et al., 1999; IAEA, 1999; Garcı́a- peak shape for thick sources are basically determined by self-
Toraño et al., 1999). All of these programs are general-purpose, absorption. The ADAM (Advanced Deconvolution of Alpha
commercial codes not dedicated for the analysis of high-reso- Multiplets) code is a general-purpose program for alpha spec-
lution alpha spectra. AlphaVision (EG&G Ortec, USA) uses trometry using Si detectors. The peak shape model in ADAM is
a Gaussian function with one low-energy exponential function convolution of a Gaussian distribution (characterized by
that is fitted to the peaks with the Simplex method. The code can FWHM) with low-energy side exponential tail. Up to three
be operated in peak search and fit as well as library search and fit exponential functions characterized by the slopes of the expo-
mode. The code is operated in selected regions in peak search nentials 1/l, 1/m, and 1/n (in keV) and their area ratios R1 and
mode. The Alps code (Westmeier GmbH, GE) is based on the R2 are possible. The software can also take into account the
fitting of a Gaussian with one- or two-folded exponentials with coincidences between alpha particles and electrons or low-
a linear least-squares algorithm in three passes. By the alpha energy photons. The computer program known as AASI
analysis software of Genie 2000 (Canberra Industries Inc., (Siiskonen and Pöllänen 2006) provides coincidence informa-
USA) the line shape model is a modified Gaussian function (see tion for ADAM to be included in the fitting. Using the ADAM
eqns 6.17 and 6.18) and peak areas can be determined either by software, the 239Pu/240Pu multiplet in chemically processed
summation of singlets or by nonlinear least-squares fitting of samples could be successfully deconvoluted. The method gave
singlets and multiplets using a modified Marquardt algorithm for acceptably good results for the 239Pu/240Pu activity ratio using
fast convergence. Peak search is performed either using a library- Si detectors as large as 1200 mm2 (FWHM 21 keV) (Pöllänen
driven routine or by the Generalised Second Differential Method. et al., 2011). There are tests in progress to use the code for the
In Winner Alpha code (Eurisys Mesures, FR), peak areas are analysis of sources of poor resolution and low statistics, such as
determined either by summation of singlets or by nonlinear least- unprocessed environmental samples (air filters, evaporated
squares fitting of singlets or multiplets using a modified Mar- liquids, swipes, and smooth surfaces).
quardt algorithm for fast convergence. Peak search is performed
either using a library-driven routine or by the Generalised Second
2. Peak Shape and Spectrum Analysis
Differential Method. Comparison was done in terms of deter-
mination of peak area, peak position, deconvolution capabilities, with Gas Ionization Detectors
uncertainty calculation, nuclide identification in case of large and Properties of alpha spectra obtained by gridded ionization
small peaks, and doublets. All programs had difficulties with the chambers are not basically different from the spectra taken by
analysis of small peaks. It was clear that the results left room for PIPSi detectors.
improvement, e.g., in uncertainty calculation. Fig. 6.22 shows an example of the asymmetric peak shape
Hurtado et al. (2008) made a comparison of the Genie 2000 with low-energy tailing that is similar to those of the peaks
and the WinALPHA codes. Both codes are general-purpose
Counts 230
codes using a relatively small number of fitting parameters. The Th
WinAlpha code uses the line-shape algorithm described in eqns
6.196.22 and it performs a nonlinear fit of the spectra with the 400
1800 226
Ra 4,78 MeV
1400 222
Rn 5,49 MeV
1200 218
Po 6,00 MeV
800 Resolution 230 keV
Po 7,69 MeV
Resolution 465 keV
FIGURE 6.23 Alpha spectrum of 226Ra and progeny measured by a PERALS spectrometer (CEA, 2009).
α + IC L shell
Peak shapes in LS spectrometry are different from those
measured with gas ionization and semiconductor detectors. α + IC M shell
A typical alpha spectrum of 226Ra and progeny measured with
PERALS spectrometer is shown in Fig. 6.23. 0.0
FIGURE 6.25 Alpha spectrum of an external sputtered 241Am source measured with the bolometer B306 (Leblanc et al., 2006, reprinted by permission of Elsevier
Ltd. Ó 2004). Time of measurement was 12 h. The individual peaks at 5443 and 5486 keV are completely separated.
a relatively large statistical fluctuation in the number of In the case of a point source placed a distance of H in front of
generated and detected electronehole pairs due to the presence an alpha detector of radius RD, the following equation can be
of impurities, crystal defects that can trap the charge carriers, used to calculate the absolute counting efficiency:
due to possible recombination and to secondary processes (e.g.,
0 1
crystal damage and lattice vibration). All of these intrinsic
processes as well as the instability of the electronic units 1B H C
εabs ¼ @1 qffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiA (6.23)
contribute to degradation in the energy resolution (see eqn 2 H 2 þ 4R2 D
6.10). Thermal detectors are less sensitive to the fluctuations in
the number of electronehole pairs, because the total energy of The solid angle (the absolute counting efficiency) of various
the phonons (heat and lattice vibrations) is detected. If elec- source and detector arrangements can be calculated by Monte
tronehole pairs recombine within the time constant of the Carlo simulations; the results of calculations are given in tables.
bolometer, they will be also detected as phonons. However, as in Gascon and Munoz (2003) developed two theoretical formulas
the case of Si detectors, energy losses due to secondary emis- to calculate the efficiency of extended sources where RS is the
sion processes cannot be avoided in bolometers. radius of the source and D is given in Fig. 6.26. The simplified
According to the calculations of Amoudry (1990) and geometry formula obtained by an approximation with an infinite
Steinbauer et al. 1994), the theoretical contribution of the basic series is given below:
processes of detection to the energy resolution of Si detectors is
10.5 and 7.4 keV, respectively, and Juillard (1999) obtained 1 R2D 3 R2S R2D H
εabs ¼
FWHM less than 3 keV for Si and Cu bolometers. 2 DðD þ HÞ 16 D5
B. Counting Efficiency 5 R4S R2D H 3
þ H 2 R2D
32 D9 4
In radiochemical determinations, radioactive tracers are added to
the unknown sample, and the activity of the sample is determined
from the relative number of counts in the analyte and tracer
peaks. In this case, a knowledge of the absolute counting effi-
ciency is not necessary to calculate the results (see below).
However, it is needed to determine the chemical recovery, which
is an important quality control check. In addition, in cases where
the tracer is determined by a separate measurement, the counting
efficiency must be known. An example of the latter case is the use
of 133Ba as a tracer for Ra determination, where the 133Ba is
measured using gamma spectrometry.
Since the intrinsic counting efficiency of the Si semi- Source
conductor detectors is 100%, determination of the counting
efficiency can be performed by calculating the solid angle
presented by the radioactive source to the detector (see in
Section III.A.2), provided the activity on the source is evenly FIGURE 6.26 Geometrical arrangement of the alpha source and the detector
distributed. A schematic drawing of the sourceedetector used for calculation of the counting efficiency according to Gascon and Munoz
geometrical arrangement is shown in Fig. 6.26. (2003).
Chapter | 6 Alpha Spectrometry 389
The calculated efficiencies were compared with each other and Typical counting efficiencies for a small source (RS < RD),
with experimentally determined values, and a good agreement close (510 mm) to a Si detector of 300600 mm2 are about
was found. Therefore, the use of the above simplified formula 2040%. The efficiency decreases significantly as the sourcee
can be recommended. Efficiencies are often determined by detector distance is increased. If the source radius becomes
measurements when standard alpha sources of known activity larger than that of the detector, there is a drop in the efficiency.
concentration and the same geometry (same size of the active Calculated efficiencies can only be used for a sourcee
source area, same distance from detector) are available. detector system if absorption and self-absorption are not high
Efficiencies are often calculated by Monte Carlo simulations (i.e., not resulting in counting losses), and if the activity on the
if the sizes of the source and the detector window and the exact source is reasonably homogeneously distributed. Counting
geometric arrangement are known. The AASI simulation soft- efficiencies can also be affected (increased) by back scattering
ware available through the Internet (Siiskonen and Pöllänen, of the alpha particles from the sample holder.
2004) can calculate the efficiency. Calculated efficiencies as
a function of sourceedetector distance, source diameter, and
detector diameter are given in Fig. 6.27.
C. Background and Contamination
in Alpha Spectrometry
Semiconductor alpha spectrometers usually have a low back-
ground, originating mainly from electric noise of the instru-
ment. Since alpha pulses have a high energy and electric noise is
usually in the low-energy region, they can be easily discrimi-
nated (i.e., separated by pulse height). The typical background
of a new spectrometer in the region of a single alpha-emitting
isotope can be as low as 1 count per a couple of days
(105e106 cps). This low background is responsible for the
extremely high sensitivity of alpha spectrometry. Detection
limits as low as 1 mBq per sample are easily achievable,
provided contamination of the detector, the detection chamber,
and the sample source are avoided.
Contamination of the detector can take place when parti-
cles from sources are sputtered or splashed onto the detector or
the chamber surface. This can happen when sources do not
adhere strongly to the source support. The vacuum can help
remove loosely bound particles from the source. This type of
contamination can usually be removed by careful cleaning of
the detector (PIPSi detectors are washable) or the chamber
Recoil contamination takes place if recoil causes products
of alpha decay to sputter from the source onto the chamber walls
or (in the worst case) the surface of the detector. If the recoil
atoms or their short-lived progeny are themselves alpha emit-
ters, this will raise the background. Recoil atoms, like other
accelerated or implanted particles, adhere strongly to the
surfaces and are almost impossible to remove. For example,
when measuring natural Th, the alpha-emitting 224Ra as the
decay/recoil product of 228Th can contaminate the detector.
Since 224Ra has several short-lived progeny they can all accu-
mulate in the detector window creating a background that
contains the following alpha peaks: 224Ra, 220Rn, 216Po, 212Bi,
and 212Po. This contamination will “decay” by the half-life of
Ra (3.7 days). A typical 228Th spectrum is shown in Fig. 6.28.
After measurement of the Th source, the background spectrum
may contain all these radionuclides except 228Th.
Three techniques have been used to avoid recoil contami-
nation in alpha spectrometry:
FIGURE 6.27 Counting efficiencies as a function of (a) sourceedetector
distance (H); (b) source diameter (VS); and (c) detector diameter (VD). Effi- l operating the spectrometer with an air barrier,
ciencies were calculated by the AASI code according to Siiskonen and Pöllänen l covering the source with a thin even foil (Van der Wijk et al.,
(2004). 1987; Vainblat et al., 2004), and
390 Handbook of Radioactivity Analysis
FIGURE 6.28 Alpha spectrum of a Th source with ingrown progeny (from Mietelski (2011).
l applying a voltage between the source and the detector voltage, which can affect the overall gain of the preamplifier
where the source is negatively biased by a few volts (Sill and and cause a spectrum shift.
Olson, 1970).
The idea behind the first two protective measures is that V. RADIOCHEMICAL PROCESSING
a properly selected absorber can stop the recoil particles of high
mass and low kinetic energy while alpha particles of low mass In order to obtain high-energy resolution, “good quality” alpha
and high kinetic energy pass through the absorber. An absorber sources have to be prepared. Prerequisites for good-quality
layer of about 12 mg/cm2 thickness can reduce the recoil sources are that the deposit be thin and homogeneous with
contamination by a factor of 1000. Nonetheless, using any type a smooth flat surface. Since the range of alpha radiation from
of absorber between the source and detector will increase the alpha-emitting radionuclides is less than 100 mm in typical
energy straggling and reduce the energy resolution. It will also condensed phases, the source thickness is desirably much less
slightly shift the spectrum to a lower-energy region. Applying than this value. Taking into account that the source diameter
a negative bias to the source can retain the positively charged should not exceed that of the detector, alpha sources should
recoil atoms on the source, although a small chamber pressure contain less than 10 mg/cm2 material or less than 50-mg
(at least 12 mg/cm2) is still required to prevent recoiling atoms material on a source of 2.5-cm diameter.
from reaching the detector before they are attracted back to the To meet this requirement,
source (Sill and Olson, 1970). l samples are prepared and pretreated by mechanical and
Alpha spectrometers have to be protected from contamina- physicochemical operations,
tion due to oil vapors that can be released into the vacuum l chemical separations are performed to separate the analyte
system if rotary vacuum pumps are applied to evacuate the from the matrix components and any interferences of the
alpha chamber. Oil contamination is a real danger if the vacuum sample, and
pump fails, as oil particles can backstream due to the prevailing l thin sources are prepared for alpha spectrometry.
vacuum. To avoid oil contamination, a vacuum trap or filter can
be installed between the pump and the chamber. The steps involved in radiochemical analysis by alpha-emitting
nuclides are shown in Fig. 6.29.
Sample preparation and pretreatment cover all operations
that are performed before the chemical separation of the ana-
D. Stability of the Alpha Spectrometer
lyte, e.g., drying, homogenization, sieving, destruction of the
System stability is very important in alpha spectrometry when sample, and preconcentration of the analyte. A short discussion
long measurements of low-activity samples lasting for several of the methods is given in Section V.A.
days are performed. Radiochemical processing includes, besides sample prepa-
Long-term stability is affected by environmental condi- ration and preconcentration, the chemical separation of
tions with special respect to the detector junction. Surface elements using various separation techniques, the most common
barrier detectors fail when the encapsulation of the detector is being precipitation, coprecipitation, distillation, ion exchange,
damaged. The junction of the PIPSi detector is implanted in the solvent extraction (also called liquideliquid extraction) and
Si matrix assuring higher intrinsic stability. extraction chromatography (also called solid-phase extraction),
Alpha detectors are sensitive to temperature changes. The and the source preparation.
leakage current of a Si diode doubles for every 5.5e7.5 C In the case of environmental samples, several grams of
change. The current change results in a change of the detector matrix material are usually removed to obtain thin alpha
Chapter | 6 Alpha Spectrometry 391
Sample collection Tracers are those radionuclides that are added to the sample
and preparation in order to quantify the chemical recovery. Either they are not
present in the sample or the activity added to the sample is much
larger than the amount present in the sample. Tracers are
Addition of tracer assumed to behave in the same way as the radionuclide(s) to be
determined. Tracers are typically, but not exclusively, the
isotopes of the same element as the analyte nuclides. A few
Sample dissolution examples of frequently used tracers are listed in Table 6.2. The
best tracers are relatively long-lived alpha-emitting isotopes that
emit alpha radiation of different energy from the analyte
Chemical separation nuclides.
Carriers are stable elements showing similar chemical
properties to the analyte(s). Unfortunately, many of the alpha-
Deposition onto emitting nuclides do not have stable isotopes, but sometimes
counting disc stable elements belonging to the same group of the periodic
table can be used as carriers. For example, stable Ba is often
used as a carrier for Ra. The mass of the stable carrier before
Count in an
alpha spectrometer and after separation can be determined by various analytical
techniques such as gravimetry, atomic absorption spectrometry
(AAS), optical emission spectrometry (OES), or mass spec-
Calculation of trometry (MS).
tracer recovery As the final step of radiochemical processing, alpha sources
& sample activity are prepared. The most frequently used techniques are elec-
FIGURE 6.29 Steps involved in radiochemical analysis by alpha spectrom- trodeposition and micro-coprecipitation. Occasionally, drop
etry. (Martin and Hancock, 2004b, reprinted by permission of Supervising deposition methods (evaporation) are also used with or without
Scientist Division Ó 2004) the addition of surface-active agent. The first two techniques
have been described in detail in the ASTM Standard Practices
C1284-10 and C1163-08, respectively. An overview of alpha
source preparation methods is given in Section V.C.
Chemical separations are discussed using as examples the
sources. It is not always necessary to separate all of the alpha- most important alpha-emitting radioelements/radionuclides
emitting radionuclides from the element to be determined, but including artificial (Pu, Np, Am, and Cm) and naturally
there are several nuclide couples whose peaks cannot be occurring (U, Th, Ra, and Po) radionuclides in environmental
resolved by means of standard alpha spectrometry. Examples of radioactivity measurements in Section V.B. Alpha spectrometry
well-known interferences are the following: 238Pu and 241Am;
Np, 230Th, and 234U; and 239Pu and 209Po. If the radioele-
ments such as Pu and Am, or Np, Th and U, or Pu and Po,
respectively, are chemically separated the interference issue can
be overcome and the originally interfering nuclides can be TABLE 6.2 Frequently Used Tracers and Analytes
determined in separate alpha sources. If interferences of the in Alpha Spectrometry
radioisotopes of the same element occur, such as in case of Analytes Tracers Decay mode of tracer
Pu and 240Pu, or 243Cm and 244Cm, chemical separations will 239,240 238 242 236
Pu, Pu Pu, Pu Alpha
not solve the problem. In some cases, the ingrowth of short-
237 239
lived alpha-emitting progeny on the source can be used (e.g. in Np Np Beta, gamma
the case of 223Ra and 224Ra). However, in general, high-reso- 241
Am, 243
Cm, 243
Am Alpha
lution alpha spectrometry or other analytical techniques such as Cm, 242Cm
mass spectrometry have to be introduced in such cases. 238
U, 235
U, 234U 232
U, 233U Alpha
Whenever chemical separations are performed, losses of the 232
analytes can appear almost unexpectedly in different parts of the Th, 230Th, 228Th 229
Th Alpha
procedure. For example, losses may occur during sample Ra, 224Ra, 223Ra, 225
Ra Beta (alpha-emitting progeny)
destruction due to volatility or sample splashing. They may also Ra(beta)
occur during separations due to absorption on the walls of the 226
Ra, 224Ra 133
Ba Beta, gamma
beakers or on the surfaces of undissolved residues: this is 210 208 209
Po Po, Po Alpha
because typically trace or ultratrace amounts of the analytes are
227 225
processed. To process such small amounts, special methods are Ac Ac Alpha (alpha-emitting progeny)
used to minimize losses and to determine the chemical 243
Am, and 133
Ba are nonisotopic tracers for the determination of Cm
recovery based on the application of radioactive tracers or and Ra nuclides.
chemical carriers.
392 Handbook of Radioactivity Analysis
The stability series of the inorganic complexes of tri-, tetra-, and IAEA/AQ/12 (2009) A Procedure for the Determination of
hexavalent actinides are the same: Po-210 in Water Samples by Alpha
OH > carbonate> oxalate> F zacetate >
4 > NO3 zCl > ClO4
There are small differences among the stability constants of the
different actinides in the same oxidation state. Since tetravalent actinides have the highest complexing
Oxidation state adjustment and complex-forming conditions power, the adjustment of this valence state has formed the
have been discussed in many papers, and the conditions of crucial part of many separation procedures. To keep Th, U, Np,
oxidationereduction reactions as well as stability constants of and Pu in tetravalent oxidation state in the same solution is
a great number of complexes have been measured. The impossible, thus oxidation state adjustment is a kind of
formation of the given species is influenced by many parameters compromise among various possibilities.
(composition of the sample, the presence of oxidative/reductive Np(IV) is easily formed by the addition of various reducing
agents, amount and stability of the reagents, kinetics of the agents, e.g., ferrous ions, iodide ions, to hydrochloric or dilute
process, etc.), and it is an especially challenging job if several nitric acid solutions. Strong reducing agents generating Fe2þ in
actinides are present in the same solution. situ by the reduction of Fe3þ, e.g., hydrazine and
Chapter | 6 Alpha Spectrometry 393
hydroxylamine, are adequate for the adjustment of Np(IV) and The similarity in their chemical properties means that Ca, Sr,
U(IV) oxidation states. These agents reduce Pu to Pu(III). and, especially, Ba are very effective carriers for Ra. It also
Trivalent Pu can be oxidized back to tetravalent species by means that separation of Ra from the other group 2 elements is
various oxidizing agents. To stabilize the Pu(IV) state without the primary challenge for high-resolution alpha spectrometry of
further oxidizing it to Pu(V) or Pu(VI) only, a few moderately Ra. For samples with a high Ca content, such as bone, separa-
strong oxidizing agents can be used, e.g., NaNO2 can be added tion of Ra from the bulk Ca may present difficulties (Yamamoto
to nitric acid solutions to oxidize Fe2þ and consequently Pu to et al., 1991). However, for most samples it is the separation of
Pu(IV) or H2O2 can be added to hydrochloric acid solutions Ra from Ba which is the main problem, due to their very similar
while Np still remains tetravalent and U is oxidized back to chemistries.
U(VI). NaNO2 and H2O2 are much less effective if Pu in higher There are two basic approaches to the difficulty of separa-
oxidation states has to be reduced to the tetravalent form. tion of Ra and Ba. One of these is to separate the group 2
Besides tetravalent species, hexavalent ones can often elements from the bulk matrix, and then to carry out a final
form strong complexes. Hexavalent states of Pu, Np, and U RaeBa separation. This can result in a high-resolution source
can be obtained using strong oxidizing agents, e.g., HBrO3, but is time consuming. The alternative approach is to copreci-
KMnO4, and K2S2O8. Redox conditions of actinides have pitate Ra with BaSO4 following the bulk matrix separation, and
been studied by many authors and several reviews are also to filter this precipitate for use as the alpha source (e.g., Sill,
available. 1987b). The precipitation and filtration steps are relatively fast,
Am and Cm are the 7th and 8th members of the actinide and high recoveries can be expected. However, the poorer peak
group. In aqueous solutions, Am can exist in the þ3, þ4, þ5, resolution will generally preclude the use of 225Ra as a tracer.
and þ6 oxidation states. Although Am(III) can be oxidized It may also preclude the determination of 223Ra and 224Ra,
theoretically to Am(IV), that form exists only in basic solu- although the use of microprecipitation techniques may allow
tions in the presence of strong complexing agents such as this (Nour et al., 2004). In addition, the tracer commonly used,
phosphates; however, the species is unstable and will be Ba, is not an isotope of Ra, and so there is the potential for
reduced back to the tervalent state easily. Although Am can be differences in recoveries between tracer and analyte.
oxidized in aqueous solutions to penta- and hexavalent states Po: The chemistry of the group 16 elements (O, S, Se, Te,
with a strong oxidizing agent, e.g., Ag-catalyzed K2S2O8 and Po) varies in a more-or-less regular manner down the series.
forming oxo cations Am(VI)O2þ 2 and Am (V)O2 , the most Due to increased atomic radius, electronegativities decrease
stable form is the tervalent one (Osváth et al. 2009). Curium down the group and the elements exhibit increasing metallic
has only exclusively tervalent species in aqueous solutions. character. Hence, while O, S and Se are nonmetals and form
The relative complex-forming tendency of Am species covalent bonds, Te shows some metallic character and cationic
depending on the charge density is the same as those of other properties, while Po is essentially a metallic element. There is
actinides: evidence for the formation of e2, þ2, þ4, and þ6 oxidation
þ states for Po; however, þ4 is the most stable state in solution
2 wAm ðIIIÞ> Am ðVÞ O2
Am ðVIÞ O2þ 3þ
(Figgins, 1961).
The lack of the tetravalent Am and Cm species of the highest The S to Po members of group 16 have d orbitals available
complex forming power and the chemical similarity of Am to for use in bonding, and hexacoordinate compounds are most
Cm, as well as to the lanthanides, badly influence the separation common for Te and Po. Complexes of the form PoXe 5 or
possibilities. This is the main reason why Am and Cm chemistry PoX5(H2O) are formed in dilute halide solution, while PoX2 6
is still the most challenging part of actinide analysis. is formed in more concentrated acid solutions (X ¼ Cl, Br, or I)
The stability series of the inorganic complexes of Am(III) (Bagnall, 1983). In the absence of more strongly complexing
and Cm(III) are the same as those of other actinides: organic agents, halide complexes can be extracted into some
organic solvents.
OH ; CO2 2 2
3 > F ; HPO4 ; SO4 > Cl ; NO3 > ClO4 One important feature of Po is its volatility. This varies with
chemical form (Mabuchi, 1963). Po has been shown to be partly
Thiocianate (SCN) complexes of Am and Cm do not have volatilized from some samples above 100 C (Martin and Blan-
high stability, but because of their relatively high separation chard, 1969). Polonium halides have been reported to be volatile
factors toward lanthanides, they play an important role in Am above 150 C, but this may depend upon the conditions as only
and Cm purification. minimal losses were reported by Svetlik et al. (2010) at 350 C for
Ra: Within group 2, Ca, Sr, Ba, and Ra form a series of deposits dried from HCl solution. Po volatility is important for
closely related elements. All are highly electropositive metals potential losses during sample preparation, digestion, and chem-
existing in the þ2 oxidation state in solution. The chemical ical separation. It also means that Po can migrate from the alpha
properties of these elements vary in a reasonably systematic source in the counting chamber and contaminate the detector. This
manner down the group. For example, all form insoluble latter problem seems to be reduced by a period of exposure to air
sulfates, with the solubility product following the series before counting (Bagnall, 1957, 1966).
CaSO4 > SrSO4 > BaSO4 > RaSO4. When Ra is coprecipitated Po spontaneously autodeposits onto the surfaces of several
with other group 2 sulfates, or with PbSO4 , the insolubility of metals including Ag, Cu, and Ni from dilute acid solution. Auto-
RaSO4 causes Ra to be enriched in the sulfate lattice relative to deposition onto metal disks (usually Ag) is the most common
the primary precipitate cation (Langmir and Riese, 1985). source preparation technique for Po due to its simplicity and the
394 Handbook of Radioactivity Analysis
fact that it results in separation from other metal ions including salts, thus speeding up the destruction process. Several good
other alpha emitters (Smith and Hamilton, 1984; Matthews et al., monographs and papers have been published about sample
2007). This being the case, the preceding chemical separation decomposition methods (Bock, 1979; Sill and Sill, 1995; Chiu
techniques required are generally less extensive than for other et al., 1984; Claisse, 1995) that can be applied to the analysis of
alpha emitters. Some published methods rely only on autodepo- actinides. Fusion is a very effective way of rapid and complete
sition for separation, and for simpler sample matrices this may be sample decomposition, but large amounts of salts often together
sufficient. However, the presence of interfering elements, espe- with impurities are transferred to the sample solution, which
cially Fe, can result in lowered recoveries and spectral degrada- may create problems in the course of subsequent chemical
tion. Consequently, for general applicability a separation step is separations. The other disadvantages of fusion are that usually
recommended (Lin and Wu, 2009). only relatively small samples can be treated, and that it is
inappropriate for Po determinations due to the large losses that
occur at the high fusion temperatures. NaOH, Li borate, and
A. Sample Preparation and Pretreatment mixed carbonateeborate have been used for fusion in actinide
chemistry. Sill et al. (1979) and Sill (1980) proposed a very
The objectives of sample preparation and pretreatment are to
efficient potassium fluoride/pyrosulfate fusion to treat refrac-
obtain a solution that:
tory material.
l is homogenous, free of any insoluble residues that would Several standards about sample decomposition are available.
interfere during the subsequent chemical processing and This standard is withdrawn. Standard ASTM D1971-95
could retain the analyte, describes hot plate and convection-oven digestion of water and
l is free of any organic material that could form complexes solid samples with nitric and hydrochloric acids, standard
with the analyte or the reagents resulting in poor recovery, ASTM D430912 is about microwave digestion with hydro-
l is of relatively small volume in order to achieve significant chloric and nitric acids for determination of metals and
volume reduction for large-volume liquid samples, and groundwater, and the US EPA Method 3052 (1996) discusses
l contains the analyte preconcentrated usually due to semi- microwave-heated, closed-vessel decomposition of ashes, bio-
selective group separation. logical tissues, oils, oil-contaminated soils, sediments, sludges,
and soils.
In the case of biological samples, complete destruction is
1. Preparation of Solid Samples preferred and carried out usually by the combination of dry and
For soil, sediment, and minerals, sample preparation and wet chemical ashing. Because of the lack of silicates and
pretreatment usually mean drying in an oven, homogenizing refractory components the use of HF can be omitted. Micro-
and sieving (optional), and removal of organic material by wave digestion is a preferred way of decomposition of smaller
ashing, followed by wet chemical destruction. samples. An efficient way of decomposition of organic mate-
rials is the Fenton’s reaction using hydrogen peroxide and Fe2þ
a. Sample Ashing catalyst.
In the case of actinide determination, samples are usually ashed
at 450e600 C for a couple of hours or days. Elevated
2. Preconcentration of Liquid Samples
temperatures are not desirable because of the formation of
refractory particles. In the case of volatile elements such as Po, and Sample Solutions
dry ashing should be replaced by wet ashing. a. Preconcentration of Actinides
Preconcentration of actinides by coprecipitation is a frequently
b. Sample Dissolution used method for large volumes of water samples as well as for
For sample dissolution, several methods have been used sample solutions obtained after destruction of solid samples.
including acid leaching with mineral acids (most frequently A well-selected coprecipitant concentrates the analyte in a small
with 8 M HNO3 in the case of actinide determination or aqua volume, removes most of the cationic and anionic interferences
regia) and complete destruction by a mixture of mineral acids and helps increase the decontamination factor (DF) for the
typically including nitric, hydrochloric and hydrofluoric acids, whole radiochemical procedure.
and hydrogen peroxide. Kenna (2009) studied the leachability Bismuth phosphate (BiPO4) was the first precipitate applied
of Pu and Np from sediment samples by applying a series of in large-scale processing of Pu; BiPO4 carries Pu(III) and
extractants. If hydrofluoric acid is used to volatilize silica as Pu(IV) and was used to separate Pu from U and fission products
SiF4, then boric acid is added afterwards to the final solubili- in both technology and analyses (Kimura, 1990). The copreci-
zation in order to complex any fluorides. Wet acid decompo- pitation of Am with BiPO4 was studied by Mathew et al. (1981),
sition can be carried out in open systems such as in Teflon who found that below 0.3 M acid concentration Am is carried
beakers on a hot plate, or in closed systems such as in with the precipitate.
a microwave oven or pressure bombs. The higher the pressure The most frequently used carriers of actinides are the
and the temperature, the faster is the chemical reaction. following: ferric and ferrous hydroxides, lanthanide fluorides
Significantly higher temperatures than the boiling points of and hydroxides, alkaline earth oxalates, phosphates and fluo-
the aqueous systems can be attained by fusion with a variety of rides, some other phosphates and oxalates, barium sulfate, and
Chapter | 6 Alpha Spectrometry 395
manganese dioxide. The coprecipitation behavior of actinides is formed at pH 1.5 carries Am almost quantitatively. Oxalate
discussed in detail in the compilation of Katz et al. (1986). precipitates are easily decomposed by ashing or wet chemical
Hydroxide precipitates, e.g., ferrous and ferric hydroxides, oxidation.
lanthanide hydroxides, and calcium phosphate, and calcium/ The following precipitates have been recently used to
magnesium carbonates are formed in neutral or basic solutions. preconcentrate actinides from various samples: ferric
Hydroxide, phosphate, and carbonate precipitates are usually hydroxide, ferrous hydroxide, calcium oxalate, ferric
easily dissolved with acids. Ferric hydroxide is known to hydroxide and calcium oxalate, calcium phosphate, calcium
coprecipitate actinides in all oxidation states, but sometimes fluoride, lanthanum fluoride, manganese dioxide, manganese
recoveries are low, which is why ferrous hydroxide as dioxide and ferric hydroxide. For the concentration of actinides
a reducing agent is preferred. Coprecipitations taking place in from large volume of water or solutions of biological origin,
acidic media (e.g. fluorides) are usually more selective than special extraction chromatographic materials of extremely high
those formed in basic solutions (e.g. hydroxides). distribution coefficients have also been developed and applied,
Calcium fluoride and especially lanthanide fluorides of low e.g., TEVA, TRU, DIPHONIX, and DIPEX resins (see in detail
solubility form precipitates in 4e5 M HF solution. Fluoride in the next section). Smith et al. (1998) developed a method for
precipitates can be dissolved as borate complexes, and carry the preconcentration of Am and Pu from wastewaters using
only tri- and tetravalent actinides. The separation of actinides by a synthetic water-soluble metal binding, i.e., phosphonic acid
coprecipitations usually takes advantage of the oxidation and polymer that was removed from the waste by ultrafiltration.
reduction cycles. Chemical yields over 90% have been achieved.
Barium sulfate carries only tri- and tetravalent actinides. It
can be dissolved either with EDTA or with HClO4. The use of
EDTA is beneficial if samples have Ca, Mg, and Al content that
forms strong complexes and can be separated from actinides b. Preconcentration of Po and Ra
during a succeeding lanthanide hydroxide precipitation. Sill and Coprecipitation with iron hydroxide (Narita et al., 1989; Jia
Willis (1966) developed a method for the separation of Np from et al., 2001; Zikovsky, 2002) or MnO2 (Carvalho, 1997; Peck
Ce, Ba, and La based on its coprecipitation with barium sulfate and Smith, 2000; Martin and Hancock, 2004b; Bojanowski
under strict oxidation state control. The oxidation state of Np is et al., 2005) has been commonly used for preconcentration of Po
adjusted with H2O2 to Np(IV), which is coprecipitated with and Ra, particularly from bulk water samples. Coprecipitation
barium sulfate from a sulfuric acid solution containing potas- with Ca3(PO4)2 has also been used for Ra and Pb (Nonova et al.,
sium sulfate. Then Np is oxidized with chromic acid to Np(VI) 2009). Coprecipitation with MnO2 is very commonly used for
and separated from fission products that cannot be oxidized and processing seawater and other saline waters (e.g., Towler et al.,
form precipitate with a next barium sulfate. The Np alpha 1996; Grabowski and Bem, 2010). Direct adsorption from water
source is also prepared by coprecipitation with microcrystals of samples of Ra onto MnO2-coated disks for alpha spectrometry
barium sulfate. Sill and Willis (1966) adopted this method for has also been used (Eikenberg et al., 2004).
the simultaneous determination of Np, Pu, and U based on Iron tends to interfere with subsequent chemical separation
a series of barium sulfate coprecipitations. Coprecipitation of and autodeposition of Po. Consequently, for Po determinations
Th with BaSO4 may be enhanced by the addition of Kþ to the following coprecipitation with iron hydroxide, an Fe removal
solution (Burk and Wiles, 1983), or alternatively prevented by step, such as solvent extraction with di-isopropyl ether, may be
the use of a La3þ holdback carrier (deJong and Wiles, 1984). required.
Moore (1963) developed a procedure that was later Coprecipitation with PbSO4 is commonly used for pre-
improved by Sill (1984) for the simple separation of Am from concentration of Ra and separation from the bulk matrix (Sill,
many elements including actinides and lanthanides. Americium 1987b; Kehagia et al., 2007). Radioisotopes of Pb and Ra have
was oxidized to its hexavalent state with ammonium peroxy- also been coprecipitated with Pb(NO3)2, with U and Th
disulfate in a dilute nitric acid solution. The nonoxidizable remaining in solution (Lozano et al., 2010).
lanthanides and actinides were than precipitated as fluorides and Coprecipitation with BaSO4 is also commonly used for
filtered off. The Am was then reduced and coprecipitated with preconcentration and separation of Ra, often as an extra step
LaF3. In the improved method of Sill, the nonoxidized rare after coprecipitation with PbSO4. Yamamoto et al. (1989) used
earths were coprecipitated with BaSO4 or NdF3 while oxidized coprecipitation with barium chromate, and performed a subse-
Am(VI) was kept in solution. After reduction with H2O2, quent Ra/Ba separation. Commercial salts of Ba may contain
Am(III) was coprecipitated with a small amount of NdF3 traces of Ra, and so the reagent used should be pretested, and
allowing direct detection of the alpha source (discussed subse- the amount used minimized. The use of a Ba salt coprecipitation
quently in source preparation). By this method, Am can be usually means that a Ra/Ba separation will not be carried out,
separated also from the nonoxidized Cm isotopes. although it may be possible to do so if only small amounts of Ba
MnO2 precipitated from KMnO4 and MnCl2 at pH 8e9 is are present. Alternatively, liquid scintillation spectrometry may
used for the preconcentration of Am, Pu, and Np from seawater be performed.
samples at the IAEA’s Marine Environmental Laboratory For Po preconcentration, coprecipitation with cobalte
(LaRosa et al, 2005). MnO2 is dissolved with HNO3eH2O2. ammonium pyrrolidine dithiocarbamate (Co-APDC) chelate
The pH dependence of the precipitation of metal oxalates has been used (Gascó et al., 2002; Wildgust et al., 1998). Po(IV)
was studied by Yamato (1982), who found that calcium oxalate also coprecipitates with BiPO4 at low pH (Hölgye, 2007).
396 Handbook of Radioactivity Analysis
B. Chemical Separation While tetra- and hexavalent actinides are readily extracted
by organic acids, ketones, esters, alcohols, and ethers, neither of
Actinides are amenable to a variety of chemical separation these organic compounds nor tri-butyl phosphate can extract the
procedures including precipitation/coprecipitation (see above), trivalent Am. Trivalent Am3þ cations do not form stable ion
liquideliquid extraction, ion-exchange chromatography, association complexes with simple monofunctional organic
extraction chromatography, and the combination of two or more compounds; they can be complexed with bifunctional
of these methods. compounds, do not have the affinity to form anions, but can be
extracted/retained by chelates.
Chelate extractants. Among the ketones, tenoyl-tri-fluor
1. Separations by Liquideliquid Extraction (LLE)
acetone (TTA) has quite significant analytical applications. It is
Three types of extractants can be distinguished: a diketone with a sulfur-containing aromatic ring and a fluorine-
substituted methyl group that exists mainly in enol form, thus
1. Neutral extractants that form neutral (ion association)
acting as a chelate. TTA has been used for analytical purposes to
complexes with the actinide ions involving the counterions,
separate Pu from various samples in the past and recently for the
very often nitrates or chlorides and the organic molecule
separation and purification of Pu in combination with anion
forming chemical bonding via electron donor atoms of the
exchangers from marine sediment samples and extremely
organic molecules (oxygen, phosphoryloxygen, sulfur, and
high DFs were achieved while Pu recovery was 56%. (Donard
et al., 2007).
2. Amine extractants where positively charged organic amines
TTA proved to be one of the most selective reagents for the
form complexes with anions via Coulomb forces, and anions
separation of Np(IV) when Pu is kept in trivalent Pu(III)
in the complexes can be replaced by anionic actinide
oxidation state. TTA was used as early as 1947 by Magnusson
complexes in a manner analogous to anion exchange; amine
(Coleman, 1965). Neptunium was reduced, then retained from
extractants are long-chain alkyl or aryl quaternary amines or
1 M HNO3 or HCl on about 0.5 M TTA in xylene, and finally
primary, secondary, tertiary amines that form organic
stripped with 8e10 M HNO3. TTA has also been used for
cations with acidic hydrogen.
speciation studies where “TTA extractable” species are regar-
3. Acidic extractants that form chelate complexes with the
ded as tetravalent ones (Wolf, 2006).
actinide cations replacing the Hþ in the organic compound.
The trivalent Am and Cm cations can form stable chelates
Groups 1. and 2. can be regarded together simply as ion
with TTA, but only at relatively high pH. Sekine et al. (1987)
association complexes. Ion association complexes have the
used 0.5 M TTA in xylene to purify Am from a solution at
advantage of being applied in acidic media. In general,
pH 4.
distribution coefficients are increased when acid concen-
1-Phenyl-3-methyl-4-benzoyl-5-pyrazolone (PMBP) is
tration increases. On the contrary, chelates are used in media
a N-containing ketone that also forms chelates in the enol form
of low acidity because Hþ ions are competitors of the
and has gained application in Am separations. It extracts several
cations for the binding sites.
elements from more acidic media than TTA. Distribution
coefficients for Am and the separation factor of lanthanides are
slightly higher than in TTA. Jia et al. (1997) extracted Am from
a. Chemical Separation of Actinides by LLE a 0.1 M HNO3 solution into a mixture of 0.05 M PMBP and
Many of the LLE procedures for actinides have been developed 0.025 M t-octylphosphine oxide (TOPO) in cyclohexane.
for the large-scale separation of U and Pu for the nuclear Americium was back-extracted with 5 M HNO3. Jia et al.
industry. Procedures for the separation of minor actinides (Np, (1998) used PMBP/TOPO extraction to purify Am before
Am, and Cm) are under investigation. Solvent extraction offers preparation of alpha sources. Am was extracted from a DTPA/
usually moderate selectivity, but the extraction efficiency can be lactic acid solution directly into 0.05 M PMBP þ 0.025 M
increased by performing the process in a continuous techno- TOPO in cyclohexane. Extraction maximum (about 90%) was
logical system. in the pH range 1e2.
Traditional extractants. Originally, the LLE of Pu and U Bis-2-etylhexyl-phosphoric acid (HDEHP) as a chelate
was accomplished with a wide range of organic acids, ketones, shows selectivity for cations of higher charges against those of
esters, alcohols, and ether; the most well known being tri-butyl lower charges, thus HDEHP is a frequently used extractant in
phosphate (TBP) used in the PUREX process. Both Pu and U Am, Cm separations, and is a good choice for the separation of
nitrate complexes have acceptable high (but still relatively low) tetravalent actinides.
distribution coefficients for technological purposes. Neptunium The distribution coefficients (D) for Am in HDEHP solution
follows Pu in the extraction processes whenever the oxidation strongly depend on the acidity of the aqueous phase, e.g., lg(D) ¼
states are the same but adjustment often fails. The nitrate 1 for Am extraction by 0.5 M HDEHP in i-octane if the HNO3
complexes are even less retained by TBP (Nash et al. 2006). concentration is 0.1, and lg(D) ¼ 4 in 0.01 M HNO3 solution
Methyl-i-butyl ketone (MIBK) and TBP were used for (Myasoedov et al., 1974). The separation of trivalent actinides
analytical purposes for the determination of Pu in the fifties and from lanthanides is only possible if strong complexants, e.g., lactic
sixties. At present, TBP is used in a mixture with carba- acid, DTPA, are added to the aqueous phase. HDEHP has been
moylmethyl-phosphine oxide (CMPO) for extraction chroma- used for the separation of Am together with Cm and the lantha-
tography (discussed subsequently). nides. It was observed that Fe severely interferes with the
Chapter | 6 Alpha Spectrometry 397
extraction. Bernabee et al. (1980) extracted Am from 72% HClO4 Dibutyl-N,N-diethylcarbamylphosphonate (DDCP) as
solution into 15% HDEHP in n-heptane. Americium was back- a bifunctional organophosphorous compound is one of the first
extracted with 4 M HNO3. Holm et al. (1979) extracted Am from representatives of a new group of extractants, that was applied
0.01e0.001 M HNO3, and back-extracted it with 4 M HCl. in acidic solutions. DDCP has been used to extract Am (and
In the standard test method ASTM C1205-07 for “The Cm) from 12 M HNO3 by Ballestra and Fukai (1983). Lantha-
Radiochemical Determination of Americium-241 in Soil by nides followed Am in the procedure. Americium was back-
Alpha Spectrometry” 241Am is determined in soil samples up to extracted into 2 M HNO3. Significant improvement was
10 g. The soil is completely dissolved by the use of pyrosulfate recorded in the Am recovery (69e79%) for the overall proce-
fusion. After the initial separation on barium sulfate, Am dure including coprecipitations, anion-exchange separations,
together with other actinides and lanthanides is extracted from and source preparation compared to the procedure using
concentrated HClO4 solution with 15% HDEHP in n-heptane HDEHP. DDCP extraction became the basis of the method for
and back-extracted with 5 M HNO3. Americium is separated Am determination in seawater at the IAEA’s Marine Environ-
from other trivalent actinides and lanthanides by oxidation of mental Laboratory (1989). Actinides were preconcentrated by
Am and precipitation of the interferences with LaF3. The coprecipitation with MnO2 and ferric hydroxide; Pu, Np, and Th
standard test method is based on the procedure developed by were separated by anion-exchange chromatography; Am was
Sill and Willis (1966). coprecipitated with Ca oxalate, and passed through an anion and
In the procedure of Jia et al. (1998), Am was extracted from a cation exchanger. Americium was extracted with DDCP.
0.1 M HNO3 on a supported KF-HDEHP column, followed by Finally, Amelanthanide separation was performed on an anion-
its stripping with 6 M HNO3. Am was separated from lantha- exchange resin column. Later DDCP was replaced by a new and
nides on a 2nd KF-HDEHP column using 0.07 M DTPA e 1 M more effective bifunctional organophosphorous extractant, the
lactic acid solution. The average chemical yield for the whole CMPO.
procedure including Pu and Sr removal and purification of CMPO is octyl(phenyl)-N,N-di-i-butylcarbamoyl-methyl-
the Am fraction with PMBP/TOPO extraction (see above) phosphine oxide, a neutral organophosphorous extractant used
was 58%. in conjunction with t-butyl phosphate as a process solvent
Ramebäck and Skillberg (1998) extracted Pu and Np after (Horwitz et al. 1986). The attractive feature of the process is that
oxidation with bromate as Pu(IV), Pu(VI), and Np(VI) together it allows the extraction of Am and its separation from tetra- and
with U, Am, and Cm from 0.1 M HNO3 solution using HDEHP, hexavalent actinides by using different strip solutions. The
then stripped Am and Cm with 5 M HNO3, followed by the pitfall of the procedure is that Am is not separated from Cm and
back-extraction of Np with 1 M HNO3/hydroxylamine and lanthanides. The distribution ratios of tri-, tetra-, and hexavalent
Pu(III) with 3 M HCl/TiCl3. Chemical recoveries for Pu, Np, actinides and nonactinide elements, the mechanism of extrac-
and Am were high, 91%, 82%, and 97%, respectively. tion, were determined in nitric and hydrochloric acids by Hor-
In the recently issued standard test method ASTM D6239-09, witz et al. (1987). In the analytical practice, the extraction
uranium is separated from drinking water with an extractive chromatographic version of the CMPO/TBP extractant called
scintillator that contains HDEHP as extractant. Uranium is TRU resin has had widespread use (discussed below in the
extracted from a 0.01 M DTPA solution at pH 2.5 and 3.0 while section on EC).
extraction of undesired ions is masked by forming strong DTPA The higher oxidation states of Am (preferably the complex-
complexes. Uranium isotopes are determined by high-resolution forming hexavalent state) are not stable in the presence of
alpha-liquid-scintillation spectrometry. organic materials.
Ion association complexes. Later attention of scientists Amine extractants. Tertiary amines act as strong base anion
was turned to other organophosphorous compounds than exchangers and strongly retain the nitrate or chloride complexes
phosphates including phosphonates, phosphinates, and phos- of tetravalent Pu and Np, e.g., [Pu(NO3)6]2e and [Pu(Cl)6]2e
phine oxides which showed higher selectivities for many formed in concentrated acidic solutions. Tri-octyl amine
actinides from acidic media. Besides TBP, tri-octyl-phosphine (TOA) is the most frequently used liquid amine extractant.
oxide (TOPO) is the most well-known representative of the Alamine 336 also called tri-capryl amine is a mixture of n-octyl
neutral organophosphorous compounds. Pimpl and Higgy and n-decyl amines. The use of amine extractants for Pu anal-
(2000), Ayranov et al. (2005), and Lujaniene and Sapolaite ysis has a long tradition and TOA still has a widespread
(2005) used TOPO as solvent extractant for preconcentration analytical application, especially as supported liquid extractant
of Pu and Am from acidic leach solutions. By reducing the (see later under extraction chromatography). Jia et al. (1998)
acidity, TOPO can also extract trivalent actinides. Pu together separated Pu as Pu(IV) from the leachate of soil samples by
with Th, U was extracted from 4 Me6 M HNO3 to TOPO in extraction with TOA and achieved a Pu recovery of 85%. In the
cyclohexane. Then, the acidity was reduced, the pH of the experiment, TOA was fixed to microthene particles. Sill and
solution was adjusted to 1 and Am was also extracted with Willis (1966) used Aliquat 336 to extract Np(IV) from envi-
TOPO, and back-extracted with 2 M HNO3. Kalmykov et al. ronmental samples. Vance et al. (1998) used amine extraction
(2004) extracted Pu and Np together from 5 M HCl with from 0.25 M H2SO4 to separate U from Np. Neptunium was not
TOPO, selectively back-extracted Pu as Pu(III) with 1 M HCl extracted and could be detected directly from the aqueous phase
and ascorbic acid. Np(IV) remaining in the organic phase was using ICP-MS.
irradiated after evaporation in order to determine 237Np by Chen et al. (2001a) developed a method for the determina-
neutron activation analysis (NAA). tion of 237Np in soil and sediment samples up to 10 g and
398 Handbook of Radioactivity Analysis
seawater up to 100 L using both alpha spectrometry and ICP- of periodic tables. An example of such a data collection was
MS. Neptunium separation consists of a preconcentration with published as the Table of Chromatographers (Lederer, 1992).
mixed Fe oxides precipitated in the presence of K2S2O5 Among the extractants discussed above, the distribution coeffi-
reducing agent, extraction with TOA from 810 M HCl, cients (D) for tetravalent actinides such as Pu(IV) are increasing
repeated coprecipitation with Fe(OH)2, and purification of in the following order: TBP/7 M HNO3 < TTA/0.5 M
Np(IV) by anion exchange from 8 M HNO3. An overall HNO3 < TOPO/1 M HNO3 < TOA/4 M HNO3 < HDEHP/1 M
recovery of 7493% was achieved while DFs for U, Th, and Pu HNO3 starting from ~20 for the TBP and ending at ~2000 for the
were also high (>104). The method was extended for the HDEHP system (Myasoedov et al. 1974). The retention sequence
simultaneous determination of 239,240Pu, 241Am, 237Np, 234U, of the various extractants is the same for other tetravalent species
U, 228Th, 230Th, 232Th, 99Tc, and 210Pbe210Po in environ- such as Np(IV) and Th. Bigger differences in D values exist for
mental materials (Chen et al., 2001b). different oxidation states. The distribution coefficients (D) for
Trivalent actinides are not well retained by amine extrac- trivalent actinides (Am and Cm) are increasing in the following
tants from acidic solutions. Amine extractants as well as anion order: TTA/ pH 4 < PMBP/0.1 M HNO3 < TOPO/0.1 M
exchangers have found another application field in americium HNO3 < HDEHP/0.1 M HNO3 < DDCP/12 M HNO3 < CMPO-
chemistry; they have been used for the separation of trivalent TBP/2 M HNO3 starting from ~1 for the TTA and ending at ~100
actinides from lanthanides. for the CMPO system (Myasoedov et al. 1974). For the hexavalent
Separation of Am from lanthanides. For the separation of U(VI) species, the following order of D has been reported: TTA/
trivalent actinides from lanthanides, new extraction systems 1 M HNO3 < TBP/4 M HNO3 < TOA/4 M HNO3 < HDEHP/
containing a soft donor atom (N, S, and Cl) have been proposed 8 M HNO3 < TOPO/1 M HNO3 with the highest value of 800 in
based on the experience that actinides form slightly stronger the latter case (Myasoedov et al. 1974). In the case of ion associ-
complexes with ligands containing soft donor atoms than ation complexes, D values can be increased by the addition of
lanthanides. The soft donor atom may be present as free ion salting-out agents.
(SCNe or Cle) or in a water-soluble complexant or in a lipo- Although in many analytical applications LLE has been
philic organic extractant. This idea formed the basis of the replaced by more efficient chromatographic techniques, solvent
separations from the early 1940s. Solvent extraction, ion extraction is most appropriately applied to measurements by
exchange, and extraction chromatographic techniques fit liquid scintillation (LS). Extractive scintillators containing
prominently in these processes. solvent extractants discussed above and scintillation cocktails
The extractability of tervalent actinides is increased by have been developed for the PERALS alpha-liquid-scintillation
adding special complexants or high amounts of salts to the spectrometers (Ensor, 1998; PERALS homepage). In the
aqueous phase. In technology, i.e., in the TALSPEAK process, ETRACÒ procedure Pu is extracted by a high-molecular-weight
DTPA containing the soft donor N atom and lactic acid were tertiary amine converted to nitrate form. The ALPHAEX system
added to the aqueous solution to form stronger complexes with based on HDEHP extractant can be applied for the separation of
Am than with lanthanides, thus allowing their separation using Am. Uranium can also be extracted with HDEHP containing
HDEHP (see above). The procedure of Jia et al. (1998) is based extractive scintillator (see above). Dazhu et al. (1991) used the
on the same principle. extractive scintillator containing TOPO extractant in
SCNe complexant containing the soft donor S and N atoms PPOenaphthaleneetoluene scintillator cocktail for the rapid
can help increase the separation factor between Am, Cm, and determination of U, Pu, Am, and Cm in the nuclear fuel cycle
lanthanides. Moore (1964) first applied quaternary amines to and in environmental samples. A detailed list of extractive
lanthanide/actinide group separations examining the system scintillators is found in Chapters 7 and 9 of this book.
Aliquat 336/xylene/H2SO4eNH4SCN. New extractants. New extractants of high distribution
Quaternary amines (0.6 M Alamine 336 in diethylbenzene) coefficient for trivalent actinides and lanthanides (Nash et al.
are used to selectively extract Am from 11 M LiCl in 0.2 M HCl 2006) are under investigations. Malonamides are the non-
solution while lanthanides remain in the raffinate. The actinides phosphorous-containing alternatives of CMPO. Diglycolamides,
are subsequently back-extracted with 5 M HCl. The separation i.e. N,N,N’,N’-tetradecyl-3-oxapentanediamide (TODGA) and
factor between Am and Eu was 108 (Nash et al. 2006). N,N,N’,N’-tetradecyl-3-oxapentanediamide (TDDGA), were
Research for the development of new extraction systems to found to have extremely high distribution coefficients for Am
achieve better extractability of Am and higher separation factors nitrate complexes from concentrated nitric acid solutions. At
for americiumelanthanide separations has been continued. present, these extractants exhibit the greatest affinity for triva-
Many new candidate molecules for the selective extraction of lent actinides. Alkyl-di-thio-phosphine acids, crown ethers, and
actinides especially minor actinides, e.g., bistriazinylpyridine calixarene compounds are also under investigation.
(BTP), thiophosphinic acid derivatives as CYANEX-301, cobalt
dicarbollide, crown ethers, and calixarenes, have been studied
but have not been applied to analytical applications so far. In the b. Chemical Separation of Po by LLE
analytical practice, anion-exchange resins or EC materials are Po can be extracted into tri-butyl phosphate from strong HCl
favored to solvent extraction. solutions (Figgins, 1961). Other organic agents forming
Comparative evaluation of LLEs. Acid dependence of the complexes include EDTA and diethyldithiocarbamate (DDTC).
distribution coefficients for all elements including actinides was When complexed with DDTC, Po can be extracted into chlo-
determined by many authors and data were compiled in the form rinated hydrocarbons such as chloroform from HCl solution
Chapter | 6 Alpha Spectrometry 399
over a wide range of acid strengths. This is useful for separation hydroxy-i-butyric acid (a-HIBA) proved to be the most
of Po from Pb and Bi, as Po is extracted from HCl solutions of effective eluent for the selective separation of Am. Choppin
higher acid concentration than either Bi or Pb (Smithson et al., and Silva (1956) separated Am from the lanthanides on
1979; Wai and Lo, 1982; Kim et al., 2009). Po-210 can be a jacketed (temperature-controlled) cation-exchange column
effectively separated from lead samples using a DDTCetoluene using a-HIBA. Aminopolyacetic acids (e.g., EDTA and
extraction with EDTA and citrate as masking agents for the Pb DTPA) have also been used as eluents. The disadvantages of
ions (Uesugi et al., 2010). their use are the low solubility and the slow establishment of
Other extractants reported in the literature include tri-octyl- the equilibrium.
phosphine oxide (TOPO) in toluene (Jia et al., 2004), di-n-octyl Ageyev et al. (2005b) separated Am and Cm from lantha-
sulfide (Johansson and Skarnemark, 2001), tri-isooctylamine nides by cation-exchange chromatography with gradient elution
(TIOA) in xylene solution (Chen et al., 2001c), APDC in MIBK using 0.16e0.4 M a-HIBA after removal of Pu with anion
(Shannon and Orren, 1970), “Aliquot 336” (Ibrahim and exchange. Yields of Pu and Am were in the ranges of 60e80%
Whicker, 1987), and trilaurylamine (TLA) into xylenes and 50e70%, respectively, when 100e200 g of environmental
(Roseberry and Scott, 1985). samples exposed to the emissions from the Chernobyl accident
were analyzed. A similar technique has been used for the
purification of the Am fraction by Berlioz et al. (2005).
2. Separations by Ion Exchange
In anion exchangers, the functional groups are various
The most frequently used cation-exchanger resins are the amines. Strong basic anion exchangers with substituted
strongly acidic sulfonated resins containing SO 3 groups. Less quaternary amines strongly retain tetra- and hexavalent acti-
acidic phosphorylated and carboxylated resins are also avail- nides from concentrated nitric and hydrochloric acid solutions.
able. The positively charged counterions can be replaced by any The selectivity of the anion resin for actinides is high, because
other cations. The ion-exchange affinity of the cations increases only a few other cations (e.g., Fe in HCl) are able to form strong
with increasing charge and decreasing hydrated ion radius. All anionic complexes in acids. For example, the distribution
actinide species, i.e., An4þ, An3þ, AnO2þ 2 , and AnO2 , espe- coefficient (D) for Pu(IV) is as high as 104. Fig. 6.29 shows the
cially the tetra- and trivalent species, are retained well (high D) distribution coefficient (D) for various elements in nitric and
at low acidities and they are removed from the resin by hydrochloric acids.
concentrated acids, but no special selectivity against other Uranium and thorium. Thorium can be strongly retained on
cations was observed. Ion exchangers are typically used in the an anion resin from 8 M HNO3 while U as U(VI) is better
form of chromatographic columns assuring much better sepa- retained from 9 M HCl with an acceptable high distribution
ration than batch techniques. coefficient (D). Uranium can be easily separated from Th with
Cation exchangers have been used for the preconcentration anion resins, but U and Th cannot be retained well from the
of actinides from high-volume dilute acidic solutions. Fjeld same solution. These properties have been utilized in the
et al. (2005) used a cation resin column for the preconcentration analysis of uranium isotopes in water, urine, and soil samples
of actinides from groundwater and liquid radioactive wastes. according to the ASTM standard test methods D3972-09,
Cation exchangers have also been used for the chromatographic C1473-11, and C1000-11, respectively. Uranium is retained on
separation of actinides in ion chromatographs (IC) either alone a strongly basic anion exchanger from 8 Me9 M HCl solution
or together with anion exchangers as mixed-bed resins. IC after sample destruction and preconcentration with ferrous
separation fits well to the purposes of separation of actinides hydroxide precipitate. Uranium can be stripped from the
prior to ICP-MS, but is less adequate for alpha spectrometry column with 0.1 Me1 M HCl. In case of soil samples, Fe is
due to small sample masses. Pu(III) and Am(III) were removed from the load solution before separation by extraction
successfully separated on a cation-exchange column TCC-II by of the chloride complexes with di-i-propylether.
Jernström (2006) using different complex-forming eluents and Plutonium. A convenient way to separate Pu selectively
detecting the sources by alpha spectrometry. Samples were from other ions is to load tetravalent Pu(IV) from 8 M HNO3
loaded from dilute HCl solution, Pu was stripped with dipico- on an anion resin, remove the possible interferences, primarily
linic acid, and Am eluted with oxalic acid. Jernström (2006) Th, by washing the column with 9 M HCl because this does
also used mixed-bed ion-exchanger CSA5-CGA5 column for IC not form chloride complexes. Plutonium can be stripped as
of Pu and Am. Pu(III) with 9 M HCl using a reducing agent, e.g., iodide. This
Separation of Am from lanthanides using cation exchangers. is the procedure that became the basis of many methods.
Trivalent Am3þ cations are usually retained well (high D) at low Because of the high selectivity of the resin for Pu(IV), very
acidities. Several other elements coadsorb with Am including often a single chromatographic separation provides sufficient
lanthanides. As the concentration of HCl increases, the distri- purity for the analysis. Basically the same procedure was
bution coefficient for Am declines, whereas those for lantha- already used in the sixties (Coleman, 1965), and has been used
nides is smaller, which is revealed by increasing separation by many authors recently (Moreno et al., 1997; Qu et al.,
factors. 1998; Pilviö, 1998; Michel et al., 2008; Komosa and Chibowski,
One of the oldest techniques for the separation of Am 2002; Solatie, 2002; Hrnecek et al., 2002; Vioque et al., 2002;
from lanthanides is based on cation-exchange chromatography Berlioz et al., 2005; LaRosa et al., 2005, Ageyev et al., 2005a;
using complexing agents, e.g., hydroxycarboxylic acids. Giardina et al., 2006; Lee et al., 2000; Jakopic et al., 2007; and
Ammonium citrate and ammonium lactate have been used; a- Michel et al., 2008).
400 Handbook of Radioactivity Analysis
The standard procedures for Pu analysis by a-spectrometry separate Np from U from 4 M acetic acid solution when Np is
are usually also based on anion-exchange separation. According released while U is retained (Winkel et al., 1971).
to the ASTM C1001-05 standard (Standard Test Method for If Np and Pu are to be detected in the same fraction, they can
Radiochemical Determination of Plutonium in Soil by Alpha be loaded as tetravalent species and stripped also together (Kim
Spectroscopy), 10e50 g of soil are destructed with a mixture of et al., 1992; Qiao et al., 2011).
nitric, hydrofluoric, and hydrochloric acids. Pu is isolated by Americium. Am(III) does not form strong complexes with
anion exchange, followed by alpha source preparation. nitrate or chloride ions and is not well retained on anion resins.
According to the standard ASTM D3865-09 “Test Method for In concentrated HCl solutions (>11 M) there is an increase in
Pu in Water”, Pu is coprecipitated with iron as ferric hydroxide, the retention of Am on anion exchangers while lanthanides are
the coprecipitated Pu is dissolved, and the solution is adjusted to adsorbed less. However, the difference is not as high as in the
8 M in HNO3 for anion-exchange separation, then the alpha case of cation exchangers. Thus, the separation of Am from
source is prepared. The recommended procedures of the Inter- lanthanides is less successful under these conditions.
national Atomic Energy Agency described in the Technical Separation of Am from lanthanides using anion exchangers.
Report Series 295 from 1989 and in the most recent publication The presence of alcohol in the media enhances the anion
from 2012 (IAEA, 2012) are also based on the separation of Pu exchange of Am especially in nitric and sulfuric acids. Guseva
by anion-exchange chromatography. The latest ISO standard, et al. (1976) measured distribution coefficients as high as 5000
ISO 18589-4 and BS 07/30047016 DC (Apr 2007) on from 0.5 M HNO3 in 95% methanol. Lighter lanthanides also
“Measurement of Radioactivity in the Environment. Soil. Part 4. have high distribution coefficients while heavy lanthanides do
Measurement of Pu Isotopes by a-Spectrometry” recommends not. In an HCl-methanol system, the anionic complexes of Am
the optional use of HDEHP extraction, strong basic anion resin together with the heavy lanthanides are well retained by the
chromatography, and extraction chromatography using TRU resin, while light lanthanides are less retained. Both the HNO3 e
resin (see later) for Pu determination. methanol and the HCl e methanol systems, and preferably, the
Many examples exist on the use of anion-exchange resins for combination of the two systems can be used for Amelanthanide
Pu separation from HCl solution. Samples containing Pu(IV) separation. A mixture of 0.5e1.0 M HNO3 and 90e96%
are loaded from 9 M HCl on the column and after washing Pu is methanol was reported as the load and wash solutions by many
stripped using a reducing agent. This procedure has the disad- authors (Holm and Fukai, 1976; Ballestra and Fukai, 1983, etc.)
vantage that the anionic ferric chloride complex is also retained followed by stripping of the best retained Am with a mixture of
by the anion resin. Similar procedures were used from the 0.5e1.5 M HNO3 and 70e86% methanol (Jernström, 2006) or
sixties up to the present. Lee et al. (2008) studied the oxidation simply with HCl (Livens and Singleton, 1989) or HNO3 (Bains
states of Pu in HCl solutions and carried out Pu separation from and Warwick, 1993). Methanol has been replaced with ethanol
9 M HCl solution in the presence of NaNO2. Pu was stripped with similarly good results.
with 0.36 M HCl þ 0.01 M HF, and the Pu recovery as Kraus et al. (1955) found that many elements have higher
a mixture of Pu(IV) and Pu(VI) was >75%. distribution coefficients in LiCl solutions than in HCl. The
Neptunium. Anion resins, both from nitric and hydrochloric sorption of Am on anion exchangers increases with increase in
acid solutions, are used for the selective separation of Np. In LiCl concentration, whereas the sorption of lanthanides varies
reducing media, when Np is turned to the tetravalent form and only slightly favoring Amelanthanide separation. The separa-
Pu is reduced to trivalent state, the separation of Np from Pu is tion is further improved if alcohol is added to the LiCl solution,
easily accomplished. This is the most common method of e.g., a good separation was achieved with 8 M LiCl and 40%
selective 237Np separation. Np was retained as Np(IV) together methanol on Dowex 1x8 anion-exchange resin by Guseva et al.
with Th on anion resin from 8 M HNO3 in reducing media in the (1976).
procedures of Niese and Niese (1985) and Germian and Pinte The group separation of trivalent actinides and lanthanides
(1990). According to the procedures of Koyoma et al. (1998), can be carried out with concentrated (>8 M) NH4SCN solution
Michel et al. (1999), Moreno et al. (1997), and LaRosa et al. as eluent (Surls and Choppin, 1957). Lanthanides are less
(2005), Np(IV), Pu(IV), and Th were retained also from 8 M strongly retained on an anion column in the SCN form than Am.
HNO3 followed by the selective stripping of the actinides. The Am can be stripped with 4 M HCl. Bojanowski et al. (2005) and
tetravalent oxidation states were adjusted by applying reduc- Lovett et al. (1990) applied this method successfully for the
tion/oxidation cycles with or without addition of NaNO2 or analysis of marine environmental samples.
H2O2. Np(IV) and Pu(IV) together with U can be retained on Guseva and Tikhomirova (1968) showed that the best
anion resin from 9 to 10 M HCl load solution. Then Pu is separation can be achieved with 1e2 M NH4SCN solution
stripped selectively with 9e10 M HCl/0.1 M NH4I followed by containing 50e70% methanol, ethanol, or propanol. This
stripping of Np with more dilute 1e4 M HCl. In the procedure procedure became the basis of many methods where
of Rosner et al. (1993) fractionation of Np between the wash Amelanthanide separation was necessary. Holm et al. (1979)
and the Np strip solutions was observed. Sumiya et al. (1994) used this procedure for the final purification of the Am fraction
and recently Joe et al. (2007) successfully used similar proce- from large amounts of environmental samples (200 L seawater,
dures. To achieve higher DFs the anion-exchange procedures 100 g sediment, and 500 g biological material) after the removal
are sometimes repeated (Beasley et al., 1998) or additional of the interfering components. The final residue containing Am
purification steps using TTA, TEVA, and TOPO extraction (see and lanthanides was dissolved in a few milliliters of 1 M
later) are included. Anion-exchange resin has been used to HNO3e93% methanol and was loaded on an anion-exchange
Chapter | 6 Alpha Spectrometry 401
resin column. The column was washed with dilute l the extraction process takes place in the thin surface layer
HCleNH4SCNemethanol solution to remove lanthanides, and allowing good contact of the reagents and fast exchange
Am together with Cm was stripped using 1.5 M HCle80% kinetics compared to ion exchangers,
methanol. The overall chemical recovery varied between 40% l as a result of the chromatographic technique more effective
and 80%. A similar procedure was followed by Yamato (1982) separation is achieved than in batch technique in which LLE
to determine Pu and Am from 50 g of soil. In the final purifi- is performed,
cation of Am, 1 M HNO3e93% methanol, 0.1 M HCle0.5 M l less reagents and chemicals are used than in IE or LLC,
NH4SCNe80% methanol, and 1.5 M HCle86% methanol l less hazardous waste is produced, and
solutions were used as load, wash, and strip solutions, respec- l the whole process is more economic.
tively; 75e92% chemical recoveries for Am were reported for
Attempts have been made to replace solvent extraction by
the whole combined procedure.
extraction chromatography from the end of the 1960s.
The procedure has been successfully applied by many
laboratories for Amelanthanide separation. It is the recom-
mended procedure in the laboratories of the IAEA, in both a. EC of Actinides
Monaco and Seibersdorf (LaRosa et al., 1989, 2005). It has been The chelating extractant, HDEHP, showing high distribution
used by Jakopic et al. (2007) for the analysis of environmental coefficient for Am from dilute acid solutions has been
samples. prepared as a solid EC material on various supports to serve as
Polonium. Ion-exchange resins are less commonly used stationary phase. HDEHP was prepared on hydrophobic
nowadays for Po separations than methods based on LLE or support by Horwitz and Bloomquist (1975). Jia et al. (1997)
extraction chromatography. Polonium is strongly adsorbed onto used microporous polythene support. The 0.01 M HNO3 load
anion-exchange resin across a wide range of acid concentra- solution containing Am was passed through the column,
tions. Although this can be used for effective separation, the washed with 0.1 M HNO3, and Am was stripped with 0.07 M
approach requires large elution volumes (Reischmann et al., DTPAe1 M lactic acid. Pu and Po were separated before using
1984; Skwarzec et al., 2001). Cation-exchange resins have been supported TOA columns. Jia et al. (1998) determined Pu, Sr,
used to adsorb Po from dilute acid solutions, with elution by and Am in a sequential separation procedure. First Pu and Sr
7 M HCl (Reischmann et al., 1984). were separated by EC, after which Am was concentrated on an
Radium. Strong basic anion-exchange resins do not retain HDEHP column. Americium was eluted with a 0.07 M
the group 2 elements (Fig. 6.30) but may be used to remove DTPAe1 M lactic acid solution to separate it from lantha-
other alpha emitters, major cations, and/or anions, such as nides. The Am fraction was purified by an extraction with
sulfate (Gleason, 1980) or chromate (Yamamoto et al., 1989). PMBP/TOPO. The chemical recovery for Am was 58%, and
Hence, the use of anion-exchange resins may be preparatory to the source was free from Fe, Po, and lanthanide contamina-
a final cleanup step for Ra. tion. Desideri et al. (2002) determined actinides in depleted
Cation-exchange resins may be used for preconcentration of uranium. After EC separation of the actinides using supported
Ra and separation from the bulk matrix for sample digests or TOA columns, the Am fraction was cleaned using a supported
aqueous samples. The digest is taken up in dilute HCl or HNO3 HDEHP column (pH 2.4). Arginelli et al. (2005) prepared
for loading onto the resin, and washed with dilute acid before HDEHP on polythene support and loaded the pretreated urine
eluting Ra with higher concentrations of these acids (e.g., Volpe sample from dilute acidic solution (pH 2) on the column, Am
et al., 1991; Lawrie et al., 2000; Crespo, 2000). However, to was stripped with 4 M HCl. Supported HDEHP has become
effectively separate Ra from Ba and Sr on a cation-exchange commercially available as Ln resin produced by Eichrom Co.
resin it is generally necessary to use complexing agents. McAlister and Horwitz (2007) characterized the Ln resin
Gleason (1980) developed a separation method using by measuring the capacity factors k’ of various elements
cyclohexane-diaminetetraacetic acid (CyDTA) which has been (see Fig. 6.31).
a basis for several methods reported since then (Yamamoto Gleisberg and Köhler (2002) separated Np from uranyl
et al., 1989; Rodriguez-Alvarez and Sanchez, 1995; and Jia nitrate solution using Ln resin column. Np and Pu species
et al., 2006). Hancock and Martin (1991) used EDTA and were retained from 10 M HCl load while U entered into the
ammonium acetate on 50WX12 cation-exchange resin before effluent.
washing and elution of Ra. Volpe et al. (1991) also used EDTA Meanwhile the interest for Am separation by HDEHP has
solution with cation-exchange resin columns. declined due to the development of more efficient extraction
chromatographic materials (see TRU resin later).
Supported TOPO on Microthene (microporous poly-
3. Separations by Extraction Chromatography (EC)
ethylene) and TOA on Icorene (microporous polyethylene)
In EC, also called solid-state extraction and reversed-phase were prepared by Jia et al. (1998) from the seventies.
partition chromatography, liquid extractants are adsorbed Supported TOPO on Kieselgur was used by Afsar and
onto the surface of inert solid support material. The theory Schüttelkopt (1988). Americium was loaded onto the column
of EC was described already more than 30 years ago in from 0.1 M HNO3, washed with 0.1 M HNO3, and stripped with
the book of Braun and Gherseni (1975). EC has the 8 M HNO3.
following advantages compared to solvent extraction and ion Delle Site et al. (1973) separated actinides from urine
exchange (IE): samples on Microthene-supported TOPO loaded from 4e6 M
402 Handbook of Radioactivity Analysis
FIGURE 6.30 Distribution coefficient (D) for various elements of the periodic chart on a strong basic anion-exchange resin in (a) nitric and (b) hydrochloric acids.
(Lederer, 1992, reprinted by permission of John Wiley and Sons Ó 1992).
HNO3. Actinides were stripped consecutively with 0.3 M H2SO4 Supported liquid anion exchangers were used for the
(Th), 6 M HCl0.2 M HF (Pa), 1 M HF (U), 6 M HCl þ Cl2 separation of Np from environmental samples in the procedure
(Np), and 6 M HCl þ 0.1 M HI (Pu). Americium was separated of Yan-Qin et al. (2001). Neptunium was retained on a Teflon-
on a Microthene-supported HDEHP column. Acceptable high coated TOA from 2 M HNO3 and stripped with hot 0.02 M
recoveries (>70%) were obtained with the exception of Am even oxalic acid/0.16 M HNO3. High recovery (>80%) and high DF
in the presence of DTPA complexing agent. against U (>104) were obtained. In the most recent work of
EC using supported TOPO was successfully applied for Pu Desideri et al. (2011), Am, Cm, Pu, Np, and U were separated
determination by Cozzella et al. (2002). from small volumes of water samples and determined by alpha
Chapter | 6 Alpha Spectrometry 403
FIGURE 6.32 Capacity factors k’ of various actinides on TEVA resin from HNO3 and HCl solutions. (, reprinted with permission of Eichrom
Technologies LLC Ó 2012)
oxidation states (see earlier). Kenna (2002, 2009) obtained high lanthanides with 1 M NH4SCNe0.1 M HCOOH and stripping
yields for both elements analyzing sediment samples, while Np Am (together with Cm) with 0.25e2 M HCl (Horwitz et al.,
recoveries varied between 19% and 54% in the procedure of 1995). Good separation was achieved. A pitfall in the procedure
LaRosa et al. (2008). In the rapid separation procedure for the is the same as in the case of the classical Amelanthanide sepa-
determination of 237Np and Pu isotopes in large soil samples, ration using anion exchanger, i.e., it is difficult to dissolve larger
Maxwell et al. (2011b) also found that Np recoveries were sample amounts in a small volume of load solution. The method
reduced when the matrix content increased (sample masses is applied after the separation of Am from most of the sample
were higher than 30 g). Plutonium recoveries were high (>82%) components. The same method was applied by Berne (1995) in
and independent of matrix effect. In the standard procedure for the standard procedure of the Environmental Measurement
the determination of Th and Np in water (ACW08) developed Laboratory (EML), USA, for the determination of Am in soil
by EiChrom Technologies (1995), quantitative recoveries have after leaching the actinides, removal of Pu and Th with anion-
been attained using the simple TEVA procedure. exchange resin, concentrating Am from the effluent with Ca
The standard procedure for the determination of 237Np in oxalate coprecipitation, and separating Am from most of the
soil (ASTM C1475-05) is based on the use of TEVA column. interferences on a TRU column (see later). The procedure was
The Np(IV) oxidation state is adjusted using ferrous sulfamate applied for the purification of the Am fraction by Michel et al.
and NaNO2. Sample is loaded from 2.5 M HNO3/0.5 M (2008) and Maxwell and Jones (2008). Jernström (2006) sepa-
Al(NO3)3 and Np is stripped with 0.02 M HNO3/0.02 M HF. rated Pu(III) and Am(III) on TEVA resin, whereby plutonium
Americium: Am(III) is only slightly retained on TEVA resin was adsorbed quantitatively (98.5e99.1%) by the resin when
from nitric or hydrochloric acid solutions. The maximum of the loaded and washed with a mixture of 2 M ammonium thiocya-
distribution coefficient is 0.1. However, TEVA resin, analog to nate in 0.1 M formic acid. Quantitative elution of Pu(III) from the
anion-exchange resins, can be used for the separation of Am from resin was achieved with 0.25 M HCl. Sorption of Am(III) on
lanthanides, which was performed by loading the sample in a 2 M TEVA resin was quantitative in the same mixture, and americium
NH4SCNe0.1 M formic acid solution followed by the elution of was eluted from the resin with 0.25 M HCl.
Chapter | 6 Alpha Spectrometry 405
UTEVA resin (Horwitz, 1992) is a dipentyl-pentyl phos- with 9 M HCl/0.1 M NH4I as Pu(III), Th and Np were stripped
phonate impregnated Amberlite XAD-7 EC material that was together with 4 M HCl, and U was eluted finally with dilute
designed to separate U and TEtraVAlent actinides. Because the acid. Pu recoveries varied in the range of 69e92% and the DF
resin contains a phosphonate compound, actinides are retained was high enough to obtain Pu alpha sources without interfer-
at higher distribution coefficients than on phosphates, e.g., TBP. ences. Osváth et al. (2009, 2010) improved the procedure by
The k’ capacity factor for Pu(IV), Np(IV), U(VI), and Th(IV) is using a strong oxidizing agent to form Np(VI) and Pu(VI), that
about 103, 4 102, 4 102, and 2 102, respectively, in 8 M are retained by the resin together with U; they purified the
HNO3, which assures acceptable retention and easy removal of NpeTh strip solution by EC separation on a 2nd UTEVA
the tetra- and also the hexavalent actinides (see the capacity column from 9 M HCl solution. In the modified procedure, Pu
factors of actinides on UTEVA from HNO3 and HCl solutions in and Np recoveries were 65e82% and 66e93%, respectively,
Fig. 6.33). and the Np source could be analyzed by ICP-MS while Pu and U
Apostolidis et al. (1998) developed a procedure for the sources were measured by alpha spectrometry.
determination of Pu and U from reprocessing solution using Guerin et al. (2010) determined the k’ values of Np(VI) on
a single UTEVA column. The oxidation state of Pu was various EC materials including TEVA, UTEVA, TRU, and DGA
adjusted with H2O2 and the sample in 4 M HNO3 was loaded from HNO3 and HCl solutions. The Np oxidation state was
on the column and Pu was subsequently eluted with dilute adjusted with KBrO3, KMnO4, K2S2O8, Ag2O, and O3. A
HNO3 containing hydroxylamine and ascorbic acid as reducing simple method using two UTEVA columns was used to detect
agents. Finally, U was stripped with bioxalate solution. A high Np in soil and sediment samples. Np recovery was 70%.
recovery (>95%) was achieved for Pu with a DF for U of In the rapid procedure of Ohtsuka et al. (2006), UTEVA is
about 104. used in an ion chromatograph directly connected to ICP-MS.
Pu and Np were determined by UTEVA EC in a combined The authors claim that the complete analysis of an environ-
procedure with the analysis of Th and U from environmental mental sample (1 g) including destruction by fusion is per-
and nuclear waste samples by Vajda et al. (2003) after pre- formed within 60 minutes.
concentration of the actinides in reduced form with ferrous TRU resin (Horwitz et al., 1993 and Berne, 1995) is
hydroxide. The sample solution was loaded in 8 M HNO3, that a chromatographic material comprised of a tri-n-butyl phos-
contained ferric nitrate as salting-out agent. Pu was stripped phate (TBP) solution of the bifunctional organophosphorous
FIGURE 6.33 Capacity factors k’ of various actinides on UTEVA resin from HNO3 and HCl solutions. (, reprinted with permission of Eichrom
Technologies LLC Ó 2012)
406 Handbook of Radioactivity Analysis
extractant octyl(phenyl)-N,N-di(iso-butyl)-carbamoyl-methyl- Berne (1995) determined Am, Pu, and U in air filter and
phosphine oxide (CMPO) adsorbed on an inert polymeric water samples. The sample was loaded in 8 M HNO3/NaNO2.
substrate (Amberlite XAD-7). It was designed to separate all Am was eluted with 0.025 M HNO3, and Pu and U together with
TransUranium nuclides including trivalent Am and Cm besides bioxalate. Because of cross-contaminations, it was recom-
the tetra- and hexavalent species. Extremely high capacity mended to separate Pu first on an anion-exchange resin and use
factors were measured on TRU resin in concentrated nitric acid the TRU resin for the purification of Am, only. This procedure
solutions, k’ is higher than 105, 5 104, 104, and 103 for Pu(IV), was followed by many laboratories later, including the Envi-
Np(IV), Th, and U(VI), respectively, at HNO3 concentrations ronmental Measurements Laboratory, at the IAEA Laboratories
above 1 M, and for Am the k’ is about 100. Unfortunately, Fe3þ at Seibersdorf and Monaco (Moreno et al., 1997, 1998; IAEA,
present in the sample is also retained and competes for actinide 2012; LaRosa et al., 1989, 2001, 2005).
bonding sites, especially for those occupied by the less strongly Horwitz et al. (1993) recommended a procedure for the
retained Am (Cm). Reduction of Fe to Fe2þ helps reduce the sequential separation of actinides using a single TRU column.
interference. The capacity factors of actinides on TRU from Actinides were loaded in 2 M HNO3 after reduction when Pu was
HNO3 and HCl solutions are shown in Fig. 6.34. present as Pu(III). Am was eluted with 4 M HCl, Pu was eluted
TRU resin has recently become a popular tool for the with 4 M HCl/0.1 M hydroquinone, followed by stripping of Th,
separation of Am; however, it can be used also for the retention Np, and U with 1.5 M HCl, 1 M HCl/0.03 M oxalic acid, and
of other actinides either for preconcentration or also for 0.1 M ammonium bioxalate, respectively. This procedure was
analytical separations. It seems to be an ideal material for the slightly modified and applied for the rapid determination of Am,
simultaneous separation of all actinides. TRU resin replaced Pu, Th, and U in small environmental samples (1 g) by Vajda
almost exclusively all the methods used for concentration of Am et al. (2009). After LiBO2 fusion and CaF2 coprecipitation, the
in the past, i.e., chelating extractants and cation exchangers. oxidation state was adjusted with NaNO2 turning Pu to Pu(IV).
Recently, several new molecules have been synthesized and The sample was loaded in 2 M HNO2. Am was stripped with 4 M
have proven to be superior to TRU material regarding the HCl. Pu was eluted after fast on-column reduction with 4 M HCl/
distribution coefficient for Am or even separation factors, but 0.1 M TiCl3. High recoveries were obtained for both Am (96%)
the development of analytical procedures has a time lag and and Pu (85%), and no traces of contamination were detected in
applications are scarce, yet. Due to the moderately high distri- the Am and Pu alpha sources. The behavior of Np on TRU resin
bution coefficient for Am on TRU and the various interferences was also tested; however, a good separation from U was not
from trivalent ions, e.g., Fe and lanthanides and from matrix attained. A sequential separation procedure for the determination
components, the separation procedures cannot avoid adequate of the actinides in power plant effluents was developed by Spry
preconcentration of Am. et al. (2000). In the 3 M HNO3 load solution Pu was present as
FIGURE 6.34 Capacity factors k’ of various actinides on TRU resin from HNO3 and HCl solutions. (, reprinted with permission of Eichrom
Technologies LLC Ó 2012)
Chapter | 6 Alpha Spectrometry 407
Pu(III), and it was oxidized after retention on-column with large-volume water samples. Actinides from soil samples after
NaNO2. Am was stripped as above, Th was eluted with 4 M HCl/ NaOH fusion, dissolution, and ferrous hydroxide scavenge
0.01 M HF, and Pu with 0.1 M bioxalate. Am and Pu recoveries were concentrated on a DIPEX column. Isopropanol was used
were acceptably high (52 and 56%, respectively). The robust to solubilize the extractant that retained the actinides followed
procedure for the determination of plutonium and americium in by the oxidation of the organic component. Basic calcium
seawater developed by Sidhu (2003) is based on MnO2/Fe(OH)3 phosphate was used to scavenge the actinides repeatedly, and
preconcentration of the actinides and their separation using the final separation was performed on a UTEVAeTRU tandem
a TRU column. Pu as trivalent ion was loaded together with other column setup as described below. Recoveries of Pu, Am, and U
actinides from 3 M HNO3, and it was stripped after Am with 4 M varied in a wide range (31e91%, 22e99%, and 60e85%,
HCl/0.02 M TiCl3. High recoveries were achieved for both respectively). ACTINIDE resin was used for the preconcen-
nuclides (Pu: 78%, Am: 85%). Similar procedures were applied tration of Pu and Am from human tissue followed by the
by Olahova et al. (2005) and Gogorova and Matel (2007). separation of Pu with anion-exchange resin by Qu et al. (1998).
In the ASTM standard guide C1561-10 for the determination The overall recovery for Pu was high (>80%) assuring the
of Pu and Np in uranium hexafluoride and U-rich matrix, two adequacy of the preconcentration, as well.
TRU columns are used. U is separated by retention on the 1st DIPHONIX resin (Chiarizia et al. 1997) can be regarded as
column from a 0.1 M oxalic acide2 M HNO3 solution, then the chelating ion-exchange resin analog of the DIPEX extrac-
other actinides are retained on the 2nd column from 3 M HNO3. tion chromatographic material. It contains geminally substituted
Americium, Th, and Pu are selectively stripped with 4 M HCl, diphosphonic acid groups chemically bound to a styrenic-based
1.5 M HCl, and 1 M HCle0.1 M oxalic acid, respectively. polymer matrix. It also contains strongly hydrophilic sulfonic
Separations using UTEVAeTRU tandem resin columns: acid groups in the same polymer network. Also, extremely high
Several multistage EC methods were proposed for the simul- capacity factors were observed for the retention of all actinides,
taneous separation of actinides, but the one which became the close to those of DIPEX from dilute acid, but several transition
most frequently used is based on the tandem column set of metals (e.g., Cr, Ni, Cu, and Zn) are also retained. The removal
UTEVAeTRU. Thakkar (2001, 2002) described the detailed of the actinides is more problematic due to the massive resin
procedure in 2001 as the rapid sequential separation of U, Th, structure. Strong complexing agents can remove the actinides
Pu, and Am. Actinides were preconcentrated with calcium that have to be decomposed or the resin itself has to be
phosphate (pH ¼ 9), then dissolved in 3 M HNO3/1 M destroyed. Analytical procedures have been proposed by the
Al(NO3)3. Pu was reduced to Pu(III) with ferrous sulfamate and authors, but because of the difficulties in removing the actinides
ascorbic acid. The sample was loaded on the tandem column from the resin they have not been applied in practice. Ros-
where UTEVA was the 1st column and TRU was the 2nd. After skopfova and Holkova (2005) reported the use of DIPHONIX
loading and washing, the columns were separated. Th and U resin for the preconcentration of actinides from large soil
were removed from the UTEVA column eluting them subse- samples followed by their separation using different eluents,
quently with 5 M HCl/0.05 M oxalic acid, respectively. On the i.e., Am was stripped with 6 M HNO3 and Pu with 4 M HCl/
TRU column, Pu was oxidized to Pu(IV) with 2 M HNO3/0.1 M 0.015 M TiCl3. Recoveries for Am were high (70, 78%) but
NaNO2, then Am and Pu were stripped after each other with varied for Pu (37, 93%).
4 M HCl and 0.1 M ammonium bioxalate, respectively. This DGA resin (Horwitz et al., 2005) consists of N,N,N’,N’-
procedure resulted in high recoveries for Pu (>80%) and Am tetraoctyldiglycolamide adsorbed onto Amberchrom CG-71
(>72%) as well as for U (>79%), and also relatively high DFs resin. Like the DIPEX resin, DGA retains Am strongly; in
(in the Pu fraction DF for U > 104). This simple and fast concentrated HNO3 solutions (>1 M) the capacity factor of Am
procedure was frequently used with minor changes in different is higher than 104. High capacity factors were found also for Pu
laboratories (LaRosa et al., 2001; Varga et al., 2007a, 2007b; (>103) at high HNO3 concentrations, but they were not
Jakopic et al., 2007; and Mellado et al. 2001). significantly smaller at low acidities. DGA resin can be used
DIPEX resin (Horwitz et al., 1997), also called ACTI- advantageously for the separation and purification of Am
NIDE resin, is a neutral, bifunctional organophosphorous without losses from various matrices, e.g., soil and water.
extractant, consisting of bis(2-ethylhexyl)meth- The capacity factors of actinides on DGA resin are shown in
anediphosphonic acid supported on an inert polymeric Fig. 6.35.
substrate. It has extraordinary affinity for actinides from dilute Maxwell and Culligan (2006) and Maxwell and Jones
acids. The capacity factor for Pu(IV) and Np(IV) from 0.1 M (2008) developed a very promising rapid method for the
HCl solution is about 2 107 and 107, respectively, and the determination of actinides in large soil samples up to 200 g.
same for Am, the traditionally least extractable actinide is even Samples are fused with NaOH and actinides are preconcentrated
one order of magnitude higher (2 108). Actinides together with Ce(OH)3 and CeF3 coprecipitation. Stacked TEVAe-
with the extractant can be recovered from the resin by alcohol TRUeDGA cartridges are loaded with 8 M HNO3. TEVA
stripping and wet oxidation. These properties can be exploited serves for separation of Th and Pu(IV), while Am (and Cm) are
in the preconcentration of actinides from large-volume samples separated with the TRUeDGA multistage column. Americium
or complex matrices. The direct analytical application of the originally retained on TRU was eluted with 4 M HCl and
resin may be limited by the incomplete removal of the acti- transferred to the DGA column. Americium was stripped from
nides from the resin. Burnett et al. (1997) used DIPEX resin DGA with dilute (0.25 M) HCl solution. Am and Pu recoveries
for the preconcentration of actinides from soil solutions and for the whole procedure were high, varying between 76 and
408 Handbook of Radioactivity Analysis
FIGURE 6.35 Capacity factors k’ of various actinides on DGA resin from HNO3 and HCl solutions. (, reprinted with permission of Eichrom
Technologies LLC Ó 2012)
98% and 61 and 92%, respectively. The method was adopted for Vajda et al., (1997) developed a method for the separation of
the analysis of water samples (Maxwell, 2006) up to 1 L and Po using Sr Spec resin. The digest is loaded on the column in
extended for the determination of Sr radionuclides using Sr 2 M HCl. Bismuth and several other matrix components
resin. The procedure combined the advantages offered by the including Fe are eluted with the 2 M HCl wash while Po and Pb
rapid and effective destruction with NaOH fusion, the selective are retained. Po may then be eluted with 6 M HNO3, and Pb
preconcentration of actinides with Ce(OH)3 and CeF3, and the subsequently eluted with 6 M HCl. The column may be reused 1
EC separation using highly specific resins, i.e., TEVA for Pu or 2 times after the first extraction (Vrecek et al., 2004; Kim
and TRUeDGA for Am. et al., 2009).
Recently, Maxwell et al. (2011a) developed a rapid simpli- 3MÔ EmporeÔ Radium Rad Disks are a filter-like
fied method for the determination of Pu and Np in water membrane on which a Ra ion selective crown ether is
samples using a stacked column set of TEVA and DGA resins. embedded. They are especially useful for preconcentration and
In the combined procedure, Pu(IV) and Np(IV) were retained on separation of Ra from water samples and other aqueous solu-
a TEVA column first, then Pu was reduced and retained as tions. The disks are commonly analyzed using gamma spec-
Pu(III) on the DGA column together with U. From the DGA, U trometry, as little further sample preparation is required.
was eluted with 0.1 M HNO3 and Pu(III) was stripped with However, the Ra may be eluted (for example, with alkaline
0.02 M HCl/0.005 M HF/0.0005 M Ti3þ. High recoveries and EDTA) and a source for alpha spectrometry prepared
DFs for U (higher than 106 and 104 in case of Pu and Np,
(Durecová, 1997; Purkl and Eisenhauer, 2003).
respectively) were reported. The resulting source quality met
the requirements of both alpha spectrometry and ICP-MS. c. Combined Procedures
Combined procedures are often used for chemical separations of
b. EC of Radium and Polonium a single element in order to have high decontamination factors
for one element or for the simultaneous determination of several
Sr Resin is an extraction chromatography material particularly
elements. It is a rare case when an element can be separated
useful for separation of group 2 elements, with an especially
adequately for alpha spectrometry by a single procedure.
high affinity for Sr. In nitric acid solutions, uptake of Ra is lower
There is a huge variety of combined procedures that cannot
than Pb, Sr, and Ba, but higher than Ca. Radium and Ba uptake
be discussed in the frame of this chapter (see the reviews,
are highest at approximately 2e3 M HNO3, while Sr uptake
books referred to at the beginning of this section). The following
increases monotonically with HNO3 concentration. Lawrie et al.
combinations have been reported recently (Vajda and
(2000) used 3 M HNO3 on Sr Spec resin as a final cleanup step
Kim, 2011):
to separate Ra and Ba prior to alpha spectrometry. Although the
main reported applications to date have been for separations anion-ion exchange resineanion-ion exchange resin,
preparatory to mass spectrometry (e.g., Yokoyama and Naka- anion-ion exchange resineTEVA resin,
mura, 2004), the material shows promise for expanding the anion-ion exchange resineUTEVA resin,
application to alpha spectrometry for Ra isotope analysis. anion-ion exchange resineTRU resineTEVA resin,
Chapter | 6 Alpha Spectrometry 409
anion-ion exchange resinecation ion exchange resin, formed at the anode may provide sufficient mixing. A variety of
LLE with TOPOeUTEVAeTRU, electrolytes has been used to close the electric circuit, including
LLE with TOPOeTRUeTEVA, sulfate, oxalate, and acetate buffers.
LLE with TOPOeTEVAeTRUeTEVA, In most cases, metallic elements are deposited with high
LLE with TOPOeHDEHP, yield in a relatively nonselective manner, with the exception of
UTEVAeTRU, group 1 and 2 elements. For the widely used method of
TEVAeTRU, Hallstadius (1984), deposition yields were reported to be
TEVAeUTEVA, between 90 and 99% for Cm, Am, Pu, Np, U, Th, Pb, and Po,
TEVAe DGA, and <1% for Ra.
TEVAeUTEVAeTRU, An aqueous/alcohol electrolyte solution (e.g., 1 mL 0.1 M
TEVAeTRUeUTEVA, and HNO3 and 9 mL propanol) may be used to electrodeposit Ra
TEVAeTRUeDGA. (Smith and Mercer, 1970; Hancock and Martin, 1991). Alter-
natively, Ra may be deposited from an aqueous solution of
ammonium acetate and nitric acid, or ammonium oxalate and
HCl, usually with the addition of a small amount of Pt in
C. Alpha Source Preparation solution (Roman, 1984; Orlandini et al., 1991; Hamilton et al.,
Following chemical separation from the sample matrix, the 1994).
analytes must be prepared as a thin, flat, uniform source suitable Electrodeposition is often performed at a constant current
for alpha-spectrometric analysis. The basic characteristics of density (0.5e1 A/cm2) and low voltage (<10 V) for about half
a high-quality source are that the alpha particles lose only an hour to two hours. A standard procedure for electroplating
a small and consistent amount of energy while exiting the actinides from a solution of ammonium sulfate was published in
source (minimizing energy straggling), the geometry of the 2000 and reapproved in 2010 (ASTM C1284-00). For alpha-
source-detector arrangement results in a high counting effi- spectrometric purposes, the last two procedures are routinely
ciency, this efficiency is consistent between sources, the deposit used.
is robust, the deposited activity is relatively homogeneous Polonium spontaneously autodeposits onto the surfaces of
across the deposit, and the source is easy to handle and store. several metals including Ag, Cu, and Ni from dilute acid
There are three main methods of source preparation: evap- solution. Autodeposition onto metal disks (usually Ag) is the
oration, coprecipitation with a microcrystalline precipitate, and most common source preparation technique for Po due to its
electrodeposition. In the ASTM standard D3084e05 on simplicity and the fact that it results in separation from other
”Standard Practice for Alpha-Particle Spectrometry of Water” metal ions including other alpha emitters (Smith and Hamilton,
all three methods are described. 1984 and Matthews et al., 2007). Electrodeposition can also be
The evaporation technique involves depositing the solution used for Po source preparation (Uesugi et al., 2010).
onto a stainless-steel or platinum disk, and evaporating the Ultra-thin Am, Cm, and Th sources may be prepared by the
solution in such a way that a uniformly covered surface is adsorption of insoluble compounds onto a substrate (Wyllie and
obtained. This method is quick and ensures a very high Lowenthal, 1984; Martin and Hancock, 2004b). The alpha peak
recovery. A difficulty is ensuring that the source deposit resolution for these sources is very high. However, the recov-
is uniform and, for that purpose, a wetting or spreading agent eries obtained are relatively low and, although useful for the
is usually used (Lally and Glover, 1984). A further disadvan- preparation of high-quality test sources, the technique has not
tage is that deposits do not always adhere tenaciously to the been used for routine analysis.
substrate. Whichever method is used for source preparation, perfect
Micro-coprecipitation of actinides on a rare-earth fluoride, homogeneity of the deposited activity across the source cannot
often NdF3, followed by filtration on a smooth surface be expected. With careful design of the deposition system,
membrane filter of small pore size (0.10.2 mm) produces a reasonably even and consistent deposit can be attained
a good-quality alpha source (ASTM Test Method C1163, Sill, (Klemencic and Benedik, 2010). Nevertheless, on a small scale
1987a). For Ra, the most commonly used coprecipitation it can be expected that the activity and source thickness will
method for source preparation is with BaSO4 as described by show some “graininess,” which will mean that the effect of the
Sill (1987b). Coprecipitation and filtration are more rapid than deposit on peak resolution will be greater than that expected
electrodeposition; however, a disadvantage is that the resulting purely from the deposited mass per unit area (Martin and
filter is flexible and may require adhesion to a backing to Hancock, 2004a).
prevent curling.
In electrodeposition, metallic radionuclides are electro-
chemically plated with high yield from an electrolyte solution VI. DETERMINATION OF ALPHA ACTIVITY
onto a metal cathode surface. Most commonly, a polished
stainless-steel cathode planchet is used, although a metal-coated
plastic film may be used for specialized applications, such as In order to determine alpha-emitting radionuclides by alpha
coincident photon and alpha spectrometry (Johnston et al., spectrometry the following procedure is performed: alpha
1991). The anode is typically Pt wire or gauze. The anode is sources are prepared by radiochemical separation, the
often rotated to stir the solution, although bubbling by gas alpha spectrometer is calibrated, sample, background, and
410 Handbook of Radioactivity Analysis
blank sources are counted with the alpha spectrometer for purposes. However, modern spectrometry software packages
adequate counting times, the spectra are analyzed (i.e., peaks perform calculations based on the measurement of several peaks
are identified and peak areas are calculated), and the activities and may include cubic or quadratic terms to account for minor
of the identified nuclides are calculated. In the present chapter, nonlinearity.
the major steps of alpha activity determination are discussed Calibration of the energy resolution is performed by
using examples from standard semiconductor alpha spec- measuring the peak width at channels corresponding to the half
trometry. The same method can be used in the case of gas of the maximum counts and expressing the width in energy units
ionization detectors without significant changes. High-resolu- (see Fig. 6.36). The stability of FWHM values is an important
tion alpha and high-resolution LS spectra are usually evalu- indicator of good system performance.
ated by computer codes that have been briefly discussed In principle, efficiency calibration can be performed
above. according to the following equation from the measurement of
the same CS, if the calibration standard is measured in the same
geometry as the sample source:
A. Calibration rCS rBG
ε ¼ (6.26)
Calibration of the instrument comprises energy, resolution, and ACS $Ia $D
efficiency calibration that may be established from the same
source, most likely a calibration source (CS) containing known where ε is the counting efficiency, rCS is the gross count rate of
quantities of at least two radionuclides emitting alpha radiation. the calibration source [cps], rBG is the background count rate
The CS should have activities such that instrumental dead time [cps], ACS is the activity of the calibration source at the refer-
resulting in lost counts can be avoided. The limitation of ence date [Bq], Ia is the alpha abundance, and
approximately 100 Bq is a typical value. The CS is placed in the D ¼ elCS $tCS
detector chamber at a distance from the source that is larger than
the detector diameter to reduce the geometric effect on FWHM is the decay factor for the calibration source from the reference
value, then the counting chamber is evacuated, and the system date to the measurement date, where lCS is the decay constant of
bias is adjusted to the factory given value. The source is counted the calibration source [s1] and tCS is the time from the refer-
during a measurement period that produces a relatively low ence date of the calibration source to the measurement date [s].
counting uncertainty. A typical alpha spectrum of a CS is shown The law of uncertainty propagation for a single measure-
in Fig. 6.36. ment according to the above equation or preferably the standard
Energy calibration is carried out by plotting the known deviation of multiple measurements can be used to express the
energies (E) of the peaks belonging to highest alpha abundance standard uncertainty of ε.
against the peak location channel numbers (ch) referring to the In practice, calibration sources rarely have the same geom-
peak center position. Usually a straight line is fitted to the etry as those for the sources prepared from the sample for anal-
points as ysis. Therefore, calibration sources of the required geometry
have to be prepared from standard solutions. These sources are
E ¼ b þ m$ch (6.25)
used to determine the counting efficiency as described above.
where m is the slope and b is the intercept of the line. Because The efficiency of a solid-state alpha spectrometry detector is
the energy response of the detector is reasonably linear, the not a function of energy over the typical energy range of emitted
measurement of two points is sufficient for routine analytical alpha particles due to the high stopping power of alpha particles in
Si. Therefore, the average of the efficiencies of multiple alpha
peaks can be calculated to obtain a more accurate efficiency value.
When a sample source is analyzed with an alpha-emitting
tracer as an internal standard, the efficiency does not affect the
result of analysis because the count rates of the analytes are
directly related to the count rate of the tracer. Therefore, an
exact knowledge of the efficiency is only necessary to calculate
the chemical recovery. However, when a sample source is
analyzed without an alpha-emitting tracer then the efficiency is
used to calculate the activity of the analyte.
The standard practice of calibration of alpha spectrometers
is described in ASTM D7282-06 standard.
B. Measurement Procedure
FIGURE 6.36 Alpha spectrum of a commercially available calibration source
Sample sources are placed in the vacuum chamber. The selec-
containing 239Pu, 241Am and 244Cm. The source was prepared by vacuum tion of the distance of the source from the detector is always
evaporation and counted with a PIPSi detector with 300 mm2 surface area at a kind of optimization between efficiency and resolution, and it
a distance of 5 cm from the detector. depends very much on the source activity. The chamber is
Chapter | 6 Alpha Spectrometry 411
pumped until a vacuum of about 15 mbar is achieved if it is performed from nitric acid solution or traces of U isotopes in the
desirable to protect the detector from the recoil contamination Pu source if anion-exchange separation of Pu has been per-
or of about 0.01 mbar if high resolution is of major concern. formed from hydrochloric acid solution.
Then the detector voltage is set to the value recommended by
the detector manufacturer. Counting times are selected 3. Peak Area Determination for Nonoverlapping
according to the activity of the source and the required counting Peaks
uncertainty. Low-activity environmental samples are typically
counted for several days. The counts in the peak corresponding to the analyte are inte-
grated, and the counts of the tracer nuclide in the channel region
of the same width are also integrated. Blank samples are also
processed and analyzed to determine the background contri-
C. Alpha Spectrum Evaluation
bution to the counts in the regions of interest (ROIs).
1. Principle of Evaluation
The activity of the analyte is determined from the known
4. Peak Area Determination with Correction
activity of the tracer that was added to the sample and the ratio for Overlapping Peaks
of the peak areas belonging to the analyte and the tracer. The Due to the asymmetric character and significant low-energy
method is called isotope dilution alpha spectrometry, and has tailing of alpha peaks, the low-energy peaks are sitting on the
the advantage that the calculated activity is inherently corrected tails of all the peaks of higher energies. This tailing has to be
for chemical losses, because losses of the analyte are taken to be corrected for, and this correction is especially important if the
equal to those of the tracer. This is a very realistic assumption peaks are close to each other or if the count rate in the higher
whenever the tracer and the analyte are isotopes of the same energy peak is much greater than that in the lower energy peak.
chemical element in the same chemical form but the procedure In Fig. 6.38, partially overlapping peaks of 239,240Pu and
should be used with care if this is not the case. 238
Pu are shown according to the ISO 11483:2005 standard. The
exact activity ratio of 238Pu/239,240Pu can be determined after
2. Nuclide Identification tailing correction. There are two standardized methods for the
determination of peak area of overlapping peaks, the so-called
In isotope dilution alpha spectrometry, chemical separation is geometric progression decrease (GPD) method and the expo-
designed to favor one element or a group of elements. There- nential decrease (ED) method that have been described in detail
fore, only a limited number of isotopes are expected in the alpha in the standard.
source, and identification of the nuclides simply means The basic idea in the GPD method is that the counts in the
comparing the peak energy in the spectrum with the alpha tail of a peak decrease in geometric progression. It is assumed
energies of the expected nuclides and possible contaminants that the shapes of the different peaks in the same spectrum are
that could be present due to failure of separation. For example, the same; therefore, in the flat portion of tail, peak tailing
after chemical separation of Pu from an environmental sample contributions are proportional to the corresponding peak areas,
one can expect the peaks of 238Pu, the common peak of 239Pu and the tails are the sum of all single peaks of higher energies.
and 240Pu, and the peak of the tracer 242Pu or 236Pu (Fig. 6.37). According to Fig. 6.38, four regions of interest (A, B, C, and
A very important quality control procedure in alpha spec- D) of equal channel numbers are selected. The high-energy end
trometry involves checking the spectrum for the presence of of ROI A is selected as the center energy of the 2nd peak plus the
alpha peaks from elements other than the one of interest. This half of its FWHM. The low-energy end of ROI A is fixed so that
may be due to the failure of the chemical procedure to achieve the region is not extending into the region of the 1st peak. The
high separation efficiency due to matrix effects, or the presence high-energy end of ROI B is selected similarly to ROI A as
in the sample of a relatively high activity of the contaminating the center energy of the 1st peak plus the half of its FWHM. The
radionuclide. As examples, possible interferences in the Pu width of ROI B is the same as that of ROI A. ROI C and ROI D
spectrum are Th isotopes if anion-exchange separation of Pu is are selected so that the difference between the two neighboring
peaks as well as the width of each ROI are the same. The
ROI constant ROI width is selected so that the ROIs should not
Pu-242 extend to the regions of any other peaks. The sum of the counts
ROI in ROIs A, B, C, and D are calculated and called as a, b, c, and d,
Pu-239, 240
respectively. The corrected ratio of the peak areas (Rcor) is
calculated according to the geometric progression decrease as
a a
Rcor ¼ ¼ ac (6.27)
bcorrected b
Channel number
FIGURE 6.37 Setting regions of interest of equal width for the evaluation of Thus, the values of a and the tailing corrected bcorrected are
the well-separated peaks of Pu nuclides. obtained for the calculation of the exact activity or activity
412 Handbook of Radioactivity Analysis
FIGURE 6.38 Tailing correction for partially overlapping peaks according to standard ISO 11483: 2005.
concentration. The complicated uncertainty calculation is The latter can be occasionally replaced by the calculation of the
described in the ISO standard. standard deviation of repeated measurements. Additionally,
The basic idea in the ED method is that the decrease of chemical recoveries and decision thresholds as well as detection
counts in the tailing region can be described by an exponential limits should be calculated.
function. The ROIs A and B are selected as described above. An The ratio of the net counts of the peaks belonging to the
exponential function is fitted to the points in the region between tracer and the analyte (n/nT) is used to calculate the activity
ROI A and ROI B: concentration of the analyte in the sample on the date of
chemical separation (a1) taking into account the activity
Yi ¼ A0 $eB $Xi (6.28) concentration of the tracer solution (CT), the masses of the
sample (ms) and the tracer solution (mT) used, and the decay of
where Yi and Xi are the number of counts and the number of
the tracer between its calibration date and counting ( fT). The
channels belonging to the measured spectrum data point, and A0
decay of the analyte between separation and counting is
and B0 are the fitted parameters of the exponential function.
neglected when the nuclides are long-lived. The method of
Then the area under the assumed tailing curve in ROI B is
calculation of the results has been described by Kanisch
calculated as the sum of counts SYi using the parameters of the
fitted curve. The corrected area of the 1st peak is obtained as
The massic activity of the analyte (a1, Bq kg1, dry) at the
b SYi and the corrected ratio of the peak areas (Rcor) is
separation time can be calculated by the following formula:
calculated as
a CT $n
Rcor ¼ P (6.29) a1 ¼ (6.30)
b SYi
$mT $fT
ms $nT
i in:ROI B
where the decay correction factor is calculated as follows:
The uncertainty calculation of the corrected peak area is given
in the ISO standard. fT ¼ expðlT $tT Þ
Both methods of tailing correction have limitations in
applications: Spectra of relatively high-energy resolution, and where lT is the decay constant of the tracer [years1] and tT is
high counts are required, as well as the peaks have to be relatively the time interval between the reference date of the tracer and the
well separated so that the regions can be selected without inter- separation time [years].
ferences from other peaks. Both methods have been successfully Finally, the massic activity of the analyte in the sample is
used for the accurate determination of 238Pu/239,240Pu isotope calculated back to the date of sample collection (a0):
ratios in nuclear fuel samples by alpha spectrometry. a0 ¼ a1 expðlA t1 Þ (6.32)
Corrected peak areas can be determined by the spectrum
evaluation codes that have been described in Section A.1.3. where lA is the decay constant of the analyte [years1] and t1 is
the time interval between the sampling date and the separation
time [year].
5. Calculation of Results The detection efficiency (ε) is not needed directly for the
The calculation of results comprises calculation of the massic calculation of the activity concentration in isotope dilution
activity of the radionuclide and its standard uncertainty. alpha spectrometry. However, it allows one to calculate the
Chapter | 6 Alpha Spectrometry 413
chemical recovery (R) from the activity of the tracer added and n r
uðrÞ2 ¼ 2
¼ (6.36)
the net counts in the corresponding peak: tm tm
nT Thus, the uncertainty of count rates for analyte and analogously
R ¼ $expðlT $tT Þ (6.33)
CT $mT $ε$tm for tracer in alpha spectra can be calculated according to the
The detection efficiency is determined from the activity of following equation:
a calibration source and the net count rate measured in the same ng rg
uðrg Þ2 ¼ ¼ (6.37)
geometry as the sample (see Eq. 6.26). 2
tm tm
Calculation of the activities of all analyte isotopes (e.g., ngT rgT
Pu and 239,240Pu) are performed in the same way replacing uðrgT Þ2 ¼ 2
¼ (6.38)
tm tm
the relevant analyte data in the equation and using the same
tracer data (e.g., 242Pu). In the case of background,
pffiffiffi the number of counts are usually
small and the uðnÞ ¼ n equation is not valid; therefore,
background uncertainties are calculated from the average and
standard deviation of several long-time background measure-
6. Calculation of the Combined Standard
ments according to
Uncertainty P
Activities in the source and massic activities of the analytes in i
the sample are determined according to eqn (6.30). r0 ¼ (6.39)
Calculation of the combined standard uncertainty can be
performed according to the ISO Guide to the Expression of where r0 is the average of nb measurements, each resulting in r0i
Uncertainty in Measurement (1995), or according to the IAEA background count rate,
(2004) publication on Quantifying Uncertainty in Nuclear P
Analytical Measurements. First, the individual uncertainties of ðr0i r0 Þ2
the input parameters are calculated or estimated, then the uðr0 Þ ¼ i (6.40)
nb 1
uncertainty of the activity concentration u(a0) is calculated
according to the law of uncertainty propagation. where u(r0) is the standard deviation of the nb repeated back-
ground measurements.
The average value for r0T and the standard deviation u(r0T)
a. Individual Uncertainty Components are derived similarly.
Uncertainty in weighing of sample mass. The uncertainty 1. The uncertainties for decay correction factor, u( fT) can be
associated with the mass of sample is estimated using the data calculated as follows:
from the calibration certificate of the analytical balance and the
manufacturer’s recommendations on the uncertainty estimation uð fT Þ ¼ fT $tT $uðlT Þ (6.41)
of the balance. If it is assumed that the balance with 0.1 mg of
uncertainty is used for weighing the sample and the linearity where uncertainties of the decay constants are obtained from
distribution is assumed to show a rectangular distribution, the nuclear tables.
standard uncertainty in weighing of the sample mass can be The uncertainty of measuring time is neglected: u(t)¼0.
calculated by the following formula:
b. Combined Uncertainty
pffiffiffi ¼ 0:058 mg (6.34) Combined uncertainty in the determination of the massic
activity of the analyte (a1) is calculated according to the general
The contribution for the linearity has to be accounted for twice, formula:
once for the tare and once for the gross mass (tare þ sample), vffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi
u 2
leading to an uncertainty u(ms) of uX vai
qffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi uða1 Þ ¼ t uðxi Þ2 (6.42)
vx i
uðms Þ ¼ 2 ð0:058Þ2 ¼ 0:082 mg (6.35) i
Uncertainty in the mass of the tracer solution is calculated where xi are the individual parameters of the result a1. In the
similarly. basic eqn (6.30), net counts are replaced by net count rates
Uncertainty of the activity concentration of the tracer expressed as the difference of gross and background count rates
solution. The uncertainty of the certified concentration of the in order to take into account that counting times of sample and
tracer solution on a calibration, u(CT), is provided by the background are usually different. The basic equation for the
producer. calculation of the result is therefore
Uncertainty of net count rates of analyte and tracer.
Since CT $ðrg r0 Þ
pffiffiffi n a1 ¼ $mT $fT (6.43)
uðnÞ ¼ n, and r ¼ , therefore ms $ðrgT r0T Þ
414 Handbook of Radioactivity Analysis
and a1 is dependent on the parameters a1 ¼ f (rg, r0, rT, r0T, CT, separation time u(a1) by differentiating eqn (6.32). Each partial
ms, mT, fT). Thus, partial derivatives of a1 are calculated for each derivative can be calculated as follows:
parameter as follows: va0 a0
¼ (6.55)
va1 a1 va1 a1
¼ (6.44)
vrg ðrg r0 Þ va0
¼ a0 t1 (6.56)
va1 a1 vlA
¼ (6.45)
vr0 ðrg r0 Þ Therefore, the combined relative uncertainty of the massic
activity of the analyte [Bq kg1, dry] on the sampling date
va1 a1
¼ (6.46) (m(a0)) can be calculated by the following formula:
vrgT ðrgT r0T Þ
va1 uða0 Þ 2 uða1 Þ 2 2
(6.47) ¼ þ t1 $uðlA Þ2 (6.57)
vr0T ðrgT r0T Þ a0 a1
where k1a ¼ 1.65 is often chosen as default, and u(0) can be Efficiency calibration of alpha spectrometer with
calculated from eqns (6.54) and (6.57) by substituting the value PIPS detector A-300-19-AM
of r0 background instead of rg, the measured value of the ana-
lyte. The decision threshold is obtained as activity concentration
expressed in Bq kg1. 0.008
b. Detection Limit
In accordance with ISO 11929 (2010), the detection limit, a#, is
calculated by iteration according to the following equation:
a# ¼ k1a uð0Þ þ k1b uða# Þ (6.65) 1997/03/11 1999/12/06 2002/09/01 2005/05/28
Assuming a ¼ b then k1a ¼ k1b ¼ k. The detection limit is
FIGURE 6.39 Control chart of an alpha spectrometer showing the efficiency
obtained as activity concentration expressed in Bq kg1. data and their uncertainty (1s) as well as the average values, warning levels
(2s deviation from the average), and control levels (3s deviation from the
General requirements for the competence of testing and cali-
bration laboratories are summarized in the ISO/IEC 17025
the performance of a method are one of, or a combination of, the
(2005) standard. Here, we discuss specific issues of QC of alpha
spectrometers and validation of alpha-spectrometric methods.
1. calibration using reference standards or reference materials,
2. comparison of results achieved with other methods,
A. Quality Control for Alpha Spectrometers 3. interlaboratory comparisons (intercomparison exercises or
Instrument performance is regularly monitored by counting proficiency tests),
check sources. The same alpha source containing at least two 4. systematic assessment of the factors influencing the result,
alpha-emitting radionuclides can be used to check the energy, and
the FWHM and the efficiency calibration of the detector/alpha 5. assessment of the uncertainty of the result based on scientific
spectrometer. The check source is counted under fixed condi- understanding of the theoretical principles of the method
tions similar to those used for samples. The parameters char- and practical experience.
acterizing the stability of the system are the peak location, the Whenever standards and reference materials with known
FWHM, and the counting efficiency of a selected radionuclide concentrations of the analytes are available, it is recommended
present in the check source. The measured values are plotted in that measurements be carried out using these materials. Refer-
a control chart as a function of counting date/time. Average ence materials are provided for a great variety of alpha-emitting
values and established control limits are also plotted in each nuclides by the IAEA, IRMM, and NIST, among others. Results
control chart. The 2s and 3s deviations from the mean values obtained by alpha spectrometry can often be compared with
are regarded as warning and control levels. When measured those obtained by other techniques such as mass spectrometry,
values are out of the warning-level range, the instrument has to gamma spectrometry, and liquid scintillation counting.
be checked or repaired, and it may be that the detector has to be Recently, an increasing number of interlaboratory comparisons
replaced. If the measured values are out of the control limit have been organized by national and international institutes, and
range, measurements are suspended until the spectrometer has network laboratories (e.g. IAEA, 2010b).
been repaired. The frequency of control measurements is Although systematic assessment of the factors influencing
regulated in the Quality Manual of the laboratory but it is the result (point 4 above), and evaluation of the uncertainty
desirable to perform QC measurements before each series of components (point 5) are extremely important, method valida-
analysis. Additionally, background measurements are per- tion should not be based exclusively on one of these validation
formed on a regular basis to check detector contamination. techniques. It is desirable to apply e whenever it is possible e
As an example, the efficiency control chart of an alpha the combination of the validation techniques (points 1e3). For
spectrometer is shown in Fig. 6.39 together with the average example, the recommended procedure of the IAEA for the
value of the measurements and the warning and control levels simultaneous determination of Pu and Am nuclides in envi-
that were established by the first seven data points. ronmental samples was validated by preparing the uncertainty
budget, by the measurement of 6 different reference materials
by the proposed procedure, and by an interlaboratory compar-
B. Validation of the Procedure
ison with two participating expert laboratories. In the course of
Methods that have been developed at the laboratory, which are the validation procedure, the performance parameters of the
nonstandard methods or amplifications and modifications of method including accuracy, uncertainty, detection limit, range
standard methods, have to be validated to demonstrate that they of results, selectivity, linearity, repeatability and reproducibility,
fit the purposes of application. According to the ISO/IEC 17025 and robustness against external influences or cross-sensitivity
(2005) standard, the techniques used for the determination of against interferences have to be assessed (IAEA, 2012).
416 Handbook of Radioactivity Analysis
a0 the activity concentration of the analyte on the sampling date [Bq kg1]
VIII. CONCLUSIONS a1 the activity concentration of the analyte at the separation time [Bq kg1]
In recent years, the position of alpha spectrometry as the tech- a* decision threshold [Bq kg1]
nique of choice when reliable isotopic analysis of very low- a# detection limit [Bq kg1]
t1 the time interval between the sampling date and the separation time
activity levels is required has been challenged somewhat by
improvements in other radioanalytical techniques, especially n and nT net counts in ROIs (region of interest) of analyte and tracer
mass spectrometry. This is particularly the case for very long- [counts], respectively,
lived radionuclides such as 238U and 235U. However, for shorter- ng and ngT gross counts in ROIs (region of interest) of analyte and tracer
lived alpha emitters such as 210Po, the sensitivity of alpha [counts], respectively,
spectrometry remains unchallenged due to a combination of low n0, and n0T blank or background counts in ROIs (region of interest) of
background and high detection efficiency. analyte and tracer [counts], respectively,
The need for sample digestion and lengthy chemical sepa- r and rT net count rates in ROIs (regions of interest) of analyte and tracer
rations remains the main drawback for standard alpha spec- [counts], respectively,
trometry analysis. The use of microwave digestion and the rg and rgT gross count rates in ROIs (regions of interest) of analyte and
development of methods for fusion of solid samples or copre- tracer [counts], respectively,
r0, and r0T blank or background count rates in ROIs (regions of interest) of
cipitation from water are increasingly common approaches for
analyte and tracer [counts], respectively,
sample preparation and digestion. The development of methods tm the sample counting time (sec)
utilizing extraction chromatography is a major step forward for t0 the counting time of blank (sec)
chemical separation, particularly for actinides. Some progress u(fT) the uncertainty of correction factor for decay of the tracer during
has also been made in automated chemical separations. elapsed time [years] between the reference date of tracer and the
With increasing requirements on laboratories for traceability separation time
of results and for accreditation, the existence of standard, uc(a0) combined uncertainty of the activity concentration of the analyte on
validated methods and of proficiency tests is becoming more sampling date [Bq kg1]
important. Several methods have been published by ASTM, u(lA) the uncertainty of the decay constant of the analyte [year1]
IAEA, and ISO, partially fulfilling this need. However, the large u(CT) the uncertainty of the certified concentration of the tracer solution
matrix of analytes and sample types which can be analyzed by according to the calibration [Bq g1]
u(n), u(nT) the uncertainty of the net counts in the ROIs of the analyte and
alpha spectrometry means that a complete and up-to-date set of
the tracer, respectively
such methods is unlikely to materialize, and laboratories will u(mT) the uncertainty of mass of the tracer [g]
continue to develop methods based on their specific needs. u(ms) the uncertainty of mass of sample [kg]
A wide variety of proficiency tests and reference materials
would also be desirable for a similar reason.
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